2021-05-05 23:59 Ming Zheng

Yiheng Wang (王艺衡) won the Guangdong Open 2021 with an average of 6.28 seconds. Yezhen Han (韩业臻) finished second (6.36 seconds) and Jiazhou Li (李佳洲) finished third (6.52 seconds).
Full results are on the Cubing China page.
World records: Yunhao Lou (娄云皓) Clock 3.22 seconds (single) and 2.87 seconds (single).
Asia records: Yezhen Han (韩业臻) 3x3x3 Cube 5.57 seconds (average), Kaijun Lin (林恺俊) 3x3x3 Blindfolded 18.71 seconds (average), Kaijun Lin (林恺俊) 4x4x4 Blindfolded 1:20.08 (average), Ziyu Wu (吴子钰) Megaminx 29.67 seconds (single).
China records: Junliang Huang (黄骏亮) 5x5x5 Cube 47.55 seconds (average), Ziyu Wu (吴子钰) Megaminx 33.78 seconds (average).

2021-04-21 20:19 Tianyu Zhao

We are happy to announce that we have a new Council Leader, Zachary Miller. He will become the new Leader of the WCA Advisory Council (WAC) and was already working as a Member of the Council.

Zachary was selected by the WCA Board, following Section 4 of our Motion about WCA Councils.

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