Dongpu Middle School Cubing Open Competition 2019-Travel

Handball Hall, Middle School, Dongpu Middle School, 690 Chebi Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Travel Info
1. Chebi Station of Guangzhou Metro Line 4 can navigate and walk to its destination or take a taxi after arriving at the station, which is about 12-15 yuan.
2. Nearby bus stops are Chepi Road North Station, Guangzhou Nitrogen Garden South Station, Chepi West Road Guangzhou Nitrogen Garden Terminus, Mupi Road.
3. Non-local athletes should pay attention to the fact that the Guangzhou metro line is very messy. It is better to know the line carefully in advance, such as changing the line, and then purchase tickets. Because one-time tickets can be purchased online, it will be convenient for the non-local players.

Note: All modes are located a certain distance from the destination, and you need to walk or take a taxi to the destination after arriving at the station.

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