Xi'an Primary and Secondary School Students Competition 2017-Regulations

A, the only support through the rough registration on the cake network (cubingchina.com) online registration, registration time is from now until 2017 08 month 02 days, fails to accept the registration site, do not accept the registration. 3 registration fee is 20 yuan registration fee based, this competition in addition to the three order with 3 yuan fee paid.4. project the registration fee will not be refunded, please carefully for two players, the players must know about the game rules of the WCA rules, see Appendix.2. for all the contestants in each contestant's.3. cube owned project began to enter the venue for each project before the start in the waiting for the game. If the division in the schedule time not to wait at the same time, the project division Hussein Hussein time has passed, players will be deemed a waiver of this round of competition, will no longer get involved in the round matches on.4. reduction time and pass line as follows, the time limit: A single player reduction over the time limit, the WCA representative and the referee have the right to stop when the tournament and DNF. pass line: refers to the five players must be at least two times before the reduction once entered the pass line, otherwise no personal basis three reduction opportunities.5. group integral calculation, the players entered the competition and indeed, before the game 1 points.6. valid for medals and prizes to encourage all projects awarded only to the school students, another three order speedsolving single fastest award, awarded in the three order speedsolving restoration of the single fastest player. Three items of interest, rule 1, fun project: three order even on the table there are 5 screw three order, 5 order three players once all reduction, record the total reduction time. The observation time is not included in the total recovery time, observation time is 15 seconds. 2 on the +2 penalty, five order cube two cube penalty, such as: +2 is the end result of the +4. on the DNF penalty, as long as one cube is DNF, the total score for the players in the DNF. record to restore the cube, such as the discovery of a cube is not fully restored, have the right to recover a Rubik's cube.2, interesting item two: there will be a big challenge to disrupt out of paper on the desk, emblazoned with the three order 100 step disrupted and disturbed state, each with two cube, an arbitrary completion can be completed by the referee after the time, check the errors, short for winning.3, interesting item three: cooperation double blind twist of two people, one wearing a mask, hand disruption of Rubik's cube, the other in the hands do not touch the cube under the condition of direct reduction of each other, three take the fastest.4, players can only choose one in three projects, will inform the staff to participate in the project.5 in attendance, interesting project Awards only awarded each item The purpose of the first. The four groups, 1. groups: integral entries of the same school as a team player, team name is the name of the calculation of.2. integral School: basic points: every scene contestants based groups integral score of 1 points. The ranking points: the project before the final eight from the first to the eighth in order to obtain eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, a project multiplied by the weighting coefficients (order three: 5: 4: two order four order 3.5 order three single hand: 3.5 inclined to: 3 Pyramid: 3 fun projects: 1.5) 3. Awards: group ranking,

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