Personal Page

Matthew Harris

Name: Matthew Harris
Region: United States
Competitions: 36
WCA ID: Matthew Harris2014HARR01
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.12.06 - 2022.09.17
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube374749021894010.3712.191657942523236233/235
2x2x2 Cube58772526951.474.301462441253194119/120
4x4x4 Cube15102102873441.3750.331084626411909101/103
5x5x5 Cube1099151558181:20.201:34.7072631908138657/57
6x6x6 Cube915123343822:46.383:09.815118146410866/6
7x7x7 Cube927126845114:33.114:43.484198117584913/13
3x3x3 Fewest Moves1048137063854453.33445410097764/7
3x3x3 One-Handed17132345974318.5623.561054624671789110/112

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Diamond Bar September 2022First round35 12.64 14.34
16.95     14.54     14.83     12.64     13.64
Mudd Fall 2019Second round27 12.00 13.81
12.00     14.39     13.82     13.22     18.47
First round28 11.05 13.69
11.05     14.59     12.76     13.72     18.76
Nisei Week 2019First round32 11.15 13.55
14.96     12.53     16.35     11.15     13.15
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round305 12.13 12.55
12.40     12.13     13.88     12.71     12.54
Western Championship 2019Second round83 12.41 14.84
13.58     17.02     12.41     13.91     22.77
First round76 12.41 13.56
13.43     13.90     16.16     13.35     12.41
Thousand Oaks Cubing Open 2019Second round19 11.50 13.49
12.02     11.50     16.06     12.39     16.61
First round20 12.11 14.12
13.72     15.04     14.65     14.00     12.11
UCSD Winter 2019Second round21 11.16 12.55
13.73     11.69     11.16     12.24     13.83
First round26 12.42 13.67
16.47     12.86     15.66     12.42     12.48
Mudd Winter 2019First round29 12.73 13.83
13.02     12.73     14.56     13.90     17.86
Another Bruin Cube Day 2019First round27 10.46 12.74
14.94     13.87     10.46     12.23     12.13
CubeChella 2018Second round12 11.35 13.07
11.35     21.38     13.40     13.30     12.52
First round11 12.04 12.88
17.25     12.72     13.13     12.04     12.78
Poly Cubed 2018First round29 12.43 13.79
12.43     15.91     14.56     13.41     13.39
Anaheim Fall 2018Second round21 10.37 13.00
13.75     12.88     10.37     12.36     16.67
First round23 10.95 12.79
15.09     12.01     10.95     12.74     13.61
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round232 10.87 12.28
11.97     13.81     10.87     11.06     17.19
WCCT LA 2018Second round26 12.54 12.91
12.70     DNF       12.70     13.34     12.54
First round27 11.94 12.19
12.09     11.94     12.54     12.31     12.18
Irvine Winter 2018Second round22 11.47 13.30
16.85     14.75     13.03     12.13     11.47
First round22 10.39 13.39
13.66     12.67     19.00     13.85     10.39
Thanks Four The Invite 2018Second round28 14.26 15.03
14.26     14.30     21.58     15.03     15.77
First round35 13.48 16.07
16.77     15.77     13.48     18.70     15.68
Poly Cubed 2017Second round23 11.86 14.31
11.86     15.50     12.52     14.90     15.93
First round24 12.14 14.78
13.09     15.74     12.14     15.50     17.89
TF3I San Diego 2017Second round30 13.29 14.32
13.29     14.76     13.75     14.46     16.45
First round36 13.26 16.44
13.26     16.92     17.15     15.26     18.32
Newport Fall 2017First round31 13.66 14.85
16.65     15.30     13.86     15.38     13.66
Nisei Week 2017First round44 12.09 13.70
13.03     13.81     14.27     15.99     12.09
Qualifornia 2017First round41 15.32 15.72
15.72     15.42     16.03     15.32     16.07
Caltech Winter 2017First round37 13.72 15.68
13.72     13.88     16.96     19.64     16.21
2FTI San Diego 2016Second round22 13.09 15.40
15.88     14.52     15.80     13.09     16.22
First round18 11.91 15.03
14.99     15.76     11.91     14.33     17.22
Newport Fall 2016First round42 15.00 16.20
16.20     16.63     15.00     DNF       15.76
SoCal 2016Second round35 14.96 16.63
16.59     16.23     17.07     18.81     14.96
First round29 13.33 14.46
15.15     13.60     14.62     13.33     15.15
Poly Cubed 2016First round25 15.82 17.86
15.82     19.84     16.00     19.59     18.00
St. Francis II 2016First round47 15.46 18.68
16.47     20.94     15.46     20.57     19.00
Newport Spring 2016First round36 14.20 17.64
16.20     19.89     22.64     16.83     14.20
SoCal 2015First round53 18.15 22.71
22.32     27.16     22.11     23.71     18.15
San Diego 2015First round33 19.31 21.57
21.48     19.31     20.59     22.63     23.54
OCPM 2015Second round27 19.92 22.45
21.11     19.92     22.28     25.90     23.95
First round26 16.96 20.38
22.15     17.93     21.07     16.96     22.50
Nub Open 2015First round34 19.15 21.93
22.58     23.55     20.13     19.15     23.07
Newport Winter 2014First round40 23.42 26.33
31.12     25.32     28.81     23.42     24.86
2x2x2 Cube
Diamond Bar September 2022First round38 3.57 5.02
4.40      6.02      5.85      4.82      3.57
Mudd Fall 2019First round29 4.10 5.37
5.71      5.43      4.10      5.48      5.20
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round464 2.69 5.76
6.50      2.69      DNF       4.16      6.61
Western Championship 2019First round43 2.40 4.49
6.54      4.43      4.95      4.10      2.40
Thousand Oaks Cubing Open 2019First round24 4.36 4.87
4.36      4.93      4.41      6.26      5.28
CubeChella 2018Final7 4.25 5.10
4.74      4.25      5.27      6.04      5.30
First round8 3.32 4.63
3.32      5.04      4.48      5.93      4.36
Anaheim Fall 2018First round43 2.56 5.84
5.59      2.56      5.20      6.74      10.36
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round281 1.47 4.94
1.47      4.51      5.50      10.48     4.82
WCCT LA 2018First round31 2.69 5.04
4.53      7.60      5.74      4.85      2.69
Irvine Winter 2018First round14 4.04 4.44
4.35      4.68      4.29      4.04      4.97
Newport Fall 2017First round23 3.81 4.93
6.10      4.01      3.81      5.94      4.83
Caltech Winter 2017Second round17 3.97 4.78
4.35      3.97      5.79      5.70      4.29
First round17 4.23 4.43
4.32      6.64      4.45      4.53      4.23
Newport Fall 2016First round15 2.93 4.30
2.93      4.60      3.79      4.97      4.51
SoCal 2016First round49 2.62 6.75
7.28      2.62      7.85      7.34      5.62
Poly Cubed 2016Final10 4.18 5.44
5.55      5.47      4.18      6.10      5.31
First round10 3.77 4.44
4.22      4.78      5.46      3.77      4.33
St. Francis II 2016First round11 4.31 4.47
4.76      4.32      4.31      5.06      4.33
Newport Spring 2016First round22 4.17 5.31
5.41      7.35      4.18      6.34      4.17
SoCal 2015First round20 4.31 4.95
5.09      5.96      4.67      4.31      5.09
San Diego 2015Final10 5.12 5.99
6.29      6.21      6.00      5.76      5.12
First round13 4.49 5.64
6.50      6.82      5.04      5.39      4.49
Newport Winter 2014First round36 3.80 7.78
7.73      7.86      3.80      7.74      12.29
4x4x4 Cube
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round344 51.51 58.64
51.51     54.97     59.78     1:01.18   1:05.08
Western Championship 2019First round66 55.06 59.50
57.78     1:08.66   55.06     56.42     1:04.31
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round24 47.35 53.32
1:06.74   55.74     47.35     56.38     47.83
Thousand Oaks Cubing Open 2019Final15 45.99 53.97
52.27     1:01.23   59.20     50.44     45.99
UCSD Winter 2019First round19 49.81 53.66
DNF       57.33     49.81     51.78     51.86
Mudd Winter 2019Final20 50.03 54.78
54.98     51.49     59.54     57.88     50.03
Another Bruin Cube Day 2019Final25 47.15 54.49
58.68     47.15     54.45     54.77     54.26
CubeChella 2018Final7 49.26 53.49
55.33     52.90     1:01.54   52.24     49.26
First round7 45.75 50.33
58.82     46.20     45.75     53.24     51.54
Poly Cubed 2018First round19 41.37 50.84
51.77     41.37     51.52     1:05.01   49.24
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round233 45.41 51.50
51.71     57.73     54.18     45.41     48.61
WCCT LA 2018Final25 48.93 54.58
50.51     56.42     56.80     1:02.01   48.93
Poly Cubed 2017First round17 46.51 56.21
55.76     58.57     DNF       54.29     46.51
Newport Fall 2017First round25 54.98 1:00.55
1:06.30   59.44     54.98     58.92     1:03.28
Caltech Fall 2016Final17 1:01.16 1:20.71
1:13.84   1:34.22   1:33.54   1:14.75   1:01.16
Newport Fall 2016First round32 1:00.85 1:20.28
1:25.08   1:09.23   1:26.52   1:32.91   1:00.85
SoCal 2016First round27 1:08.58 1:16.15
1:09.13   1:14.54   1:24.77   1:08.58   1:25.14
Poly Cubed 2016Final15 1:11.05 1:24.91
1:30.32   1:11.05   1:28.75   1:25.67   1:20.31
St. Francis II 2016Final22 1:20.65
1:25.59   1:20.65
Newport Spring 2016Final25 1:17.82
1:21.81   1:17.82
SoCal 2015First round37 1:26.41
1:26.41   1:32.08
San Diego 2015Final17 1:15.38 1:33.13
1:23.72   1:15.38   1:47.88   1:30.32   1:45.35
Nub Open 2015First round25 1:26.86
1:26.86   1:38.35
5x5x5 Cube
Diamond Bar September 2022Final14 1:32.57 1:42.69
1:32.57   1:42.21   1:42.31   1:48.95   1:43.56
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round213 1:32.82 1:34.86
1:32.83   1:40.49   1:35.09   1:32.82   1:36.65
Western Championship 2019First round42 1:22.02 1:37.95
1:30.31   1:40.07   1:43.48   1:43.68   1:22.02
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round12 1:20.20 1:34.70
1:42.87   1:38.21   1:37.08   1:28.81   1:20.20
UCSD Winter 2019Final10 1:36.89 1:39.58
1:52.65   1:41.58   1:36.89   1:37.16   1:39.99
Mudd Winter 2019Final13 1:34.80 1:48.36
1:34.80   1:50.81   1:41.37   1:55.18   1:52.91
Poly Cubed 2018First round17 1:30.13 1:40.61
1:40.01   1:38.93   1:47.09   1:42.89   1:30.13
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round190 1:28.76 1:38.55
1:53.98   1:28.76   1:41.82   1:32.04   1:41.79
Newport Summer 2018First round13 1:33.03 1:44.11
1:47.59   1:47.33   1:33.03   1:39.31   1:45.69
Thanks Four The Invite 2018First round14 1:42.95 1:45.44
1:54.57   1:44.96   1:42.95   1:46.49   1:44.88
Caltech Fall 2016First round13 1:59.45 2:01.15
1:59.45   2:04.53   2:00.60   2:02.94   1:59.91
SoCal 2015Final24 2:18.57
2:44.15   2:18.57
6x6x6 Cube
Western Championship 2019Final30 3:05.85 3:16.17
3:05.85   3:13.11   3:29.54
Anaheim Qualifier 2019Final11 2:46.38 3:09.81
3:05.86   2:46.38   3:37.20
7x7x7 Cube
Mudd Fall 2019Final11 4:53.72 4:54.93
4:57.03   4:54.04   4:53.72
Western Championship 2019Final25 4:41.17 4:52.91
4:41.17   5:10.28   4:47.28
Anaheim Qualifier 2019Final11 4:40.40 4:43.48
4:47.88   4:42.15   4:40.40
CubeChella 2018Final6 4:33.11 4:47.68
4:57.47   4:52.45   4:33.11
WCCT LA 2018Final12 5:27.96
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Western Championship 2019Final33 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Anaheim Fall 2018Final13 44 DNF
DNF       44        DNF
SoCal 2016Final13 48 53.33
52        60        48
3x3x3 One-Handed
Diamond Bar September 2022First round32 24.62 32.19
33.29     34.65     31.46     31.83     24.62
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round310 25.23 29.46
DNF       28.46     27.09     32.84     25.23
UCSD Winter 2019First round22 21.81 26.19
21.81     25.38     24.98     32.04     28.20
Mudd Winter 2019First round27 23.22 30.48
35.15     30.33     35.62     23.22     25.96
Another Bruin Cube Day 2019First round42 27.53 30.88
31.33     31.72     29.59     33.62     27.53
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round263 18.56 27.70
31.70     29.79     18.56     42.10     21.61
Newport Summer 2018First round18 28.63 32.15
35.41     33.99     29.18     33.28     28.63
Irvine Winter 2018First round23 23.70 28.76
24.07     23.70     31.86     35.19     30.36
Thanks Four The Invite 2018Second round26 24.20 30.36
26.68     39.06     26.51     37.88     24.20
First round25 23.41 27.47
30.14     23.63     30.38     23.41     28.63
TF3I San Diego 2017Second round16 22.74 23.56
25.90     24.01     22.95     22.74     23.72
First round23 24.86 27.53
30.08     24.86     29.60     26.59     26.39
Nisei Week 2017First round45 22.51 29.19
26.46     22.51     DNF       33.34     27.77
Caltech Winter 2017First round29 26.19 30.59
34.98     28.70     29.71     33.35     26.19
2FTI San Diego 2016Second round21 32.87 34.74
35.66     33.54     39.32     35.03     32.87
First round19 26.52 31.01
32.48     28.54     32.67     32.01     26.52
Newport Fall 2016First round37 31.17 34.82
41.84     31.72     31.17     37.29     35.45
SoCal 2016First round31 33.76 37.50
33.76     38.17     54.57     36.98     37.34
Poly Cubed 2016First round20 37.46 40.76
40.00     52.39     37.46     39.17     43.12
St. Francis II 2016First round29 35.39 39.29
37.22     48.04     42.96     37.68     35.39
Newport Spring 2016Final31 36.21 39.57
48.62     36.23     42.94     36.21     39.54
SoCal 2015First round40 47.00
47.00     1:03.08
OCPM 2015Final21 48.90 1:06.10
48.90     1:37.30   1:27.10   1:01.22   49.99
Western Championship 2019First round57 2:17.42
2:17.42   2:27.87
Anaheim Qualifier 2019Final25 2:35.51
2:48.40   2:35.51
Another Bruin Cube Day 2019Final30 2:48.09
2:53.45   2:48.09
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round253 6.78 8.38
9.14      7.64      9.42      8.35      6.78
Western Championship 2019First round57 6.58 10.54
DNF       6.58      7.26      13.21     11.14
Thousand Oaks Cubing Open 2019First round27 6.34 10.33
15.24     11.87     10.38     6.34      8.74
Mudd Winter 2019First round37 9.17 12.33
11.21     14.28     13.31     12.48     9.17
Poly Cubed 2018First round25 9.37 10.60
9.84      10.11     11.84     14.02     9.37
Anaheim Fall 2018First round55 9.58 17.14
DNF       18.43     11.84     21.15     9.58
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round366 10.87 19.22
14.12     DNF       10.87     24.28     19.25
Poly Cubed 2017First round27 7.94 11.83
12.92     7.94      DNF       9.39      13.17
Caltech Winter 2017First round31 4.46 11.90
16.13     8.37      4.46      11.21     17.87
Caltech Fall 2016First round14 9.67 11.95
11.46     18.94     11.77     12.61     9.67
SoCal 2016Final33 11.16 12.90
11.16     13.08     13.77     11.84     13.89
SoCal 2015Final19 8.32 10.30
8.32      17.78     11.78     10.24     8.89
OCPM 2015Final12 8.88 15.21
14.64     8.88      21.46     17.77     13.22
Mudd Fall 2019First round42 13.17 14.59
14.48     15.35     17.10     13.17     13.93
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round23 5.91 13.82
13.48     13.61     5.91      16.46     14.38
Anaheim Fall 2018First round49 4.99 16.71
4.99      20.64     13.13     18.55     18.44
Newport Summer 2018First round22 9.00 13.96
14.30     18.14     9.45      9.00      19.45
Irvine Winter 2018First round35 5.14 14.85
12.02     16.73     15.81     25.08     5.14
Caltech Winter 2017First round43 13.92 16.84
24.24     17.74     15.70     13.92     17.09
Newport Fall 2016First round34 9.56 14.26
14.31     9.56      19.31     12.51     15.96
SoCal 2016First round33 12.03 14.17
20.12     12.03     14.44     12.35     15.71
Poly Cubed 2016First round21 16.37 19.83
18.33     16.37     18.80     22.76     22.37
St. Francis II 2016Final37 9.32 19.54
9.32      35.15     22.37     19.50     16.74
Newport Spring 2016Final23 6.86 14.59
15.42     18.83     12.14     6.86      16.22
SoCal 2015First round38 11.21 19.47
22.78     11.21     22.88     18.56     17.06
Diamond Bar September 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 12.64 14.34
16.95     14.54     14.83     12.64     13.64
2x2x2 CubeFirst round38 3.57 5.02
4.40      6.02      5.85      4.82      3.57
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 1:32.57 1:42.69
1:32.57   1:42.21   1:42.31   1:48.95   1:43.56
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 24.62 32.19
33.29     34.65     31.46     31.83     24.62
Mudd Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 12.00 13.81
12.00     14.39     13.82     13.22     18.47
First round28 11.05 13.69
11.05     14.59     12.76     13.72     18.76
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 4.10 5.37
5.71      5.43      4.10      5.48      5.20
7x7x7 CubeFinal11 4:53.72 4:54.93
4:57.03   4:54.04   4:53.72
SkewbFirst round42 13.17 14.59
14.48     15.35     17.10     13.17     13.93
Nisei Week 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round32 11.15 13.55
14.96     12.53     16.35     11.15     13.15
CubingUSA Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round305 12.13 12.55
12.40     12.13     13.88     12.71     12.54
2x2x2 CubeFirst round464 2.69 5.76
6.50      2.69      DNF       4.16      6.61
4x4x4 CubeFirst round344 51.51 58.64
51.51     54.97     59.78     1:01.18   1:05.08
5x5x5 CubeFirst round213 1:32.82 1:34.86
1:32.83   1:40.49   1:35.09   1:32.82   1:36.65
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round310 25.23 29.46
DNF       28.46     27.09     32.84     25.23
PyraminxFirst round253 6.78 8.38
9.14      7.64      9.42      8.35      6.78
Western Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round83 12.41 14.84
13.58     17.02     12.41     13.91     22.77
First round76 12.41 13.56
13.43     13.90     16.16     13.35     12.41
2x2x2 CubeFirst round43 2.40 4.49
6.54      4.43      4.95      4.10      2.40
4x4x4 CubeFirst round66 55.06 59.50
57.78     1:08.66   55.06     56.42     1:04.31
5x5x5 CubeFirst round42 1:22.02 1:37.95
1:30.31   1:40.07   1:43.48   1:43.68   1:22.02
6x6x6 CubeFinal30 3:05.85 3:16.17
3:05.85   3:13.11   3:29.54
7x7x7 CubeFinal25 4:41.17 4:52.91
4:41.17   5:10.28   4:47.28
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal33 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
MegaminxFirst round57 2:17.42
2:17.42   2:27.87
PyraminxFirst round57 6.58 10.54
DNF       6.58      7.26      13.21     11.14
Anaheim Qualifier 2019
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 47.35 53.32
1:06.74   55.74     47.35     56.38     47.83
5x5x5 CubeFirst round12 1:20.20 1:34.70
1:42.87   1:38.21   1:37.08   1:28.81   1:20.20
6x6x6 CubeFinal11 2:46.38 3:09.81
3:05.86   2:46.38   3:37.20
7x7x7 CubeFinal11 4:40.40 4:43.48
4:47.88   4:42.15   4:40.40
MegaminxFinal25 2:35.51
2:48.40   2:35.51
SkewbFirst round23 5.91 13.82
13.48     13.61     5.91      16.46     14.38
Thousand Oaks Cubing Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 11.50 13.49
12.02     11.50     16.06     12.39     16.61
First round20 12.11 14.12
13.72     15.04     14.65     14.00     12.11
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 4.36 4.87
4.36      4.93      4.41      6.26      5.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 45.99 53.97
52.27     1:01.23   59.20     50.44     45.99
PyraminxFirst round27 6.34 10.33
15.24     11.87     10.38     6.34      8.74
UCSD Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 11.16 12.55
13.73     11.69     11.16     12.24     13.83
First round26 12.42 13.67
16.47     12.86     15.66     12.42     12.48
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 49.81 53.66
DNF       57.33     49.81     51.78     51.86
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:36.89 1:39.58
1:52.65   1:41.58   1:36.89   1:37.16   1:39.99
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 21.81 26.19
21.81     25.38     24.98     32.04     28.20
Mudd Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 12.73 13.83
13.02     12.73     14.56     13.90     17.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 50.03 54.78
54.98     51.49     59.54     57.88     50.03
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 1:34.80 1:48.36
1:34.80   1:50.81   1:41.37   1:55.18   1:52.91
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 23.22 30.48
35.15     30.33     35.62     23.22     25.96
PyraminxFirst round37 9.17 12.33
11.21     14.28     13.31     12.48     9.17
Another Bruin Cube Day 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 10.46 12.74
14.94     13.87     10.46     12.23     12.13
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 47.15 54.49
58.68     47.15     54.45     54.77     54.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 27.53 30.88
31.33     31.72     29.59     33.62     27.53
MegaminxFinal30 2:48.09
2:53.45   2:48.09
CubeChella 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 11.35 13.07
11.35     21.38     13.40     13.30     12.52
First round11 12.04 12.88
17.25     12.72     13.13     12.04     12.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.25 5.10
4.74      4.25      5.27      6.04      5.30
First round8 3.32 4.63
3.32      5.04      4.48      5.93      4.36
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 49.26 53.49
55.33     52.90     1:01.54   52.24     49.26
First round7 45.75 50.33
58.82     46.20     45.75     53.24     51.54
7x7x7 CubeFinal6 4:33.11 4:47.68
4:57.47   4:52.45   4:33.11
Poly Cubed 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 12.43 13.79
12.43     15.91     14.56     13.41     13.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 41.37 50.84
51.77     41.37     51.52     1:05.01   49.24
5x5x5 CubeFirst round17 1:30.13 1:40.61
1:40.01   1:38.93   1:47.09   1:42.89   1:30.13
PyraminxFirst round25 9.37 10.60
9.84      10.11     11.84     14.02     9.37
Anaheim Fall 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 10.37 13.00
13.75     12.88     10.37     12.36     16.67
First round23 10.95 12.79
15.09     12.01     10.95     12.74     13.61
2x2x2 CubeFirst round43 2.56 5.84
5.59      2.56      5.20      6.74      10.36
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal13 44 DNF
DNF       44        DNF
PyraminxFirst round55 9.58 17.14
DNF       18.43     11.84     21.15     9.58
SkewbFirst round49 4.99 16.71
4.99      20.64     13.13     18.55     18.44
CubingUSA Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round232 10.87 12.28
11.97     13.81     10.87     11.06     17.19
2x2x2 CubeFirst round281 1.47 4.94
1.47      4.51      5.50      10.48     4.82
4x4x4 CubeFirst round233 45.41 51.50
51.71     57.73     54.18     45.41     48.61
5x5x5 CubeFirst round190 1:28.76 1:38.55
1:53.98   1:28.76   1:41.82   1:32.04   1:41.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round263 18.56 27.70
31.70     29.79     18.56     42.10     21.61
PyraminxFirst round366 10.87 19.22
14.12     DNF       10.87     24.28     19.25
WCCT LA 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 12.54 12.91
12.70     DNF       12.70     13.34     12.54
First round27 11.94 12.19
12.09     11.94     12.54     12.31     12.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 2.69 5.04
4.53      7.60      5.74      4.85      2.69
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 48.93 54.58
50.51     56.42     56.80     1:02.01   48.93
7x7x7 CubeFinal12 5:27.96
Newport Summer 2018
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 1:33.03 1:44.11
1:47.59   1:47.33   1:33.03   1:39.31   1:45.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 28.63 32.15
35.41     33.99     29.18     33.28     28.63
SkewbFirst round22 9.00 13.96
14.30     18.14     9.45      9.00      19.45
Irvine Winter 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 11.47 13.30
16.85     14.75     13.03     12.13     11.47
First round22 10.39 13.39
13.66     12.67     19.00     13.85     10.39
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 4.04 4.44
4.35      4.68      4.29      4.04      4.97
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round23 23.70 28.76
24.07     23.70     31.86     35.19     30.36
SkewbFirst round35 5.14 14.85
12.02     16.73     15.81     25.08     5.14
Thanks Four The Invite 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 14.26 15.03
14.26     14.30     21.58     15.03     15.77
First round35 13.48 16.07
16.77     15.77     13.48     18.70     15.68
5x5x5 CubeFirst round14 1:42.95 1:45.44
1:54.57   1:44.96   1:42.95   1:46.49   1:44.88
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round26 24.20 30.36
26.68     39.06     26.51     37.88     24.20
First round25 23.41 27.47
30.14     23.63     30.38     23.41     28.63
Poly Cubed 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 11.86 14.31
11.86     15.50     12.52     14.90     15.93
First round24 12.14 14.78
13.09     15.74     12.14     15.50     17.89
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 46.51 56.21
55.76     58.57     DNF       54.29     46.51
PyraminxFirst round27 7.94 11.83
12.92     7.94      DNF       9.39      13.17
TF3I San Diego 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 13.29 14.32
13.29     14.76     13.75     14.46     16.45
First round36 13.26 16.44
13.26     16.92     17.15     15.26     18.32
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round16 22.74 23.56
25.90     24.01     22.95     22.74     23.72
First round23 24.86 27.53
30.08     24.86     29.60     26.59     26.39
Newport Fall 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round31 13.66 14.85
16.65     15.30     13.86     15.38     13.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 3.81 4.93
6.10      4.01      3.81      5.94      4.83
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 54.98 1:00.55
1:06.30   59.44     54.98     58.92     1:03.28
Nisei Week 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round44 12.09 13.70
13.03     13.81     14.27     15.99     12.09
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round45 22.51 29.19
26.46     22.51     DNF       33.34     27.77
Qualifornia 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round41 15.32 15.72
15.72     15.42     16.03     15.32     16.07
Caltech Winter 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 13.72 15.68
13.72     13.88     16.96     19.64     16.21
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 3.97 4.78
4.35      3.97      5.79      5.70      4.29
First round17 4.23 4.43
4.32      6.64      4.45      4.53      4.23
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round29 26.19 30.59
34.98     28.70     29.71     33.35     26.19
PyraminxFirst round31 4.46 11.90
16.13     8.37      4.46      11.21     17.87
SkewbFirst round43 13.92 16.84
24.24     17.74     15.70     13.92     17.09
2FTI San Diego 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 13.09 15.40
15.88     14.52     15.80     13.09     16.22
First round18 11.91 15.03
14.99     15.76     11.91     14.33     17.22
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round21 32.87 34.74
35.66     33.54     39.32     35.03     32.87
First round19 26.52 31.01
32.48     28.54     32.67     32.01     26.52
Caltech Fall 2016
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 1:01.16 1:20.71
1:13.84   1:34.22   1:33.54   1:14.75   1:01.16
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 1:59.45 2:01.15
1:59.45   2:04.53   2:00.60   2:02.94   1:59.91
PyraminxFirst round14 9.67 11.95
11.46     18.94     11.77     12.61     9.67
Newport Fall 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 15.00 16.20
16.20     16.63     15.00     DNF       15.76
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 2.93 4.30
2.93      4.60      3.79      4.97      4.51
4x4x4 CubeFirst round32 1:00.85 1:20.28
1:25.08   1:09.23   1:26.52   1:32.91   1:00.85
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round37 31.17 34.82
41.84     31.72     31.17     37.29     35.45
SkewbFirst round34 9.56 14.26
14.31     9.56      19.31     12.51     15.96
SoCal 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round35 14.96 16.63
16.59     16.23     17.07     18.81     14.96
First round29 13.33 14.46
15.15     13.60     14.62     13.33     15.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round49 2.62 6.75
7.28      2.62      7.85      7.34      5.62
4x4x4 CubeFirst round27 1:08.58 1:16.15
1:09.13   1:14.54   1:24.77   1:08.58   1:25.14
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal13 48 53.33
52        60        48
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 33.76 37.50
33.76     38.17     54.57     36.98     37.34
PyraminxFinal33 11.16 12.90
11.16     13.08     13.77     11.84     13.89
SkewbFirst round33 12.03 14.17
20.12     12.03     14.44     12.35     15.71
Poly Cubed 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 15.82 17.86
15.82     19.84     16.00     19.59     18.00
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 4.18 5.44
5.55      5.47      4.18      6.10      5.31
First round10 3.77 4.44
4.22      4.78      5.46      3.77      4.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 1:11.05 1:24.91
1:30.32   1:11.05   1:28.75   1:25.67   1:20.31
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 37.46 40.76
40.00     52.39     37.46     39.17     43.12
SkewbFirst round21 16.37 19.83
18.33     16.37     18.80     22.76     22.37
St. Francis II 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round47 15.46 18.68
16.47     20.94     15.46     20.57     19.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round11 4.31 4.47
4.76      4.32      4.31      5.06      4.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 1:20.65
1:25.59   1:20.65
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round29 35.39 39.29
37.22     48.04     42.96     37.68     35.39
SkewbFinal37 9.32 19.54
9.32      35.15     22.37     19.50     16.74
Newport Spring 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round36 14.20 17.64
16.20     19.89     22.64     16.83     14.20
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 4.17 5.31
5.41      7.35      4.18      6.34      4.17
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 1:17.82
1:21.81   1:17.82
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal31 36.21 39.57
48.62     36.23     42.94     36.21     39.54
SkewbFinal23 6.86 14.59
15.42     18.83     12.14     6.86      16.22
SoCal 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 18.15 22.71
22.32     27.16     22.11     23.71     18.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 4.31 4.95
5.09      5.96      4.67      4.31      5.09
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 1:26.41
1:26.41   1:32.08
5x5x5 CubeFinal24 2:18.57
2:44.15   2:18.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 47.00
47.00     1:03.08
PyraminxFinal19 8.32 10.30
8.32      17.78     11.78     10.24     8.89
SkewbFirst round38 11.21 19.47
22.78     11.21     22.88     18.56     17.06
San Diego 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 19.31 21.57
21.48     19.31     20.59     22.63     23.54
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 5.12 5.99
6.29      6.21      6.00      5.76      5.12
First round13 4.49 5.64
6.50      6.82      5.04      5.39      4.49
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 1:15.38 1:33.13
1:23.72   1:15.38   1:47.88   1:30.32   1:45.35
OCPM 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 19.92 22.45
21.11     19.92     22.28     25.90     23.95
First round26 16.96 20.38
22.15     17.93     21.07     16.96     22.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 48.90 1:06.10
48.90     1:37.30   1:27.10   1:01.22   49.99
PyraminxFinal12 8.88 15.21
14.64     8.88      21.46     17.77     13.22
Nub Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 19.15 21.93
22.58     23.55     20.13     19.15     23.07
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 1:26.86
1:26.86   1:38.35
Newport Winter 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 23.42 26.33
31.12     25.32     28.81     23.42     24.86
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 3.80 7.78
7.73      7.86      3.80      7.74      12.29
362022-09-17Diamond Bar September 2022United StatesDiamond Bar, California
352019-10-05Mudd Fall 2019United StatesClaremont, California
342019-08-17Nisei Week 2019United StatesLos Angeles, California
332019-08-01~04CubingUSA Nationals 2019United StatesBaltimore, Maryland
322019-06-22~23Western Championship 2019United StatesLos Angeles, California
312019-05-25Anaheim Qualifier 2019United StatesAnaheim, California
302019-03-30Thousand Oaks Cubing Open 2019United StatesThousand Oaks, California
292019-02-16~17UCSD Winter 2019United StatesSan Diego, California
282019-02-02Mudd Winter 2019United StatesClaremont, California
272019-01-12Another Bruin Cube Day 2019United StatesLos Angeles, California
262018-12-22CubeChella 2018United StatesBermuda Dunes, California
252018-10-20Poly Cubed 2018United StatesPomona, California
242018-09-15~16Anaheim Fall 2018United StatesAnaheim, California
232018-07-27~29CubingUSA Nationals 2018United StatesSalt Lake City, Utah
222018-07-11WCCT LA 2018United StatesTustin, California
212018-06-23Newport Summer 2018United StatesCorona Del Mar, California
202018-02-17Irvine Winter 2018United StatesIrvine, California
192018-01-13Thanks Four The Invite 2018United StatesSan Diego, California
182017-12-09Poly Cubed 2017United StatesPomona, California
172017-11-05TF3I San Diego 2017United StatesSan Diego, California
162017-10-07Newport Fall 2017United StatesCorona Del Mar, California
152017-08-19Nisei Week 2017United StatesLos Angeles, California
142017-03-25Qualifornia 2017United StatesNewport Coast, California
132017-02-25Caltech Winter 2017United StatesPasadena, California
122016-12-102FTI San Diego 2016United StatesSan Diego, California
112016-11-12Caltech Fall 2016United StatesPasadena, California
102016-10-08Newport Fall 2016United StatesCorona Del Mar, California
92016-07-09~10SoCal 2016United StatesEncino, California
82016-05-07Poly Cubed 2016United StatesPomona, California
72016-04-24St. Francis II 2016United StatesLa Cañada Flintridge, California
62016-03-26Newport Spring 2016United StatesCorona Del Mar, California
52015-06-27~28SoCal 2015United StatesCorona Del Mar, California
42015-05-23San Diego 2015United StatesSan Diego, California
32015-04-18OCPM 2015United StatesCosta Mesa, California
22015-01-17Nub Open 2015United StatesAliso Viejo, California
12014-12-06Newport Winter 2014United StatesCorona Del Mar, California

Seen Cubers
