Personal Page

Narankhun Khatanbaatar (Хатанбаатар Наранхун)

Name: Narankhun Khatanbaatar (Хатанбаатар Наранхун)
Region: Mongolia
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Narankhun Khatanbaatar (Хатанбаатар Наранхун)2016KHAT02
Gender: Female
Career: 2016.10.01 - 2023.10.01
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube119130053533812.4513.202272785168975/75
2x2x2 Cube23720047679565.356.82557911692318121/22
4x4x4 Cube6482692426158.831:10.552606687036812/12
3x3x3 Blindfolded9144242572:29.0314/21

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Mongolian Championship 2023Semi Final29 12.67 13.20
12.67     14.25     13.98     12.75     12.86
Second round38 13.62 14.18
13.62     13.86     14.76     13.93     15.02
First round38 12.45 13.98
14.51     14.28     14.60     13.15     12.45
Mongolia Open 2019Second round24 12.76 16.17
14.78     17.96     16.41     12.76     17.33
First round22 14.66 15.75
17.03     15.28     17.34     14.66     14.94
Ulaanbaatar Spring 2019Final16 15.20 15.44
15.28     20.48     15.20     15.45     15.58
First round20 14.63 16.57
15.46     22.49     14.63     15.94     18.32
Mongolia Championship 2019Second round23 15.31 15.71
15.43     16.23     16.56     15.31     15.46
First round21 12.99 14.10
16.19     12.99     14.57     14.62     13.12
Mongolia 2018Final16 15.43 16.14
16.47     23.34     16.46     15.43     15.49
First round18 16.20 18.14
19.18     18.02     17.21     20.28     16.20
Mongolia 2017Second round24 14.86 18.29
18.23     18.57     14.86     18.07     20.47
First round21 16.18 17.13
18.29     21.70     16.81     16.30     16.18
World Championship 2017First round654 17.62 18.87
20.14     22.01     17.82     18.66     17.62
Asian Championship 2016First round589 16.84 24.50
26.35     28.91     24.20     22.94     16.84
2x2x2 Cube
Mongolia Championship 2019Second round32 6.23 7.53
7.24      7.69      6.23      7.66      7.81
First round29 6.19 6.82
6.19      6.23      8.25      7.38      6.85
Mongolia 2017First round23 6.22 7.01
7.78      7.44      6.22      6.25      7.35
World Championship 2017First round567 7.31
11.22     7.31
Asian Championship 2016First round260 5.35 7.46
8.19      5.35      5.89      8.31      DNF
4x4x4 Cube
Mongolia 2018Final16 59.63 1:10.81
1:13.20   1:11.77   59.63     1:11.39   1:09.28
Mongolia 2017Final18 58.83 1:10.55
1:09.26   1:15.77   58.83     1:06.63   1:16.93
Asian Championship 2016First round221 1:24.65
1:51.65   1:24.65
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Mongolian Championship 2023Final4 2:51.93 DNF
DNF       2:51.93   DNF
First round4 3:34.12 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:34.12
Mongolia Open 2019Final7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Ulaanbaatar Spring 2019Final6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Mongolia Championship 2019Final6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Mongolia 2018Final3 2:29.03 DNF
DNF       2:29.03   DNF
Mongolia 2017Final6 4:36.02 DNF
DNF       4:36.02   DNF
Mongolian Championship 2023Final12 4.06 7.76
4.06      7.82      7.63      8.87      7.84
Second round11 5.35 6.32
7.98      5.35      7.04      6.21      5.72
First round13 4.34 6.94
6.52      4.34      8.78      10.60     5.51
Mongolia Open 2019Final12 6.32 7.50
7.54      6.32      8.35      6.60      12.01
First round5 3.39 5.41
3.39      4.97      6.76      4.51      8.60
Ulaanbaatar Spring 2019Final11 3.84 6.87
3.84      7.11      6.64      7.20      6.87
First round13 3.76 6.90
3.76      9.21      8.23      6.11      6.37
Mongolia Championship 2019Final11 4.60 6.18
9.68      4.60      5.66      8.10      4.78
Second round11 5.07 6.43
5.97      5.07      7.46      5.86      8.58
First round12 5.39 6.62
7.07      6.23      6.56      9.60      5.39
Mongolia 2018First round12 6.03 7.52
7.77      8.61      8.89      6.03      6.17
Mongolia 2017First round13 7.47 9.06
8.41      9.54      7.47      13.89     9.23
World Championship 2017First round245 6.45 8.52
DNF       9.63      6.68      9.24      6.45
Asian Championship 2016Second round116 8.20 10.18
9.17      11.14     8.20      10.24     11.25
First round99 6.05 8.82
14.22     6.05      7.90      7.07      11.49
Mongolian Championship 2023Final11 4.84 7.84
8.66      4.84      7.25      8.54      7.72
First round12 6.64 7.46
7.23      8.14      6.64      8.10      7.05
Mongolia Open 2019Final8 6.55 8.57
11.31     6.55      12.46     7.11      7.29
Mongolian Championship 2023
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final29 12.67 13.20
12.67     14.25     13.98     12.75     12.86
Second round38 13.62 14.18
13.62     13.86     14.76     13.93     15.02
First round38 12.45 13.98
14.51     14.28     14.60     13.15     12.45
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:51.93 DNF
DNF       2:51.93   DNF
First round4 3:34.12 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:34.12
PyraminxFinal12 4.06 7.76
4.06      7.82      7.63      8.87      7.84
Second round11 5.35 6.32
7.98      5.35      7.04      6.21      5.72
First round13 4.34 6.94
6.52      4.34      8.78      10.60     5.51
SkewbFinal11 4.84 7.84
8.66      4.84      7.25      8.54      7.72
First round12 6.64 7.46
7.23      8.14      6.64      8.10      7.05
Mongolia Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 12.76 16.17
14.78     17.96     16.41     12.76     17.33
First round22 14.66 15.75
17.03     15.28     17.34     14.66     14.94
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal12 6.32 7.50
7.54      6.32      8.35      6.60      12.01
First round5 3.39 5.41
3.39      4.97      6.76      4.51      8.60
SkewbFinal8 6.55 8.57
11.31     6.55      12.46     7.11      7.29
Ulaanbaatar Spring 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 15.20 15.44
15.28     20.48     15.20     15.45     15.58
First round20 14.63 16.57
15.46     22.49     14.63     15.94     18.32
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal11 3.84 6.87
3.84      7.11      6.64      7.20      6.87
First round13 3.76 6.90
3.76      9.21      8.23      6.11      6.37
Mongolia Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 15.31 15.71
15.43     16.23     16.56     15.31     15.46
First round21 12.99 14.10
16.19     12.99     14.57     14.62     13.12
2x2x2 CubeSecond round32 6.23 7.53
7.24      7.69      6.23      7.66      7.81
First round29 6.19 6.82
6.19      6.23      8.25      7.38      6.85
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
PyraminxFinal11 4.60 6.18
9.68      4.60      5.66      8.10      4.78
Second round11 5.07 6.43
5.97      5.07      7.46      5.86      8.58
First round12 5.39 6.62
7.07      6.23      6.56      9.60      5.39
Mongolia 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal16 15.43 16.14
16.47     23.34     16.46     15.43     15.49
First round18 16.20 18.14
19.18     18.02     17.21     20.28     16.20
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 59.63 1:10.81
1:13.20   1:11.77   59.63     1:11.39   1:09.28
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 2:29.03 DNF
DNF       2:29.03   DNF
PyraminxFirst round12 6.03 7.52
7.77      8.61      8.89      6.03      6.17
Mongolia 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 14.86 18.29
18.23     18.57     14.86     18.07     20.47
First round21 16.18 17.13
18.29     21.70     16.81     16.30     16.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 6.22 7.01
7.78      7.44      6.22      6.25      7.35
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 58.83 1:10.55
1:09.26   1:15.77   58.83     1:06.63   1:16.93
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 4:36.02 DNF
DNF       4:36.02   DNF
PyraminxFirst round13 7.47 9.06
8.41      9.54      7.47      13.89     9.23
World Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round654 17.62 18.87
20.14     22.01     17.82     18.66     17.62
2x2x2 CubeFirst round567 7.31
11.22     7.31
PyraminxFirst round245 6.45 8.52
DNF       9.63      6.68      9.24      6.45
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round589 16.84 24.50
26.35     28.91     24.20     22.94     16.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round260 5.35 7.46
8.19      5.35      5.89      8.31      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFirst round221 1:24.65
1:51.65   1:24.65
PyraminxSecond round116 8.20 10.18
9.17      11.14     8.20      10.24     11.25
First round99 6.05 8.82
14.22     6.05      7.90      7.07      11.49
82023-09-30~10-01Mongolian Championship 2023MongoliaUlaanbaatar
72019-09-21~22Mongolia Open 2019MongoliaUlaanbaatar
62019-05-05Ulaanbaatar Spring 2019MongoliaUlaanbaatar
52019-01-26~27Mongolia Championship 2019MongoliaUlaanbaatar
42018-04-21Mongolia 2018MongoliaUlaanbaatar
32017-10-28Mongolia 2017MongoliaUlaanbaatar
22017-07-13~16World Championship 2017FranceParis
12016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing