Personal Page

Kit Bailey

Name: Kit Bailey
Region: United States
Competitions: 16
WCA ID: Kit Bailey2017BAIL06
Gender: Male
Career: 2017.07.15 - 2019.06.01
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube246693263312074924.1927.80113449305382305159/60
2x2x2 Cube1633421448752845.7511.39106294305932333625/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019First round78 24.19 28.29
24.19     28.35     30.28     DNF       26.24
SacCubing VII 2019First round56 24.60 27.80
28.17     28.03     24.60     32.12     27.21
Bay Area Speedcubin' 13 2019First round79 29.70 32.47
35.28     30.83     40.51     29.70     31.31
SacCubing VI 2019First round91 31.21 35.56
31.21     40.03     35.64     35.19     35.86
Berkeley Fall 2018First round84 25.23 33.61
32.80     41.30     33.35     34.67     25.23
Berkeley Summer 2018First round132 29.86 39.30
45.46     29.86     37.76     39.87     40.28
SacCubing V 2018First round91 26.23 40.46
38.51     47.23     35.63     57.66     26.23
Western Championship 2018First round138 32.95 37.72
32.98     48.19     36.71     43.46     32.95
Reno Spring 2018First round34 41.88 45.39
41.88     48.60     44.52     43.06     55.96
Berkeley Winter 2018First round141 41.14 44.91
42.50     46.27     47.02     45.96     41.14
SacCubing III 2018First round194 39.78 54.19
54.79     1:58.33   39.78     45.68     1:02.09
SacCubing II 2017First round86 1:20.29 1:24.24
1:24.05   1:20.29   1:31.80   1:22.61   1:26.05
2x2x2 Cube
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019First round71 9.62 11.46
14.62     9.62      12.14     10.48     11.76
SacCubing VII 2019First round57 5.75 11.39
10.00     10.42     5.75      14.05     13.76
Bay Area Speedcubin' 13 2019First round70 10.73 12.07
19.35     11.72     12.77     10.73     11.72
SacCubing VI 2019First round88 10.77 17.90
26.02     15.43     27.98     12.25     10.77
Berkeley Fall 2018First round68 10.55 15.46
10.55     21.85     15.90     12.35     18.12
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Reno Winter 2019First round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Reno Winter 2019Final7 14.10 18.05
17.44     21.56     17.44     14.10     19.26
Berkeley Summer 2018Final18 DNF
DNF       DNF
SacCubing V 2018Final7 17.35 DNF
17.35     DNF       DNF       23.72     20.71
SacCubing VII 2019Final11 6.03 7.64
8.03      12.43     7.61      7.28      6.03
First round10 5.74 7.27
8.77      8.43      6.68      6.69      5.74
SacCubing VI 2019Second round18 7.32 8.09
11.14     8.02      7.32      8.37      7.87
First round22 7.68 9.44
7.68      9.59      12.70     10.70     8.02
Berkeley Summer 2018First round23 6.81 8.14
8.63      9.85      8.10      7.70      6.81
SacCubing V 2018First round21 6.10 8.27
8.37      7.65      13.89     6.10      8.79
CubingUSA Nationals 2018Second round157 9.07 DNF
9.07      DNF       9.71      11.55     DNF
First round157 5.16 7.30
5.16      7.77      11.13     6.33      7.80
Western Championship 2018First round63 12.39
13.93     12.39
Reno Spring 2018Final11 4.77 10.29
4.77      10.73     9.56      10.57     11.35
Berkeley Winter 2018Final41 9.43 10.97
17.44     9.43      10.20     10.77     11.95
SacCubing III 2018First round35 7.70 10.41
14.29     8.59      11.32     11.31     7.70
SacCubing II 2017Final27 9.67 12.08
12.10     16.19     12.84     11.30     9.67
San Ramon 2017Final63 17.67
18.42     17.67
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019Final8 5.16 7.70
15.38     7.14      8.14      7.81      5.16
First round9 6.06 7.35
8.77      7.67      6.56      7.82      6.06
Reno Winter 2019Final6 6.14 7.42
7.24      6.14      11.87     8.58      6.45
Second round5 5.77 6.28
5.77      8.29      6.39      6.02      6.42
First round3 5.20 5.96
6.31      5.82      6.87      5.20      5.74
Bay Area Speedcubin' 13 2019Final10 5.13 7.47
7.81      7.44      7.17      DNF       5.13
First round5 4.33 4.73
4.52      6.31      4.33      4.41      5.26
SacCubing VI 2019Final7 3.98 6.41
6.75      6.78      6.96      5.71      3.98
First round5 4.74 5.35
5.28      DNF       4.87      5.91      4.74
Berkeley Fall 2018Final11 6.09 8.18
6.09      7.82      9.65      7.07      10.33
First round12 3.84 6.99
4.95      8.52      7.61      8.42      3.84
Berkeley Summer 2018First round17 6.34 7.63
7.87      6.89      6.34      9.11      8.12
CubingUSA Nationals 2018Second round95 6.79 7.92
6.86      7.48      9.43      10.00     6.79
First round65 4.88 5.65
5.87      5.61      5.47      4.88      8.31
WCCT Reno 2018First round9 3.68 7.38
10.26     6.32      7.57      3.68      8.26
Western Championship 2018First round36 6.43 8.86
6.43      11.68     8.62      11.42     6.54
Reno Spring 2018First round7 9.48 10.85
12.76     9.48      15.07     9.83      9.96
Berkeley Winter 2018Final50 10.70 11.52
11.87     11.48     11.21     10.70     17.51
SacCubing III 2018First round41 7.89 11.44
11.38     7.89      13.04     11.89     11.05
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Reno Winter 2019Final3 DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round78 24.19 28.29
24.19     28.35     30.28     DNF       26.24
2x2x2 CubeFirst round71 9.62 11.46
14.62     9.62      12.14     10.48     11.76
SkewbFinal8 5.16 7.70
15.38     7.14      8.14      7.81      5.16
First round9 6.06 7.35
8.77      7.67      6.56      7.82      6.06
SacCubing VII 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round56 24.60 27.80
28.17     28.03     24.60     32.12     27.21
2x2x2 CubeFirst round57 5.75 11.39
10.00     10.42     5.75      14.05     13.76
PyraminxFinal11 6.03 7.64
8.03      12.43     7.61      7.28      6.03
First round10 5.74 7.27
8.77      8.43      6.68      6.69      5.74
Reno Winter 2019
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
ClockFinal7 14.10 18.05
17.44     21.56     17.44     14.10     19.26
SkewbFinal6 6.14 7.42
7.24      6.14      11.87     8.58      6.45
Second round5 5.77 6.28
5.77      8.29      6.39      6.02      6.42
First round3 5.20 5.96
6.31      5.82      6.87      5.20      5.74
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal3 DNF
Bay Area Speedcubin' 13 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round79 29.70 32.47
35.28     30.83     40.51     29.70     31.31
2x2x2 CubeFirst round70 10.73 12.07
19.35     11.72     12.77     10.73     11.72
SkewbFinal10 5.13 7.47
7.81      7.44      7.17      DNF       5.13
First round5 4.33 4.73
4.52      6.31      4.33      4.41      5.26
SacCubing VI 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round91 31.21 35.56
31.21     40.03     35.64     35.19     35.86
2x2x2 CubeFirst round88 10.77 17.90
26.02     15.43     27.98     12.25     10.77
PyraminxSecond round18 7.32 8.09
11.14     8.02      7.32      8.37      7.87
First round22 7.68 9.44
7.68      9.59      12.70     10.70     8.02
SkewbFinal7 3.98 6.41
6.75      6.78      6.96      5.71      3.98
First round5 4.74 5.35
5.28      DNF       4.87      5.91      4.74
Berkeley Fall 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round84 25.23 33.61
32.80     41.30     33.35     34.67     25.23
2x2x2 CubeFirst round68 10.55 15.46
10.55     21.85     15.90     12.35     18.12
SkewbFinal11 6.09 8.18
6.09      7.82      9.65      7.07      10.33
First round12 3.84 6.99
4.95      8.52      7.61      8.42      3.84
Berkeley Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round132 29.86 39.30
45.46     29.86     37.76     39.87     40.28
ClockFinal18 DNF
DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round23 6.81 8.14
8.63      9.85      8.10      7.70      6.81
SkewbFirst round17 6.34 7.63
7.87      6.89      6.34      9.11      8.12
SacCubing V 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round91 26.23 40.46
38.51     47.23     35.63     57.66     26.23
ClockFinal7 17.35 DNF
17.35     DNF       DNF       23.72     20.71
PyraminxFirst round21 6.10 8.27
8.37      7.65      13.89     6.10      8.79
CubingUSA Nationals 2018
PyraminxSecond round157 9.07 DNF
9.07      DNF       9.71      11.55     DNF
First round157 5.16 7.30
5.16      7.77      11.13     6.33      7.80
SkewbSecond round95 6.79 7.92
6.86      7.48      9.43      10.00     6.79
First round65 4.88 5.65
5.87      5.61      5.47      4.88      8.31
WCCT Reno 2018
SkewbFirst round9 3.68 7.38
10.26     6.32      7.57      3.68      8.26
Western Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round138 32.95 37.72
32.98     48.19     36.71     43.46     32.95
PyraminxFirst round63 12.39
13.93     12.39
SkewbFirst round36 6.43 8.86
6.43      11.68     8.62      11.42     6.54
Reno Spring 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 41.88 45.39
41.88     48.60     44.52     43.06     55.96
PyraminxFinal11 4.77 10.29
4.77      10.73     9.56      10.57     11.35
SkewbFirst round7 9.48 10.85
12.76     9.48      15.07     9.83      9.96
Berkeley Winter 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round141 41.14 44.91
42.50     46.27     47.02     45.96     41.14
PyraminxFinal41 9.43 10.97
17.44     9.43      10.20     10.77     11.95
SkewbFinal50 10.70 11.52
11.87     11.48     11.21     10.70     17.51
SacCubing III 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round194 39.78 54.19
54.79     1:58.33   39.78     45.68     1:02.09
PyraminxFirst round35 7.70 10.41
14.29     8.59      11.32     11.31     7.70
SkewbFirst round41 7.89 11.44
11.38     7.89      13.04     11.89     11.05
SacCubing II 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round86 1:20.29 1:24.24
1:24.05   1:20.29   1:31.80   1:22.61   1:26.05
PyraminxFinal27 9.67 12.08
12.10     16.19     12.84     11.30     9.67
San Ramon 2017
PyraminxFinal63 17.67
18.42     17.67
162019-06-01Bay Area Speedcubin' 17 2019United StatesSunnyvale, California
152019-05-25SacCubing VII 2019United StatesCarmichael, California
142019-02-16~17Reno Winter 2019United StatesReno, Nevada
132019-01-13Bay Area Speedcubin' 13 2019United StatesSan Francisco, California
122019-01-05~06SacCubing VI 2019United StatesLoomis, California
112018-11-17Berkeley Fall 2018United StatesBerkeley, California
102018-09-15~16Berkeley Summer 2018United StatesBerkeley, California
92018-08-25SacCubing V 2018United StatesRoseville, California
82018-07-27~29CubingUSA Nationals 2018United StatesSalt Lake City, Utah
72018-07-18WCCT Reno 2018United StatesReno, Nevada
62018-06-15~17Western Championship 2018United StatesBerkeley, California
52018-04-28Reno Spring 2018United StatesReno, Nevada
42018-02-24~25Berkeley Winter 2018United StatesBerkeley, California
32018-01-27~28SacCubing III 2018United StatesRoseville, California
22017-08-26SacCubing II 2017United StatesRocklin, California
12017-07-15San Ramon 2017United StatesSan Ramon, California