Personal Page

Leo Ding

Name: Leo Ding
Region: United States
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Leo Ding2019DING10
Gender: Male
Career: 2019.05.25 - 2024.03.02
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube339044331701410.0911.81144913740285270/70
2x2x2 Cube762710040360433.764.81218306135470631/35
4x4x4 Cube233732321319946.3249.86105192554184531/32
5x5x5 Cube1915261999271:34.411:41.7791292400174924/24
6x6x6 Cube1446194667263:18.833:34.166623193714493/3
3x3x3 Blindfolded1127148765683:45.571/6
3x3x3 One-Handed451361792508327.5333.64245546002439219/19
3x3x3 Multi-Blind46661728074/6 50:051/1

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
NYU Winter 2024Second round23 10.09 11.81
10.09     12.01     10.26     13.15     16.33
First round31 10.54 12.66
11.08     13.71     13.20     13.85     10.54
Manhattan Mini B 2023Final11 11.56 12.75
14.55     12.78     11.56     13.07     12.40
First round12 10.68 12.60
11.90     11.70     14.19     15.63     10.68
Mudd Winter 2020Second round60 14.74 16.84
18.01     16.82     17.33     14.74     16.37
First round46 12.70 14.68
14.80     16.16     15.23     12.70     14.01
UCSD Winter 2020Second round39 12.13 13.32
12.13     13.93     13.82     15.02     12.21
First round48 10.50 14.52
14.68     14.19     10.50     14.69     16.74
Santa Barbara Fall 2019Second round24 14.38 17.22
20.59     17.04     14.99     19.64     14.38
First round24 12.83 13.79
13.45     12.83     19.51     13.24     14.68
San Diego Summer 2019First round49 14.97 16.74
41.07     17.75     17.09     15.39     14.97
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round532 15.23 17.51
17.83     15.23     16.83     17.86     18.03
Massachusetts Championship 2019First round89 17.70 19.38
17.70     18.58     22.69     18.47     21.09
Western Championship 2019First round142 18.78 20.30
21.50     18.78     20.62     21.34     18.95
2x2x2 Cube
NYU Winter 2024First round46 3.88 6.08
4.19      7.74      6.32      8.37      3.88
UCSD Winter 2020First round34 4.35 5.17
6.09      4.59      4.35      6.14      4.84
Santa Barbara Fall 2019First round16 3.76 4.81
6.68      4.65      4.04      3.76      5.73
San Diego Summer 2019First round28 4.20 5.23
4.47      4.20      5.68      5.69      5.54
CubingUSA Nationals 2019First round419 4.73 5.47
4.90      5.21      4.73      6.29      7.78
Massachusetts Championship 2019First round124 6.42 DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       6.42
Western Championship 2019First round114 6.56 7.36
6.56      7.51      9.46      7.28      7.30
4x4x4 Cube
NYU Winter 2024Final22 46.32 54.08
58.96     49.59     55.82     56.84     46.32
Mudd Winter 2020Final22 51.27 55.41
58.01     51.27     53.96     55.30     56.98
First round17 46.58 49.86
58.61     47.13     46.58     49.23     53.21
Santa Barbara Fall 2019First round22 51.68 56.27
55.21     57.84     DNF       51.68     55.75
Massachusetts Championship 2019First round46 51.37 56.84
1:04.74   1:00.49   53.28     51.37     56.75
Western Championship 2019First round85 56.58 1:07.05
1:07.40   1:08.50   56.58     1:11.23   1:05.25
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round31 1:16.79
1:17.71   1:16.79
5x5x5 Cube
Manhattan Mini B 2023Final13 1:41.90 1:46.36
1:56.29   1:46.24   1:45.47   1:41.90   1:47.36
Mudd Winter 2020Final19 1:34.41 1:41.77
1:37.57   1:57.62   1:34.41   1:36.43   1:51.32
San Diego Summer 2019Final24 1:38.76 1:49.08
1:41.66   1:50.89   1:54.69   2:14.21   1:38.76
Massachusetts Championship 2019First round46 1:44.40 2:06.29
2:00.50   1:44.40   2:11.16   2:26.29   2:07.20
Western Championship 2019First round78 2:15.04
2:15.04   2:30.64
Anaheim Qualifier 2019First round30 2:49.28
4:20.26   2:49.28
6x6x6 Cube
UCSD Winter 2020Final21 3:18.83 3:34.16
3:35.13   3:48.52   3:18.83
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Mudd Winter 2020Final14 3:45.57 DNF
3:45.57   DNF       DNF
UCSD Winter 2020First round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Mudd Winter 2020First round39 29.22 34.31
36.44     34.55     31.93     39.26     29.22
UCSD Winter 2020First round49 35.18
38.18     35.18
Santa Barbara Fall 2019First round27 27.53 33.64
31.46     30.18     39.27     41.48     27.53
San Diego Summer 2019First round42 28.81 41.00
1:11.82   39.74     40.88     42.38     28.81
Massachusetts Championship 2019First round64 41.50
41.50     1:05.96
Massachusetts Championship 2019First round104 16.30 26.25
33.28     43.61     16.30     19.84     25.64
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Mudd Winter 2020Final5 4/6 50:05
4/6 50:05
NYU Winter 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 10.09 11.81
10.09     12.01     10.26     13.15     16.33
First round31 10.54 12.66
11.08     13.71     13.20     13.85     10.54
2x2x2 CubeFirst round46 3.88 6.08
4.19      7.74      6.32      8.37      3.88
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 46.32 54.08
58.96     49.59     55.82     56.84     46.32
Manhattan Mini B 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 11.56 12.75
14.55     12.78     11.56     13.07     12.40
First round12 10.68 12.60
11.90     11.70     14.19     15.63     10.68
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 1:41.90 1:46.36
1:56.29   1:46.24   1:45.47   1:41.90   1:47.36
Mudd Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round60 14.74 16.84
18.01     16.82     17.33     14.74     16.37
First round46 12.70 14.68
14.80     16.16     15.23     12.70     14.01
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 51.27 55.41
58.01     51.27     53.96     55.30     56.98
First round17 46.58 49.86
58.61     47.13     46.58     49.23     53.21
5x5x5 CubeFinal19 1:34.41 1:41.77
1:37.57   1:57.62   1:34.41   1:36.43   1:51.32
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal14 3:45.57 DNF
3:45.57   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round39 29.22 34.31
36.44     34.55     31.93     39.26     29.22
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal5 4/6 50:05
4/6 50:05
UCSD Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round39 12.13 13.32
12.13     13.93     13.82     15.02     12.21
First round48 10.50 14.52
14.68     14.19     10.50     14.69     16.74
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 4.35 5.17
6.09      4.59      4.35      6.14      4.84
6x6x6 CubeFinal21 3:18.83 3:34.16
3:35.13   3:48.52   3:18.83
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round49 35.18
38.18     35.18
Santa Barbara Fall 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 14.38 17.22
20.59     17.04     14.99     19.64     14.38
First round24 12.83 13.79
13.45     12.83     19.51     13.24     14.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 3.76 4.81
6.68      4.65      4.04      3.76      5.73
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 51.68 56.27
55.21     57.84     DNF       51.68     55.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 27.53 33.64
31.46     30.18     39.27     41.48     27.53
San Diego Summer 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 14.97 16.74
41.07     17.75     17.09     15.39     14.97
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 4.20 5.23
4.47      4.20      5.68      5.69      5.54
5x5x5 CubeFinal24 1:38.76 1:49.08
1:41.66   1:50.89   1:54.69   2:14.21   1:38.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round42 28.81 41.00
1:11.82   39.74     40.88     42.38     28.81
CubingUSA Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round532 15.23 17.51
17.83     15.23     16.83     17.86     18.03
2x2x2 CubeFirst round419 4.73 5.47
4.90      5.21      4.73      6.29      7.78
Massachusetts Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round89 17.70 19.38
17.70     18.58     22.69     18.47     21.09
2x2x2 CubeFirst round124 6.42 DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF       DNF       6.42
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 51.37 56.84
1:04.74   1:00.49   53.28     51.37     56.75
5x5x5 CubeFirst round46 1:44.40 2:06.29
2:00.50   1:44.40   2:11.16   2:26.29   2:07.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round64 41.50
41.50     1:05.96
PyraminxFirst round104 16.30 26.25
33.28     43.61     16.30     19.84     25.64
Western Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round142 18.78 20.30
21.50     18.78     20.62     21.34     18.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round114 6.56 7.36
6.56      7.51      9.46      7.28      7.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round85 56.58 1:07.05
1:07.40   1:08.50   56.58     1:11.23   1:05.25
5x5x5 CubeFirst round78 2:15.04
2:15.04   2:30.64
Anaheim Qualifier 2019
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 1:16.79
1:17.71   1:16.79
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 2:49.28
4:20.26   2:49.28
102024-03-02NYU Winter 2024United StatesNew York, New York
92023-12-09Manhattan Mini B 2023United StatesNew York, New York
82020-02-22~23Mudd Winter 2020United StatesClaremont, California
72020-01-18UCSD Winter 2020United StatesSan Diego, California
62019-09-28Santa Barbara Fall 2019United StatesSanta Barbara, California
52019-08-31San Diego Summer 2019United StatesSan Diego, California
42019-08-01~04CubingUSA Nationals 2019United StatesBaltimore, Maryland
32019-07-26~28Massachusetts Championship 2019United StatesBoston, Massachusetts
22019-06-22~23Western Championship 2019United StatesLos Angeles, California
12019-05-25Anaheim Qualifier 2019United StatesAnaheim, California