Personal Page

Yu-An Dai (戴昱安)

Name: Yu-An Dai (戴昱安)
Region: Chinese Taipei
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Yu-An Dai (戴昱安)2024DAIY02
Gender: Male
Career: 2024.05.04 - 2024.12.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube3135582156919.8912.0115609575830649/50
2x2x2 Cube86132458381.913.40579014877535/35
4x4x4 Cube43168181952853.179/10
3x3x3 Fewest Moves10616156012431/4
3x3x3 One-Handed27161341637722.3224.3011617445620512/12

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Taiwan Championship 2024Second round80 9.89 12.01
15.47     12.47     9.89      12.42     11.14
First round121 11.49 13.66
12.24     14.94     11.49     18.04     13.79
Taoyuan Airport Cube Day 2024Semi Final66 13.22 14.78
13.79     13.69     17.50     16.87     13.22
Second round65 10.55 12.69
13.66     12.67     10.55     11.74     15.91
First round72 12.47 13.46
16.67     12.47     14.04     12.67     13.68
Shin Kong Open - New Taipei 2024Second round85 11.16 13.09
11.16     12.90     18.05     13.48     12.89
First round118 14.01 14.93
14.01     14.45     14.32     16.47     16.03
Hsinchu Summer Open 2024First round86 13.39 16.11
14.44     25.04     13.39     15.88     18.02
Taipei Summer Open 2024First round118 13.24 14.77
16.61     15.67     13.71     14.93     13.24
Zhongshan Open 2024First round102 17.29 23.35
23.54     DNF       21.66     24.86     17.29
2x2x2 Cube
Taiwan Championship 2024Second round19 3.15 3.44
3.52      3.15      3.29      5.70      3.52
First round16 2.88 3.40
3.04      3.22      6.24      2.88      3.93
Taoyuan Airport Cube Day 2024Second round13 2.84 3.44
4.40      3.77      3.35      2.84      3.19
First round30 2.99 4.17
4.32      2.99      4.88      4.90      3.30
Hsinchu Summer Open 2024First round14 1.91 3.51
4.73      2.91      3.83      3.79      1.91
Taipei Summer Open 2024Second round49 2.61 4.72
4.05      4.44      2.61      6.66      5.66
First round54 3.66 4.42
3.66      4.06      4.75      6.10      4.45
4x4x4 Cube
Taiwan Championship 2024First round120 53.17
53.17     1:05.84
Taoyuan Airport Cube Day 2024First round86 1:02.27
1:11.22   1:02.27
Hsinchu Summer Open 2024First round72 1:05.32
1:05.32   DNF
Taipei Summer Open 2024First round123 1:15.10
1:16.39   1:15.10
Zhongshan Open 2024First round71 1:24.26
1:24.26   1:52.59
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Taiwan Championship 2024Final21 43
Taipei FMC All Day 2024First round44 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Taiwan Championship 2024First round63 22.32 24.30
26.36     22.48     24.06     36.23     22.32
Hsinchu Summer Open 2024First round51 25.06 28.50
29.24     36.85     30.75     25.06     25.50
Taipei Summer Open 2024First round80 33.20
33.57     33.20
Taiwan Championship 2024First round34 9.27 11.79
11.36     13.26     9.27      13.21     10.80
Taiwan Anti-NxNxN 2024First round66 27.08
27.08     DNF
Taiwan Championship 2024First round20 4.06 5.65
4.06      4.93      7.07      10.58     4.96
Taoyuan Airport Cube Day 2024Second round13 3.78 5.54
3.78      5.72      5.45      5.67      5.50
First round10 3.72 5.47
4.27      3.72      6.42      7.47      5.72
Taiwan Anti-NxNxN 2024Second round15 4.67 6.46
4.67      6.72      7.28      7.32      5.37
First round19 2.45 6.99
8.12      6.82      6.04      8.66      2.45
Taipei Summer Open 2024Second round52 6.08 8.69
9.89      DNF       6.08      7.38      8.79
First round36 3.35 6.84
6.32      3.35      10.22     8.71      5.48
Zhongshan Open 2024First round33 6.78 10.21
13.77     6.78      8.07      13.47     9.08
Taiwan Championship 2024First round38 5.89 7.77
5.89      8.64      10.22     7.24      7.43
Taoyuan Airport Cube Day 2024Second round34 4.57 8.11
7.68      10.85     5.79      12.43     4.57
First round23 4.72 7.08
7.79      10.34     7.52      5.94      4.72
Hsinchu Summer Open 2024First round18 5.79 6.50
8.45      6.13      5.90      5.79      7.46
Taiwan Anti-NxNxN 2024Second round29 7.38 9.49
7.38      8.86      8.54      11.08     13.38
First round25 5.32 7.01
6.06      9.28      11.58     5.68      5.32
Taipei Summer Open 2024Second round32 5.97 7.27
7.14      12.21     7.48      5.97      7.18
First round33 5.18 7.61
5.62      8.40      9.82      8.80      5.18
Zhongshan Open 2024First round46 9.32 12.77
17.47     12.47     13.72     9.32      12.12
Taiwan Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round80 9.89 12.01
15.47     12.47     9.89      12.42     11.14
First round121 11.49 13.66
12.24     14.94     11.49     18.04     13.79
2x2x2 CubeSecond round19 3.15 3.44
3.52      3.15      3.29      5.70      3.52
First round16 2.88 3.40
3.04      3.22      6.24      2.88      3.93
4x4x4 CubeFirst round120 53.17
53.17     1:05.84
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal21 43
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round63 22.32 24.30
26.36     22.48     24.06     36.23     22.32
ClockFirst round34 9.27 11.79
11.36     13.26     9.27      13.21     10.80
PyraminxFirst round20 4.06 5.65
4.06      4.93      7.07      10.58     4.96
SkewbFirst round38 5.89 7.77
5.89      8.64      10.22     7.24      7.43
Taoyuan Airport Cube Day 2024
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final66 13.22 14.78
13.79     13.69     17.50     16.87     13.22
Second round65 10.55 12.69
13.66     12.67     10.55     11.74     15.91
First round72 12.47 13.46
16.67     12.47     14.04     12.67     13.68
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 2.84 3.44
4.40      3.77      3.35      2.84      3.19
First round30 2.99 4.17
4.32      2.99      4.88      4.90      3.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round86 1:02.27
1:11.22   1:02.27
PyraminxSecond round13 3.78 5.54
3.78      5.72      5.45      5.67      5.50
First round10 3.72 5.47
4.27      3.72      6.42      7.47      5.72
SkewbSecond round34 4.57 8.11
7.68      10.85     5.79      12.43     4.57
First round23 4.72 7.08
7.79      10.34     7.52      5.94      4.72
Shin Kong Open - New Taipei 2024
3x3x3 CubeSecond round85 11.16 13.09
11.16     12.90     18.05     13.48     12.89
First round118 14.01 14.93
14.01     14.45     14.32     16.47     16.03
Hsinchu Summer Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round86 13.39 16.11
14.44     25.04     13.39     15.88     18.02
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 1.91 3.51
4.73      2.91      3.83      3.79      1.91
4x4x4 CubeFirst round72 1:05.32
1:05.32   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round51 25.06 28.50
29.24     36.85     30.75     25.06     25.50
SkewbFirst round18 5.79 6.50
8.45      6.13      5.90      5.79      7.46
Taiwan Anti-NxNxN 2024
ClockFirst round66 27.08
27.08     DNF
PyraminxSecond round15 4.67 6.46
4.67      6.72      7.28      7.32      5.37
First round19 2.45 6.99
8.12      6.82      6.04      8.66      2.45
SkewbSecond round29 7.38 9.49
7.38      8.86      8.54      11.08     13.38
First round25 5.32 7.01
6.06      9.28      11.58     5.68      5.32
Taipei Summer Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round118 13.24 14.77
16.61     15.67     13.71     14.93     13.24
2x2x2 CubeSecond round49 2.61 4.72
4.05      4.44      2.61      6.66      5.66
First round54 3.66 4.42
3.66      4.06      4.75      6.10      4.45
4x4x4 CubeFirst round123 1:15.10
1:16.39   1:15.10
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round80 33.20
33.57     33.20
PyraminxSecond round52 6.08 8.69
9.89      DNF       6.08      7.38      8.79
First round36 3.35 6.84
6.32      3.35      10.22     8.71      5.48
SkewbSecond round32 5.97 7.27
7.14      12.21     7.48      5.97      7.18
First round33 5.18 7.61
5.62      8.40      9.82      8.80      5.18
Taipei FMC All Day 2024
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFirst round44 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Zhongshan Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFirst round102 17.29 23.35
23.54     DNF       21.66     24.86     17.29
4x4x4 CubeFirst round71 1:24.26
1:24.26   1:52.59
PyraminxFirst round33 6.78 10.21
13.77     6.78      8.07      13.47     9.08
SkewbFirst round46 9.32 12.77
17.47     12.47     13.72     9.32      12.12
82024-12-06~08Taiwan Championship 2024Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
72024-11-23~24Taoyuan Airport Cube Day 2024Chinese TaipeiTaoyuan
62024-09-28Shin Kong Open - New Taipei 2024Chinese TaipeiNew Taipei City
52024-08-17Hsinchu Summer Open 2024Chinese TaipeiHsinchu
42024-07-20Taiwan Anti-NxNxN 2024Chinese TaipeiTaipei
32024-06-29~30Taipei Summer Open 2024Chinese TaipeiTaipei
22024-06-23Taipei FMC All Day 2024Chinese TaipeiTaipei
12024-05-04Zhongshan Open 2024Chinese TaipeiTaipei