

6x6x6方塊    秘魯    所有    平均
1Pedro Alejandro Condo Tellez秘魯1:28.40Chosica's Big Show 20242024-01-14
1:34.46   1:29.15   1:21.59
2Benjamín Ochoa秘魯1:35.99PUCP Cubing Festival lll 20242024-11-02
1:34.78   1:37.87   1:35.33
3Gerson Marcelo Nuñez Huanuiri秘魯1:39.60Speedcuber Peru II Lima 20232023-12-16
1:33.78   1:40.20   1:44.82
4Ricardo Sanchez Laurencio秘魯1:42.40San Marcos Open 20232023-08-12
1:41.56   1:41.39   1:44.24
5Pedro Giuseppe Garcia Milla秘魯1:44.18PUCP Cubing Festival lll 20242024-11-02
1:54.44   1:35.48   1:42.63
6Marco Antonio Ponce de León Aguilar秘魯1:49.98TCG Spring 20192019-12-14
1:51.32   1:47.37   1:51.25
7Ronald Fernando Remuzgo Salazar秘魯1:50.93Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
1:46.00   1:53.42   1:53.36
8Jose Smith Caldas Reyes秘魯1:52.04Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
1:57.15   1:51.18   1:47.79
9Michel Andre Gonzaga Quijano秘魯1:53.33San Marcos Open 20232023-08-12
1:48.19   1:56.90   1:54.89
10Kevin Arturo Huamán Ruiz秘魯1:55.59Chosica's Big Show 20242024-01-14
1:55.33   2:00.56   1:50.89
11Elias Alonso Usaqui Cabezas秘魯2:00.28San Marcos Open 20232023-08-12
2:11.58   1:50.56   1:58.69
12Angel Jesus Panebra Rodriguez秘魯2:00.49Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
2:11.76   1:58.55   1:51.15
13Kevin Antony Tello Delgado秘魯2:01.83Peru Nationals 20232023-08-04
2:03.54   1:51.41   2:10.55
14Jeyson Paul Espinoza Diaz秘魯2:06.34Contigo Peru Lima 20242024-06-07
2:03.66   2:09.34   2:06.01
15Ernesto Gutiérrez Cuba秘魯2:11.37Peru Nationals 20182018-06-29
2:16.24   2:09.10   2:08.78
16Jarry Tapia Vasquez秘魯2:12.80Utah Cubing with Culture 20242024-09-21
2:12.35   2:04.34   2:21.72
17Leonardo Aldair Trujillo Chugden秘魯2:14.35Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
2:14.15   2:15.14   2:13.76
18Smeling Becerra秘魯2:15.11San Jose Cubing 20182018-03-10
2:14.83   2:24.44   2:06.05
19Francisco Barrenechea Sanchez秘魯2:15.34Oso Cubing Fest I Lima 20242024-10-19
2:17.69   2:09.82   2:18.50
20Piero Alessandro Laguna Obregon秘魯2:15.73School Winter Lima 20222022-07-02
2:28.44   2:10.22   2:08.52
21Giordano Limber Aguilar Allcca秘魯2:17.16TCG Power Up 20222022-12-03
2:19.61   2:06.30   2:25.56
22Abraham Arcila Soraluz秘魯2:21.18TCG Power Up 20222022-12-03
2:21.46   2:20.74   2:21.35
23Pedro Luis Mamani Suclla秘魯2:21.40UNSA SC Primavera II 20232023-12-02
2:15.70   2:29.67   2:18.84
24Carlos Sullca Mejía秘魯2:23.67Plaza Center Cube Lima lll 20242024-02-10
2:14.28   2:18.91   2:37.82
25José Luis Tarapacá Toribio秘魯2:24.58Peru Nationals 20222022-08-19
2:33.21   2:06.08   2:34.45
26Leon Achata秘魯2:25.59Chosica Cubing Cup 20232023-09-03
2:12.43   2:26.19   2:38.14
27Luis Gómez Taya秘魯2:25.92La Tienda Cubera Fest 20232023-08-19
2:23.90   2:33.59   2:20.26
28Daniel Esteban Rivera Diban秘魯2:26.16TCG Deluxe 20192019-01-12
2:22.92   2:39.95   2:15.60
29Edson Bryan Béjar Román秘魯2:27.66Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
2:16.11   2:44.03   2:22.85
30Keener Zamudio Jambo秘魯2:27.81A Romper Tu PB Lima 20202020-02-29
2:31.60   2:33.72   2:18.12
31Gianfranco Camones Caycho秘魯2:28.63Chosica's Big Show 20242024-01-14
2:31.65   2:39.11   2:15.12
32Jhon Alexander Taboada Temple秘魯2:29.34Aventura Cúbica VI 20182018-10-20
2:34.93   2:16.96   2:36.13
33Tyffany Villanueva秘魯2:30.82Chosica Cubing Cup 20232023-09-03
2:31.82   2:35.82   2:24.83
34Dan Axel Gonzales Quispe秘魯2:31.63Peru Nationals 20222022-08-19
2:26.14   2:27.69   2:41.06
35Sergio Minaya Pimentel秘魯2:31.92TCG Nueva Generación 20222022-04-30
2:33.44   2:34.77   2:27.56
36Marlon Rojas秘魯2:33.36Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
2:21.16   2:34.64   2:44.28
37Christian Saenz Valdivia秘魯2:33.42Crazy Cubes Summer 20162016-03-20
2:26.06   2:37.47   2:36.72
38Fernando Ticona秘魯2:34.24Peru Nationals 20222022-08-19
2:26.74   2:37.32   2:38.67
39Andrés Hisashi Suzuki Cabrera秘魯2:36.22SAC 20242024-07-22
2:47.28   2:32.28   2:29.11
40Walter Felix秘魯2:41.00Plaza Center Cube Lima II 20232023-09-30
2:27.25   2:45.76   2:49.98
41Alex Anderson Bedon Valentin秘魯2:41.96PUCP Cubing Festival ll 20242024-09-08
3:05.56   2:36.36   2:23.97
42Fabrizio Chacaltana秘魯2:44.80Guildford Winter 20232023-02-04
2:42.82   2:44.15   2:47.42
43Christian Daniel Villanueva Espinoza秘魯2:44.84Speedsolving Huancayo 20222022-08-13
2:42.29   2:50.10   2:42.12
44Ingrit Mayta秘魯2:46.90Plaza Center Cube Lima lll 20242024-02-10
2:51.99   2:46.62   2:42.08
45Josseph Eduardo Gómez Alcántara秘魯2:47.17Cube Force Lima 20232023-05-20
2:39.14   2:37.78   3:04.58
46Anderson Rojas秘魯2:47.69Peru Nationals 20192019-08-16
2:35.64   2:59.98   2:47.46
47Carlos Quispe Cantorin秘魯2:49.83A Romper Tu PB Lima 20202020-02-29
2:35.71   2:59.31   2:54.48
48Yeferson Gelaman Maldonado Figueroa秘魯2:50.95Blenkir Wanka Cube 20242024-06-08
2:56.04   2:47.91   2:48.89
49Alexander Montoya秘魯2:52.30Lima Cuberano 20222022-03-12
2:49.15   3:00.97   2:46.79
50Jhonatan Reategui秘魯2:52.89Real Geekcuber Pucallpa 20232023-11-04
2:58.89   2:39.47   3:00.31
51Freddy Fernández Córdova秘魯2:55.42Nacional Perubik 20162016-07-16
2:56.75   2:54.38   2:55.13
52Jesus Emmanuel Vergara Ayarza秘魯2:56.10PUCP Cubing Festival ll 20242024-09-08
2:53.20   3:07.41   2:47.69
53Juan Antonio Arauco Jiménez秘魯2:56.13A Romper Tu PB Lima 20202020-02-29
3:04.50   2:45.09   2:58.79
54Abel Jesús Angeles Rodríguez秘魯2:56.26Torneo Activa Club 20182018-05-19
3:05.88   2:43.92   2:58.98
55Eduardo Munive秘魯2:59.39German Nationals 20232023-08-04
2:49.73   3:06.78   3:01.65
56Bruno Alejandro Monzón Zegarra秘魯2:59.64PUCP Cubing Festival lll 20242024-11-02
2:54.64   2:54.03   3:10.24
57Gadiel Arias秘魯3:04.20TCG Deluxe 20192019-01-12
3:04.40   3:02.48   3:05.73
58Paúl Alexis Urrutia Turpo秘魯3:04.84UNSA SC Primavera II 20232023-12-02
3:16.55   2:57.90   3:00.08
59Angel Anampa秘魯3:06.62Aventura Cubica 20162016-01-23
2:55.73   2:59.97   3:24.15
60Oscar Paul Mamani Oscalla秘魯3:06.95TCG Deluxe 20192019-01-12
2:59.82   3:09.08   3:11.96
61Kevin Estefano Coayla Vargas秘魯3:07.32Mariano Melgar Speedcubing 20182018-08-04
3:00.91   3:13.41   3:07.65
62José Manuel Cutipa秘魯3:07.33UNSA SC Primavera II 20232023-12-02
3:11.44   3:06.88   3:03.66
63Kevin Rojas Tauma秘魯3:07.55Peru Nationals 20192019-08-16
3:17.85   3:00.90   3:03.89
64Ximena Paola Bazán Rivasplata秘魯3:08.05Plaza Center Cube Lima IV 20242024-03-02
3:19.32   3:16.44   2:48.39
65Brayan Boza Ñahuinripa秘魯3:12.32Blenkir Wanka Cube 20242024-06-08
3:12.69   3:03.02   3:21.26
66Oscar Ivan Orihuela Mendoza秘魯3:13.32Lima Summer 20232023-02-04
3:21.89   3:21.04   2:57.02
67Daniel Quiñones Olgado秘魯3:13.54TCG Spring 20192019-12-14
3:17.16   3:11.02   3:12.45
68Angelo Vega Castillo秘魯3:16.06Back to the Palace 20142014-03-08
3:09.58   3:20.29   3:18.31
69Valentino Nuñez秘魯3:16.54Aventura Cúbica VI 20182018-10-20
3:15.32   3:19.08   3:15.23
70Brandon Rodriguez Juarez秘魯3:18.23Peru Nationals 20182018-06-29
3:20.47   3:24.75   3:09.48
71Sebastian Porras Tenorio秘魯3:18.84LatAm Tour - Lima 20172017-06-24
3:16.33   3:25.28   3:14.90
72Rodrigo Aguilar秘魯3:25.08Parets Open 20242024-02-03
3:24.84   3:20.32   3:30.09
73Rodrigo Zarate秘魯3:25.99Salesianos Open 20182018-09-29
3:34.11   3:28.68   3:15.17
74César Chalco Elías秘魯3:27.53Aventura Cúbica V 20182018-01-27
3:04.42   3:54.12   3:24.06
75Job Coveñas Otoya秘魯3:29.17Chosica's Big Show 20242024-01-14
3:27.07   3:25.26   3:35.19
76Gustavo Ofer Churampi Vicharra秘魯3:32.52Speedsolving Huancayo 20222022-08-13
3:21.10   3:59.58   3:16.87
77Miguel Ángel Sánchez Nunura秘魯3:33.38Plaza Center Cube Lima IV 20242024-03-02
3:17.80   3:46.64   3:35.69
78Erik Paico Robles秘魯3:40.97Palacio del Cubo 20132013-10-26
3:37.59   3:47.55   3:37.77
79Marco Alzamora Cueto秘魯3:42.44SAC 20242024-07-22
3:17.19   4:10.24   3:39.90
80Hector Huanqque秘魯3:45.59TCG & Friends AQP 20152015-07-08
4:06.44   3:35.33   3:35.01
81Juan Pablo Huanqui秘魯3:45.79New Avge Open 20152015-01-31
3:46.39   3:57.68   3:33.30
82Jesus Crisostomo Gutierrez秘魯4:01.09TCG & Friends 20152015-07-11
3:30.05   5:16.79   3:16.43
83Noel Yzaguirre秘魯4:01.42SESC Santos 20152015-07-24
3:35.47   4:25.56   4:03.23
84Lucciano Florez秘魯4:07.44San Jose Cubing 20182018-03-10
3:19.70   4:57.59   4:05.02
85Juan Daniel Ramirez Rodriguez秘魯4:17.51Crazy Cubes Open 20162016-08-14
3:41.31   4:43.51   4:27.71
86César Cornejo Soldevilla秘魯4:28.49CCS 20182018-03-02
4:28.97   4:43.11   4:13.38
87Dewin Berdejo秘魯4:33.98Game Pro Tour 20142014-11-29
4:14.25   4:45.74   4:41.94
88Alonso Sanchez Elias秘魯4:35.38TCG & Friends 20152015-07-11
4:42.43   4:20.46   4:43.24
89Andres Armando Montalvo Vera秘魯4:44.74II Open Arguedas 20142014-10-24
5:02.31   4:44.20   4:27.71
90Angelo Giovanni Licetti León秘魯4:47.43TCG Lima 20142014-09-06
4:45.16   4:37.56   4:59.57
91Pablo Nicolás Oshiro Mondoñedo秘魯4:48.52Val d'Aran Open 20242024-08-31
3:57.35   5:03.52   5:24.68
92Diego Ynoñan Nuñez秘魯5:00.72CCS 20182018-03-02
4:51.77   5:02.43   5:07.96
93Jose Abanto Ortiz秘魯5:12.18New Avge Open 20152015-01-31
5:20.13   4:55.28   5:21.12
94Bryan Celis Zapata秘魯7:20.60Nacional Perubik 20132013-04-05
9:03.88   6:21.53   6:36.40
95Giuseppe Vargas Mares秘魯8:52.99Cultural Open 20142014-02-07
8:56.99   9:36.99   8:04.99