

三阶    秘鲁    所有    单次
2700Juan Manuel Parra秘鲁33.81TCG Summer Arequipa 20232023-02-11
2702Geoff Uriel Chávez Vargas秘鲁33.84Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
2703Bryan Randy Santillan Aleman秘鲁33.86TCG & Friends 20152015-07-11
2704Medardo Curichimba秘鲁33.87Iquitos Cubing 20182018-11-03
2705Carlo Nicolás Quiroz Pineda秘鲁33.90Nacional Perubik 20162016-07-16
Carlos Sam Nieto Saire秘鲁33.90Peru Nationals 20192019-08-16
2707Antony Gutarra Loarte秘鲁33.91Palacio del Cubo 20132013-10-26
2708Fabrizzio Cayllahua秘鲁33.93A Romper Tu PB Lima 20202020-02-29
2709Lida Caja Egoavil秘鲁33.94FIGHT Peru 20182018-04-21
Erick Henry Tejada Rivera秘鲁33.94Copa Black Horse 20192019-06-01
Matías Luis Olazábal Aragón秘鲁33.94UNSA Speedcubing Pre-Nats 20232023-06-24
2712Kenji Almonte秘鲁33.9740th Anniversary 20142014-11-08
2713Jose Carlos Rodriguez Caro秘鲁33.98Speedsolving Pucallpa 20162016-02-06
Leonardo Jesús Ponze Bellido秘鲁33.98San Jose Cubing 20182018-03-10
2715Daniel Nicolas Porto Rochas秘鲁34.01Summer Kube Vila Velha 20202020-01-18
2716Jorge Luis Zambrano Alfaro秘鲁34.04Rubik Junin 20172017-08-20
2717Jessica Osorio Tizon秘鲁34.05Trujillo Happy New Year 20202020-02-22
2718Max Ordoñez秘鲁34.06TCG Welcome 20162016-03-19
Edu Uchofen Soto秘鲁34.06Los Reyes del Cubo Chiclayo 20242024-04-28
2720John Reinaldo Huaycho Sencia秘鲁34.09Cusco Speedcubing II 20192019-06-29
2721Leonidas Medina秘鲁34.11Aniversario Open 20122012-06-02
2722Javier Diaz Paredes秘鲁34.14FIGHT Peru 20182018-04-21
Thiago Gabriel Tapia Trinidad秘鲁34.14Open Plaza Huancayo 20232023-09-23
2724Annye Casimiro Camones秘鲁34.15Aniversario Eduardo Valdivia 20122012-11-18
Natallie Valles秘鲁34.15Speedsolving Pucallpa 20162016-02-06
2726Luhana Alaiz Morales Mejia秘鲁34.16Chiclayanos Independientes 20232023-07-08
2727Carlos Flores秘鲁34.18Aventura Cubica 20162016-01-23
2728Roberto Quispe Sucasaire秘鲁34.20TCG Deluxe 20192019-01-12
2729Gian Marcos Luis Marcial Valladares秘鲁34.22UNI-Rubik 20142014-06-20
2730Santiago Cerpa Moscoso秘鲁34.26UNSA Speedcubing 20162016-10-29
2731Jose Jhonatan Saldaña Terrones秘鲁34.27Crazy Cubes Summer 20172017-02-26
Adrian Murguía秘鲁34.27UNSA Speedcubing Verano 20242024-02-17
2733Christopher Lewis Pinedo Paredes秘鲁34.28Crazy Cubes Open 20172017-07-09
2734Adrian Antonio Jimenez Malca秘鲁34.29Jaén Mountain Cubes 20182018-10-13
Anderson Alberto Ventura Cueva秘鲁34.29El Norte Cubea Perú 20192019-11-09
2736Piero Jamir Espinoza Gomez秘鲁34.30II Open Arguedas 20142014-10-24
2737Ken Yonli Quispe Cardenas秘鲁34.34Todas las Sangres Andah 20242024-11-10
Ramiro Stefano De la Cruz Polanco秘鲁34.34PUCP Cubing Festival lll 20242024-11-02
Adiano Esteban Vásquez Riveros秘鲁34.34Blenkir Wanka Cube 20242024-06-08
2740Victor Masias秘鲁34.36Copa Black Horse 20192019-06-01
2741Adenilson Josué Alvarez Alvarez秘鲁34.41200 Perú 20242024-07-13
2742Juan Diego Aguilar Suni秘鲁34.42UNSA Speedcubing 20162016-10-29
2743Jorge Escobedo Zeballos秘鲁34.44TCG Fall 20192019-06-01
2744Daniel Raul Serrano Cahua秘鲁34.47Copa Black Horse 20192019-06-01
2745Paul Leonel Tinta Choque秘鲁34.52Mariano Melgar 20132013-10-04
2746Diego Abril秘鲁34.56CSP Fall 20122012-10-13
2747Sergio Venegas秘鲁34.58Arequipa Open 20112011-07-17
2748Juan Carlos Sánchez Salazar秘鲁34.59Peru Nationals 20242024-11-22
Sahid Santiago秘鲁34.59Huánuco al Cubo 20242024-08-18
2750Ivanna Salas Conde秘鲁34.64Pre-Nacionales Arequipa 20192019-08-10
2751Juan Fabricio Flores Ttito秘鲁34.68Speedsolving Junín 20182018-08-18
2752Said Zahid Flores Bejar秘鲁34.70Todas las Sangres Andah 20242024-11-10
Cesar Josue Martinez Quiroz秘鲁34.70America's School II Huaraz 20242024-07-13
2754Diego Gomez秘鲁34.71Real Cube 20222022-08-06
2755Nicolas Benjamin Franco Suarez秘鲁34.73TCG Power Up 20222022-12-03
2756Luis Francisco Ramos Carranza秘鲁34.74LatAm Tour - Lima 20172017-06-24
2757Danna Cruzado Campos秘鲁34.79Open PUCP Cubing Community 20242024-07-19
2758Akila Moreno秘鲁34.80Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10
2759Diego Leonel Huamán Mansilla秘鲁34.81Palacio del Cubo 20192019-11-16
Alexander Luis Sarmiento Gamarra秘鲁34.81America's School II Huaraz 20242024-07-13
2761Juan Evidio Julian Quispe秘鲁34.82Comas Speedsolving 20192019-09-28
Iker Luciano Bardales Albarran秘鲁34.82Plaza Center Cube Lima IV 20242024-03-02
2763Adriano Yamil Salvador Chuquirachi秘鲁34.83San Marcos Open 20232023-08-12
2764Carlos Lizama Ninamango秘鲁34.84Madrid Open 20092009-07-10
2765Amir Fedor De La Cruz Huaman秘鲁34.91Cusco Speedcubing 20232023-11-10
2766Jake Tello秘鲁34.92Back to the Palace 20142014-03-08
2767Paolo García Milla秘鲁34.93School Winter Lima 20222022-07-02
2768Miguel Abad Apaza Quispe秘鲁34.95Cusco Speedcubing 20232023-11-10
2769Diego Arturo Torres Ayala秘鲁35.02Plaza Center Cube Lima II 20232023-09-30
2770Juan Esteban Asencion Anchiraico秘鲁35.03Huancayo Summer 20232023-03-18
2771Nelfor Juvenal Urbina Quispe秘鲁35.06UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 20222022-11-12
2772Fabrizzio Lamfranco Córdova Zevallos秘鲁35.07Open PUCP 20242024-03-16
2773Thiago Alfredt Gavino Huaccho秘鲁35.09America's School II Huaraz 20242024-07-13
2774Italo Yuri Vidal Barranzuela秘鲁35.10PUCP Cubing Festival lll 20242024-11-02
2775Oliver Wilder Quispe Tipismana秘鲁35.12Torneo de Speedcubers 20162016-10-29
2776Matheo Hilario秘鲁35.15Speedcuber Peru I Lima 20232023-03-04
2777Irvin Yoel Cerna Galvez秘鲁35.16El Norte Cubea Perú 20192019-11-09
2778Elvis Mollo秘鲁35.18LatAm Tour - Arequipa 20172017-06-22
2779Leo Ortega Trigoso秘鲁35.22Manantial Cubing Pucallpa 20242024-12-07
2780Cristopher Santiago Sánchez Bejar秘鲁35.23UNSA Speedcubing Primavera 20232023-10-07
2781Bryan Alvaro Cansaya Calizaya秘鲁35.24Game Pro Tour 20162016-08-13
2782Anel Viviana Gonzales Torres秘鲁35.25Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10
2783Patrick Aarón Ramos Cooper秘鲁35.26Mariano Melgar Speedcubing 20182018-08-04
2784Benjamin Milla Quispe秘鲁35.28Lima Rubik 20162016-08-27
Ezio Gabriel Jara Rufasto秘鲁35.28San Marcos Open 20232023-08-12
Daniel Laurente Rivas秘鲁35.28Blenkir Wanka Cube 20242024-06-08
2787Carlos Portilla秘鲁35.29La Tienda Cubera Christmas 20192019-12-21
Dayiro Misael Trujillo秘鲁35.29Plaza Center Cube Lima I 20232023-09-16
2789Abel Arbaiza秘鲁35.36Mega Rubik 20152015-05-02
Leonardo Manuel Pérez Alvan秘鲁35.36TCG Summer Arequipa 20222022-02-26
2791Jose Enriquez Dominguez秘鲁35.37Speedsolving Pucallpa 20172017-02-18
Fabricio Marcelo Oswaldo Gonzáles Olivera秘鲁35.37Chiclayanos Independientes 20232023-07-08
Fabrizio Mendoza Yucra秘鲁35.37UNSA Speedcubing Otoño 20232023-04-15
Caleb Alegre Woodside秘鲁35.37Olympia Classic 20242024-05-05
2795Carlos Hernan Vargas Miranda秘鲁35.38Lima Rubik 20162016-08-27
2796Diego Jesus Flores Arana秘鲁35.40Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10
Gina Ortega Mays秘鲁35.40Comercio Rubik 20162016-12-10
2798Dilan Abdul Ramos Coaquira秘鲁35.41Cusco Speedcubing II 20192019-06-29
2799Angel Macedo Robles秘鲁35.45II Open Arguedas 20142014-10-24
Adriano Sergio Cahuata Chihuanhuaylla秘鲁35.45200 Perú 20242024-07-13