- Regulations
Completely carried out in accordance with the WCA game rules.
A1) speed twist reduction must follow the following process.
A1a) host team can add a time limit for each reduction or total time.
A1a1) restore the default time limit for 10 minutes each time, the host team can also declare a longer or a shorter time.
A1a2) host team also can use the total time limit (such as reduction of the cumulative time 3 times less than 20 minutes). The results of DNF reduction time is also included in the total time.
A1a3) each round of the time limit must be announced before the start of the wheel, and after the start should not be more changes, unless the WCA representative under the condition of carefully considered the factors such as fairness can be more time.
A1a4) players must be made within the time limit for reduction. If you haven't finished when players arrive in time reduction, the reduction of the referee will stop players directly and to know the result for the DNF. Exception: multiple blind screw reduction (see rule H1b1).
A1a5) depends on whether a reduction of more than time limit, the penalty time. Exception: multiple blind screw reduction (see rule H1b1).
A1b) if the realization of the reduction of more than 10 minutes at a time, need to stop watch for timing.
A1b1) with observation phase of the project must be based on the stop watch at the same time use Stackmat. For the other to observe phase of the project, if the player is expected to more than 10 minutes, do not force the use of Stackmat.
Of time available, A1b2) if the Stackmat timer, according to the record time. Otherwise in accordance with the stop watch record time.
A1c) to participate in a project of the contestants must know all project requirements (such as how to restore a rubik's cube). If a player holding the DNF mentality, WCA shall have the right to according to their own judgment to cancel his qualification of the project.
A2) upset:
Both A2a) when called upon to take part in a round, players will be his rubik's cube back to disturb, and then wait until he was called the player area to match.
A2b) disturb member according to the rules in the fourth chapter to disrupt rubik's cube.
A2c) disturb member began to upset after the rubik's cube, until the observation phase prior to the start of the players see rubik's cube is prohibited.
A2c1) disturb member can use the cover cover disruptions of rubik's cube, so that any players or the audience cannot see a rubik's cube. The lid cover rubik's cube until reduction.
A2d) from upset after taking over a rubik's cube, the referee can be rough look at the rubik's cube in order to ensure that it is full. The referee can disrupt part bring forward any doubt, the latter will be more careful check.
A2e), the referee will rubik's cube in any direction on the mat and ensure that it is completely hidden.
A2e1) player has no right to request a specific orientation, and banned the referee according to his own will influence towards the rubik's cube on the mat.
A3) observation:
A3a) player can be observed in each reduction before the start of a rubik's cube.
A3a1) players have up to 15 seconds to observe a rubik's cube and began to restore.
A3b) before the start of every time reduction, if needed, the referee should open the timer and reset. In addition, referees need to be ready to stop watch to record the observation time.
A3b1) when the referee thought is ready, he will ask "are you ready?" . Players must be finished in one minute after preparation, otherwise he will lose the chance to try (DNS), is decided by the referee.
A3b2) confirmed after the player is ready, the referee will remove obstructions, and start the stopwatch, which began to record the observation time.
A3c) player can be picked up a rubik's cube in the observation.
A3c1) player is not permitted in the observation rotating rubik's cube. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF).
A3c2) if some piece of rubik's cube is not aligned, players can be aligned with them, but only 10 f description within the limits of the rules.
A3c3) player can reset timer before he began to restore.
A3d) after complete observation, players will be a rubik's cube in any toward on the mat.
A3d1) rubik's cube is prohibited on the timer. Punishment: penalty time (+ 2 seconds).
A3d2) when the observation time reaches 8 seconds, the referee will say "8 seconds.
A3d3) when the observation time reaches 12 seconds, the referee will say "12 seconds.
A4) began to restore:
A4b) player put his hands in the timer induction area, finger down touch sensors. Punishment: penalty time (+ 2 seconds).
A4b1) players between watch over and began to restore and rubik's cube have physical contact is forbidden. Punishment: penalty time (+ 2 seconds).
A4d) if you use the Stackmat timing, players through the following process began to restore: confirm the timer lights turn green, then his hand from the diverse timer (i.e., start the timer).
A4d1) contestants must start within 15 seconds after began to observe reduction. Punishment: penalty time (+ 2 seconds).
A4d2) players must be observed after 17 seconds began to restore. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF).
A4d3) if you use a stop watch timing, the referee in players began to restore the stop watch.
A4e) reduction phase of the penalty time increments.
A5) reduction in:
A5a) in observing or restore a rubik's cube, player banned communicate with anyone except the referee. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF).
A5b) in observing or restore a rubik's cube, player banned from receiving any person or object of auxiliary, except the desktop (or see rule 2 I). Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF).
A6) end restore:
A6a) players through put down the rubik's cube and stop the timer to end reduction. At the same time the referee and table.
A6a1) if you use a stop watch as the only timings, players down by rubik's cube and referees to end restore, the referee according to the table and at the same time.
A6a2) if you use a stop watch as the only timing equipment, the default signal signal for players to put down a rubik's cube and palm down my hands on the table. Players and referees can consult with each other before reduction which signals the end of the signal.
Responsible for the right to stop Stackmat timer A6b) players.
A6b1) if the timer is stopped before the end of reduction and shows a strict is less than 0.06 seconds, then the reduction can replace with an additional reduction, unless WCA represent determine the timer is stopped on purpose.
A6b2) if the timer is stopped before the end of reduction and shows a greater than or equal to 0.06 seconds, then cancel the VAT qualification (DNF). Exception: if the player can prove that the timer fault happened, so he will get an additional reduction to replace, decided by a representative of the WCA.
A6c) players must be completely put down in front of the stop reduction rubik's cube. Punishment: penalty time (+ 2 seconds).
A6d) players must use both hands, palms down flat on the timer induction zone to stop the timer. Punishment: penalty time (+ 2 seconds).
A6e) before the referee observation rubik's cube, players can't touch or move the rubik's cube. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF). Exception: if you don't turn the rubik's cube, can replace with penalty time (+ 2), is decided by the referee.
A6f) before the referee will record to report card player banned reset timer. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF), determined by the referee.
A6g) to determine whether a rubik's cube is restored by the referee but the rubik's cube in check when he can't move or alignment.
A6h) if there is a dispute, the dispute before any move or aligned the rubik's cube is prohibited.
A6i) end reduction phase of the penalty time accumulation.
A7) record achievement:
A7a) referee tell players scores.
A7a1) if the referee found have been reduction rubik's cube, said "reduction".
A7a2) if the referee has made any punishment, said the "punishment".
A7a3) if the result is DNF, says "DNF".
The referee will record the report card A7b).
A7b1) if the punishment, the referee need records show that on the timer raw scores and all the punishment. Format should be "T + X + Y = F", where X said before reduction of punishment, T said timer display on time (original record time), Y said after reduction and reduction of punishment, F is the final grade. If X or Y is 0, 0 can be omitted (such as 2 + 17.65 + 2 = 21.65, 17.65 + 2 = 19.65).
A7c) referees and players must each sign the report card after checked results to confirm result correct, complete and conform to the specifications and clear legibility, the at the end of the attempt.
A7c1) if the player or the referee refused to sign the report card, WCA representatives must settle the dispute.
A7c2) players signed before the referee finally records is prohibited. If the players have not yet begun to restore or signature before the referee record progress (or make other mark), the reduction will be cancelled and grades for DNS.
A7f) when a contestant on the report card after all fill in, the referee will report delivered to the operator.
Single screw
C1) mainly follow the speed rules, see annex A twist (speed). And supplement of A speed twist rules different additional rules can be seen below.
C1b) in the process of reduction, players can only use one hand to touch the rubik's cube. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF).
C1b2) if there is a rubik's cube, and players choose to repair failure, he must use the one hand he is used to restore to repair. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF).
C1b3) in the event of a rubik's cube failure, some blocks under the player has no intention of short met with other parts of the body, it will not be considered a touch rubik's cube, is decided by the referee.
C1c) during reduction, once a player with a hand touched the rubik's cube, he can't use your other hand touch rubik's cube. Punishment: cancel the VAT qualification (DNF).
(the game the competition committee to have)
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