If you want to provide feedback and suggestions, feel free to contact the Cubing Administrator via admin@cubingchina.com.
If you would like to use our website to announce a speedcubing competition and generate a competition webpage or submit your organization team applications, please contact the Cubing Competition Team via competitions@cubing.com.
If you have questions regarding the World Cube Association, please contact the WCA Communication China team via wct-china@worldcubeassociation.org
If you have questions regarding specific competitions or regulations, please contact the Chinese WCA Delegates via wcadaibiao@gmail.com. Alternatively, one can get in touch with one of the delegates directly via the contact info below:
Baiqiang Dong | Quanzhou | qiyuuu@gmail.com |
Ming Zheng | Guangzhou | zmproof@gmail.com |
Fangyuan Chang | Beijing | yuanyuan.2328@qq.com |
Chen Kang | Xi'an | kangchen1022@gmail.com |
Donglei Li | Xi'an | 20003214@sina.com |
Chenxi Shan | Hefei | doveletter1991@gmail.com |
Baocheng Wu | Dongguan | baochengwu2014@gmail.com |
Jici Liu | Shenzhen | 1044243327@qq.com |
Hao Wang | Shenyang | wanghaotim@gmail.com |
Xinyu Chen | Hefei | chanhsinyu.ccc@gmail.com |