China Championship 2017 Application and New Online Application System is on!

2017-03-30 23:45 Ming Zheng

Taken place in 2015 in Guangzhou, the first ever China Rubik's Cube Championship successfully started Chinese national events in Chinese cubing community.

In the next year in Beijing, the Asian Rubik's Cube Championship 2016 opened a new page in the cubing history on the world with the most competitors.
Based on these two big events, we formed a China Champs organizing team. We would like to collaborate with organizers in different cities to continue our biggest national cubing events in more region year by year, to get more people have fun together!
Along with the new online system on application for cube competitions, we started the China Champs plan now, which includes,
1. public application (from Mar. 31 to Apr. 14), local organizers submit their application on Cubingchina's new system.
2. evaluation (from Apr. 15 to Apr. 20), WCA Delegates will review and evaluate the application, discussing with the organizers.
3. annoucement (late April), as the result is posted on Cubingchina, the final city and date for China Champs 2017 will be revealed.
4. preparatory work (from annoucing date to competition date), the China Champs team and the local organizing team will co-work for the annual national big event.
Then, let's have fun together in China Championship 2017. Happy cubing!