Hobart Winter 2024

Date: 2024-08-17
Location: Howrah, Tasmania, Australia
Links: Hobart Winter 2024
Winners Top 3 All Results By Person Scrambles
3x3x3 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Jode Brewster 6.10 8.00Australia
8.47      7.50      6.10      9.07      8.04
2Arisandra Soo 7.40 8.44Australia
9.95      8.74      7.86      7.40      8.73
3Trần Đăng Quang 9.60 10.09Vietnam
9.93      10.35     9.98      12.34     9.60
4Leeah Gard-Spaulding 9.56 10.41Australia
11.13     9.90      10.22     9.56      11.10
5Ethan Tenaglia 10.67 11.71Australia
11.13     11.41     13.81     12.59     10.67
6Alex Butera 10.69 12.75Australia
11.41     14.76     12.33     14.50     10.69
7Veer Liu Dogra 10.42 13.34Australia
12.99     10.42     DNF       15.94     11.08
8George Gross 11.96 13.41Australia
14.03     11.96     12.60     15.54     13.59
9Joey Cavanagh 11.19 13.90Australia
13.09     14.27     14.35     11.19     14.61
10Meg McGrath 13.71 15.07Australia
14.02     13.89     13.71     17.30     19.28
11Max Morton 15.16 17.18Australia
15.16     17.90     18.21     15.43     19.76
12Azariah Dickenson 17.46 18.13Australia
17.69     19.11     19.52     17.60     17.46
13Ari Xiang Soo 14.19 18.16Australia
14.19     18.05     16.83     19.59     21.29
14Eli Taylor 18.21 19.48Australia
18.62     20.44     19.39     22.92     18.21
15Oliver Clark 19.07 21.00Australia
20.32     23.62     19.07     22.71     19.96
16Anthony Rochester 15.55 21.11Australia
15.55     18.21     20.52     24.60     26.18
17Aathiththyan Vijayalayan 18.38 21.81Australia
20.46     18.38     30.45     22.17     22.79
18Duncan Anderson 23.16 25.08Australia
25.98     29.59     26.02     23.25     23.16
19Willow Deegan 20.56 25.32Australia
24.80     20.56     28.64     24.20     26.97
20Malachi Davis 20.71 25.45Australia
26.02     27.30     23.02     20.71     27.79
21Charlie Scott 20.45 26.45Australia
20.45     29.73     26.61     23.02     31.75
22Nick Agatyn 25.63 28.08Australia
34.68     27.70     26.03     25.63     30.50
23Michelle Brewster 27.11 28.69Australia
35.55     30.14     28.48     27.11     27.46
24Ezrah George 24.44 30.96Australia
33.37     31.03     31.12     30.74     24.44
25Oliver Johnston 28.71 31.07Australia
28.71     29.45     31.71     32.06     36.63
26Brad Deegan 26.19 33.09Australia
31.15     36.32     26.19     DNF       31.81
27Lachlan Tucker 33.98 39.23Australia
33.98     37.58     45.81     48.95     34.31
28Shane Buendia 46.82 48.99Australia
48.70     48.90     46.82     49.36     53.25
29Theodore Kachenko 41.32 50.45Australia
50.04     47.41     41.32     1:04.35   53.90
30Zimo Leo Tong 40.88 51.33Australia
48.09     59.96     40.88     45.94     1:01.01
31Maxwell Lang 43.75 51.36Australia
50.48     53.56     1:19.98   50.04     43.75
32Zack Harrison 47.65 52.02Australia
50.82     53.11     47.65     52.12     1:01.16
33Harriet Morton 52.38 54.16Australia
56.29     52.38     53.17     53.02     1:37.19
34Sin Hang Tiu 54.78 1:00.56Australia
1:44.69   1:05.83   56.50     54.78     59.35
35Carsten Bayles 56.22 1:10.03Australia
1:07.80   56.22     1:20.51   1:01.78   1:35.20
36Hudson Butler 1:19.76 1:31.14Australia
1:28.77   1:37.38   1:27.27   1:19.76   DNF
3x3x3 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Jode Brewster 5.22 6.57Australia
6.59      6.39      6.74      5.22      7.31
2Trần Đăng Quang 7.57 10.18Vietnam
10.67     10.85     9.03      11.66     7.57
3Ethan Tenaglia 9.49 10.36Australia
10.11     10.37     10.76     9.49      10.60
4Arisandra Soo 7.94 10.45Australia
7.94      DNF       9.55      12.17     9.63
5Leeah Gard-Spaulding 9.29 10.65Australia
10.86     9.29      10.13     10.96     12.26
6Joey Cavanagh 9.77 12.61Australia
11.15     15.14     11.55     9.77      DNF
7Alex Butera 10.60 12.74Australia
14.00     10.60     14.27     13.18     11.03
8George Gross 11.79 13.46Australia
12.53     13.99     16.36     11.79     13.86
9Meg McGrath 11.13 13.50Australia
15.61     14.74     14.19     11.58     11.13
10Veer Liu Dogra 10.58 14.30Australia
16.04     10.58     16.02     13.07     13.81
11Max Morton 14.09 16.04Australia
14.09     19.54     18.13     14.13     15.85
12Azariah Dickenson 18.25 18.75Australia
19.81     18.25     18.80     19.08     18.37
13Eli Taylor 18.29 19.23Australia
19.22     18.93     19.87     19.55     18.29
14Anthony Rochester 16.46 19.97Australia
22.69     19.88     16.46     19.68     20.34
15Oliver Clark 18.28 20.28Australia
21.48     20.10     19.25     18.28     31.24
16Ari Xiang Soo 18.95 20.35Australia
24.16     19.08     21.67     18.95     20.30
17Aathiththyan Vijayalayan 18.45 20.81Australia
23.46     20.37     DNF       18.59     18.45
18Willow Deegan 19.71 23.79Australia
23.14     25.81     23.92     19.71     24.32
19Malachi Davis 18.84 24.31Australia
21.39     28.41     26.43     18.84     25.12
20Duncan Anderson 22.08 27.20Australia
29.60     28.01     27.13     22.08     26.47
21Charlie Scott 22.36 27.43Australia
28.91     28.90     24.49     22.36     31.63
22Ezrah George 23.32 32.10Australia
30.64     23.32     33.54     39.19     32.13
23Michelle Brewster 27.77 32.95Australia
28.31     35.73     34.80     37.98     27.77
24Nick Agatyn 24.29 32.97Australia
24.29     29.59     DNF       38.36     30.97
2x2x2 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Jode Brewster 1.65 2.18Australia
1.91      1.66      2.97      5.80      1.65
2Alex Butera 1.03 2.36Australia
2.21      2.89      1.98      4.12      1.03
3Ethan Tenaglia 2.70 3.81Australia
4.01      2.70      4.33      5.46      3.10
4Leeah Gard-Spaulding 2.96 3.82Australia
4.14      3.89      3.60      3.98      2.96
5Arisandra Soo 3.47 3.93Australia
3.47      3.69      3.84      4.25      DNS
6Veer Liu Dogra 3.13 4.44Australia
3.29      4.98      5.04      3.13      7.70
7Trần Đăng Quang 3.53 4.70Vietnam
4.48      5.60      3.53      5.04      4.59
8Oliver Clark 3.07 4.93Australia
5.77      4.56      3.07      5.59      4.64
9Eli Taylor 4.84 5.20Australia
4.88      4.84      5.51      10.15     5.21
10George Gross 3.67 5.58Australia
4.56      6.56      3.67      9.34      5.63
11Joey Cavanagh 4.49 5.73Australia
DNF       5.36      4.49      6.49      5.35
12Max Morton 4.00 5.90Australia
6.01      5.75      4.00      8.23      5.94
13Anthony Rochester 5.49 6.26Australia
6.95      5.89      5.49      8.77      5.93
14Meg McGrath 5.44 6.42Australia
10.93     5.44      6.94      6.78      5.54
15Aathiththyan Vijayalayan 5.68 6.78Australia
6.15      7.42      5.68      6.78      11.01
16Willow Deegan 4.78 7.01Australia
6.71      10.57     4.78      6.60      7.72
17Duncan Anderson 5.62 7.61Australia
7.27      8.91      5.62      8.16      7.40
18Ari Xiang Soo 5.43 7.78Australia
7.94      5.43      9.48      9.57      5.91
19Charlie Scott 4.92 8.50Australia
8.91      6.51      4.92      10.08     10.18
20Nick Agatyn 8.05 8.59Australia
8.53      8.05      9.30      8.54      8.70
21Oliver Johnston 4.40 8.81Australia
8.55      11.29     10.58     4.40      7.29
22Azariah Dickenson 4.42 8.82Australia
9.90      8.91      7.66      11.80     4.42
23Ezrah George 6.13 9.91Australia
8.79      8.69      6.13      12.24     14.20
24Malachi Davis 6.11 10.19Australia
11.83     8.60      10.13     17.11     6.11
25Brad Deegan 8.98 10.48Australia
12.00     9.68      12.53     8.98      9.77
26Lachlan Tucker 6.07 10.87Australia
9.86      14.96     6.07      10.07     12.68
27Maxwell Lang 13.60 15.65Australia
14.98     21.34     13.60     14.90     17.07
28Carsten Bayles 7.78 16.09Australia
26.27     15.18     7.78      14.64     18.44
29Harriet Morton 7.34 16.45Australia
13.42     15.61     7.34      20.32     23.50
30Shane Buendia 10.25 16.83Australia
17.04     14.27     10.25     19.17     28.55
31Zimo Leo Tong 7.81 17.45Australia
17.44     17.40     7.81      17.51     23.77
32Theodore Kachenko 11.64 18.35Australia
15.40     20.32     19.34     11.64     23.34
33Michelle Brewster 9.14 18.68Australia
9.74      36.12     DNF       10.19     9.14
34Zack Harrison 9.63 22.35Australia
25.80     20.50     9.63      23.64     22.91
35Hudson Butler 16.11 45.49Australia
52.50     DNF       16.11     59.09     24.88
2x2x2 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Jode Brewster 1.19 2.10Australia
DNF       1.35      1.19      1.86      3.08
2Alex Butera 1.85 2.20Australia
5.47      2.27      2.06      1.85      2.28
3Leeah Gard-Spaulding 2.82 3.19Australia
3.44      3.16      2.97      2.82      7.42
4Ethan Tenaglia 2.97 3.21Australia
3.49      3.80      2.97      3.16      2.97
5Veer Liu Dogra 3.48 3.78Australia
3.98      3.59      3.76      4.94      3.48
6Eli Taylor 3.73 4.19Australia
3.98      4.18      4.42      5.85      3.73
7Joey Cavanagh 3.08 5.02Australia
3.08      5.38      4.69      4.99      7.04
8Trần Đăng Quang 2.79 5.17Vietnam
3.24      2.79      4.82      7.67      7.46
9Arisandra Soo 3.73 5.49Australia
5.96      8.76      3.73      6.43      4.08
10Max Morton 5.53 5.72Australia
5.70      5.87      5.90      5.53      5.60
11George Gross 4.08 5.75Australia
6.24      4.08      5.40      5.60      8.66
12Ari Xiang Soo 3.85 5.95Australia
5.25      6.88      3.85      6.26      6.34
13Meg McGrath 5.56 5.95Australia
5.79      5.90      6.71      6.15      5.56
14Oliver Clark 5.10 6.49Australia
5.10      11.04     5.67      5.65      8.14
15Anthony Rochester 4.42 6.58Australia
6.90      10.69     4.42      5.51      7.32
16Duncan Anderson 6.92 7.32Australia
7.76      8.54      6.95      6.92      7.26
17Charlie Scott 5.92 7.44Australia
6.83      5.92      7.56      7.92      12.12
18Azariah Dickenson 5.86 7.47Australia
8.23      7.15      7.04      8.59      5.86
19Nick Agatyn 6.38 8.19Australia
7.01      6.48      6.38      11.09     18.54
20Malachi Davis 7.31 8.30Australia
9.39      11.64     7.62      7.90      7.31
21Aathiththyan Vijayalayan 7.54 8.53Australia
9.33      7.54      7.98      11.21     8.27
22Oliver Johnston 5.25 9.66Australia
7.46      5.25      9.96      DNF       11.56
23Willow Deegan 6.92 10.09Australia
7.72      14.09     8.46      6.92      18.62
24Ezrah George 9.20 10.13Australia
10.44     13.21     9.20      9.99      9.97
3x3x3 Blindfolded    Final    Best of 3    
1Anthony Rochester 1:17.93 DNFAustralia
DNF       DNF       1:17.93
2Alex Butera 2:36.44 DNFAustralia
DNF       DNF       2:36.44
3Oliver Clark DNF DNFAustralia
DNF       DNF       DNS
3Joey Cavanagh DNF DNFAustralia
DNF       DNF       DNS
3Veer Liu Dogra DNF DNFAustralia
DNF       DNF       DNS
3Jode Brewster DNF DNFAustralia
DNF       DNF       DNF
Clock    Final    Average of 5    
1Alex Butera 3.15 4.23Australia
4.30      4.29      4.10      3.15      DNF
2Veer Liu Dogra 4.16 5.24Australia
4.31      4.16      5.72      DNF       5.69
3Jode Brewster 7.21 8.25Australia
10.93     8.88      7.21      8.11      7.77
4Ari Xiang Soo 10.49 11.54Australia
11.41     21.92     11.24     10.49     11.98
5Anthony Rochester 8.56 14.67Australia
8.56      15.40     DNF       17.20     11.42
6Nick Agatyn 14.92 17.19Australia
DNF       18.11     17.66     14.92     15.79
7George Gross 17.47 19.03Australia
DNF       18.55     19.87     17.47     18.66
8Leeah Gard-Spaulding 17.25 19.80Australia
DNF       21.55     19.80     18.05     17.25
9Brad Deegan 20.04 20.67Australia
21.37     20.04     20.11     20.54     26.69
10Eli Taylor 19.84 21.97Australia
23.04     20.71     19.84     22.15     23.75
11Oliver Clark 20.27 23.80Australia
25.18     24.15     23.35     20.27     23.89
12Willow Deegan 25.05 27.40Australia
28.07     25.05     27.64     26.48     35.25
13Malachi Davis 24.37 29.24Australia
31.49     26.49     DNF       29.73     24.37
14Arisandra Soo 12.64 DNFAustralia
DNF       21.02     14.69     DNF       12.64
15Meg McGrath DNF Australia
DNF       DNF
15Max Morton DNF Australia
DNF       DNF
Pyraminx    Final    Average of 5    
1Jode Brewster 3.89 4.24Australia
5.78      3.98      4.83      3.92      3.89
2Ari Xiang Soo 2.63 4.94Australia
5.22      5.93      2.63      4.89      4.71
3Veer Liu Dogra 1.88 5.23Australia
3.48      3.96      1.88      DNF       8.24
4Leeah Gard-Spaulding 4.16 6.01Australia
4.79      4.16      7.11      6.43      6.81
5Alex Butera 4.96 6.13Australia
5.65      6.19      4.96      6.54      9.61
6Eli Taylor 5.45 7.37Australia
7.71      7.22      5.45      7.18      7.99
7Max Morton 3.38 7.49Australia
6.92      8.91      3.38      7.05      8.50
8George Gross 6.69 7.74Australia
9.11      6.69      7.07      11.07     7.04
9Joey Cavanagh 4.92 8.59Australia
13.73     4.92      9.01      7.47      9.28
10Anthony Rochester 5.03 8.65Australia
7.49      9.94      5.03      11.17     8.51
11Willow Deegan 8.38 10.19Australia
10.32     14.76     8.38      9.98      10.28
12Trần Đăng Quang 6.46 10.21Vietnam
9.74      10.07     6.46      10.81     11.20
13Oliver Clark 5.97 10.23Australia
13.39     15.09     5.97      10.52     6.78
14Nick Agatyn 8.92 11.30Australia
9.26      11.37     13.76     8.92      13.26
15Ethan Tenaglia 8.18 11.79Australia
15.68     10.93     11.86     8.18      12.58
16Duncan Anderson 11.05 12.03Australia
15.02     11.05     12.20     11.78     12.11
17Azariah Dickenson 8.40 12.75Australia
8.40      15.65     12.38     10.21     18.56
18Arisandra Soo 10.12 13.79Australia
10.42     16.98     19.48     10.12     13.98
19Michelle Brewster 13.12 15.76Australia
18.16     16.23     13.12     14.80     16.25
20Charlie Scott 15.56 16.43Australia
16.09     15.56     16.77     16.44     16.75
21Maxwell Lang 12.76 17.30Australia
19.31     14.78     17.80     12.76     22.49
22Oliver Johnston 13.80 17.47Australia
21.43     15.08     15.90     13.80     21.65
23Ezrah George 13.66 17.74Australia
18.52     13.66     25.78     16.09     18.60
24Theodore Kachenko 14.75 18.13Australia
17.77     22.21     18.75     17.86     14.75
25Brad Deegan 16.81 18.39Australia
34.73     16.83     21.33     17.01     16.81
26Meg McGrath 13.10 18.71Australia
18.41     19.08     18.63     19.73     13.10
27Zack Harrison 14.95 20.94Australia
23.38     17.53     14.95     21.92     25.92
28Malachi Davis 8.93 22.10Australia
25.56     8.93      25.05     21.72     19.53
29Zimo Leo Tong 14.53 23.72Australia
22.87     20.15     14.53     28.14     DNF
30Poppy Davidson 13.75 24.23Australia
13.75     25.75     28.32     31.07     18.61
31Lachlan Tucker 19.82 29.97Australia
28.52     32.74     19.82     28.64     DNF
32Carsten Bayles 28.95 35.79Australia
39.41     28.95     33.01     51.34     34.96
33Hudson Butler 32.73 1:15.49Australia
1:43.11   DNF       32.73     1:19.48   43.89
Skewb    Final    Average of 5    
1Jode Brewster 3.12 4.39Australia
5.11      4.82      3.12      3.92      4.44
2Alex Butera 4.10 4.92Australia
4.59      8.04      4.10      5.04      5.14
3Leeah Gard-Spaulding 4.49 5.65Australia
6.99      7.39      4.49      4.95      5.02
4Veer Liu Dogra 4.92 6.78Australia
5.99      8.03      4.92      15.84     6.33
5Oliver Clark 6.42 9.89Australia
8.48      10.52     10.68     6.42      18.73
6Azariah Dickenson 8.71 10.28Australia
12.02     8.71      8.76      10.05     13.01
7Anthony Rochester 9.06 11.62Australia
11.66     13.66     9.06      11.54     11.66
8Ethan Tenaglia 9.62 11.65Australia
13.12     12.74     9.62      11.49     10.71
9Joey Cavanagh 8.29 12.35Australia
24.30     8.29      9.26      14.38     13.41
10Nick Agatyn 8.71 13.01Australia
12.69     8.71      13.51     12.82     25.28
11Max Morton 12.10 13.76Australia
15.15     12.10     12.73     13.82     14.72
12Duncan Anderson 10.22 14.26Australia
18.26     14.56     11.27     10.22     16.96
13Willow Deegan 11.15 14.31Australia
16.06     14.47     11.15     14.78     13.69
14Eli Taylor 10.79 14.41Australia
18.19     12.98     15.22     10.79     15.03
15Brad Deegan 9.13 15.61Australia
15.51     20.22     15.01     9.13      16.31
16Malachi Davis 14.90 16.05Australia
15.53     14.90     16.06     16.55     19.61
17Arisandra Soo 11.49 16.15Australia
15.15     21.95     11.49     17.94     15.37
18George Gross 14.85 18.42Australia
14.85     19.35     17.49     20.70     18.41
19Charlie Scott 16.02 23.22Australia
34.54     23.48     16.02     29.27     16.90
20Meg McGrath 20.36 23.58Australia
32.75     28.48     20.36     20.75     21.52
21Ari Xiang Soo 17.53 25.66Australia
21.23     17.53     36.20     46.15     19.55
22Lachlan Tucker 25.84 44.38Australia
55.03     47.51     30.59     DNF       25.84
3x3x3 Multi-Blind    Final    Best of 1    
1Anthony Rochester 16/21 52:15 Australia
16/21 52:15
2Jode Brewster 3/3 11:38 Australia
3/3 11:38
3Alex Butera 3/4 24:28 Australia
3/4 24:28
4Joey Cavanagh DNF Australia