Naoned Open 2010

Date: 2010-10-23~24
Location: Nantes, France
Links: Naoned Open 2010
Winners Top 3 All Results By Person Records
3x3x3 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 9.11 11.10France
9.11      13.02     10.25     13.00     10.05
2Benjamin Sintes 10.31 13.50France
15.63     12.61     12.83     10.31     15.05
3Thibaut Jacquinot 12.22 14.70France
15.68     14.05     14.78     12.22     15.28
4Philippe Virouleau 12.65 15.02France
12.65     16.31     17.47     12.90     15.84
5Anton Piau 12.96 15.04France
13.86     15.06     12.96     16.19     19.11
6Julien Rochette 12.28 15.17France
12.28     DNF       15.80     14.90     14.80
7Gaël Dusser 15.02 17.41France
17.52     17.18     15.02     18.21     17.53
8Valentin Doussin 16.25 17.75France
DNF       17.38     17.90     16.25     17.96
9Clément Gallet 16.80 17.95France
18.69     18.69     16.97     18.18     16.80
10Mario Laurent 15.53 18.04France
15.53     17.36     19.69     17.84     18.93
11Rémi Esturoune 16.53 18.22France
16.53     DNF       16.80     20.03     17.84
12Pierre Lemerle 15.44 18.29France
21.56     15.56     19.03     20.27     15.44
13Hippolyte Moreau 14.65 18.55France
19.46     14.65     18.88     17.31     20.34
14David Gibert 15.38 19.01France
26.66     16.77     16.69     23.58     15.38
15Olivier Stietel 17.90 19.10France
17.90     21.88     19.80     18.58     18.91
16Yoann Gauthier 17.31 19.48France
18.90     17.61     21.94     17.31     23.90
17Jérémy Soulier 17.38 20.61France
20.81     20.68     21.78     17.38     20.33
18Amaury Sechet 18.11 20.98France
22.40     20.93     18.11     23.46     19.61
19Guillaume Erbibou 16.68 22.39France
22.18     DNF       20.80     24.19     16.68
20Corentin Julliot 17.31 23.19France
25.08     20.75     17.31     25.53     23.75
21Quentin Dallison 20.06 23.42France
29.83     23.77     20.41     20.06     26.09
22Olivier Vermersch 18.90 23.68France
22.27     18.90     25.36     31.91     23.41
23Lina Tissier 20.38 24.07France
26.65     22.77     20.38     24.63     24.80
24Victor Cullot 19.15 24.56France
25.06     23.50     25.11     19.15     27.83
25Quentin Lefebvre 22.36 24.79France
24.08     25.08     22.36     25.22     29.71
26François Courtès 22.44 26.70France
24.80     26.90     DNF       28.40     22.44
27Thomas Mouhica 22.78 31.18France
37.65     22.78     31.30     32.36     29.88
28Raphaël Cauderlier 27.22 32.08France
31.06     34.16     31.02     43.81     27.22
29Brendan Guevel 33.11 35.17France
35.28     36.27     33.11     33.96     40.40
30Pauline Bonnaudet 33.13 38.80France
43.93     38.27     41.88     33.13     36.25
31Laure Dousset 38.06 40.83France
38.06     52.68     42.46     41.86     38.16
32Yohan Buteau 1:04.30 1:30.34France
1:08.61   2:18.00   1:04.30   1:04.40   DNF
33Claude Arsicaud 1:12.96 1:42.16France
1:12.96   1:22.83   1:23.27   2:20.38   DNF
3x3x3 Cube    Second round    Average of 5    
1Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 8.94NR 9.76France
10.28     9.19      8.94      10.46     9.80
2Julien Rochette 9.02 12.92France
9.02      13.03     12.30     DNF       13.43
3Thibaut Jacquinot 12.22 12.99France
13.59     13.00     12.38     13.63     12.22
4Benjamin Sintes 13.06 13.95France
13.18     13.06     15.84     13.75     14.93
5Anton Piau 12.55 14.12France
12.55     14.53     15.61     14.54     13.28
6Philippe Virouleau 14.53 15.58France
14.65     16.47     15.63     14.53     18.28
7Gaël Dusser 14.97 15.91France
17.25     16.22     16.00     15.52     14.97
8Pierre Lemerle 13.52 16.72France
15.72     16.90     17.53     13.52     19.18
9Mario Laurent 14.71 16.80France
14.71     16.03     17.50     16.88     DNF
10Olivier Stietel 16.52 17.50France
16.56     16.52     17.66     18.27     DNF
11Rémi Esturoune 16.27 17.80France
16.88     17.59     19.08     18.94     16.27
12Hippolyte Moreau 13.05 18.08France
21.06     13.05     22.03     16.81     16.36
13Jérémy Soulier 16.75 18.52France
18.27     18.43     22.41     16.75     18.86
14David Gibert 17.97 18.65France
18.18     17.97     21.66     18.66     19.11
15Clément Gallet 17.43 18.85France
20.44     17.43     17.97     31.19     18.15
16Yoann Gauthier 16.63 19.06France
22.68     16.63     21.25     16.83     19.11
17Guillaume Erbibou 15.50 21.24France
19.96     20.30     23.81     15.50     23.47
18Quentin Dallison 18.84 21.34France
23.11     DNF       21.27     19.65     18.84
19Corentin Julliot 18.68 21.84France
20.86     22.63     18.68     22.03     22.72
20Victor Cullot 19.30 21.92France
25.02     20.86     19.30     22.93     21.96
21Lina Tissier 20.56 24.11France
23.61     25.15     20.56     23.56     28.40
22Amaury Sechet 20.13 24.36France
20.36     24.02     30.13     28.71     20.13
23Olivier Vermersch 27.11 30.05France
36.15     27.30     29.18     27.11     33.66
24Valentin Doussin 23.88 43.33France
DNF       46.66     23.88     53.34     30.00
3x3x3 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 9.30 9.94France
9.97      10.63     9.30      9.34      10.52
2Benjamin Sintes 11.28 12.74France
12.18     13.59     15.03     12.44     11.28
3Anton Piau 12.09 13.37France
14.86     12.84     12.41     12.09     15.65
4Julien Rochette 11.40 13.41France
11.40     11.83     14.84     14.75     13.66
5Thibaut Jacquinot 9.96 13.59France
13.65     9.96      17.09     15.21     11.90
6Philippe Virouleau 13.30 14.42France
14.03     13.30     15.43     14.94     14.30
7Pierre Lemerle 11.53 15.27France
15.03     16.34     14.97     11.53     15.80
8Gaël Dusser 15.16 15.78France
16.90     15.16     15.69     15.55     16.11
9Hippolyte Moreau 14.03 16.75France
18.77     14.94     14.03     18.59     16.71
10Mario Laurent 15.36 16.94France
18.88     15.36     16.15     17.02     17.65
11Olivier Stietel 18.09 18.88France
18.30     20.15     18.80     19.53     18.09
12Rémi Esturoune 14.53 20.02France
18.25     14.53     22.63     22.80     19.19
2x2x2 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Philippe Virouleau 3.30 4.01France
4.13      4.53      3.30      3.66      4.25
2Benjamin Sintes 3.81 4.26France
4.59      4.66      4.19      3.81      4.00
3David Gibert 3.00 4.93France
6.46      5.69      5.80      3.31      3.00
4François Courtès 2.86 5.25France
5.56      5.36      5.78      2.86      4.84
5Anton Piau 2.97 5.29France
7.30      8.53      4.80      2.97      3.78
6Olivier Stietel 5.04 6.02France
5.04      6.46      6.56      5.56      6.03
7Yoann Gauthier 3.09 6.04France
6.47      6.25      3.09      5.40      15.66
8Thibaut Jacquinot 5.52 6.31France
8.81      5.52      5.52      7.13      6.27
9Hippolyte Moreau 5.80 6.33France
5.80      9.59      6.30      5.93      6.77
10Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 5.44 6.37France
6.30      6.47      6.33      7.25      5.44
11Rémi Esturoune 3.22 6.62France
4.96      8.52      7.43      3.22      7.46
12Quentin Dallison 5.36 6.78France
DNF       7.63      5.78      5.36      6.94
13Mario Laurent 5.77 7.07France
6.72      7.44      7.06      5.77      7.96
14Amaury Sechet 6.11 7.17France
6.11      11.13     6.80      7.03      7.69
15Valentin Doussin 4.38 7.32France
8.43      13.36     7.06      4.38      6.46
16Pierre Lemerle 4.34 7.84France
14.08     10.25     8.65      4.61      4.34
17Olivier Vermersch 6.91 8.17France
9.86      8.96      8.02      7.53      6.91
18Guillaume Erbibou 7.36 8.18France
7.36      7.97      DNF       8.53      8.05
19Thomas Mouhica 7.68 8.86France
9.84      13.22     8.55      8.18      7.68
20Quentin Lefebvre 5.69 8.91France
5.69      17.61     7.38      8.03      11.33
21Clément Gallet 8.71 9.70France
10.34     10.02     8.71      10.48     8.75
22Corentin Julliot 7.59 9.88France
10.13     10.08     7.59      11.97     9.43
23Victor Cullot 7.08 9.91France
DNF       11.93     7.83      7.08      9.97
24Pauline Bonnaudet 3.09 10.27France
11.28     12.31     9.44      3.09      10.09
25Jérémy Soulier 2.21 10.36France
9.81      13.71     12.61     2.21      8.65
26Raphaël Cauderlier 5.66 10.64France
13.68     13.59     12.16     5.66      6.16
27Brendan Guevel 8.83 13.30France
11.59     8.83      30.09     14.31     14.00
28Laure Dousset 6.55 25.27France
23.59     27.50     24.71     6.55      DNF
2x2x2 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Philippe Virouleau 3.66 4.17France
4.27      3.66      4.31      6.83      3.93
2Anton Piau 3.58 4.25France
3.97      3.58      4.27      4.52      5.21
3David Gibert 3.78 5.66France
3.78      4.11      5.77      9.09      7.11
4Benjamin Sintes 3.91 5.80France
4.72      10.05     3.91      6.15      6.52
5Olivier Stietel 5.03 6.20France
5.03      5.36      6.94      6.31      8.31
6François Courtès 6.16 6.82France
7.77      6.22      7.06      7.18      6.16
7Yoann Gauthier 6.31 7.38France
6.52      9.77      8.03      7.58      6.31
8Thibaut Jacquinot 4.00 7.48France
4.00      10.33     6.77      6.50      9.16
4x4x4 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Julien Rochette 46.65 51.08France
52.34     57.03     46.65     53.77     47.13
2Philippe Virouleau 53.00 59.83France
53.00     1:01.13   1:04.13   56.71     1:01.65
3Pierre Lemerle 55.90 1:00.79France
55.96     1:03.77   1:04.25   55.90     1:02.63
4Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 54.83 1:01.07France
1:14.84   58.73     54.83     58.28     1:06.19
5Benjamin Sintes 52.05 1:03.13France
DNF       52.05     1:06.53   1:04.72   58.13
6Anton Piau 1:01.88 1:07.15France
1:04.40   1:10.96   1:01.88   1:17.71   1:06.09
7Thibaut Jacquinot 58.65 1:11.53France
1:04.15   58.65     1:08.46   1:23.41   1:21.97
8Hippolyte Moreau 1:10.71 1:12.38France
1:11.22   1:10.71   1:13.80   1:21.25   1:12.13
9Rémi Esturoune 1:16.72 1:18.86France
1:19.68   1:16.72   1:18.59   1:33.47   1:18.30
10Clément Gallet 1:01.72 1:21.72France
1:01.72   1:26.46   1:18.93   1:31.47   1:19.77
11Valentin Doussin 1:10.43 1:23.26France
1:27.44   1:22.05   1:10.43   1:23.02   1:24.71
12Amaury Sechet 1:11.53 1:27.88France
1:23.25   1:11.53   1:35.38   1:25.00   1:36.94
13François Courtès 1:16.81 1:29.83France
1:35.43   1:30.58   1:31.97   1:26.93   1:16.81
14Mario Laurent 1:27.65 1:32.35France
1:44.65   1:33.06   1:29.11   1:27.65   1:34.88
15Olivier Vermersch 1:21.40 1:35.20France
1:21.40   1:48.91   1:36.96   1:30.46   1:38.19
16Quentin Lefebvre 1:13.15 1:38.86France
1:44.38   1:36.40   DNF       1:13.15   1:35.80
17David Gibert 1:16.31 1:39.99France
1:32.77   1:16.31   1:43.90   1:43.31   1:48.81
18Yoann Gauthier 1:34.88 1:41.67France
1:34.88   1:39.83   1:38.12   1:48.43   1:47.05
19Guillaume Erbibou 1:46.27 France
1:46.27   1:47.33
20Victor Cullot 1:59.78 France
1:59.78   2:07.30
21Jérémy Soulier 2:13.31 France
2:13.31   3:09.91
22Quentin Dallison 2:19.83 France
DNF       2:19.83
23Pauline Bonnaudet 2:34.16 France
3:01.03   2:34.16
4x4x4 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Julien Rochette 46.90 51.57France
49.83     46.90     DNF       52.59     52.28
2Philippe Virouleau 50.78 52.49France
51.49     50.78     54.94     58.84     51.03
3Anton Piau 54.97 1:02.26France
54.97     1:09.68   1:02.08   1:00.63   1:04.08
4Pierre Lemerle 58.69 1:03.41France
1:16.08   59.88     1:07.59   58.69     1:02.77
5Thibaut Jacquinot 59.72 1:03.68France
59.72     1:01.84   1:05.88   1:10.31   1:03.31
6Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 1:01.83 1:07.99France
1:01.83   1:12.03   1:09.90   1:02.05   1:22.65
7Hippolyte Moreau 59.93 1:10.69France
1:12.33   1:05.90   1:15.40   59.93     1:13.84
8Clément Gallet 1:05.15 1:12.14France
1:06.65   1:05.15   1:12.18   1:17.58   1:17.84
9Valentin Doussin 1:08.33 1:21.18France
1:23.36   1:20.94   1:08.33   1:21.80   1:20.81
10Rémi Esturoune 1:24.44 1:35.71France
DNF       1:24.44   1:35.68   1:31.30   1:40.16
11Amaury Sechet 1:20.41 1:36.44France
1:36.63   1:31.00   1:43.43   1:20.41   1:41.68
12Benjamin Sintes 51.59 DNFFrance
1:10.58   1:13.13   51.59     DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน)NR 1:16.96NR 1:23.76France
1:20.47   1:27.59   1:16.96   DNF       1:23.22
2Julien Rochette 1:24.75 1:29.34France
1:39.13   1:35.03   1:24.75   1:25.40   1:27.59
3Philippe Virouleau 1:28.09 1:37.16France
1:45.00   1:32.31   1:28.09   1:34.18   1:55.38
4Thibaut Jacquinot 1:45.69 1:58.79France
1:56.13   1:47.16   1:45.69   2:13.08   2:14.15
5Pierre Lemerle 2:00.40 2:06.68France
2:18.84   2:10.18   2:00.40   2:08.46   2:01.41
6Clément Gallet 2:11.16 2:19.57France
2:11.16   2:31.75   2:15.50   2:11.47   2:33.59
7Anton Piau 2:08.18 2:21.54France
2:24.75   2:22.50   2:08.18   2:27.36   2:17.36
8François Courtès 2:24.41 2:31.35France
2:24.41   2:39.09   2:35.97   2:32.69   2:25.38
9Hippolyte Moreau 2:24.65 2:42.89France
2:37.80   2:44.09   2:46.78   2:24.65   2:59.19
10Guillaume Erbibou 2:43.10 2:48.77France
2:52.27   2:43.10   2:47.34   2:46.71   3:25.50
11Olivier Vermersch 2:41.66 3:05.50France
2:41.66   3:12.18   3:10.88   3:08.55   2:57.06
12Benjamin Sintes 2:15.63 DNFFrance
2:59.58   2:41.68   2:15.63   DNS       DNS
13Rémi Esturoune 2:57.19 France
2:57.19   3:35.41
14David Gibert 3:12.25 France
3:21.56   3:12.25
15Valentin Doussin 3:15.40 France
3:31.15   3:15.40
16Corentin Julliot 3:34.33 France
3:34.33   3:47.88
6x6x6 Cube    Final    Mean of 3    
1Philippe Virouleau 3:31.71 3:47.08France
3:53.09   3:56.43   3:31.71
2Julien Rochette 3:27.58 3:53.20France
3:27.58   3:58.96   4:13.06
3Pierre Lemerle 3:48.00 4:24.63France
4:48.03   3:48.00   4:37.86
4Anton Piau 5:11.68 France
5François Courtès 5:23.83 France
6Olivier Vermersch 5:59.09 France
7Rémi Esturoune 6:23.83 France
8Hippolyte Moreau DNF France
8Quentin Dallison DNF France
7x7x7 Cube    Final    Mean of 3    
1Philippe VirouleauNR 4:52.61NR 5:05.89France
5:15.91   5:09.16   4:52.61
2Julien Rochette 4:53.03 5:07.43France
5:14.44   5:14.81   4:53.03
3Anton Piau 7:45.09 France
4François Courtès 7:49.02 France
5Pierre Lemerle 8:39.72 France
6Olivier Vermersch 11:10.00 France
7Rémi Esturoune 11:16.00 France
3x3x3 Blindfolded    First round    Best of 3    
1Hippolyte Moreau 1:53.90 DNFFrance
DNF       3:17.66   1:53.90
2Julien Rochette 2:10.00 DNFFrance
DNF       2:50.36   2:10.00
3François Courtès 2:15.97 DNFFrance
DNF       2:15.97   DNF
4Victor Cullot 2:16.06 DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       2:16.06
5Clément Gallet 2:30.66 3:00.04France
3:18.55   2:30.66   3:10.91
6Jérémy Soulier 3:23.94 DNFFrance
DNF       3:53.03   3:23.94
7Guillaume Erbibou 3:32.46 DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       3:32.46
8Pierre Lemerle 3:36.90 DNFFrance
4:18.40   3:36.90   DNF
9Anton Piau 4:16.11 DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       4:16.11
10Amaury Sechet DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
10Brendan Guevel DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
10Mario Laurent DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
10Quentin Dallison DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
10Quentin Lefebvre DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
10Rémi Esturoune DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
10Yoann Gauthier DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded    Final    Best of 3    
1François Courtès 1:46.11 DNFFrance
1:49.28   DNF       1:46.11
2Hippolyte Moreau 1:47.22 DNFFrance
1:47.22   DNF       1:52.03
3Victor Cullot 1:50.90 DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       1:50.90
4Julien Rochette 2:29.66 DNFFrance
DNF       2:29.66   2:33.00
5Jérémy Soulier 2:34.61 DNFFrance
3:06.13   DNF       2:34.61
6Clément Gallet 2:47.86 3:20.66France
2:47.86   3:49.97   3:24.16
7Pierre Lemerle 4:20.88 DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       4:20.88
8Anton Piau 4:24.72 DNFFrance
4:24.72   DNF       DNF
9Guillaume Erbibou DNF DNFFrance
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves    Final    Best of 1    
1Clément Gallet 37 France
1Mario Laurent 37 France
3Hippolyte Moreau 38 France
4François Courtès 39 France
4Pierre Lemerle 39 France
6Jérémy Soulier 40 France
7Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 41 France
8Olivier Vermersch 42 France
9Quentin Lefebvre 43 France
10Philippe Virouleau 44 France
11David Gibert 46 France
12Quentin Dallison 49 France
13Antoine Perdereau DNF France
13Anton Piau DNF France
13Benjamin Sintes DNF France
13Olivier Stietel DNF France
13Rémi Esturoune DNF France
13Thibaut Jacquinot DNF France
3x3x3 One-Handed    First round    Average of 5    
1Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 17.11NR 18.85France
22.43     19.25     17.11     19.44     17.86
2Thibaut Jacquinot 20.53 22.16France
22.25     25.30     20.91     23.33     20.53
3Julien Rochette 23.31 28.73France
23.31     DNF       31.33     25.97     28.90
4Anton Piau 24.59 29.04France
24.59     32.11     33.77     30.00     25.02
5Jérémy Soulier 25.00 31.66France
37.80     28.50     25.00     29.33     37.15
6Benjamin Sintes 28.44 31.97France
30.90     28.44     38.13     30.34     34.68
7Clément Gallet 33.97 34.81France
34.31     33.97     35.02     35.91     35.09
8Olivier Stietel 26.88 34.96France
35.59     36.31     32.97     50.44     26.88
9Mario Laurent 37.08 37.69France
37.86     37.13     44.66     37.08     38.08
10Rémi Esturoune 31.03 38.26France
35.00     40.65     31.03     40.33     39.44
11Corentin Julliot 36.66 39.36France
39.30     38.34     40.44     36.66     46.11
12Hippolyte Moreau 32.33 39.88France
38.68     46.80     42.33     38.63     32.33
13Pierre Lemerle 40.66 43.15France
43.84     41.18     44.44     40.66     50.81
14Yoann Gauthier 39.90 43.99France
42.44     42.96     47.59     39.90     46.56
15Gaël Dusser 28.38 DNFFrance
28.72     31.27     DNF       28.38     DNF
16Quentin Lefebvre 45.40 France
45.40     49.77
17François Courtès 47.50 France
47.50     56.66
18Quentin Dallison 56.47 France
56.47     DNF
19Olivier Vermersch 1:09.52 France
1:14.40   1:09.52
20Thomas Mouhica 1:22.08 France
1:35.75   1:22.08
21David Gibert 1:23.63 France
1:23.63   1:30.93
3x3x3 One-Handed    Final    Average of 5    
1Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 15.84 18.98France
21.15     15.84     16.46     21.80     19.33
2Thibaut Jacquinot 16.03 20.60France
16.03     24.47     18.69     18.65     24.80
3Julien Rochette 22.69 27.56France
25.69     DNF       22.69     24.41     32.58
4Anton Piau 27.21 28.37France
27.21     28.72     27.80     28.58     29.21
5Benjamin Sintes 23.53 29.96France
23.53     35.11     27.86     26.90     35.81
6Jérémy Soulier 24.16 30.53France
27.83     31.00     34.63     32.77     24.16
7Clément Gallet 31.13 35.20France
31.13     34.93     36.55     34.13     43.71
8Olivier Stietel 32.59 35.57France
36.43     36.46     42.02     32.59     33.81
Clock    Final    Average of 5    
1Gaël Dusser 8.05NR 9.10France
9.77      8.33      9.21      8.05      10.02
2Hippolyte Moreau 10.56 12.14France
10.56     12.94     20.19     11.25     12.22
3Antoine Perdereau 12.25 14.42France
15.02     15.34     12.90     16.59     12.25
4Philippe Virouleau 13.65 15.84France
13.65     16.94     16.56     14.63     16.33
5Clément Gallet 13.34 15.91France
18.00     13.34     DNF       13.91     15.83
6François Courtès 19.06 19.77France
19.84     19.30     20.59     20.18     19.06
7Quentin Lefebvre 16.16 20.06France
18.43     21.11     20.65     DNF       16.16
8Anton Piau 17.58 22.70France
19.63     24.00     17.58     24.47     29.11
9Rémi Esturoune 24.22 France
24.22     DNF
10Olivier Vermersch 25.94 France
31.44     25.94
11Raphaël Cauderlier 30.68 France
35.58     30.68
12Valentin Doussin 1:17.59 France
DNF       1:17.59
Megaminx    Final    Average of 5    
1Philippe Virouleau 1:17.30 1:24.50France
1:28.38   1:18.44   1:30.40   1:17.30   1:26.69
2Hippolyte Moreau 1:27.40 1:49.61France
1:42.93   1:27.40   DNF       2:09.58   1:36.31
3François Courtès 2:09.27 2:15.40France
2:14.41   2:21.77   2:09.27   2:10.02   2:22.97
4Rémi Esturoune 2:08.43 2:24.79France
2:40.77   2:18.13   2:33.09   2:23.15   2:08.43
5Yoann Gauthier 2:42.97 2:58.88France
3:01.38   2:42.97   2:59.61   2:55.65   3:03.61
6Quentin Dallison 3:04.08 France
3:12.40   3:04.08
7Anton Piau 3:50.18 France
3:50.18   4:05.30
8Valentin Doussin DNF France
DNF       DNS
Pyraminx    First round    Average of 5    
1Valentin Doussin 5.03 6.05France
5.03      6.30      7.43      5.08      6.77
2Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 5.91 8.23France
6.78      10.40     8.50      9.40      5.91
3Hippolyte Moreau 6.91 8.40France
9.09      6.91      7.40      8.72      13.03
4Rémi Esturoune 8.83 9.73France
10.21     10.11     8.88      10.21     8.83
5Benjamin Sintes 10.63 11.54France
DNF       11.41     11.83     11.38     10.63
6Quentin Lefebvre 6.53 11.58France
10.34     6.53      13.78     10.63     15.02
7Anton Piau 7.61 13.03France
7.61      11.61     20.05     19.72     7.77
8Victor Cullot 10.61 13.08France
13.05     15.03     14.80     11.40     10.61
9Philippe Virouleau 7.59 13.72France
7.59      16.55     17.34     15.38     9.22
10David Gibert 11.90 13.76France
11.90     DNF       12.46     13.88     14.94
11François Courtès 11.22 14.04France
23.91     12.58     13.34     11.22     16.21
12Amaury Sechet 11.55 14.07France
11.55     15.63     15.58     12.96     13.68
13Corentin Julliot 12.05 15.59France
18.94     19.16     14.05     13.78     12.05
14Yoann Gauthier 12.55 15.79France
17.86     18.69     16.05     12.55     13.46
15Jérémy Soulier 10.83 17.57France
14.15     20.72     17.83     31.56     10.83
16Olivier Stietel 10.40 17.84France
11.90     17.88     23.75     DNF       10.40
17Quentin Dallison 14.08 17.92France
14.08     16.06     22.28     15.43     32.50
18Olivier Vermersch 12.05 20.43France
12.05     12.46     19.11     44.03     29.72
19Raphaël Cauderlier 29.61 33.20France
36.83     29.61     31.72     31.05     51.50
Pyraminx    Final    Average of 5    
1Valentin Doussin 4.52NR 4.66France
4.56      4.58      4.52      4.83      5.13
2Kanneti Sae Han (คันธ์เนตี แซ่ห่าน) 5.30 6.99France
5.30      5.59      10.34     9.71      5.68
3Hippolyte Moreau 7.72 9.48France
8.78      8.97      10.68     20.71     7.72
4Rémi Esturoune 8.53 10.31France
13.81     8.53      9.75      10.90     10.27
5Benjamin Sintes 7.69 11.16France
10.36     10.93     15.97     12.18     7.69
Square-1    First round    Average of 5    
1Anton Piau 13.25NR 17.69France
18.80     15.68     28.96     18.59     13.25
2Philippe Virouleau 19.72 24.15France
37.13     25.38     20.56     19.72     26.50
3François Courtès 21.50 26.81France
21.50     25.30     25.59     29.53     44.36
4Olivier Stietel 23.28 32.00France
25.41     36.19     36.08     34.50     23.28
5Rémi Esturoune 36.28 43.65France
46.83     36.28     54.94     39.56     44.57
6Amaury Sechet 41.31 46.38France
41.31     46.94     55.15     48.03     44.18
7Clément Gallet 40.86 1:02.62France
1:03.86   40.86     41.13     1:24.43   1:22.86
8Hippolyte Moreau 48.72 France
51.61     48.72
9Guillaume Erbibou 49.40 France
1:08.15   49.40
10Corentin Julliot 52.00 France
1:11.84   52.00
11Valentin Doussin 1:29.86 France
1:29.86   1:49.80
12Quentin Dallison 2:22.47 France
2:22.47   3:39.61
Square-1    Final    Average of 5    
1Anton PiauNR 12.75NR 15.92France
17.27     14.65     12.75     15.83     DNF
2François Courtès 20.83 24.79France
20.83     23.36     28.52     22.50     33.19
3Philippe Virouleau 23.06 25.53France
25.77     23.43     27.40     23.06     42.16
4Olivier Stietel 29.25 38.80France
49.94     36.03     41.50     29.25     38.88
5Rémi Esturoune 35.97 48.37France
35.97     47.27     52.16     56.66     45.68
4x4x4 Blindfolded    Final    Best of 1    
1François Courtès DNF France
1Hippolyte Moreau DNF France
1Victor Cullot DNF France
5x5x5 Blindfolded    Final    Best of 1    
1François Courtès DNF France
3x3x3 Multi-Blind    Final    Best of 1    
1François CourtèsNR 5/5 30:18 France
5/5 30:18
2Clément Gallet 2/2 10:49 France
2/2 10:49
3Victor Cullot 1/2 7:50 France
1/2 7:50
4Pierre Lemerle 1/2 13:54 France
1/2 13:54
5Guillaume Erbibou DNF France
5Hippolyte Moreau DNF France
5Rémi Esturoune DNF France
5Yoann Gauthier DNF France
5Jérémy Soulier DNF France
3x3x3 With Feet    Final    Mean of 3    
1Hippolyte Moreau 2:24.05NR 2:45.57France
2:58.03   2:54.63   2:24.05
2Pierre Lemerle 5:53.74 France
3François Courtès 7:01.30 France
4Anton Piau 7:05.88 France
5Rémi Esturoune 7:10.28 France
6Olivier Vermersch DNF France
Magic    Final    Average of 5    
1Guillaume Erbibou 1.50 1.69France
1.50      1.61      2.02      1.53      1.94
2Quentin Lefebvre 1.05 1.80France
1.15      3.09      1.05      DNF       1.16
3Rémi Esturoune 1.52 1.81France
2.18      1.66      2.65      1.59      1.52
4Anton Piau 1.66 1.90France
2.16      1.66      2.22      1.78      1.75
5Laura Petitjean 1.44 1.94France
2.72      1.72      1.58      2.53      1.44
6Olivier Stietel 2.05 2.35France
2.41      2.47      3.50      2.05      2.16
7Valentin Doussin 2.63 2.71France
4.13      2.63      2.66      2.71      2.77
8Hippolyte Moreau 1.68 2.75France
2.47      4.53      1.75      1.68      4.03
9Raphaël Cauderlier 1.86 3.02France
5.28      3.06      1.86      2.05      3.96
10Pierre Lemerle 1.34 3.51France
3.84      2.43      1.34      DNF       4.27
11Olivier Vermersch 2.50 3.53France
3.97      3.59      3.02      5.08      2.50
12Quentin Dallison 1.27 3.88France
7.65      5.80      3.97      1.88      1.27
13Clément Gallet 2.59 3.95France
5.59      3.55      2.59      2.71      DNF
Master Magic    Final    Average of 5    
1Quentin LefebvreNR 1.97 2.56France
3.09      1.97      2.31      2.27      DNF
2Clément Gallet 3.88 5.19France
3.88      4.34      4.13      DNF       7.09
3Rémi Esturoune 4.91 5.75France
13.00     4.91      5.02      5.31      6.93
4Quentin Dallison 4.36 6.78France
4.36      7.63      6.81      5.91      10.16
5Anton Piau 5.22 7.49France
5.22      6.16      7.97      14.19     8.33
6Valentin Doussin 14.44 18.83France
22.05     38.66     18.00     16.43     14.44
7Hippolyte Moreau 10.15 45.83France
31.41     1:28.55   DNF       17.52     10.15