Schnelle Solves Siegen 2024

Date: 2024-09-21~22
Location: Siegen, Germany
Links: Schnelle Solves Siegen 2024
Winners Top 3 All Results By Person Records Scrambles
3x3x3 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Oliver Fritz 7.10 7.79Germany
8.56      7.91      7.18      8.29      7.10
2Magnus Lensch 7.08 7.94Germany
7.27      7.08      9.77      7.85      8.69
3Imanuel Leonid Müller 7.40 8.07Germany
8.12      8.27      7.83      11.66     7.40
4Justus Leander Cramer 7.38 8.82Germany
11.02     13.87     7.82      7.38      7.63
5Noah Kraft 8.66 8.87Germany
8.86      10.23     8.91      8.83      8.66
6Marco Vorländer 7.12 9.27Germany
8.85      7.12      8.81      10.15     10.75
7George Dinescu 8.59 10.01Romania
8.59      10.88     12.98     10.24     8.92
8Yash Budhiraja 8.78 10.28India
13.88     9.80      10.40     10.65     8.78
9Felix Christian Schmidt 8.70 10.36Germany
10.98     8.70      11.12     12.10     8.98
10Javid Nabizade 8.40 10.45Azerbaijan
10.56     10.38     10.42     8.40      12.62
11Sebastian Werb 9.03 10.50Germany
10.96     9.03      11.35     9.18      12.94
12Jens Haber 9.52 10.69Germany
11.34     9.52      9.75      11.61     10.99
13József Katona 10.22 11.63Hungary
13.77     10.22     10.88     10.72     13.29
14Vihan Katre 10.43 12.08India
13.26     12.84     12.84     10.43     10.57
15Len Valentin Cramer 9.95 12.22Germany
13.79     15.33     11.10     9.95      11.76
16Billy Minchin 10.04 12.25Germany
13.92     10.04     12.71     11.45     12.60
17Ricardo Olea Catalán 9.35 12.34Germany
11.39     9.35      13.62     13.73     12.00
18Fritz Gerling 10.23 12.48Germany
12.40     13.01     13.83     10.23     12.04
19Luis Neugebauer 11.15 13.97Germany
11.15     16.81     13.96     13.88     14.06
20Sasha Al-nouri 13.20 14.26Canada
13.89     13.20     14.12     15.64     14.77
21Achim Spies 11.89 14.56Germany
15.07     17.35     11.89     14.74     13.86
22Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 13.33 14.83Ukraine
13.33     15.06     17.01     13.88     15.56
23Selim Soysal 10.51 14.87Germany
15.04     10.51     15.67     13.91     17.99
24Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 11.16 15.17Ukraine
15.48     11.16     15.06     14.96     16.78
25Linus Blümel 13.91 15.71Germany
15.26     15.95     15.91     16.02     13.91
26Emil Jenz 13.57 15.90Germany
15.59     14.90     13.57     17.21     18.64
27Liah Sen Gupta 16.04 17.24Germany
23.70     16.04     19.29     16.16     16.26
28Till Thure Deggau 13.93 17.51Germany
16.33     DNF       13.93     20.41     15.79
29Oliver Matušica 15.63 18.04Slovakia
19.06     15.63     18.52     18.14     17.45
30Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 17.00 18.07Ukraine
17.00     17.89     17.89     18.44     23.50
31Kevin Mezker 18.71 19.01Germany
18.73     18.71     22.92     18.89     19.40
32Lukas Rütten 17.86 19.82Germany
26.59     18.54     20.25     17.86     20.66
33Athanasios Alexandrou 16.90 20.12Greece
20.48     19.40     16.90     20.86     20.48
34Ayaan Chaudhary 17.57 20.23India
20.76     22.53     18.63     17.57     21.30
35Benedikt Rothbrust 18.45 20.40Germany
21.50     20.44     23.70     18.45     19.26
36Joaquín Forti Amador 20.28 22.31Argentina
23.48     21.08     22.37     23.75     20.28
37Noah Preston Barkley 21.73 23.02Germany
23.07     21.73     31.69     23.01     22.99
38Jaron Erik Switek 17.78 23.29Germany
20.47     20.75     28.65     17.78     29.70
39Kaya Markulla 20.80 23.60Germany
24.64     23.27     23.89     23.64     20.80
40Linus Mathes 21.33 25.82Germany
31.06     26.92     21.33     24.47     26.08
41Johannes Ruppert 22.90 27.90Germany
27.52     22.90     29.88     26.29     30.55
42Yasin Cetin 28.44 31.98Germany
DNF       35.36     30.78     29.80     28.44
43Kai Hayas 31.82 37.39Germany
35.89     35.20     41.09     31.82     44.97
44Vincent Junker 36.72 39.34Germany
42.57     42.40     37.76     37.85     36.72
45Stefanie Scholl 34.86 39.37Germany
42.55     34.86     39.55     39.13     39.42
46Maximilian Muschack 31.22 41.69Germany
47.59     42.24     54.80     35.25     31.22
47Andreas Grope 36.39 41.76Germany
36.57     51.79     36.92     DNF       36.39
48Ralf Baumbach 37.24 44.08Germany
42.78     56.41     48.47     37.24     40.99
49Alwine Gerling 39.88 49.44Germany
50.70     53.03     44.60     39.88     1:01.34
50Oliver Lin 42.18 52.21China
52.57     47.53     42.18     56.53     1:02.58
51Oleksii Konyshev (Олексій Конишев) 47.40 58.10Ukraine
1:36.32   54.38     51.09     1:08.82   47.40
52Kahn Hayas 59.54 1:06.40Germany
1:11.52   1:04.60   59.54     1:25.03   1:03.08
3x3x3 Cube    Second round    Average of 5    
1Justus Leander Cramer 6.89 7.50Germany
7.43      6.89      8.25      7.68      7.38
2George Dinescu 7.49 7.66Romania
7.49      7.55      7.75      7.69      12.13
3Magnus Lensch 7.18 7.76Germany
7.64      13.37     7.18      8.00      7.64
4Oliver Fritz 7.49 7.92Germany
8.98      7.49      8.30      7.64      7.81
5Imanuel Leonid Müller 6.80 8.01Germany
7.50      11.42     6.80      7.67      8.85
6Noah Kraft 7.04 8.65Germany
7.04      8.25      8.79      8.92      9.01
7Sebastian Werb 8.51 8.76Germany
8.51      8.93      10.22     8.62      8.72
8Marco Vorländer 9.43 10.32Germany
11.98     9.91      10.42     10.63     9.43
9Yash Budhiraja 8.52 10.52India
DNF       8.52      10.56     10.06     10.94
10Jens Haber 9.84 10.63Germany
9.84      11.28     10.18     10.44     11.28
11Javid Nabizade 10.34 10.78Azerbaijan
10.34     10.85     DNF       10.36     11.12
12Felix Christian Schmidt 9.67 10.89Germany
12.21     11.20     10.26     11.20     9.67
13Luis Neugebauer 10.34 11.62Germany
13.63     12.36     11.48     11.03     10.34
14Vihan Katre 10.39 11.91India
10.39     12.17     12.91     10.65     15.29
15Ricardo Olea Catalán 10.53 12.09Germany
13.73     13.83     10.53     11.48     11.05
16József Katona 10.17 12.10Hungary
12.67     13.14     15.93     10.48     10.17
17Billy Minchin 10.63 12.65Germany
13.52     13.04     17.63     11.39     10.63
18Emil Jenz 11.55 13.47Germany
13.75     13.99     17.45     11.55     12.66
19Sasha Al-nouri 11.77 13.69Canada
12.36     14.81     13.89     17.51     11.77
20Len Valentin Cramer 11.88 13.80Germany
14.24     12.79     11.88     14.36     14.71
21Selim Soysal 13.24 14.03Germany
13.61     14.83     14.90     13.64     13.24
22Achim Spies 12.52 14.17Germany
15.58     14.58     12.52     13.36     14.56
23Fritz Gerling 11.23 14.55Germany
21.55     15.29     14.75     13.60     11.23
24Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 12.60 14.56Ukraine
14.56     12.60     16.11     21.92     13.00
25Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 11.05 14.64Ukraine
DNF       15.23     15.88     11.05     12.82
26Linus Blümel 12.23 16.83Germany
17.79     16.13     12.23     17.97     16.56
27Till Thure Deggau 15.39 17.85Germany
19.16     17.69     18.35     15.39     17.51
28Kevin Mezker 15.35 18.73Germany
15.35     16.99     24.31     19.34     19.85
29Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 13.11 18.85Ukraine
17.65     21.00     20.61     18.30     13.11
30Athanasios Alexandrou 15.27 19.43Greece
25.52     20.19     21.43     16.68     15.27
31Liah Sen Gupta 18.32 19.76Germany
19.46     22.42     21.04     18.78     18.32
32Ayaan Chaudhary 16.22 20.98India
21.23     25.29     22.37     19.34     16.22
33Lukas Rütten 14.59 21.08Germany
29.54     27.92     14.59     19.98     15.34
34Jaron Erik Switek 19.40 21.13Germany
19.88     21.84     21.67     22.17     19.40
35Oliver Matušica 18.59 22.04Slovakia
22.52     21.97     18.59     21.62     26.80
36Kaya Markulla 20.37 23.74Germany
23.48     24.91     27.48     22.84     20.37
37Benedikt Rothbrust 19.13 24.00Germany
25.45     19.13     22.76     23.78     26.22
38Noah Preston Barkley 21.01 25.78Germany
27.52     21.01     24.61     28.42     25.22
39Joaquín Forti Amador 24.54 26.98Argentina
24.54     26.32     27.96     26.65     30.57
3x3x3 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Imanuel Leonid Müller 5.67 7.21Germany
7.62      16.44     6.07      5.67      7.93
2Magnus Lensch 7.45 8.39Germany
8.76      8.07      7.45      8.34      12.81
3Oliver Fritz 7.35 8.63Germany
7.77      8.60      12.34     9.53      7.35
4George Dinescu 7.00 8.97Romania
11.03     7.81      9.75      7.00      9.34
5Marco Vorländer 8.19 9.03Germany
10.76     8.91      8.19      9.35      8.82
6Noah Kraft 8.12 9.11Germany
10.96     9.44      9.20      8.12      8.69
7Justus Leander Cramer 6.43 9.38Germany
9.04      8.86      11.10     6.43      10.25
8Sebastian Werb 8.02 9.42Germany
9.00      10.42     8.02      11.22     8.85
9Yash Budhiraja 7.77 10.22India
12.50     12.33     8.75      7.77      9.59
10Felix Christian Schmidt 8.98 10.24Germany
9.66      10.41     8.98      10.66     11.75
11Javid Nabizade 8.76 10.39Azerbaijan
11.32     9.83      12.02     8.76      10.02
12Ricardo Olea Catalán 9.10 10.53Germany
12.04     9.10      13.92     9.32      10.23
13József Katona 9.99 10.56Hungary
13.16     10.38     10.21     11.10     9.99
14Jens Haber 8.60 10.76Germany
9.62      11.12     13.79     8.60      11.55
15Len Valentin Cramer 8.69 10.84Germany
13.79     10.45     8.69      10.94     11.12
16Luis Neugebauer 9.63 11.20Germany
10.97     11.58     11.06     9.63      14.12
17Fritz Gerling 9.68 12.28Germany
12.61     9.68      12.97     11.25     14.08
18Sasha Al-nouri 11.60 12.93Canada
15.82     11.60     12.23     13.55     13.02
19Emil Jenz 11.61 13.09Germany
13.44     13.11     16.58     12.73     11.61
20Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 10.27 13.20Ukraine
12.76     DNF       13.65     10.27     13.20
21Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 12.94 13.72Ukraine
14.65     14.72     12.94     13.35     13.15
22Vihan Katre 11.98 13.81India
13.94     14.29     11.98     13.20     15.26
23Billy Minchin 12.14 14.10Germany
12.54     15.11     14.66     12.14     15.41
24Till Thure Deggau 12.26 14.12Germany
18.06     12.43     14.71     12.26     15.22
25Selim Soysal 12.83 14.86Germany
12.83     17.04     13.64     15.75     15.20
26Linus Blümel 14.95 16.16Germany
14.95     16.75     19.43     16.12     15.62
27Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 17.51 19.33Ukraine
18.83     21.35     17.51     21.93     17.82
28Kevin Mezker 18.53 19.50Germany
19.13     18.53     23.36     19.59     19.79
29Athanasios Alexandrou 15.94 22.53Greece
20.00     22.21     15.94     25.37     DNF
4x4x4 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Imanuel Leonid Müller 29.60 32.37Germany
33.06     31.07     36.85     29.60     32.99
2Oliver Fritz 26.76 33.13Germany
26.76     35.91     33.77     39.35     29.70
3Sebastian Werb 29.55 33.32Germany
30.96     33.19     35.81     29.55     36.00
4Magnus Lensch 30.73 35.02Germany
35.39     34.88     30.73     34.80     38.12
5Marco Vorländer 33.04 35.57Germany
38.28     41.51     34.43     33.99     33.04
6Yash Budhiraja 33.95 35.89India
33.95     36.98     41.26     35.57     35.11
7Noah Kraft 34.52 36.97Germany
35.76     37.25     41.79     34.52     37.91
8Justus Leander Cramer 32.69 39.37Germany
45.52     39.64     41.54     32.69     36.92
9Javid Nabizade 37.54 39.48Azerbaijan
40.91     39.11     37.54     38.43     46.36
10József Katona 38.62 43.80Hungary
49.13     44.42     45.71     41.28     38.62
11Felix Christian Schmidt 41.96 44.88Germany
46.67     DNF       41.96     42.58     45.38
12Achim Spies 37.08 44.92Germany
44.68     48.71     37.08     41.38     57.25
13Ricardo Olea Catalán 41.98 45.61Germany
45.50     53.00     41.98     45.50     45.84
14Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 49.25 55.56Ukraine
52.38     59.36     1:06.44   49.25     54.95
15Fritz Gerling 49.87 57.42Germany
56.19     1:11.04   49.87     54.87     1:01.20
16Emil Jenz 48.33 57.94Germany
48.33     57.04     59.74     1:02.86   57.04
17Luis Neugebauer 53.26 58.75Germany
56.39     1:02.41   1:05.42   53.26     57.44
18Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 54.78 1:00.78Ukraine
59.51     1:00.24   1:04.12   54.78     1:02.59
19Sasha Al-nouri 49.53 1:02.34Canada
59.75     1:06.67   49.53     1:05.23   1:02.05
20Till Thure Deggau 49.70 1:04.53Germany
49.70     1:03.73   1:05.68   1:08.45   1:04.18
21Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 1:12.88 1:24.23Ukraine
1:32.90   1:16.69   1:12.88   1:29.77   1:26.22
22Jaron Erik Switek 1:15.79 1:25.88Germany
1:16.27   1:15.79   2:30.41   1:20.80   1:40.58
23Linus Blümel 1:16.96 1:27.12Germany
1:26.04   1:16.96   1:23.72   1:51.89   1:31.60
24Selim Soysal 1:20.13 1:27.91Germany
1:24.22   1:28.94   1:30.57   1:20.13   1:31.61
25Kevin Mezker 1:24.35 1:29.61Germany
1:30.80   1:24.35   1:31.81   2:32.83   1:26.23
26Johanna Thesing 1:13.64 1:44.76Germany
2:18.25   1:24.96   1:13.64   2:29.25   1:31.08
27Benedikt Rothbrust 1:32.38 Germany
1:32.38   2:00.78
28Oliver Matušica 1:50.40 Slovakia
1:50.40   2:14.33
29Linus Mathes 1:59.19 Germany
2:20.54   1:59.19
30Ralf Baumbach 2:15.85 Germany
DNF       2:15.85
31Kaya Markulla 2:24.15 Germany
3:13.76   2:24.15
32Vincent Junker 2:37.76 Germany
3:45.53   2:37.76
33Oleksii Konyshev (Олексій Конишев) 3:45.39 Ukraine
3:53.72   3:45.39
4x4x4 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Oliver Fritz 27.40 29.56Germany
30.71     29.75     27.40     29.68     29.25
2Imanuel Leonid Müller 29.63 33.86Germany
33.64     39.84     36.68     29.63     31.27
3Sebastian Werb 31.61 34.05Germany
36.72     34.16     32.53     31.61     35.47
4Magnus Lensch 29.75 35.62Germany
29.75     36.97     49.31     36.61     33.29
5Justus Leander Cramer 31.81 37.47Germany
47.66     34.69     38.16     39.56     31.81
6Javid Nabizade 34.12 37.56Azerbaijan
34.12     37.29     37.68     40.19     37.72
7Marco Vorländer 34.06 37.94Germany
36.29     34.06     40.16     39.93     37.61
8Yash Budhiraja 30.83 38.23India
30.83     40.08     38.24     36.36     43.88
9Noah Kraft 37.25 39.12Germany
41.16     37.27     41.88     38.94     37.25
10Felix Christian Schmidt 40.59 41.87Germany
43.01     DNF       40.59     40.99     41.62
11Ricardo Olea Catalán 39.16 43.81Germany
44.01     45.07     42.35     39.16     48.91
12József Katona 44.19 45.55Hungary
47.09     44.19     50.54     45.35     44.21
13Achim Spies 45.16 47.19Germany
47.92     47.88     45.76     45.16     51.08
14Emil Jenz 47.41 50.03Germany
1:05.73   50.38     47.45     52.26     47.41
15Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 52.91 56.43Ukraine
52.91     1:02.12   1:03.88   53.43     53.73
16Fritz Gerling 52.71 59.90Germany
1:05.94   52.71     54.76     58.99     1:11.22
5x5x5 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Oliver Fritz 53.27 59.38Germany
54.40     57.99     53.27     1:05.75   1:09.61
2Marco Vorländer 55.49 1:01.16Germany
1:03.89   57.71     1:05.49   1:01.89   55.49
3Magnus Lensch 59.28 1:04.28Germany
1:06.77   1:05.72   1:01.92   59.28     1:05.21
4Sebastian Werb 1:04.20 1:09.34Germany
1:05.74   1:08.89   1:04.20   1:15.27   1:13.38
5Yash Budhiraja 1:07.05 1:09.86India
1:07.05   1:15.41   1:10.86   1:09.78   1:08.94
6Natan Suslowicz 1:04.50 1:11.77Poland
1:09.92   1:19.58   1:04.50   1:14.32   1:11.08
7Noah Kraft 1:11.59 1:14.78Germany
1:13.81   1:11.59   1:15.76   1:14.76   1:17.47
8Javid Nabizade 1:09.28 1:15.95Azerbaijan
1:12.86   1:13.49   1:09.28   1:25.75   1:21.51
9Ricardo Olea Catalán 1:12.00 1:18.97Germany
1:17.01   1:35.64   1:25.13   1:14.77   1:12.00
10Jan Bentlage 1:16.90 1:20.02Germany
1:16.90   1:20.66   1:22.16   1:17.25   1:23.59
11Felix Christian Schmidt 1:20.63 1:22.49Germany
1:20.63   1:23.50   1:21.26   1:32.62   1:22.72
12Justus Leander Cramer 1:17.57 1:35.13Germany
1:27.69   1:57.63   1:38.06   1:17.57   1:39.65
13Emil Jenz 1:42.90 1:44.44Germany
1:44.32   1:45.17   1:42.90   1:43.82   1:46.88
14Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 1:40.00 1:50.92Ukraine
1:40.00   DNF       2:00.21   1:44.04   1:48.50
15Till Thure Deggau 1:53.89 1:59.07Germany
1:53.89   2:00.40   1:58.79   1:58.02   2:02.06
16Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 1:53.61 2:00.16Ukraine
1:53.86   1:53.61   2:10.08   1:56.55   2:13.44
17Sasha Al-nouri 1:48.29 2:04.00Canada
2:04.96   1:50.91   1:48.29   2:16.12   2:17.59
18Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 2:03.02 2:19.26Ukraine
2:03.02   2:17.93   2:19.33   2:36.32   2:20.53
19Andreas Rieder 2:14.15 2:23.47Germany
2:14.50   2:28.02   2:14.15   2:29.76   2:27.89
20Fabian Max 2:40.90 Germany
3:36.30   2:40.90
21Selim Soysal 2:50.52 Germany
3:12.90   2:50.52
22Linus Mathes 2:59.05 Germany
3:25.12   2:59.05
23Benedikt Rothbrust 3:28.57 Germany
3:39.47   3:28.57
24Vincent Junker 4:52.64 Germany
5:07.12   4:52.64
5x5x5 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Oliver Fritz 52.04 55.31Germany
52.04     52.10     1:02.55   57.57     56.27
2Marco Vorländer 51.58 58.41Germany
57.54     58.48     59.21     1:08.23   51.58
3Magnus Lensch 58.12 1:02.08Germany
58.12     1:03.86   1:07.45   59.37     1:03.01
4Yash Budhiraja 1:01.15 1:06.44India
1:01.15   1:05.58   1:10.80   1:02.94   DNF
5Sebastian Werb 1:04.81 1:07.88Germany
1:08.55   1:07.88   1:07.21   1:10.96   1:04.81
6Javid Nabizade 1:08.02 1:13.00Azerbaijan
1:19.54   1:09.43   1:12.93   1:08.02   1:16.63
7Ricardo Olea Catalán 1:06.89 1:13.35Germany
1:12.67   1:12.30   1:15.07   1:06.89   1:21.60
8Natan Suslowicz 1:04.02 1:14.18Poland
1:04.02   1:21.39   1:21.40   1:10.88   1:10.28
9Noah Kraft 1:03.27 1:14.77Germany
1:15.37   1:13.90   1:18.10   1:15.04   1:03.27
10Felix Christian Schmidt 1:12.41 1:15.31Germany
1:14.38   1:36.29   1:12.41   1:16.87   1:14.69
11Jan Bentlage 1:13.02 1:18.51Germany
1:22.42   1:15.06   1:13.02   1:18.05   1:25.50
12Justus Leander Cramer 1:24.65 1:28.17Germany
1:29.37   1:27.60   1:35.25   1:27.55   1:24.65
13Emil Jenz 1:38.62 1:46.96Germany
1:54.35   1:57.24   1:38.62   1:43.39   1:43.15
14Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 1:41.05 1:49.47Ukraine
1:45.41   1:46.59   1:58.38   1:41.05   1:56.40
15Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 1:44.51 1:56.78Ukraine
1:59.81   1:44.51   2:02.22   1:49.71   2:00.83
16Till Thure Deggau 1:55.98 1:59.72Germany
1:56.76   2:09.68   2:02.50   1:55.98   1:59.90
6x6x6 Cube    First round    Mean of 3    
1Marco Vorländer 1:28.04 1:47.38Germany
1:54.63   1:59.46   1:28.04
2Oliver Fritz 1:47.55 1:54.05Germany
1:47.55   1:56.50   1:58.10
3Noah Kraft 2:03.71 2:09.12Germany
2:03.71   2:07.71   2:15.95
4Yash Budhiraja 2:01.33 2:09.90India
2:21.26   2:07.12   2:01.33
5Natan Suslowicz 2:04.54 2:10.35Poland
2:12.90   2:04.54   2:13.60
6Magnus Lensch 2:03.19 2:17.95Germany
2:33.97   2:03.19   2:16.68
7Ricardo Olea Catalán 2:17.10 2:26.91Germany
2:17.10   2:20.12   2:43.50
8Jan Bentlage 2:30.92 2:36.26Germany
2:43.34   2:34.53   2:30.92
9Javid Nabizade 2:27.50 2:38.32Azerbaijan
2:43.26   2:44.20   2:27.50
10Felix Christian Schmidt 2:25.46 2:40.85Germany
2:48.64   2:25.46   2:48.45
11Justus Leander Cramer 3:01.87 3:08.27Germany
3:01.87   3:15.34   3:07.60
12Emil Jenz 3:16.18 3:22.72Germany
3:20.15   3:31.82   3:16.18
13Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 3:17.69 3:35.14Ukraine
3:55.79   3:31.95   3:17.69
14Sasha Al-nouri 4:12.94 4:44.52Canada
4:12.94   4:47.02   5:13.60
15Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 5:02.88 5:26.46Ukraine
5:14.90   6:01.60   5:02.88
16Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 3:24.94 DNFUkraine
3:24.94   DNF       3:31.80
17Andreas Rieder 7:36.54 Germany
6x6x6 Cube    Final    Mean of 3    
1Oliver Fritz 1:41.07 1:44.51Germany
1:51.23   1:41.07   1:41.23
2Marco Vorländer 1:45.36 1:46.83Germany
1:45.36   1:49.61   1:45.52
3Magnus Lensch 1:55.81 2:12.12Germany
2:43.40   1:55.81   1:57.15
4Noah Kraft 2:05.36 2:14.32Germany
2:22.23   2:15.37   2:05.36
5Ricardo Olea Catalán 2:07.67 2:15.96Germany
2:07.67   2:21.05   2:19.17
6Natan Suslowicz 2:07.40 2:18.17Poland
2:36.59   2:07.40   2:10.52
7Javid Nabizade 2:20.26 2:27.93Azerbaijan
2:30.55   2:32.99   2:20.26
8Jan Bentlage 2:32.49 2:33.26Germany
2:32.49   2:33.14   2:34.16
9Felix Christian Schmidt 2:45.64 2:55.19Germany
2:54.09   3:05.83   2:45.64
10Justus Leander Cramer 3:01.52 3:11.46Germany
3:15.13   3:17.74   3:01.52
11Emil Jenz 3:15.69 3:30.62Germany
3:15.69   3:18.88   3:57.30
12Yash Budhiraja 2:08.01 DNFIndia
2:08.01   2:25.53   DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded    First round    Best of 3    
1Jens Haber 20.20 DNFGermany
DNF       29.68     20.20
2Oliver Fritz 30.90 DNFGermany
DNF       DNF       30.90
3Noah Kraft 32.10 DNFGermany
32.10     DNF       DNF
4Magnus Lensch 39.18 DNFGermany
DNF       39.18     DNF
5Jan Bentlage 51.30 57.74Germany
51.30     1:01.07   1:00.84
6Hannes Müller 1:03.00 1:09.86Germany
1:22.48   1:03.00   1:04.09
7Sebastian Werb 1:10.84 DNFGermany
DNF       1:18.79   1:10.84
8Felix Christian Schmidt 1:37.75 DNFGermany
1:37.75   2:08.95   DNF
9Ricardo Olea Catalán 4:25.60 DNFGermany
4:29.05   DNF       4:25.60
10Sasha Al-nouri 6:37.58 DNFCanada
6:37.58   DNF       DNS
11Natan Suslowicz DNF DNFPoland
DNF       DNF       DNF
11Yash Budhiraja DNF DNFIndia
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Blindfolded    Final    Best of 3    
1Jens Haber 18.66 DNFGermany
19.86     DNF       18.66
2Noah Kraft 23.08 DNFGermany
23.08     DNF       28.53
3Oliver Fritz 25.40 42.73Germany
25.40     1:04.05   38.75
4Jan Bentlage 1:19.23 DNFGermany
1:19.23   DNF       DNF
5Hannes Müller 1:20.87 DNFGermany
DNF       DNF       1:20.87
6Sebastian Werb 1:24.83 1:40.81Germany
1:24.83   1:30.34   2:07.27
7Felix Christian Schmidt 1:40.60 DNFGermany
DNF       1:40.60   1:49.32
8Magnus Lensch DNF DNFGermany
DNF       DNF       DNF
8Ricardo Olea Catalán DNF DNFGermany
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed    First round    Average of 5    
1Magnus Lensch 9.07 10.98Germany
10.79     DNF       9.07      10.09     12.05
2Oliver Fritz 11.04 12.93Germany
13.27     13.54     11.04     13.79     11.97
3Imanuel Leonid Müller 11.94 14.28Germany
11.94     13.17     15.37     14.29     15.73
4Noah Kraft 13.53 15.12Germany
13.53     16.36     14.46     17.47     14.53
5Yash Budhiraja 14.35 15.66India
15.24     15.94     14.35     15.80     17.83
6Marco Vorländer 13.94 16.33Germany
18.06     13.94     14.32     17.04     17.62
7Sebastian Werb 15.47 16.69Germany
18.22     16.10     15.96     15.47     18.02
8Javid Nabizade 14.30NR 16.82Azerbaijan
16.38     14.30     16.57     19.93     17.50
9Ricardo Olea Catalán 16.33 19.31Germany
24.74     16.33     19.51     19.16     19.26
10Felix Christian Schmidt 16.56 19.89Germany
20.23     18.57     16.56     26.58     20.87
11Justus Leander Cramer 16.26 20.03Germany
29.15     16.26     18.74     20.65     20.70
12George Dinescu 20.95 23.04Romania
24.20     20.95     21.15     27.93     23.78
13József Katona 22.41 24.32Hungary
27.20     23.93     24.02     22.41     25.01
14Luis Neugebauer 22.08 25.26Germany
25.81     22.08     24.58     28.48     25.39
15Emil Jenz 26.32 29.37Germany
33.91     28.42     27.73     31.96     26.32
16Linus Blümel 22.62 29.91Germany
29.47     22.62     33.13     27.14     DNF
17Till Thure Deggau 21.86 31.31Germany
43.89     21.86     30.40     32.91     30.63
18Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 21.52 32.36Ukraine
34.98     21.52     31.09     DNF       31.01
19Fritz Gerling 28.10 34.30Germany
DNF       36.12     32.37     34.40     28.10
20Achim Spies 32.43 36.98Germany
52.01     33.67     41.72     32.43     35.55
21Vihan Katre 30.71 37.97India
35.46     39.95     40.37     30.71     38.51
22Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 31.48 38.28Ukraine
35.24     37.31     52.90     42.28     31.48
23Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 39.54 41.66Ukraine
43.03     42.01     40.76     42.22     39.54
24Selim Soysal 41.84 45.18Germany
42.25     1:00.12   45.14     48.16     41.84
25Len Valentin Cramer 33.72 46.91Germany
49.37     40.78     33.72     50.57     DNF
26Sasha Al-nouri 41.71 56.48Canada
41.71     59.16     55.78     1:16.33   54.50
27Ayaan Chaudhary 45.69 India
57.84     45.69
28Kaya Markulla 50.70 Germany
51.90     50.70
29Oliver Matušica 58.84 Slovakia
58.84     1:16.89
30Jaron Erik Switek 1:08.21 Germany
1:34.28   1:08.21
31Lukas Rütten 1:33.63 Germany
1:33.63   1:49.69
32Yasin Cetin 1:57.36 Germany
DNF       1:57.36
3x3x3 One-Handed    Final    Average of 5    
1Magnus Lensch 9.22 9.98Germany
12.00     10.43     9.22      9.50      10.02
2Oliver Fritz 10.12 11.41Germany
10.74     11.60     11.90     10.12     12.42
3Imanuel Leonid Müller 12.04 14.60Germany
18.46     13.73     12.04     15.57     14.50
4Noah Kraft 13.97 14.85Germany
24.39     14.49     13.97     14.22     15.84
5Yash Budhiraja 11.37 15.16India
16.90     12.88     11.37     15.70     22.36
6Sebastian Werb 12.91 15.28Germany
16.60     15.10     19.16     14.14     12.91
7Marco Vorländer 14.96 16.48Germany
16.31     14.96     15.52     17.62     19.90
8Javid Nabizade 15.72 17.69Azerbaijan
19.57     17.31     19.36     16.40     15.72
9Felix Christian Schmidt 16.63 19.13Germany
16.63     18.13     23.72     20.72     18.55
10Justus Leander Cramer 17.33 20.33Germany
17.33     20.68     22.22     24.95     18.10
11Ricardo Olea Catalán 16.27 22.50Germany
16.27     18.25     24.99     24.26     25.57
12George Dinescu 19.39 22.57Romania
29.95     19.39     23.87     22.33     21.51
13József Katona 19.82 23.21Hungary
22.85     19.82     25.61     21.17     29.04
14Luis Neugebauer 23.19 24.02Germany
26.31     24.41     23.19     24.44     23.21
15Emil Jenz 20.95 26.82Germany
20.95     28.33     27.19     29.31     24.93
16Linus Blümel 22.42 27.38Germany
22.42     31.88     27.71     26.74     27.69
Clock    First round    Average of 5    
1Natan Suslowicz 4.37 5.68Poland
5.27      8.59      4.37      5.45      6.32
2Magnus Lensch 4.88 6.57Germany
5.80      DNF       8.41      4.88      5.49
3Oliver Fritz 5.75 6.93Germany
DNF       6.94      5.75      7.30      6.56
4Jan Bentlage 5.53 6.94Germany
5.53      8.14      DNF       6.09      6.60
5Noah Kraft 6.60 8.20Germany
7.65      8.80      8.15      9.28      6.60
6Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 7.96 9.21Ukraine
10.67     9.35      8.04      10.25     7.96
7Yash Budhiraja 7.83 9.24India
9.21      9.39      9.11      9.62      7.83
8Felix Christian Schmidt 8.12 9.55Germany
DNF       10.50     8.12      8.34      9.81
9Justus Leander Cramer 8.47 9.61Germany
9.90      8.47      10.00     DNF       8.92
10Linus Blümel 8.27 10.05Germany
9.43      9.84      8.27      DNF       10.89
11Emil Jenz 8.87 10.11Germany
DNF       9.71      10.91     9.70      8.87
12Javid NabizadeNR 9.72NR 10.24Azerbaijan
9.72      10.97     12.26     9.90      9.85
13Hannes Müller 9.02 10.41Germany
9.69      26.77     11.53     9.02      10.00
14Ricardo Olea Catalán 11.25 12.16Germany
DNF       13.31     11.25     11.86     11.32
15Till Thure Deggau 11.18 13.39Germany
11.18     14.38     12.50     13.28     14.64
16Linus Mathes 14.10 16.12Germany
DNF       15.26     17.62     14.10     15.48
17Len Valentin Cramer 14.41 16.22Germany
16.18     14.44     14.41     18.05     DNF
18Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 15.01 17.41Ukraine
19.82     15.01     DNF       17.02     15.39
19Benedikt Rothbrust 22.13 Germany
22.13     DNF
20Sasha Al-nouri 23.16 Canada
31.41     23.16
21Fabian Max 26.07 Germany
26.07     DNF
22Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 30.89 Ukraine
40.08     30.89
23Vincent Junker DNF Germany
DNF       DNS
23Selim Soysal DNF Germany
DNF       DNF
Clock    Second round    Average of 5    
1Magnus Lensch 3.22 4.25Germany
4.69      4.68      7.32      3.37      3.22
2Oliver Fritz 5.26 5.84Germany
6.12      5.96      5.43      5.26      7.05
3Natan Suslowicz 3.06 5.92Poland
6.10      5.40      3.06      7.82      6.25
4Noah Kraft 6.87 8.59Germany
8.37      8.61      6.87      8.79      8.93
5Justus Leander Cramer 8.41 8.98Germany
8.58      8.41      8.41      DNF       9.96
6Felix Christian Schmidt 8.18 9.32Germany
10.41     8.18      8.73      9.52      9.71
7Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 7.40 9.46Ukraine
9.03      7.40      10.92     8.44      DNF
8Jan Bentlage 5.87 9.65Germany
6.92      15.82     6.43      5.87      15.59
9Yash Budhiraja 9.30 10.15India
11.88     9.30      10.39     9.60      10.45
10Linus Blümel 8.42 10.44Germany
11.47     DNF       10.32     8.42      9.52
11Till Thure Deggau 10.64 11.65Germany
14.42     10.77     10.64     12.34     11.85
12Emil Jenz 10.34 12.07Germany
10.75     DNF       12.61     10.34     12.84
13Javid Nabizade 11.29 13.03Azerbaijan
11.29     15.16     11.74     DNF       12.19
14Ricardo Olea Catalán 11.55 13.36Germany
15.68     11.55     14.44     12.56     13.08
15Linus Mathes 15.36 17.55Germany
15.36     22.74     15.63     16.70     20.31
16Len Valentin Cramer 16.71 18.94Germany
DNF       20.60     16.71     17.62     18.60
Clock    Final    Average of 5    
1Magnus Lensch 4.16 5.58Germany
6.72      5.08      6.67      4.98      4.16
2Natan Suslowicz 4.71 5.75Poland
6.01      DNF       4.71      5.19      6.06
3Jan Bentlage 5.72 6.39Germany
6.31      6.48      5.72      6.75      6.39
4Oliver Fritz 5.20 6.50Germany
5.94      7.51      5.20      6.06      DNF
5Yash Budhiraja 8.03 9.10India
8.04      9.30      8.03      10.32     9.96
6Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 7.26 9.17Ukraine
7.26      18.92     8.89      8.78      9.85
7Noah Kraft 7.28 DNFGermany
7.28      10.51     DNF       DNF       8.65
8Linus Blümel 9.13 DNFGermany
9.79      DNF       9.13      11.81     DNF
9Justus Leander Cramer 10.35 DNFGermany
DNF       10.35     DNF       10.65     10.37
Megaminx    First round    Average of 5    
1Yash Budhiraja 41.45 50.81India
48.48     41.45     45.08     59.80     58.87
2Oliver Fritz 44.45 51.20Germany
48.80     57.51     53.06     51.75     44.45
3Felix Christian Schmidt 50.95 53.56Germany
50.95     51.88     53.01     55.78     58.35
4Natan Suslowicz 46.63 57.77Poland
1:02.23   53.50     57.59     1:05.66   46.63
5Fabian Max 55.34 1:01.32Germany
55.34     1:11.93   1:03.22   1:01.64   59.10
6Magnus Lensch 1:02.83 1:07.44Germany
1:08.74   1:15.84   1:02.83   1:08.66   1:04.91
7Jan Bentlage 1:04.94 1:07.88Germany
1:04.94   1:10.33   1:06.93   1:08.41   1:08.31
8Sebastian Werb 1:07.64 1:10.49Germany
1:08.40   1:07.64   1:08.12   1:14.95   1:15.48
9Hannes Müller 1:07.48 1:16.98Germany
1:13.40   1:23.76   1:38.68   1:07.48   1:13.77
10Ricardo Olea Catalán 1:08.75 1:17.15Germany
1:08.75   1:12.47   1:15.34   1:30.03   1:23.64
11Noah Kraft 1:20.53 1:21.87Germany
1:23.55   1:20.85   1:20.53   1:45.21   1:21.22
12Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 1:32.29 1:43.15Ukraine
1:44.86   1:44.36   1:32.29   1:57.65   1:40.23
13Justus Leander Cramer 1:36.24 1:46.80Germany
1:41.55   1:51.52   1:36.24   DNF       1:47.34
14Emil Jenz 1:50.18 1:58.17Germany
2:05.21   1:50.57   1:58.72   1:50.18   DNF
15Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 1:42.91 2:04.84Ukraine
1:42.91   2:11.11   2:06.38   1:57.03   2:28.11
16Javid Nabizade 1:55.60 2:08.03Azerbaijan
1:55.60   2:05.87   2:08.88   2:09.34   2:10.36
17Till Thure Deggau 2:02.22 Germany
2:02.22   2:02.83
18Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 2:12.15 Ukraine
2:14.26   2:12.15
19Sasha Al-nouri 2:31.17 Canada
2:56.90   2:31.17
20Jaimin Dave 3:43.87 Kenya
4:36.02   3:43.87
21Vincent Junker 4:08.20 Germany
4:58.39   4:08.20
22Oleksii Konyshev (Олексій Конишев) DNF Ukraine
DNF       DNF
Megaminx    Second round    Average of 5    
1Felix Christian Schmidt 45.57 46.96Germany
46.47     48.82     49.02     45.60     45.57
2Yash Budhiraja 44.47 47.99India
49.63     48.68     49.17     46.12     44.47
3Oliver Fritz 49.59 52.14Germany
49.59     51.90     51.80     55.11     52.73
4Natan Suslowicz 50.81 56.06Poland
57.43     53.66     57.08     50.81     1:07.90
5Fabian Max 1:01.82 1:04.30Germany
1:02.00   1:06.59   1:01.82   1:13.54   1:04.31
6Jan Bentlage 59.80 1:05.80Germany
59.80     1:06.87   1:03.22   1:08.75   1:07.31
7Magnus Lensch 1:00.93 1:06.83Germany
1:00.93   1:06.55   1:02.39   1:19.26   1:11.56
8Sebastian Werb 1:05.45 1:13.22Germany
1:13.90   1:05.45   1:14.86   1:10.91   1:17.89
9Hannes Müller 1:03.29 1:16.91Germany
1:21.23   1:03.29   1:26.69   1:14.92   1:14.58
10Noah Kraft 1:13.57 1:17.63Germany
1:22.81   1:31.90   1:13.57   1:14.53   1:15.55
11Ricardo Olea Catalán 1:10.51 1:20.92Germany
1:10.51   1:21.80   1:19.44   1:21.52   DNF
12Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 1:26.03 1:40.76Ukraine
1:43.46   1:40.98   1:48.48   1:37.85   1:26.03
13Justus Leander Cramer 1:37.36 1:45.83Germany
2:10.21   1:50.63   1:37.36   1:47.69   1:39.16
14Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 1:49.18 1:56.66Ukraine
2:01.82   1:52.25   DNF       1:49.18   1:55.92
15Javid Nabizade 1:44.24 2:01.21Azerbaijan
2:05.63   1:44.24   2:04.50   1:53.51   2:12.33
16Emil Jenz 1:54.31 2:06.17Germany
2:11.40   2:14.16   1:54.31   2:07.26   1:59.86
Megaminx    Final    Average of 5    
1Yash Budhiraja 41.80 44.51India
42.40     41.80     46.51     44.62     57.07
2Felix Christian Schmidt 40.93 50.03Germany
49.92     40.93     53.96     50.38     49.79
3Oliver Fritz 50.98 52.29Germany
53.46     50.98     51.22     52.83     52.81
4Natan Suslowicz 48.35 52.77Poland
53.72     51.10     1:01.92   53.50     48.35
5Fabian Max 56.71 1:00.48Germany
58.74     1:03.80   56.71     58.89     1:10.91
6Jan Bentlage 1:04.14 1:06.05Germany
1:05.56   1:05.40   1:04.14   1:07.52   1:07.18
7Sebastian Werb 1:07.00 1:08.98Germany
1:19.61   1:10.45   1:07.81   1:07.00   1:08.69
8Hannes Müller 1:07.39 1:11.02Germany
1:11.65   1:08.05   1:22.52   1:07.39   1:13.35
9Noah Kraft 1:16.61 1:20.80Germany
1:16.61   1:18.33   1:23.44   1:20.63   1:25.62
10Magnus Lensch 1:08.55 DNFGermany
1:08.55   1:13.05   1:26.05   DNS       DNS
Pyraminx    First round    Average of 5    
1Oliver Fritz 2.59 3.18Germany
3.51      5.41      3.04      2.98      2.59
2Imanuel Leonid Müller 2.72 3.28Germany
3.62      5.18      3.28      2.93      2.72
3József Katona 2.57 3.31Hungary
2.82      4.40      4.33      2.57      2.78
4Magnus Lensch 2.41 3.88Germany
2.99      DNF       2.41      4.40      4.24
5Noah Kraft 3.70 4.25Germany
4.34      4.75      3.85      4.55      3.70
6Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 3.84 5.11Ukraine
4.35      5.52      11.17     5.45      3.84
7Yash Budhiraja 3.19 5.31India
4.96      6.99      3.19      6.16      4.81
8Achim Spies 4.57 5.38Germany
5.68      4.57      5.50      5.44      5.19
9Justus Leander Cramer 4.19 6.34Germany
7.14      8.01      4.19      7.31      4.57
10Javid Nabizade 4.41 6.85Azerbaijan
7.86      7.52      7.42      4.41      5.60
11Ricardo Olea Catalán 4.93 7.01Germany
7.05      6.72      7.26      4.93      8.25
12Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 4.86 7.10Ukraine
6.91      9.63      7.38      7.00      4.86
13Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 4.47 7.93Ukraine
11.12     11.08     5.95      6.76      4.47
14Vihan Katre 7.71 8.11India
7.71      7.78      10.67     8.84      7.71
15Emil Jenz 6.67 8.39Germany
6.67      8.10      9.39      7.68      9.47
16Len Valentin Cramer 7.91 8.97Germany
9.74      9.05      10.35     7.91      8.11
17Till Thure Deggau 7.25 9.08Germany
8.93      7.25      10.18     8.12      12.03
18Billy Minchin 5.36 9.65Germany
8.68      9.26      5.36      11.02     12.78
19Felix Christian Schmidt 5.62 9.75Germany
7.81      11.56     5.62      9.88      14.70
20Linus Blümel 7.77 10.06Germany
9.46      9.34      12.73     7.77      11.37
21Benedikt Rothbrust 8.83 10.40Germany
13.43     9.71      10.56     8.83      10.92
22Sasha Al-nouri 6.54 10.77Canada
12.01     11.66     8.63      13.90     6.54
23Fritz Gerling 7.74 10.78Germany
13.04     16.61     7.74      7.91      11.38
24Oliver Matušica 10.43 12.51Slovakia
13.73     16.87     10.43     11.11     12.70
25Ayaan Chaudhary 7.43 14.17India
DNF       16.09     7.43      14.72     11.71
26Lukas Rütten 11.54 15.92Germany
14.21     11.54     21.69     11.86     24.82
27Oleksii Konyshev (Олексій Конишев) 14.94 16.22Ukraine
14.94     23.50     16.20     15.91     16.56
28Athanasios Alexandrou 13.00 16.42Greece
13.92     26.99     13.00     19.51     15.84
29Joaquín Forti Amador 16.55 19.02Argentina
20.20     19.15     16.55     23.28     17.72
30Selim Soysal 13.46 19.94Germany
22.23     20.18     17.40     23.65     13.46
31Kai Hayas 16.72 20.33Germany
17.66     27.85     16.72     23.79     19.53
32Jaron Erik Switek 11.93 20.55Germany
20.77     11.93     20.88     21.98     20.01
33Vincent Junker 17.16 21.63Germany
22.61     17.16     23.14     22.89     19.39
34Kahn Hayas 19.28 24.75Germany
19.28     24.30     24.67     49.27     25.29
35Yasin Cetin 11.81 25.94Germany
22.20     49.39     33.80     21.82     11.81
36Andreas Grope 13.71 26.44Germany
27.27     13.71     42.07     14.51     37.53
Pyraminx    Final    Average of 5    
1Oliver Fritz 2.60 3.01Germany
3.39      3.01      2.63      3.92      2.60
2József Katona 2.07 3.47Hungary
4.45      2.07      2.63      3.32      5.07
3Magnus Lensch 2.26 3.91Germany
4.96      3.08      3.69      5.45      2.26
4Yash Budhiraja 4.01 5.33India
4.23      7.23      4.54      9.82      4.01
5Imanuel Leonid Müller 4.45 5.33Germany
4.45      5.60      4.97      DNF       5.41
6Achim Spies 3.83 5.53Germany
4.21      6.97      6.42      3.83      5.96
7Javid Nabizade 3.86 5.67Azerbaijan
5.97      5.75      3.86      5.91      5.36
8Noah Kraft 3.80 6.12Germany
4.46      3.80      9.66      4.25      DNF
9Vihan Katre 5.25 6.61India
5.25      5.81      7.32      8.91      6.71
10Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 5.92 6.70Ukraine
9.24      7.06      6.14      5.92      6.90
11Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 5.60 7.03Ukraine
7.13      5.60      6.57      11.05     7.39
12Justus Leander Cramer 5.29 7.45Germany
6.97      5.29      6.54      8.83      9.18
13Ricardo Olea Catalán 5.93 7.59Germany
6.15      5.93      15.01     6.75      9.86
14Len Valentin Cramer 7.44 7.84Germany
7.71      8.11      15.47     7.44      7.69
15Emil Jenz 6.82 8.36Germany
8.11      6.82      9.16      7.81      9.59
16Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 7.94 8.48Ukraine
8.49      7.94      8.84      11.78     8.12
Square-1    First round    Average of 5    
1Hannes Müller 6.57 10.36Germany
9.79      12.74     6.57      11.00     10.30
2Oliver Fritz 9.02 13.10Germany
14.34     18.00     10.59     9.02      14.36
3Sebastian Werb 11.19 13.15Germany
12.47     17.35     11.19     13.16     13.83
4Magnus Lensch 11.42 14.08Germany
14.74     11.42     14.19     13.31     21.88
5Jan Bentlage 13.66 15.42Germany
15.90     13.66     16.16     17.61     14.19
6Noah Kraft 14.61 16.77Germany
17.53     20.48     14.61     15.88     16.91
7Natan Suslowicz 15.23 21.63Poland
23.89     22.72     21.09     21.07     15.23
8Felix Christian Schmidt 17.25 24.98Germany
24.04     27.49     23.42     28.78     17.25
9Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 19.16 27.07Ukraine
43.84     26.80     22.12     19.16     32.28
10Ricardo Olea Catalán 17.64 29.81Germany
17.64     30.66     DNF       18.40     40.37
11Emil Jenz 31.86 38.53Germany
45.29     34.37     31.86     46.40     35.94
12Till Thure Deggau 28.89 42.40Germany
56.38     28.89     51.35     43.68     32.17
13Glib Konyshev (Гліб Конишев) 41.13 51.86Ukraine
41.13     44.23     1:13.11   1:08.54   42.80
14Justus Leander Cramer 36.07 DNFGermany
36.07     45.47     DNF       54.56     DNF
15Yash Budhiraja 46.36 India
46.36     1:04.11
16Tymofii Konyshev (Тимофій Конишев) 48.57 Ukraine
1:06.20   48.57
17Linus Blümel 1:07.37 Germany
1:07.37   1:09.40
18Sasha Al-nouri 1:07.57 Canada
1:07.57   1:31.97
Square-1    Final    Average of 5    
1Hannes Müller 7.00 9.08Germany
9.64      8.52      7.00      16.21     9.09
2Oliver Fritz 10.53 13.10Germany
13.76     14.14     12.25     10.53     13.29
3Sebastian Werb 10.92 15.24Germany
17.49     10.92     11.94     16.28     20.06
4Jan Bentlage 12.74 16.60Germany
17.35     18.45     12.74     14.01     21.03
5Noah Kraft 15.02 16.61Germany
15.56     20.23     17.61     15.02     16.66
6Magnus Lensch 11.18 18.38Germany
16.49     11.18     20.78     17.87     DNF
7Natan Suslowicz 14.78 21.45Poland
22.21     18.28     23.86     27.48     14.78
8Felix Christian Schmidt 21.70 27.57Germany
28.13     21.70     31.98     30.99     23.59
9Ricardo Olea Catalán 25.11 29.84Germany
39.04     27.04     37.26     25.11     25.21
10Ivanko Vyshnevskyi 21.43 34.80Ukraine
28.74     21.43     41.34     DNF       34.31
11Till Thure Deggau 29.94 40.09Germany
41.87     36.68     29.94     44.93     41.71
12Emil Jenz 29.69 42.83Germany
42.17     51.92     48.16     38.16     29.69