U.R.A. Spring of Colors 2018

Date: 2018-04-28~29
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Links: U.R.A. Spring of Colors 2018
Winners Top 3 All Results By Person Records Scrambles
3x3x3 CubeMartin Fronescu 8.37 8.68Romania
8.74      8.85      9.78      8.37      8.45
2x2x2 CubeMartin Fronescu 2.38 3.11Romania
3.87      2.38      3.59      2.44      3.29
4x4x4 CubeMartin Fronescu 34.70 36.75Romania
37.01     36.79     36.46     34.70     39.09
6x6x6 CubeMartin Fronescu 2:16.50 2:26.88Romania
2:36.94   2:27.20   2:16.50
7x7x7 CubeMartin Fronescu 3:24.47NR 3:28.05Romania
3:24.47   3:29.25   3:30.44
ClockMihnea Andrei Panţu 9.44NR 10.19Romania
9.44      9.69      13.19     10.11     10.78
PyraminxMartin FronescuNR 1.75 3.16Romania
3.57      3.62      1.75      4.12      2.29
SkewbMartin Fronescu 4.45 5.09Romania
5.00      5.02      4.45      7.29      5.25
Square-1Martin FronescuNR 8.28 10.79Romania
11.64     8.28      11.79     13.09     8.93
3x3x3 With FeetMartin Fronescu 55.68NR 1:05.58Romania
1:46.69   58.85     1:17.20   55.68     1:00.68