Zwolle Open 2017

Date: 2017-08-19
Location: Zwolle, Netherlands
Links: Zwolle Open 2017
Winners Top 3 All Results By Person Records Scrambles
3x3x3 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Mats Valk 6.06 7.57Netherlands
8.12      6.06      8.27      7.01      7.59
2Reinier Schippers 7.79 8.68Netherlands
8.97      10.88     7.79      8.58      8.49
3Quinten Andelhofs 8.45 9.55Belgium
10.55     9.43      8.45      10.77     8.67
4Mika Smulders 9.04 9.76Netherlands
10.70     9.04      9.11      12.34     9.47
5David Vos 8.57 10.19Netherlands
9.71      10.29     11.60     10.56     8.57
6Olivier Vos 9.23 10.22Netherlands
9.29      10.36     DNF       11.02     9.23
7Daniël Kassab 9.63 10.61Netherlands
11.94     13.51     9.98      9.63      9.92
8Midas Kiebert 10.59 11.24Netherlands
15.81     10.59     11.49     10.82     11.41
9Jan Bentlage 9.60 11.35Germany
11.37     11.29     9.60      11.38     11.44
10Daan Baartmans 11.18 11.75Netherlands
11.77     11.89     13.71     11.58     11.18
11Mattheo de Wit 10.66 12.03Netherlands
12.05     11.56     10.66     14.76     12.49
12Sébastien Auroux 11.61 13.04Germany
12.00     14.10     13.45     13.66     11.61
13Jade Geels 12.47 13.49Netherlands
14.99     12.47     13.11     14.23     13.13
14Rico Lucken 12.06 14.03Netherlands
15.34     13.63     DNF       13.13     12.06
15Floris Naber 11.80 14.45Netherlands
15.49     15.08     17.27     11.80     12.78
16Ron van Bruchem 13.94 14.77Netherlands
14.50     14.10     16.72     13.94     15.70
17Bas Verseveldt 13.34 14.85Netherlands
14.37     14.97     15.22     24.72     13.34
18Laura Ohrndorf 13.53 15.79Germany
16.66     13.53     15.69     15.02     20.93
19Jan van Dorst 14.03 15.79Netherlands
14.03     19.39     15.59     14.95     16.82
20Robin Verstraten 12.55 15.80Netherlands
12.55     15.84     15.48     16.09     17.89
21Luca Rengers 13.17 16.12Netherlands
18.06     14.68     13.17     17.21     16.48
22Mark Bennis 15.24 16.29Netherlands
16.43     15.24     16.22     19.73     16.23
23Adam Wind 14.44 16.33Canada
16.87     17.37     17.10     15.02     14.44
24Wouter Hoepman 12.60 17.05Netherlands
16.60     15.69     29.86     18.86     12.60
25Yannick Nefkens 14.93 17.34Netherlands
14.93     19.88     18.46     17.61     15.94
26Jack Linde 13.28 17.48Netherlands
13.28     16.04     19.96     32.29     16.45
27Michael Fung 16.28 17.54Netherlands
16.28     17.24     19.11     19.06     16.31
28Youri van der Ceelen 15.60 17.62Netherlands
19.35     16.05     20.54     15.60     17.45
29Kjell de Groot 15.20 18.15Netherlands
20.76     17.65     15.20     16.03     27.36
30Lydia van Deventer 15.83 18.25Netherlands
19.13     15.83     18.26     18.47     18.03
31Radu Făciu 15.08 18.50Romania
18.71     15.08     19.04     17.76     19.37
32Marnix van den Maegdenbergh 16.23 18.50Netherlands
28.44     18.99     16.23     19.60     16.91
33Ton Dennenbroek 16.80 19.05Netherlands
16.80     25.32     18.20     18.40     20.56
34Monyuan Cai 16.32 19.83Netherlands
19.50     16.32     20.27     22.87     19.73
35Amiel Engel 17.36 20.71Netherlands
19.56     21.52     21.06     17.36     22.19
36Sietse Averesch 18.35 21.04Netherlands
20.56     32.71     19.56     22.99     18.35
37Marije Heeren 20.25 21.50Netherlands
20.25     20.92     22.93     21.60     21.98
38Steven Jonkman 19.71 22.34Netherlands
22.63     19.71     23.47     20.92     25.67
39Stefan Rutte 20.05 22.38Netherlands
25.40     22.45     20.05     23.41     21.29
40Jiahao Ma 20.49 22.87Netherlands
43.64     22.32     20.49     21.10     25.18
41Tim Vergeer 19.82 23.26Netherlands
23.73     19.82     21.66     24.39     43.57
42Erik Eilander 21.75 23.35Netherlands
21.75     25.21     22.47     25.57     22.36
43Yorick Brommer 22.02 23.86Netherlands
22.02     24.45     26.60     25.06     22.06
44Menno Leurs 23.72 24.39Netherlands
30.49     23.72     24.60     24.27     24.29
45Olivier van Luijk 22.06 24.83Netherlands
26.86     24.61     23.14     26.73     22.06
46Maxim Onushkin 21.65 25.34Russia
22.96     26.11     21.65     26.96     31.22
47Yassin Chibrani 24.65 25.91Netherlands
26.30     26.08     31.83     25.36     24.65
48Willem Bakker 23.08 25.93Netherlands
26.77     27.60     33.43     23.41     23.08
49Maria Oey 20.31 25.95Indonesia
27.00     26.20     20.31     39.36     24.66
50Elias Malomgré 20.41 26.02Belgium
28.01     27.39     20.41     25.36     25.31
51Ian Hamburg 24.23 29.01Netherlands
28.96     31.23     24.23     28.78     29.30
52Seppe Daniëls 27.17 30.88Belgium
34.61     31.05     27.17     29.83     31.76
53Jona Dijksterhuis 27.80 32.58Netherlands
37.35     27.80     29.68     34.15     33.90
54Tobi Vuerstaek 23.88 33.23Belgium
23.88     34.72     48.14     31.32     33.65
55Boet Waterlander 28.06 34.16Netherlands
33.46     33.10     36.00     35.91     28.06
56Rob Wilkes 24.36 34.99Netherlands
DNF       30.84     24.36     48.19     25.93
57Willem Theunisse 33.23 36.65Netherlands
37.01     40.74     37.16     35.79     33.23
58Diego Filon 35.97 39.00Netherlands
44.77     36.09     42.97     37.93     35.97
59Carmen McEwan 36.19 39.91Netherlands
37.21     36.19     42.94     41.16     41.37
60Marietje Nefkens 57.19 1:05.25Netherlands
1:09.40   1:21.77   57.19     1:05.86   1:00.49
61Susan Brommer 47.77 1:09.91Netherlands
54.57     1:38.02   1:27.34   47.77     1:07.81
62Paul Hille 1:26.86 1:39.43Netherlands
1:43.18   1:39.58   1:26.86   1:35.53   2:11.83
3x3x3 Cube    Second round    Average of 5    
1Mats Valk 6.55 8.01Netherlands
9.17      8.29      6.85      8.89      6.55
2Reinier Schippers 7.70 9.33Netherlands
9.44      9.33      9.21      11.92     7.70
3David Vos 8.80 9.98Netherlands
8.80      9.94      9.76      11.29     10.24
4Mika Smulders 8.41 10.16Netherlands
8.85      10.95     12.97     10.67     8.41
5Quinten Andelhofs 8.78 10.46Belgium
14.93     8.78      10.49     10.53     10.37
6Olivier Vos 9.25 10.60Netherlands
11.53     9.45      11.22     11.13     9.25
7Daan Baartmans 10.25 11.47Netherlands
11.70     10.25     10.80     13.13     11.90
8Jan Bentlage 10.64 11.54Germany
11.44     10.64     11.46     11.72     12.61
9Midas Kiebert 10.05 12.66Netherlands
13.85     10.05     14.69     12.02     12.11
10Daniël Kassab 10.63 12.77Netherlands
13.40     10.63     14.67     12.10     12.82
11Mattheo de Wit 11.85 13.67Netherlands
14.71     14.96     13.62     12.68     11.85
12Sébastien Auroux 11.50 13.89Germany
11.50     14.59     23.19     12.90     14.18
13Rico Lucken 12.61 14.08Netherlands
15.60     12.61     13.37     15.20     13.66
14Ron van Bruchem 12.07 14.18Netherlands
13.81     14.79     13.94     12.07     15.81
15Wouter Hoepman 13.32 14.31Netherlands
13.87     14.98     17.97     13.32     14.07
16Luca Rengers 12.09 14.48Netherlands
14.70     12.09     12.84     20.22     15.91
17Floris Naber 12.42 14.58Netherlands
14.91     12.42     15.36     15.08     13.74
18Robin Verstraten 11.46 15.34Netherlands
15.55     11.46     14.05     18.18     16.43
19Bas Verseveldt 11.50 15.80Netherlands
19.58     14.65     17.37     15.38     11.50
20Jan van Dorst 12.06 15.96Netherlands
15.51     12.06     15.98     20.79     16.40
21Jade Geels 14.97 15.98Netherlands
14.97     16.40     17.06     16.01     15.54
22Yannick Nefkens 14.58 16.06Netherlands
15.45     18.54     14.58     17.79     14.93
23Laura Ohrndorf 14.48 16.48Germany
18.45     16.67     16.46     16.32     14.48
24Radu Făciu 15.72 16.66Romania
17.72     15.72     15.99     16.27     21.33
25Monyuan Cai 15.98 17.02Netherlands
16.02     15.98     16.12     18.93     23.68
26Kjell de Groot 16.29 17.41Netherlands
18.88     16.84     16.50     19.80     16.29
27Marnix van den Maegdenbergh 14.73 17.64Netherlands
18.97     21.24     15.70     14.73     18.26
28Jack Linde 15.59 17.74Netherlands
15.59     16.02     21.18     17.24     19.97
29Youri van der Ceelen 17.03 17.78Netherlands
18.44     19.60     17.03     17.73     17.16
30Adam Wind 16.01 17.89Canada
21.27     16.90     16.01     17.55     19.23
31Mark Bennis 16.34 18.09Netherlands
16.34     19.66     19.28     16.78     18.20
32Michael Fung 14.87 18.51Netherlands
14.91     18.41     22.21     14.87     23.56
33Lydia van Deventer 15.75 19.40Netherlands
22.33     17.79     18.08     30.32     15.75
34Ton Dennenbroek 17.61 19.48Netherlands
17.92     22.19     17.61     20.51     20.01
35Marije Heeren 17.97 20.99Netherlands
17.97     23.48     23.13     19.93     19.91
36Sietse Averesch 19.62 21.17Netherlands
20.57     20.38     22.57     19.62     24.55
37Steven Jonkman 20.57 21.83Netherlands
20.57     21.88     24.47     22.40     21.21
38Jiahao Ma 18.90 21.92Netherlands
25.84     22.20     18.90     22.06     21.51
39Olivier van Luijk 21.45 22.68Netherlands
22.39     26.41     21.45     22.78     22.86
40Erik Eilander 20.40 22.73Netherlands
22.30     DNF       22.25     23.64     20.40
41Amiel Engel 16.67 22.90Netherlands
23.42     25.11     21.14     16.67     24.15
42Stefan Rutte 22.07 23.57Netherlands
23.30     22.07     30.87     22.79     24.61
43Menno Leurs 22.91 23.79Netherlands
25.00     23.10     23.26     45.34     22.91
44Tim Vergeer 19.04 24.24Netherlands
24.51     24.09     24.12     19.04     25.58
45Yorick Brommer 24.86 26.19Netherlands
24.86     26.52     24.98     29.61     27.08
46Maxim Onushkin 24.98 26.41Russia
24.98     25.56     25.03     37.75     28.63
3x3x3 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Mats Valk 5.75 7.51Netherlands
8.31      6.07      8.16      5.75      10.57
2Reinier Schippers 8.74 9.69Netherlands
9.76      10.32     9.95      9.37      8.74
3David Vos 8.71 9.79Netherlands
9.75      8.71      9.60      10.11     10.01
4Daan Baartmans 9.02 10.12Netherlands
9.02      14.44     9.56      10.68     10.13
5Quinten Andelhofs 8.57 10.20Belgium
8.57      11.61     8.79      13.71     10.20
6Mika Smulders 8.11 10.57Netherlands
11.72     10.08     8.11      11.71     9.91
7Jan Bentlage 10.86 11.39Germany
10.86     11.81     11.07     13.73     11.30
8Midas Kiebert 10.18 11.84Netherlands
10.18     13.42     11.30     12.33     11.88
9Daniël Kassab 10.46 11.95Netherlands
10.46     13.01     12.45     12.42     10.97
10Olivier Vos 8.81 12.33Netherlands
8.81      13.21     12.82     15.57     10.95
2x2x2 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Mika Smulders 1.83 2.47Netherlands
2.62      1.83      2.87      1.93      4.10
2Jan Bentlage 1.99 3.03Germany
2.34      3.68      3.06      1.99      4.82
3Mats Valk 1.73 3.07Netherlands
1.73      2.67      3.65      5.67      2.89
4Daan Baartmans 2.36 3.26Netherlands
2.36      2.47      4.43      4.00      3.32
5Quinten Andelhofs 2.53 3.36Belgium
2.53      3.73      3.58      4.06      2.78
6Mattheo de Wit 2.84 4.10Netherlands
4.78      2.84      4.07      4.44      3.80
7Robin Verstraten 3.82 4.20Netherlands
4.43      3.97      4.19      6.11      3.82
8Amiel Engel 3.88 4.39Netherlands
4.84      3.88      4.46      4.04      4.67
9David Vos 3.55 4.46Netherlands
3.82      4.63      11.44     4.93      3.55
10Olivier Vos 3.15 4.48Netherlands
5.33      3.15      3.47      4.65      6.42
11Sébastien Auroux 2.81 4.71Germany
2.81      3.56      9.06      4.34      6.24
12Yannick Nefkens 4.41 4.73Netherlands
7.11      4.55      4.41      4.50      5.15
13Rico Lucken 4.33 4.80Netherlands
5.01      4.74      5.36      4.33      4.65
14Daniël Kassab 3.51 4.89Netherlands
6.94      4.02      8.11      3.72      3.51
15Midas Kiebert 3.91 4.94Netherlands
3.91      4.95      5.98      4.59      5.28
16Jan van Dorst 3.82 5.09Netherlands
6.14      3.82      4.83      4.87      5.58
17Olivier van Luijk 3.30 5.18Netherlands
3.30      11.88     6.72      5.23      3.59
18Kjell de Groot 3.67 5.33Netherlands
4.78      3.67      4.83      6.82      6.39
19Marije Heeren 3.93 5.35Netherlands
8.27      4.61      3.93      5.62      5.83
20Reinier Schippers 4.57 5.45Netherlands
4.57      5.17      8.24      4.74      6.43
21Stefan Rutte 4.26 5.52Netherlands
5.73      4.82      6.00      4.26      7.00
22Marnix van den Maegdenbergh 4.48 5.69Netherlands
5.55      4.48      6.44      5.64      5.88
23Luca Rengers 4.97 5.72Netherlands
4.98      4.97      6.57      6.31      5.86
24Wouter Hoepman 3.19 5.94Netherlands
7.00      6.27      7.93      4.55      3.19
25Bas Verseveldt 4.39 6.06Netherlands
4.42      7.70      7.71      4.39      6.05
26Michael Fung 5.13 6.15Netherlands
5.13      5.19      7.25      6.00      7.30
27Mark Bennis 3.80 6.33Netherlands
6.40      3.80      6.56      8.60      6.03
28Sietse Averesch 4.81 6.63Netherlands
4.81      7.94      6.73      5.23      8.26
29Ron van Bruchem 5.43 6.68Netherlands
8.28      9.41      5.43      5.46      6.31
30Jack Linde 5.52 6.95Netherlands
6.69      5.52      7.31      6.85      7.47
31Adam Wind 6.12 7.34Canada
13.63     7.30      7.05      7.68      6.12
32Elias Malomgré 5.11 7.35Belgium
5.86      5.11      10.55     DNF       5.64
33Floris Naber 5.86 7.43Netherlands
6.47      8.28      8.16      5.86      7.65
34Lydia van Deventer 6.01 7.50Netherlands
6.01      7.56      7.98      6.97      10.07
35Maxim Onushkin 6.85 7.62Russia
10.65     8.55      7.25      6.85      7.07
36Jade Geels 4.60 7.68Netherlands
4.60      11.29     5.65      6.09      11.93
37Youri van der Ceelen 5.42 7.68Netherlands
5.42      10.03     8.60      8.51      5.92
38Laura Ohrndorf 5.94 7.99Germany
8.31      7.98      7.68      5.94      12.33
39Monyuan Cai 7.37 8.00Netherlands
17.95     7.37      8.37      7.68      7.96
40Jiahao Ma 6.53 8.44Netherlands
10.30     6.70      10.94     6.53      8.31
41Steven Jonkman 4.05 8.56Netherlands
9.10      9.57      4.05      9.92      7.01
42Seppe Daniëls 5.12 8.57Belgium
7.38      10.36     5.12      9.77      8.56
43Tim Vergeer 4.50 8.82Netherlands
9.35      4.50      7.94      11.56     9.18
44Ton Dennenbroek 7.66 9.37Netherlands
11.22     17.47     7.66      8.86      8.04
45Tobi Vuerstaek 8.53 9.47Belgium
10.35     9.41      11.75     8.65      8.53
46Boet Waterlander 5.38 10.34Netherlands
14.56     7.93      12.49     5.38      10.60
47Radu Făciu 7.75 10.50Romania
29.62     10.32     7.75      12.77     8.42
48Menno Leurs 6.44 11.41Netherlands
9.07      14.15     11.00     6.44      14.49
49Jona Dijksterhuis 9.66 11.46Netherlands
13.15     11.20     9.66      12.00     11.18
50Yorick Brommer 10.01 11.74Netherlands
17.14     11.20     12.93     11.08     10.01
51Erik Eilander 8.36 11.82Netherlands
10.61     16.42     8.36      15.41     9.43
52Ian Hamburg 10.15 12.32Netherlands
12.24     15.25     12.39     10.15     12.34
53Yassin Chibrani 9.50 12.42Netherlands
13.29     9.50      20.41     12.25     11.72
54Willem Theunisse 10.70 14.16Netherlands
15.67     15.60     11.21     18.88     10.70
55Marietje Nefkens 9.31 14.62Netherlands
9.31      10.18     DNF       19.57     14.11
56Maria Oey 6.49 15.02Indonesia
14.77     10.03     31.67     6.49      20.25
57Susan Brommer 14.89 21.80Netherlands
23.26     14.89     27.11     15.02     38.89
58Paul Hille 22.64 50.33Netherlands
1:26.09   40.50     DNF       22.64     24.40
2x2x2 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Quinten Andelhofs 2.44NR 2.50Belgium
3.82      2.50      2.46      2.54      2.44
2Mats Valk 1.70 2.51Netherlands
2.28      2.79      1.70      2.45      3.62
3Mika Smulders 1.95 2.80Netherlands
2.88      2.95      1.95      2.57      DNF
4Daan Baartmans 2.30 2.95Netherlands
5.54      2.80      2.51      2.30      3.54
5Jan Bentlage 2.27 3.05Germany
3.84      3.15      3.02      2.27      2.98
6Robin Verstraten 2.21 3.29Netherlands
3.21      3.59      2.21      3.87      3.08
7Mattheo de Wit 2.29 3.57Netherlands
3.58      4.64      6.09      2.29      2.50
8Olivier Vos 2.41 4.51Netherlands
5.51      4.40      2.41      3.62      6.08
9Amiel Engel 4.23 5.26Netherlands
7.46      4.23      4.52      6.12      5.13
10David Vos 4.76 6.68Netherlands
6.85      10.58     4.94      4.76      8.24
4x4x4 Cube    First round    Average of 5    
1Mats Valk 23.68 27.47Netherlands
27.55     23.68     31.08     26.75     28.10
2Reinier Schippers 35.59 38.79Netherlands
35.59     39.55     36.80     40.01     43.20
3Quinten Andelhofs 34.72 38.91Belgium
41.23     34.72     DNF       38.53     36.96
4Jan Bentlage 39.53 42.74Germany
49.97     44.61     42.20     39.53     41.40
5Daan Baartmans 41.09 45.76Netherlands
43.81     48.83     41.09     46.91     46.55
6Daniël Kassab 38.88 49.14Netherlands
48.92     38.88     49.57     48.94     51.95
7Mattheo de Wit 44.82 50.04Netherlands
49.81     53.52     46.78     56.83     44.82
8Sébastien Auroux 46.55 52.12Germany
50.77     47.67     59.33     57.93     46.55
9Bas Verseveldt 46.06 52.32Netherlands
53.27     52.51     46.06     51.18     1:08.45
10Ron van Bruchem 51.21 52.47Netherlands
53.72     51.21     51.60     52.10     54.57
11Olivier Vos 48.35 53.13Netherlands
51.70     54.69     55.41     48.35     53.00
12Mika Smulders 50.35 57.10Netherlands
59.31     1:01.41   1:00.19   50.35     51.80
13Laura Ohrndorf 51.09 58.13Germany
51.09     58.51     1:00.49   56.71     59.16
14Luca Rengers 53.46 1:00.48Netherlands
53.46     57.90     1:03.07   1:18.29   1:00.47
15Yannick Nefkens 59.80 1:02.06Netherlands
1:00.09   59.80     1:00.13   1:05.96   1:10.86
16Jan van Dorst 56.86 1:02.29Netherlands
59.04     1:09.83   1:21.55   58.00     56.86
17Robin Verstraten 52.48 1:03.96Netherlands
1:03.24   1:06.71   52.48     1:01.92   1:16.66
18Michael Fung 57.19 1:04.64Netherlands
1:03.20   57.19     1:03.75   1:14.86   1:06.97
19David Vos 1:02.10 1:04.84Netherlands
1:02.10   1:02.54   1:07.71   1:07.57   1:04.41
20Floris Naber 1:01.76 1:07.31Netherlands
1:11.43   1:01.76   1:04.73   1:05.78   1:14.97
21Mark Bennis 1:03.33 1:08.89Netherlands
1:03.33   1:10.42   1:18.20   1:07.01   1:09.24
22Midas Kiebert 1:02.41 1:11.10Netherlands
1:05.55   1:03.68   1:24.08   1:48.06   1:02.41
23Youri van der Ceelen 1:10.53 1:14.56Netherlands
1:16.78   1:12.72   1:10.53   1:14.19   2:00.17
24Rico Lucken 1:02.90 1:16.19Netherlands
1:02.90   1:21.41   1:25.52   1:10.54   1:16.63
25Ton Dennenbroek 1:12.54 1:17.32Netherlands
1:19.58   1:12.54   1:30.22   1:16.02   1:16.35
26Marnix van den Maegdenbergh 1:08.68 1:17.99Netherlands
1:08.68   1:39.98   1:18.37   1:19.22   1:16.39
27Elias Malomgré 1:18.58 1:20.21Belgium
1:37.38   1:19.49   1:22.00   1:18.58   1:19.15
28Amiel Engel 1:12.17 1:24.83Netherlands
1:19.70   1:12.17   1:29.09   1:25.69   1:45.39
29Jack Linde 1:15.41 1:31.01Netherlands
DNF       1:15.41   1:30.84   1:21.87   1:40.32
30Tim Vergeer 1:20.56 Netherlands
1:31.69   1:20.56
31Sietse Averesch 1:29.22 Netherlands
1:29.22   1:30.37
32Monyuan Cai 1:36.57 Netherlands
1:36.57   1:51.86
33Kjell de Groot 1:39.52 Netherlands
1:46.70   1:39.52
34Stefan Rutte 1:45.66 Netherlands
1:54.34   1:45.66
35Yorick Brommer 1:57.97 Netherlands
1:57.97   1:58.54
36Adam Wind 2:02.06 Canada
2:20.73   2:02.06
37Erik Eilander 2:05.44 Netherlands
2:05.44   2:35.09
38Jiahao Ma 2:07.48 Netherlands
2:19.38   2:07.48
39Tobi Vuerstaek 2:07.99 Belgium
2:23.39   2:07.99
40Ian Hamburg 2:15.93 Netherlands
2:15.93   2:25.71
41Seppe Daniëls 2:16.59 Belgium
2:16.59   2:40.88
42Boet Waterlander 2:28.40 Netherlands
2:28.40   2:52.84
43Willem Theunisse 2:38.36 Netherlands
2:38.36   2:48.25
44Menno Leurs 2:45.02 Netherlands
DNF       2:45.02
45Jona Dijksterhuis 2:52.82 Netherlands
DNF       2:52.82
4x4x4 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Mats Valk 23.38NR 25.49Netherlands
23.38     29.80     25.34     25.33     25.79
2Reinier Schippers 33.09 35.69Netherlands
34.60     39.86     34.45     38.02     33.09
3Quinten Andelhofs 32.61 38.97Belgium
39.34     35.97     41.61     43.17     32.61
4Daniël Kassab 41.63 43.66Netherlands
46.97     41.79     41.63     47.56     42.23
5Jan Bentlage 36.79 43.95Germany
46.76     43.91     41.19     49.32     36.79
6Daan Baartmans 43.05 47.39Netherlands
48.35     49.61     43.05     50.16     44.21
7Mattheo de Wit 46.10 50.04Netherlands
48.02     57.35     47.37     54.74     46.10
8Bas Verseveldt 46.34 53.03Netherlands
50.58     53.89     54.82     54.63     46.34
9Sébastien Auroux 46.12 53.84Germany
59.61     54.73     1:06.95   47.18     46.12
10Ron van Bruchem 42.76 54.53Netherlands
53.04     57.58     56.41     42.76     54.15
5x5x5 Cube    Final    Average of 5    
1Mats Valk 52.62 56.40Netherlands
55.94     58.00     52.62     1:01.83   55.25
2Reinier Schippers 1:06.96 1:13.57Netherlands
1:15.61   1:06.96   1:14.74   1:10.35   1:20.32
3Jan Bentlage 1:17.51 1:22.05Germany
1:20.97   1:17.51   1:24.92   1:22.13   1:23.06
4Quinten Andelhofs 1:12.87 1:22.81Belgium
1:20.38   1:32.40   1:12.87   1:32.11   1:15.95
5Daniël Kassab 1:30.80 1:33.61Netherlands
1:31.06   1:37.22   1:41.97   1:32.56   1:30.80
6Bas Verseveldt 1:30.79 1:33.86Netherlands
1:34.83   1:36.48   1:35.52   1:31.24   1:30.79
7Sébastien Auroux 1:32.36 1:36.52Germany
1:36.16   1:32.36   1:36.60   1:39.84   1:36.81
8David Vos 1:25.92 1:37.39Netherlands
1:39.33   1:25.92   1:30.22   1:43.59   1:42.63
9Daan Baartmans 1:36.11 1:42.37Netherlands
1:42.33   1:36.11   1:52.04   1:43.13   1:41.65
10Midas Kiebert 1:39.46 1:49.87Netherlands
1:39.46   1:54.53   1:53.43   1:57.08   1:41.64
11Ron van Bruchem 1:42.70 1:53.17Netherlands
1:56.53   1:55.55   1:47.43   2:03.88   1:42.70
12Michael Fung 1:45.48 1:56.08Netherlands
1:45.48   1:47.77   2:09.32   2:15.91   1:51.15
13Mattheo de Wit 1:50.11 1:56.36Netherlands
1:53.22   1:56.01   1:59.84   2:08.37   1:50.11
14Laura Ohrndorf 2:00.42 2:03.04Germany
2:00.42   2:08.82   2:02.94   2:01.83   2:04.34
15Luca Rengers 1:59.09 2:08.46Netherlands
2:50.15   1:59.09   2:04.61   2:07.46   2:13.31
16Yannick Nefkens 1:52.08 2:08.84Netherlands
2:00.91   2:12.51   2:18.01   1:52.08   2:13.09
17Amiel Engel 2:04.60 2:09.48Netherlands
2:04.60   2:16.30   2:15.37   2:06.94   2:06.12
18Jan van Dorst 2:04.47 2:13.66Netherlands
2:15.84   2:33.13   2:04.47   2:08.54   2:16.59
19Floris Naber 2:09.72 2:18.25Netherlands
2:27.55   2:11.18   2:09.72   2:24.27   2:19.29
20Youri van der Ceelen 2:18.40 2:23.96Netherlands
2:25.25   2:20.01   2:26.61   2:18.40   2:37.23
21Robin Verstraten 2:02.79 2:25.12Netherlands
2:32.10   2:13.55   2:29.70   2:02.79   2:48.42
22Olivier Vos 2:39.34 Netherlands
2:54.59   2:39.34
23Sietse Averesch 2:48.98 Netherlands
2:48.98   DNF
24Elias Malomgré 2:49.40 Belgium
2:49.40   2:56.18
25Ton Dennenbroek 2:50.24 Netherlands
2:50.24   3:24.95
26Kjell de Groot 3:05.87 Netherlands
3:05.87   3:35.64
27Tim Vergeer DNF Netherlands
DNF       DNF
Pyraminx    First round    Average of 5    
1Robin Verstraten 2.47NR 2.73Netherlands
2.58      2.58      2.47      5.64      3.04
2Mattheo de Wit 2.95 3.68Netherlands
3.64      4.15      2.95      4.02      3.38
3Amiel Engel 3.08 4.26Netherlands
5.84      3.44      3.08      5.95      3.51
4Sébastien Auroux 2.91 4.29Germany
3.24      4.05      2.91      5.63      5.57
5Mark Bennis 3.48 4.88Netherlands
3.48      5.43      3.59      7.70      5.61
6Olivier van Luijk 3.48 4.98Netherlands
4.80      4.98      5.16      3.48      8.32
7Jan van Dorst 3.59 5.22Netherlands
5.51      6.58      3.59      5.18      4.98
8Jan Bentlage 2.80 5.33Germany
5.91      7.30      4.97      2.80      5.12
9Daniël Kassab 3.93 5.51Netherlands
3.93      5.54      5.38      DNF       5.62
10Midas Kiebert 4.53 5.96Netherlands
5.86      7.29      5.54      4.53      6.49
11Quinten Andelhofs 4.31 6.07Belgium
8.16      4.42      4.31      7.55      6.25
12Yannick Nefkens 5.23 6.15Netherlands
7.23      5.86      6.66      5.23      5.93
13Daan Baartmans 5.02 6.17Netherlands
5.91      5.49      5.02      7.10      8.77
14Reinier Schippers 4.00 7.26Netherlands
11.46     4.74      4.00      8.14      8.91
15Elias Malomgré 3.94 7.51Belgium
7.86      6.58      8.08      3.94      17.04
16Laura Ohrndorf 5.54 7.62Germany
5.54      9.12      8.58      7.64      6.65
17Olivier Vos 6.00 7.79Netherlands
8.20      6.00      11.24     7.39      7.77
18Kjell de Groot 7.11 7.88Netherlands
8.78      10.32     7.49      7.11      7.38
19Marnix van den Maegdenbergh 7.58 8.01Netherlands
8.32      7.97      7.58      7.75      10.62
20Luca Rengers 5.55 8.70Netherlands
9.92      10.85     8.33      7.84      5.55
21Mika Smulders 7.06 9.16Netherlands
8.45      12.02     9.75      7.06      9.27
22Ron van Bruchem 6.41 9.24Netherlands
9.74      10.70     7.87      6.41      10.11
23Steven Jonkman 6.54 9.35Netherlands
8.55      9.45      11.05     6.54      10.06
24Willem Theunisse 8.97 9.83Netherlands
10.23     13.21     8.97      10.04     9.21
25Rico Lucken 5.44 10.24Netherlands
12.03     9.52      9.16      5.44      16.63
26Seppe Malomgré 7.37 10.37Belgium
8.42      12.26     13.15     10.43     7.37
27Yorick Brommer 8.86 10.99Netherlands
11.60     9.11      12.27     13.15     8.86
28Wouter Hoepman 8.07 11.46Netherlands
12.38     12.07     9.92      8.07      15.91
29Seppe Daniëls 8.31 11.64Belgium
9.25      8.31      13.36     13.19     12.47
30Stefan Rutte 5.43 12.48Netherlands
9.63      8.26      5.43      23.03     19.55
31Adam Wind 9.53 12.50Canada
12.13     13.40     11.98     9.53      15.37
32Sietse Averesch 9.92 12.70Netherlands
11.52     12.15     14.43     9.92      15.08
33Carmen McEwan 9.67 12.97Netherlands
24.49     10.56     14.10     14.24     9.67
34Marije Heeren 7.87 13.14Netherlands
12.10     21.89     12.40     7.87      14.92
35Erik Eilander 9.54 13.19Netherlands
14.07     13.17     12.34     14.06     9.54
36Bas Verseveldt 6.02 13.55Netherlands
13.94     13.46     16.46     6.02      13.26
37Jona Dijksterhuis 7.79 14.56Netherlands
17.62     16.53     12.13     7.79      15.01
38Boet Waterlander 9.85 14.86Netherlands
14.69     17.25     9.85      16.44     13.44
39Menno Leurs 12.95 15.22Netherlands
12.95     17.74     15.66     14.22     15.77
40Ian Hamburg 7.87 15.36Netherlands
18.38     11.42     50.42     7.87      16.27
41Jade Geels 4.40 15.75Netherlands
34.37     14.48     20.20     4.40      12.58
42Maria Oey 14.99 16.09Indonesia
16.40     14.99     16.64     15.24     17.23
43Youri van der Ceelen 14.01 16.15Netherlands
17.16     22.13     14.17     14.01     17.12
44Maxim Onushkin 7.08 16.97Russia
17.67     19.75     13.48     7.08      30.50
45Yassin Chibrani 13.00 17.59Netherlands
19.27     13.34     13.00     20.15     20.95
46Diego Filon 12.48 18.66Netherlands
15.79     DNF       21.49     18.70     12.48
47Susan Brommer 10.10 18.68Netherlands
17.92     50.03     10.10     25.99     12.13
48Jack Linde 11.95 18.95Netherlands
11.95     12.58     DNF       19.62     24.64
49Tobi Vuerstaek 5.79 22.27Belgium
23.51     DNF       33.11     5.79      10.20
50Michael Fung 20.18 23.26Netherlands
29.80     22.76     20.18     21.95     25.07
51Monyuan Cai 8.67 25.06Netherlands
32.99     26.24     15.96     8.67      38.70
52Willem Bakker 19.44 26.33Netherlands
20.94     27.17     31.54     30.89     19.44
53Tim Vergeer 13.51 30.13Netherlands
39.87     17.47     49.26     13.51     33.05
54Paul Hille 17.37 31.47Netherlands
21.51     26.24     46.66     17.37     1:28.89
Pyraminx    Final    Average of 5    
1Mattheo de Wit 3.05 4.34Netherlands
3.05      9.95      4.32      4.01      4.68
2Daniël Kassab 3.44 4.78Netherlands
3.44      6.67      3.68      3.98      13.37
3Jan Bentlage 3.66 4.89Germany
4.04      5.31      8.64      3.66      5.31
4Olivier van Luijk 3.65 5.07Netherlands
4.24      5.30      3.65      5.68      5.90
5Robin Verstraten 3.13 5.14Netherlands
5.98      3.59      3.13      6.01      5.85
6Amiel Engel 4.32 5.71Netherlands
4.32      8.53      4.62      6.17      6.34
7Jan van Dorst 4.86 5.88Netherlands
5.58      7.75      4.86      6.15      5.90
8Mark Bennis 4.26 6.48Netherlands
7.81      11.84     4.26      5.87      5.76
9Sébastien Auroux 5.68 6.61Germany
5.68      8.30      7.40      6.71      5.71
10Midas Kiebert 5.00 7.77Netherlands
5.00      9.81      9.15      7.18      6.97
Skewb    First round    Average of 5    
1Mattheo de Wit 2.99 4.38Netherlands
3.93      3.76      5.63      2.99      5.45
2Midas Kiebert 2.41 4.92Netherlands
4.22      2.41      6.73      5.83      4.70
3Daan Baartmans 2.75 5.12Netherlands
5.01      5.25      2.75      6.45      5.10
4Jan Bentlage 4.58 5.45Germany
5.12      5.63      5.59      4.58      6.99
5Luca Rengers 4.12 5.51Netherlands
4.85      6.80      5.92      5.76      4.12
6Elias Malomgré 4.84 6.90Belgium
5.08      8.35      4.84      8.93      7.28
7Quinten Andelhofs 5.91 7.12Belgium
8.13      7.22      8.51      5.91      6.00
8Daniël Kassab 4.87 7.41Netherlands
6.03      8.70      4.87      12.72     7.51
9Diego Filon 5.86 8.09Netherlands
8.11      6.74      10.48     5.86      9.42
10Olivier Vos 5.66 8.18Netherlands
10.00     7.55      7.50      9.50      5.66
11Sébastien Auroux 3.81 8.64Germany
8.10      3.81      10.28     8.14      9.68
12Yannick Nefkens 6.37 9.04Netherlands
6.37      9.83      9.02      8.28      14.14
13Jan van Dorst 9.50 10.23Netherlands
9.67      9.87      9.50      11.71     11.14
14Olivier van Luijk 5.40 10.41Netherlands
8.37      28.05     10.82     12.03     5.40
15Yorick Brommer 8.31 10.72Netherlands
DNF       8.31      10.91     12.40     8.86
16Kjell de Groot 8.30 11.00Netherlands
11.57     10.59     15.79     10.84     8.30
17Marije Heeren 4.78 11.87Netherlands
12.01     4.78      11.34     16.82     12.26
18Steven Jonkman 6.67 11.99Netherlands
11.13     14.17     18.56     6.67      10.66
19Robin Verstraten 6.54 12.28Netherlands
15.32     6.54      9.14      12.38     16.23
20Laura Ohrndorf 5.52 12.38Germany
12.94     5.52      15.37     15.36     8.85
21Willem Bakker 9.08 13.49Netherlands
17.99     15.83     12.71     11.94     9.08
22Adam Wind 8.25 13.55Canada
13.78     14.68     15.77     8.25      12.20
23Amiel Engel 7.30 13.61Netherlands
22.37     14.38     7.30      14.82     11.64
24Mika Smulders 5.22 13.68Netherlands
13.64     5.22      12.22     16.89     15.18
25Jona Dijksterhuis 12.71 13.96Netherlands
14.73     14.83     12.71     14.02     13.14
26Boet Waterlander 8.01 14.93Netherlands
16.01     8.01      17.61     17.81     11.17
27Seppe Daniëls 11.18 16.18Belgium
11.18     25.62     16.30     16.49     15.76
28Tobi Vuerstaek 10.67 16.19Belgium
10.67     12.65     12.23     23.68     31.68
29Maxim Onushkin 11.77 16.82Russia
17.23     21.03     12.20     21.26     11.77
30Tim Vergeer 14.60 17.00Netherlands
14.60     18.71     17.57     23.55     14.71
31Youri van der Ceelen 9.64 17.94Netherlands
22.56     9.64      11.73     20.40     21.70
32Jiahao Ma 13.54 18.72Netherlands
15.99     13.54     14.61     29.27     25.55
33Ron van Bruchem 11.99 19.33Netherlands
20.43     11.99     18.60     30.75     18.96
34Carmen McEwan 12.95 19.69Netherlands
20.26     18.36     12.95     21.68     20.45
35Erik Eilander 15.68 19.82Netherlands
31.98     22.20     21.09     15.68     16.16
36Jade Geels 6.57 20.83Netherlands
43.88     6.57      24.77     7.60      30.12
37Willem Theunisse 14.94 21.72Netherlands
14.94     17.60     22.24     33.24     25.32
38Maria Oey 18.00 22.90Indonesia
48.22     18.20     18.00     29.36     21.13
39Susan Brommer 14.49 23.48Netherlands
29.69     26.48     20.53     23.43     14.49
40Bas Verseveldt 12.19 25.40Netherlands
18.12     27.44     DNF       12.19     30.65
41Ton Dennenbroek 14.73 25.92Netherlands
28.96     20.46     14.73     28.35     DNF
42Wouter Hoepman 12.53 27.14Netherlands
18.47     48.86     12.53     23.61     39.33
43Ian Hamburg 19.52 29.16Netherlands
19.52     29.80     DNF       29.17     28.51
44Michael Fung 20.43 33.38Netherlands
31.63     29.03     39.48     40.14     20.43
Skewb    Final    Average of 5    
1Mattheo de Wit 2.78NR 3.72Netherlands
2.78      3.46      4.02      3.80      3.89
2Midas Kiebert 2.76 4.31Netherlands
2.76      4.31      4.54      4.07      6.66
3Luca Rengers 3.28 4.69Netherlands
3.28      4.68      4.24      5.15      5.79
4Jan Bentlage 2.51 5.17Germany
2.51      6.38      3.97      5.17      7.71
5Daan Baartmans 4.86 5.39Netherlands
5.48      5.53      4.86      6.81      5.16
6Daniël Kassab 2.99 5.68Netherlands
2.99      6.12      5.25      10.08     5.67
7Quinten Andelhofs 4.17 6.60Belgium
4.17      7.14      5.95      6.95      6.90
8Olivier Vos 5.32 7.87Netherlands
5.32      9.28      6.76      11.27     7.57
9Elias Malomgré 6.34 7.88Belgium
6.34      7.20      9.11      7.34      12.10
10Diego Filon 5.92 8.62Netherlands
5.92      7.79      9.26      8.81      11.36
Square-1    Final    Average of 5    
1Jan Bentlage 13.17 15.26Germany
15.59     14.59     17.03     13.17     15.61
2Floris Naber 20.89 27.47Netherlands
29.22     20.89     30.86     25.35     27.84
3Olivier Vos 26.43 32.13Netherlands
26.74     26.43     35.65     33.99     52.69
4Laura Ohrndorf 24.23 33.95Germany
27.05     42.47     24.23     34.69     40.10
5Mattheo de Wit 22.94 34.66Netherlands
43.24     33.68     44.95     22.94     27.05
6Daan Baartmans 27.39 35.51Netherlands
27.39     43.19     35.33     33.05     38.15
7Daniël Kassab 24.57 36.46Netherlands
38.62     39.07     24.57     31.68     44.27
8Sietse Averesch 23.48 37.96Netherlands
23.48     37.68     47.78     40.22     35.99
9Sébastien Auroux 34.07 39.34Germany
43.10     38.91     34.07     36.01     55.64
10Luca Rengers 28.76 40.33Netherlands
50.95     46.01     28.76     35.51     39.48
11Rico Lucken 31.30 40.83Netherlands
36.04     31.30     38.49     47.96     DNF
12Jan van Dorst 35.02 40.87Netherlands
35.29     41.32     45.99     46.19     35.02
13Youri van der Ceelen 38.61 44.14Netherlands
39.98     46.63     51.71     45.81     38.61
14Elias Malomgré 30.31 56.93Belgium
30.31     40.29     1:33.32   1:36.14   37.19
15Robin Verstraten 34.94 57.08Netherlands
34.94     57.62     1:01.95   51.68     1:13.40
16Maxim Onushkin 43.83 57.40Russia
48.84     43.83     DNF       1:00.10   1:03.25
17Mika Smulders 48.39 1:00.96Netherlands
1:16.71   48.39     1:06.07   58.63     58.17
18Michael Fung 46.02 DNFNetherlands
46.02     DNF       1:28.89   DNF       DNF
19Erik Eilander 55.48 Netherlands
55.48     1:11.20