Personal Page

John Mauro Suárez Cerda

Name: John Mauro Suárez Cerda
Region: Chile
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: John Mauro Suárez Cerda2009CERD01
Gender: Male
Career: 2009.03.28 - 2011.05.14
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube66769828296618.8125.3597398823778058/60
2x2x2 Cube80483811039208.0810.5196275762876427/30
4x4x4 Cube4754376573332:04.342:42.9943422363936218/20
5x5x5 Cube2032147322215:14.155:56.2821222164317114/5
3x3x3 One-Handed27028463502735.5945.4735349285627027/30
Master Magic216114715.035.7513095419130/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
CompetitionRoundPlaceBestAverageDetail 2nd Anniversary Open 2011First round27 23.50 29.17
30.97     27.36     31.55     23.50     29.19 2011Second round15 26.05 28.86
26.18     26.05     34.71     30.77     29.63
First round17 18.81 25.35
24.09     23.61     28.59     18.81     28.36
Bicentenario Open 2010Second round23 25.93 30.34
25.93     33.75     33.50     28.46     29.05
First round22 26.22 28.55
26.22     27.21     30.00     37.22     28.44
Invierno 2010Second round13 28.81 33.34
30.16     34.80     28.81     DNF       35.05
First round13 25.81 32.49
33.65     30.65     25.81     34.88     33.16 Open 2010First round14 26.41 32.30
51.69     26.41     30.18     32.03     34.68
Chile Open 2010Second round18 36.27 39.03
41.30     53.69     37.40     36.27     38.38
First round17 30.66 34.74
40.31     31.19     30.66     44.88     32.71
Campeonato de Primavera 2009First round18 36.02 44.50
39.86     47.70     36.02     47.06     46.58
Santiago Open 2009First round33 50.11 1:13.24
1:45.34   50.78     DNF       50.11     1:03.59
2x2x2 Cube
CompetitionRoundPlaceBestAverageDetail 2011Final23 9.56 11.77
12.59     9.56      10.77     17.00     11.94
Bicentenario Open 2010Second round20 9.78 13.30
19.06     11.31     9.78      16.44     12.15
First round20 8.08 10.51
11.78     10.33     8.08      11.59     9.61 Open 2010First round14 9.02 11.11
14.72     9.02      9.27      31.96     9.34
Chile Open 2010First round16 14.58 DNF
DNF       15.70     14.58     DNF       17.62
Campeonato de Primavera 2009First round15 16.52 19.90
18.65     22.61     18.44     DNF       16.52
4x4x4 Cube
Bicentenario Open 2010First round19 2:35.68 2:57.90
3:18.18   2:35.68   2:49.47   4:45.28   2:46.05 Open 2010First round8 2:04.34 2:42.99
2:43.86   2:04.34   2:39.46   2:50.86   2:45.66
Chile Open 2010First round10 2:39.88 3:39.43
DNF       4:22.90   3:18.96   2:39.88   3:16.43
Campeonato de Primavera 2009Final7 2:59.46 3:36.17
DNF       4:00.42   3:16.10   2:59.46   3:32.00
5x5x5 Cube
Chile Open 2010Final3 5:14.15 5:56.28
6:14.08   5:33.44   DNF       5:14.15   6:01.31
3x3x3 One-Handed
Bicentenario Open 2010Final7 49.31 55.06
51.61     53.88     49.31     59.69     DNF
First round6 40.91 45.47
49.52     51.25     43.33     43.56     40.91
Invierno 2010Final6 49.53 52.05
51.11     49.53     51.03     57.13     54.00 Open 2010Final4 35.59 54.21
56.13     54.77     51.72     DNF       35.59
Chile Open 2010Final4 58.22 1:08.82
1:14.58   1:23.80   1:02.19   58.22     1:09.69
Campeonato de Primavera 2009Final6 1:08.69 1:29.41
1:53.53   1:09.31   DNF       1:25.38   1:08.69
Bicentenario Open 2010First round18 12.58 DNF
DNF       DNF       31.55     40.05     12.58
Invierno 2010First round10 20.90 DNF
27.38     20.90     DNF       32.61     DNF
Chile Open 2010First round9 15.21 21.33
DNF       15.21     19.96     21.33     22.71
CompetitionRoundPlaceBestAverageDetail 2nd Anniversary Open 2011First round11 1.59 2.36
2.00      DNF       2.50      2.58      1.59 2011Final5 1.61 1.99
DNF       1.61      1.77      1.69      2.50
Bicentenario Open 2010Final5 1.56 3.79
5.55      3.50      2.31      DNF       1.56
First round4 1.55 1.98
1.63      1.75      1.55      2.55      2.58
Invierno 2010Final2 1.55 1.56
1.58      1.55      1.56      1.55      1.61 Open 2010Final2 1.66 1.74
1.66      2.09      1.69      1.66      1.86
Chile Open 2010Final3 2.02 2.22
2.27      2.18      2.02      2.20      3.49
Campeonato de Primavera 2009First round9 2.18 DNF
DNF       DNF       3.15      2.18      2.22
Master Magic
CompetitionRoundPlaceBestAverageDetail 2nd Anniversary Open 2011First round10 5.30 5.75
5.30      47.59     6.08      5.59      5.58 2011Final7 5.69 6.93
6.36      8.03      6.40      5.69      8.44
Bicentenario Open 2010Final4 5.94 8.64
9.21      12.68     7.02      9.68      5.94
First round5 5.27 6.25
6.63      5.27      6.06      8.05      6.05
Invierno 2010Final3 5.03 6.69
6.94      6.84      7.08      5.03      6.28 Open 2010Final5 6.22 9.46
9.88      9.90      8.61      12.61     6.22 2nd Anniversary Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 23.50 29.17
30.97     27.36     31.55     23.50     29.19
MagicFirst round11 1.59 2.36
2.00      DNF       2.50      2.58      1.59
Master MagicFirst round10 5.30 5.75
5.30      47.59     6.08      5.59      5.58 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 26.05 28.86
26.18     26.05     34.71     30.77     29.63
First round17 18.81 25.35
24.09     23.61     28.59     18.81     28.36
2x2x2 CubeFinal23 9.56 11.77
12.59     9.56      10.77     17.00     11.94
MagicFinal5 1.61 1.99
DNF       1.61      1.77      1.69      2.50
Master MagicFinal7 5.69 6.93
6.36      8.03      6.40      5.69      8.44
Bicentenario Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 25.93 30.34
25.93     33.75     33.50     28.46     29.05
First round22 26.22 28.55
26.22     27.21     30.00     37.22     28.44
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 9.78 13.30
19.06     11.31     9.78      16.44     12.15
First round20 8.08 10.51
11.78     10.33     8.08      11.59     9.61
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 2:35.68 2:57.90
3:18.18   2:35.68   2:49.47   4:45.28   2:46.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 49.31 55.06
51.61     53.88     49.31     59.69     DNF
First round6 40.91 45.47
49.52     51.25     43.33     43.56     40.91
PyraminxFirst round18 12.58 DNF
DNF       DNF       31.55     40.05     12.58
MagicFinal5 1.56 3.79
5.55      3.50      2.31      DNF       1.56
First round4 1.55 1.98
1.63      1.75      1.55      2.55      2.58
Master MagicFinal4 5.94 8.64
9.21      12.68     7.02      9.68      5.94
First round5 5.27 6.25
6.63      5.27      6.06      8.05      6.05
Invierno 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 28.81 33.34
30.16     34.80     28.81     DNF       35.05
First round13 25.81 32.49
33.65     30.65     25.81     34.88     33.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 49.53 52.05
51.11     49.53     51.03     57.13     54.00
PyraminxFirst round10 20.90 DNF
27.38     20.90     DNF       32.61     DNF
MagicFinal2 1.55 1.56
1.58      1.55      1.56      1.55      1.61
Master MagicFinal3 5.03 6.69
6.94      6.84      7.08      5.03      6.28 Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round14 26.41 32.30
51.69     26.41     30.18     32.03     34.68
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 9.02 11.11
14.72     9.02      9.27      31.96     9.34
4x4x4 CubeFirst round8 2:04.34 2:42.99
2:43.86   2:04.34   2:39.46   2:50.86   2:45.66
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 35.59 54.21
56.13     54.77     51.72     DNF       35.59
MagicFinal2 1.66 1.74
1.66      2.09      1.69      1.66      1.86
Master MagicFinal5 6.22 9.46
9.88      9.90      8.61      12.61     6.22
Chile Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 36.27 39.03
41.30     53.69     37.40     36.27     38.38
First round17 30.66 34.74
40.31     31.19     30.66     44.88     32.71
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 14.58 DNF
DNF       15.70     14.58     DNF       17.62
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 2:39.88 3:39.43
DNF       4:22.90   3:18.96   2:39.88   3:16.43
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 5:14.15 5:56.28
6:14.08   5:33.44   DNF       5:14.15   6:01.31
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 58.22 1:08.82
1:14.58   1:23.80   1:02.19   58.22     1:09.69
PyraminxFirst round9 15.21 21.33
DNF       15.21     19.96     21.33     22.71
MagicFinal3 2.02 2.22
2.27      2.18      2.02      2.20      3.49
Campeonato de Primavera 2009
3x3x3 CubeFirst round18 36.02 44.50
39.86     47.70     36.02     47.06     46.58
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 16.52 19.90
18.65     22.61     18.44     DNF       16.52
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 2:59.46 3:36.17
DNF       4:00.42   3:16.10   2:59.46   3:32.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 1:08.69 1:29.41
1:53.53   1:09.31   DNF       1:25.38   1:08.69
MagicFirst round9 2.18 DNF
DNF       DNF       3.15      2.18      2.22
Santiago Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 50.11 1:13.24
1:45.34   50.78     DNF       50.11     1:03.59
No.DateNameRegionCity 2nd Anniversary Open 2011ChileSantiago 2011ChileSantiago
62010-09-25~26Bicentenario Open 2010ChileSantiago
52010-07-17Invierno 2010ChileSantiago Open 2010ChileSantiago
32010-01-09~10Chile Open 2010ChileSantiago
22009-09-05Campeonato de Primavera 2009ChileSantiago
12009-03-28~29Santiago Open 2009ChileSantiago