Personal Page

Jayden Mchargue

Name: Jayden Mchargue
Region: Canada
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Jayden Mchargue2009MCHA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2009.09.12 - 2012.08.11
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube119788893503412.3814.0528624725196553/55
2x2x2 Cube8686728240303.134.4016124456361350/50
4x4x4 Cube9958423320761:08.631:14.6128785762989723/25
5x5x5 Cube7116327224812:29.832:55.7420181573164711/11
3x3x3 One-Handed97179433145131.5546.65378679895123224/25
Master Magic4235020229.8610.261928330425/5

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Vancouver Summer 2012Final12 14.81 17.81
24.21     19.27     17.56     14.81     16.59
Second round7 13.69 14.05
14.13     14.30     16.56     13.71     13.69
First round12 12.38 15.39
15.59     15.68     15.28     12.38     15.30
US Nationals 2012Second round100 15.40 20.13
17.27     15.40     23.21     19.91     DNF
First round98 12.69 15.69
DNF       16.19     12.69     15.46     15.41
Vancouver Summer 2011Second round17 13.33 16.94
20.16     15.41     15.84     19.56     13.33
First round15 13.22 16.97
16.16     19.81     13.22     22.42     14.93
Vancouver Open 2010Second round12 16.58 19.65
24.44     21.52     16.58     19.18     18.25
First round13 18.84 19.77
20.22     19.93     20.44     18.84     19.16
Vancouver Open 2009Second round20 24.84 28.25
35.22     24.84     28.50     27.90     28.36
First round21 24.88 27.98
29.05     28.33     24.88     35.09     26.55
2x2x2 Cube
Vancouver Summer 2012Final6 3.13 4.40
4.55      4.02      5.28      3.13      4.63
First round8 4.16 5.22
4.78      5.02      4.16      5.86      7.34
US Nationals 2012Second round53 4.16 5.66
4.88      4.16      5.83      6.87      6.26
First round48 3.77 5.11
3.77      4.32      5.65      5.35      9.09
Vancouver Summer 2011Final7 3.58 5.46
4.72      5.68      5.97      3.58      6.84
Second round6 4.78 5.29
5.22      4.93      5.71      6.18      4.78
First round5 3.33 4.97
4.53      3.33      4.96      7.15      5.41
Vancouver Open 2010First round11 5.06 7.03
6.84      12.46     7.77      6.47      5.06
Vancouver Open 2009Final8 7.11 10.23
11.52     7.11      9.77      9.40      14.96
First round9 7.83 10.25
10.46     7.83      13.68     11.27     9.03
4x4x4 Cube
Vancouver Summer 2012Final13 1:08.63 1:15.62
DNF       1:11.52   1:08.63   1:13.23   1:22.11
US Nationals 2012First round91 1:11.18 1:14.61
1:19.30   1:11.18   1:17.11   1:12.23   1:14.50
Vancouver Summer 2011Final11 1:12.28 1:21.39
1:32.59   1:12.28   1:17.21   1:14.36   DNF
Vancouver Open 2010Final10 1:18.13 1:43.27
1:39.34   1:53.53   1:18.13   1:37.05   1:53.41
Vancouver Open 2009Final12 1:58.53 2:13.70
1:58.53   2:29.46   2:01.69   2:10.44   2:28.97
5x5x5 Cube
Vancouver Summer 2012Final12 2:30.03
2:30.03   2:42.00
US Nationals 2012First round87 2:29.83
2:31.68   2:29.83
Vancouver Summer 2011Final14 2:48.90
2:51.02   2:48.90
Vancouver Open 2010Final11 2:46.96 2:55.74
2:46.96   2:59.40   2:55.93   3:05.83   2:51.88
3x3x3 One-Handed
Vancouver Summer 2012Final21 31.55 52.14
DNF       45.88     31.55     1:10.81   39.72
US Nationals 2012First round129 37.66 46.65
39.52     52.97     47.46     37.66     55.50
Vancouver Summer 2011Final17 34.30 48.45
1:21.55   34.30     39.52     48.25     57.58
Vancouver Open 2010Final10 43.03 54.82
57.43     53.28     1:02.94   53.75     43.03
First round10 46.31 51.07
51.13     54.28     46.31     48.03     54.05
US Nationals 2012First round59 10.53 14.04
15.31     13.66     13.16     10.53     17.83
US Nationals 2012First round75 2.56 4.03
3.19      2.56      5.53      5.27      3.63
Vancouver Summer 2011Final13 2.33 3.05
2.33      2.84      10.91     2.93      3.38
Vancouver Open 2010Final13 2.31 5.02
4.93      5.59      2.31      5.86      4.55
Vancouver Open 2009Final12 2.58 3.79
4.15      4.08      3.13      DNF       2.58
Master Magic
US Nationals 2012First round64 9.86 10.26
14.04     10.32     10.18     9.86      10.28
Vancouver Summer 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 14.81 17.81
24.21     19.27     17.56     14.81     16.59
Second round7 13.69 14.05
14.13     14.30     16.56     13.71     13.69
First round12 12.38 15.39
15.59     15.68     15.28     12.38     15.30
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.13 4.40
4.55      4.02      5.28      3.13      4.63
First round8 4.16 5.22
4.78      5.02      4.16      5.86      7.34
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 1:08.63 1:15.62
DNF       1:11.52   1:08.63   1:13.23   1:22.11
5x5x5 CubeFinal12 2:30.03
2:30.03   2:42.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 31.55 52.14
DNF       45.88     31.55     1:10.81   39.72
US Nationals 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round100 15.40 20.13
17.27     15.40     23.21     19.91     DNF
First round98 12.69 15.69
DNF       16.19     12.69     15.46     15.41
2x2x2 CubeSecond round53 4.16 5.66
4.88      4.16      5.83      6.87      6.26
First round48 3.77 5.11
3.77      4.32      5.65      5.35      9.09
4x4x4 CubeFirst round91 1:11.18 1:14.61
1:19.30   1:11.18   1:17.11   1:12.23   1:14.50
5x5x5 CubeFirst round87 2:29.83
2:31.68   2:29.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round129 37.66 46.65
39.52     52.97     47.46     37.66     55.50
PyraminxFirst round59 10.53 14.04
15.31     13.66     13.16     10.53     17.83
MagicFirst round75 2.56 4.03
3.19      2.56      5.53      5.27      3.63
Master MagicFirst round64 9.86 10.26
14.04     10.32     10.18     9.86      10.28
Vancouver Summer 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round17 13.33 16.94
20.16     15.41     15.84     19.56     13.33
First round15 13.22 16.97
16.16     19.81     13.22     22.42     14.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.58 5.46
4.72      5.68      5.97      3.58      6.84
Second round6 4.78 5.29
5.22      4.93      5.71      6.18      4.78
First round5 3.33 4.97
4.53      3.33      4.96      7.15      5.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 1:12.28 1:21.39
1:32.59   1:12.28   1:17.21   1:14.36   DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 2:48.90
2:51.02   2:48.90
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 34.30 48.45
1:21.55   34.30     39.52     48.25     57.58
MagicFinal13 2.33 3.05
2.33      2.84      10.91     2.93      3.38
Vancouver Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 16.58 19.65
24.44     21.52     16.58     19.18     18.25
First round13 18.84 19.77
20.22     19.93     20.44     18.84     19.16
2x2x2 CubeFirst round11 5.06 7.03
6.84      12.46     7.77      6.47      5.06
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 1:18.13 1:43.27
1:39.34   1:53.53   1:18.13   1:37.05   1:53.41
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 2:46.96 2:55.74
2:46.96   2:59.40   2:55.93   3:05.83   2:51.88
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 43.03 54.82
57.43     53.28     1:02.94   53.75     43.03
First round10 46.31 51.07
51.13     54.28     46.31     48.03     54.05
MagicFinal13 2.31 5.02
4.93      5.59      2.31      5.86      4.55
Vancouver Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 24.84 28.25
35.22     24.84     28.50     27.90     28.36
First round21 24.88 27.98
29.05     28.33     24.88     35.09     26.55
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 7.11 10.23
11.52     7.11      9.77      9.40      14.96
First round9 7.83 10.25
10.46     7.83      13.68     11.27     9.03
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 1:58.53 2:13.70
1:58.53   2:29.46   2:01.69   2:10.44   2:28.97
MagicFinal12 2.58 3.79
4.15      4.08      3.13      DNF       2.58
52012-08-11Vancouver Summer 2012CanadaVancouver, British Columbia
42012-08-03~05US Nationals 2012United StatesLas Vegas, Nevada
32011-08-27Vancouver Summer 2011CanadaSurrey, British Columbia
22010-07-03Vancouver Open 2010CanadaVancouver, British Columbia
12009-09-12Vancouver Open 2009CanadaBurnaby, British Columbia