Personal Page

Michał Pleskowicz

Name: Michał Pleskowicz
Region: Poland
Competitions: 108
WCA ID: Michał Pleskowicz2009PLES01
Gender: Male
Career: 2009.02.21 - 2023.10.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube321996465.727.0539010420541851519/1530
2x2x2 Cube461804030.871.9864924443371681102/1112
4x4x4 Cube90575185130.6036.942351692994411713/722
5x5x5 Cube9272023841:05.121:13.982608770100335467/472
6x6x6 Cube192162253632:58.683:09.6852131567189130/32
7x7x7 Cube181152450464:45.564:53.6846291399166121/23
3x3x3 Blindfolded9771620731:25.721:57.93150257269123122/303
3x3x3 Fewest Moves151082432328.673481442347566/71
3x3x3 One-Handed7351038.1510.7196316631951133/1135
3x3x3 Multi-Blind10385722162/2 9:19129/15
3x3x3 With Feet7268322802:52.062:57.961811527504/5
Master Magic251796633.524.477282072768/75

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

World Championship Podiums

World Championship 2015
3x3x3 One-Handed2 12.35 13.35
14.05     12.86     13.14     12.35     14.54
World Championship 2013
2x2x2 Cube2 2.54 2.77
2.83      5.00      2.57      2.54      2.91
3x3x3 One-Handed2 12.39 14.27
12.39     17.17     12.55     15.12     15.14
World Championship 2011
3x3x3 Cube1 7.68NR 8.65
8.94      7.68      8.41      8.72      8.83
2x2x2 Cube2 1.61 2.74
2.75      1.61      2.68      4.33      2.78

Europe Championship Podiums

Euro 2014
2x2x2 Cube1 2.25 2.96
3.25      3.11      2.52      6.04      2.25
3x3x3 One-Handed3 13.17 15.47
18.49     13.20     14.72     13.17     19.73
Euro 2012
3x3x3 Cube3 7.65 9.24
9.19      12.34     9.30      7.65      9.22
2x2x2 Cube2 2.36 3.23
2.36      2.84      4.02      2.83      6.34
3x3x3 One-Handed1 11.77 13.44
17.86     12.77     12.36     15.18     11.77
Euro 2010
2x2x2 Cube1 2.44NR 2.83
4.02      2.71      2.44      3.01      2.76
3x3x3 Fewest Moves2 28
3x3x3 One-Handed1 14.93 18.39
19.30     18.39     17.48     14.93     20.21

Poland Championship Podiums

Polish Championship 2019
3x3x3 One-Handed3 11.82 13.44
12.99     15.61     13.38     11.82     13.94
Polish Championship 2018
3x3x3 One-Handed2 10.65 12.96
14.14     10.65     11.81     14.38     12.92
Polish Nationals 2017
3x3x3 Fewest Moves1 24 29.33
30        34        24
3x3x3 One-Handed3 10.36 13.15
12.02     14.82     10.36     14.87     12.62
Polish Championship 2015
3x3x3 Cube2 7.45 8.63
10.10     8.03      8.21      7.45      9.65
2x2x2 Cube1 1.50NR 1.98
1.66      1.50      2.26      3.31      2.02
3x3x3 One-Handed2 12.38 13.68
14.44     15.21     12.38     12.96     13.63
Polish Nationals 2014
3x3x3 Cube2 7.46 10.25
7.46      9.58      10.42     10.74     12.65
2x2x2 Cube2 1.89 2.59
3.85      2.40      3.21      2.16      1.89
3x3x3 One-Handed1 10.12ER 12.57
14.04     12.43     12.37     12.92     10.12
Megaminx1 57.35 1:01.04
57.35     57.82     1:00.56   1:04.73   1:09.00
Square-13 20.60 24.46
20.60     35.53     22.43     25.94     25.00
Polish Nationals 2013
3x3x3 Cube2 7.30 9.89
7.30      10.03     12.06     9.96      9.69
2x2x2 Cube1 2.55 2.79
2.55      2.66      3.19      2.80      2.90
3x3x3 One-Handed1 11.35 15.53
16.46     16.47     17.09     13.65     11.35
Polish Nationals 2012
3x3x3 Cube1 8.03 8.96
8.84      8.03      9.03      9.02      9.61
2x2x2 Cube2 2.28 4.03
6.43      2.28      2.28      3.38      6.68
4x4x4 Cube2 41.52 47.21
51.46     42.21     41.52     51.56     47.97
3x3x3 Fewest Moves1 29
3x3x3 One-Handed1 11.40 14.63
14.41     15.33     14.16     16.33     11.40
Polish Nationals 2011
3x3x3 Cube1 8.56 10.14
9.44      9.84      11.27     8.56      11.15
2x2x2 Cube1 1.72 2.90
3.19      2.65      3.68      2.86      1.72
4x4x4 Cube3 47.88 56.76
52.86     1:00.34   47.88     1:02.50   57.09
5x5x5 Cube2 1:33.66 1:45.67
1:47.06   1:33.66   1:45.84   1:44.11   1:52.59
3x3x3 Fewest Moves1 32
3x3x3 One-Handed1 14.86 15.71
15.84     15.58     14.86     15.71     16.33
Pyraminx3 4.75 5.60
5.30      5.00      8.18      4.75      6.50
3x3x3 Multi-Blind3 1/2 5:26
1/2 5:26
Polish Nationals 2010
2x2x2 Cube1 1.69 3.60
1.69      3.90      4.09      3.13      3.77
3x3x3 Fewest Moves2 35
35        38
3x3x3 One-Handed1 16.05ER 17.58
19.43     17.09     20.88     16.22     16.05

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Polish Championship 2022First round7 7.04 7.90
7.04      7.62      7.80      8.28      10.86
Gdańsk Open 2020Second round3 6.29 8.33
8.82      8.94      6.29      7.23      10.12
First round3 8.18 8.57
8.26      9.00      8.46      8.18      12.57
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2019Final2 6.77 8.28
6.77      8.54      8.37      7.94      9.10
Second round2 6.81 7.96
6.81      8.56      7.53      DNF       7.80
First round1 7.02 7.66
7.02      8.81      8.04      7.29      7.64
GLS Cup IV 2019First round1 7.90 8.78
7.90      8.37      9.02      9.70      8.96
Paris Open 2019Final8 6.58 8.61
6.58      7.59      7.74      10.50     11.99
Second round3 7.00 7.95
7.00      8.88      8.09      7.17      8.58
First round4 7.15 7.86
7.79      7.31      8.95      7.15      8.47
Polish Championship 2019Final5 7.30 8.91
9.17      7.30      9.41      8.64      8.92
Semi Final6 7.27 8.26
8.68      9.39      7.88      7.27      8.23
Second round3 6.76 8.10
7.94      6.76      8.50      8.13      8.22
First round3 7.60 8.20
8.07      8.48      7.60      8.52      8.05
GLS Cup III 2019Final1 6.87 7.73
6.90      8.00      8.30      8.93      6.87
Second round2 6.31 7.55
8.08      7.59      6.31      9.08      6.97
First round2 6.74 8.45
6.74      7.56      8.59      9.41      9.20
Swiss Nationals 2019Final2 6.89 7.43
7.38      7.25      7.82      7.65      6.89
Second round6 7.17 8.18
9.01      8.29      7.17      11.16     7.23
First round8 7.88 9.08
8.00      10.00     10.88     7.88      9.23
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final2 7.19 8.03
8.50      7.34      8.26      9.13      7.19
Second round2 7.23 8.26
8.73      9.82      7.76      7.23      8.28
First round2 7.15 8.63
8.38      7.15      9.01      9.35      8.49
Zentralschweiz 2019Final3 7.35 8.56
9.24      9.91      7.98      7.35      8.46
Second round1 6.09 7.49
8.08      7.25      7.15      6.09      10.18
First round5 8.56 9.12
8.78      10.83     9.76      8.56      8.83
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018Final5 7.68 8.15
10.66     7.83      8.89      7.73      7.68
Second round5 7.14 7.95
7.14      8.29      7.80      7.75      8.36
First round5 6.95 8.41
8.46      8.77      8.00      6.95      12.30
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018Final2 6.18 7.47
6.18      8.09      7.30      7.16      7.94
Second round4 6.92 7.75
8.12      9.35      7.92      6.92      7.21
First round5 7.09 8.26
11.31     7.09      7.68      7.11      10.00
Les Automnales 2018Final1 5.72NR 7.05
5.72      7.57      8.29      6.90      6.67
Second round1 6.90 7.82
6.96      10.79     6.90      7.85      8.64
First round2 7.82 8.53
8.95      8.28      7.82      8.93      8.38
Swiss Science Open 2018Final1 7.36 8.02
7.51      7.99      8.85      7.36      8.57
Second round1 6.28 7.77
8.14      8.38      15.65     6.78      6.28
First round1 6.12 7.69
9.29      7.61      6.81      8.66      6.12
Polish Championship 2018Final5 7.20 8.58
8.90      9.10      7.20      8.80      8.03
Second round2 6.97 7.93
10.04     6.97      7.62      7.55      8.61
First round3 6.67 8.38
8.80      9.33      10.22     7.00      6.67
Argovia Open 2018Final2 7.21 8.12
8.40      13.23     7.84      7.21      8.11
Second round1 5.94 7.60
5.94      7.79      7.22      12.53     7.80
First round2 7.35 8.06
8.57      7.60      8.02      7.35      10.74
Paris Open 2018Final4 7.31 8.73
9.25      8.84      8.10      12.60     7.31
Second round6 8.28 9.28
10.63     9.30      8.28      8.63      9.91
First round2 7.76 8.12
7.89      9.38      7.76      8.33      8.15
Swiss Nationals 2018Final3 7.65 8.73
8.07      9.96      7.65      8.17      15.06
Second round1 6.47 7.46
6.49      6.47      8.30      12.05     7.60
First round2 7.88 8.85
8.28      9.46      7.88      9.70      8.82
WCA Euro 2018Final12 7.68 8.32
8.02      9.11      7.84      7.68      9.17
Semi Final4 6.63 7.63
8.22      7.61      6.63      8.49      7.06
Second round16 7.59 8.05
7.86      8.70      8.17      8.13      7.59
First round38 7.39 8.92
9.24      7.39      9.86      8.82      8.71
GLS Cup III 2018Final2 7.63 8.40
7.78      7.89      11.84     7.63      9.54
Second round2 7.52 7.98
7.60      8.66      7.52      7.68      8.86
First round2 7.16 8.43
8.56      8.28      7.16      8.44      11.03
Zentralschweiz 2018Second round2 7.31 8.90
11.87     7.73      7.31      7.79      11.17
First round2 7.30 9.04
7.30      DNF       9.70      9.32      8.09
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final1 7.17 7.58
7.17      7.37      8.02      8.67      7.35
First round1 6.43 7.47
8.14      6.73      8.47      6.43      7.55
Zurich Open 2018Final1 7.09 8.15
9.12      7.52      8.81      7.09      8.12
Second round2 7.98 8.79
8.40      7.98      8.94      9.23      9.03
First round1 6.62 8.32
10.36     9.00      7.88      6.62      8.09
Elsass Open 2018Final9 8.36 8.86
8.48      9.74      8.66      8.36      9.44
Semi Final5 7.00 7.85
7.26      7.21      9.08      10.62     7.00
Second round7 7.41 8.39
7.63      13.03     7.41      8.63      8.91
First round13 6.92 8.72
10.08     8.77      11.56     7.32      6.92
SMSO 2018Final1 7.06 8.22
8.65      8.70      7.70      7.06      8.30
Second round1 6.73 8.08
7.49      7.73      9.03      9.09      6.73
First round2 8.31 9.01
9.01      8.74      8.31      9.27      9.61
SC Cup I 2018Final1 7.28 8.23
8.98      7.87      7.84      7.28      9.49
Second round1 7.04 8.28
8.43      7.04      8.90      7.51      9.34
First round1 7.61 8.67
7.61      7.97      9.31      10.36     8.74
Xlingen Open 2018Final1 8.19 8.97
9.52      8.19      8.80      8.59      10.79
Second round1 7.06 7.99
8.44      7.06      7.60      7.92      8.87
First round1 7.92 8.52
9.14      8.10      9.48      8.33      7.92
Nancy Open 2017Final1 6.18 7.95
7.29      8.70      8.11      8.46      6.18
Second round6 6.26 9.26
6.26      10.29     11.55     8.43      9.07
First round1 6.96 7.87
7.36      6.96      8.02      8.23      8.70
Polish Nationals 2017Final4 7.84 9.19
10.02     9.24      9.43      8.90      7.84
Semi Final2 8.29 8.60
8.31      8.92      8.29      8.57      10.38
Second round1 6.31 7.86
6.31      9.89      7.31      7.49      8.79
First round2 7.96 8.56
9.83      8.05      7.96      9.64      8.00
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final1 6.68 7.89
7.89      6.68      7.19      9.31      8.58
Second round1 7.19 8.30
8.33      7.19      8.83      8.68      7.89
First round1 6.71 8.46
9.39      8.44      7.64      6.71      9.31
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final2 7.63 8.61
8.64      8.67      7.63      8.51      10.61
Second round2 6.96 7.71
8.30      7.74      7.08      13.16     6.96
First round3 7.43 8.36
8.64      10.46     7.88      7.43      8.57
Ukrainian Nationals 2017Final1 7.59 8.41
8.77      9.08      8.33      7.59      8.12
Semi Final1 6.90 8.35
9.19      8.82      6.90      8.89      7.34
Second round2 7.00 8.95
7.00      9.81      9.01      9.28      8.57
First round1 6.80 7.78
6.80      6.80      8.36      8.19      14.03
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final1 7.02 7.87
8.67      8.30      7.02      7.64      7.66
Semi Final4 7.54 9.05
8.62      7.54      9.20      11.09     9.34
Second round1 7.31 7.85
8.04      8.03      7.31      8.36      7.48
First round2 7.32 8.12
7.91      8.92      7.32      7.52      9.28
World Championship 2017Semi Final17 6.89 8.09
8.57      7.97      6.89      11.22     7.73
Second round12 6.97 7.98
6.97      8.38      7.73      7.83      8.46
First round12 5.97 7.67
7.21      5.97      10.21     8.08      7.71
SC Cup III 2017Final1 8.11 8.63
8.95      8.19      9.51      8.11      8.74
First round2 7.82 9.81
8.44      7.82      9.52      11.48     12.88
Barby Cube 73 2017Final1 8.17 8.98
8.17      8.30      9.47      9.29      9.35
Second round2 6.70 7.99
7.83      7.95      8.18      9.48      6.70
First round1 6.79 7.40
7.86      6.79      7.08      8.39      7.26
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final2 6.88 9.21
10.48     9.49      6.88      7.65      DNF
Second round1 7.79 8.85
7.79      9.87      7.89      10.06     8.78
First round1 7.26 8.08
7.88      12.54     8.66      7.71      7.26
SC Cup II 2017Final1 8.21 8.75
8.78      9.02      9.16      8.46      8.21
First round1 7.59 8.05
7.59      8.16      8.02      7.96      9.50
SLS Gliwice 2017Final1 7.96 8.61
8.84      8.21      7.96      9.68      8.79
Second round1 6.95 7.61
8.22      6.95      7.24      7.53      8.05
First round1 7.09 8.58
9.16      7.56      7.09      10.95     9.01
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016Final1 7.15 7.54
8.13      7.49      7.15      7.38      7.76
Second round3 7.28 7.88
9.80      8.33      7.28      7.78      7.54
First round1 7.39 8.57
8.37      8.47      8.86      7.39      9.07
CDJ 2016Final1 8.58 8.87
8.80      9.93      8.58      8.85      8.96
Second round1 7.00 8.39
9.18      8.01      9.50      7.97      7.00
First round1 6.43 7.88
9.17      8.82      6.43      7.04      7.77
MSDJ 2016Final1 6.86 8.02
7.58      9.55      11.85     6.93      6.86
Second round3 7.91 9.47
11.94     10.28     7.91      9.26      8.86
First round1 8.63 8.94
8.63      8.65      8.82      9.36      13.35
Italian Championship 2016Final1 7.27 8.48
7.72      9.37      7.27      8.36      11.29
Second round1 6.56 7.58
7.36      6.81      9.05      6.56      8.58
First round1 6.35 7.71
DNF       6.35      7.78      7.54      7.80
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final1 7.75 8.15
8.60      7.75      7.91      8.15      8.40
Second round3 7.97 9.68
9.43      7.97      11.14     10.21     9.39
First round1 6.74 7.62
6.74      7.00      8.04      9.25      7.83
GLS Cup IV 2016Final1 7.79 8.45
8.31      7.79      8.76      8.69      8.34
Second round1 6.70 8.20
7.53      8.29      8.77      8.88      6.70
First round1 6.07 7.52
7.41      6.07      7.11      9.28      8.03
Euro 2016Final14 8.64 9.72
9.68      8.64      11.22     10.08     9.41
Semi Final9 7.47 8.49
8.34      9.50      11.67     7.47      7.64
Second round9 7.93 8.69
7.93      8.71      8.35      9.00      10.12
First round57 9.33 10.21
10.56     9.56      10.51     13.50     9.33
WLS Lato 2016Final2 7.75 8.72
9.63      7.75      8.17      8.36      11.55
Second round3 7.25 8.96
10.15     8.51      10.31     7.25      8.23
First round5 7.89 9.44
11.08     9.11      7.89      8.14      DNF
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016Final3 6.51 9.33
10.95     9.70      9.01      9.28      6.51
Second round1 7.25 8.80
8.77      10.92     9.41      7.25      8.23
First round2 7.46 8.80
9.27      10.53     7.46      8.40      8.73
Zurich Open 2016Final1 7.09 8.10
8.52      8.15      8.80      7.63      7.09
Second round2 7.53 9.11
7.53      10.42     8.21      10.00     9.13
First round2 8.12 8.60
8.12      9.18      10.81     8.16      8.47
Milan Slam 2016Final1 6.71 8.13
7.84      7.57      9.05      8.97      6.71
Second round1 7.56 8.79
10.01     8.64      8.41      9.33      7.56
First round1 7.28 8.98
9.38      10.81     8.24      7.28      9.33
Kaskada Open 2016Final1 7.15 8.53
9.79      8.03      7.77      10.13     7.15
Second round1 7.57 8.50
8.42      7.57      9.21      9.48      7.87
First round2 7.19 8.51
7.19      9.44      7.40      8.69      12.12
SCC Open 2015Final1 7.53 8.59
8.44      7.53      9.46      7.88      9.97
First round1 7.71 8.59
8.77      9.01      7.71      8.00      9.25
Nancy Open 2015Final1 5.97 8.47
5.97      9.44      9.30      8.38      7.72
Second round1 6.08ER 7.13
6.41      9.00      7.56      7.41      6.08
First round1 6.53 7.21
6.88      7.68      7.06      6.53      7.78
DYC 2015Final2 7.96 8.64
8.18      10.47     7.96      9.05      8.68
Second round2 6.91NR 7.87
7.85      7.92      7.93      6.91      7.85
First round4 8.53 9.17
9.94      9.71      8.97      8.53      8.83
Polish Championship 2015Final2 7.45 8.63
10.10     8.03      8.21      7.45      9.65
Semi Final1 7.74 8.08
8.52      8.18      7.74      8.18      7.88
Second round2 7.44 9.21
9.46      10.54     10.58     7.64      7.44
First round1 7.39 8.93
9.43      7.39      9.09      8.28      11.72
Swiss Science Open 2015Final1 6.96 8.36
8.69      6.96      7.75      8.63      9.27
Second round1 6.41 9.18
9.94      9.61      12.36     6.41      8.00
First round1 7.41NR 7.98
8.53      7.52      DNF       7.90      7.41
Kaliska Open 2015Final2 7.32 9.60
9.28      9.40      11.21     10.12     7.32
Second round1 7.43 8.42
8.18      9.98      7.97      7.43      9.11
First round2 8.94 9.91
10.93     8.94      13.55     8.99      9.82
World Championship 2015Final4 6.53 8.82
9.96      7.54      9.87      9.04      6.53
Semi Final3NR 5.81NR 8.04
8.02      9.11      5.81      7.75      8.34
Second round3 8.14 8.58
8.14      8.41      10.37     8.29      9.05
First round3 7.90 8.55
9.45      8.68      7.90      8.49      8.47
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final1 7.32 8.54
7.32      8.55      7.97      9.09      9.67
Second round1 7.95 8.77
7.95      8.30      8.37      10.36     9.64
First round1 7.42 8.30
8.08      9.96      8.47      7.42      8.36
Palaghiaccio Open 2015Final1 8.06 8.28
8.41      8.25      8.06      9.80      8.19
Second round1 7.96 8.56
8.13      7.96      10.25     8.93      8.61
First round1 7.71 10.04
7.71      11.27     12.41     9.06      9.78
France 2015Final2 8.17 8.75
8.17      8.54      9.01      8.97      8.74
Second round1 7.98 9.11
9.49      8.36      9.76      7.98      9.49
First round1 7.87 9.01
8.92      9.71      7.87      10.55     8.41
Polish Open 2015Final1 8.04 9.43
8.04      13.24     9.40      9.84      9.05
Second round1 7.78 8.42
7.78      9.19      8.53      8.79      7.95
First round1 8.95 9.48
9.83      9.31      11.06     9.29      8.95
Riviera Cube Week 2015Final1 8.33 8.59
8.33      8.58      8.74      8.46      9.98
Second round2 9.30 10.51
9.30      10.58     11.74     10.36     10.60
First round2 8.60 9.41
9.91      8.60      10.01     9.33      9.00
Munich Open 2014Final2 7.19 8.95
9.30      10.59     9.58      7.97      7.19
Second round3 7.55 9.30
10.30     7.55      9.31      9.46      9.13
First round3 8.25 9.72
9.25      8.25      10.88     11.02     9.03
Swiss Science Open 2014Final1 8.68 9.42
11.90     10.41     9.13      8.72      8.68
Second round1 7.31 8.36
9.93      9.28      8.40      7.31      7.40
First round2 7.59 8.83
7.84      7.59      10.08     10.80     8.56
Kaliska Open 2014Final1 7.27 8.43
7.27      8.87      8.34      9.05      8.08
Second round1 7.95 9.05
7.95      8.54      9.95      9.36      9.26
First round1 6.96 8.17
7.51      8.59      8.42      11.47     6.96
Euro 2014Final9 8.60 9.92
9.91      9.84      10.01     10.79     8.60
Semi Final7 8.07 8.80
10.35     8.07      8.78      8.74      8.88
Second round3 7.89 8.81
8.93      8.88      7.89      9.01      8.62
First round6 8.72 9.09
8.82      9.20      9.24      8.72      9.84
Kielce Cube Attack 2014Final1 7.23 8.73
7.23      10.20     9.55      7.38      9.25
Second round1 7.40 8.73
9.58      8.57      7.40      8.96      8.65
First round1 7.89 8.35
8.24      8.90      9.73      7.92      7.89
PLS Sopot 2014Final1 8.39 9.11
11.85     9.27      8.39      8.85      9.21
Second round1 7.51 9.18
8.64      7.51      9.95      9.69      9.21
First round1 7.88 8.55
7.88      8.55      8.68      9.25      8.42
Polish Nationals 2014Final2 7.46 10.25
7.46      9.58      10.42     10.74     12.65
Second round1 7.11 8.32
8.88      7.11      8.23      9.78      7.86
First round1 8.78 8.97
9.01      10.12     9.00      8.78      8.89
Rumia Open 2014Final1 8.29 9.09
8.91      9.67      8.29      10.13     8.69
Second round1 7.03NR 8.11
7.96      9.24      7.57      8.79      7.03
First round2 9.47 10.15
10.45     9.47      9.67      10.71     10.32
Polish Open 2014Final1 8.36 9.07
9.18      9.52      8.36      8.51      DNF
Semi Final1 8.29 8.96
8.66      9.69      8.97      9.25      8.29
Second round1 8.41 9.73
9.20      9.88      10.11     11.11     8.41
First round1 7.52 8.59
8.97      9.13      7.52      8.16      8.65
Cubers Eve 2013Final1 7.61 9.70
7.61      10.40     10.66     9.98      8.72
Second round1 8.34 9.64
11.17     13.82     9.04      8.72      8.34
First round1 6.16NR 8.42
8.93      7.29      6.16      10.16     9.04
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final1 7.83 9.75
7.83      9.38      9.11      10.97     10.75
Second round1 7.68 8.83
10.16     7.68      11.80     8.56      7.77
First round1 8.77 9.76
10.25     12.30     8.77      9.78      9.25
Grudziadz Open 2013Final1 8.40 10.35
11.82     10.47     8.40      9.93      10.64
Second round1 8.69 9.02
9.12      9.27      9.13      8.80      8.69
First round1 8.23 9.02
8.91      11.28     8.66      9.49      8.23
World Championship 2013Semi Final19 8.77 9.82
13.53     10.65     8.77      10.01     8.81
Second round3 7.89 8.89
8.85      10.29     8.94      7.89      8.87
First round7 7.95 9.60
9.36      7.95      11.41     8.34      11.09
Polish Nationals 2013Final2 7.30 9.89
7.30      10.03     12.06     9.96      9.69
Second round1 8.27 9.25
9.46      9.05      8.27      9.31      9.38
First round1 8.71 10.17
10.05     11.05     9.41      11.44     8.71
Manufaktura Open 2013Final1 7.34 8.98
8.46      8.53      10.65     7.34      9.96
Second round1 7.96 9.32
8.61      7.96      9.28      10.65     10.08
First round1 9.41 10.12
10.56     12.93     9.83      9.96      9.41
Polish Open 2013Final1 8.50 9.52
9.42      10.03     9.76      9.38      8.50
Second round1 7.81 8.99
7.81      8.77      8.66      10.66     9.55
First round1 7.86 9.44
7.86      9.27      10.66     9.79      9.25
Jura Open 2012Final1 8.58 8.75
8.80      8.58      10.65     8.65      8.80
Second round1 8.61 9.26
8.86      9.94      9.53      8.61      9.38
First round1 8.19 9.81
8.19      10.09     9.27      10.06     12.47
Euro 2012Final3 7.65 9.24
9.19      12.34     9.30      7.65      9.22
Semi Final1 7.44 9.12
7.59      9.69      7.44      10.08     10.94
Second round1 8.22 8.74
8.59      9.09      8.22      8.91      8.71
First round1 8.19 8.74
8.19      8.52      9.16      9.72      8.55
Polish Nationals 2012Final1 8.03 8.96
8.84      8.03      9.03      9.02      9.61
Second round1 8.65 9.50
10.36     8.65      9.55      9.15      9.80
First round1 8.47 10.05
8.47      10.58     10.61     13.52     8.97
Polish Open 2012Final1 9.08 9.90
9.08      9.50      10.31     9.90      10.61
Second round1 6.88 9.43
9.52      6.88      13.02     8.13      10.65
First round2 9.19 11.44
9.63      11.66     9.19      15.16     13.03
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final1ER 6.11 9.41
6.11      9.31      10.81     10.41     8.52
Second round1 9.33 9.74
11.27     9.86      9.80      9.33      9.56
First round1 8.27 8.80
10.96     8.27      8.34      9.27      8.80
Kociewie Open 2011Final1 8.63 9.90
8.63      11.18     9.66      10.72     9.33
Second round1 7.88 8.88
8.96      9.33      7.88      9.44      8.36
First round1 8.43 10.06
8.43      12.06     9.78      9.80      10.61
World Championship 2011Final1 7.68NR 8.65
8.94      7.68      8.41      8.72      8.83
Semi Final2NR 7.58 9.02
8.66      10.61     7.58      10.71     7.80
Second round8 8.68 9.82
15.40     10.09     8.68      10.46     8.90
First round3 8.84 9.30
9.11      8.84      9.90      8.88      9.93
Poznan Open 2011Final1 8.43NR 8.90
8.88      8.88      9.78      8.93      8.43
Second round1 8.33 9.94
10.21     8.33      9.93      9.68      DNF
First round1 8.94 10.29
11.53     9.18      13.22     10.16     8.94
Polish Nationals 2011Final1 8.56 10.14
9.44      9.84      11.27     8.56      11.15
Second round1NR 7.77 9.90
9.19      11.50     7.77      10.34     10.16
First round1 9.72 10.93
9.72      9.84      14.15     10.63     12.31
Czech Open 2011Final2 8.83 9.80
9.11      9.68      8.83      10.61     10.81
Second round3 8.63 10.52
8.63      10.30     10.84     11.78     10.43
First round1 8.83 9.53
8.83      9.55      13.05     9.27      9.77
3Mola Open 2011Final1 8.03 9.83
10.69     8.65      10.16     8.03      12.40
Second round1 8.90 9.73
9.96      10.21     9.81      8.90      9.41
First round1 10.69 11.59
12.22     10.77     11.77     10.69     12.68
Bialystok Open 2011Final1 9.00NR 9.35
9.15      9.55      9.46      9.44      9.00
Second round2 8.49 10.52
10.56     10.88     10.11     8.49      14.63
First round1 8.41 10.32
8.72      11.02     11.88     11.21     8.41
Lodz Open 2011Final1 9.05 10.93
9.05      11.06     9.94      11.80     13.66
Second round1 8.66 9.95
9.52      15.30     10.31     8.66      10.02
First round1 9.53 10.42
10.50     9.53      10.96     9.80      17.96
Euro 2010Second round14 10.56 11.90
11.45     13.65     10.56     13.40     10.86
First round7 10.30 11.59
13.16     13.84     11.09     10.30     10.52
Polish Nationals 2010Final5 10.40 12.52
10.86     10.40     11.05     23.11     15.66
Second round2 10.59 11.35
10.59     13.25     11.38     10.72     11.94
First round2 9.58 11.48
9.58      11.53     12.81     10.11     22.46
US Nationals 2010Final5 11.43 12.07
11.90     12.86     11.46     11.43     12.97
Semi Final2 10.88 11.41
12.06     11.03     11.15     10.88     13.75
Second round11 11.63 12.85
12.59     12.53     13.50     13.43     11.63
First round2 10.78 11.21
13.96     11.11     10.81     11.72     10.78
3Mola Open 2010Final3 10.46 11.95
11.50     13.33     11.02     14.55     10.46
Second round3 10.00 13.07
10.00     15.94     12.68     14.56     11.97
First round3 12.21 12.55
12.21     13.55     12.97     12.21     12.46
Bialystok Open 2010Final2 10.93 12.58
12.08     15.09     11.91     10.93     13.75
Second round2 11.38 11.92
12.59     12.94     11.40     11.77     11.38
First round2 11.88 12.65
14.63     13.00     12.31     11.88     12.65
Grudziadz Open 2010Final6 10.90 14.09
11.58     13.05     17.63     10.90     18.09
First round3 10.59 12.97
12.06     13.00     15.19     10.59     13.86
Polish Open 2010Final4 11.94 12.93
13.41     12.52     15.19     11.94     12.86
Second round6 12.50 14.03
13.44     14.81     12.50     13.83     15.38
First round5 11.96 13.79
16.16     12.90     13.47     15.00     11.96
Polish Open 2009Second round18 12.66 17.79
15.28     19.59     12.66     18.50     20.08
First round13 14.38 15.75
DNF       15.09     14.38     17.27     14.90
Gdansk Open 2009Second round15 15.56 16.94
17.19     15.56     16.05     17.58     18.15
First round14 14.86 16.33
14.86     17.86     16.81     16.41     15.78
Lublin Open 2009Second round19 19.13 20.67
19.84     21.21     20.96     19.13     DNF
First round16 15.18 18.61
28.52     17.34     21.33     17.16     15.18
Polish Nationals 2009First round46 33.36 36.17
DNF       33.41     37.11     33.36     38.00
2x2x2 Cube
Polish Championship 2022First round15 2.28 3.16
3.88      2.28      6.16      3.08      2.51
Gdańsk Open 2020First round8 2.58 3.78
4.01      3.58      4.29      2.58      3.76
Paris Open 2019Final6 1.75 2.31
3.04      4.08      1.75      1.98      1.90
First round9 2.28 3.45
6.08      4.72      2.28      2.68      2.96
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final2 2.06 3.06
2.06      2.73      2.33      DNF       4.13
First round3 2.19 3.24
2.89      3.14      3.75      3.68      2.19
Zentralschweiz 2019Final5 1.73 2.90
4.02      2.33      3.83      2.53      1.73
First round3 2.34 3.08
2.34      3.40      4.22      2.47      3.38
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018Final1 2.06 2.81
3.83      2.06      2.31      3.26      2.85
First round1 1.99 2.57
1.99      2.81      6.36      2.86      2.05
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018First round12 2.03 3.86
6.35      2.03      2.78      4.65      4.15
Les Automnales 2018Final8 1.95 5.18
5.64      1.95      9.32      4.25      5.66
First round1 2.12 2.65
2.35      2.49      3.10      2.12      4.25
Polish Championship 2018Final11 2.14 4.97
4.88      6.76      2.14      4.82      5.21
Second round11 2.26 3.06
5.47      2.36      3.82      3.00      2.26
First round12 2.16 3.02
2.16      2.69      2.74      5.49      3.62
Argovia Open 2018Final1 1.90 2.48
2.64      2.21      1.90      2.58      4.44
Second round1 2.28 2.46
2.61      2.40      2.28      5.01      2.38
First round2 2.90 3.27
3.23      2.90      3.49      6.01      3.08
Paris Open 2018Final6 2.10 3.03
3.79      2.20      3.10      4.64      2.10
First round5 1.88 2.68
2.30      1.89      4.84      1.88      3.85
Swiss Nationals 2018Final5 1.97 3.41
1.97      3.95      8.51      3.25      3.02
Second round1 1.91 2.24
1.91      2.73      2.28      2.46      1.97
First round1 2.36 2.55
2.36      2.63      7.72      2.37      2.65
WCA Euro 2018Semi Final28 1.81 2.78
2.99      2.56      1.81      2.79      3.80
Second round23 1.74 2.84
2.32      3.80      2.39      4.17      1.74
First round20 2.18 2.57
2.49      2.34      2.94      2.87      2.18
GLS Cup III 2018Final5 1.71 3.29
1.71      7.12      2.73      2.15      4.98
Second round7 2.54 3.30
4.06      3.94      2.54      3.16      2.81
First round2 1.74 2.82
4.61      2.96      2.28      1.74      3.22
Zurich Open 2018Final1 1.27 2.78
6.80      1.27      1.55      2.49      4.29
First round1 1.96 3.24
2.42      2.54      1.96      4.76      5.95
Elsass Open 2018Final3 1.86 2.90
4.86      3.32      2.43      1.86      2.95
Second round4 1.19 2.29
2.51      2.89      1.19      1.83      2.53
First round5 1.97 2.59
1.97      3.68      2.68      2.08      3.02
SMSO 2018Final2 1.78 2.39
1.78      2.24      2.07      2.94      2.87
First round2 1.63 3.04
2.51      2.23      4.69      1.63      4.38
SC Cup I 2018Final5 2.36 3.52
5.21      2.36      2.46      3.77      4.33
First round5 1.92 3.59
DNF       3.47      3.91      3.39      1.92
Xlingen Open 2018Final3 1.92 3.85
7.91      2.82      1.92      5.07      3.65
Second round2 1.75 2.97
2.94      1.75      2.18      3.80      6.19
First round1 1.92 2.66
2.62      2.52      1.92      7.25      2.84
Nancy Open 2017Final5 0.87 2.69
2.39      2.76      0.87      3.71      2.92
Second round4 1.70 2.85
2.44      3.32      1.70      10.64     2.79
First round3 1.75 2.84
2.71      1.75      3.67      3.41      2.41
Polish Nationals 2017Final9 1.95 2.90
2.87      3.28      2.92      2.91      1.95
Second round5 1.91 2.60
2.52      2.25      3.36      3.02      1.91
First round9 2.06 2.93
3.87      7.70      2.06      2.36      2.55
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final4 1.86 2.91
3.08      1.86      2.87      3.01      2.86
Second round4 2.46 2.99
2.46      3.21      3.63      2.70      3.05
First round2 1.68 2.78
4.72      1.68      2.37      2.59      3.38
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final7 2.58 3.83
2.58      3.03      6.02      4.04      4.43
Second round8 2.95 4.30
4.35      6.08      2.95      4.38      4.18
First round1 1.98 3.06
1.98      4.46      2.50      2.21      4.85
Ukrainian Nationals 2017Final2 1.52 2.41
1.52      3.30      2.24      4.87      1.69
Second round1 1.96 2.32
1.96      2.70      3.72      2.25      2.01
First round1 1.90 2.39
3.41      1.90      2.68      2.24      2.26
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final7 2.73 3.18
5.38      2.90      3.84      2.73      2.80
Second round10 2.59 3.04
3.46      4.88      2.79      2.88      2.59
First round10 2.30 3.13
3.99      2.73      7.53      2.30      2.66
World Championship 2017Final16 1.59 2.44
1.59      2.51      1.82      3.62      2.99
Semi Final15 1.87 2.11
2.35      2.06      1.87      1.92      2.56
Second round63 2.66 3.23
4.15      4.18      2.66      2.70      2.83
First round103 2.11 3.64
9.81      3.33      4.48      2.11      3.10
Barby Cube 73 2017Final7 2.50 4.03
5.09      2.50      6.01      4.19      2.81
Second round1 1.93 2.39
1.93      4.34      3.02      2.21      1.94
First round2 2.34 2.63
2.84      2.66      2.34      2.40      5.71
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final1 2.11 2.42
2.52      5.00      2.16      2.11      2.58
First round4 2.25 3.35
3.11      5.80      3.59      2.25      3.35
SC Cup II 2017Final1 1.50 2.58
2.04      3.10      2.61      3.53      1.50
SLS Gliwice 2017Final3 2.57 3.05
2.79      9.97      2.57      3.02      3.35
First round2 2.16 2.53
2.69      2.92      2.16      2.42      2.48
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016Final3 2.23 3.09
2.24      4.50      2.84      2.23      4.20
First round3 1.69 2.80
2.18      1.69      2.22      4.06      4.01
CDJ 2016Final2 1.99 2.74
2.59      1.99      2.14      3.49      4.68
Second round1 2.03 2.19
2.47      2.03      2.26      2.13      2.19
First round1 1.71 2.14
2.17      1.71      2.11      2.93      2.15
MSDJ 2016Final1 2.50 3.46
4.62      7.07      2.50      3.01      2.75
Second round1 1.80 2.42
1.80      5.11      2.65      2.45      2.16
First round2 1.68 3.12
4.23      3.26      1.68      3.73      2.37
Italian Championship 2016Final1 1.72 2.46
1.72      3.80      1.72      3.10      2.55
First round8 2.33 3.76
DNF       3.55      4.93      2.81      2.33
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final3 2.83 3.56
6.19      2.83      2.86      3.40      4.43
Second round2 1.88 2.80
3.16      2.47      2.76      1.88      5.65
First round1 1.86 2.79
2.38      2.68      3.30      1.86      3.53
GLS Cup IV 2016Final3 1.89 3.15
2.75      1.89      2.43      4.28      4.26
Second round2 2.63 3.06
2.63      5.28      3.32      2.84      3.02
First round1 1.24 2.67
2.58      2.72      2.72      1.24      4.48
Euro 2016Second round30 1.95 3.29
2.61      3.36      5.55      1.95      3.89
First round32 2.79 3.31
3.69      2.80      2.79      3.45      4.69
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016Second round10 2.21 3.55
2.30      2.66      5.70      7.40      2.21
First round1 2.59 3.05
2.80      2.59      4.14      2.96      3.39
Zurich Open 2016Final1 1.81 2.37
2.31      2.64      1.81      3.23      2.17
First round6 1.85 4.27
4.83      1.85      3.24      5.05      4.75
Milan Slam 2016Final1 1.93 2.62
1.93      3.85      2.33      2.84      2.69
First round1 2.41 3.14
2.41      3.68      3.02      4.11      2.73
Kaskada Open 2016Final1 1.89 2.53
2.50      5.37      1.89      2.17      2.92
Second round3 2.06 2.91
3.34      3.98      3.03      2.36      2.06
First round2 2.39 3.18
2.39      4.13      2.62      6.95      2.80
SCC Open 2015Final1 2.57 2.91
3.44      2.57      2.68      2.60      5.27
First round1 1.98 2.28
3.82      1.98      2.14      2.42      2.28
Nancy Open 2015Final1 1.47 2.73
1.47      3.03      2.59      3.05      2.58
Second round6 2.13 3.30
2.30      2.13      5.30      2.52      5.09
First round2 2.33 3.05
6.07      2.33      2.83      3.68      2.63
DYC 2015Final3 2.02 3.01
3.49      2.02      3.16      4.68      2.38
Second round6 2.22 3.85
5.71      4.15      2.22      3.00      4.41
First round6 2.22 4.16
8.68      2.22      2.72      5.96      3.80
Polish Championship 2015Final1 1.50NR 1.98
1.66      1.50      2.26      3.31      2.02
Semi Final1 1.91 2.23
2.86      2.28      2.31      1.91      2.11
Second round7 2.34 3.36
4.87      2.41      2.34      3.06      4.61
First round5 2.06 3.03
3.01      2.06      2.84      9.44      3.24
Swiss Science Open 2015Final1 1.72 2.72
3.83      2.16      1.72      2.90      3.11
First round1 1.68 2.58
3.08      1.68      2.10      2.86      2.77
Kaliska Open 2015Final5 2.20 2.76
2.84      3.11      5.00      2.20      2.33
Second round1 1.86 2.17
1.98      1.97      1.86      5.40      2.57
First round5 2.38 3.60
3.70      DNF       3.92      3.19      2.38
World Championship 2015Final4 2.05 2.50
2.58      2.34      2.71      2.58      2.05
Semi Final6 2.23 3.00
3.08      3.55      4.66      2.23      2.37
Second round8 2.29 3.15
3.00      3.18      2.29      3.28      4.47
First round4 2.41 2.77
2.44      2.41      2.68      3.19      4.05
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final4 1.94 2.93
4.25      2.37      1.94      2.16      5.53
First round12 2.29 3.93
2.29      6.25      5.55      3.52      2.73
Palaghiaccio Open 2015Final2 2.72 3.60
4.03      2.90      4.03      2.72      3.88
Second round1 1.88 3.00
3.25      4.75      2.61      1.88      3.13
First round1 1.94 2.46
2.06      2.41      1.94      2.91      4.59
France 2015Final1 2.66 2.97
3.75      2.66      3.31      2.86      2.75
Second round1 2.02 2.28
2.36      2.63      2.11      2.36      2.02
First round5 2.03 3.56
4.03      5.27      3.29      3.36      2.03
Polish Open 2015Final7 2.52 3.50
3.28      DNF       3.67      2.52      3.54
First round1 1.67 2.36
2.36      2.46      2.25      1.67      3.42
Riviera Cube Week 2015Final2 2.19 2.70
2.19      3.08      2.56      DNF       2.47
Second round2 2.77 3.09
4.95      2.77      3.52      2.92      2.83
First round2 1.91 3.04
3.94      1.91      2.46      3.72      2.95
Munich Open 2014Final1 2.20 2.63
2.20      3.31      2.69      2.55      2.64
First round1 1.97 2.55
2.65      1.97      2.11      2.88      3.00
Swiss Science Open 2014Final1 2.50 3.00
2.50      3.57      2.66      4.00      2.77
First round1 2.57 3.07
3.41      2.57      7.02      2.66      3.14
Euro 2014Final1 2.25 2.96
3.25      3.11      2.52      6.04      2.25
Second round4 1.73 2.67
2.67      3.43      1.73      2.94      2.41
First round3 2.57 2.77
3.71      2.75      2.74      2.57      2.82
Kielce Cube Attack 2014Second round71 2.30 DNF
2.82      2.30      DNF       4.15      DNF
First round2 2.22 3.29
2.22      2.82      3.00      DNF       4.04
PLS Sopot 2014Final3 2.66 3.25
3.65      2.74      2.66      5.07      3.37
Second round2 2.50 3.39
2.50      4.67      2.71      2.78      5.92
First round2 2.05 3.62
2.56      4.11      6.09      2.05      4.19
Polish Nationals 2014Final2 1.89 2.59
3.85      2.40      3.21      2.16      1.89
First round1 2.08 2.59
2.64      2.42      2.72      3.38      2.08
Rumia Open 2014Final2 2.09 2.98
2.09      3.21      2.49      3.25      3.90
Second round5 3.01 3.87
3.61      3.01      4.51      4.82      3.48
First round3 2.44 3.22
4.13      2.99      2.61      2.44      4.06
Polish Open 2014Final1 2.48 2.78
2.48      3.10      2.63      2.95      2.75
First round4 2.44 3.41
2.44      3.06      3.77      5.21      3.41
Cubers Eve 2013Final2 2.25 3.39
2.29      6.52      4.60      3.29      2.25
First round2 2.02 2.92
2.52      4.81      2.02      4.14      2.11
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final1 2.15 3.29
2.15      5.52      2.90      4.28      2.68
First round1 1.78 2.72
2.68      3.13      2.34      1.78      7.06
Grudziadz Open 2013Final1 2.17 2.71
2.29      3.13      2.17      2.71      3.18
First round2 2.13 3.24
2.67      2.78      2.13      4.28      4.38
World Championship 2013Final2 2.54 2.77
2.83      5.00      2.57      2.54      2.91
Semi Final5 2.27 2.76
3.76      2.84      2.60      2.83      2.27
Second round2 2.15 2.60
2.63      3.03      2.15      2.82      2.35
First round5 2.45 2.72
3.02      2.68      2.46      2.45      3.17
Polish Nationals 2013Final1 2.55 2.79
2.55      2.66      3.19      2.80      2.90
Second round2 2.51 3.30
2.51      3.02      3.72      3.46      3.41
First round2 2.43 3.17
2.87      3.08      2.43      4.08      3.57
Manufaktura Open 2013Final1 2.15 2.57
2.50      2.15      2.81      2.41      3.40
Second round1 2.63 3.48
4.65      2.86      3.88      2.63      3.69
First round1 1.67 2.33
2.28      1.67      2.42      2.30      3.37
Polish Open 2013Final1 1.81ER 2.13
2.40      1.93      1.81      3.00      2.06
Second round1 1.72 2.89
3.16      2.27      1.72      3.72      3.25
First round4 2.52 4.01
3.55      2.52      3.34      6.84      5.15
Jura Open 2012Final1 2.28 2.53
2.28      2.55      2.46      5.38      2.58
Second round1 2.33 3.16
6.25      2.69      2.33      3.25      3.55
First round3 2.53 3.91
2.53      2.59      4.68      5.05      4.46
Euro 2012Final2 2.36 3.23
2.36      2.84      4.02      2.83      6.34
First round1 2.03ER 2.22
2.06      2.43      3.52      2.18      2.03
Polish Nationals 2012Final2 2.28 4.03
6.43      2.28      2.28      3.38      6.68
Second round1 1.71 3.83
4.08      5.30      1.71      3.46      3.94
First round1 2.02 2.78
3.11      2.19      2.02      3.05      3.30
Polish Open 2012Final1 1.59NR 2.48
2.66      1.59      3.59      2.21      2.56
Second round1 1.65 3.32
2.77      1.65      4.34      4.55      2.86
First round1 1.81 3.14
1.81      10.06     3.75      2.36      3.30
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final1 2.94 4.07
4.22      2.94      3.71      4.27      8.56
First round1 2.03 2.85
3.08      4.69      2.36      2.03      3.11
Kociewie Open 2011Final1 1.91 2.91
1.91      2.56      2.69      3.56      3.47
First round1 2.71 3.14
3.22      2.71      3.34      2.86      3.69
World Championship 2011Final2 1.61 2.74
2.75      1.61      2.68      4.33      2.78
First round10 2.86 3.56
4.21      2.86      3.72      3.38      3.58
Poznan Open 2011Final1 2.75 3.22
3.00      3.56      2.75      3.09      3.56
Second round1 1.83 3.24
2.25      3.50      1.83      4.16      3.96
First round1 2.77 3.27
2.77      3.93      3.09      3.97      2.78
Polish Nationals 2011Final1 1.72 2.90
3.19      2.65      3.68      2.86      1.72
Second round1 2.58 3.15
3.06      3.15      2.58      3.25      3.97
First round2 2.97 4.10
2.97      4.43      3.80      4.40      4.09
Czech Open 2011Final6 3.27 4.05
3.68      5.19      4.40      4.06      3.27
First round2 2.91 3.26
2.97      2.91      3.47      4.19      3.33
3Mola Open 2011Final1 2.13 2.95
3.03      2.36      3.72      3.47      2.13
First round1 2.28 3.26
2.28      3.61      3.52      3.16      3.09
Bialystok Open 2011Final1 1.75NR 2.70
4.05      2.78      3.30      1.75      2.03
Second round1 1.83 3.00
2.25      6.88      3.19      1.83      3.56
First round1 2.50 3.11
2.50      2.75      2.88      5.03      3.69
Lodz Open 2011Final1 1.83 3.16
3.33      2.71      3.44      4.58      1.83
First round1 2.38 3.47
2.38      2.96      5.28      3.53      3.93
Euro 2010Final1 2.44NR 2.83
4.02      2.71      2.44      3.01      2.76
First round8 2.05 3.48
2.05      4.02      2.43      4.13      4.00
Polish Nationals 2010Final1 1.69 3.60
1.69      3.90      4.09      3.13      3.77
Second round1 2.65 3.41
3.11      3.16      2.65      4.11      3.97
First round1 2.72 3.00
2.97      3.22      2.81      2.72      4.16
US Nationals 2010Final2 2.71 3.55
3.41      4.65      4.43      2.71      2.81
Second round4NR 1.03 2.97
2.44      3.02      3.46      4.19      1.03
First round9 2.27 4.02
2.83      3.97      8.00      5.27      2.27
3Mola Open 2010Final1 3.19 4.11
3.69      3.19      4.25      4.38      4.44
Bialystok Open 2010Final1 2.46ER 2.89
2.91      2.46      3.00      3.61      2.77
First round2 2.81 4.37
2.81      DNF       2.86      7.34      2.91
Grudziadz Open 2010Final2 2.02 3.47
4.86      2.78      2.77      2.02      5.31
First round2 2.52 3.83
3.81      4.09      4.38      3.58      2.52
Polish Open 2010Final2 2.72 3.55
2.81      3.78      4.94      2.72      4.06
First round2 2.61 3.60
4.71      3.93      2.61      2.72      4.15
Polish Open 2009Second round13 5.63 6.50
6.30      5.63      7.38      8.94      5.83
First round8 1.66 5.40
1.66      3.47      5.52      18.86     7.20
Gdansk Open 2009First round11 4.43 6.63
4.43      6.21      7.05      6.63      8.56
Lublin Open 2009Final6 5.75 6.49
6.22      5.75      8.19      7.19      6.05
Polish Nationals 2009First round34 10.68
10.68     11.80
4x4x4 Cube
Polish Championship 2022First round23 34.34 38.42
37.28     49.36     34.34     40.91     37.08
Swiss Nationals 2019Final15 36.61 40.29
42.02     39.56     43.37     39.29     36.61
First round18 35.29 42.97
44.60     41.03     44.57     43.30     35.29
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final8 36.53 38.48
41.74     41.25     36.55     36.53     37.63
First round9 36.61 41.98
47.69     37.59     44.86     43.48     36.61
Zentralschweiz 2019Second round15 39.86 45.04
39.86     43.56     46.01     47.36     45.55
First round15 38.61 42.73
46.46     41.97     38.61     46.13     40.10
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018Final10 37.22 40.35
40.28     37.22     40.00     40.76     46.93
First round8 36.59 38.39
36.59     39.43     38.09     37.66     41.92
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018First round11 32.84 40.02
34.82     43.82     51.86     41.41     32.84
Les Automnales 2018Final8 39.69 44.65
44.99     48.77     39.69     46.24     42.72
First round4 34.31 38.02
40.09     36.04     37.93     41.98     34.31
Swiss Science Open 2018Final2 36.19 39.26
38.75     39.53     36.19     39.49     44.46
First round2 34.64 37.72
42.27     34.64     44.67     34.88     36.01
Polish Championship 2018First round15 35.76 39.10
40.12     39.91     37.28     41.74     35.76
Argovia Open 2018Final9 36.87 44.97
46.22     36.87     42.29     46.41     46.57
First round8 32.99 42.18
46.76     40.40     32.99     50.17     39.38
Paris Open 2018Second round26 40.89 47.41
40.89     45.24     44.07     1:01.99   52.93
First round6 35.26 37.03
35.81     39.90     35.45     35.26     39.84
Swiss Nationals 2018First round11 37.33 44.31
44.88     37.33     41.39     46.66     47.60
GLS Cup III 2018First round15 36.34 41.87
36.34     49.10     44.57     42.16     38.87
Zentralschweiz 2018Final8 39.80 44.60
41.07     48.63     39.80     49.08     44.11
First round8 34.19 43.82
38.34     46.64     51.54     46.47     34.19
Zurich Open 2018Final8 40.92 45.57
50.03     42.73     40.92     45.87     48.10
First round4 37.12 40.44
39.94     45.17     37.12     37.29     44.08
Elsass Open 2018Second round34 35.22 43.41
46.57     42.66     42.46     45.10     35.22
First round47 34.99 52.22
1:20.25   42.03     34.99     58.97     55.65
SC Cup I 2018Final11 39.38 44.18
44.69     39.38     47.60     51.61     40.25
First round12 40.15 47.21
49.63     40.15     56.79     47.77     44.22
Xlingen Open 2018Final8 43.80 45.20
43.80     45.28     45.02     45.29     55.25
First round9 42.09 50.72
47.07     52.82     52.75     52.35     42.09
Nancy Open 2017Final8 36.36 40.61
43.73     41.30     36.36     36.80     46.83
Second round5 30.60 37.10
34.09     30.60     36.82     41.58     40.40
First round6 35.67 38.59
36.34     47.24     39.24     40.19     35.67
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final15 41.41 45.23
54.28     48.10     41.41     44.93     42.67
First round10 38.04 42.72
42.48     59.62     45.41     40.26     38.04
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final10 36.43 47.58
DNF       36.43     48.23     44.16     50.34
First round6 38.79 42.41
44.65     38.79     47.54     40.90     41.69
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final12 43.33 44.86
44.60     43.51     46.46     43.33     47.00
First round11 36.07 41.04
36.07     53.32     38.02     40.39     44.72
World Championship 2017First round150 41.99 44.55
46.76     42.13     45.01     46.51     41.99
SC Cup III 2017Final3 35.70 41.29
46.24     46.84     39.87     37.75     35.70
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final5 38.99 42.66
44.87     41.98     38.99     47.05     41.12
First round5 33.92 42.79
47.91     45.26     41.93     41.17     33.92
SC Cup II 2017Final8 39.08 45.12
1:31.21   48.90     43.98     39.08     42.48
CDJ 2016Final3 38.53 45.80
57.28     38.53     44.47     47.46     45.47
First round1 38.07 41.37
43.99     38.07     DNF       38.30     41.81
MSDJ 2016Final4 35.51 41.31
51.50     46.69     37.36     39.89     35.51
First round4 38.74 42.13
38.74     50.52     41.10     39.20     46.09
Italian Championship 2016Final4 41.28 45.16
43.19     48.41     47.28     41.28     45.00
First round8 42.34 44.90
48.19     44.75     46.80     42.34     43.15
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final3 38.92 43.48
45.02     38.92     46.03     39.39     53.28
Second round4 41.61 45.66
44.18     45.20     41.61     51.66     47.60
First round1 40.12 41.38
40.12     49.26     41.98     41.93     40.23
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016Final5 41.34 43.76
45.35     43.89     41.34     52.48     42.05
Second round3 39.41 42.18
42.11     42.87     46.57     39.41     41.56
First round2 35.50 40.46
45.11     38.36     43.73     35.50     39.30
Zurich Open 2016Final7 40.64 46.35
48.67     45.51     40.64     56.48     44.87
First round7 42.26 47.10
42.26     44.59     52.51     45.02     51.70
Milan Slam 2016Final3 35.11 44.31
46.65     40.55     35.11     45.72     48.12
Kaskada Open 2016Final8 40.43 45.26
45.70     48.32     40.43     1:00.06   41.75
SCC Open 2015Final1 35.17 38.40
35.17     37.87     40.52     41.01     36.81
First round2 39.17 43.30
39.17     46.36     40.93     42.61     56.63
DYC 2015Final6 31.26 41.37
50.75     39.78     42.85     31.26     41.49
First round7 42.02 43.84
42.81     42.02     46.51     47.53     42.20
Polish Championship 2015Final6 35.64 40.61
38.73     43.37     42.86     40.25     35.64
Second round9 35.67 43.30
47.77     45.66     39.76     35.67     44.49
First round8 35.31 43.71
35.31     42.78     45.88     51.08     42.48
Swiss Science Open 2015Final4 33.39 45.03
47.50     47.91     42.18     45.40     33.39
First round2 35.56 40.51
35.56     37.02     44.00     42.64     41.86
Kaliska Open 2015Final7 41.24 43.37
41.24     43.15     46.71     41.96     44.99
First round5 38.98 41.81
38.98     41.23     41.73     42.47     43.79
World Championship 2015Semi Final18 35.38 41.54
43.61     43.23     40.01     35.38     41.38
Second round15 34.12 39.40
42.55     43.64     39.24     36.42     34.12
First round22 36.06 41.96
49.11     48.86     39.71     37.31     36.06
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final3 35.21 36.94
45.03     39.11     35.60     36.12     35.21
First round10 43.51 47.52
46.80     46.70     43.51     49.05     49.82
Palaghiaccio Open 2015Final1 36.85 44.36
45.53     36.85     41.63     45.93     52.16
First round1 38.75 45.34
45.33     46.66     44.03     47.69     38.75
France 2015Final5 38.11 44.12
45.21     38.11     40.22     49.09     46.92
First round6 41.00 45.35
41.00     46.88     42.68     46.48     47.09
Polish Open 2015Final10 43.95 48.58
45.36     52.17     43.95     48.21     52.35
First round6 43.53 45.99
50.88     44.82     43.53     45.60     47.56
Riviera Cube Week 2015First round6 40.24 47.59
46.86     40.24     45.94     49.96     50.21
Munich Open 2014Final7 41.38 44.57
41.38     58.47     47.00     42.41     44.30
First round11 39.72 48.17
45.55     52.21     52.85     46.75     39.72
Swiss Science Open 2014Final3 36.44 40.82
36.44     38.40     45.41     40.16     43.91
First round3 36.03 41.18
38.97     39.50     36.03     46.65     45.06
Euro 2014Second round15 36.14 39.66
39.56     46.95     36.14     39.68     39.75
First round19 36.72 41.62
36.72     DNF       43.12     40.57     41.17
Kielce Cube Attack 2014Final6 39.10 45.38
46.28     44.48     39.10     45.37     47.36
First round3 34.74 40.00
43.58     34.74     42.57     36.98     40.45
PLS Sopot 2014Final3 38.51 42.04
49.72     44.44     43.03     38.51     38.65
Second round4 40.55 44.94
51.19     46.11     42.52     40.55     46.18
First round4 41.90 45.92
45.90     47.00     44.94     46.93     41.90
Polish Nationals 2014First round46 50.05 1:02.50
58.93     50.05     1:03.36   1:05.20   1:08.74
Polish Open 2014Final10 44.21 52.84
51.28     44.21     59.43     1:30.69   47.81
First round6 46.26 49.16
46.26     52.51     47.93     47.05     54.53
Cubers Eve 2013Final8 48.23 58.27
DNF       57.27     48.23     1:01.90   55.64
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final7 40.72 56.75
40.72     55.06     54.63     1:03.72   1:00.55
First round2 47.18 54.09
47.18     49.58     1:01.03   52.75     59.93
Grudziadz Open 2013Final3 45.53 49.69
48.18     46.46     45.53     1:15.83   54.43
First round5 46.88 54.43
54.61     46.88     53.17     55.51     59.74
World Championship 2013Second round62 49.47 52.29
51.66     49.54     DNF       49.47     55.67
First round50 45.84 49.20
51.03     47.76     52.38     48.82     45.84
Polish Nationals 2013Final8 46.46 55.17
54.58     55.97     46.46     57.77     54.97
First round12 48.11 53.55
DNF       48.11     57.47     49.34     53.84
Manufaktura Open 2013Final2 45.56 54.11
46.77     45.56     56.16     DNF       59.40
First round2 43.90 53.50
53.08     43.90     57.43     1:01.18   50.00
Polish Open 2013Final11 49.22 55.38
49.22     59.78     51.27     1:03.33   55.08
First round10 43.59 54.14
50.65     57.65     DNF       54.11     43.59
Jura Open 2012Final10 49.28 57.78
58.81     1:03.93   50.61     49.28     1:07.33
First round9 47.53 53.84
59.81     55.43     52.80     53.30     47.53
Euro 2012Second round28 47.40 50.15
48.66     47.40     49.50     52.58     52.30
First round31 45.71 50.59
46.53     45.71     46.16     59.08     59.61
Polish Nationals 2012Final2 41.52 47.21
51.46     42.21     41.52     51.56     47.97
First round3 46.11 49.28
47.33     46.11     48.61     51.90     54.88
Polish Open 2012Final3 46.65 50.27
53.53     48.36     46.65     48.93     54.84
First round7 45.46 55.84
1:04.80   1:03.65   46.80     45.46     57.06
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final1 42.59 48.37
51.91     42.59     50.15     44.63     50.33
Kociewie Open 2011Final1 40.53 49.31
50.18     46.22     52.66     40.53     51.52
World Championship 2011Second round37 48.22 53.89
59.90     50.96     58.36     52.36     48.22
First round36 49.43 51.89
50.43     50.22     49.43     56.25     55.03
Poznan Open 2011Final2 45.50 57.50
45.50     1:10.47   49.94     52.08     DNF
First round1 46.86 50.69
46.86     54.30     49.43     53.22     49.43
Polish Nationals 2011Final3 47.88 56.76
52.86     1:00.34   47.88     1:02.50   57.09
First round3 47.94 55.32
1:00.08   54.02     56.72     47.94     55.21
Czech Open 2011First round12 54.88 1:03.53
1:01.08   1:08.19   1:01.31   54.88     1:27.59
3Mola Open 2011Final3 55.40 1:01.26
1:01.02   1:12.84   1:01.27   55.40     1:01.50
Bialystok Open 2011Final8 57.28 1:02.91
1:03.91   1:03.13   57.28     1:18.88   1:01.69
First round5 57.94 1:00.62
57.94     1:01.06   59.75     1:07.63   1:01.06
Lodz Open 2011Final5 52.46 1:00.98
1:02.91   1:01.40   58.63     1:06.27   52.46
Euro 2010First round32 56.41 1:01.37
57.97     1:03.38   1:06.05   1:02.75   56.41
Polish Nationals 2010Final7 47.19 59.34
1:08.59   1:07.22   1:00.81   47.19     50.00
First round5 50.30 54.72
54.38     56.81     59.31     52.97     50.30
3Mola Open 2010Final7 49.31 1:17.06
1:14.94   1:27.03   1:09.22   1:32.55   49.31
Bialystok Open 2010Final5 59.00 1:08.26
59.00     1:08.58   1:26.00   1:04.09   1:12.11
Grudziadz Open 2010Final6 1:01.61 1:06.79
1:07.03   1:08.65   1:04.68   1:09.19   1:01.61
First round5 59.66 1:05.35
1:18.02   59.66     59.90     1:09.72   1:06.44
Polish Open 2010Final7 55.93 1:05.11
1:01.63   1:11.65   55.93     1:21.00   1:02.05
First round10 1:01.36 1:09.12
1:08.65   1:01.36   1:16.86   1:05.34   1:13.36
Polish Open 2009Second round16 1:06.68 1:18.16
1:14.86   1:13.80   1:27.30   1:25.81   1:06.68
First round13 1:03.13 1:12.63
1:12.86   1:14.06   1:11.00   1:03.13   1:14.02
Gdansk Open 2009First round11 1:07.19 1:17.35
1:18.15   1:07.19   1:14.31   1:19.58   1:21.18
Lublin Open 2009Final15 1:21.27
1:35.15   1:21.27
5x5x5 Cube
Polish Championship 2022First round30 1:11.20 1:17.59
1:11.20   1:15.19   1:29.10   1:14.52   1:23.07
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final10 1:16.72 1:27.42
1:21.39   1:39.77   1:25.72   1:16.72   1:35.15
First round8 1:13.83 1:23.74
1:25.30   1:20.01   1:28.76   1:13.83   1:25.90
Paris Open 2018First round21 1:22.30 1:27.75
1:22.30   DNF       1:30.81   1:23.85   1:28.60
GLS Cup III 2018Second round16 1:06.95 1:21.26
1:25.05   1:23.31   1:17.46   1:23.02   1:06.95
First round18 1:19.29 1:26.29
1:23.62   1:43.02   1:24.67   1:30.58   1:19.29
Zurich Open 2018Final6 1:12.59 1:17.87
1:13.93   1:16.93   1:22.75   1:12.59   1:30.71
First round6 1:18.80 1:25.44
1:18.80   1:32.15   1:24.16   1:22.51   1:29.66
Elsass Open 2018First round30 1:14.79 1:25.79
1:23.22   1:24.63   1:32.12   1:29.52   1:14.79
SMSO 2018Final7 1:18.21 1:22.83
1:18.21   1:19.10   1:33.37   1:22.10   1:27.30
First round7 1:17.16 1:26.33
1:32.02   1:17.16   1:19.51   1:29.47   1:30.01
Nancy Open 2017First round13 1:14.41 1:25.21
1:27.47   1:14.41   1:25.63   1:29.22   1:22.52
Polish Nationals 2017Final12 1:11.20 1:17.31
1:22.58   1:11.20   1:15.29   1:14.07   DNF
First round14 1:17.60 1:24.11
1:27.70   1:25.35   1:19.27   1:17.60   1:32.69
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final12 1:07.34 1:20.66
1:18.27   1:12.02   1:31.70   1:31.70   1:07.34
First round12 1:05.12 1:22.31
1:30.68   1:16.48   1:25.86   1:24.59   1:05.12
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final3 1:10.55 1:13.98
1:20.17   1:22.83   1:11.02   1:10.55   1:10.76
First round9 1:15.25 1:25.51
1:15.25   1:24.02   1:27.23   1:25.51   1:26.99
Ukrainian Nationals 2017Final8 1:20.75 1:26.50
1:32.13   1:24.60   1:20.75   1:22.78   1:32.33
First round5 1:17.54 1:18.78
1:17.54   1:17.71   1:20.04   1:22.23   1:18.60
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final11 1:08.21 1:18.68
1:16.55   1:18.49   1:08.21   1:20.99   1:21.99
First round12 1:12.06 1:25.49
1:25.60   1:21.32   1:29.54   1:32.27   1:12.06
SC Cup III 2017Final4 1:10.63 1:19.41
1:31.12   1:22.69   1:15.24   1:20.31   1:10.63
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final3 1:07.93 1:17.29
1:12.92   1:18.38   1:22.34   1:07.93   1:20.58
CDJ 2016Final4 1:16.11 1:21.72
1:16.11   1:27.44   1:20.89   1:19.02   1:25.26
First round2 1:10.99 1:23.84
1:10.99   1:19.52   1:24.98   1:29.29   1:27.01
MSDJ 2016Final5 1:17.21 1:21.00
1:22.23   1:18.21   1:36.90   1:22.55   1:17.21
First round4 1:13.92 1:17.39
1:15.31   1:20.47   1:13.92   1:16.75   1:20.10
Italian Championship 2016Final4 1:16.96 1:19.67
1:29.31   1:19.07   1:18.26   1:21.68   1:16.96
First round6 1:17.40 1:26.55
1:23.53   1:17.40   1:31.14   1:26.21   1:29.90
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final3 1:19.80 1:23.85
1:24.68   1:28.72   1:26.43   1:19.80   1:20.44
Second round2 1:05.47 1:21.18
1:21.45   1:21.76   1:05.47   1:20.34   1:35.80
First round3 1:15.17 1:20.81
1:15.17   1:19.84   1:21.23   1:21.35   1:21.35
Euro 2016Second round48 1:18.32 1:31.68
1:29.55   2:03.78   1:18.32   1:39.22   1:26.27
First round46 1:16.99 1:20.85
1:29.87   1:16.99   1:20.80   1:17.03   1:24.72
Zurich Open 2016Final4 1:14.63 1:27.63
1:14.63   1:24.81   1:31.28   1:42.86   1:26.81
First round2 1:17.02 1:22.06
1:26.90   1:23.80   1:21.80   1:20.59   1:17.02
Kaskada Open 2016Final5 1:08.97 1:22.95
1:08.97   1:22.15   1:28.60   1:27.48   1:19.21
SCC Open 2015Final3 1:14.15 1:27.31
1:30.99   1:27.55   1:14.15   1:28.51   1:25.88
DYC 2015Final6 1:14.72 1:22.44
1:19.18   1:16.51   1:36.80   1:31.62   1:14.72
First round8 1:19.59 1:23.22
1:23.84   1:19.78   1:19.59   1:26.03   1:26.40
Polish Championship 2015Final6 1:15.92 1:21.46
1:28.22   1:25.71   1:18.54   1:20.13   1:15.92
Second round6 1:17.62 1:22.91
1:20.58   1:22.84   1:25.30   1:30.87   1:17.62
First round5 1:17.11 1:23.33
1:18.49   1:28.56   1:22.95   1:17.11   1:35.52
Swiss Science Open 2015Final4 1:14.19 1:22.18
1:23.02   1:21.28   1:22.25   1:24.72   1:14.19
First round2 1:15.84 1:20.95
1:51.72   1:20.88   1:17.14   1:24.84   1:15.84
World Championship 2015Final16 1:25.96 1:37.59
1:25.96   1:26.57   2:24.36   1:55.78   1:30.42
Second round14 1:13.33 1:22.35
1:27.74   1:16.37   1:28.07   1:13.33   1:22.95
First round17 1:18.05 1:23.02
1:20.32   1:28.07   1:25.92   1:22.81   1:18.05
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final7 1:16.49 1:26.50
1:25.77   1:30.75   1:27.92   1:16.49   1:25.80
Palaghiaccio Open 2015Final1 1:11.84 1:21.28
1:14.10   1:28.39   1:21.34   1:37.40   1:11.84
First round1 1:15.53 1:20.49
1:19.43   1:15.53   DNF       1:23.02   1:19.02
France 2015Final5 1:13.33 1:28.88
1:37.25   1:13.33   1:34.10   1:36.34   1:16.21
First round3 1:22.87 1:23.63
1:22.87   1:24.26   1:23.03   1:23.61   1:27.27
Polish Open 2015First round17 1:29.31 1:46.68
1:45.49   1:51.79   1:42.77   2:01.09   1:29.31
PLS Sopot 2014Final6 1:45.09 1:59.47
1:45.09   2:14.42   2:07.21   1:55.87   1:55.32
First round5 1:34.13 1:45.11
1:39.79   1:53.47   1:55.56   1:34.13   1:42.06
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final8 1:47.43 1:55.79
1:52.71   1:57.47   1:57.18   1:47.43   DNF
First round3 1:42.34 1:46.66
1:50.11   1:57.09   1:42.34   1:44.11   1:45.77
Grudziadz Open 2013Final3 1:40.74 1:44.76
1:43.24   1:44.78   1:46.26   1:40.74   1:57.29
World Championship 2013Second round78 1:32.89 1:48.27
1:50.73   1:45.60   1:48.48   1:53.09   1:32.89
First round54 1:35.17 1:39.75
1:47.58   1:35.17   1:38.28   1:44.14   1:36.82
Polish Nationals 2013First round25 2:06.30
2:06.30   DNS
Manufaktura Open 2013Final2 1:36.02 1:43.36
1:42.65   1:36.02   2:09.25   1:40.09   1:47.34
First round2 1:38.24 1:49.47
2:04.13   1:38.24   1:58.84   1:42.40   1:47.16
Polish Open 2013Final7 1:31.38 1:37.84
1:43.64   1:34.43   1:31.38   1:35.46   2:06.78
First round7 1:31.55 1:41.33
1:36.27   1:42.66   1:57.08   1:31.55   1:45.06
Euro 2012First round83 2:00.31
2:05.65   2:00.31
Polish Nationals 2012Final5 1:34.43 1:42.20
1:40.34   1:45.36   1:34.43   1:55.88   1:40.91
First round4 1:31.69 1:41.96
1:42.02   1:41.11   1:42.75   1:47.80   1:31.69
Polish Open 2012Final6 1:31.91 1:42.69
1:42.05   1:44.03   1:43.59   1:31.91   1:42.44
First round8 1:30.38 1:44.67
1:58.52   2:08.81   1:42.56   1:32.93   1:30.38
Kociewie Open 2011Final2 1:41.08 1:45.08
1:44.41   1:57.28   1:45.11   1:41.08   1:45.72
World Championship 2011Second round44 1:41.61 1:46.82
1:46.22   1:45.22   1:49.02   1:58.43   1:41.61
First round46 1:43.08 1:46.92
DNF       1:43.08   1:46.78   1:48.21   1:45.77
Poznan Open 2011Final1 1:33.03 1:34.55
1:34.68   1:34.86   1:53.77   1:34.11   1:33.03
First round3 1:40.36 1:52.05
1:40.36   2:04.03   1:52.41   1:49.30   1:54.44
Polish Nationals 2011Final2 1:33.66 1:45.67
1:47.06   1:33.66   1:45.84   1:44.11   1:52.59
First round2 1:41.43 1:47.49
2:07.97   1:45.90   1:41.43   1:52.43   1:44.13
Czech Open 2011Final6 1:36.63 1:39.06
1:39.96   1:42.19   1:36.78   1:36.63   1:40.44
First round7 1:36.66 1:41.45
1:55.58   1:42.18   1:44.21   1:37.96   1:36.66
Bialystok Open 2011Final5 1:43.13 1:49.96
1:48.25   1:44.31   1:43.13   1:57.33   2:17.19
First round6 1:33.91 1:59.64
1:51.84   2:03.56   1:33.91   2:03.52   2:14.71
Lodz Open 2011Final4 1:32.19 1:42.50
1:49.81   1:32.19   1:41.30   1:40.06   1:46.15
Euro 2010First round31 1:42.19 1:50.37
1:48.52   1:59.15   2:00.94   1:43.43   1:42.19
Polish Nationals 2010First round7 1:38.63 1:50.63
1:53.36   1:56.33   2:01.81   1:38.63   1:42.19
US Nationals 2010Second round22 1:56.88 1:58.29
1:58.47   1:58.28   1:58.30   1:58.28   1:56.88
First round22 1:44.33 1:54.69
1:44.33   1:52.34   1:48.66   2:03.06   2:05.38
3Mola Open 2010Final1 1:38.75 1:50.12
1:49.19   1:38.75   1:58.52   1:42.66   2:19.16
Bialystok Open 2010Final5 1:37.96 1:53.51
1:56.58   1:55.18   1:51.18   1:37.96   1:54.16
Grudziadz Open 2010Final8 1:44.11 1:58.49
2:04.50   2:15.25   2:02.61   1:48.36   1:44.11
Polish Open 2010Final7 1:45.46 1:52.55
1:59.97   1:45.97   1:56.47   1:55.21   1:45.46
First round9 1:52.38 2:00.10
2:34.02   1:55.11   1:52.38   1:58.38   2:06.81
Polish Open 2009First round15 2:11.08 2:18.30
2:11.08   2:21.44   2:17.75   2:15.71   2:35.05
Gdansk Open 2009Final9 1:50.83 2:11.40
2:20.93   2:18.36   1:50.83   2:04.28   2:11.57
Lublin Open 2009Final17 2:57.47
2:57.47   3:02.28
Polish Nationals 2009First round26 3:40.18
4:19.96   3:40.18
6x6x6 Cube
GLS Cup III 2018First round14 2:58.68 3:09.68
3:13.01   2:58.68   3:17.35
Grudziadz Open 2013Final3 3:30.87 3:40.41
3:44.25   3:46.12   3:30.87
Polish Nationals 2012First round5 3:38.91 3:44.73
3:53.21   3:38.91   3:42.08
Polish Nationals 2011Final5 4:18.69 5:25.28
7:06.96   4:18.69   4:50.19
First round6 4:49.05 5:10.89
4:49.05   5:22.40   5:21.21
Bialystok Open 2011Final5 3:57.34 4:09.37
4:06.06   3:57.34   4:24.72
Lodz Open 2011Final6 3:35.72 DNF
3:35.72   DNF       DNS
Euro 2010Final20 3:44.63 DNF
3:44.63   DNS       DNS
Polish Nationals 2010First round15 4:37.02 DNF
4:37.02   DNF       DNS
Polish Open 2010Final4 3:52.19 4:14.52
4:51.75   3:59.63   3:52.19
Polish Open 2009Final7 4:12.13 4:21.91
4:24.41   4:12.13   4:29.18
Gdansk Open 2009Final5 3:35.37 4:12.05
4:31.58   3:35.37   4:29.20
7x7x7 Cube
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final8 4:45.56 4:53.68
5:00.82   4:54.65   4:45.56
Grudziadz Open 2013Final3 5:23.32
Polish Nationals 2011First round7 6:32.75 7:19.76
6:32.75   7:35.56   7:50.97
Bialystok Open 2011Final11 7:05.46 DNF
7:05.46   7:12.71   DNF
Euro 2010Final25 6:11.31
Polish Nationals 2010First round12 6:24.93 DNF
6:24.93   9:27.50   DNF
Polish Open 2010Final7 5:50.83 6:31.36
5:50.83   6:32.03   7:11.21
Polish Open 2009Final11 7:12.11 7:45.01
7:12.11   8:16.77   7:46.15
Gdansk Open 2009Final11 7:22.07 8:55.68
8:17.98   11:07.00   7:22.07
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Polish Championship 2022First round34 2:48.43 DNF
2:48.43   DNF       DNF
Gdańsk Open 2020First round11 3:11.97 DNF
3:11.97   DNF       DNF
Polish Championship 2019First round11 1:25.93 DNF
1:42.45   DNF       1:25.93
GLS Cup III 2019Second round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round6 1:25.72 DNF
1:25.72   DNF       2:07.74
Swiss Nationals 2019Final10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round12 1:56.61 DNF
DNF       1:56.61   DNF
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round10 4:20.70 DNF
4:20.70   DNF       DNF
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018Final10 2:10.98 DNF
2:10.98   DNF       DNF
Les Automnales 2018First round8 2:57.61 DNF
DNF       2:57.61   DNF
Paris Open 2018Final9 2:21.46 DNF
2:21.46   DNF       DNF
First round12 2:12.75 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:12.75
Swiss Nationals 2018Final7 2:15.91 2:30.19
2:15.91   2:55.48   2:19.18
First round7 1:41.32 DNF
DNF       2:36.95   1:41.32
Zurich Open 2018Final7 3:08.45 DNF
DNF       3:08.45   DNF
SC Cup I 2018Final3 1:33.47 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:33.47
First round4 1:59.57 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:59.57
Xlingen Open 2018Final5 2:23.95 DNF
2:23.95   DNF       DNF
Second round6 2:15.17 DNF
2:15.17   2:29.85   DNF
First round6 1:50.15 DNF
1:50.15   DNF       2:07.78
Polish Nationals 2017First round18 3:11.01 DNF
3:11.01   DNF       DNS
Musée suisse du jeu 2017First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final6 2:31.27 DNF
DNF       2:31.27   DNF
First round7 2:51.63 DNF
2:51.63   DNF       3:14.87
World Championship 2017First round161 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
SC Cup III 2017Final4 2:54.30 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:54.30
SC Cup II 2017Final6 4:00.51 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:00.51
CDJ 2016Final5 2:07.25 DNF
DNF       2:20.94   2:07.25
First round4 1:59.87 DNF
DNF       1:59.87   DNF
MSDJ 2016Final5 1:46.32 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:46.32
Italian Championship 2016Final9 1:46.36 DNF
DNF       1:46.36   2:21.33
First round10 1:45.09 DNF
2:24.65   DNF       1:45.09
Ukrainian Nationals 2016First round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
GLS Cup IV 2016Final5 1:53.28 DNF
1:53.28   2:27.66   DNF
Euro 2016First round57 2:25.41 DNF
3:46.73   2:25.41   DNF
Milan Slam 2016Final4 2:04.38 2:08.45
2:05.78   2:15.19   2:04.38
Kaskada Open 2016Final3 1:44.99 1:57.93
2:18.79   1:44.99   1:50.01
First round7 2:44.68 DNF
DNF       2:44.68   DNF
DYC 2015Final4 1:47.15 DNF
1:47.15   DNF       DNF
First round6 2:00.84 DNF
DNF       2:00.84   DNF
Polish Championship 2015Final11 1:47.37 DNF
1:47.37   2:11.65   DNF
First round9 2:02.09 DNF
2:02.09   DNF       DNF
Swiss Science Open 2015First round5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Kaliska Open 2015Final3 1:45.31 DNF
1:45.31   DNF       2:11.76
First round6 2:28.20 DNF
2:28.20   3:39.30   DNF
World Championship 2015First round45 2:47.30 DNF
2:47.30   DNF       3:09.90
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final9 2:35.85 DNF
2:35.85   DNF       DNF
Palaghiaccio Open 2015Final2 2:02.78 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:02.78
France 2015Final9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round5 2:08.38 DNF
2:08.38   DNF       2:29.09
Polish Open 2015First round14 2:16.42 DNF
DNF       2:16.42   DNS
Riviera Cube Week 2015Final4 2:36.38 DNF
2:36.38   DNF       DNF
First round4 2:34.07 DNF
DNF       2:34.07   DNF
Munich Open 2014Final4 2:04.66 2:47.52
2:42.71   2:04.66   3:35.18
First round5 2:46.03 DNF
4:07.86   2:46.03   DNF
Swiss Science Open 2014Final1 3:07.50 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:07.50
First round3 2:29.15 DNF
DNF       2:29.15   DNF
Euro 2014First round73 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
PLS Sopot 2014Final4 2:17.61 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:17.61
Second round6 3:20.08 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:20.08
First round5 2:35.81 DNF
2:35.81   DNF       DNF
Polish Nationals 2014Final9 2:22.59 DNF
DNF       2:22.59   DNF
First round20 3:13.06 DNF
DNF       3:13.06   DNS
Rumia Open 2014Final5 1:59.19 DNF
2:37.42   1:59.19   DNF
First round7 2:56.42 DNF
4:19.54   2:56.42   DNF
Polish Open 2014Final7 1:49.06 DNF
1:49.06   DNF       DNF
First round15 2:57.65 DNF
2:57.65   DNF       DNF
Cubers Eve 2013Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round6 2:36.39 DNF
DNF       2:36.39   DNF
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final5 2:29.34 DNF
DNF       2:29.34   2:35.16
First round7 2:33.78 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:33.78
Grudziadz Open 2013Final6 2:01.76 DNF
2:04.41   DNF       2:01.76
Second round6 2:14.04 2:15.44
2:14.04   2:18.20   2:14.08
First round10 2:38.44 DNF
2:40.67   DNF       2:38.44
World Championship 2013First round47 1:59.93 DNF
3:29.72   DNF       1:59.93
Polish Nationals 2013First round11 2:26.26 DNF
2:26.26   2:36.42   DNS
Manufaktura Open 2013Final4 1:38.15 DNF
2:06.22   DNF       1:38.15
First round4 2:18.70 DNF
2:18.70   2:33.52   DNF
Polish Open 2013Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round5 1:33.46 DNF
DNF       1:33.46   DNF
Jura Open 2012Final4 2:07.88 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:07.88
First round2 1:55.58 DNF
2:12.69   DNF       1:55.58
Euro 2012First round27 2:06.84 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:06.84
Polish Nationals 2012Final5 3:05.41 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:05.41
First round4 2:13.25 DNF
2:13.25   DNF       DNF
Polish Open 2012Final7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round3 2:05.84 DNF
2:05.84   DNF       DNF
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final2 3:34.08 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:34.08
First round3 2:43.84 DNF
DNF       2:43.84   3:30.00
Kociewie Open 2011Final4 3:16.33 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:16.33
Poznan Open 2011First round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Polish Nationals 2011First round10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Czech Open 2011Final16 DNF
DNF       DNS
Bialystok Open 2011Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Lodz Open 2011Final7 7:34.22 DNF
7:34.22   DNS       DNS
Euro 2010First round46 DNF
DNF       DNF
Polish Nationals 2010First round9 4:29.41 DNF
4:29.41   DNF       DNF
US Nationals 2010First round30 3:29.68 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:29.68
3Mola Open 2010Final8 5:23.36 DNF
5:23.36   DNF       DNS
Bialystok Open 2010Final5 5:34.06 DNF
5:34.06   DNF       DNF
Grudziadz Open 2010Final8 DNF
DNF       DNF
Polish Open 2010First round8 DNF
DNF       DNF
Polish Open 2009First round10 DNF
DNF       DNF
Gdansk Open 2009Final11 DNF
DNF       DNF
Lublin Open 2009Final6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Polish Championship 2022Final21 30 DNF
30        DNF       33
GLS Cup III 2019Final2 23 28.67
34        29        23
WCA Euro 2018Final18 28 31.33
28        34        32
Elsass Open 2018Final4 26
SC Cup I 2018Final3 30 32.33
30        37        30
Nancy Open 2017Final7 31
Polish Nationals 2017Final1 24 29.33
30        34        24
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final12 30 DNF
DNS       30        DNS
Swisscubing FMC 2017Final4 32 33.00
32        34        33
First round2 28 29.67
29        32        28
Ukrainian Nationals 2017Final2 27 31.33
32        27        35
World Championship 2017Final137 26 DNF
DNF       30        26
MSDJ 2016Final2 30 33.33
38        32        30
Italian Championship 2016Final3 29
Euro 2016Final85 39 DNF
39        DNS       DNS
FMC Europe 2016Final17 30 33.67
30        35        36
Polish Championship 2015Final4NR 25 29.67
32        32        25
Kaliska Open 2015Final2 33
World Championship 2015Final11 28NR 30.67
28        32        32
Euro 2014Final7 31 32.00
31        32        33
PLS Sopot 2014Final5 42
Polish Nationals 2014Final9 35
Rumia Open 2014Final11 DNF
DNS       DNF
Polish Open 2014Final22 DNF
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final4 36
World Championship 2013Final19 32
32        DNS
Manufaktura Open 2013Final2 39
Polish Open 2013Final4 33
Jura Open 2012Final3 31
Euro 2012Final49 47
Polish Nationals 2012Final1 29
Polish Open 2012Final3 37
World Championship 2011Final26 41
Poznan Open 2011Final3 39
Polish Nationals 2011Final1 32
Czech Open 2011Final5 35
Lodz Open 2011Final4 40
Euro 2010Final2 28
Polish Nationals 2010Final2 35
35        38
Grudziadz Open 2010Final12 DNF
Polish Open 2010Final8 45
Polish Open 2009Final1 37
3x3x3 One-Handed
Polish Championship 2023Final5 10.97 12.85
11.77     16.96     10.97     12.02     14.75
First round6 11.15 13.38
11.15     13.05     13.13     13.95     15.98
Polish Championship 2022First round1 11.41 12.20
12.19     11.45     17.51     11.41     12.97
GLS Gdynia 2020Final1 8.62 11.20
12.64     10.47     8.62      12.17     10.95
Second round1 11.53 12.19
11.90     11.53     12.63     15.38     12.05
First round1 11.45 12.38
12.15     15.06     11.82     11.45     13.16
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2019Final1 9.45 10.87
9.45      20.17     11.00     10.75     10.87
First round1 11.19 12.72
12.15     13.08     11.19     12.94     13.54
GLS Cup IV 2019Final1 10.73 12.68
13.38     10.73     10.84     17.21     13.81
Second round1 12.29 13.32
16.14     13.77     12.99     12.29     13.21
First round2 12.63 13.83
14.01     14.71     13.84     12.63     13.65
Paris Open 2019Final1 12.05 12.50
14.41     12.05     12.37     12.79     12.33
First round3 10.04 12.75
10.04     11.30     13.02     13.92     15.22
Polish Championship 2019Final3 11.82 13.44
12.99     15.61     13.38     11.82     13.94
Second round1 10.67 11.75
12.63     10.67     11.85     12.58     10.82
First round1 9.28 11.86
18.13     9.28      13.13     12.01     10.45
Swiss Nationals 2019First round1 9.48 11.98
12.02     11.69     12.57     12.23     9.48
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final1 9.68 11.33
12.67     10.24     15.88     9.68      11.09
First round1 10.42 12.76
14.42     13.88     10.42     12.35     12.04
Zentralschweiz 2019Final1 9.76 11.86
11.71     11.77     13.40     9.76      12.11
First round1 11.11 13.62
15.46     15.03     12.93     12.90     11.11
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018Final3NR 8.15 12.15
11.55     8.15      12.86     12.95     12.05
First round1 9.34ER 10.71
9.73      16.98     10.36     12.03     9.34
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018Final2 10.59 11.58
11.39     18.66     12.42     10.59     10.94
First round1 10.72NR 11.25
10.72     11.89     11.64     10.90     11.20
Les Automnales 2018Final1 10.72 12.14
10.72     12.37     12.51     11.53     14.13
First round1 10.52 12.07
11.61     10.52     13.05     12.27     12.32
Swiss Science Open 2018Final1 11.08 11.58
11.08     12.31     11.23     11.53     11.98
First round1 10.31 12.53
15.78     12.90     12.08     12.62     10.31
Polish Championship 2018Final2 10.65 12.96
14.14     10.65     11.81     14.38     12.92
Second round1 11.02 12.52
13.72     12.64     12.81     12.12     11.02
First round1 10.48 12.44
11.01     14.67     12.48     13.82     10.48
Argovia Open 2018Final1 10.96 13.48
13.02     18.42     15.07     10.96     12.34
Second round1 9.76 12.35
9.76      15.05     11.68     12.34     13.02
First round1 12.56 13.11
12.56     13.56     12.85     15.69     12.93
Paris Open 2018Final2 10.58 12.41
12.01     13.36     14.87     10.58     11.87
First round2 12.39 12.90
12.54     12.39     12.60     14.88     13.57
Swiss Nationals 2018Final1 9.97 11.49
12.99     9.97      10.03     12.34     12.11
Second round1 8.86 11.96
8.86      10.72     13.99     14.67     11.17
First round1 9.35 11.74
13.57     12.78     9.60      12.84     9.35
WCA Euro 2018Final5 11.56 11.87
12.18     12.36     11.56     11.77     11.67
Second round12 12.47 13.65
17.19     13.62     12.47     12.61     14.72
First round3 10.53 12.09
10.53     12.84     11.86     11.78     12.62
Zentralschweiz 2018Second round1 13.07 13.77
13.29     14.20     13.83     13.07     14.62
First round2 9.50 13.47
14.34     15.42     9.50      10.93     15.13
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final1 11.51 12.98
13.06     11.95     13.94     11.51     14.77
Second round1 10.76 12.45
10.76     17.23     14.64     11.50     11.22
First round1 10.65 12.02
12.80     10.65     11.72     18.37     11.53
Zurich Open 2018Final1 9.50 12.14
12.51     13.85     9.50      12.32     11.59
First round1 11.49 12.68
11.95     14.01     11.49     15.20     12.09
Elsass Open 2018Final2 10.55 12.90
14.95     12.22     10.55     11.65     14.83
Second round2 12.52 13.18
14.11     12.64     13.11     12.52     13.78
First round7 13.01 14.09
14.07     14.89     18.11     13.32     13.01
SMSO 2018Final2 10.66 12.23
13.99     10.66     12.45     13.19     11.04
SC Cup I 2018Final1 9.41 14.32
9.41      15.66     13.93     15.36     13.68
First round1 11.17 14.54
16.57     15.21     17.19     11.17     11.84
Swiss Nationals 2017Final1 10.38 11.72
11.09     12.24     14.51     11.84     10.38
First round1 12.18 13.56
12.89     15.36     12.85     12.18     14.95
Nancy Open 2017Final2 11.74 12.74
11.74     12.89     12.48     14.95     12.86
Second round1 9.58 12.31
12.81     9.58      12.76     11.37     14.32
First round2 10.12 13.76
10.12     14.73     14.37     14.38     12.53
Polish Nationals 2017Final3 10.36 13.15
12.02     14.82     10.36     14.87     12.62
First round2 10.39 13.35
13.51     12.93     10.39     13.81     13.60
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final1 10.71ER 11.30
11.94     10.71     11.03     12.76     10.92
First round1 10.37 13.53
14.06     10.37     13.26     13.27     15.05
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final1 9.53ER 11.32
10.17     12.51     11.28     9.53      14.79
First round2 10.77 11.80
12.34     11.01     10.77     15.06     12.05
Ukrainian Nationals 2017Final1 12.19 12.88
12.79     13.52     12.51     13.35     12.19
First round1 9.56 12.43
13.36     11.86     9.56      12.14     13.28
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final1 11.74 12.42
13.04     11.94     11.74     12.47     12.86
First round1 11.06 12.47
13.52     14.29     11.83     11.06     12.06
World Championship 2017Final9 10.57 13.15
14.34     14.68     12.81     10.57     12.30
Second round10 10.55 13.20
13.10     12.97     13.53     14.45     10.55
First round6 10.84 12.46
20.23     11.07     10.84     14.11     12.21
SC Cup III 2017Final1 10.26 12.26
12.35     12.23     10.26     12.21     12.82
Barby Cube 73 2017Final1 10.77 12.10
11.80     12.60     12.55     10.77     11.94
Second round1 10.06 12.13
14.33     11.13     14.31     10.06     10.96
First round1 10.59 12.53
11.86     10.59     12.49     13.23     13.24
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final1 12.00 12.96
13.37     12.51     14.84     12.00     13.01
First round1 11.61 13.31
17.23     12.72     13.94     13.26     11.61
SC Cup II 2017Final1 10.53 12.06
13.06     11.92     10.53     11.25     13.00
SLS Gliwice 2017Final1 10.95 11.55
12.70     11.48     11.42     10.95     11.76
First round1 9.51 12.71
9.51      13.07     12.18     14.87     12.87
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016Final2 10.37 13.34
11.34     10.37     13.79     14.88     16.80
First round1 10.96 11.66
12.16     10.96     10.99     12.51     11.82
CDJ 2016Final1 10.46 14.70
10.46     14.19     17.95     12.67     17.24
First round1 12.30 12.51
12.30     12.79     12.68     12.37     12.49
MSDJ 2016Final1 11.02 12.30
16.34     11.17     13.68     11.02     12.05
First round1 9.66 13.31
14.30     12.01     16.42     13.61     9.66
Italian Championship 2016Final1 10.93 13.10
13.92     13.53     10.93     11.86     14.35
First round1 11.11 13.10
13.32     14.12     11.11     11.86     14.40
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final1 8.88 14.14
8.88      14.33     17.95     12.39     15.70
Second round1 11.39 13.54
11.39     14.63     13.31     13.64     13.68
First round1 13.20 13.91
13.20     13.25     14.37     18.38     14.12
GLS Cup IV 2016Final1 11.97 13.05
13.75     13.27     12.43     11.97     13.46
Euro 2016Final9 11.71 13.50
14.82     11.71     18.23     12.23     13.44
Second round1 9.63ER 11.37
9.63      13.25     10.49     11.76     11.87
First round3 10.27 13.11
10.27     14.01     13.20     12.12     15.11
WLS Lato 2016Final1 12.27 12.60
12.99     12.47     12.33     12.27     14.75
First round1 10.33 11.94
12.86     11.13     13.53     11.82     10.33
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016Final1 11.52 13.03
13.87     12.72     17.17     12.50     11.52
Second round1 12.96 14.34
14.47     12.96     14.91     14.97     13.64
First round1 10.87 13.80
10.87     14.04     13.56     13.79     14.11
Milan Slam 2016Final1 11.58 12.28
11.59     12.93     11.58     12.44     12.80
Kaskada Open 2016Final1 8.99ER 11.43
9.30      8.99      12.94     12.05     14.38
Second round2 12.56 13.60
14.55     12.79     14.22     12.56     13.78
First round2 10.72 13.36
12.49     12.17     15.43     10.72     15.88
SCC Open 2015Final1 11.52 14.74
29.38     14.98     15.30     13.94     11.52
First round1 12.49 13.80
12.49     15.97     12.90     12.53     18.65
Nancy Open 2015Final1 11.13 13.12
12.74     11.98     14.65     11.13     15.91
Second round1 13.08 13.88
14.96     13.08     13.39     14.41     13.84
First round1 11.58 14.41
15.97     15.97     13.55     13.71     11.58
DYC 2015Final1 11.80 13.46
14.18     11.80     13.89     13.31     13.17
Second round2 12.19 16.15
15.94     15.81     17.31     16.71     12.19
First round3 13.18 15.20
15.43     15.47     16.13     13.18     14.69
Polish Championship 2015Final2 12.38 13.68
14.44     15.21     12.38     12.96     13.63
Second round3 13.87 15.74
13.87     16.21     16.30     15.71     15.31
First round1 10.64 12.57
12.66     10.64     13.86     16.87     11.19
Swiss Science Open 2015Final1 10.21 13.48
11.21     17.43     15.07     14.17     10.21
First round1 11.44 14.75
14.28     16.33     16.58     13.63     11.44
Kaliska Open 2015Final2 12.44 14.37
15.11     13.81     12.44     14.19     17.38
Second round1 11.40 11.93
11.44     12.91     11.50     11.40     12.85
First round2 11.12 14.70
14.18     15.85     14.08     19.26     11.12
World Championship 2015Final2 12.35 13.35
14.05     12.86     13.14     12.35     14.54
Semi Final2ER 8.48 12.72
13.09     12.83     8.48      13.64     12.24
Second round6 11.59 15.03
14.38     17.35     11.59     13.35     18.21
First round5 12.88 15.07
13.72     17.05     15.58     12.88     15.91
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final2 12.12 13.95
12.94     12.12     14.74     14.17     15.06
First round1 12.79 13.07
12.86     12.93     12.79     13.41     15.76
France 2015Final1 11.37 12.98
12.03     13.08     11.37     14.91     13.83
Second round1ER 9.19 13.31
19.77     9.19      13.25     12.28     14.40
First round1 12.95 13.58
13.17     12.95     13.00     15.20     14.56
Polish Open 2015Final1 13.15 15.38
16.44     13.15     15.59     14.11     18.37
Second round1 13.44 14.56
15.49     14.62     13.57     17.08     13.44
First round1 11.81 12.85
11.81     13.42     15.14     11.92     13.20
Riviera Cube Week 2015Final2 10.63 14.32
10.63     15.43     15.54     16.18     11.99
First round2 11.55 13.08
13.29     14.93     12.62     13.33     11.55
Munich Open 2014Final1 10.83 14.56
12.68     14.38     17.16     16.61     10.83
First round1 10.33 15.29
15.28     10.33     16.16     17.30     14.43
Swiss Science Open 2014Final1 11.84 12.98
14.68     16.00     11.84     12.16     12.09
First round1 11.65 13.57
15.18     13.63     14.47     12.61     11.65
Kaliska Open 2014Final1 12.14 12.85
12.39     15.04     12.14     12.97     13.19
Second round1 13.31 13.72
13.76     13.66     13.73     14.64     13.31
First round1 10.94 13.76
10.94     14.71     18.37     12.76     13.80
Euro 2014Final4 13.17 15.47
18.49     13.20     14.72     13.17     19.73
Second round2 13.93 15.31
16.17     14.45     15.36     16.11     13.93
First round3 13.22 13.98
13.94     13.22     19.07     13.73     14.27
Kielce Cube Attack 2014Final2 11.28 13.47
11.47     12.94     17.08     11.28     15.99
Second round2 10.67 13.26
13.48     16.14     10.67     12.35     13.94
First round2 11.57 13.78
11.57     14.43     13.65     14.36     13.33
PLS Sopot 2014Final2 11.88 14.76
14.11     17.10     11.88     15.38     14.79
First round1 10.46WR 12.48
12.01     11.44     10.46     14.26     14.00
Polish Nationals 2014Final1 10.12ER 12.57
14.04     12.43     12.37     12.92     10.12
First round1 13.20 14.05
14.15     14.47     13.52     13.20     14.91
Rumia Open 2014Final2 14.62 16.43
18.19     15.47     15.64     14.62     DNF
Second round1 13.74 14.60
19.95     13.74     14.53     14.80     14.47
First round1 12.09 13.31
12.09     17.38     12.90     12.15     14.87
Polish Open 2014Final1 13.71 14.27
14.75     14.53     14.03     14.25     13.71
First round2 11.97 15.93
17.83     16.31     15.15     16.34     11.97
Cubers Eve 2013Final1 12.42 14.16
13.36     16.00     15.66     13.45     12.42
First round1 12.68 13.87
13.39     12.68     14.33     15.22     13.90
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final1 10.25 13.45
10.25     13.83     12.44     14.09     14.38
First round1 12.19 13.63
12.71     13.41     17.19     14.78     12.19
Grudziadz Open 2013Final1 11.70 13.75
11.70     12.63     14.77     15.05     13.84
First round1 10.98 13.94
12.60     15.10     14.13     15.41     10.98
World Championship 2013Final2 12.39 14.27
12.39     17.17     12.55     15.12     15.14
Semi Final1 11.64 14.44
16.21     11.64     13.81     16.10     13.41
Second round3 12.88 14.61
18.96     12.88     14.67     15.33     13.83
First round1 11.33 12.83
12.90     11.73     15.90     13.87     11.33
Polish Nationals 2013Final1 11.35 15.53
16.46     16.47     17.09     13.65     11.35
First round1 13.44 14.69
15.86     15.03     14.15     14.88     13.44
Manufaktura Open 2013Final1 12.21 12.83
12.43     13.02     12.21     13.33     13.03
Second round1 11.80 14.99
14.18     15.38     15.41     11.80     17.63
First round1 12.55 15.84
17.38     13.10     17.36     12.55     17.05
Polish Open 2013Final1 11.13 13.82
11.13     14.21     18.86     13.22     14.02
First round1 11.81 13.77
12.31     15.33     17.27     13.68     11.81
Jura Open 2012Final1 12.08 13.01
12.08     19.72     13.38     12.44     13.21
First round1 10.31 14.38
10.31     15.31     14.53     13.97     14.65
Euro 2012Final1 11.77 13.44
17.86     12.77     12.36     15.18     11.77
Second round2 12.06 15.50
12.06     16.53     18.55     13.71     16.27
First round1 13.22 14.18
15.08     13.31     14.34     13.22     14.88
Polish Nationals 2012Final1 11.40 14.63
14.41     15.33     14.16     16.33     11.40
Second round1 13.52 15.68
16.69     15.83     15.69     13.52     15.52
First round1 11.19 14.41
15.05     11.19     14.05     15.94     14.13
Polish Open 2012Final1 11.91 14.69
13.78     14.31     11.91     16.53     15.97
Second round1 12.43 14.31
15.18     12.43     16.43     13.83     13.91
First round1 13.65 15.00
17.43     15.75     15.50     13.75     13.65
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final1 10.77WR 12.67
12.15     14.53     13.27     12.58     10.77
First round1 10.90WR 12.77
12.86     12.81     12.63     10.90     16.86
Kociewie Open 2011Final1 13.03 14.17
13.94     13.03     DNF       13.53     15.03
First round1WR 9.53 14.18
15.08     13.71     9.53      15.21     13.74
World Championship 2011Final4 12.86 16.15
14.83     16.41     12.86     17.21     20.31
Second round2 15.16 15.49
15.27     16.59     15.96     15.16     15.24
First round1 12.34WR 13.57
12.34     15.83     12.97     15.11     12.63
Poznan Open 2011Final1 13.41 15.27
14.27     15.13     13.41     16.40     18.30
First round1 13.71 17.15
18.65     15.52     13.71     17.28     20.96
Polish Nationals 2011Final1 14.86 15.71
15.84     15.58     14.86     15.71     16.33
Second round1 12.46 15.45
15.33     20.33     14.46     12.46     16.55
First round1 13.25ER 14.16
16.66     13.28     13.25     15.65     13.55
Czech Open 2011Final1 13.94 16.67
16.96     13.94     17.78     18.61     15.28
First round2 14.71 17.72
18.19     19.63     14.71     15.90     19.08
3Mola Open 2011Final1 15.53 16.92
17.40     17.09     15.53     18.44     16.27
First round1 14.15ER 15.16
15.55     14.88     15.16     14.15     15.44
Bialystok Open 2011Final1 14.77 16.55
17.11     15.84     14.77     17.97     16.69
Second round1 14.88NR 15.83
14.88     19.31     15.05     16.53     15.90
First round1 14.52 16.53
14.81     14.52     21.16     19.09     15.68
Lodz Open 2011Final1 15.30ER 16.10
15.38     18.34     15.30     15.88     17.05
Euro 2010Final1 14.93 18.39
19.30     18.39     17.48     14.93     20.21
First round1 15.46 18.05
17.86     17.02     19.28     15.46     19.65
Polish Nationals 2010Final1 16.05ER 17.58
19.43     17.09     20.88     16.22     16.05
First round1 15.88ER 17.88
18.22     21.86     16.66     18.77     15.88
US Nationals 2010Final3 17.02 20.15
21.28     21.38     17.78     21.53     17.02
Second round4 19.46 20.73
21.53     19.91     19.46     22.97     20.75
First round1 17.00 20.28
21.30     20.03     17.00     19.96     20.84
3Mola Open 2010Final2 19.08 21.35
22.33     19.08     21.80     19.93     30.25
Bialystok Open 2010Final2 18.58 20.09
21.40     19.21     19.66     23.33     18.58
First round1 17.84 20.65
21.65     19.16     26.09     17.84     21.15
Grudziadz Open 2010Final3 21.75 25.51
25.59     25.18     25.77     21.75     28.41
First round1 18.09 19.65
21.52     21.00     18.80     18.09     19.16
Polish Open 2010Final2 17.19 20.76
23.97     22.09     18.91     17.19     21.27
First round5 23.34 25.92
23.34     25.44     27.72     28.21     24.59
Polish Open 2009Final7 25.08 32.05
40.02     30.50     37.00     25.08     28.66
Second round9 23.15 30.45
29.84     23.15     26.34     37.47     35.18
First round9 28.08 33.59
28.08     39.08     35.28     36.56     28.93
Gdansk Open 2009Final7 22.50 32.67
36.66     39.27     33.47     22.50     27.88
First round6 22.34 28.57
22.34     33.15     34.83     28.18     24.38
Lublin Open 2009Final9 28.25 40.79
28.25     46.86     38.72     36.78     51.22
Polish Nationals 2012First round14 28.65
28.65     32.76
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final12 19.09 21.72
22.11     19.09     21.88     DNF       21.18
Kociewie Open 2011First round5 31.88
31.88     38.55
Polish Nationals 2011First round7 22.59 23.45
DNF       22.59     23.75     23.40     23.19
Polish Nationals 2010First round7 26.06
DNF       26.06
Polish Open 2010Final7 30.86
30.86     DNF
Polish Open 2009First round7 29.84
29.84     1:30.22
Polish Championship 2022First round39 1:02.95 1:11.81
1:12.29   1:02.95   1:13.31   1:12.44   1:10.69
GLS Cup IV 2019Final4 1:02.56 1:07.49
1:08.15   1:03.12   1:02.56   1:11.20   1:14.08
Second round5 57.75 1:04.60
1:04.74   1:07.02   1:02.05   1:13.47   57.75
First round5 1:01.92 1:08.82
1:06.04   1:01.92   1:11.49   1:08.93   1:16.91
Polish Championship 2018Final8 59.32 1:02.72
1:02.27   1:04.04   1:09.35   1:01.84   59.32
First round7 51.20 58.31
1:02.27   1:08.06   51.20     57.48     55.17
WCA Euro 2018First round44 57.58 1:03.43
1:05.53   1:09.49   1:00.69   57.58     1:04.08
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final1 55.59 57.68
55.59     1:02.24   58.12     58.25     56.68
Second round1 53.16 58.16
58.60     55.93     1:00.06   53.16     59.95
First round1 51.56 57.27
1:00.55   53.35     57.92     51.56     1:05.61
Elsass Open 2018Final8 59.83 1:06.13
1:03.68   1:01.33   1:15.56   59.83     1:13.37
Nancy Open 2017Final4 1:02.83 1:04.84
1:08.30   1:07.16   1:03.60   1:03.76   1:02.83
Polish Nationals 2017Final9 51.77 1:01.48
1:03.94   1:04.24   51.77     1:07.24   56.25
First round9 56.98 1:02.55
1:05.81   1:03.27   56.98     58.57     1:07.64
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final2 50.87 1:05.64
1:10.02   1:15.89   59.65     1:07.26   50.87
First round3 54.41 1:07.15
1:06.83   1:06.25   1:08.36   1:16.01   54.41
Ukrainian Nationals 2017Final3 52.77 1:02.32
52.77     1:03.58   1:02.49   1:00.90   1:03.65
First round2 58.56 1:05.06
1:00.05   58.56     1:05.25   1:09.88   1:13.22
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final4 57.74 1:02.60
57.74     1:15.13   1:01.75   1:01.92   1:04.14
First round4 54.85 1:02.33
1:13.89   1:03.46   54.85     1:05.15   58.37
World Championship 2017First round44 50.04 1:04.80
1:06.32   59.56     1:08.52   50.04     1:13.53
Barby Cube 73 2017First round1 1:00.63 1:03.07
1:02.17   1:05.53   1:00.63   1:01.51   1:07.21
SLS Gliwice 2017Final10 1:17.96 1:25.52
1:33.27   1:26.71   1:26.60   1:17.96   1:23.24
MSDJ 2016Final2 51.77 1:02.01
56.43     1:08.31   51.77     1:15.03   1:01.30
First round3 54.76 1:05.02
1:05.44   1:12.16   1:08.85   54.76     1:00.76
Italian Championship 2016Final3 59.00 1:02.97
1:02.43   1:04.57   1:05.43   59.00     1:01.91
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final2 55.49 59.81
55.49     58.62     59.08     1:03.20   1:01.74
First round2 56.68 1:08.45
56.68     1:07.42   1:11.72   1:12.81   1:06.20
Euro 2016Final9 53.07 1:00.30
1:11.39   54.21     1:02.57   1:04.12   53.07
First round13 54.21 1:04.66
1:08.15   1:04.29   1:03.74   54.21     1:05.96
Polish Championship 2015Final6 59.74 1:10.81
59.74     1:20.26   1:11.36   1:16.93   1:04.14
First round6 1:06.21 1:10.25
1:06.21   1:28.70   1:14.92   1:07.60   1:08.23
Swiss Science Open 2015Final1 1:07.11 1:09.42
1:07.11   1:14.46   1:07.63   1:07.68   1:12.94
Kaliska Open 2015Final1 57.01 1:04.92
57.01     1:13.44   1:08.37   1:06.14   1:00.25
First round1 53.99 1:07.03
1:11.96   1:13.38   1:05.53   53.99     1:03.61
World Championship 2015Final5 54.38 58.67
1:02.32   56.19     54.38     57.51     1:07.58
First round7 1:03.58 1:04.48
1:06.72   1:03.58   1:04.03   1:04.59   1:04.83
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final2 57.71 1:03.35
1:06.23   1:02.96   57.71     1:00.87   1:06.28
France 2015Final1 53.28 57.61
1:00.01   55.67     1:05.65   53.28     57.14
Polish Open 2015Final4 1:00.09 1:02.31
1:00.09   1:04.39   1:01.37   1:02.19   1:03.37
First round4 1:02.29 1:03.70
1:08.02   1:04.61   1:02.29   1:03.44   1:03.06
Munich Open 2014Final3 54.75 1:00.46
1:03.36   55.44     1:07.75   54.75     1:02.59
Swiss Science Open 2014Final1 49.40 55.75
1:09.08   50.18     53.09     1:03.97   49.40
Euro 2014Final9 55.04 1:00.96
1:04.03   55.04     1:07.87   1:00.85   58.00
First round9 57.10 1:02.99
57.10     1:07.21   1:03.81   1:04.43   1:00.74
Kielce Cube Attack 2014Final5 58.45 1:06.08
58.45     1:05.34   1:10.01   1:13.10   1:02.89
PLS Sopot 2014Final2 59.23 1:04.66
1:00.73   1:05.00   59.23     1:08.25   1:17.28
First round2 59.31 1:06.42
1:00.96   59.31     1:08.30   1:10.18   1:10.01
Polish Nationals 2014Final1 57.35 1:01.04
57.35     57.82     1:00.56   1:04.73   1:09.00
Rumia Open 2014Final1 53.97 58.74
1:09.19   1:00.03   56.09     1:00.10   53.97
Polish Open 2014Final3 58.33 1:01.23
1:23.48   1:00.63   58.33     1:03.25   59.82
First round3 1:00.50 1:07.65
1:07.91   1:07.86   1:07.18   1:00.50   1:10.40
Cubers Eve 2013Final3 1:11.98 1:18.60
1:14.19   1:33.56   1:15.48   1:26.12   1:11.98
Polish Nationals 2012Final16 2:15.61 2:35.04
2:44.11   2:15.61   2:27.94   2:50.25   2:33.08
Polish Open 2012Final8 2:03.84 2:21.27
2:22.80   2:03.84   2:29.05   2:41.46   2:11.97
Poznan Open 2011Final11 2:04.83 2:11.28
2:06.59   2:11.86   2:15.40   2:17.59   2:04.83
Polish Nationals 2011Final9 2:07.00 2:28.82
2:45.21   3:01.52   2:25.30   2:15.96   2:07.00
Euro 2010First round49 2:41.97
3:01.19   2:41.97
Polish Nationals 2010First round9 2:11.08 2:19.38
2:11.08   2:19.31   2:38.08   2:11.68   2:27.15
Bialystok Open 2010Final6 2:23.56 2:39.15
2:41.15   2:23.56   2:36.52   2:39.77   3:01.66
Grudziadz Open 2010Final4 2:27.40 DNF
2:27.40   3:42.77   DNF       DNS       DNS
Polish Open 2010Final10 2:44.88
2:56.19   2:44.88
Polish Open 2009First round13 3:44.06
Polish Championship 2019First round33 4.97 6.94
12.22     7.41      4.97      7.31      6.09
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final10 3.21 7.26
7.40      DNF       5.74      3.21      8.63
First round8 3.51 4.92
4.86      5.06      3.51      6.74      4.84
Zentralschweiz 2019First round15 4.01 8.15
6.48      8.78      4.01      9.18      10.24
Polish Championship 2018First round36 5.48 7.07
8.68      7.85      7.62      5.75      5.48
Paris Open 2018Final9 3.88 6.20
6.37      7.87      3.88      5.94      6.28
First round12 5.29 6.82
7.34      6.37      6.76      7.72      5.29
Swiss Nationals 2018Second round16 5.79 6.71
7.07      5.79      6.38      6.67      8.61
First round14 4.27 6.81
8.54      6.40      7.77      6.25      4.27
Elsass Open 2018First round26 5.09 6.51
5.09      9.94      6.08      5.30      8.15
SC Cup I 2018First round13 6.39 8.09
7.54      10.01     9.54      6.39      7.18
Nancy Open 2017First round21 7.33 8.20
7.33      9.69      7.64      7.48      9.48
Musée suisse du jeu 2017First round3 2.56 5.38
5.85      7.92      2.56      4.08      6.21
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final10 4.88 5.81
6.04      8.96      5.16      4.88      6.23
Second round13 6.02 8.73
6.35      9.77      10.81     6.02      10.08
First round12 5.93 8.06
5.93      11.38     8.94      6.45      8.78
Ukrainian Nationals 2017First round18 7.59 7.90
8.03      7.87      7.80      10.36     7.59
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Second round19 5.51 6.47
6.78      9.52      5.51      6.28      6.34
First round18 4.03 5.94
4.03      4.44      5.36      8.02      11.59
World Championship 2017Second round97 4.73 7.40
8.57      4.73      6.19      8.40      7.62
First round93 3.16 5.47
6.51      4.83      5.06      3.16      8.89
SC Cup II 2017Final5 4.72 5.59
6.11      5.02      4.72      5.64      8.24
SLS Gliwice 2017First round24 5.00 6.75
5.16      5.00      7.12      12.72     7.98
CDJ 2016Final5 4.60 7.29
7.84      7.57      8.03      4.60      6.45
Second round6 5.40 7.06
5.40      7.88      6.68      8.39      6.61
First round7 4.11 8.28
4.11      6.63      9.39      11.34     8.82
MSDJ 2016Final4 4.92 6.50
6.67      6.05      7.46      4.92      6.79
First round5 3.71 5.91
7.07      3.71      12.15     6.52      4.15
Italian Championship 2016Final7 4.11 5.90
9.29      4.11      4.83      5.39      7.48
First round13 5.28 7.02
5.28      8.38      6.41      7.38      7.27
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final12 4.18 7.31
6.52      12.66     7.93      7.47      4.18
Second round12 5.48 6.62
6.87      5.48      6.81      6.18      8.09
First round15 5.21 6.57
5.47      5.21      9.41      7.60      6.65
GLS Cup IV 2016First round18 3.84 8.74
8.21      9.55      8.68      3.84      9.34
Euro 2016Second round72 5.55 7.34
9.70      8.20      7.73      6.08      5.55
First round70 5.39 6.79
6.21      6.22      10.82     5.39      7.95
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016First round20 2.84 7.63
4.88      10.17     2.84      7.85      11.01
Milan Slam 2016Final3 5.52 6.70
DNF       6.19      6.69      7.21      5.52
Kaskada Open 2016Second round9 4.81 6.54
4.81      7.62      9.64      4.86      7.13
First round13 4.72 7.78
6.41      7.56      9.38      9.36      4.72
Polish Championship 2015Second round32 6.13 7.41
10.12     6.17      6.13      8.48      7.57
First round9 4.30 4.85
4.30      4.86      11.63     5.12      4.57
Swiss Science Open 2015Final3 4.94 6.00
5.53      4.94      6.81      7.55      5.65
First round4 4.61 6.91
9.09      7.43      4.61      5.34      7.96
Kaliska Open 2015Final12 5.10 8.34
10.79     9.19      5.10      6.21      9.63
First round11 4.95 5.72
5.92      4.95      5.32      8.87      5.91
World Championship 2015First round32 7.02 7.59
9.37      8.20      7.28      7.02      7.30
France 2015Final9 6.32 7.33
6.32      7.81      8.48      7.67      6.51
First round5 3.77 5.66
6.40      6.16      3.77      4.83      5.99
Polish Open 2015Final8 4.07 6.06
5.92      4.07      6.04      6.21      7.02
First round9 4.05 5.45
6.67      5.54      4.05      5.79      5.01
Riviera Cube Week 2015Final5 5.26 6.61
5.26      8.45      8.70      6.04      5.34
First round5 5.25 6.03
8.00      5.25      6.69      6.05      5.36
Munich Open 2014Final5 5.96 7.17
5.96      6.90      8.91      8.06      6.56
First round5 5.46 6.13
5.46      5.57      6.28      16.46     6.53
Swiss Science Open 2014Final3 3.53 6.31
7.13      6.90      4.91      10.27     3.53
First round3 5.17 7.46
6.80      5.17      8.56      9.16      7.02
Euro 2014Second round49 6.35 8.51
6.82      9.36      10.43     9.36      6.35
First round25 3.46 6.29
6.21      3.46      5.86      6.80      8.74
Kielce Cube Attack 2014Second round14 6.03 7.81
8.02      6.03      7.42      7.98      9.20
First round27 6.20 8.89
8.45      8.29      18.68     9.92      6.20
PLS Sopot 2014Final4 6.21 7.14
6.23      8.48      6.72      6.21      10.86
Second round7 6.27 8.47
9.98      7.39      8.05      10.50     6.27
First round1 3.97 4.69
9.78      4.91      4.94      4.21      3.97
Polish Nationals 2014Final13 4.01 5.62
4.01      5.39      8.97      4.52      6.94
First round17 3.50 6.15
7.69      5.35      3.50      6.39      6.72
Rumia Open 2014Final9 5.09 7.20
6.08      5.09      7.71      8.66      7.80
Second round7 5.33 7.33
6.73      7.95      7.31      8.18      5.33
First round11 4.85 8.32
7.70      7.90      11.60     4.85      9.36
Polish Open 2014Second round13 6.63 7.34
14.25     8.17      7.13      6.63      6.73
First round17 4.03 8.03
6.98      10.34     8.99      8.12      4.03
Cubers Eve 2013Final8 6.84 8.15
8.47      7.72      14.09     6.84      8.26
First round5 4.57 6.80
8.35      7.44      5.29      4.57      7.67
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final6 3.59 6.08
6.41      5.11      3.59      8.02      6.72
Second round8 7.22 8.79
8.66      9.53      8.71      9.00      7.22
First round6 5.51 6.92
8.94      5.51      5.88      6.41      8.47
Grudziadz Open 2013Final7 6.59 8.65
9.27      7.34      9.44      9.34      6.59
Second round4 4.72 5.76
6.03      7.95      5.10      4.72      6.14
First round9 6.09 8.42
6.09      8.56      8.53      9.58      8.16
Polish Nationals 2013Final8 4.18 6.91
6.21      5.68      4.18      8.83      9.08
First round8 6.13 6.70
6.77      9.67      6.13      6.69      6.65
Polish Open 2013Final9 3.90 7.03
6.84      8.63      3.90      6.80      7.44
Second round5 4.75 5.55
7.38      5.83      5.53      4.75      5.30
First round3 4.11 6.18
9.58      7.38      6.09      4.11      5.08
Jura Open 2012Second round12 5.83 9.10
5.83      11.08     15.27     9.80      6.43
First round8 6.53 7.78
8.53      6.94      10.22     6.53      7.86
Euro 2012First round28 4.65 7.33
10.19     4.65      6.68      8.28      7.02
Polish Nationals 2012Final8 4.68 10.28
18.06     9.56      15.47     4.68      5.80
Second round5 3.30 7.14
4.13      8.52      8.78      3.30      9.22
First round8 6.00 7.43
10.06     6.94      6.31      6.00      9.03
Polish Open 2012Final10 4.36 8.16
10.16     10.05     6.71      4.36      7.72
Second round9 5.00 8.46
5.00      13.69     7.93      10.36     7.08
First round8 7.53 7.99
7.63      11.52     8.78      7.53      7.56
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final3 4.61 6.29
6.27      7.03      5.58      9.08      4.61
Second round3 6.15 7.69
8.28      6.15      7.97      6.81      DNF
First round4 4.77 6.60
7.03      4.77      5.09      7.68      9.96
Kociewie Open 2011Final4 5.56 6.80
9.05      8.55      5.84      6.02      5.56
First round3 5.08 5.97
5.08      6.09      7.36      6.02      5.80
World Championship 2011First round55 7.36 10.42
7.80      12.75     7.36      10.71     12.97
Poznan Open 2011First round8 5.50 8.23
7.93      7.75      5.50      9.02      10.25
Polish Nationals 2011Final3 4.75 5.60
5.30      5.00      8.18      4.75      6.50
First round6 5.40 7.79
5.40      6.81      7.72      9.13      8.83
Czech Open 2011First round12 7.56 8.92
9.00      7.56      11.88     7.81      9.96
3Mola Open 2011Final4 4.69 7.68
8.71      8.18      6.53      8.34      4.69
First round3 6.21 7.64
6.21      6.53      9.72      7.41      8.97
Bialystok Open 2011Final4 5.66 6.78
7.28      5.66      8.18      6.59      6.46
Second round4 5.97 7.13
6.69      9.88      5.97      6.72      7.97
First round9 4.27 8.27
10.47     10.46     4.27      5.81      8.55
Lodz Open 2011Final4 6.22 8.32
7.61      6.97      10.38     6.22      12.43
First round6 4.78 7.43
8.58      8.47      6.38      7.43      4.78
Euro 2010Final10 5.27 7.74
13.02     5.27      5.44      10.11     7.66
First round13 6.52 7.19
7.03      6.52      7.47      8.11      7.06
Polish Nationals 2010Final4 4.55 6.65
5.97      4.55      5.56      8.43      15.02
First round1 4.69 5.60
4.69      6.75      4.78      7.08      5.28
US Nationals 2010Final6 4.08 7.20
9.69      5.08      10.28     6.83      4.08
First round3 4.34 7.40
7.52      4.34      10.21     5.40      9.27
3Mola Open 2010Final2 5.40 6.81
6.31      18.33     6.72      5.40      7.41
Bialystok Open 2010Final3 5.72 7.11
7.59      11.25     5.83      5.72      7.90
First round4 5.22 7.34
7.36      9.08      5.22      6.43      8.22
Grudziadz Open 2010First round7 5.33 8.30
6.33      12.38     10.40     5.33      8.16
Polish Open 2010Final6 7.69 9.03
15.13     10.06     7.69      8.46      8.56
First round7 5.97 9.24
12.08     5.97      10.59     10.97     6.17
Polish Open 2009First round12 10.15 11.82
11.86     12.44     10.15     11.15     17.33
Gdansk Open 2009First round10 7.91 9.65
8.52      9.11      7.91      13.59     11.31
Polish Nationals 2009First round23 15.77
28.43     15.77
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final7 16.45 22.86
25.17     18.15     32.33     25.25     16.45
First round7 19.40 22.94
23.87     24.85     22.14     19.40     22.82
Paris Open 2018Final10 21.46 23.90
27.15     25.29     24.60     21.81     21.46
SMSO 2018Final7 22.73 25.69
27.01     27.95     22.73     24.92     25.14
First round6 27.08 28.99
28.82     27.08     34.67     29.40     28.76
Polish Nationals 2017First round12 17.48 25.02
21.21     DNF       28.67     25.19     17.48
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final5 19.42 19.93
19.42     24.99     19.65     19.45     20.68
First round8 18.60 22.01
44.98     26.47     20.68     18.89     18.60
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017Final3 16.89 17.98
16.89     18.81     17.57     19.43     17.57
World Championship 2017First round94 17.89 21.84
21.16     31.97     25.55     17.89     18.80
MSDJ 2016Final4 16.47 23.38
26.20     22.94     21.00     34.80     16.47
First round3 15.82 20.36
21.27     22.01     15.82     DNF       17.79
Italian Championship 2016Final4 16.99 18.70
21.68     21.53     17.12     16.99     17.45
Ukrainian Nationals 2016Final5 18.19 23.37
23.13     18.19     26.18     20.81     26.46
Second round11 24.12 31.01
52.25     28.29     30.26     34.48     24.12
First round13 24.03 33.82
24.82     24.03     DNF       44.85     31.78
Euro 2016First round55 21.67 24.19
21.67     23.68     26.16     25.56     23.34
World Championship 2015First round23 28.51 33.11
58.58     29.73     31.67     37.92     28.51
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015Final8 32.40
32.40     59.26
France 2015Final9 23.80 41.13
49.24     44.28     1:22.05   29.88     23.80
Polish Open 2015Final7 27.34 32.51
35.08     37.22     27.34     31.41     31.03
First round7 27.97 35.41
59.94     27.97     29.94     33.86     42.43
Euro 2014First round35 24.80 40.02
24.80     54.70     52.93     31.19     35.95
Polish Nationals 2014Final3 20.60 24.46
20.60     35.53     22.43     25.94     25.00
Polish Open 2014Final10 42.10
42.10     45.36
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final2 31.11 35.67
31.11     DNF       36.64     36.84     33.52
Grudziadz Open 2013Final2 25.95 32.27
31.91     34.93     29.97     25.95     35.07
World Championship 2013First round28 19.50 29.15
35.40     19.50     25.05     33.22     29.19
Polish Nationals 2013Final6 22.90 27.33
29.09     25.80     46.59     22.90     27.09
Manufaktura Open 2013Final2 27.52 30.04
27.52     30.22     28.63     35.42     31.26
Polish Open 2013Final5 19.08 26.70
19.08     24.08     31.31     28.56     27.47
First round6 26.09 29.29
31.28     33.83     29.50     26.09     27.08
Jura Open 2012Final5 22.77 29.39
22.77     31.40     31.81     29.85     26.91
First round4 19.15 26.36
23.30     19.15     30.28     26.46     29.33
Euro 2012First round25 25.18 29.89
29.19     25.18     33.21     27.27     33.53
Polish Nationals 2012Final4 18.25 24.50
23.83     18.25     27.21     35.05     22.47
First round4 19.86 29.52
19.86     29.78     34.81     27.03     31.75
Polish Open 2012Final1 19.02 20.96
20.08     28.81     19.02     22.06     20.75
First round4 24.36 26.87
24.36     28.50     30.16     25.19     26.91
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final2 20.83 28.68
24.58     DNF       20.83     36.77     24.69
Kociewie Open 2011Final1 16.11 29.69
25.83     30.33     32.91     16.11     36.61
World Championship 2011Final11 21.55 27.07
25.19     27.68     29.80     28.34     21.55
First round15 22.71 30.76
38.41     34.36     29.34     22.71     28.58
Poznan Open 2011First round9 23.08 DNF
23.08     54.77     DNF       23.91     DNF
Polish Nationals 2011Final4 17.46 30.25
25.66     26.80     38.28     40.56     17.46
First round2 24.05 26.84
28.30     24.05     25.13     29.00     27.08
Czech Open 2011Final6 23.16 26.78
23.97     25.30     31.08     32.38     23.16
First round7 20.91 25.35
26.65     27.06     27.19     22.34     20.91
3Mola Open 2011Final3 22.72 29.40
33.25     26.93     22.72     31.93     29.33
Bialystok Open 2011Final2 19.88 24.74
24.38     25.28     25.11     24.72     19.88
Second round2 21.16 26.25
27.50     29.06     21.16     29.27     22.18
First round3 16.31 23.58
16.31     31.72     31.94     21.30     17.72
Euro 2010Final10 21.59 27.63
21.59     25.84     25.38     40.16     31.66
First round4 17.78 22.96
23.34     17.78     24.84     20.69     26.53
Polish Nationals 2010Final4 19.11 25.73
25.46     31.31     20.43     19.11     DNF
First round3 20.09 25.19
20.09     25.94     21.55     28.09     41.66
US Nationals 2010Final8 21.00 29.19
28.18     21.00     33.30     31.78     27.61
First round9 18.31 23.83
26.52     18.31     23.66     21.31     29.40
Bialystok Open 2010Final2 21.90 23.33
22.94     22.09     24.97     21.90     31.13
First round2 22.33 29.07
27.18     28.84     31.19     22.33     36.40
Grudziadz Open 2010Final3 15.58 23.57
15.58     16.46     28.47     30.34     25.77
First round3 23.33 27.16
26.96     28.43     27.22     23.33     27.31
Polish Open 2010Final8 35.06 39.31
53.28     38.46     35.97     43.50     35.06
First round8 23.50 36.16
33.53     49.58     23.50     34.78     40.18
Polish Open 2009Final6 28.43 38.77
36.93     46.66     28.43     32.71     59.38
First round6 26.44 32.55
27.55     33.61     36.50     26.44     36.88
Gdansk Open 2009Final4 25.88 26.94
25.88     42.18     26.15     27.11     27.56
Lublin Open 2009Final4 23.47 38.56
37.30     36.71     41.66     1:16.83   23.47
4x4x4 Blindfolded
Polish Open 2015Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Kociewie Open 2011Final1 DNF
Poznan Open 2011Final3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Polish Nationals 2011Final3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Blindfolded
SC Cup I 2018Final3 DNF DNF
DNS       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
MSDJ 2016Final4 3/5 48:34
3/5 48:34
GLS Autumn Reda 2013Final5 2/2 9:19
2/2 9:19       DNS
Grudziadz Open 2013Final6 2/2 10:36
2/2 10:36      DNF            DNF
Jura Open 2012Final2 2/2 9:28
1/2 12:22      2/2 9:28
Polish Nationals 2012First round5 1/2 9:57
1/2 9:57       DNS
Polish Open 2012Final4 1/2 11:06
1/2 11:06
Kociewie Open 2011Final3 1/2 12:30
1/2 12:30
Poznan Open 2011Final10 DNF
DNF            DNS
Polish Nationals 2011Final3 1/2 5:26
1/2 5:26
Polish Nationals 2010Final8 DNF
DNF            DNF
Polish Open 2010Final6 DNF
3x3x3 With Feet
Riviera Cube Week 2015First round9 DNF
Polish Nationals 2011Final5 2:52.06 2:57.96
3:07.63   2:52.06   2:54.19
Czech Open 2011Final8 4:30.47
Euro 2012First round70 2.11 2.50
2.11      4.25      2.88      2.19      2.43
Polish Nationals 2012First round18 1.94 2.12
2.52      1.94      2.16      1.94      2.27
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012First round15 1.68 2.10
1.83      2.77      1.69      1.68      3.81
Kociewie Open 2011Final4 1.59 1.79
1.59      2.72      1.72      1.59      2.05
First round3 1.61 1.79
1.77      1.61      1.68      2.43      1.91
Poznan Open 2011Final16 1.75 2.89
3.81      1.81      1.75      3.83      3.06
Polish Nationals 2011Final5 2.00 2.82
4.16      2.00      3.16      2.96      2.34
Second round7 1.52 1.67
1.65      1.68      1.52      1.69      1.77
First round9 1.59 1.83
2.18      2.08      1.63      1.77      1.59
3Mola Open 2011Final6 1.61 2.09
2.30      2.65      1.75      2.22      1.61
Bialystok Open 2011Final9 1.80 1.93
1.94      1.96      2.44      1.90      1.80
First round9 1.77 2.00
1.83      2.34      2.58      1.77      1.83
Lodz Open 2011Final8 1.83 2.37
DNF       2.34      1.97      1.83      2.80
Euro 2010First round55 1.94 2.33
2.13      2.21      1.94      2.80      2.65
Polish Nationals 2010First round9 2.16 2.42
2.71      2.25      2.30      2.16      3.53
3Mola Open 2010Final9 1.97 DNF
2.84      1.97      DNF       DNF       3.75
Bialystok Open 2010First round18 5.12 6.45
5.12      10.27     8.68      5.18      5.50
Grudziadz Open 2010First round18 3.47 8.55
28.22     18.41     3.68      3.47      3.56
Master Magic
Euro 2012First round88 8.02 DNF
8.02      DNF       DNF       10.61     DNF
Polish Nationals 2012First round17 4.61 5.72
6.02      5.96      4.61      7.22      5.18
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012First round12 4.47 5.06
4.97      4.50      4.47      5.72      DNF
Kociewie Open 2011Final5 3.93 4.47
3.97      3.93      DNF       4.34      5.11
First round5 4.40 6.06
5.58      DNF       4.66      4.40      7.93
Polish Nationals 2011Final8 5.40 6.17
14.56     7.09      5.40      5.91      5.50
First round11 5.13 7.08
5.13      7.30      7.52      9.46      6.43
3Mola Open 2011Final5 4.36 5.00
5.91      4.50      4.58      4.36      9.22
Bialystok Open 2011First round12 4.31 5.42
6.72      4.83      4.71      4.31      17.31
Lodz Open 2011Final5 4.34 5.35
5.75      4.34      4.83      5.46      10.86
Euro 2010First round67 4.44 7.06
DNF       5.97      5.02      4.44      10.18
Polish Nationals 2010First round6 3.84 5.12
4.71      3.84      4.58      6.08      6.28
Bialystok Open 2010Final4 3.71 4.56
4.88      3.71      5.21      4.50      4.30
First round4 3.52 4.91
4.63      4.78      5.31      3.52      5.58
Grudziadz Open 2010Final4 4.55 5.37
5.59      6.50      4.55      5.34      5.19
Polish Championship 2023
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 10.97 12.85
11.77     16.96     10.97     12.02     14.75
First round6 11.15 13.38
11.15     13.05     13.13     13.95     15.98
Polish Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round7 7.04 7.90
7.04      7.62      7.80      8.28      10.86
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 2.28 3.16
3.88      2.28      6.16      3.08      2.51
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 34.34 38.42
37.28     49.36     34.34     40.91     37.08
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 1:11.20 1:17.59
1:11.20   1:15.19   1:29.10   1:14.52   1:23.07
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round34 2:48.43 DNF
2:48.43   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal21 30 DNF
30        DNF       33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round1 11.41 12.20
12.19     11.45     17.51     11.41     12.97
MegaminxFirst round39 1:02.95 1:11.81
1:12.29   1:02.95   1:13.31   1:12.44   1:10.69
Gdańsk Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round3 6.29 8.33
8.82      8.94      6.29      7.23      10.12
First round3 8.18 8.57
8.26      9.00      8.46      8.18      12.57
2x2x2 CubeFirst round8 2.58 3.78
4.01      3.58      4.29      2.58      3.76
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round11 3:11.97 DNF
3:11.97   DNF       DNF
GLS Gdynia 2020
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 8.62 11.20
12.64     10.47     8.62      12.17     10.95
Second round1 11.53 12.19
11.90     11.53     12.63     15.38     12.05
First round1 11.45 12.38
12.15     15.06     11.82     11.45     13.16
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 6.77 8.28
6.77      8.54      8.37      7.94      9.10
Second round2 6.81 7.96
6.81      8.56      7.53      DNF       7.80
First round1 7.02 7.66
7.02      8.81      8.04      7.29      7.64
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 9.45 10.87
9.45      20.17     11.00     10.75     10.87
First round1 11.19 12.72
12.15     13.08     11.19     12.94     13.54
GLS Cup IV 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round1 7.90 8.78
7.90      8.37      9.02      9.70      8.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.73 12.68
13.38     10.73     10.84     17.21     13.81
Second round1 12.29 13.32
16.14     13.77     12.99     12.29     13.21
First round2 12.63 13.83
14.01     14.71     13.84     12.63     13.65
MegaminxFinal4 1:02.56 1:07.49
1:08.15   1:03.12   1:02.56   1:11.20   1:14.08
Second round5 57.75 1:04.60
1:04.74   1:07.02   1:02.05   1:13.47   57.75
First round5 1:01.92 1:08.82
1:06.04   1:01.92   1:11.49   1:08.93   1:16.91
Paris Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 6.58 8.61
6.58      7.59      7.74      10.50     11.99
Second round3 7.00 7.95
7.00      8.88      8.09      7.17      8.58
First round4 7.15 7.86
7.79      7.31      8.95      7.15      8.47
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 1.75 2.31
3.04      4.08      1.75      1.98      1.90
First round9 2.28 3.45
6.08      4.72      2.28      2.68      2.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.05 12.50
14.41     12.05     12.37     12.79     12.33
First round3 10.04 12.75
10.04     11.30     13.02     13.92     15.22
Polish Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.30 8.91
9.17      7.30      9.41      8.64      8.92
Semi Final6 7.27 8.26
8.68      9.39      7.88      7.27      8.23
Second round3 6.76 8.10
7.94      6.76      8.50      8.13      8.22
First round3 7.60 8.20
8.07      8.48      7.60      8.52      8.05
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round11 1:25.93 DNF
1:42.45   DNF       1:25.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 11.82 13.44
12.99     15.61     13.38     11.82     13.94
Second round1 10.67 11.75
12.63     10.67     11.85     12.58     10.82
First round1 9.28 11.86
18.13     9.28      13.13     12.01     10.45
PyraminxFirst round33 4.97 6.94
12.22     7.41      4.97      7.31      6.09
GLS Cup III 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.87 7.73
6.90      8.00      8.30      8.93      6.87
Second round2 6.31 7.55
8.08      7.59      6.31      9.08      6.97
First round2 6.74 8.45
6.74      7.56      8.59      9.41      9.20
3x3x3 BlindfoldedSecond round17 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round6 1:25.72 DNF
1:25.72   DNF       2:07.74
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 23 28.67
34        29        23
Swiss Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 6.89 7.43
7.38      7.25      7.82      7.65      6.89
Second round6 7.17 8.18
9.01      8.29      7.17      11.16     7.23
First round8 7.88 9.08
8.00      10.00     10.88     7.88      9.23
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 36.61 40.29
42.02     39.56     43.37     39.29     36.61
First round18 35.29 42.97
44.60     41.03     44.57     43.30     35.29
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round12 1:56.61 DNF
DNF       1:56.61   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round1 9.48 11.98
12.02     11.69     12.57     12.23     9.48
Swisscubing Cup II 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.19 8.03
8.50      7.34      8.26      9.13      7.19
Second round2 7.23 8.26
8.73      9.82      7.76      7.23      8.28
First round2 7.15 8.63
8.38      7.15      9.01      9.35      8.49
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.06 3.06
2.06      2.73      2.33      DNF       4.13
First round3 2.19 3.24
2.89      3.14      3.75      3.68      2.19
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 36.53 38.48
41.74     41.25     36.55     36.53     37.63
First round9 36.61 41.98
47.69     37.59     44.86     43.48     36.61
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:16.72 1:27.42
1:21.39   1:39.77   1:25.72   1:16.72   1:35.15
First round8 1:13.83 1:23.74
1:25.30   1:20.01   1:28.76   1:13.83   1:25.90
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round10 4:20.70 DNF
4:20.70   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 9.68 11.33
12.67     10.24     15.88     9.68      11.09
First round1 10.42 12.76
14.42     13.88     10.42     12.35     12.04
PyraminxFinal10 3.21 7.26
7.40      DNF       5.74      3.21      8.63
First round8 3.51 4.92
4.86      5.06      3.51      6.74      4.84
Square-1Final7 16.45 22.86
25.17     18.15     32.33     25.25     16.45
First round7 19.40 22.94
23.87     24.85     22.14     19.40     22.82
Zentralschweiz 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.35 8.56
9.24      9.91      7.98      7.35      8.46
Second round1 6.09 7.49
8.08      7.25      7.15      6.09      10.18
First round5 8.56 9.12
8.78      10.83     9.76      8.56      8.83
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 1.73 2.90
4.02      2.33      3.83      2.53      1.73
First round3 2.34 3.08
2.34      3.40      4.22      2.47      3.38
4x4x4 CubeSecond round15 39.86 45.04
39.86     43.56     46.01     47.36     45.55
First round15 38.61 42.73
46.46     41.97     38.61     46.13     40.10
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 9.76 11.86
11.71     11.77     13.40     9.76      12.11
First round1 11.11 13.62
15.46     15.03     12.93     12.90     11.11
PyraminxFirst round15 4.01 8.15
6.48      8.78      4.01      9.18      10.24
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.68 8.15
10.66     7.83      8.89      7.73      7.68
Second round5 7.14 7.95
7.14      8.29      7.80      7.75      8.36
First round5 6.95 8.41
8.46      8.77      8.00      6.95      12.30
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.06 2.81
3.83      2.06      2.31      3.26      2.85
First round1 1.99 2.57
1.99      2.81      6.36      2.86      2.05
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 37.22 40.35
40.28     37.22     40.00     40.76     46.93
First round8 36.59 38.39
36.59     39.43     38.09     37.66     41.92
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3NR 8.15 12.15
11.55     8.15      12.86     12.95     12.05
First round1 9.34ER 10.71
9.73      16.98     10.36     12.03     9.34
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 6.18 7.47
6.18      8.09      7.30      7.16      7.94
Second round4 6.92 7.75
8.12      9.35      7.92      6.92      7.21
First round5 7.09 8.26
11.31     7.09      7.68      7.11      10.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 2.03 3.86
6.35      2.03      2.78      4.65      4.15
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 32.84 40.02
34.82     43.82     51.86     41.41     32.84
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal10 2:10.98 DNF
2:10.98   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 10.59 11.58
11.39     18.66     12.42     10.59     10.94
First round1 10.72NR 11.25
10.72     11.89     11.64     10.90     11.20
Les Automnales 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.72NR 7.05
5.72      7.57      8.29      6.90      6.67
Second round1 6.90 7.82
6.96      10.79     6.90      7.85      8.64
First round2 7.82 8.53
8.95      8.28      7.82      8.93      8.38
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 1.95 5.18
5.64      1.95      9.32      4.25      5.66
First round1 2.12 2.65
2.35      2.49      3.10      2.12      4.25
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 39.69 44.65
44.99     48.77     39.69     46.24     42.72
First round4 34.31 38.02
40.09     36.04     37.93     41.98     34.31
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 2:57.61 DNF
DNF       2:57.61   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.72 12.14
10.72     12.37     12.51     11.53     14.13
First round1 10.52 12.07
11.61     10.52     13.05     12.27     12.32
Swiss Science Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.36 8.02
7.51      7.99      8.85      7.36      8.57
Second round1 6.28 7.77
8.14      8.38      15.65     6.78      6.28
First round1 6.12 7.69
9.29      7.61      6.81      8.66      6.12
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 36.19 39.26
38.75     39.53     36.19     39.49     44.46
First round2 34.64 37.72
42.27     34.64     44.67     34.88     36.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.08 11.58
11.08     12.31     11.23     11.53     11.98
First round1 10.31 12.53
15.78     12.90     12.08     12.62     10.31
Polish Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.20 8.58
8.90      9.10      7.20      8.80      8.03
Second round2 6.97 7.93
10.04     6.97      7.62      7.55      8.61
First round3 6.67 8.38
8.80      9.33      10.22     7.00      6.67
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 2.14 4.97
4.88      6.76      2.14      4.82      5.21
Second round11 2.26 3.06
5.47      2.36      3.82      3.00      2.26
First round12 2.16 3.02
2.16      2.69      2.74      5.49      3.62
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 35.76 39.10
40.12     39.91     37.28     41.74     35.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 10.65 12.96
14.14     10.65     11.81     14.38     12.92
Second round1 11.02 12.52
13.72     12.64     12.81     12.12     11.02
First round1 10.48 12.44
11.01     14.67     12.48     13.82     10.48
MegaminxFinal8 59.32 1:02.72
1:02.27   1:04.04   1:09.35   1:01.84   59.32
First round7 51.20 58.31
1:02.27   1:08.06   51.20     57.48     55.17
PyraminxFirst round36 5.48 7.07
8.68      7.85      7.62      5.75      5.48
Argovia Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.21 8.12
8.40      13.23     7.84      7.21      8.11
Second round1 5.94 7.60
5.94      7.79      7.22      12.53     7.80
First round2 7.35 8.06
8.57      7.60      8.02      7.35      10.74
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.90 2.48
2.64      2.21      1.90      2.58      4.44
Second round1 2.28 2.46
2.61      2.40      2.28      5.01      2.38
First round2 2.90 3.27
3.23      2.90      3.49      6.01      3.08
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 36.87 44.97
46.22     36.87     42.29     46.41     46.57
First round8 32.99 42.18
46.76     40.40     32.99     50.17     39.38
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.96 13.48
13.02     18.42     15.07     10.96     12.34
Second round1 9.76 12.35
9.76      15.05     11.68     12.34     13.02
First round1 12.56 13.11
12.56     13.56     12.85     15.69     12.93
Paris Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 7.31 8.73
9.25      8.84      8.10      12.60     7.31
Second round6 8.28 9.28
10.63     9.30      8.28      8.63      9.91
First round2 7.76 8.12
7.89      9.38      7.76      8.33      8.15
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.10 3.03
3.79      2.20      3.10      4.64      2.10
First round5 1.88 2.68
2.30      1.89      4.84      1.88      3.85
4x4x4 CubeSecond round26 40.89 47.41
40.89     45.24     44.07     1:01.99   52.93
First round6 35.26 37.03
35.81     39.90     35.45     35.26     39.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round21 1:22.30 1:27.75
1:22.30   DNF       1:30.81   1:23.85   1:28.60
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 2:21.46 DNF
2:21.46   DNF       DNF
First round12 2:12.75 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:12.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 10.58 12.41
12.01     13.36     14.87     10.58     11.87
First round2 12.39 12.90
12.54     12.39     12.60     14.88     13.57
PyraminxFinal9 3.88 6.20
6.37      7.87      3.88      5.94      6.28
First round12 5.29 6.82
7.34      6.37      6.76      7.72      5.29
Square-1Final10 21.46 23.90
27.15     25.29     24.60     21.81     21.46
Swiss Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.65 8.73
8.07      9.96      7.65      8.17      15.06
Second round1 6.47 7.46
6.49      6.47      8.30      12.05     7.60
First round2 7.88 8.85
8.28      9.46      7.88      9.70      8.82
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 1.97 3.41
1.97      3.95      8.51      3.25      3.02
Second round1 1.91 2.24
1.91      2.73      2.28      2.46      1.97
First round1 2.36 2.55
2.36      2.63      7.72      2.37      2.65
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 37.33 44.31
44.88     37.33     41.39     46.66     47.60
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 2:15.91 2:30.19
2:15.91   2:55.48   2:19.18
First round7 1:41.32 DNF
DNF       2:36.95   1:41.32
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 9.97 11.49
12.99     9.97      10.03     12.34     12.11
Second round1 8.86 11.96
8.86      10.72     13.99     14.67     11.17
First round1 9.35 11.74
13.57     12.78     9.60      12.84     9.35
PyraminxSecond round16 5.79 6.71
7.07      5.79      6.38      6.67      8.61
First round14 4.27 6.81
8.54      6.40      7.77      6.25      4.27
WCA Euro 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 7.68 8.32
8.02      9.11      7.84      7.68      9.17
Semi Final4 6.63 7.63
8.22      7.61      6.63      8.49      7.06
Second round16 7.59 8.05
7.86      8.70      8.17      8.13      7.59
First round38 7.39 8.92
9.24      7.39      9.86      8.82      8.71
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final28 1.81 2.78
2.99      2.56      1.81      2.79      3.80
Second round23 1.74 2.84
2.32      3.80      2.39      4.17      1.74
First round20 2.18 2.57
2.49      2.34      2.94      2.87      2.18
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal18 28 31.33
28        34        32
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 11.56 11.87
12.18     12.36     11.56     11.77     11.67
Second round12 12.47 13.65
17.19     13.62     12.47     12.61     14.72
First round3 10.53 12.09
10.53     12.84     11.86     11.78     12.62
MegaminxFirst round44 57.58 1:03.43
1:05.53   1:09.49   1:00.69   57.58     1:04.08
GLS Cup III 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.63 8.40
7.78      7.89      11.84     7.63      9.54
Second round2 7.52 7.98
7.60      8.66      7.52      7.68      8.86
First round2 7.16 8.43
8.56      8.28      7.16      8.44      11.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 1.71 3.29
1.71      7.12      2.73      2.15      4.98
Second round7 2.54 3.30
4.06      3.94      2.54      3.16      2.81
First round2 1.74 2.82
4.61      2.96      2.28      1.74      3.22
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 36.34 41.87
36.34     49.10     44.57     42.16     38.87
5x5x5 CubeSecond round16 1:06.95 1:21.26
1:25.05   1:23.31   1:17.46   1:23.02   1:06.95
First round18 1:19.29 1:26.29
1:23.62   1:43.02   1:24.67   1:30.58   1:19.29
6x6x6 CubeFirst round14 2:58.68 3:09.68
3:13.01   2:58.68   3:17.35
Zentralschweiz 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round2 7.31 8.90
11.87     7.73      7.31      7.79      11.17
First round2 7.30 9.04
7.30      DNF       9.70      9.32      8.09
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 39.80 44.60
41.07     48.63     39.80     49.08     44.11
First round8 34.19 43.82
38.34     46.64     51.54     46.47     34.19
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round1 13.07 13.77
13.29     14.20     13.83     13.07     14.62
First round2 9.50 13.47
14.34     15.42     9.50      10.93     15.13
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.17 7.58
7.17      7.37      8.02      8.67      7.35
First round1 6.43 7.47
8.14      6.73      8.47      6.43      7.55
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.51 12.98
13.06     11.95     13.94     11.51     14.77
Second round1 10.76 12.45
10.76     17.23     14.64     11.50     11.22
First round1 10.65 12.02
12.80     10.65     11.72     18.37     11.53
MegaminxFinal1 55.59 57.68
55.59     1:02.24   58.12     58.25     56.68
Second round1 53.16 58.16
58.60     55.93     1:00.06   53.16     59.95
First round1 51.56 57.27
1:00.55   53.35     57.92     51.56     1:05.61
Zurich Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.09 8.15
9.12      7.52      8.81      7.09      8.12
Second round2 7.98 8.79
8.40      7.98      8.94      9.23      9.03
First round1 6.62 8.32
10.36     9.00      7.88      6.62      8.09
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.27 2.78
6.80      1.27      1.55      2.49      4.29
First round1 1.96 3.24
2.42      2.54      1.96      4.76      5.95
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 40.92 45.57
50.03     42.73     40.92     45.87     48.10
First round4 37.12 40.44
39.94     45.17     37.12     37.29     44.08
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:12.59 1:17.87
1:13.93   1:16.93   1:22.75   1:12.59   1:30.71
First round6 1:18.80 1:25.44
1:18.80   1:32.15   1:24.16   1:22.51   1:29.66
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 3:08.45 DNF
DNF       3:08.45   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 9.50 12.14
12.51     13.85     9.50      12.32     11.59
First round1 11.49 12.68
11.95     14.01     11.49     15.20     12.09
Elsass Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 8.36 8.86
8.48      9.74      8.66      8.36      9.44
Semi Final5 7.00 7.85
7.26      7.21      9.08      10.62     7.00
Second round7 7.41 8.39
7.63      13.03     7.41      8.63      8.91
First round13 6.92 8.72
10.08     8.77      11.56     7.32      6.92
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 1.86 2.90
4.86      3.32      2.43      1.86      2.95
Second round4 1.19 2.29
2.51      2.89      1.19      1.83      2.53
First round5 1.97 2.59
1.97      3.68      2.68      2.08      3.02
4x4x4 CubeSecond round34 35.22 43.41
46.57     42.66     42.46     45.10     35.22
First round47 34.99 52.22
1:20.25   42.03     34.99     58.97     55.65
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 1:14.79 1:25.79
1:23.22   1:24.63   1:32.12   1:29.52   1:14.79
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal4 26
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 10.55 12.90
14.95     12.22     10.55     11.65     14.83
Second round2 12.52 13.18
14.11     12.64     13.11     12.52     13.78
First round7 13.01 14.09
14.07     14.89     18.11     13.32     13.01
MegaminxFinal8 59.83 1:06.13
1:03.68   1:01.33   1:15.56   59.83     1:13.37
PyraminxFirst round26 5.09 6.51
5.09      9.94      6.08      5.30      8.15
SMSO 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.06 8.22
8.65      8.70      7.70      7.06      8.30
Second round1 6.73 8.08
7.49      7.73      9.03      9.09      6.73
First round2 8.31 9.01
9.01      8.74      8.31      9.27      9.61
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 1.78 2.39
1.78      2.24      2.07      2.94      2.87
First round2 1.63 3.04
2.51      2.23      4.69      1.63      4.38
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:18.21 1:22.83
1:18.21   1:19.10   1:33.37   1:22.10   1:27.30
First round7 1:17.16 1:26.33
1:32.02   1:17.16   1:19.51   1:29.47   1:30.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 10.66 12.23
13.99     10.66     12.45     13.19     11.04
Square-1Final7 22.73 25.69
27.01     27.95     22.73     24.92     25.14
First round6 27.08 28.99
28.82     27.08     34.67     29.40     28.76
SC Cup I 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.28 8.23
8.98      7.87      7.84      7.28      9.49
Second round1 7.04 8.28
8.43      7.04      8.90      7.51      9.34
First round1 7.61 8.67
7.61      7.97      9.31      10.36     8.74
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 2.36 3.52
5.21      2.36      2.46      3.77      4.33
First round5 1.92 3.59
DNF       3.47      3.91      3.39      1.92
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 39.38 44.18
44.69     39.38     47.60     51.61     40.25
First round12 40.15 47.21
49.63     40.15     56.79     47.77     44.22
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 1:33.47 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:33.47
First round4 1:59.57 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:59.57
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 30 32.33
30        37        30
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 9.41 14.32
9.41      15.66     13.93     15.36     13.68
First round1 11.17 14.54
16.57     15.21     17.19     11.17     11.84
PyraminxFirst round13 6.39 8.09
7.54      10.01     9.54      6.39      7.18
5x5x5 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNS       DNF       DNS
Xlingen Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.19 8.97
9.52      8.19      8.80      8.59      10.79
Second round1 7.06 7.99
8.44      7.06      7.60      7.92      8.87
First round1 7.92 8.52
9.14      8.10      9.48      8.33      7.92
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 1.92 3.85
7.91      2.82      1.92      5.07      3.65
Second round2 1.75 2.97
2.94      1.75      2.18      3.80      6.19
First round1 1.92 2.66
2.62      2.52      1.92      7.25      2.84
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 43.80 45.20
43.80     45.28     45.02     45.29     55.25
First round9 42.09 50.72
47.07     52.82     52.75     52.35     42.09
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 2:23.95 DNF
2:23.95   DNF       DNF
Second round6 2:15.17 DNF
2:15.17   2:29.85   DNF
First round6 1:50.15 DNF
1:50.15   DNF       2:07.78
Swiss Nationals 2017
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.38 11.72
11.09     12.24     14.51     11.84     10.38
First round1 12.18 13.56
12.89     15.36     12.85     12.18     14.95
Nancy Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.18 7.95
7.29      8.70      8.11      8.46      6.18
Second round6 6.26 9.26
6.26      10.29     11.55     8.43      9.07
First round1 6.96 7.87
7.36      6.96      8.02      8.23      8.70
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 0.87 2.69
2.39      2.76      0.87      3.71      2.92
Second round4 1.70 2.85
2.44      3.32      1.70      10.64     2.79
First round3 1.75 2.84
2.71      1.75      3.67      3.41      2.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 36.36 40.61
43.73     41.30     36.36     36.80     46.83
Second round5 30.60 37.10
34.09     30.60     36.82     41.58     40.40
First round6 35.67 38.59
36.34     47.24     39.24     40.19     35.67
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 1:14.41 1:25.21
1:27.47   1:14.41   1:25.63   1:29.22   1:22.52
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal7 31
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 11.74 12.74
11.74     12.89     12.48     14.95     12.86
Second round1 9.58 12.31
12.81     9.58      12.76     11.37     14.32
First round2 10.12 13.76
10.12     14.73     14.37     14.38     12.53
MegaminxFinal4 1:02.83 1:04.84
1:08.30   1:07.16   1:03.60   1:03.76   1:02.83
PyraminxFirst round21 7.33 8.20
7.33      9.69      7.64      7.48      9.48
Polish Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 7.84 9.19
10.02     9.24      9.43      8.90      7.84
Semi Final2 8.29 8.60
8.31      8.92      8.29      8.57      10.38
Second round1 6.31 7.86
6.31      9.89      7.31      7.49      8.79
First round2 7.96 8.56
9.83      8.05      7.96      9.64      8.00
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 1.95 2.90
2.87      3.28      2.92      2.91      1.95
Second round5 1.91 2.60
2.52      2.25      3.36      3.02      1.91
First round9 2.06 2.93
3.87      7.70      2.06      2.36      2.55
5x5x5 CubeFinal12 1:11.20 1:17.31
1:22.58   1:11.20   1:15.29   1:14.07   DNF
First round14 1:17.60 1:24.11
1:27.70   1:25.35   1:19.27   1:17.60   1:32.69
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round18 3:11.01 DNF
3:11.01   DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 24 29.33
30        34        24
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 10.36 13.15
12.02     14.82     10.36     14.87     12.62
First round2 10.39 13.35
13.51     12.93     10.39     13.81     13.60
MegaminxFinal9 51.77 1:01.48
1:03.94   1:04.24   51.77     1:07.24   56.25
First round9 56.98 1:02.55
1:05.81   1:03.27   56.98     58.57     1:07.64
Square-1First round12 17.48 25.02
21.21     DNF       28.67     25.19     17.48
Musée suisse du jeu 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.68 7.89
7.89      6.68      7.19      9.31      8.58
Second round1 7.19 8.30
8.33      7.19      8.83      8.68      7.89
First round1 6.71 8.46
9.39      8.44      7.64      6.71      9.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 1.86 2.91
3.08      1.86      2.87      3.01      2.86
Second round4 2.46 2.99
2.46      3.21      3.63      2.70      3.05
First round2 1.68 2.78
4.72      1.68      2.37      2.59      3.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 41.41 45.23
54.28     48.10     41.41     44.93     42.67
First round10 38.04 42.72
42.48     59.62     45.41     40.26     38.04
5x5x5 CubeFinal12 1:07.34 1:20.66
1:18.27   1:12.02   1:31.70   1:31.70   1:07.34
First round12 1:05.12 1:22.31
1:30.68   1:16.48   1:25.86   1:24.59   1:05.12
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal12 30 DNF
DNS       30        DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.71ER 11.30
11.94     10.71     11.03     12.76     10.92
First round1 10.37 13.53
14.06     10.37     13.26     13.27     15.05
MegaminxFinal2 50.87 1:05.64
1:10.02   1:15.89   59.65     1:07.26   50.87
First round3 54.41 1:07.15
1:06.83   1:06.25   1:08.36   1:16.01   54.41
PyraminxFirst round3 2.56 5.38
5.85      7.92      2.56      4.08      6.21
Square-1Final5 19.42 19.93
19.42     24.99     19.65     19.45     20.68
First round8 18.60 22.01
44.98     26.47     20.68     18.89     18.60
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.63 8.61
8.64      8.67      7.63      8.51      10.61
Second round2 6.96 7.71
8.30      7.74      7.08      13.16     6.96
First round3 7.43 8.36
8.64      10.46     7.88      7.43      8.57
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.58 3.83
2.58      3.03      6.02      4.04      4.43
Second round8 2.95 4.30
4.35      6.08      2.95      4.38      4.18
First round1 1.98 3.06
1.98      4.46      2.50      2.21      4.85
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 36.43 47.58
DNF       36.43     48.23     44.16     50.34
First round6 38.79 42.41
44.65     38.79     47.54     40.90     41.69
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:10.55 1:13.98
1:20.17   1:22.83   1:11.02   1:10.55   1:10.76
First round9 1:15.25 1:25.51
1:15.25   1:24.02   1:27.23   1:25.51   1:26.99
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 2:31.27 DNF
DNF       2:31.27   DNF
First round7 2:51.63 DNF
2:51.63   DNF       3:14.87
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 9.53ER 11.32
10.17     12.51     11.28     9.53      14.79
First round2 10.77 11.80
12.34     11.01     10.77     15.06     12.05
PyraminxFinal10 4.88 5.81
6.04      8.96      5.16      4.88      6.23
Second round13 6.02 8.73
6.35      9.77      10.81     6.02      10.08
First round12 5.93 8.06
5.93      11.38     8.94      6.45      8.78
Swisscubing FMC 2017
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal4 32 33.00
32        34        33
First round2 28 29.67
29        32        28
Ukrainian Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.59 8.41
8.77      9.08      8.33      7.59      8.12
Semi Final1 6.90 8.35
9.19      8.82      6.90      8.89      7.34
Second round2 7.00 8.95
7.00      9.81      9.01      9.28      8.57
First round1 6.80 7.78
6.80      6.80      8.36      8.19      14.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 1.52 2.41
1.52      3.30      2.24      4.87      1.69
Second round1 1.96 2.32
1.96      2.70      3.72      2.25      2.01
First round1 1.90 2.39
3.41      1.90      2.68      2.24      2.26
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 1:20.75 1:26.50
1:32.13   1:24.60   1:20.75   1:22.78   1:32.33
First round5 1:17.54 1:18.78
1:17.54   1:17.71   1:20.04   1:22.23   1:18.60
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 27 31.33
32        27        35
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.19 12.88
12.79     13.52     12.51     13.35     12.19
First round1 9.56 12.43
13.36     11.86     9.56      12.14     13.28
MegaminxFinal3 52.77 1:02.32
52.77     1:03.58   1:02.49   1:00.90   1:03.65
First round2 58.56 1:05.06
1:00.05   58.56     1:05.25   1:09.88   1:13.22
PyraminxFirst round18 7.59 7.90
8.03      7.87      7.80      10.36     7.59
ŚLS Zawiercie 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.02 7.87
8.67      8.30      7.02      7.64      7.66
Semi Final4 7.54 9.05
8.62      7.54      9.20      11.09     9.34
Second round1 7.31 7.85
8.04      8.03      7.31      8.36      7.48
First round2 7.32 8.12
7.91      8.92      7.32      7.52      9.28
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.73 3.18
5.38      2.90      3.84      2.73      2.80
Second round10 2.59 3.04
3.46      4.88      2.79      2.88      2.59
First round10 2.30 3.13
3.99      2.73      7.53      2.30      2.66
4x4x4 CubeFinal12 43.33 44.86
44.60     43.51     46.46     43.33     47.00
First round11 36.07 41.04
36.07     53.32     38.02     40.39     44.72
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 1:08.21 1:18.68
1:16.55   1:18.49   1:08.21   1:20.99   1:21.99
First round12 1:12.06 1:25.49
1:25.60   1:21.32   1:29.54   1:32.27   1:12.06
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.74 12.42
13.04     11.94     11.74     12.47     12.86
First round1 11.06 12.47
13.52     14.29     11.83     11.06     12.06
MegaminxFinal4 57.74 1:02.60
57.74     1:15.13   1:01.75   1:01.92   1:04.14
First round4 54.85 1:02.33
1:13.89   1:03.46   54.85     1:05.15   58.37
PyraminxSecond round19 5.51 6.47
6.78      9.52      5.51      6.28      6.34
First round18 4.03 5.94
4.03      4.44      5.36      8.02      11.59
Square-1Final3 16.89 17.98
16.89     18.81     17.57     19.43     17.57
World Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final17 6.89 8.09
8.57      7.97      6.89      11.22     7.73
Second round12 6.97 7.98
6.97      8.38      7.73      7.83      8.46
First round12 5.97 7.67
7.21      5.97      10.21     8.08      7.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 1.59 2.44
1.59      2.51      1.82      3.62      2.99
Semi Final15 1.87 2.11
2.35      2.06      1.87      1.92      2.56
Second round63 2.66 3.23
4.15      4.18      2.66      2.70      2.83
First round103 2.11 3.64
9.81      3.33      4.48      2.11      3.10
4x4x4 CubeFirst round150 41.99 44.55
46.76     42.13     45.01     46.51     41.99
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round161 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal137 26 DNF
DNF       30        26
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 10.57 13.15
14.34     14.68     12.81     10.57     12.30
Second round10 10.55 13.20
13.10     12.97     13.53     14.45     10.55
First round6 10.84 12.46
20.23     11.07     10.84     14.11     12.21
MegaminxFirst round44 50.04 1:04.80
1:06.32   59.56     1:08.52   50.04     1:13.53
PyraminxSecond round97 4.73 7.40
8.57      4.73      6.19      8.40      7.62
First round93 3.16 5.47
6.51      4.83      5.06      3.16      8.89
Square-1First round94 17.89 21.84
21.16     31.97     25.55     17.89     18.80
SC Cup III 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.11 8.63
8.95      8.19      9.51      8.11      8.74
First round2 7.82 9.81
8.44      7.82      9.52      11.48     12.88
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 35.70 41.29
46.24     46.84     39.87     37.75     35.70
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:10.63 1:19.41
1:31.12   1:22.69   1:15.24   1:20.31   1:10.63
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:54.30 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:54.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.26 12.26
12.35     12.23     10.26     12.21     12.82
Barby Cube 73 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.17 8.98
8.17      8.30      9.47      9.29      9.35
Second round2 6.70 7.99
7.83      7.95      8.18      9.48      6.70
First round1 6.79 7.40
7.86      6.79      7.08      8.39      7.26
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.50 4.03
5.09      2.50      6.01      4.19      2.81
Second round1 1.93 2.39
1.93      4.34      3.02      2.21      1.94
First round2 2.34 2.63
2.84      2.66      2.34      2.40      5.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.77 12.10
11.80     12.60     12.55     10.77     11.94
Second round1 10.06 12.13
14.33     11.13     14.31     10.06     10.96
First round1 10.59 12.53
11.86     10.59     12.49     13.23     13.24
MegaminxFirst round1 1:00.63 1:03.07
1:02.17   1:05.53   1:00.63   1:01.51   1:07.21
Wiler Würfelfest 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 6.88 9.21
10.48     9.49      6.88      7.65      DNF
Second round1 7.79 8.85
7.79      9.87      7.89      10.06     8.78
First round1 7.26 8.08
7.88      12.54     8.66      7.71      7.26
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.11 2.42
2.52      5.00      2.16      2.11      2.58
First round4 2.25 3.35
3.11      5.80      3.59      2.25      3.35
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 38.99 42.66
44.87     41.98     38.99     47.05     41.12
First round5 33.92 42.79
47.91     45.26     41.93     41.17     33.92
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:07.93 1:17.29
1:12.92   1:18.38   1:22.34   1:07.93   1:20.58
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.00 12.96
13.37     12.51     14.84     12.00     13.01
First round1 11.61 13.31
17.23     12.72     13.94     13.26     11.61
SC Cup II 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.21 8.75
8.78      9.02      9.16      8.46      8.21
First round1 7.59 8.05
7.59      8.16      8.02      7.96      9.50
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.50 2.58
2.04      3.10      2.61      3.53      1.50
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 39.08 45.12
1:31.21   48.90     43.98     39.08     42.48
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 4:00.51 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:00.51
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.53 12.06
13.06     11.92     10.53     11.25     13.00
PyraminxFinal5 4.72 5.59
6.11      5.02      4.72      5.64      8.24
SLS Gliwice 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.96 8.61
8.84      8.21      7.96      9.68      8.79
Second round1 6.95 7.61
8.22      6.95      7.24      7.53      8.05
First round1 7.09 8.58
9.16      7.56      7.09      10.95     9.01
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.57 3.05
2.79      9.97      2.57      3.02      3.35
First round2 2.16 2.53
2.69      2.92      2.16      2.42      2.48
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.95 11.55
12.70     11.48     11.42     10.95     11.76
First round1 9.51 12.71
9.51      13.07     12.18     14.87     12.87
MegaminxFinal10 1:17.96 1:25.52
1:33.27   1:26.71   1:26.60   1:17.96   1:23.24
PyraminxFirst round24 5.00 6.75
5.16      5.00      7.12      12.72     7.98
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.15 7.54
8.13      7.49      7.15      7.38      7.76
Second round3 7.28 7.88
9.80      8.33      7.28      7.78      7.54
First round1 7.39 8.57
8.37      8.47      8.86      7.39      9.07
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.23 3.09
2.24      4.50      2.84      2.23      4.20
First round3 1.69 2.80
2.18      1.69      2.22      4.06      4.01
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 10.37 13.34
11.34     10.37     13.79     14.88     16.80
First round1 10.96 11.66
12.16     10.96     10.99     12.51     11.82
CDJ 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.58 8.87
8.80      9.93      8.58      8.85      8.96
Second round1 7.00 8.39
9.18      8.01      9.50      7.97      7.00
First round1 6.43 7.88
9.17      8.82      6.43      7.04      7.77
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 1.99 2.74
2.59      1.99      2.14      3.49      4.68
Second round1 2.03 2.19
2.47      2.03      2.26      2.13      2.19
First round1 1.71 2.14
2.17      1.71      2.11      2.93      2.15
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 38.53 45.80
57.28     38.53     44.47     47.46     45.47
First round1 38.07 41.37
43.99     38.07     DNF       38.30     41.81
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:16.11 1:21.72
1:16.11   1:27.44   1:20.89   1:19.02   1:25.26
First round2 1:10.99 1:23.84
1:10.99   1:19.52   1:24.98   1:29.29   1:27.01
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 2:07.25 DNF
DNF       2:20.94   2:07.25
First round4 1:59.87 DNF
DNF       1:59.87   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.46 14.70
10.46     14.19     17.95     12.67     17.24
First round1 12.30 12.51
12.30     12.79     12.68     12.37     12.49
PyraminxFinal5 4.60 7.29
7.84      7.57      8.03      4.60      6.45
Second round6 5.40 7.06
5.40      7.88      6.68      8.39      6.61
First round7 4.11 8.28
4.11      6.63      9.39      11.34     8.82
MSDJ 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.86 8.02
7.58      9.55      11.85     6.93      6.86
Second round3 7.91 9.47
11.94     10.28     7.91      9.26      8.86
First round1 8.63 8.94
8.63      8.65      8.82      9.36      13.35
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.50 3.46
4.62      7.07      2.50      3.01      2.75
Second round1 1.80 2.42
1.80      5.11      2.65      2.45      2.16
First round2 1.68 3.12
4.23      3.26      1.68      3.73      2.37
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 35.51 41.31
51.50     46.69     37.36     39.89     35.51
First round4 38.74 42.13
38.74     50.52     41.10     39.20     46.09
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:17.21 1:21.00
1:22.23   1:18.21   1:36.90   1:22.55   1:17.21
First round4 1:13.92 1:17.39
1:15.31   1:20.47   1:13.92   1:16.75   1:20.10
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 1:46.32 DNF
DNF       DNF       1:46.32
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 30 33.33
38        32        30
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.02 12.30
16.34     11.17     13.68     11.02     12.05
First round1 9.66 13.31
14.30     12.01     16.42     13.61     9.66
MegaminxFinal2 51.77 1:02.01
56.43     1:08.31   51.77     1:15.03   1:01.30
First round3 54.76 1:05.02
1:05.44   1:12.16   1:08.85   54.76     1:00.76
PyraminxFinal4 4.92 6.50
6.67      6.05      7.46      4.92      6.79
First round5 3.71 5.91
7.07      3.71      12.15     6.52      4.15
Square-1Final4 16.47 23.38
26.20     22.94     21.00     34.80     16.47
First round3 15.82 20.36
21.27     22.01     15.82     DNF       17.79
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal4 3/5 48:34
3/5 48:34
Italian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.27 8.48
7.72      9.37      7.27      8.36      11.29
Second round1 6.56 7.58
7.36      6.81      9.05      6.56      8.58
First round1 6.35 7.71
DNF       6.35      7.78      7.54      7.80
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.72 2.46
1.72      3.80      1.72      3.10      2.55
First round8 2.33 3.76
DNF       3.55      4.93      2.81      2.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 41.28 45.16
43.19     48.41     47.28     41.28     45.00
First round8 42.34 44.90
48.19     44.75     46.80     42.34     43.15
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:16.96 1:19.67
1:29.31   1:19.07   1:18.26   1:21.68   1:16.96
First round6 1:17.40 1:26.55
1:23.53   1:17.40   1:31.14   1:26.21   1:29.90
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 1:46.36 DNF
DNF       1:46.36   2:21.33
First round10 1:45.09 DNF
2:24.65   DNF       1:45.09
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 29
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.93 13.10
13.92     13.53     10.93     11.86     14.35
First round1 11.11 13.10
13.32     14.12     11.11     11.86     14.40
MegaminxFinal3 59.00 1:02.97
1:02.43   1:04.57   1:05.43   59.00     1:01.91
PyraminxFinal7 4.11 5.90
9.29      4.11      4.83      5.39      7.48
First round13 5.28 7.02
5.28      8.38      6.41      7.38      7.27
Square-1Final4 16.99 18.70
21.68     21.53     17.12     16.99     17.45
Ukrainian Nationals 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.75 8.15
8.60      7.75      7.91      8.15      8.40
Second round3 7.97 9.68
9.43      7.97      11.14     10.21     9.39
First round1 6.74 7.62
6.74      7.00      8.04      9.25      7.83
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.83 3.56
6.19      2.83      2.86      3.40      4.43
Second round2 1.88 2.80
3.16      2.47      2.76      1.88      5.65
First round1 1.86 2.79
2.38      2.68      3.30      1.86      3.53
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 38.92 43.48
45.02     38.92     46.03     39.39     53.28
Second round4 41.61 45.66
44.18     45.20     41.61     51.66     47.60
First round1 40.12 41.38
40.12     49.26     41.98     41.93     40.23
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:19.80 1:23.85
1:24.68   1:28.72   1:26.43   1:19.80   1:20.44
Second round2 1:05.47 1:21.18
1:21.45   1:21.76   1:05.47   1:20.34   1:35.80
First round3 1:15.17 1:20.81
1:15.17   1:19.84   1:21.23   1:21.35   1:21.35
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round13 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 8.88 14.14
8.88      14.33     17.95     12.39     15.70
Second round1 11.39 13.54
11.39     14.63     13.31     13.64     13.68
First round1 13.20 13.91
13.20     13.25     14.37     18.38     14.12
MegaminxFinal2 55.49 59.81
55.49     58.62     59.08     1:03.20   1:01.74
First round2 56.68 1:08.45
56.68     1:07.42   1:11.72   1:12.81   1:06.20
PyraminxFinal12 4.18 7.31
6.52      12.66     7.93      7.47      4.18
Second round12 5.48 6.62
6.87      5.48      6.81      6.18      8.09
First round15 5.21 6.57
5.47      5.21      9.41      7.60      6.65
Square-1Final5 18.19 23.37
23.13     18.19     26.18     20.81     26.46
Second round11 24.12 31.01
52.25     28.29     30.26     34.48     24.12
First round13 24.03 33.82
24.82     24.03     DNF       44.85     31.78
GLS Cup IV 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.79 8.45
8.31      7.79      8.76      8.69      8.34
Second round1 6.70 8.20
7.53      8.29      8.77      8.88      6.70
First round1 6.07 7.52
7.41      6.07      7.11      9.28      8.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 1.89 3.15
2.75      1.89      2.43      4.28      4.26
Second round2 2.63 3.06
2.63      5.28      3.32      2.84      3.02
First round1 1.24 2.67
2.58      2.72      2.72      1.24      4.48
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 1:53.28 DNF
1:53.28   2:27.66   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.97 13.05
13.75     13.27     12.43     11.97     13.46
PyraminxFirst round18 3.84 8.74
8.21      9.55      8.68      3.84      9.34
Euro 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 8.64 9.72
9.68      8.64      11.22     10.08     9.41
Semi Final9 7.47 8.49
8.34      9.50      11.67     7.47      7.64
Second round9 7.93 8.69
7.93      8.71      8.35      9.00      10.12
First round57 9.33 10.21
10.56     9.56      10.51     13.50     9.33
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 1.95 3.29
2.61      3.36      5.55      1.95      3.89
First round32 2.79 3.31
3.69      2.80      2.79      3.45      4.69
5x5x5 CubeSecond round48 1:18.32 1:31.68
1:29.55   2:03.78   1:18.32   1:39.22   1:26.27
First round46 1:16.99 1:20.85
1:29.87   1:16.99   1:20.80   1:17.03   1:24.72
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round57 2:25.41 DNF
3:46.73   2:25.41   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal85 39 DNF
39        DNS       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 11.71 13.50
14.82     11.71     18.23     12.23     13.44
Second round1 9.63ER 11.37
9.63      13.25     10.49     11.76     11.87
First round3 10.27 13.11
10.27     14.01     13.20     12.12     15.11
MegaminxFinal9 53.07 1:00.30
1:11.39   54.21     1:02.57   1:04.12   53.07
First round13 54.21 1:04.66
1:08.15   1:04.29   1:03.74   54.21     1:05.96
PyraminxSecond round72 5.55 7.34
9.70      8.20      7.73      6.08      5.55
First round70 5.39 6.79
6.21      6.22      10.82     5.39      7.95
Square-1First round55 21.67 24.19
21.67     23.68     26.16     25.56     23.34
WLS Lato 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.75 8.72
9.63      7.75      8.17      8.36      11.55
Second round3 7.25 8.96
10.15     8.51      10.31     7.25      8.23
First round5 7.89 9.44
11.08     9.11      7.89      8.14      DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.27 12.60
12.99     12.47     12.33     12.27     14.75
First round1 10.33 11.94
12.86     11.13     13.53     11.82     10.33
Łódź Cubing Summer 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 6.51 9.33
10.95     9.70      9.01      9.28      6.51
Second round1 7.25 8.80
8.77      10.92     9.41      7.25      8.23
First round2 7.46 8.80
9.27      10.53     7.46      8.40      8.73
2x2x2 CubeSecond round10 2.21 3.55
2.30      2.66      5.70      7.40      2.21
First round1 2.59 3.05
2.80      2.59      4.14      2.96      3.39
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 41.34 43.76
45.35     43.89     41.34     52.48     42.05
Second round3 39.41 42.18
42.11     42.87     46.57     39.41     41.56
First round2 35.50 40.46
45.11     38.36     43.73     35.50     39.30
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.52 13.03
13.87     12.72     17.17     12.50     11.52
Second round1 12.96 14.34
14.47     12.96     14.91     14.97     13.64
First round1 10.87 13.80
10.87     14.04     13.56     13.79     14.11
PyraminxFirst round20 2.84 7.63
4.88      10.17     2.84      7.85      11.01
Zurich Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.09 8.10
8.52      8.15      8.80      7.63      7.09
Second round2 7.53 9.11
7.53      10.42     8.21      10.00     9.13
First round2 8.12 8.60
8.12      9.18      10.81     8.16      8.47
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.81 2.37
2.31      2.64      1.81      3.23      2.17
First round6 1.85 4.27
4.83      1.85      3.24      5.05      4.75
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 40.64 46.35
48.67     45.51     40.64     56.48     44.87
First round7 42.26 47.10
42.26     44.59     52.51     45.02     51.70
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:14.63 1:27.63
1:14.63   1:24.81   1:31.28   1:42.86   1:26.81
First round2 1:17.02 1:22.06
1:26.90   1:23.80   1:21.80   1:20.59   1:17.02
Milan Slam 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.71 8.13
7.84      7.57      9.05      8.97      6.71
Second round1 7.56 8.79
10.01     8.64      8.41      9.33      7.56
First round1 7.28 8.98
9.38      10.81     8.24      7.28      9.33
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.93 2.62
1.93      3.85      2.33      2.84      2.69
First round1 2.41 3.14
2.41      3.68      3.02      4.11      2.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 35.11 44.31
46.65     40.55     35.11     45.72     48.12
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:04.38 2:08.45
2:05.78   2:15.19   2:04.38
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.58 12.28
11.59     12.93     11.58     12.44     12.80
PyraminxFinal3 5.52 6.70
DNF       6.19      6.69      7.21      5.52
FMC Europe 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal17 30 33.67
30        35        36
Kaskada Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.15 8.53
9.79      8.03      7.77      10.13     7.15
Second round1 7.57 8.50
8.42      7.57      9.21      9.48      7.87
First round2 7.19 8.51
7.19      9.44      7.40      8.69      12.12
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.89 2.53
2.50      5.37      1.89      2.17      2.92
Second round3 2.06 2.91
3.34      3.98      3.03      2.36      2.06
First round2 2.39 3.18
2.39      4.13      2.62      6.95      2.80
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 40.43 45.26
45.70     48.32     40.43     1:00.06   41.75
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:08.97 1:22.95
1:08.97   1:22.15   1:28.60   1:27.48   1:19.21
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 1:44.99 1:57.93
2:18.79   1:44.99   1:50.01
First round7 2:44.68 DNF
DNF       2:44.68   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 8.99ER 11.43
9.30      8.99      12.94     12.05     14.38
Second round2 12.56 13.60
14.55     12.79     14.22     12.56     13.78
First round2 10.72 13.36
12.49     12.17     15.43     10.72     15.88
PyraminxSecond round9 4.81 6.54
4.81      7.62      9.64      4.86      7.13
First round13 4.72 7.78
6.41      7.56      9.38      9.36      4.72
SCC Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.53 8.59
8.44      7.53      9.46      7.88      9.97
First round1 7.71 8.59
8.77      9.01      7.71      8.00      9.25
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.57 2.91
3.44      2.57      2.68      2.60      5.27
First round1 1.98 2.28
3.82      1.98      2.14      2.42      2.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 35.17 38.40
35.17     37.87     40.52     41.01     36.81
First round2 39.17 43.30
39.17     46.36     40.93     42.61     56.63
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:14.15 1:27.31
1:30.99   1:27.55   1:14.15   1:28.51   1:25.88
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.52 14.74
29.38     14.98     15.30     13.94     11.52
First round1 12.49 13.80
12.49     15.97     12.90     12.53     18.65
Nancy Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.97 8.47
5.97      9.44      9.30      8.38      7.72
Second round1 6.08ER 7.13
6.41      9.00      7.56      7.41      6.08
First round1 6.53 7.21
6.88      7.68      7.06      6.53      7.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.47 2.73
1.47      3.03      2.59      3.05      2.58
Second round6 2.13 3.30
2.30      2.13      5.30      2.52      5.09
First round2 2.33 3.05
6.07      2.33      2.83      3.68      2.63
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.13 13.12
12.74     11.98     14.65     11.13     15.91
Second round1 13.08 13.88
14.96     13.08     13.39     14.41     13.84
First round1 11.58 14.41
15.97     15.97     13.55     13.71     11.58
DYC 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.96 8.64
8.18      10.47     7.96      9.05      8.68
Second round2 6.91NR 7.87
7.85      7.92      7.93      6.91      7.85
First round4 8.53 9.17
9.94      9.71      8.97      8.53      8.83
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.02 3.01
3.49      2.02      3.16      4.68      2.38
Second round6 2.22 3.85
5.71      4.15      2.22      3.00      4.41
First round6 2.22 4.16
8.68      2.22      2.72      5.96      3.80
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 31.26 41.37
50.75     39.78     42.85     31.26     41.49
First round7 42.02 43.84
42.81     42.02     46.51     47.53     42.20
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:14.72 1:22.44
1:19.18   1:16.51   1:36.80   1:31.62   1:14.72
First round8 1:19.59 1:23.22
1:23.84   1:19.78   1:19.59   1:26.03   1:26.40
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 1:47.15 DNF
1:47.15   DNF       DNF
First round6 2:00.84 DNF
DNF       2:00.84   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.80 13.46
14.18     11.80     13.89     13.31     13.17
Second round2 12.19 16.15
15.94     15.81     17.31     16.71     12.19
First round3 13.18 15.20
15.43     15.47     16.13     13.18     14.69
Polish Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.45 8.63
10.10     8.03      8.21      7.45      9.65
Semi Final1 7.74 8.08
8.52      8.18      7.74      8.18      7.88
Second round2 7.44 9.21
9.46      10.54     10.58     7.64      7.44
First round1 7.39 8.93
9.43      7.39      9.09      8.28      11.72
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.50NR 1.98
1.66      1.50      2.26      3.31      2.02
Semi Final1 1.91 2.23
2.86      2.28      2.31      1.91      2.11
Second round7 2.34 3.36
4.87      2.41      2.34      3.06      4.61
First round5 2.06 3.03
3.01      2.06      2.84      9.44      3.24
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 35.64 40.61
38.73     43.37     42.86     40.25     35.64
Second round9 35.67 43.30
47.77     45.66     39.76     35.67     44.49
First round8 35.31 43.71
35.31     42.78     45.88     51.08     42.48
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:15.92 1:21.46
1:28.22   1:25.71   1:18.54   1:20.13   1:15.92
Second round6 1:17.62 1:22.91
1:20.58   1:22.84   1:25.30   1:30.87   1:17.62
First round5 1:17.11 1:23.33
1:18.49   1:28.56   1:22.95   1:17.11   1:35.52
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal11 1:47.37 DNF
1:47.37   2:11.65   DNF
First round9 2:02.09 DNF
2:02.09   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal4NR 25 29.67
32        32        25
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.38 13.68
14.44     15.21     12.38     12.96     13.63
Second round3 13.87 15.74
13.87     16.21     16.30     15.71     15.31
First round1 10.64 12.57
12.66     10.64     13.86     16.87     11.19
MegaminxFinal6 59.74 1:10.81
59.74     1:20.26   1:11.36   1:16.93   1:04.14
First round6 1:06.21 1:10.25
1:06.21   1:28.70   1:14.92   1:07.60   1:08.23
PyraminxSecond round32 6.13 7.41
10.12     6.17      6.13      8.48      7.57
First round9 4.30 4.85
4.30      4.86      11.63     5.12      4.57
Swiss Science Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.96 8.36
8.69      6.96      7.75      8.63      9.27
Second round1 6.41 9.18
9.94      9.61      12.36     6.41      8.00
First round1 7.41NR 7.98
8.53      7.52      DNF       7.90      7.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.72 2.72
3.83      2.16      1.72      2.90      3.11
First round1 1.68 2.58
3.08      1.68      2.10      2.86      2.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 33.39 45.03
47.50     47.91     42.18     45.40     33.39
First round2 35.56 40.51
35.56     37.02     44.00     42.64     41.86
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:14.19 1:22.18
1:23.02   1:21.28   1:22.25   1:24.72   1:14.19
First round2 1:15.84 1:20.95
1:51.72   1:20.88   1:17.14   1:24.84   1:15.84
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.21 13.48
11.21     17.43     15.07     14.17     10.21
First round1 11.44 14.75
14.28     16.33     16.58     13.63     11.44
MegaminxFinal1 1:07.11 1:09.42
1:07.11   1:14.46   1:07.63   1:07.68   1:12.94
PyraminxFinal3 4.94 6.00
5.53      4.94      6.81      7.55      5.65
First round4 4.61 6.91
9.09      7.43      4.61      5.34      7.96
Kaliska Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.32 9.60
9.28      9.40      11.21     10.12     7.32
Second round1 7.43 8.42
8.18      9.98      7.97      7.43      9.11
First round2 8.94 9.91
10.93     8.94      13.55     8.99      9.82
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 2.20 2.76
2.84      3.11      5.00      2.20      2.33
Second round1 1.86 2.17
1.98      1.97      1.86      5.40      2.57
First round5 2.38 3.60
3.70      DNF       3.92      3.19      2.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 41.24 43.37
41.24     43.15     46.71     41.96     44.99
First round5 38.98 41.81
38.98     41.23     41.73     42.47     43.79
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 1:45.31 DNF
1:45.31   DNF       2:11.76
First round6 2:28.20 DNF
2:28.20   3:39.30   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.44 14.37
15.11     13.81     12.44     14.19     17.38
Second round1 11.40 11.93
11.44     12.91     11.50     11.40     12.85
First round2 11.12 14.70
14.18     15.85     14.08     19.26     11.12
MegaminxFinal1 57.01 1:04.92
57.01     1:13.44   1:08.37   1:06.14   1:00.25
First round1 53.99 1:07.03
1:11.96   1:13.38   1:05.53   53.99     1:03.61
PyraminxFinal12 5.10 8.34
10.79     9.19      5.10      6.21      9.63
First round11 4.95 5.72
5.92      4.95      5.32      8.87      5.91
World Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 6.53 8.82
9.96      7.54      9.87      9.04      6.53
Semi Final3NR 5.81NR 8.04
8.02      9.11      5.81      7.75      8.34
Second round3 8.14 8.58
8.14      8.41      10.37     8.29      9.05
First round3 7.90 8.55
9.45      8.68      7.90      8.49      8.47
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.05 2.50
2.58      2.34      2.71      2.58      2.05
Semi Final6 2.23 3.00
3.08      3.55      4.66      2.23      2.37
Second round8 2.29 3.15
3.00      3.18      2.29      3.28      4.47
First round4 2.41 2.77
2.44      2.41      2.68      3.19      4.05
4x4x4 CubeSemi Final18 35.38 41.54
43.61     43.23     40.01     35.38     41.38
Second round15 34.12 39.40
42.55     43.64     39.24     36.42     34.12
First round22 36.06 41.96
49.11     48.86     39.71     37.31     36.06
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 1:25.96 1:37.59
1:25.96   1:26.57   2:24.36   1:55.78   1:30.42
Second round14 1:13.33 1:22.35
1:27.74   1:16.37   1:28.07   1:13.33   1:22.95
First round17 1:18.05 1:23.02
1:20.32   1:28.07   1:25.92   1:22.81   1:18.05
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round45 2:47.30 DNF
2:47.30   DNF       3:09.90
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal11 28NR 30.67
28        32        32
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.35 13.35
14.05     12.86     13.14     12.35     14.54
Semi Final2ER 8.48 12.72
13.09     12.83     8.48      13.64     12.24
Second round6 11.59 15.03
14.38     17.35     11.59     13.35     18.21
First round5 12.88 15.07
13.72     17.05     15.58     12.88     15.91
MegaminxFinal5 54.38 58.67
1:02.32   56.19     54.38     57.51     1:07.58
First round7 1:03.58 1:04.48
1:06.72   1:03.58   1:04.03   1:04.59   1:04.83
PyraminxFirst round32 7.02 7.59
9.37      8.20      7.28      7.02      7.30
Square-1First round23 28.51 33.11
58.58     29.73     31.67     37.92     28.51
Radomsko Cube Theory 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.32 8.54
7.32      8.55      7.97      9.09      9.67
Second round1 7.95 8.77
7.95      8.30      8.37      10.36     9.64
First round1 7.42 8.30
8.08      9.96      8.47      7.42      8.36
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 1.94 2.93
4.25      2.37      1.94      2.16      5.53
First round12 2.29 3.93
2.29      6.25      5.55      3.52      2.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 35.21 36.94
45.03     39.11     35.60     36.12     35.21
First round10 43.51 47.52
46.80     46.70     43.51     49.05     49.82
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:16.49 1:26.50
1:25.77   1:30.75   1:27.92   1:16.49   1:25.80
7x7x7 CubeFinal8 4:45.56 4:53.68
5:00.82   4:54.65   4:45.56
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 2:35.85 DNF
2:35.85   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.12 13.95
12.94     12.12     14.74     14.17     15.06
First round1 12.79 13.07
12.86     12.93     12.79     13.41     15.76
MegaminxFinal2 57.71 1:03.35
1:06.23   1:02.96   57.71     1:00.87   1:06.28
Square-1Final8 32.40
32.40     59.26
Palaghiaccio Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.06 8.28
8.41      8.25      8.06      9.80      8.19
Second round1 7.96 8.56
8.13      7.96      10.25     8.93      8.61
First round1 7.71 10.04
7.71      11.27     12.41     9.06      9.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.72 3.60
4.03      2.90      4.03      2.72      3.88
Second round1 1.88 3.00
3.25      4.75      2.61      1.88      3.13
First round1 1.94 2.46
2.06      2.41      1.94      2.91      4.59
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 36.85 44.36
45.53     36.85     41.63     45.93     52.16
First round1 38.75 45.34
45.33     46.66     44.03     47.69     38.75
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 1:11.84 1:21.28
1:14.10   1:28.39   1:21.34   1:37.40   1:11.84
First round1 1:15.53 1:20.49
1:19.43   1:15.53   DNF       1:23.02   1:19.02
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 2:02.78 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:02.78
France 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.17 8.75
8.17      8.54      9.01      8.97      8.74
Second round1 7.98 9.11
9.49      8.36      9.76      7.98      9.49
First round1 7.87 9.01
8.92      9.71      7.87      10.55     8.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.66 2.97
3.75      2.66      3.31      2.86      2.75
Second round1 2.02 2.28
2.36      2.63      2.11      2.36      2.02
First round5 2.03 3.56
4.03      5.27      3.29      3.36      2.03
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 38.11 44.12
45.21     38.11     40.22     49.09     46.92
First round6 41.00 45.35
41.00     46.88     42.68     46.48     47.09
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:13.33 1:28.88
1:37.25   1:13.33   1:34.10   1:36.34   1:16.21
First round3 1:22.87 1:23.63
1:22.87   1:24.26   1:23.03   1:23.61   1:27.27
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round5 2:08.38 DNF
2:08.38   DNF       2:29.09
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.37 12.98
12.03     13.08     11.37     14.91     13.83
Second round1ER 9.19 13.31
19.77     9.19      13.25     12.28     14.40
First round1 12.95 13.58
13.17     12.95     13.00     15.20     14.56
MegaminxFinal1 53.28 57.61
1:00.01   55.67     1:05.65   53.28     57.14
PyraminxFinal9 6.32 7.33
6.32      7.81      8.48      7.67      6.51
First round5 3.77 5.66
6.40      6.16      3.77      4.83      5.99
Square-1Final9 23.80 41.13
49.24     44.28     1:22.05   29.88     23.80
Polish Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.04 9.43
8.04      13.24     9.40      9.84      9.05
Second round1 7.78 8.42
7.78      9.19      8.53      8.79      7.95
First round1 8.95 9.48
9.83      9.31      11.06     9.29      8.95
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.52 3.50
3.28      DNF       3.67      2.52      3.54
First round1 1.67 2.36
2.36      2.46      2.25      1.67      3.42
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 43.95 48.58
45.36     52.17     43.95     48.21     52.35
First round6 43.53 45.99
50.88     44.82     43.53     45.60     47.56
5x5x5 CubeFirst round17 1:29.31 1:46.68
1:45.49   1:51.79   1:42.77   2:01.09   1:29.31
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round14 2:16.42 DNF
DNF       2:16.42   DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 13.15 15.38
16.44     13.15     15.59     14.11     18.37
Second round1 13.44 14.56
15.49     14.62     13.57     17.08     13.44
First round1 11.81 12.85
11.81     13.42     15.14     11.92     13.20
MegaminxFinal4 1:00.09 1:02.31
1:00.09   1:04.39   1:01.37   1:02.19   1:03.37
First round4 1:02.29 1:03.70
1:08.02   1:04.61   1:02.29   1:03.44   1:03.06
PyraminxFinal8 4.07 6.06
5.92      4.07      6.04      6.21      7.02
First round9 4.05 5.45
6.67      5.54      4.05      5.79      5.01
Square-1Final7 27.34 32.51
35.08     37.22     27.34     31.41     31.03
First round7 27.97 35.41
59.94     27.97     29.94     33.86     42.43
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS
Riviera Cube Week 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.33 8.59
8.33      8.58      8.74      8.46      9.98
Second round2 9.30 10.51
9.30      10.58     11.74     10.36     10.60
First round2 8.60 9.41
9.91      8.60      10.01     9.33      9.00
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.19 2.70
2.19      3.08      2.56      DNF       2.47
Second round2 2.77 3.09
4.95      2.77      3.52      2.92      2.83
First round2 1.91 3.04
3.94      1.91      2.46      3.72      2.95
4x4x4 CubeFirst round6 40.24 47.59
46.86     40.24     45.94     49.96     50.21
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:36.38 DNF
2:36.38   DNF       DNF
First round4 2:34.07 DNF
DNF       2:34.07   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 10.63 14.32
10.63     15.43     15.54     16.18     11.99
First round2 11.55 13.08
13.29     14.93     12.62     13.33     11.55
PyraminxFinal5 5.26 6.61
5.26      8.45      8.70      6.04      5.34
First round5 5.25 6.03
8.00      5.25      6.69      6.05      5.36
3x3x3 With FeetFirst round9 DNF
Munich Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.19 8.95
9.30      10.59     9.58      7.97      7.19
Second round3 7.55 9.30
10.30     7.55      9.31      9.46      9.13
First round3 8.25 9.72
9.25      8.25      10.88     11.02     9.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.20 2.63
2.20      3.31      2.69      2.55      2.64
First round1 1.97 2.55
2.65      1.97      2.11      2.88      3.00
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 41.38 44.57
41.38     58.47     47.00     42.41     44.30
First round11 39.72 48.17
45.55     52.21     52.85     46.75     39.72
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:04.66 2:47.52
2:42.71   2:04.66   3:35.18
First round5 2:46.03 DNF
4:07.86   2:46.03   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.83 14.56
12.68     14.38     17.16     16.61     10.83
First round1 10.33 15.29
15.28     10.33     16.16     17.30     14.43
MegaminxFinal3 54.75 1:00.46
1:03.36   55.44     1:07.75   54.75     1:02.59
PyraminxFinal5 5.96 7.17
5.96      6.90      8.91      8.06      6.56
First round5 5.46 6.13
5.46      5.57      6.28      16.46     6.53
Swiss Science Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.68 9.42
11.90     10.41     9.13      8.72      8.68
Second round1 7.31 8.36
9.93      9.28      8.40      7.31      7.40
First round2 7.59 8.83
7.84      7.59      10.08     10.80     8.56
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.50 3.00
2.50      3.57      2.66      4.00      2.77
First round1 2.57 3.07
3.41      2.57      7.02      2.66      3.14
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 36.44 40.82
36.44     38.40     45.41     40.16     43.91
First round3 36.03 41.18
38.97     39.50     36.03     46.65     45.06
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal1 3:07.50 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:07.50
First round3 2:29.15 DNF
DNF       2:29.15   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.84 12.98
14.68     16.00     11.84     12.16     12.09
First round1 11.65 13.57
15.18     13.63     14.47     12.61     11.65
MegaminxFinal1 49.40 55.75
1:09.08   50.18     53.09     1:03.97   49.40
PyraminxFinal3 3.53 6.31
7.13      6.90      4.91      10.27     3.53
First round3 5.17 7.46
6.80      5.17      8.56      9.16      7.02
Kaliska Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.27 8.43
7.27      8.87      8.34      9.05      8.08
Second round1 7.95 9.05
7.95      8.54      9.95      9.36      9.26
First round1 6.96 8.17
7.51      8.59      8.42      11.47     6.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.14 12.85
12.39     15.04     12.14     12.97     13.19
Second round1 13.31 13.72
13.76     13.66     13.73     14.64     13.31
First round1 10.94 13.76
10.94     14.71     18.37     12.76     13.80
Euro 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 8.60 9.92
9.91      9.84      10.01     10.79     8.60
Semi Final7 8.07 8.80
10.35     8.07      8.78      8.74      8.88
Second round3 7.89 8.81
8.93      8.88      7.89      9.01      8.62
First round6 8.72 9.09
8.82      9.20      9.24      8.72      9.84
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.25 2.96
3.25      3.11      2.52      6.04      2.25
Second round4 1.73 2.67
2.67      3.43      1.73      2.94      2.41
First round3 2.57 2.77
3.71      2.75      2.74      2.57      2.82
4x4x4 CubeSecond round15 36.14 39.66
39.56     46.95     36.14     39.68     39.75
First round19 36.72 41.62
36.72     DNF       43.12     40.57     41.17
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round73 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal7 31 32.00
31        32        33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 13.17 15.47
18.49     13.20     14.72     13.17     19.73
Second round2 13.93 15.31
16.17     14.45     15.36     16.11     13.93
First round3 13.22 13.98
13.94     13.22     19.07     13.73     14.27
MegaminxFinal9 55.04 1:00.96
1:04.03   55.04     1:07.87   1:00.85   58.00
First round9 57.10 1:02.99
57.10     1:07.21   1:03.81   1:04.43   1:00.74
PyraminxSecond round49 6.35 8.51
6.82      9.36      10.43     9.36      6.35
First round25 3.46 6.29
6.21      3.46      5.86      6.80      8.74
Square-1First round35 24.80 40.02
24.80     54.70     52.93     31.19     35.95
Kielce Cube Attack 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.23 8.73
7.23      10.20     9.55      7.38      9.25
Second round1 7.40 8.73
9.58      8.57      7.40      8.96      8.65
First round1 7.89 8.35
8.24      8.90      9.73      7.92      7.89
2x2x2 CubeSecond round71 2.30 DNF
2.82      2.30      DNF       4.15      DNF
First round2 2.22 3.29
2.22      2.82      3.00      DNF       4.04
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 39.10 45.38
46.28     44.48     39.10     45.37     47.36
First round3 34.74 40.00
43.58     34.74     42.57     36.98     40.45
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 11.28 13.47
11.47     12.94     17.08     11.28     15.99
Second round2 10.67 13.26
13.48     16.14     10.67     12.35     13.94
First round2 11.57 13.78
11.57     14.43     13.65     14.36     13.33
MegaminxFinal5 58.45 1:06.08
58.45     1:05.34   1:10.01   1:13.10   1:02.89
PyraminxSecond round14 6.03 7.81
8.02      6.03      7.42      7.98      9.20
First round27 6.20 8.89
8.45      8.29      18.68     9.92      6.20
PLS Sopot 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.39 9.11
11.85     9.27      8.39      8.85      9.21
Second round1 7.51 9.18
8.64      7.51      9.95      9.69      9.21
First round1 7.88 8.55
7.88      8.55      8.68      9.25      8.42
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.66 3.25
3.65      2.74      2.66      5.07      3.37
Second round2 2.50 3.39
2.50      4.67      2.71      2.78      5.92
First round2 2.05 3.62
2.56      4.11      6.09      2.05      4.19
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 38.51 42.04
49.72     44.44     43.03     38.51     38.65
Second round4 40.55 44.94
51.19     46.11     42.52     40.55     46.18
First round4 41.90 45.92
45.90     47.00     44.94     46.93     41.90
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:45.09 1:59.47
1:45.09   2:14.42   2:07.21   1:55.87   1:55.32
First round5 1:34.13 1:45.11
1:39.79   1:53.47   1:55.56   1:34.13   1:42.06
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:17.61 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:17.61
Second round6 3:20.08 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:20.08
First round5 2:35.81 DNF
2:35.81   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal5 42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 11.88 14.76
14.11     17.10     11.88     15.38     14.79
First round1 10.46WR 12.48
12.01     11.44     10.46     14.26     14.00
MegaminxFinal2 59.23 1:04.66
1:00.73   1:05.00   59.23     1:08.25   1:17.28
First round2 59.31 1:06.42
1:00.96   59.31     1:08.30   1:10.18   1:10.01
PyraminxFinal4 6.21 7.14
6.23      8.48      6.72      6.21      10.86
Second round7 6.27 8.47
9.98      7.39      8.05      10.50     6.27
First round1 3.97 4.69
9.78      4.91      4.94      4.21      3.97
Polish Nationals 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.46 10.25
7.46      9.58      10.42     10.74     12.65
Second round1 7.11 8.32
8.88      7.11      8.23      9.78      7.86
First round1 8.78 8.97
9.01      10.12     9.00      8.78      8.89
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 1.89 2.59
3.85      2.40      3.21      2.16      1.89
First round1 2.08 2.59
2.64      2.42      2.72      3.38      2.08
4x4x4 CubeFirst round46 50.05 1:02.50
58.93     50.05     1:03.36   1:05.20   1:08.74
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 2:22.59 DNF
DNF       2:22.59   DNF
First round20 3:13.06 DNF
DNF       3:13.06   DNS
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 35
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.12ER 12.57
14.04     12.43     12.37     12.92     10.12
First round1 13.20 14.05
14.15     14.47     13.52     13.20     14.91
MegaminxFinal1 57.35 1:01.04
57.35     57.82     1:00.56   1:04.73   1:09.00
PyraminxFinal13 4.01 5.62
4.01      5.39      8.97      4.52      6.94
First round17 3.50 6.15
7.69      5.35      3.50      6.39      6.72
Square-1Final3 20.60 24.46
20.60     35.53     22.43     25.94     25.00
Rumia Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.29 9.09
8.91      9.67      8.29      10.13     8.69
Second round1 7.03NR 8.11
7.96      9.24      7.57      8.79      7.03
First round2 9.47 10.15
10.45     9.47      9.67      10.71     10.32
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.09 2.98
2.09      3.21      2.49      3.25      3.90
Second round5 3.01 3.87
3.61      3.01      4.51      4.82      3.48
First round3 2.44 3.22
4.13      2.99      2.61      2.44      4.06
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 1:59.19 DNF
2:37.42   1:59.19   DNF
First round7 2:56.42 DNF
4:19.54   2:56.42   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal11 DNF
DNS       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 14.62 16.43
18.19     15.47     15.64     14.62     DNF
Second round1 13.74 14.60
19.95     13.74     14.53     14.80     14.47
First round1 12.09 13.31
12.09     17.38     12.90     12.15     14.87
MegaminxFinal1 53.97 58.74
1:09.19   1:00.03   56.09     1:00.10   53.97
PyraminxFinal9 5.09 7.20
6.08      5.09      7.71      8.66      7.80
Second round7 5.33 7.33
6.73      7.95      7.31      8.18      5.33
First round11 4.85 8.32
7.70      7.90      11.60     4.85      9.36
Polish Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.36 9.07
9.18      9.52      8.36      8.51      DNF
Semi Final1 8.29 8.96
8.66      9.69      8.97      9.25      8.29
Second round1 8.41 9.73
9.20      9.88      10.11     11.11     8.41
First round1 7.52 8.59
8.97      9.13      7.52      8.16      8.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.48 2.78
2.48      3.10      2.63      2.95      2.75
First round4 2.44 3.41
2.44      3.06      3.77      5.21      3.41
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 44.21 52.84
51.28     44.21     59.43     1:30.69   47.81
First round6 46.26 49.16
46.26     52.51     47.93     47.05     54.53
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 1:49.06 DNF
1:49.06   DNF       DNF
First round15 2:57.65 DNF
2:57.65   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal22 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 13.71 14.27
14.75     14.53     14.03     14.25     13.71
First round2 11.97 15.93
17.83     16.31     15.15     16.34     11.97
MegaminxFinal3 58.33 1:01.23
1:23.48   1:00.63   58.33     1:03.25   59.82
First round3 1:00.50 1:07.65
1:07.91   1:07.86   1:07.18   1:00.50   1:10.40
PyraminxSecond round13 6.63 7.34
14.25     8.17      7.13      6.63      6.73
First round17 4.03 8.03
6.98      10.34     8.99      8.12      4.03
Square-1Final10 42.10
42.10     45.36
Cubers Eve 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.61 9.70
7.61      10.40     10.66     9.98      8.72
Second round1 8.34 9.64
11.17     13.82     9.04      8.72      8.34
First round1 6.16NR 8.42
8.93      7.29      6.16      10.16     9.04
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.25 3.39
2.29      6.52      4.60      3.29      2.25
First round2 2.02 2.92
2.52      4.81      2.02      4.14      2.11
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 48.23 58.27
DNF       57.27     48.23     1:01.90   55.64
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round6 2:36.39 DNF
DNF       2:36.39   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.42 14.16
13.36     16.00     15.66     13.45     12.42
First round1 12.68 13.87
13.39     12.68     14.33     15.22     13.90
MegaminxFinal3 1:11.98 1:18.60
1:14.19   1:33.56   1:15.48   1:26.12   1:11.98
PyraminxFinal8 6.84 8.15
8.47      7.72      14.09     6.84      8.26
First round5 4.57 6.80
8.35      7.44      5.29      4.57      7.67
GLS Autumn Reda 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.83 9.75
7.83      9.38      9.11      10.97     10.75
Second round1 7.68 8.83
10.16     7.68      11.80     8.56      7.77
First round1 8.77 9.76
10.25     12.30     8.77      9.78      9.25
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.15 3.29
2.15      5.52      2.90      4.28      2.68
First round1 1.78 2.72
2.68      3.13      2.34      1.78      7.06
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 40.72 56.75
40.72     55.06     54.63     1:03.72   1:00.55
First round2 47.18 54.09
47.18     49.58     1:01.03   52.75     59.93
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 1:47.43 1:55.79
1:52.71   1:57.47   1:57.18   1:47.43   DNF
First round3 1:42.34 1:46.66
1:50.11   1:57.09   1:42.34   1:44.11   1:45.77
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 2:29.34 DNF
DNF       2:29.34   2:35.16
First round7 2:33.78 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:33.78
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal4 36
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.25 13.45
10.25     13.83     12.44     14.09     14.38
First round1 12.19 13.63
12.71     13.41     17.19     14.78     12.19
PyraminxFinal6 3.59 6.08
6.41      5.11      3.59      8.02      6.72
Second round8 7.22 8.79
8.66      9.53      8.71      9.00      7.22
First round6 5.51 6.92
8.94      5.51      5.88      6.41      8.47
Square-1Final2 31.11 35.67
31.11     DNF       36.64     36.84     33.52
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal5 2/2 9:19
2/2 9:19       DNS
Grudziadz Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.40 10.35
11.82     10.47     8.40      9.93      10.64
Second round1 8.69 9.02
9.12      9.27      9.13      8.80      8.69
First round1 8.23 9.02
8.91      11.28     8.66      9.49      8.23
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.17 2.71
2.29      3.13      2.17      2.71      3.18
First round2 2.13 3.24
2.67      2.78      2.13      4.28      4.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 45.53 49.69
48.18     46.46     45.53     1:15.83   54.43
First round5 46.88 54.43
54.61     46.88     53.17     55.51     59.74
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:40.74 1:44.76
1:43.24   1:44.78   1:46.26   1:40.74   1:57.29
6x6x6 CubeFinal3 3:30.87 3:40.41
3:44.25   3:46.12   3:30.87
7x7x7 CubeFinal3 5:23.32
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 2:01.76 DNF
2:04.41   DNF       2:01.76
Second round6 2:14.04 2:15.44
2:14.04   2:18.20   2:14.08
First round10 2:38.44 DNF
2:40.67   DNF       2:38.44
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.70 13.75
11.70     12.63     14.77     15.05     13.84
First round1 10.98 13.94
12.60     15.10     14.13     15.41     10.98
PyraminxFinal7 6.59 8.65
9.27      7.34      9.44      9.34      6.59
Second round4 4.72 5.76
6.03      7.95      5.10      4.72      6.14
First round9 6.09 8.42
6.09      8.56      8.53      9.58      8.16
Square-1Final2 25.95 32.27
31.91     34.93     29.97     25.95     35.07
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal6 2/2 10:36
2/2 10:36      DNF            DNF
World Championship 2013
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final19 8.77 9.82
13.53     10.65     8.77      10.01     8.81
Second round3 7.89 8.89
8.85      10.29     8.94      7.89      8.87
First round7 7.95 9.60
9.36      7.95      11.41     8.34      11.09
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.54 2.77
2.83      5.00      2.57      2.54      2.91
Semi Final5 2.27 2.76
3.76      2.84      2.60      2.83      2.27
Second round2 2.15 2.60
2.63      3.03      2.15      2.82      2.35
First round5 2.45 2.72
3.02      2.68      2.46      2.45      3.17
4x4x4 CubeSecond round62 49.47 52.29
51.66     49.54     DNF       49.47     55.67
First round50 45.84 49.20
51.03     47.76     52.38     48.82     45.84
5x5x5 CubeSecond round78 1:32.89 1:48.27
1:50.73   1:45.60   1:48.48   1:53.09   1:32.89
First round54 1:35.17 1:39.75
1:47.58   1:35.17   1:38.28   1:44.14   1:36.82
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round47 1:59.93 DNF
3:29.72   DNF       1:59.93
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal19 32
32        DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.39 14.27
12.39     17.17     12.55     15.12     15.14
Semi Final1 11.64 14.44
16.21     11.64     13.81     16.10     13.41
Second round3 12.88 14.61
18.96     12.88     14.67     15.33     13.83
First round1 11.33 12.83
12.90     11.73     15.90     13.87     11.33
Square-1First round28 19.50 29.15
35.40     19.50     25.05     33.22     29.19
Polish Nationals 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.30 9.89
7.30      10.03     12.06     9.96      9.69
Second round1 8.27 9.25
9.46      9.05      8.27      9.31      9.38
First round1 8.71 10.17
10.05     11.05     9.41      11.44     8.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.55 2.79
2.55      2.66      3.19      2.80      2.90
Second round2 2.51 3.30
2.51      3.02      3.72      3.46      3.41
First round2 2.43 3.17
2.87      3.08      2.43      4.08      3.57
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 46.46 55.17
54.58     55.97     46.46     57.77     54.97
First round12 48.11 53.55
DNF       48.11     57.47     49.34     53.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round25 2:06.30
2:06.30   DNS
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round11 2:26.26 DNF
2:26.26   2:36.42   DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.35 15.53
16.46     16.47     17.09     13.65     11.35
First round1 13.44 14.69
15.86     15.03     14.15     14.88     13.44
PyraminxFinal8 4.18 6.91
6.21      5.68      4.18      8.83      9.08
First round8 6.13 6.70
6.77      9.67      6.13      6.69      6.65
Square-1Final6 22.90 27.33
29.09     25.80     46.59     22.90     27.09
Manufaktura Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.34 8.98
8.46      8.53      10.65     7.34      9.96
Second round1 7.96 9.32
8.61      7.96      9.28      10.65     10.08
First round1 9.41 10.12
10.56     12.93     9.83      9.96      9.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.15 2.57
2.50      2.15      2.81      2.41      3.40
Second round1 2.63 3.48
4.65      2.86      3.88      2.63      3.69
First round1 1.67 2.33
2.28      1.67      2.42      2.30      3.37
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 45.56 54.11
46.77     45.56     56.16     DNF       59.40
First round2 43.90 53.50
53.08     43.90     57.43     1:01.18   50.00
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 1:36.02 1:43.36
1:42.65   1:36.02   2:09.25   1:40.09   1:47.34
First round2 1:38.24 1:49.47
2:04.13   1:38.24   1:58.84   1:42.40   1:47.16
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 1:38.15 DNF
2:06.22   DNF       1:38.15
First round4 2:18.70 DNF
2:18.70   2:33.52   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 39
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.21 12.83
12.43     13.02     12.21     13.33     13.03
Second round1 11.80 14.99
14.18     15.38     15.41     11.80     17.63
First round1 12.55 15.84
17.38     13.10     17.36     12.55     17.05
Square-1Final2 27.52 30.04
27.52     30.22     28.63     35.42     31.26
Polish Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.50 9.52
9.42      10.03     9.76      9.38      8.50
Second round1 7.81 8.99
7.81      8.77      8.66      10.66     9.55
First round1 7.86 9.44
7.86      9.27      10.66     9.79      9.25
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.81ER 2.13
2.40      1.93      1.81      3.00      2.06
Second round1 1.72 2.89
3.16      2.27      1.72      3.72      3.25
First round4 2.52 4.01
3.55      2.52      3.34      6.84      5.15
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 49.22 55.38
49.22     59.78     51.27     1:03.33   55.08
First round10 43.59 54.14
50.65     57.65     DNF       54.11     43.59
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:31.38 1:37.84
1:43.64   1:34.43   1:31.38   1:35.46   2:06.78
First round7 1:31.55 1:41.33
1:36.27   1:42.66   1:57.08   1:31.55   1:45.06
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round5 1:33.46 DNF
DNF       1:33.46   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal4 33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.13 13.82
11.13     14.21     18.86     13.22     14.02
First round1 11.81 13.77
12.31     15.33     17.27     13.68     11.81
PyraminxFinal9 3.90 7.03
6.84      8.63      3.90      6.80      7.44
Second round5 4.75 5.55
7.38      5.83      5.53      4.75      5.30
First round3 4.11 6.18
9.58      7.38      6.09      4.11      5.08
Square-1Final5 19.08 26.70
19.08     24.08     31.31     28.56     27.47
First round6 26.09 29.29
31.28     33.83     29.50     26.09     27.08
Jura Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.58 8.75
8.80      8.58      10.65     8.65      8.80
Second round1 8.61 9.26
8.86      9.94      9.53      8.61      9.38
First round1 8.19 9.81
8.19      10.09     9.27      10.06     12.47
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.28 2.53
2.28      2.55      2.46      5.38      2.58
Second round1 2.33 3.16
6.25      2.69      2.33      3.25      3.55
First round3 2.53 3.91
2.53      2.59      4.68      5.05      4.46
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 49.28 57.78
58.81     1:03.93   50.61     49.28     1:07.33
First round9 47.53 53.84
59.81     55.43     52.80     53.30     47.53
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:07.88 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:07.88
First round2 1:55.58 DNF
2:12.69   DNF       1:55.58
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 31
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 12.08 13.01
12.08     19.72     13.38     12.44     13.21
First round1 10.31 14.38
10.31     15.31     14.53     13.97     14.65
PyraminxSecond round12 5.83 9.10
5.83      11.08     15.27     9.80      6.43
First round8 6.53 7.78
8.53      6.94      10.22     6.53      7.86
Square-1Final5 22.77 29.39
22.77     31.40     31.81     29.85     26.91
First round4 19.15 26.36
23.30     19.15     30.28     26.46     29.33
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal2 2/2 9:28
1/2 12:22      2/2 9:28
Euro 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.65 9.24
9.19      12.34     9.30      7.65      9.22
Semi Final1 7.44 9.12
7.59      9.69      7.44      10.08     10.94
Second round1 8.22 8.74
8.59      9.09      8.22      8.91      8.71
First round1 8.19 8.74
8.19      8.52      9.16      9.72      8.55
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.36 3.23
2.36      2.84      4.02      2.83      6.34
First round1 2.03ER 2.22
2.06      2.43      3.52      2.18      2.03
4x4x4 CubeSecond round28 47.40 50.15
48.66     47.40     49.50     52.58     52.30
First round31 45.71 50.59
46.53     45.71     46.16     59.08     59.61
5x5x5 CubeFirst round83 2:00.31
2:05.65   2:00.31
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round27 2:06.84 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:06.84
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal49 47
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.77 13.44
17.86     12.77     12.36     15.18     11.77
Second round2 12.06 15.50
12.06     16.53     18.55     13.71     16.27
First round1 13.22 14.18
15.08     13.31     14.34     13.22     14.88
PyraminxFirst round28 4.65 7.33
10.19     4.65      6.68      8.28      7.02
Square-1First round25 25.18 29.89
29.19     25.18     33.21     27.27     33.53
MagicFirst round70 2.11 2.50
2.11      4.25      2.88      2.19      2.43
Master MagicFirst round88 8.02 DNF
8.02      DNF       DNF       10.61     DNF
Polish Nationals 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.03 8.96
8.84      8.03      9.03      9.02      9.61
Second round1 8.65 9.50
10.36     8.65      9.55      9.15      9.80
First round1 8.47 10.05
8.47      10.58     10.61     13.52     8.97
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.28 4.03
6.43      2.28      2.28      3.38      6.68
Second round1 1.71 3.83
4.08      5.30      1.71      3.46      3.94
First round1 2.02 2.78
3.11      2.19      2.02      3.05      3.30
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 41.52 47.21
51.46     42.21     41.52     51.56     47.97
First round3 46.11 49.28
47.33     46.11     48.61     51.90     54.88
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:34.43 1:42.20
1:40.34   1:45.36   1:34.43   1:55.88   1:40.91
First round4 1:31.69 1:41.96
1:42.02   1:41.11   1:42.75   1:47.80   1:31.69
6x6x6 CubeFirst round5 3:38.91 3:44.73
3:53.21   3:38.91   3:42.08
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 3:05.41 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:05.41
First round4 2:13.25 DNF
2:13.25   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 29
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.40 14.63
14.41     15.33     14.16     16.33     11.40
Second round1 13.52 15.68
16.69     15.83     15.69     13.52     15.52
First round1 11.19 14.41
15.05     11.19     14.05     15.94     14.13
ClockFirst round14 28.65
28.65     32.76
MegaminxFinal16 2:15.61 2:35.04
2:44.11   2:15.61   2:27.94   2:50.25   2:33.08
PyraminxFinal8 4.68 10.28
18.06     9.56      15.47     4.68      5.80
Second round5 3.30 7.14
4.13      8.52      8.78      3.30      9.22
First round8 6.00 7.43
10.06     6.94      6.31      6.00      9.03
Square-1Final4 18.25 24.50
23.83     18.25     27.21     35.05     22.47
First round4 19.86 29.52
19.86     29.78     34.81     27.03     31.75
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFirst round5 1/2 9:57
1/2 9:57       DNS
MagicFirst round18 1.94 2.12
2.52      1.94      2.16      1.94      2.27
Master MagicFirst round17 4.61 5.72
6.02      5.96      4.61      7.22      5.18
Polish Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 9.08 9.90
9.08      9.50      10.31     9.90      10.61
Second round1 6.88 9.43
9.52      6.88      13.02     8.13      10.65
First round2 9.19 11.44
9.63      11.66     9.19      15.16     13.03
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.59NR 2.48
2.66      1.59      3.59      2.21      2.56
Second round1 1.65 3.32
2.77      1.65      4.34      4.55      2.86
First round1 1.81 3.14
1.81      10.06     3.75      2.36      3.30
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 46.65 50.27
53.53     48.36     46.65     48.93     54.84
First round7 45.46 55.84
1:04.80   1:03.65   46.80     45.46     57.06
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:31.91 1:42.69
1:42.05   1:44.03   1:43.59   1:31.91   1:42.44
First round8 1:30.38 1:44.67
1:58.52   2:08.81   1:42.56   1:32.93   1:30.38
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round3 2:05.84 DNF
2:05.84   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.91 14.69
13.78     14.31     11.91     16.53     15.97
Second round1 12.43 14.31
15.18     12.43     16.43     13.83     13.91
First round1 13.65 15.00
17.43     15.75     15.50     13.75     13.65
MegaminxFinal8 2:03.84 2:21.27
2:22.80   2:03.84   2:29.05   2:41.46   2:11.97
PyraminxFinal10 4.36 8.16
10.16     10.05     6.71      4.36      7.72
Second round9 5.00 8.46
5.00      13.69     7.93      10.36     7.08
First round8 7.53 7.99
7.63      11.52     8.78      7.53      7.56
Square-1Final1 19.02 20.96
20.08     28.81     19.02     22.06     20.75
First round4 24.36 26.87
24.36     28.50     30.16     25.19     26.91
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal4 1/2 11:06
1/2 11:06
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal1ER 6.11 9.41
6.11      9.31      10.81     10.41     8.52
Second round1 9.33 9.74
11.27     9.86      9.80      9.33      9.56
First round1 8.27 8.80
10.96     8.27      8.34      9.27      8.80
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.94 4.07
4.22      2.94      3.71      4.27      8.56
First round1 2.03 2.85
3.08      4.69      2.36      2.03      3.11
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 42.59 48.37
51.91     42.59     50.15     44.63     50.33
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 3:34.08 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:34.08
First round3 2:43.84 DNF
DNF       2:43.84   3:30.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 10.77WR 12.67
12.15     14.53     13.27     12.58     10.77
First round1 10.90WR 12.77
12.86     12.81     12.63     10.90     16.86
ClockFinal12 19.09 21.72
22.11     19.09     21.88     DNF       21.18
PyraminxFinal3 4.61 6.29
6.27      7.03      5.58      9.08      4.61
Second round3 6.15 7.69
8.28      6.15      7.97      6.81      DNF
First round4 4.77 6.60
7.03      4.77      5.09      7.68      9.96
Square-1Final2 20.83 28.68
24.58     DNF       20.83     36.77     24.69
MagicFirst round15 1.68 2.10
1.83      2.77      1.69      1.68      3.81
Master MagicFirst round12 4.47 5.06
4.97      4.50      4.47      5.72      DNF
Kociewie Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.63 9.90
8.63      11.18     9.66      10.72     9.33
Second round1 7.88 8.88
8.96      9.33      7.88      9.44      8.36
First round1 8.43 10.06
8.43      12.06     9.78      9.80      10.61
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.91 2.91
1.91      2.56      2.69      3.56      3.47
First round1 2.71 3.14
3.22      2.71      3.34      2.86      3.69
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 40.53 49.31
50.18     46.22     52.66     40.53     51.52
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 1:41.08 1:45.08
1:44.41   1:57.28   1:45.11   1:41.08   1:45.72
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 3:16.33 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:16.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 13.03 14.17
13.94     13.03     DNF       13.53     15.03
First round1WR 9.53 14.18
15.08     13.71     9.53      15.21     13.74
ClockFirst round5 31.88
31.88     38.55
PyraminxFinal4 5.56 6.80
9.05      8.55      5.84      6.02      5.56
First round3 5.08 5.97
5.08      6.09      7.36      6.02      5.80
Square-1Final1 16.11 29.69
25.83     30.33     32.91     16.11     36.61
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal1 DNF
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal3 1/2 12:30
1/2 12:30
MagicFinal4 1.59 1.79
1.59      2.72      1.72      1.59      2.05
First round3 1.61 1.79
1.77      1.61      1.68      2.43      1.91
Master MagicFinal5 3.93 4.47
3.97      3.93      DNF       4.34      5.11
First round5 4.40 6.06
5.58      DNF       4.66      4.40      7.93
World Championship 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.68NR 8.65
8.94      7.68      8.41      8.72      8.83
Semi Final2NR 7.58 9.02
8.66      10.61     7.58      10.71     7.80
Second round8 8.68 9.82
15.40     10.09     8.68      10.46     8.90
First round3 8.84 9.30
9.11      8.84      9.90      8.88      9.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 1.61 2.74
2.75      1.61      2.68      4.33      2.78
First round10 2.86 3.56
4.21      2.86      3.72      3.38      3.58
4x4x4 CubeSecond round37 48.22 53.89
59.90     50.96     58.36     52.36     48.22
First round36 49.43 51.89
50.43     50.22     49.43     56.25     55.03
5x5x5 CubeSecond round44 1:41.61 1:46.82
1:46.22   1:45.22   1:49.02   1:58.43   1:41.61
First round46 1:43.08 1:46.92
DNF       1:43.08   1:46.78   1:48.21   1:45.77
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal26 41
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 12.86 16.15
14.83     16.41     12.86     17.21     20.31
Second round2 15.16 15.49
15.27     16.59     15.96     15.16     15.24
First round1 12.34WR 13.57
12.34     15.83     12.97     15.11     12.63
PyraminxFirst round55 7.36 10.42
7.80      12.75     7.36      10.71     12.97
Square-1Final11 21.55 27.07
25.19     27.68     29.80     28.34     21.55
First round15 22.71 30.76
38.41     34.36     29.34     22.71     28.58
Poznan Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.43NR 8.90
8.88      8.88      9.78      8.93      8.43
Second round1 8.33 9.94
10.21     8.33      9.93      9.68      DNF
First round1 8.94 10.29
11.53     9.18      13.22     10.16     8.94
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.75 3.22
3.00      3.56      2.75      3.09      3.56
Second round1 1.83 3.24
2.25      3.50      1.83      4.16      3.96
First round1 2.77 3.27
2.77      3.93      3.09      3.97      2.78
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 45.50 57.50
45.50     1:10.47   49.94     52.08     DNF
First round1 46.86 50.69
46.86     54.30     49.43     53.22     49.43
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 1:33.03 1:34.55
1:34.68   1:34.86   1:53.77   1:34.11   1:33.03
First round3 1:40.36 1:52.05
1:40.36   2:04.03   1:52.41   1:49.30   1:54.44
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 39
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 13.41 15.27
14.27     15.13     13.41     16.40     18.30
First round1 13.71 17.15
18.65     15.52     13.71     17.28     20.96
MegaminxFinal11 2:04.83 2:11.28
2:06.59   2:11.86   2:15.40   2:17.59   2:04.83
PyraminxFirst round8 5.50 8.23
7.93      7.75      5.50      9.02      10.25
Square-1First round9 23.08 DNF
23.08     54.77     DNF       23.91     DNF
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal10 DNF
DNF            DNS
MagicFinal16 1.75 2.89
3.81      1.81      1.75      3.83      3.06
Polish Nationals 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.56 10.14
9.44      9.84      11.27     8.56      11.15
Second round1NR 7.77 9.90
9.19      11.50     7.77      10.34     10.16
First round1 9.72 10.93
9.72      9.84      14.15     10.63     12.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.72 2.90
3.19      2.65      3.68      2.86      1.72
Second round1 2.58 3.15
3.06      3.15      2.58      3.25      3.97
First round2 2.97 4.10
2.97      4.43      3.80      4.40      4.09
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 47.88 56.76
52.86     1:00.34   47.88     1:02.50   57.09
First round3 47.94 55.32
1:00.08   54.02     56.72     47.94     55.21
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 1:33.66 1:45.67
1:47.06   1:33.66   1:45.84   1:44.11   1:52.59
First round2 1:41.43 1:47.49
2:07.97   1:45.90   1:41.43   1:52.43   1:44.13
6x6x6 CubeFinal5 4:18.69 5:25.28
7:06.96   4:18.69   4:50.19
First round6 4:49.05 5:10.89
4:49.05   5:22.40   5:21.21
7x7x7 CubeFirst round7 6:32.75 7:19.76
6:32.75   7:35.56   7:50.97
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round10 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 32
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 14.86 15.71
15.84     15.58     14.86     15.71     16.33
Second round1 12.46 15.45
15.33     20.33     14.46     12.46     16.55
First round1 13.25ER 14.16
16.66     13.28     13.25     15.65     13.55
ClockFirst round7 22.59 23.45
DNF       22.59     23.75     23.40     23.19
MegaminxFinal9 2:07.00 2:28.82
2:45.21   3:01.52   2:25.30   2:15.96   2:07.00
PyraminxFinal3 4.75 5.60
5.30      5.00      8.18      4.75      6.50
First round6 5.40 7.79
5.40      6.81      7.72      9.13      8.83
Square-1Final4 17.46 30.25
25.66     26.80     38.28     40.56     17.46
First round2 24.05 26.84
28.30     24.05     25.13     29.00     27.08
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal3 1/2 5:26
1/2 5:26
3x3x3 With FeetFinal5 2:52.06 2:57.96
3:07.63   2:52.06   2:54.19
MagicFinal5 2.00 2.82
4.16      2.00      3.16      2.96      2.34
Second round7 1.52 1.67
1.65      1.68      1.52      1.69      1.77
First round9 1.59 1.83
2.18      2.08      1.63      1.77      1.59
Master MagicFinal8 5.40 6.17
14.56     7.09      5.40      5.91      5.50
First round11 5.13 7.08
5.13      7.30      7.52      9.46      6.43
Czech Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.83 9.80
9.11      9.68      8.83      10.61     10.81
Second round3 8.63 10.52
8.63      10.30     10.84     11.78     10.43
First round1 8.83 9.53
8.83      9.55      13.05     9.27      9.77
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.27 4.05
3.68      5.19      4.40      4.06      3.27
First round2 2.91 3.26
2.97      2.91      3.47      4.19      3.33
4x4x4 CubeFirst round12 54.88 1:03.53
1:01.08   1:08.19   1:01.31   54.88     1:27.59
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:36.63 1:39.06
1:39.96   1:42.19   1:36.78   1:36.63   1:40.44
First round7 1:36.66 1:41.45
1:55.58   1:42.18   1:44.21   1:37.96   1:36.66
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal16 DNF
DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal5 35
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 13.94 16.67
16.96     13.94     17.78     18.61     15.28
First round2 14.71 17.72
18.19     19.63     14.71     15.90     19.08
PyraminxFirst round12 7.56 8.92
9.00      7.56      11.88     7.81      9.96
Square-1Final6 23.16 26.78
23.97     25.30     31.08     32.38     23.16
First round7 20.91 25.35
26.65     27.06     27.19     22.34     20.91
3x3x3 With FeetFinal8 4:30.47
3Mola Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.03 9.83
10.69     8.65      10.16     8.03      12.40
Second round1 8.90 9.73
9.96      10.21     9.81      8.90      9.41
First round1 10.69 11.59
12.22     10.77     11.77     10.69     12.68
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.13 2.95
3.03      2.36      3.72      3.47      2.13
First round1 2.28 3.26
2.28      3.61      3.52      3.16      3.09
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 55.40 1:01.26
1:01.02   1:12.84   1:01.27   55.40     1:01.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 15.53 16.92
17.40     17.09     15.53     18.44     16.27
First round1 14.15ER 15.16
15.55     14.88     15.16     14.15     15.44
PyraminxFinal4 4.69 7.68
8.71      8.18      6.53      8.34      4.69
First round3 6.21 7.64
6.21      6.53      9.72      7.41      8.97
Square-1Final3 22.72 29.40
33.25     26.93     22.72     31.93     29.33
MagicFinal6 1.61 2.09
2.30      2.65      1.75      2.22      1.61
Master MagicFinal5 4.36 5.00
5.91      4.50      4.58      4.36      9.22
Bialystok Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 9.00NR 9.35
9.15      9.55      9.46      9.44      9.00
Second round2 8.49 10.52
10.56     10.88     10.11     8.49      14.63
First round1 8.41 10.32
8.72      11.02     11.88     11.21     8.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.75NR 2.70
4.05      2.78      3.30      1.75      2.03
Second round1 1.83 3.00
2.25      6.88      3.19      1.83      3.56
First round1 2.50 3.11
2.50      2.75      2.88      5.03      3.69
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 57.28 1:02.91
1:03.91   1:03.13   57.28     1:18.88   1:01.69
First round5 57.94 1:00.62
57.94     1:01.06   59.75     1:07.63   1:01.06
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:43.13 1:49.96
1:48.25   1:44.31   1:43.13   1:57.33   2:17.19
First round6 1:33.91 1:59.64
1:51.84   2:03.56   1:33.91   2:03.52   2:14.71
6x6x6 CubeFinal5 3:57.34 4:09.37
4:06.06   3:57.34   4:24.72
7x7x7 CubeFinal11 7:05.46 DNF
7:05.46   7:12.71   DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 14.77 16.55
17.11     15.84     14.77     17.97     16.69
Second round1 14.88NR 15.83
14.88     19.31     15.05     16.53     15.90
First round1 14.52 16.53
14.81     14.52     21.16     19.09     15.68
PyraminxFinal4 5.66 6.78
7.28      5.66      8.18      6.59      6.46
Second round4 5.97 7.13
6.69      9.88      5.97      6.72      7.97
First round9 4.27 8.27
10.47     10.46     4.27      5.81      8.55
Square-1Final2 19.88 24.74
24.38     25.28     25.11     24.72     19.88
Second round2 21.16 26.25
27.50     29.06     21.16     29.27     22.18
First round3 16.31 23.58
16.31     31.72     31.94     21.30     17.72
MagicFinal9 1.80 1.93
1.94      1.96      2.44      1.90      1.80
First round9 1.77 2.00
1.83      2.34      2.58      1.77      1.83
Master MagicFirst round12 4.31 5.42
6.72      4.83      4.71      4.31      17.31
Lodz Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 9.05 10.93
9.05      11.06     9.94      11.80     13.66
Second round1 8.66 9.95
9.52      15.30     10.31     8.66      10.02
First round1 9.53 10.42
10.50     9.53      10.96     9.80      17.96
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.83 3.16
3.33      2.71      3.44      4.58      1.83
First round1 2.38 3.47
2.38      2.96      5.28      3.53      3.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 52.46 1:00.98
1:02.91   1:01.40   58.63     1:06.27   52.46
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:32.19 1:42.50
1:49.81   1:32.19   1:41.30   1:40.06   1:46.15
6x6x6 CubeFinal6 3:35.72 DNF
3:35.72   DNF       DNS
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 7:34.22 DNF
7:34.22   DNS       DNS
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal4 40
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 15.30ER 16.10
15.38     18.34     15.30     15.88     17.05
PyraminxFinal4 6.22 8.32
7.61      6.97      10.38     6.22      12.43
First round6 4.78 7.43
8.58      8.47      6.38      7.43      4.78
MagicFinal8 1.83 2.37
DNF       2.34      1.97      1.83      2.80
Master MagicFinal5 4.34 5.35
5.75      4.34      4.83      5.46      10.86
Euro 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 10.56 11.90
11.45     13.65     10.56     13.40     10.86
First round7 10.30 11.59
13.16     13.84     11.09     10.30     10.52
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.44NR 2.83
4.02      2.71      2.44      3.01      2.76
First round8 2.05 3.48
2.05      4.02      2.43      4.13      4.00
4x4x4 CubeFirst round32 56.41 1:01.37
57.97     1:03.38   1:06.05   1:02.75   56.41
5x5x5 CubeFirst round31 1:42.19 1:50.37
1:48.52   1:59.15   2:00.94   1:43.43   1:42.19
6x6x6 CubeFinal20 3:44.63 DNF
3:44.63   DNS       DNS
7x7x7 CubeFinal25 6:11.31
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round46 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 28
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 14.93 18.39
19.30     18.39     17.48     14.93     20.21
First round1 15.46 18.05
17.86     17.02     19.28     15.46     19.65
MegaminxFirst round49 2:41.97
3:01.19   2:41.97
PyraminxFinal10 5.27 7.74
13.02     5.27      5.44      10.11     7.66
First round13 6.52 7.19
7.03      6.52      7.47      8.11      7.06
Square-1Final10 21.59 27.63
21.59     25.84     25.38     40.16     31.66
First round4 17.78 22.96
23.34     17.78     24.84     20.69     26.53
MagicFirst round55 1.94 2.33
2.13      2.21      1.94      2.80      2.65
Master MagicFirst round67 4.44 7.06
DNF       5.97      5.02      4.44      10.18
Polish Nationals 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 10.40 12.52
10.86     10.40     11.05     23.11     15.66
Second round2 10.59 11.35
10.59     13.25     11.38     10.72     11.94
First round2 9.58 11.48
9.58      11.53     12.81     10.11     22.46
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 1.69 3.60
1.69      3.90      4.09      3.13      3.77
Second round1 2.65 3.41
3.11      3.16      2.65      4.11      3.97
First round1 2.72 3.00
2.97      3.22      2.81      2.72      4.16
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 47.19 59.34
1:08.59   1:07.22   1:00.81   47.19     50.00
First round5 50.30 54.72
54.38     56.81     59.31     52.97     50.30
5x5x5 CubeFirst round7 1:38.63 1:50.63
1:53.36   1:56.33   2:01.81   1:38.63   1:42.19
6x6x6 CubeFirst round15 4:37.02 DNF
4:37.02   DNF       DNS
7x7x7 CubeFirst round12 6:24.93 DNF
6:24.93   9:27.50   DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round9 4:29.41 DNF
4:29.41   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal2 35
35        38
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 16.05ER 17.58
19.43     17.09     20.88     16.22     16.05
First round1 15.88ER 17.88
18.22     21.86     16.66     18.77     15.88
ClockFirst round7 26.06
DNF       26.06
MegaminxFirst round9 2:11.08 2:19.38
2:11.08   2:19.31   2:38.08   2:11.68   2:27.15
PyraminxFinal4 4.55 6.65
5.97      4.55      5.56      8.43      15.02
First round1 4.69 5.60
4.69      6.75      4.78      7.08      5.28
Square-1Final4 19.11 25.73
25.46     31.31     20.43     19.11     DNF
First round3 20.09 25.19
20.09     25.94     21.55     28.09     41.66
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal8 DNF
DNF            DNF
MagicFirst round9 2.16 2.42
2.71      2.25      2.30      2.16      3.53
Master MagicFirst round6 3.84 5.12
4.71      3.84      4.58      6.08      6.28
US Nationals 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 11.43 12.07
11.90     12.86     11.46     11.43     12.97
Semi Final2 10.88 11.41
12.06     11.03     11.15     10.88     13.75
Second round11 11.63 12.85
12.59     12.53     13.50     13.43     11.63
First round2 10.78 11.21
13.96     11.11     10.81     11.72     10.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.71 3.55
3.41      4.65      4.43      2.71      2.81
Second round4NR 1.03 2.97
2.44      3.02      3.46      4.19      1.03
First round9 2.27 4.02
2.83      3.97      8.00      5.27      2.27
5x5x5 CubeSecond round22 1:56.88 1:58.29
1:58.47   1:58.28   1:58.30   1:58.28   1:56.88
First round22 1:44.33 1:54.69
1:44.33   1:52.34   1:48.66   2:03.06   2:05.38
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round30 3:29.68 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:29.68
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 17.02 20.15
21.28     21.38     17.78     21.53     17.02
Second round4 19.46 20.73
21.53     19.91     19.46     22.97     20.75
First round1 17.00 20.28
21.30     20.03     17.00     19.96     20.84
PyraminxFinal6 4.08 7.20
9.69      5.08      10.28     6.83      4.08
First round3 4.34 7.40
7.52      4.34      10.21     5.40      9.27
Square-1Final8 21.00 29.19
28.18     21.00     33.30     31.78     27.61
First round9 18.31 23.83
26.52     18.31     23.66     21.31     29.40
3Mola Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 10.46 11.95
11.50     13.33     11.02     14.55     10.46
Second round3 10.00 13.07
10.00     15.94     12.68     14.56     11.97
First round3 12.21 12.55
12.21     13.55     12.97     12.21     12.46
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 3.19 4.11
3.69      3.19      4.25      4.38      4.44
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 49.31 1:17.06
1:14.94   1:27.03   1:09.22   1:32.55   49.31
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 1:38.75 1:50.12
1:49.19   1:38.75   1:58.52   1:42.66   2:19.16
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 5:23.36 DNF
5:23.36   DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 19.08 21.35
22.33     19.08     21.80     19.93     30.25
PyraminxFinal2 5.40 6.81
6.31      18.33     6.72      5.40      7.41
MagicFinal9 1.97 DNF
2.84      1.97      DNF       DNF       3.75
Bialystok Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 10.93 12.58
12.08     15.09     11.91     10.93     13.75
Second round2 11.38 11.92
12.59     12.94     11.40     11.77     11.38
First round2 11.88 12.65
14.63     13.00     12.31     11.88     12.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 2.46ER 2.89
2.91      2.46      3.00      3.61      2.77
First round2 2.81 4.37
2.81      DNF       2.86      7.34      2.91
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 59.00 1:08.26
59.00     1:08.58   1:26.00   1:04.09   1:12.11
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:37.96 1:53.51
1:56.58   1:55.18   1:51.18   1:37.96   1:54.16
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 5:34.06 DNF
5:34.06   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 18.58 20.09
21.40     19.21     19.66     23.33     18.58
First round1 17.84 20.65
21.65     19.16     26.09     17.84     21.15
MegaminxFinal6 2:23.56 2:39.15
2:41.15   2:23.56   2:36.52   2:39.77   3:01.66
PyraminxFinal3 5.72 7.11
7.59      11.25     5.83      5.72      7.90
First round4 5.22 7.34
7.36      9.08      5.22      6.43      8.22
Square-1Final2 21.90 23.33
22.94     22.09     24.97     21.90     31.13
First round2 22.33 29.07
27.18     28.84     31.19     22.33     36.40
MagicFirst round18 5.12 6.45
5.12      10.27     8.68      5.18      5.50
Master MagicFinal4 3.71 4.56
4.88      3.71      5.21      4.50      4.30
First round4 3.52 4.91
4.63      4.78      5.31      3.52      5.58
Grudziadz Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 10.90 14.09
11.58     13.05     17.63     10.90     18.09
First round3 10.59 12.97
12.06     13.00     15.19     10.59     13.86
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.02 3.47
4.86      2.78      2.77      2.02      5.31
First round2 2.52 3.83
3.81      4.09      4.38      3.58      2.52
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 1:01.61 1:06.79
1:07.03   1:08.65   1:04.68   1:09.19   1:01.61
First round5 59.66 1:05.35
1:18.02   59.66     59.90     1:09.72   1:06.44
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 1:44.11 1:58.49
2:04.50   2:15.25   2:02.61   1:48.36   1:44.11
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal12 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 21.75 25.51
25.59     25.18     25.77     21.75     28.41
First round1 18.09 19.65
21.52     21.00     18.80     18.09     19.16
MegaminxFinal4 2:27.40 DNF
2:27.40   3:42.77   DNF       DNS       DNS
PyraminxFirst round7 5.33 8.30
6.33      12.38     10.40     5.33      8.16
Square-1Final3 15.58 23.57
15.58     16.46     28.47     30.34     25.77
First round3 23.33 27.16
26.96     28.43     27.22     23.33     27.31
MagicFirst round18 3.47 8.55
28.22     18.41     3.68      3.47      3.56
Master MagicFinal4 4.55 5.37
5.59      6.50      4.55      5.34      5.19
Polish Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 11.94 12.93
13.41     12.52     15.19     11.94     12.86
Second round6 12.50 14.03
13.44     14.81     12.50     13.83     15.38
First round5 11.96 13.79
16.16     12.90     13.47     15.00     11.96
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.72 3.55
2.81      3.78      4.94      2.72      4.06
First round2 2.61 3.60
4.71      3.93      2.61      2.72      4.15
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 55.93 1:05.11
1:01.63   1:11.65   55.93     1:21.00   1:02.05
First round10 1:01.36 1:09.12
1:08.65   1:01.36   1:16.86   1:05.34   1:13.36
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:45.46 1:52.55
1:59.97   1:45.97   1:56.47   1:55.21   1:45.46
First round9 1:52.38 2:00.10
2:34.02   1:55.11   1:52.38   1:58.38   2:06.81
6x6x6 CubeFinal4 3:52.19 4:14.52
4:51.75   3:59.63   3:52.19
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 5:50.83 6:31.36
5:50.83   6:32.03   7:11.21
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal8 45
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 17.19 20.76
23.97     22.09     18.91     17.19     21.27
First round5 23.34 25.92
23.34     25.44     27.72     28.21     24.59
ClockFinal7 30.86
30.86     DNF
MegaminxFinal10 2:44.88
2:56.19   2:44.88
PyraminxFinal6 7.69 9.03
15.13     10.06     7.69      8.46      8.56
First round7 5.97 9.24
12.08     5.97      10.59     10.97     6.17
Square-1Final8 35.06 39.31
53.28     38.46     35.97     43.50     35.06
First round8 23.50 36.16
33.53     49.58     23.50     34.78     40.18
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal6 DNF
Polish Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 12.66 17.79
15.28     19.59     12.66     18.50     20.08
First round13 14.38 15.75
DNF       15.09     14.38     17.27     14.90
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 5.63 6.50
6.30      5.63      7.38      8.94      5.83
First round8 1.66 5.40
1.66      3.47      5.52      18.86     7.20
4x4x4 CubeSecond round16 1:06.68 1:18.16
1:14.86   1:13.80   1:27.30   1:25.81   1:06.68
First round13 1:03.13 1:12.63
1:12.86   1:14.06   1:11.00   1:03.13   1:14.02
5x5x5 CubeFirst round15 2:11.08 2:18.30
2:11.08   2:21.44   2:17.75   2:15.71   2:35.05
6x6x6 CubeFinal7 4:12.13 4:21.91
4:24.41   4:12.13   4:29.18
7x7x7 CubeFinal11 7:12.11 7:45.01
7:12.11   8:16.77   7:46.15
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round10 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 25.08 32.05
40.02     30.50     37.00     25.08     28.66
Second round9 23.15 30.45
29.84     23.15     26.34     37.47     35.18
First round9 28.08 33.59
28.08     39.08     35.28     36.56     28.93
ClockFirst round7 29.84
29.84     1:30.22
MegaminxFirst round13 3:44.06
PyraminxFirst round12 10.15 11.82
11.86     12.44     10.15     11.15     17.33
Square-1Final6 28.43 38.77
36.93     46.66     28.43     32.71     59.38
First round6 26.44 32.55
27.55     33.61     36.50     26.44     36.88
Gdansk Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 15.56 16.94
17.19     15.56     16.05     17.58     18.15
First round14 14.86 16.33
14.86     17.86     16.81     16.41     15.78
2x2x2 CubeFirst round11 4.43 6.63
4.43      6.21      7.05      6.63      8.56
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 1:07.19 1:17.35
1:18.15   1:07.19   1:14.31   1:19.58   1:21.18
5x5x5 CubeFinal9 1:50.83 2:11.40
2:20.93   2:18.36   1:50.83   2:04.28   2:11.57
6x6x6 CubeFinal5 3:35.37 4:12.05
4:31.58   3:35.37   4:29.20
7x7x7 CubeFinal11 7:22.07 8:55.68
8:17.98   11:07.00   7:22.07
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal11 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 22.50 32.67
36.66     39.27     33.47     22.50     27.88
First round6 22.34 28.57
22.34     33.15     34.83     28.18     24.38
PyraminxFirst round10 7.91 9.65
8.52      9.11      7.91      13.59     11.31
Square-1Final4 25.88 26.94
25.88     42.18     26.15     27.11     27.56
Lublin Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 19.13 20.67
19.84     21.21     20.96     19.13     DNF
First round16 15.18 18.61
28.52     17.34     21.33     17.16     15.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 5.75 6.49
6.22      5.75      8.19      7.19      6.05
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 1:21.27
1:35.15   1:21.27
5x5x5 CubeFinal17 2:57.47
2:57.47   3:02.28
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 28.25 40.79
28.25     46.86     38.72     36.78     51.22
Square-1Final4 23.47 38.56
37.30     36.71     41.66     1:16.83   23.47
Polish Nationals 2009
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 33.36 36.17
DNF       33.41     37.11     33.36     38.00
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 10.68
10.68     11.80
5x5x5 CubeFirst round26 3:40.18
4:19.96   3:40.18
PyraminxFirst round23 15.77
28.43     15.77

History of World Records

3x3x3 One-Handed
 WR 12.48PLS Sopot 2014First round
12.01     11.44     10.46     14.26     14.00
 WR 12.67Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final
12.15     14.53     13.27     12.58     10.77  
 WR 12.77Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012First round
12.86     12.81     12.63     10.90     16.86
 WR 9.53Kociewie Open 2011First round
15.08     13.71     9.53      15.21     13.74
 WR 13.57World Championship 2011First round
12.34     15.83     12.97     15.11     12.63

History of Continental Records

3x3x3 Cube
 ER 7.13Nancy Open 2015Second round
6.41      9.00      7.56      7.41      6.08   
 ER 6.11Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final
6.11      9.31      10.81     10.41     8.52
2x2x2 Cube
 ER 2.13Polish Open 2013Final
2.40      1.93      1.81      3.00      2.06
 ER 2.22Euro 2012First round
2.06      2.43      3.52      2.18      2.03   
 ER 2.89Bialystok Open 2010Final
2.91      2.46      3.00      3.61      2.77
3x3x3 One-Handed
 ER 10.71Swisscubing Cup Final 2018First round
9.73      16.98     10.36     12.03     9.34   
 ER 11.30Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final
11.94     10.71     11.03     12.76     10.92
 ER 11.32Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final
10.17     12.51     11.28     9.53      14.79
 ER 11.37Euro 2016Second round
9.63      13.25     10.49     11.76     11.87
 ER 11.43Kaskada Open 2016Final
9.30      8.99      12.94     12.05     14.38
 ER 8.48World Championship 2015Semi Final
13.09     12.83     8.48      13.64     12.24
 ER 9.19France 2015Second round
19.77     9.19      13.25     12.28     14.40
 ER 12.57Polish Nationals 2014Final
14.04     12.43     12.37     12.92     10.12  
 ER 14.16Polish Nationals 2011First round
16.66     13.28     13.25     15.65     13.55
 ER 15.163Mola Open 2011First round
15.55     14.88     15.16     14.15     15.44
 ER 16.10Lodz Open 2011Final
15.38     18.34     15.30     15.88     17.05
 ER 17.58Polish Nationals 2010Final
19.43     17.09     20.88     16.22     16.05  
 ER 17.88Polish Nationals 2010First round
18.22     21.86     16.66     18.77     15.88  

History of National Records

3x3x3 Cube
 NR 7.05Les Automnales 2018Final
5.72      7.57      8.29      6.90      6.67
 NR 7.87DYC 2015Second round
7.85      7.92      7.93      6.91      7.85
 NR 7.98Swiss Science Open 2015First round
8.53      7.52      DNF       7.90      7.41   
 NR 5.81NR 8.04World Championship 2015Semi Final
8.02      9.11      5.81      7.75      8.34
 NR 8.11Rumia Open 2014Second round
7.96      9.24      7.57      8.79      7.03   
 NR 8.42Cubers Eve 2013First round
8.93      7.29      6.16      10.16     9.04
 NR 8.65World Championship 2011Final
8.94      7.68      8.41      8.72      8.83
 NR 7.58World Championship 2011Semi Final
8.66      10.61     7.58      10.71     7.80
 NR 8.90Poznan Open 2011Final
8.88      8.88      9.78      8.93      8.43   
 NR 7.77Polish Nationals 2011Second round
9.19      11.50     7.77      10.34     10.16
 NR 9.35Bialystok Open 2011Final
9.15      9.55      9.46      9.44      9.00   
2x2x2 Cube
 NR 1.98Polish Championship 2015Final
1.66      1.50      2.26      3.31      2.02
 NR 2.48Polish Open 2012Final
2.66      1.59      3.59      2.21      2.56
 NR 2.70Bialystok Open 2011Final
4.05      2.78      3.30      1.75      2.03
 NR 2.83Euro 2010Final
4.02      2.71      2.44      3.01      2.76
 NR 1.03US Nationals 2010Second round
2.44      3.02      3.46      4.19      1.03   
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
 NR 25Polish Championship 2015Final
32        32        25     
 NR 30.67World Championship 2015Final
28        32        32
3x3x3 One-Handed
 NR 8.15Swisscubing Cup Final 2018Final
11.55     8.15      12.86     12.95     12.05
 NR 11.25Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018First round
10.72     11.89     11.64     10.90     11.20
 NR 15.83Bialystok Open 2011Second round
14.88     19.31     15.05     16.53     15.90
1082023-10-06~08Polish Championship 2023PolandSkierniewice
1072022-07-08~10Polish Championship 2022PolandGdańsk
1062020-09-12Gdańsk Open 2020PolandGdańsk
1052020-01-04~05GLS Gdynia 2020PolandGdynia
1042019-12-07~08Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2019FranceUgine
1032019-11-09~10GLS Cup IV 2019PolandGdańsk
1022019-10-19~20Paris Open 2019FranceParis
1012019-10-11~13Polish Championship 2019PolandGdańsk
1002019-08-10~11GLS Cup III 2019PolandGdańsk
992019-06-08~10Swiss Nationals 2019SwitzerlandLuzern
982019-04-13~14Swisscubing Cup II 2019SwitzerlandÉcublens
972019-03-02~03Zentralschweiz 2019SwitzerlandSchwyz
962018-12-08~09Swisscubing Cup Final 2018SwitzerlandLuzern
952018-12-01~02Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018FranceUgine
942018-11-10~11Les Automnales 2018SwitzerlandGenève
932018-11-03~04Swiss Science Open 2018SwitzerlandWinterthur
922018-10-26~28Polish Championship 2018PolandBydgoszcz
912018-10-13~14Argovia Open 2018SwitzerlandBremgarten
902018-10-06~07Paris Open 2018FranceParis
892018-09-21~23Swiss Nationals 2018SwitzerlandThun
882018-07-19~22WCA Euro 2018SpainMadrid
872018-07-07~08GLS Cup III 2018PolandGdańsk
862018-06-23~24Zentralschweiz 2018SwitzerlandHünenberg
852018-05-25~27Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018SwitzerlandÉcublens
842018-05-12~13Zurich Open 2018SwitzerlandUster
832018-04-28~29Elsass Open 2018FranceStrasbourg
822018-04-15SMSO 2018SwitzerlandSaint-Maurice
812018-03-03~04SC Cup I 2018SwitzerlandGenève
802018-02-17~18Xlingen Open 2018SwitzerlandKreuzlingen
792017-12-16~17Swiss Nationals 2017SwitzerlandWinterthur
782017-11-25~26Nancy Open 2017FranceVandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
772017-11-17~19Polish Nationals 2017PolandKraków
762017-11-11~12Musée suisse du jeu 2017SwitzerlandLa Tour-de-Peilz
752017-10-14~15Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017SwitzerlandBern
742017-09-30Swisscubing FMC 2017SwitzerlandEcublens
732017-08-25~27Ukrainian Nationals 2017UkraineLviv
722017-07-29~30ŚLS Zawiercie 2017PolandZawiercie
712017-07-13~16World Championship 2017FranceParis
702017-05-13SC Cup III 2017SwitzerlandSaint-Maurice
692017-04-29~05-01Barby Cube 73 2017FranceBarby
682017-04-01~02Wiler Würfelfest 2017SwitzerlandWil SG
672017-03-11SC Cup II 2017SwitzerlandSchenkon
662017-02-25SLS Gliwice 2017PolandGliwice
652016-12-10~11Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016SwitzerlandBern
642016-11-12~13CDJ 2016SwitzerlandMontreux
632016-10-15~16MSDJ 2016SwitzerlandLa Tour-de-Peilz
622016-10-08~09Italian Championship 2016ItalyMilan
612016-09-16~18Ukrainian Nationals 2016UkraineLviv
602016-09-03GLS Cup IV 2016PolandGdańsk
592016-07-15~17Euro 2016Czech RepublicPrague
582016-07-09WLS Lato 2016PolandWarszawa
572016-06-04~05Łódź Cubing Summer 2016PolandŁódź
562016-05-21~22Zurich Open 2016SwitzerlandUster
552016-03-13Milan Slam 2016ItalyMilan
542016-03-12FMC Europe 2016Multiple Countries (Europe)Multiple cities (see website)
532016-02-20~21Kaskada Open 2016PolandSzczecin
522015-11-21SCC Open 2015SwitzerlandBellinzona
512015-10-24~25Nancy Open 2015FranceNancy
502015-10-17~18DYC 2015FranceParis
492015-10-09~11Polish Championship 2015PolandGdańsk
482015-09-26~27Swiss Science Open 2015SwitzerlandWinterthur
472015-08-08~09Kaliska Open 2015PolandKaliska
462015-07-17~19World Championship 2015BrazilSão Paulo, São Paulo
452015-06-27~28Radomsko Cube Theory 2015PolandRadomsko
442015-05-10Palaghiaccio Open 2015SwitzerlandBiasca
432015-04-18~19France 2015FranceGrenoble
422015-03-27~29Polish Open 2015PolandBielsko-Biała
412015-01-24~25Riviera Cube Week 2015PolandGdynia
402014-11-08~09Munich Open 2014GermanyUnterhaching
392014-10-11~12Swiss Science Open 2014SwitzerlandWinterthur
382014-08-16~17Kaliska Open 2014PolandKaliska
372014-08-08~10Euro 2014DenmarkRoskilde
362014-07-26~27Kielce Cube Attack 2014PolandKielce
352014-06-21~22PLS Sopot 2014PolandSopot
342014-05-31~06-01Polish Nationals 2014PolandZawiercie
332014-03-29~30Rumia Open 2014PolandRumia
322014-02-15~16Polish Open 2014PolandGdansk
312013-12-21Cubers Eve 2013PolandStarogard Gdanski
302013-11-09~10GLS Autumn Reda 2013PolandReda
292013-09-14~15Grudziadz Open 2013PolandGrudziadz
282013-07-26~28World Championship 2013United StatesLas Vegas, Nevada
272013-06-29~30Polish Nationals 2013PolandZawiercie
262013-06-01~02Manufaktura Open 2013PolandElblag
252013-04-20~21Polish Open 2013PolandLublin
242012-12-08~09Jura Open 2012PolandZawiercie
232012-10-12~14Euro 2012PolandWroclaw
222012-08-04~05Polish Nationals 2012PolandStarogard Gdanski
212012-05-26~27Polish Open 2012PolandBialystok
202012-04-21Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012PolandGrudziadz
192011-12-17Kociewie Open 2011PolandStarogard Gdanski
182011-10-14~16World Championship 2011ThailandBangkok
172011-09-24~25Poznan Open 2011PolandPoznan
162011-08-13~14Polish Nationals 2011PolandStarogard Gdański
152011-07-15~17Czech Open 2011Czech RepublicPardubice
142011-06-043Mola Open 2011PolandGdansk
132011-04-16~17Bialystok Open 2011PolandBialystok
122011-02-12Lodz Open 2011PolandLodz
112010-10-01~03Euro 2010HungaryBudapest
102010-08-28~29Polish Nationals 2010PolandPoznan
92010-08-06~08US Nationals 2010United StatesCambridge, Massachusetts
82010-06-123Mola Open 2010PolandGdansk
72010-05-29Bialystok Open 2010PolandBialystok
62010-04-24Grudziadz Open 2010PolandGrudziadz
52010-02-27~28Polish Open 2010PolandGdansk
42009-09-26~27Polish Open 2009PolandPabianice
32009-08-22Gdansk Open 2009PolandGdansk
22009-05-30Lublin Open 2009PolandLublin
12009-02-21~22Polish Nationals 2009PolandGdansk

Seen Cubers
