Personal Page

Alessandro Scanu

Name: Alessandro Scanu
Region: Italy
Competitions: 5
WCA ID: Alessandro Scanu2009SCAN01
Gender: Male
Career: 2009.02.14 - 2014.09.07
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube747143455796715.0817.60539221328369540/40
2x2x2 Cube3186343197452.905.0625991771938140/40
4x4x4 Cube4889569339591:11.211:18.0030668866744613/14
5x5x5 Cube3507074230242:32.906/6
3x3x3 One-Handed41985793290732.5935.0326462679833113/14

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Bugella Open 2014Second round16 15.08 17.60
18.24     18.08     19.16     16.47     15.08
First round18 17.09 18.49
17.09     18.11     18.97     18.78     18.59
Milan Blind Day 2012Second round21 18.27 20.07
18.88     20.78     26.09     18.27     20.55
First round21 18.09 19.32
19.16     18.84     18.09     22.58     19.97
Obei Obei Open 2009Second round22 20.65 23.19
21.34     20.65     27.31     25.55     22.68
First round23 18.91 21.83
23.56     18.91     20.81     21.11     30.55
Mantua Open 2009First round44 26.40 29.84
26.71     32.15     26.40     31.74     31.08
Italian Open 2009First round39 35.72 40.40
44.33     40.08     35.72     42.31     38.81
2x2x2 Cube
Bugella Open 2014Second round9 5.06 6.43
7.13      5.06      6.08      7.33      6.08
First round7 2.90 5.06
2.90      4.77      6.30      5.83      4.59
Milan Blind Day 2012Second round14 6.58 7.61
6.58      7.77      11.69     8.13      6.93
First round17 6.50 7.44
8.06      7.50      6.50      6.77      58.36
Obei Obei Open 2009First round14 6.58 7.34
7.18      6.97      10.53     6.58      7.86
Mantua Open 2009Final10 6.06 7.60
10.30     7.00      6.06      9.22      6.57
First round10 6.28 7.13
6.28      7.00      7.21      7.19      8.86
Italian Open 2009First round16 9.05 11.72
14.81     9.05      12.09     13.88     9.20
4x4x4 Cube
Bugella Open 2014First round16 1:11.21 1:18.00
1:11.21   1:21.25   1:22.34   1:14.41   1:18.33
Milan Blind Day 2012First round23 1:34.33
DNF       1:34.33
Obei Obei Open 2009Final25 1:37.55 1:46.14
1:54.34   1:45.93   1:49.05   1:37.55   1:43.44
Mantua Open 2009Final32 1:57.03
1:57.03   2:25.81
5x5x5 Cube
Milan Blind Day 2012First round13 2:32.90
2:52.03   2:32.90
Obei Obei Open 2009Final16 3:06.63
3:06.63   4:33.16
Mantua Open 2009Final22 3:28.73
3:28.73   4:00.40
3x3x3 One-Handed
Bugella Open 2014Second round9 33.30 35.03
35.81     42.33     34.25     33.30     35.03
First round9 32.59 39.52
33.00     51.58     32.59     DNF       33.97
Obei Obei Open 2009Final14 47.88
47.88     50.81
Mantua Open 2009Final18 45.08
45.08     1:01.91
Bugella Open 2014Final7 7.84 11.62
15.69     11.55     7.84      11.91     11.41
First round5 8.66 9.52
8.96      8.66      12.44     8.90      10.69
Mantua Open 2009Final14 8.55 16.11
12.31     17.38     8.55      22.75     18.63
Obei Obei Open 2009Final22 1.81 4.89
3.91      4.19      DNF       1.81      6.58
Bugella Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 15.08 17.60
18.24     18.08     19.16     16.47     15.08
First round18 17.09 18.49
17.09     18.11     18.97     18.78     18.59
2x2x2 CubeSecond round9 5.06 6.43
7.13      5.06      6.08      7.33      6.08
First round7 2.90 5.06
2.90      4.77      6.30      5.83      4.59
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 1:11.21 1:18.00
1:11.21   1:21.25   1:22.34   1:14.41   1:18.33
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round9 33.30 35.03
35.81     42.33     34.25     33.30     35.03
First round9 32.59 39.52
33.00     51.58     32.59     DNF       33.97
PyraminxFinal7 7.84 11.62
15.69     11.55     7.84      11.91     11.41
First round5 8.66 9.52
8.96      8.66      12.44     8.90      10.69
Milan Blind Day 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 18.27 20.07
18.88     20.78     26.09     18.27     20.55
First round21 18.09 19.32
19.16     18.84     18.09     22.58     19.97
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 6.58 7.61
6.58      7.77      11.69     8.13      6.93
First round17 6.50 7.44
8.06      7.50      6.50      6.77      58.36
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 1:34.33
DNF       1:34.33
5x5x5 CubeFirst round13 2:32.90
2:52.03   2:32.90
Obei Obei Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 20.65 23.19
21.34     20.65     27.31     25.55     22.68
First round23 18.91 21.83
23.56     18.91     20.81     21.11     30.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 6.58 7.34
7.18      6.97      10.53     6.58      7.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 1:37.55 1:46.14
1:54.34   1:45.93   1:49.05   1:37.55   1:43.44
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 3:06.63
3:06.63   4:33.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 47.88
47.88     50.81
MagicFinal22 1.81 4.89
3.91      4.19      DNF       1.81      6.58
Mantua Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeFirst round44 26.40 29.84
26.71     32.15     26.40     31.74     31.08
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 6.06 7.60
10.30     7.00      6.06      9.22      6.57
First round10 6.28 7.13
6.28      7.00      7.21      7.19      8.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal32 1:57.03
1:57.03   2:25.81
5x5x5 CubeFinal22 3:28.73
3:28.73   4:00.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal18 45.08
45.08     1:01.91
PyraminxFinal14 8.55 16.11
12.31     17.38     8.55      22.75     18.63
Italian Open 2009
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 35.72 40.40
44.33     40.08     35.72     42.31     38.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 9.05 11.72
14.81     9.05      12.09     13.88     9.20
52014-09-06~07Bugella Open 2014ItalyBiella
42012-10-06~07Milan Blind Day 2012ItalyMilan
32009-12-07Obei Obei Open 2009ItalyCorsico
22009-09-19~20Mantua Open 2009ItalyMantova
12009-02-14Italian Open 2009ItalyBergamo