Personal Page

Kevin Chen

Name: Kevin Chen
Region: Canada
Competitions: 13
WCA ID: Kevin Chen2010CHEN60
Gender: Male
Career: 2010.11.27 - 2017.03.25
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube130098033863912.7914.43312467882105296/100
2x2x2 Cube8686728240303.134.6820093564075983/85
4x4x4 Cube51542061707150.231:02.5220873526864326/28
3x3x3 One-Handed37730651276220.2432.2723015558167957/60

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
London Limited Spring 2017Second round30 14.13 14.43
14.33     14.59     15.64     14.37     14.13
First round36 14.15 15.64
15.58     14.52     17.46     16.82     14.15
Toronto Winter 2015Second round24 16.04 17.20
16.43     18.53     16.65     18.85     16.04
First round23 12.79 16.30
18.18     17.27     12.79     16.22     15.42
Toronto Fall 2014Second round29 15.71 17.84
16.04     15.71     21.34     16.14     23.34
First round29 15.01 15.99
31.24     16.10     15.71     15.01     16.16
Toronto Summer 2014Second round27 19.66 21.10
22.02     19.66     21.17     23.70     20.10
First round29 18.91 20.45
20.00     18.91     DNF       19.29     22.05
CanadianCUBING 50 2014First round25 15.66 16.30
16.08     16.29     19.18     15.66     16.53
Toronto Spring 2014Second round19 15.19 16.47
16.38     19.90     17.61     15.19     15.41
First round20 15.34 16.91
27.17     16.65     17.12     16.97     15.34
Canadian Open 2013First round49 18.31 20.03
19.25     22.02     24.56     18.31     18.81
Toronto Open Winter 2012Second round29 17.83 19.31
18.55     18.02     21.36     DNF       17.83
First round26 16.16 18.47
17.21     20.69     23.08     16.16     17.50
Canadian Open 2011First round53 20.33 22.27
20.81     24.65     DNF       20.33     21.34
Toronto Summer 2011Second round22 16.72 21.23
18.97     21.05     16.72     23.68     DNF
First round22 17.61 19.12
18.59     22.18     17.61     17.83     20.94
CUBEcentric 2011First round35 18.09 24.17
18.09     34.65     31.34     20.91     20.27
Toronto Spring 2011First round29 20.02 24.24
24.93     20.02     23.08     24.71     25.08
Toronto Fall 2010First round56 22.81 26.78
22.81     25.11     23.56     34.25     31.66
2x2x2 Cube
London Limited Spring 2017First round53 3.52 6.55
6.96      7.96      9.00      3.52      4.72
Toronto Winter 2015Second round18 3.95 5.28
5.16      5.54      5.13      6.22      3.95
First round19 4.29 5.47
7.26      4.40      4.29      4.74      DNF
Toronto Fall 2014Second round17 4.16 4.68
4.29      5.05      6.15      4.71      4.16
First round18 4.79 4.99
5.19      4.87      4.92      5.31      4.79
Toronto Summer 2014Final8 3.13 4.77
4.92      5.13      10.83     4.27      3.13
Second round10 4.14 4.88
4.98      5.77      5.26      4.14      4.39
First round12 4.27 5.14
5.22      6.16      4.87      5.33      4.27
CanadianCUBING 50 2014Second round18 4.18 5.92
4.18      7.40      5.53      6.44      5.78
First round12 4.73 5.10
4.73      5.29      6.10      5.19      4.82
Toronto Spring 2014Second round20 3.82 6.09
10.16     7.06      6.20      3.82      5.01
First round12 4.15 4.71
4.15      4.54      4.34      5.26      7.08
Canadian Open 2013First round36 6.03 6.54
6.03      11.50     6.21      6.60      6.81
Toronto Open Winter 2012Second round22 4.69 7.17
9.28      5.78      4.69      8.93      6.81
First round16 5.65 6.14
7.00      5.88      5.77      5.65      6.77
Canadian Open 2011First round43 6.41 7.87
7.68      DNF       7.88      6.41      8.05
Toronto Summer 2011First round29 8.08 11.11
16.56     16.41     8.36      8.56      8.08
4x4x4 Cube
Toronto Winter 2015Final15 55.37 1:02.52
1:22.25   58.37     55.37     1:05.68   1:03.50
Toronto Summer 2014Final21 1:19.05
1:19.05   DNF
CanadianCUBING 50 2014Final21 54.73 1:08.89
1:22.28   54.73     1:01.39   1:18.96   1:06.33
Toronto Spring 2014Final22 50.23 1:18.94
50.23     1:12.82   DNF       1:00.97   1:43.03
Toronto Open Winter 2012Final26 1:30.71
1:57.80   1:30.71
Canadian Open 2011First round34 1:33.88
1:33.88   1:42.68
Toronto Summer 2011Final13 1:28.84 1:37.30
1:38.43   1:39.68   1:37.66   1:28.84   1:35.80
CUBEcentric 2011Final19 1:31.30
1:35.40   1:31.30
3x3x3 Blindfolded
London Limited Spring 2017Final7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
London Limited Spring 2017First round28 27.04 33.85
31.01     38.34     27.04     32.20     39.90
Toronto Winter 2015Second round18 28.17 32.27
28.17     29.40     30.71     36.71     57.74
First round24 31.65 36.81
36.23     31.65     32.74     41.46     45.21
Toronto Fall 2014Second round25 33.22 39.48
43.96     40.89     43.69     33.22     33.86
First round26 34.98 36.74
50.64     35.43     37.58     34.98     37.20
Toronto Summer 2014Second round17 20.24 34.51
38.10     35.23     33.67     20.24     34.63
First round18 32.58 36.64
42.07     36.44     34.01     39.46     32.58
CanadianCUBING 50 2014First round26 32.62 38.28
32.62     36.98     42.13     35.74     DNF
Toronto Open Winter 2012Second round26 44.77 57.30
1:15.65   DNF       48.28     47.96     44.77
First round27 34.81 48.37
54.09     34.81     1:30.86   47.83     43.18
Canadian Open 2011First round40 44.16 48.17
56.43     44.16     48.08     45.41     51.03
Toronto Summer 2011First round20 49.81 1:09.76
1:12.97   49.81     DNF       1:23.66   52.65
Canadian Open 2011Final21 3:35.50
3:35.50   3:45.40
Toronto Fall 2014Final23 9.71 11.81
9.71      14.01     14.38     10.23     11.20
Toronto Open Winter 2012Final12 13.11 15.35
16.97     13.21     15.86     17.97     13.11
Canadian Open 2011First round20 11.21 13.42
12.52     11.21     11.81     15.94     16.46
Toronto Summer 2011Final14 16.68 18.72
16.68     18.56     21.72     18.02     19.59
Toronto Fall 2014Final4 18.18 24.75
29.88     23.30     23.99     26.95     18.18
CanadianCUBING 50 2014Final4 23.23 29.10
25.57     36.74     23.23     28.58     33.14
Canadian Open 2013Final11 29.65 36.69
29.65     30.80     48.34     34.71     44.55
Canadian Open 2011Final17 41.25 48.68
42.19     DNF       47.63     56.21     41.25
Toronto Spring 2011Final7 44.25 57.40
47.71     44.25     1:15.30   DNF       49.19
London Limited Spring 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 14.13 14.43
14.33     14.59     15.64     14.37     14.13
First round36 14.15 15.64
15.58     14.52     17.46     16.82     14.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round53 3.52 6.55
6.96      7.96      9.00      3.52      4.72
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round28 27.04 33.85
31.01     38.34     27.04     32.20     39.90
Toronto Winter 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 16.04 17.20
16.43     18.53     16.65     18.85     16.04
First round23 12.79 16.30
18.18     17.27     12.79     16.22     15.42
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 3.95 5.28
5.16      5.54      5.13      6.22      3.95
First round19 4.29 5.47
7.26      4.40      4.29      4.74      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 55.37 1:02.52
1:22.25   58.37     55.37     1:05.68   1:03.50
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round18 28.17 32.27
28.17     29.40     30.71     36.71     57.74
First round24 31.65 36.81
36.23     31.65     32.74     41.46     45.21
Toronto Fall 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 15.71 17.84
16.04     15.71     21.34     16.14     23.34
First round29 15.01 15.99
31.24     16.10     15.71     15.01     16.16
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 4.16 4.68
4.29      5.05      6.15      4.71      4.16
First round18 4.79 4.99
5.19      4.87      4.92      5.31      4.79
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round25 33.22 39.48
43.96     40.89     43.69     33.22     33.86
First round26 34.98 36.74
50.64     35.43     37.58     34.98     37.20
PyraminxFinal23 9.71 11.81
9.71      14.01     14.38     10.23     11.20
Square-1Final4 18.18 24.75
29.88     23.30     23.99     26.95     18.18
Toronto Summer 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 19.66 21.10
22.02     19.66     21.17     23.70     20.10
First round29 18.91 20.45
20.00     18.91     DNF       19.29     22.05
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.13 4.77
4.92      5.13      10.83     4.27      3.13
Second round10 4.14 4.88
4.98      5.77      5.26      4.14      4.39
First round12 4.27 5.14
5.22      6.16      4.87      5.33      4.27
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 1:19.05
1:19.05   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round17 20.24 34.51
38.10     35.23     33.67     20.24     34.63
First round18 32.58 36.64
42.07     36.44     34.01     39.46     32.58
CanadianCUBING 50 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 15.66 16.30
16.08     16.29     19.18     15.66     16.53
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 4.18 5.92
4.18      7.40      5.53      6.44      5.78
First round12 4.73 5.10
4.73      5.29      6.10      5.19      4.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 54.73 1:08.89
1:22.28   54.73     1:01.39   1:18.96   1:06.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round26 32.62 38.28
32.62     36.98     42.13     35.74     DNF
Square-1Final4 23.23 29.10
25.57     36.74     23.23     28.58     33.14
Toronto Spring 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 15.19 16.47
16.38     19.90     17.61     15.19     15.41
First round20 15.34 16.91
27.17     16.65     17.12     16.97     15.34
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 3.82 6.09
10.16     7.06      6.20      3.82      5.01
First round12 4.15 4.71
4.15      4.54      4.34      5.26      7.08
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 50.23 1:18.94
50.23     1:12.82   DNF       1:00.97   1:43.03
Canadian Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 18.31 20.03
19.25     22.02     24.56     18.31     18.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 6.03 6.54
6.03      11.50     6.21      6.60      6.81
Square-1Final11 29.65 36.69
29.65     30.80     48.34     34.71     44.55
Toronto Open Winter 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 17.83 19.31
18.55     18.02     21.36     DNF       17.83
First round26 16.16 18.47
17.21     20.69     23.08     16.16     17.50
2x2x2 CubeSecond round22 4.69 7.17
9.28      5.78      4.69      8.93      6.81
First round16 5.65 6.14
7.00      5.88      5.77      5.65      6.77
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 1:30.71
1:57.80   1:30.71
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round26 44.77 57.30
1:15.65   DNF       48.28     47.96     44.77
First round27 34.81 48.37
54.09     34.81     1:30.86   47.83     43.18
PyraminxFinal12 13.11 15.35
16.97     13.21     15.86     17.97     13.11
Canadian Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round53 20.33 22.27
20.81     24.65     DNF       20.33     21.34
2x2x2 CubeFirst round43 6.41 7.87
7.68      DNF       7.88      6.41      8.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 1:33.88
1:33.88   1:42.68
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 44.16 48.17
56.43     44.16     48.08     45.41     51.03
MegaminxFinal21 3:35.50
3:35.50   3:45.40
PyraminxFirst round20 11.21 13.42
12.52     11.21     11.81     15.94     16.46
Square-1Final17 41.25 48.68
42.19     DNF       47.63     56.21     41.25
Toronto Summer 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 16.72 21.23
18.97     21.05     16.72     23.68     DNF
First round22 17.61 19.12
18.59     22.18     17.61     17.83     20.94
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 8.08 11.11
16.56     16.41     8.36      8.56      8.08
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 1:28.84 1:37.30
1:38.43   1:39.68   1:37.66   1:28.84   1:35.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round20 49.81 1:09.76
1:12.97   49.81     DNF       1:23.66   52.65
PyraminxFinal14 16.68 18.72
16.68     18.56     21.72     18.02     19.59
CUBEcentric 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 18.09 24.17
18.09     34.65     31.34     20.91     20.27
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 1:31.30
1:35.40   1:31.30
Toronto Spring 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 20.02 24.24
24.93     20.02     23.08     24.71     25.08
Square-1Final7 44.25 57.40
47.71     44.25     1:15.30   DNF       49.19
Toronto Fall 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round56 22.81 26.78
22.81     25.11     23.56     34.25     31.66
132017-03-25London Limited Spring 2017CanadaLondon, Ontario
122015-03-14Toronto Winter 2015CanadaToronto, Ontario
112014-11-22Toronto Fall 2014CanadaToronto, Ontario
102014-08-09Toronto Summer 2014CanadaToronto, Ontario
92014-07-05CanadianCUBING 50 2014CanadaToronto, Ontario
82014-04-26Toronto Spring 2014CanadaToronto, Ontario
72013-07-06~07Canadian Open 2013CanadaToronto, Ontario
62012-02-11Toronto Open Winter 2012CanadaToronto, Ontario
52011-08-20~21Canadian Open 2011CanadaToronto, Ontario
42011-07-16Toronto Summer 2011CanadaToronto, Ontario
32011-06-04CUBEcentric 2011CanadaToronto, Ontario
22011-04-16Toronto Spring 2011CanadaToronto, Ontario
12010-11-27Toronto Fall 2010CanadaToronto, Ontario

Seen Cubers
