Personal Page

Gabriele Gambino

Name: Gabriele Gambino
Region: Italy
Competitions: 13
WCA ID: Gabriele Gambino2010GAMB01
Gender: Male
Career: 2010.06.05 - 2013.10.06
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube26949531895210.3412.08161674171225148/150
2x2x2 Cube61712991438364.136.56518981462469415/15
4x4x4 Cube26752731872852.0959.1418332512026454/56
5x5x5 Cube54210988338275:17.912/2
3x3x3 One-Handed15231721191119.7527.2115981413220525/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Italy Championship Podiums

Italian Championship 2013
Pyraminx1 5.27 6.35
6.56      8.25      7.03      5.47      5.27

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Big CubingItaly 2013Final8 12.16 13.53
15.21     13.63     12.16     13.68     13.28
Second round6 10.90 13.05
11.58     12.90     15.72     14.66     10.90
First round5 10.59 12.08
11.88     13.34     12.13     10.59     12.24
Milan Blind Day 2013Second round11 12.44 14.23
12.44     15.69     14.46     14.15     14.09
First round6 11.63 13.20
14.96     11.88     11.63     14.08     13.65
Italian Championship 2013Second round14 12.77 14.72
16.38     13.46     12.77     14.31     21.81
First round6 11.28 12.09
11.28     14.68     11.61     11.55     13.11
Milan Winter Open 2013Final6 10.91 13.19
14.59     11.38     15.09     10.91     13.61
Second round9 12.18 14.30
12.77     15.18     14.94     12.18     15.96
First round9 12.80 14.61
14.30     14.34     15.44     12.80     15.18
Milan Blind Day 2012Final5 10.34 13.60
10.34     13.63     16.84     14.05     13.13
Second round7 10.52 14.87
17.61     21.09     15.18     10.52     11.81
First round6 12.50 14.40
13.97     16.18     16.08     13.15     12.50
Legnano Open 2012Final9 13.36 14.50
15.78     14.13     15.72     13.66     13.36
Second round6 12.15 13.31
12.15     12.96     13.65     13.33     15.43
First round5 11.71 13.73
13.15     12.50     15.55     15.88     11.71
Milan Cube Open 2012Second round12 12.11 15.29
12.11     16.66     15.41     16.13     14.34
First round13 11.94 15.50
15.00     11.94     16.33     15.18     16.63
Milan Blind Day 2011Final8 16.21 18.18
DNF       18.11     16.21     18.69     17.75
Second round7 14.03 15.19
14.91     14.61     18.21     16.05     14.03
First round8 14.96 16.18
16.59     17.34     14.96     16.16     15.78
Milan Cube Open 2011First round28 16.46 18.72
21.16     DNF       16.84     18.16     16.46
Halloween Open 2010Second round16 16.18 19.40
16.18     17.65     20.27     20.36     20.28
First round14 17.25 17.69
21.08     17.41     18.11     17.56     17.25
Mantua Open 2010Second round15 14.61 19.19
20.41     19.63     19.05     18.90     14.61
First round14 14.91 19.37
20.53     18.56     14.91     19.02     22.47
Mediolanum Open 2010Final5 16.41 17.26
16.94     18.21     16.41     18.13     16.72
Second round9 15.47 18.18
21.59     16.65     15.47     16.30     22.00
First round15 16.80 19.86
19.55     22.61     18.66     21.38     16.80
Italian Open 2010First round33 21.66 24.58
21.66     25.83     26.78     24.41     23.50
2x2x2 Cube
Milan Cube Open 2011First round16 4.13 6.56
4.13      6.40      6.36      6.91      8.40
Halloween Open 2010First round17 5.68 7.00
7.62      6.83      5.68      7.18      7.00
Mediolanum Open 2010First round14 6.91 7.47
10.05     6.91      7.46      7.13      7.81
4x4x4 Cube
Big CubingItaly 2013Second round11 56.77 1:01.83
1:05.18   59.88     1:00.44   1:07.41   56.77
First round9 55.03 1:02.49
55.03     1:09.00   1:00.53   57.93     DNF
Milan Blind Day 2013First round12 54.02 1:03.24
54.02     54.72     1:08.22   1:06.77   1:12.38
Italian Championship 2013First round12 52.09 59.14
1:00.05   1:05.28   52.09     1:07.93   52.09
Milan Blind Day 2012Second round10 54.55 1:09.59
1:16.71   1:10.77   1:13.11   1:04.88   54.55
First round12 1:04.63 1:11.31
1:13.40   1:04.63   1:13.80   DNF       1:06.72
Legnano Open 2012Final6 52.21 1:03.89
1:06.80   52.21     1:03.53   1:01.34   1:24.38
First round7 57.91 1:05.80
1:08.63   57.91     1:05.27   1:10.15   1:03.50
Milan Cube Open 2012Second round11 57.41 1:05.62
1:11.58   1:06.16   1:05.69   57.41     1:05.02
First round11 1:03.41 1:05.97
1:13.61   1:04.44   1:03.41   1:06.28   1:07.19
Halloween Open 2010Final19 1:44.53
1:44.53   2:02.53
Mediolanum Open 2010First round21 2:02.16
2:02.16   2:20.63
Italian Open 2010First round37 2:28.75
2:28.75   3:02.27
5x5x5 Cube
Italian Open 2010Final22 5:17.91
5:28.60   5:17.91
3x3x3 One-Handed
Milan Blind Day 2013Final7 23.46 27.21
25.50     32.25     23.46     25.34     30.80
Italian Championship 2013Final12 26.61 33.59
33.18     47.16     33.43     26.61     34.15
First round12 27.63 29.18
35.30     29.02     27.63     30.03     28.50
Legnano Open 2012Final7 19.75 30.70
19.75     40.46     26.72     34.00     31.38
First round7 29.52 32.81
36.08     31.55     46.88     30.80     29.52
Milan Winter Open 2013Final3 2:14.03 2:23.14
2:14.03   2:24.59   2:50.80   2:18.41   2:26.43
First round3 2:08.03
2:08.03   2:11.56
Italian Championship 2013Final1 5.27 6.35
6.56      8.25      7.03      5.47      5.27
Legnano Open 2012Final4 6.18 8.98
6.18      9.00      7.53      10.40     16.81
Big CubingItaly 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 12.16 13.53
15.21     13.63     12.16     13.68     13.28
Second round6 10.90 13.05
11.58     12.90     15.72     14.66     10.90
First round5 10.59 12.08
11.88     13.34     12.13     10.59     12.24
4x4x4 CubeSecond round11 56.77 1:01.83
1:05.18   59.88     1:00.44   1:07.41   56.77
First round9 55.03 1:02.49
55.03     1:09.00   1:00.53   57.93     DNF
Milan Blind Day 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round11 12.44 14.23
12.44     15.69     14.46     14.15     14.09
First round6 11.63 13.20
14.96     11.88     11.63     14.08     13.65
4x4x4 CubeFirst round12 54.02 1:03.24
54.02     54.72     1:08.22   1:06.77   1:12.38
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 23.46 27.21
25.50     32.25     23.46     25.34     30.80
Italian Championship 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 12.77 14.72
16.38     13.46     12.77     14.31     21.81
First round6 11.28 12.09
11.28     14.68     11.61     11.55     13.11
4x4x4 CubeFirst round12 52.09 59.14
1:00.05   1:05.28   52.09     1:07.93   52.09
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 26.61 33.59
33.18     47.16     33.43     26.61     34.15
First round12 27.63 29.18
35.30     29.02     27.63     30.03     28.50
PyraminxFinal1 5.27 6.35
6.56      8.25      7.03      5.47      5.27
Milan Winter Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 10.91 13.19
14.59     11.38     15.09     10.91     13.61
Second round9 12.18 14.30
12.77     15.18     14.94     12.18     15.96
First round9 12.80 14.61
14.30     14.34     15.44     12.80     15.18
MegaminxFinal3 2:14.03 2:23.14
2:14.03   2:24.59   2:50.80   2:18.41   2:26.43
First round3 2:08.03
2:08.03   2:11.56
Milan Blind Day 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 10.34 13.60
10.34     13.63     16.84     14.05     13.13
Second round7 10.52 14.87
17.61     21.09     15.18     10.52     11.81
First round6 12.50 14.40
13.97     16.18     16.08     13.15     12.50
4x4x4 CubeSecond round10 54.55 1:09.59
1:16.71   1:10.77   1:13.11   1:04.88   54.55
First round12 1:04.63 1:11.31
1:13.40   1:04.63   1:13.80   DNF       1:06.72
Legnano Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 13.36 14.50
15.78     14.13     15.72     13.66     13.36
Second round6 12.15 13.31
12.15     12.96     13.65     13.33     15.43
First round5 11.71 13.73
13.15     12.50     15.55     15.88     11.71
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 52.21 1:03.89
1:06.80   52.21     1:03.53   1:01.34   1:24.38
First round7 57.91 1:05.80
1:08.63   57.91     1:05.27   1:10.15   1:03.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 19.75 30.70
19.75     40.46     26.72     34.00     31.38
First round7 29.52 32.81
36.08     31.55     46.88     30.80     29.52
PyraminxFinal4 6.18 8.98
6.18      9.00      7.53      10.40     16.81
Milan Cube Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 12.11 15.29
12.11     16.66     15.41     16.13     14.34
First round13 11.94 15.50
15.00     11.94     16.33     15.18     16.63
4x4x4 CubeSecond round11 57.41 1:05.62
1:11.58   1:06.16   1:05.69   57.41     1:05.02
First round11 1:03.41 1:05.97
1:13.61   1:04.44   1:03.41   1:06.28   1:07.19
Milan Blind Day 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 16.21 18.18
DNF       18.11     16.21     18.69     17.75
Second round7 14.03 15.19
14.91     14.61     18.21     16.05     14.03
First round8 14.96 16.18
16.59     17.34     14.96     16.16     15.78
Milan Cube Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 16.46 18.72
21.16     DNF       16.84     18.16     16.46
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 4.13 6.56
4.13      6.40      6.36      6.91      8.40
Halloween Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 16.18 19.40
16.18     17.65     20.27     20.36     20.28
First round14 17.25 17.69
21.08     17.41     18.11     17.56     17.25
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 5.68 7.00
7.62      6.83      5.68      7.18      7.00
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 1:44.53
1:44.53   2:02.53
Mantua Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 14.61 19.19
20.41     19.63     19.05     18.90     14.61
First round14 14.91 19.37
20.53     18.56     14.91     19.02     22.47
Mediolanum Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 16.41 17.26
16.94     18.21     16.41     18.13     16.72
Second round9 15.47 18.18
21.59     16.65     15.47     16.30     22.00
First round15 16.80 19.86
19.55     22.61     18.66     21.38     16.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 6.91 7.47
10.05     6.91      7.46      7.13      7.81
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 2:02.16
2:02.16   2:20.63
Italian Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 21.66 24.58
21.66     25.83     26.78     24.41     23.50
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 2:28.75
2:28.75   3:02.27
5x5x5 CubeFinal22 5:17.91
5:28.60   5:17.91
132013-10-05~06Big CubingItaly 2013ItalyMilan
122013-09-07Milan Blind Day 2013ItalyMilan
112013-03-09~10Italian Championship 2013ItalyMilano
102013-01-12~13Milan Winter Open 2013ItalyMilan
92012-10-06~07Milan Blind Day 2012ItalyMilan
82012-04-29Legnano Open 2012ItalyLegnano
72012-03-10~11Milan Cube Open 2012ItalyMilan
62011-09-04Milan Blind Day 2011ItalyMilan
52011-03-05~06Milan Cube Open 2011ItalyMilan
42010-10-31Halloween Open 2010ItalyMilan
32010-10-16Mantua Open 2010ItalyMantova
22010-09-12Mediolanum Open 2010ItalyMilan
12010-06-05~06Italian Open 2010ItalyBuccinasco (Milan)