Personal Page

Christopher Milburn

Name: Christopher Milburn
Region: United States
Competitions: 14
WCA ID: Christopher Milburn2010MILB01
Gender: Male
Career: 2010.02.27 - 2012.12.15
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube17193228118677118.8123.66922082438818333105/105
2x2x2 Cube975512834457264.227.1160959172901320379/80
4x4x4 Cube1356517858616202:10.362:16.65440711214491667/9
3x3x3 One-Handed7972108554201040.9556.734297811423843010/10
Master Magic14116911304.335.121031159136120/20

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Arizona 2012Second round12 22.00 26.11
23.08     24.40     30.86     35.48     22.00
First round12 19.87 25.89
25.34     29.34     30.36     22.99     19.87
Appalachia 2012Second round16 18.81 26.98
30.61     29.40     24.34     27.21     18.81
First round15 21.91 24.39
23.56     26.69     21.91     28.09     22.93
Ohio Fall 2011First round22 19.77 26.03
24.94     27.47     19.77     25.69     30.08
Arizona Showdown 2011Second round14 22.08 24.70
27.13     22.08     23.25     23.71     35.00
First round14 24.75 25.50
25.69     25.72     25.09     26.34     24.75
Caltech Fall 2011First round46 20.38 30.75
37.88     33.59     20.38     23.82     34.84
Appalachia 2011Second round10 20.56 23.66
20.56     24.13     25.46     21.38     26.02
First round11 23.05 25.85
26.97     23.05     26.06     24.93     26.56
Arizona Open 2011Final14 25.71 29.53
26.94     31.16     38.53     25.71     30.50
First round14 23.31 27.11
23.31     29.61     31.11     27.75     23.96
San Diego 2011First round23 24.72 27.60
35.65     27.56     28.42     26.81     24.72
Berkeley Fall 2010First round29 23.80 29.25
23.80     28.91     52.16     32.28     26.55
Nebraska Open 2010Final13 25.56 29.60
27.83     27.11     37.65     33.86     25.56
Second round13 28.30 30.35
30.83     28.30     29.52     36.36     30.71
First round13 27.41 30.06
27.41     28.36     34.80     29.28     32.53
US Nationals 2010First round166 26.19 31.17
34.94     32.44     28.52     32.55     26.19
Stanford Spring 2010First round31 31.28 36.89
37.61     37.15     31.28     38.78     35.91
Berkeley Spring 2010First round40 30.90 37.02
1:15.13   30.90     38.75     34.88     37.44
Reno Winter 2010First round15 30.02 53.80
49.61     1:03.21   2:06.43   30.02     48.59
2x2x2 Cube
Arizona 2012First round11 7.33 8.40
8.03      10.23     8.81      8.35      7.33
Appalachia 2012Second round11 6.13 7.87
8.22      7.36      9.77      6.13      8.02
First round11 7.94 9.00
9.59      8.25      13.16     9.16      7.94
Ohio Fall 2011Final18 7.40 9.57
12.80     7.65      8.27      7.40      18.55
First round11 5.47 7.11
6.68      7.53      7.43      7.22      5.47
Arizona Showdown 2011Final6 4.22 7.15
9.30      7.27      4.22      7.38      6.80
First round8 7.03 8.78
7.03      8.61      9.00      8.72      11.27
Caltech Fall 2011First round23 7.43 8.12
8.63      7.55      8.19      7.43      13.19
Appalachia 2011Second round10 7.52 9.15
10.03     7.52      8.58      9.84      9.02
First round8 6.52 8.08
7.41      6.52      13.65     8.53      8.30
Arizona Open 2011Final5 5.88 7.46
6.86      7.33      8.19      10.33     5.88
First round8 6.09 7.46
6.09      7.75      8.59      7.34      7.28
San Diego 2011First round17 4.71 9.26
12.63     13.53     7.46      4.71      7.69
Nebraska Open 2010First round16 7.93 12.78
DNF       7.93      11.66     14.71     11.96
US Nationals 2010First round120 7.65 10.05
13.11     9.50      7.65      12.19     8.46
Stanford Spring 2010Final18 9.75 10.53
10.08     33.55     10.83     10.69     9.75
4x4x4 Cube
Appalachia 2012First round13 2:10.36 2:16.65
2:12.72   2:17.88   2:19.36   2:10.36   2:20.88
Caltech Fall 2011Final26 2:34.21
2:34.21   DNF
Appalachia 2011First round16 2:54.68
2:54.68   DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Arizona 2012First round8 40.95 56.73
49.60     57.92     1:02.67   1:12.40   40.95
Appalachia 2012First round13 51.90 58.31
1:07.59   53.41     51.90     56.83     1:04.69
Arizona 2012Final4 25.90 30.14
28.12     33.53     28.78     DNF       25.90
Ohio Fall 2011Final19 26.66 41.56
49.72     41.68     48.08     26.66     34.91
Arizona Showdown 2011Final6 13.33 14.39
13.33     24.08     14.00     15.58     13.59
Berkeley Fall 2010Final12 18.40 28.26
51.43     18.41     31.25     18.40     35.13
Arizona 2012Final4 2.18 2.82
2.89      2.39      3.19      2.18      19.33
Ohio Fall 2011Final17 2.03 4.26
DNF       2.03      2.22      6.09      4.46
Arizona Showdown 2011Final12 2.06 3.80
4.53      2.55      4.31      2.06      7.65
Caltech Fall 2011Final9 1.96 2.55
3.09      1.96      2.63      3.02      2.00
Appalachia 2011Final6 1.90 2.14
2.46      2.00      1.96      1.90      3.30
Arizona Open 2011Final6 1.77 2.92
2.86      1.77      2.69      3.22      DNF
Nebraska Open 2010Final2 1.91 2.64
4.08      3.55      2.33      1.91      2.05
US Nationals 2010First round52 2.21 2.68
3.69      2.77      2.31      2.21      2.96
Stanford Spring 2010Final7 3.11 3.53
3.44      3.65      3.50      3.11      4.86
Master Magic
Arizona 2012Final2 4.91 6.06
7.97      4.99      6.59      6.60      4.91
Ohio Fall 2011Final7 4.33 5.60
5.86      6.25      4.68      4.33      6.50
Arizona Showdown 2011Final5 4.40 5.12
4.68      4.40      7.15      5.97      4.71
Caltech Fall 2011Final6 4.50 5.13
4.66      6.90      5.66      5.08      4.50
Arizona 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round12 22.00 26.11
23.08     24.40     30.86     35.48     22.00
First round12 19.87 25.89
25.34     29.34     30.36     22.99     19.87
2x2x2 CubeFirst round11 7.33 8.40
8.03      10.23     8.81      8.35      7.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round8 40.95 56.73
49.60     57.92     1:02.67   1:12.40   40.95
ClockFinal4 25.90 30.14
28.12     33.53     28.78     DNF       25.90
MagicFinal4 2.18 2.82
2.89      2.39      3.19      2.18      19.33
Master MagicFinal2 4.91 6.06
7.97      4.99      6.59      6.60      4.91
Appalachia 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 18.81 26.98
30.61     29.40     24.34     27.21     18.81
First round15 21.91 24.39
23.56     26.69     21.91     28.09     22.93
2x2x2 CubeSecond round11 6.13 7.87
8.22      7.36      9.77      6.13      8.02
First round11 7.94 9.00
9.59      8.25      13.16     9.16      7.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 2:10.36 2:16.65
2:12.72   2:17.88   2:19.36   2:10.36   2:20.88
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 51.90 58.31
1:07.59   53.41     51.90     56.83     1:04.69
Ohio Fall 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round22 19.77 26.03
24.94     27.47     19.77     25.69     30.08
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 7.40 9.57
12.80     7.65      8.27      7.40      18.55
First round11 5.47 7.11
6.68      7.53      7.43      7.22      5.47
PyraminxFinal19 26.66 41.56
49.72     41.68     48.08     26.66     34.91
MagicFinal17 2.03 4.26
DNF       2.03      2.22      6.09      4.46
Master MagicFinal7 4.33 5.60
5.86      6.25      4.68      4.33      6.50
Arizona Showdown 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 22.08 24.70
27.13     22.08     23.25     23.71     35.00
First round14 24.75 25.50
25.69     25.72     25.09     26.34     24.75
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 4.22 7.15
9.30      7.27      4.22      7.38      6.80
First round8 7.03 8.78
7.03      8.61      9.00      8.72      11.27
PyraminxFinal6 13.33 14.39
13.33     24.08     14.00     15.58     13.59
MagicFinal12 2.06 3.80
4.53      2.55      4.31      2.06      7.65
Master MagicFinal5 4.40 5.12
4.68      4.40      7.15      5.97      4.71
Caltech Fall 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 20.38 30.75
37.88     33.59     20.38     23.82     34.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 7.43 8.12
8.63      7.55      8.19      7.43      13.19
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 2:34.21
2:34.21   DNF
MagicFinal9 1.96 2.55
3.09      1.96      2.63      3.02      2.00
Master MagicFinal6 4.50 5.13
4.66      6.90      5.66      5.08      4.50
Appalachia 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round10 20.56 23.66
20.56     24.13     25.46     21.38     26.02
First round11 23.05 25.85
26.97     23.05     26.06     24.93     26.56
2x2x2 CubeSecond round10 7.52 9.15
10.03     7.52      8.58      9.84      9.02
First round8 6.52 8.08
7.41      6.52      13.65     8.53      8.30
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 2:54.68
2:54.68   DNF
MagicFinal6 1.90 2.14
2.46      2.00      1.96      1.90      3.30
Arizona Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 25.71 29.53
26.94     31.16     38.53     25.71     30.50
First round14 23.31 27.11
23.31     29.61     31.11     27.75     23.96
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 5.88 7.46
6.86      7.33      8.19      10.33     5.88
First round8 6.09 7.46
6.09      7.75      8.59      7.34      7.28
MagicFinal6 1.77 2.92
2.86      1.77      2.69      3.22      DNF
San Diego 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round23 24.72 27.60
35.65     27.56     28.42     26.81     24.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 4.71 9.26
12.63     13.53     7.46      4.71      7.69
Berkeley Fall 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 23.80 29.25
23.80     28.91     52.16     32.28     26.55
PyraminxFinal12 18.40 28.26
51.43     18.41     31.25     18.40     35.13
Nebraska Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 25.56 29.60
27.83     27.11     37.65     33.86     25.56
Second round13 28.30 30.35
30.83     28.30     29.52     36.36     30.71
First round13 27.41 30.06
27.41     28.36     34.80     29.28     32.53
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 7.93 12.78
DNF       7.93      11.66     14.71     11.96
MagicFinal2 1.91 2.64
4.08      3.55      2.33      1.91      2.05
US Nationals 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round166 26.19 31.17
34.94     32.44     28.52     32.55     26.19
2x2x2 CubeFirst round120 7.65 10.05
13.11     9.50      7.65      12.19     8.46
MagicFirst round52 2.21 2.68
3.69      2.77      2.31      2.21      2.96
Stanford Spring 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round31 31.28 36.89
37.61     37.15     31.28     38.78     35.91
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 9.75 10.53
10.08     33.55     10.83     10.69     9.75
MagicFinal7 3.11 3.53
3.44      3.65      3.50      3.11      4.86
Berkeley Spring 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 30.90 37.02
1:15.13   30.90     38.75     34.88     37.44
Reno Winter 2010
3x3x3 CubeFirst round15 30.02 53.80
49.61     1:03.21   2:06.43   30.02     48.59
142012-12-15Arizona 2012United StatesPhoenix, Arizona
132012-09-15Appalachia 2012United StatesClarksburg, West Virginia
122011-12-10Ohio Fall 2011United StatesColumbus, Ohio
112011-12-03Arizona Showdown 2011United StatesGlendale, Arizona
102011-11-19Caltech Fall 2011United StatesPasadena, California
92011-09-17Appalachia 2011United StatesClarksburg, West Virginia
82011-06-04Arizona Open 2011United StatesPhoenix, Arizona
72011-05-28San Diego 2011United StatesSan Diego, California
62010-10-24Berkeley Fall 2010United StatesBerkeley, California
52010-09-04Nebraska Open 2010United StatesOmaha, Nebraska
42010-08-06~08US Nationals 2010United StatesCambridge, Massachusetts
32010-05-23Stanford Spring 2010United StatesStanford, California
22010-04-25Berkeley Spring 2010United StatesBerkeley, California
12010-02-27Reno Winter 2010United StatesReno, Nevada