Personal Page

Adam Particka

Name: Adam Particka
Region: United States
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Adam Particka2010PART01
Gender: Male
Career: 2010.10.23 - 2014.05.17
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube8972119464685613.7816.244414011159836661/65
2x2x2 Cube2007826296916566.728.8284132240531836619/20
4x4x4 Cube1011013471485911:36.411:47.024046111186844718/19
3x3x3 Blindfolded1164153367633:52.16114/13
3x3x3 One-Handed414356602299326.1630.532056749433610138/41

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Remember The Alamo 2014Final8 14.53 16.87
16.93     17.28     16.40     14.53     18.57
Second round7 13.87 16.24
16.69     13.87     20.66     17.22     14.80
First round6 13.78 16.68
19.00     15.90     13.78     16.80     17.33
Houston Winter 2014Second round19 14.72 19.75
14.72     24.06     17.28     DNF       17.92
First round16 15.16 17.73
19.08     17.03     17.08     19.27     15.16
Houston Winter 2013Second round13 16.58 19.18
20.25     19.28     18.11     20.15     16.58
First round12 14.05 19.25
19.97     19.00     14.05     18.77     20.31
Houston Spring 2011Second round8 21.75 22.36
22.66     21.90     21.75     DNF       22.53
First round6 18.47 20.33
19.81     18.66     22.53     DNF       18.47
Dallas Open 2011Second round10 19.13 20.54
21.94     20.97     19.13     19.77     20.88
First round10 14.16 20.11
19.28     21.61     22.39     19.44     14.16
Small Cubes Open 2010Second round9 25.84 30.93
32.72     DNF       26.27     33.80     25.84
First round8 23.84 29.58
23.84     32.30     29.43     30.77     28.55
2x2x2 Cube
Houston Winter 2013First round14 6.72 8.82
9.72      8.72      6.72      8.02      DNF
Houston Spring 2011First round7 7.50 9.53
12.81     8.77      7.50      9.78      10.05
Dallas Open 2011First round17 9.13 10.83
10.50     9.78      12.21     9.13      16.11
Small Cubes Open 2010First round11 16.81 21.06
32.69     16.81     22.43     21.16     19.58
4x4x4 Cube
Remember The Alamo 2014Final17 1:42.55
1:42.55   DNF
Houston Winter 2014Final15 1:37.31
1:44.46   1:37.31
Houston Winter 2013Final10 1:36.41 1:47.02
2:07.09   1:52.53   1:36.41   1:43.25   1:45.28
Houston Spring 2011Final8 2:06.63 2:18.59
2:24.58   2:16.84   2:14.34   2:06.63   3:21.66
Dallas Open 2011Final9 1:43.77 2:12.26
1:43.77   2:09.63   2:09.53   2:28.86   2:17.61
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Houston Winter 2014Final7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Houston Winter 2013Final5 3:52.16 DNF
3:52.16   DNF       5:50.56
Houston Spring 2011Final2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Dallas Open 2011Final2 6:53.03 DNF
DNF       6:53.03   DNS
Small Cubes Open 2010Final3 6:32.31 DNF
DNF       6:32.31   DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed
Remember The Alamo 2014Final3 26.16 30.53
35.03     26.16     37.40     29.81     26.75
First round4 33.36 35.07
35.77     34.34     35.27     35.61     33.36
Houston Winter 2014Final10 29.05 38.01
45.41     39.66     41.36     29.05     33.00
First round11 34.96 36.85
38.59     35.03     34.96     DNF       36.93
Houston Winter 2013Final7 35.43 42.90
42.18     43.71     35.43     47.90     42.80
First round3 32.93 37.68
32.93     42.24     34.63     36.18     DNF
Houston Spring 2011First round6 49.25 59.16
1:10.47   49.25     57.69     52.59     1:07.19
Dallas Open 2011First round11 52.13 1:03.59
1:03.83   52.13     1:05.47   1:19.33   1:01.47
Small Cubes Open 2010First round13 DNF
Remember The Alamo 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 14.53 16.87
16.93     17.28     16.40     14.53     18.57
Second round7 13.87 16.24
16.69     13.87     20.66     17.22     14.80
First round6 13.78 16.68
19.00     15.90     13.78     16.80     17.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 1:42.55
1:42.55   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 26.16 30.53
35.03     26.16     37.40     29.81     26.75
First round4 33.36 35.07
35.77     34.34     35.27     35.61     33.36
Houston Winter 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 14.72 19.75
14.72     24.06     17.28     DNF       17.92
First round16 15.16 17.73
19.08     17.03     17.08     19.27     15.16
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 1:37.31
1:44.46   1:37.31
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 29.05 38.01
45.41     39.66     41.36     29.05     33.00
First round11 34.96 36.85
38.59     35.03     34.96     DNF       36.93
Houston Winter 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 16.58 19.18
20.25     19.28     18.11     20.15     16.58
First round12 14.05 19.25
19.97     19.00     14.05     18.77     20.31
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 6.72 8.82
9.72      8.72      6.72      8.02      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 1:36.41 1:47.02
2:07.09   1:52.53   1:36.41   1:43.25   1:45.28
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 3:52.16 DNF
3:52.16   DNF       5:50.56
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 35.43 42.90
42.18     43.71     35.43     47.90     42.80
First round3 32.93 37.68
32.93     42.24     34.63     36.18     DNF
Houston Spring 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round8 21.75 22.36
22.66     21.90     21.75     DNF       22.53
First round6 18.47 20.33
19.81     18.66     22.53     DNF       18.47
2x2x2 CubeFirst round7 7.50 9.53
12.81     8.77      7.50      9.78      10.05
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 2:06.63 2:18.59
2:24.58   2:16.84   2:14.34   2:06.63   3:21.66
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round6 49.25 59.16
1:10.47   49.25     57.69     52.59     1:07.19
Dallas Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round10 19.13 20.54
21.94     20.97     19.13     19.77     20.88
First round10 14.16 20.11
19.28     21.61     22.39     19.44     14.16
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 9.13 10.83
10.50     9.78      12.21     9.13      16.11
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 1:43.77 2:12.26
1:43.77   2:09.63   2:09.53   2:28.86   2:17.61
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 6:53.03 DNF
DNF       6:53.03   DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 52.13 1:03.59
1:03.83   52.13     1:05.47   1:19.33   1:01.47
Small Cubes Open 2010
3x3x3 CubeSecond round9 25.84 30.93
32.72     DNF       26.27     33.80     25.84
First round8 23.84 29.58
23.84     32.30     29.43     30.77     28.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round11 16.81 21.06
32.69     16.81     22.43     21.16     19.58
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 6:32.31 DNF
DNF       6:32.31   DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 DNF
62014-05-17Remember The Alamo 2014United StatesSan Antonio, Texas
52014-01-04Houston Winter 2014United StatesCypress, Texas
42013-01-05Houston Winter 2013United StatesCypress, Texas
32011-05-21Houston Spring 2011United StatesHouston, Texas
22011-04-02Dallas Open 2011United StatesDallas, Texas
12010-10-23Small Cubes Open 2010United StatesBrownsville, Texas