Personal Page

Hubert Antokolski

Name: Hubert Antokolski
Region: Poland
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Hubert Antokolski2011ANTO01
Gender: Male
Career: 2011.02.12 - 2012.10.14
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube76161812398911.0514.5732100807195379/80
2x2x2 Cube5064154122172.443.7889302892384186/87
4x4x4 Cube118310863384771:18.131:29.71358881011093919/21
5x5x5 Cube113810332320104:09.712/3
3x3x3 Fewest Moves34936549327554/4
3x3x3 One-Handed2902503918818.1924.1611456300334462/63
Master Magic5142714585.005.4911923574515/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Euro 2012Second round102 11.05 15.27
15.93     15.16     14.71     17.08     11.05
First round115 11.55 15.21
15.83     11.55     15.03     19.39     14.78
Polish Nationals 2012Final14 12.94 15.19
15.56     15.08     12.94     18.09     14.94
Second round15 11.71 14.57
14.69     14.40     14.63     15.75     11.71
First round18 12.47 15.31
15.36     14.38     12.47     17.46     16.18
Polish Open 2012Second round22 14.33 15.74
15.58     16.71     18.36     14.94     14.33
First round31 15.86 18.82
19.19     15.86     19.55     17.72     23.13
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012First round18 13.66 16.20
15.94     17.72     20.28     14.93     13.66
Cube Factory 2011First round30 12.90 17.27
12.90     19.06     18.22     17.34     16.25
Poznan Open 2011First round26 15.56 17.41
18.08     15.56     17.40     17.63     17.21
Polish Nationals 2011Second round23 15.19 17.15
16.83     15.19     18.59     22.36     16.02
First round31 17.93 18.80
18.11     23.58     18.65     19.65     17.93
3Mola Open 2011Second round19 17.78 20.29
19.80     DNF       17.78     19.52     21.56
First round13 16.88 18.24
19.63     24.18     16.88     17.47     17.63
Grudziadz Open 2011First round21 22.06 24.14
24.71     24.59     23.47     24.36     22.06
Lodz Open 2011First round47 30.77 31.25
30.77     31.09     31.40     31.27     31.96
2x2x2 Cube
Euro 2012First round19 3.66 3.78
3.83      3.66      3.69      4.91      3.82
Polish Nationals 2012First round23 5.05 6.26
5.33      8.63      8.38      5.06      5.05
Polish Open 2012Final5 3.59 4.35
5.52      3.91      6.09      3.61      3.59
Second round3 3.33 4.13
3.91      4.27      4.22      5.44      3.33
First round6 2.93 4.52
2.93      4.84      4.88      6.09      3.84
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final2 3.34 4.26
4.33      4.86      4.06      3.34      4.39
First round4 3.08 4.12
3.90      4.30      3.08      4.15      4.43
Cube Factory 2011Final8 4.31 5.88
4.31      5.33      8.09      6.75      5.56
First round7 4.15 4.55
4.69      6.18      4.58      4.38      4.15
Poznan Open 2011Final5 4.21 4.96
4.90      4.21      5.30      5.41      4.69
Second round10 2.44 5.21
4.72      8.40      2.44      6.30      4.61
First round13 4.03 5.35
5.65      5.66      4.03      5.36      5.03
Polish Nationals 2011Final11 6.05 6.51
6.80      6.46      6.27      6.05      8.53
Second round11 5.03 6.45
5.03      6.52      6.56      7.22      6.28
First round17 4.94 6.45
6.53      4.94      6.56      6.27      7.68
3Mola Open 2011First round15 5.59 7.85
7.22      5.59      7.71      8.61      DNF
Grudziadz Open 2011First round11 7.08 7.52
7.61      7.30      7.66      7.08      9.36
Lodz Open 2011First round39 10.53
10.53     10.69
4x4x4 Cube
Euro 2012First round139 1:41.33
1:51.81   1:41.33
Polish Nationals 2012First round26 1:20.44
1:20.44   1:33.39
Polish Open 2012First round25 1:18.13 1:29.71
1:18.13   1:26.30   1:25.02   DNF       1:37.81
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final19 1:20.72
1:24.69   1:20.72
Cube Factory 2011Final35 1:47.46
1:47.46   1:52.91
Poznan Open 2011First round30 1:57.63
1:57.71   1:57.63
Polish Nationals 2011First round29 1:37.46
1:58.77   1:37.46
3Mola Open 2011Final14 1:30.65
1:30.65   2:18.18
Grudziadz Open 2011First round17 2:49.66
2:49.66   DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Poznan Open 2011First round23 6:42.50
6:42.50   DNF
3Mola Open 2011Final13 4:09.71
4:09.71   DNS
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Polish Open 2012Final16 55
Cube Factory 2011Final12 56
Poznan Open 2011Final16 57
Polish Nationals 2011Final12 57
3x3x3 One-Handed
Euro 2012Second round56 25.09 28.40
26.44     32.40     28.91     29.86     25.09
First round50 18.19 24.16
26.19     18.19     26.21     23.30     23.00
Polish Nationals 2012Second round12 23.21 25.17
27.71     23.21     23.31     26.00     26.19
First round13 23.68 25.81
32.78     23.68     25.08     26.18     26.18
Polish Open 2012Final11 18.63 28.04
26.90     23.16     18.63     DNF       34.05
Second round11 21.65 25.00
28.34     23.06     28.05     23.90     21.65
First round13 21.19 26.70
27.30     27.55     26.68     21.19     26.13
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012First round13 24.21 27.73
28.46     27.71     24.21     29.38     27.03
Cube Factory 2011Final19 28.50 34.23
34.08     28.50     38.75     31.27     37.33
Poznan Open 2011First round23 38.46
41.78     38.46
Polish Nationals 2011Second round16 38.78 40.52
38.78     45.03     39.69     41.83     40.03
First round23 28.18 37.97
35.58     28.18     53.19     37.18     41.15
3Mola Open 2011First round13 53.56
59.27     53.56
Grudziadz Open 2011First round16 1:03.11
1:03.11   1:10.84
Lodz Open 2011Final26 1:17.53
1:17.53   1:28.93
Polish Open 2012Final22 6:08.22
6:08.22   6:54.71
Euro 2012First round82 10.40 11.76
12.22     11.41     12.43     11.65     10.40
Polish Nationals 2012First round36 13.36
16.05     13.36
Polish Open 2012First round26 14.43 16.95
17.75     14.43     14.44     18.66     20.11
Cube Factory 2011First round21 16.93
21.06     16.93
Poznan Open 2011First round24 18.53
DNF       18.53
Polish Nationals 2011First round17 11.44 12.05
11.44     16.83     12.47     12.13     11.56
3Mola Open 2011First round13 13.08 13.89
14.16     13.84     13.66     DNF       13.08
Lodz Open 2011First round23 15.40
21.33     15.40
Polish Nationals 2012First round14 1:09.31
1:09.31   1:18.27
Polish Open 2012First round12 39.75 54.45
39.75     1:09.61   40.15     1:05.08   58.11
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012Final9 40.46
1:44.08   40.46
Poznan Open 2011First round10 47.77
47.77     1:08.54
Polish Nationals 2011First round9 38.56 53.04
38.56     46.09     53.34     59.69     DNF
3Mola Open 2011Final8 1:06.47
1:06.47   DNF
Euro 2012First round73 1.63 2.53
1.91      1.71      1.63      3.97      DNF
Polish Nationals 2012First round19 1.77 2.22
1.80      DNF       1.86      1.77      3.00
Polish Open 2012First round29 1.65 13.96
6.22      1.65      5.97      DNF       29.69
Cube Factory 2011Final9 1.56 2.17
2.96      1.78      DNF       1.77      1.56
Poznan Open 2011Final9 1.58 1.77
2.03      2.30      1.59      1.69      1.58
Polish Nationals 2011Second round9 1.56 1.80
1.56      2.27      1.58      1.56      3.46
First round12 1.50 2.02
2.91      1.50      3.69      1.61      1.55
3Mola Open 2011Final12 2.59 3.44
2.59      3.38      3.30      3.65      4.65
Master Magic
Euro 2012First round65 5.00 5.49
6.66      5.00      5.22      6.16      5.09
Polish Nationals 2012First round22 5.80 6.13
8.02      5.80      5.91      6.09      6.40
Polish Open 2012First round17 5.06 6.39
7.44      6.19      5.06      7.27      5.72
Euro 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round102 11.05 15.27
15.93     15.16     14.71     17.08     11.05
First round115 11.55 15.21
15.83     11.55     15.03     19.39     14.78
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 3.66 3.78
3.83      3.66      3.69      4.91      3.82
4x4x4 CubeFirst round139 1:41.33
1:51.81   1:41.33
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round56 25.09 28.40
26.44     32.40     28.91     29.86     25.09
First round50 18.19 24.16
26.19     18.19     26.21     23.30     23.00
PyraminxFirst round82 10.40 11.76
12.22     11.41     12.43     11.65     10.40
MagicFirst round73 1.63 2.53
1.91      1.71      1.63      3.97      DNF
Master MagicFirst round65 5.00 5.49
6.66      5.00      5.22      6.16      5.09
Polish Nationals 2012
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 12.94 15.19
15.56     15.08     12.94     18.09     14.94
Second round15 11.71 14.57
14.69     14.40     14.63     15.75     11.71
First round18 12.47 15.31
15.36     14.38     12.47     17.46     16.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 5.05 6.26
5.33      8.63      8.38      5.06      5.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:20.44
1:20.44   1:33.39
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round12 23.21 25.17
27.71     23.21     23.31     26.00     26.19
First round13 23.68 25.81
32.78     23.68     25.08     26.18     26.18
PyraminxFirst round36 13.36
16.05     13.36
Square-1First round14 1:09.31
1:09.31   1:18.27
MagicFirst round19 1.77 2.22
1.80      DNF       1.86      1.77      3.00
Master MagicFirst round22 5.80 6.13
8.02      5.80      5.91      6.09      6.40
Polish Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 14.33 15.74
15.58     16.71     18.36     14.94     14.33
First round31 15.86 18.82
19.19     15.86     19.55     17.72     23.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.59 4.35
5.52      3.91      6.09      3.61      3.59
Second round3 3.33 4.13
3.91      4.27      4.22      5.44      3.33
First round6 2.93 4.52
2.93      4.84      4.88      6.09      3.84
4x4x4 CubeFirst round25 1:18.13 1:29.71
1:18.13   1:26.30   1:25.02   DNF       1:37.81
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal16 55
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 18.63 28.04
26.90     23.16     18.63     DNF       34.05
Second round11 21.65 25.00
28.34     23.06     28.05     23.90     21.65
First round13 21.19 26.70
27.30     27.55     26.68     21.19     26.13
MegaminxFinal22 6:08.22
6:08.22   6:54.71
PyraminxFirst round26 14.43 16.95
17.75     14.43     14.44     18.66     20.11
Square-1First round12 39.75 54.45
39.75     1:09.61   40.15     1:05.08   58.11
MagicFirst round29 1.65 13.96
6.22      1.65      5.97      DNF       29.69
Master MagicFirst round17 5.06 6.39
7.44      6.19      5.06      7.27      5.72
Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012
3x3x3 CubeFirst round18 13.66 16.20
15.94     17.72     20.28     14.93     13.66
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 3.34 4.26
4.33      4.86      4.06      3.34      4.39
First round4 3.08 4.12
3.90      4.30      3.08      4.15      4.43
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 1:20.72
1:24.69   1:20.72
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 24.21 27.73
28.46     27.71     24.21     29.38     27.03
Square-1Final9 40.46
1:44.08   40.46
Cube Factory 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round30 12.90 17.27
12.90     19.06     18.22     17.34     16.25
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 4.31 5.88
4.31      5.33      8.09      6.75      5.56
First round7 4.15 4.55
4.69      6.18      4.58      4.38      4.15
4x4x4 CubeFinal35 1:47.46
1:47.46   1:52.91
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal12 56
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 28.50 34.23
34.08     28.50     38.75     31.27     37.33
PyraminxFirst round21 16.93
21.06     16.93
MagicFinal9 1.56 2.17
2.96      1.78      DNF       1.77      1.56
Poznan Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 15.56 17.41
18.08     15.56     17.40     17.63     17.21
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 4.21 4.96
4.90      4.21      5.30      5.41      4.69
Second round10 2.44 5.21
4.72      8.40      2.44      6.30      4.61
First round13 4.03 5.35
5.65      5.66      4.03      5.36      5.03
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 1:57.63
1:57.71   1:57.63
5x5x5 CubeFirst round23 6:42.50
6:42.50   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal16 57
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round23 38.46
41.78     38.46
PyraminxFirst round24 18.53
DNF       18.53
Square-1First round10 47.77
47.77     1:08.54
MagicFinal9 1.58 1.77
2.03      2.30      1.59      1.69      1.58
Polish Nationals 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round23 15.19 17.15
16.83     15.19     18.59     22.36     16.02
First round31 17.93 18.80
18.11     23.58     18.65     19.65     17.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 6.05 6.51
6.80      6.46      6.27      6.05      8.53
Second round11 5.03 6.45
5.03      6.52      6.56      7.22      6.28
First round17 4.94 6.45
6.53      4.94      6.56      6.27      7.68
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 1:37.46
1:58.77   1:37.46
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal12 57
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round16 38.78 40.52
38.78     45.03     39.69     41.83     40.03
First round23 28.18 37.97
35.58     28.18     53.19     37.18     41.15
PyraminxFirst round17 11.44 12.05
11.44     16.83     12.47     12.13     11.56
Square-1First round9 38.56 53.04
38.56     46.09     53.34     59.69     DNF
MagicSecond round9 1.56 1.80
1.56      2.27      1.58      1.56      3.46
First round12 1.50 2.02
2.91      1.50      3.69      1.61      1.55
3Mola Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 17.78 20.29
19.80     DNF       17.78     19.52     21.56
First round13 16.88 18.24
19.63     24.18     16.88     17.47     17.63
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 5.59 7.85
7.22      5.59      7.71      8.61      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 1:30.65
1:30.65   2:18.18
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 4:09.71
4:09.71   DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 53.56
59.27     53.56
PyraminxFirst round13 13.08 13.89
14.16     13.84     13.66     DNF       13.08
Square-1Final8 1:06.47
1:06.47   DNF
MagicFinal12 2.59 3.44
2.59      3.38      3.30      3.65      4.65
Grudziadz Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round21 22.06 24.14
24.71     24.59     23.47     24.36     22.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round11 7.08 7.52
7.61      7.30      7.66      7.08      9.36
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 2:49.66
2:49.66   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 1:03.11
1:03.11   1:10.84
Lodz Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round47 30.77 31.25
30.77     31.09     31.40     31.27     31.96
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 10.53
10.53     10.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal26 1:17.53
1:17.53   1:28.93
PyraminxFirst round23 15.40
21.33     15.40
102012-10-12~14Euro 2012PolandWroclaw
92012-08-04~05Polish Nationals 2012PolandStarogard Gdanski
82012-05-26~27Polish Open 2012PolandBialystok
72012-04-21Cubing Spring Grudziadz 2012PolandGrudziadz
62011-11-05Cube Factory 2011PolandLodz
52011-09-24~25Poznan Open 2011PolandPoznan
42011-08-13~14Polish Nationals 2011PolandStarogard Gdański
32011-06-043Mola Open 2011PolandGdansk
22011-03-26Grudziadz Open 2011PolandGrudziadz
12011-02-12Lodz Open 2011PolandLodz