Personal Page

Zexian Liu (刘泽贤)

Zexian Liu (刘泽贤)
Name: Zexian Liu (刘泽贤)
Region: China
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Zexian Liu (刘泽贤)2011LIUZ06
Gender: Male
Career: 2011.10.04 - 2023.12.17
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube240172442011110.5412.81202167534253965/65
2x2x2 Cube580118698634965.125.944074612288394110/10
4x4x4 Cube297184772492659.671:11.79267838893300810/10
3x3x3 Blindfolded414118835292:07.154:10.7327438242667/15

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Shenyang Open 2023Second round57 10.58 13.17
14.86     13.73     11.98     13.80     10.58
First round64 10.54 14.12
16.50     14.59     12.96     14.82     10.54
Shenyang Summer 2018Second round25 11.16 12.81
11.27     13.91     14.13     11.16     13.24
First round31 11.68 13.35
11.68     12.82     15.82     12.78     14.45
Shenyang Winter 2016Second round21 13.42 14.65
14.83     13.42     15.37     17.30     13.76
First round19 11.20 14.01
16.19     15.52     11.20     12.21     14.31
Asian Championship 2016Second round148 12.35 13.60
14.05     12.39     12.35     14.35     14.76
First round242 13.76 15.37
14.03     13.76     14.78     17.31     17.95
Shenyang Open 2016Final9 14.59 16.06
17.58     14.59     17.24     15.40     15.55
Semi Final9 11.85 14.40
15.54     14.73     12.93     11.85     17.48
Second round13 13.32 14.81
15.16     15.11     15.08     14.23     13.32
First round11 14.82 15.08
14.83     19.19     15.50     14.92     14.82
ShenYang Open 2011First round72 37.38 38.42
45.61     38.86     37.38     37.47     38.94
2x2x2 Cube
Asian Championship 2016First round159 5.12 5.94
5.91      8.16      6.38      5.53      5.12
Shenyang Open 2016First round25 6.65 7.90
9.45      10.30     6.97      6.65      7.29
4x4x4 Cube
Shenyang Winter 2016Final28 1:03.59 1:13.98
1:03.59   1:09.01   1:08.62   1:24.32   1:28.17
Asian Championship 2016First round156 59.67 1:11.79
59.67     1:19.00   1:07.01   1:09.36   1:19.11
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Shenyang Open 2023First round21 2:07.15 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:07.15
Shenyang Summer 2018Final21 3:52.30 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:52.30
Shenyang Winter 2016First round15 4:14.48 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:14.48
Asian Championship 2016First round51 4:19.52 DNF
DNF       4:19.52   DNF
Shenyang Open 2016Final8 4:01.11 4:10.73
4:04.05   4:01.11   4:27.04
Shenyang Winter 2016Final24 8.88 11.07
8.88      9.57      11.62     12.13     12.01
Asian Championship 2016Second round108 6.72 9.75
6.72      8.90      10.21     16.65     10.13
First round112 7.75 9.42
10.89     7.75      13.50     8.64      8.72
Shenyang Open 2016First round37 10.47 17.29
29.34     19.49     16.73     15.66     10.47
Shenyang Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round57 10.58 13.17
14.86     13.73     11.98     13.80     10.58
First round64 10.54 14.12
16.50     14.59     12.96     14.82     10.54
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round21 2:07.15 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:07.15
Shenyang Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round25 11.16 12.81
11.27     13.91     14.13     11.16     13.24
First round31 11.68 13.35
11.68     12.82     15.82     12.78     14.45
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal21 3:52.30 DNF
DNF       DNF       3:52.30
Shenyang Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 13.42 14.65
14.83     13.42     15.37     17.30     13.76
First round19 11.20 14.01
16.19     15.52     11.20     12.21     14.31
4x4x4 CubeFinal28 1:03.59 1:13.98
1:03.59   1:09.01   1:08.62   1:24.32   1:28.17
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round15 4:14.48 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:14.48
PyraminxFinal24 8.88 11.07
8.88      9.57      11.62     12.13     12.01
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round148 12.35 13.60
14.05     12.39     12.35     14.35     14.76
First round242 13.76 15.37
14.03     13.76     14.78     17.31     17.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round159 5.12 5.94
5.91      8.16      6.38      5.53      5.12
4x4x4 CubeFirst round156 59.67 1:11.79
59.67     1:19.00   1:07.01   1:09.36   1:19.11
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round51 4:19.52 DNF
DNF       4:19.52   DNF
PyraminxSecond round108 6.72 9.75
6.72      8.90      10.21     16.65     10.13
First round112 7.75 9.42
10.89     7.75      13.50     8.64      8.72
Shenyang Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 14.59 16.06
17.58     14.59     17.24     15.40     15.55
Semi Final9 11.85 14.40
15.54     14.73     12.93     11.85     17.48
Second round13 13.32 14.81
15.16     15.11     15.08     14.23     13.32
First round11 14.82 15.08
14.83     19.19     15.50     14.92     14.82
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 6.65 7.90
9.45      10.30     6.97      6.65      7.29
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 4:01.11 4:10.73
4:04.05   4:01.11   4:27.04
PyraminxFirst round37 10.47 17.29
29.34     19.49     16.73     15.66     10.47
ShenYang Open 2011
3x3x3 CubeFirst round72 37.38 38.42
45.61     38.86     37.38     37.47     38.94
62023-12-17Shenyang Open 2023ChinaShenyang, Liaoning
52018-08-05Shenyang Summer 2018ChinaShenyang, Liaoning
42016-12-11Shenyang Winter 2016ChinaShenyang, Liaoning
32016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
22016-04-23~24Shenyang Open 2016ChinaShenyang, Liaoning
12011-10-04ShenYang Open 2011ChinaShenyang, Liaoning