Personal Page

Felipe Inazumi

Name: Felipe Inazumi
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Felipe Inazumi2012INAZ01
Gender: Male
Career: 2012.12.01 - 2013.06.02
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube196578339179619.5827.991149289969257130/30
4x4x4 Cube11734710614692:10.722:38.4944936382010357/7
3x3x3 One-Handed14234748564691:10.862/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Oficina Open 2013Second round26 22.52 27.99
23.53     27.77     37.30     32.68     22.52
First round28 19.58 28.40
28.00     19.58     30.59     33.90     26.61
São Paulo Open 2013Second round43 25.86 29.30
30.65     26.38     37.19     25.86     30.86
First round47 26.58 31.49
27.50     30.61     26.58     36.36     36.84
Americana Open 2012Second round38 33.53 38.98
38.56     33.53     59.46     41.65     36.72
First round33 34.05 35.81
43.15     37.05     35.16     34.05     35.21
4x4x4 Cube
Piracicaba 2013First round13 2:10.72 2:38.49
2:46.43   2:47.59   2:10.72   2:41.19   2:27.86
Oficina Open 2013First round16 2:29.27
2:29.27   2:39.90
3x3x3 One-Handed
Oficina Open 2013First round24 1:10.86
1:17.52   1:10.86
Piracicaba 2013Final4 8.41 11.35
15.48     12.88     9.21      11.97     8.41
First round6 11.91 13.63
13.09     11.91     14.06     13.96     13.84
Oficina Open 2013Final4 9.03 10.75
10.75     9.03      12.94     12.36     9.13
First round5 10.45 11.82
12.40     10.45     20.03     11.05     12.02
Piracicaba 2013
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 2:10.72 2:38.49
2:46.43   2:47.59   2:10.72   2:41.19   2:27.86
PyraminxFinal4 8.41 11.35
15.48     12.88     9.21      11.97     8.41
First round6 11.91 13.63
13.09     11.91     14.06     13.96     13.84
Oficina Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 22.52 27.99
23.53     27.77     37.30     32.68     22.52
First round28 19.58 28.40
28.00     19.58     30.59     33.90     26.61
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 2:29.27
2:29.27   2:39.90
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round24 1:10.86
1:17.52   1:10.86
PyraminxFinal4 9.03 10.75
10.75     9.03      12.94     12.36     9.13
First round5 10.45 11.82
12.40     10.45     20.03     11.05     12.02
São Paulo Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round43 25.86 29.30
30.65     26.38     37.19     25.86     30.86
First round47 26.58 31.49
27.50     30.61     26.58     36.36     36.84
Americana Open 2012
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 33.53 38.98
38.56     33.53     59.46     41.65     36.72
First round33 34.05 35.81
43.15     37.05     35.16     34.05     35.21
42013-06-01~02Piracicaba 2013BrazilPiracicaba, São Paulo
32013-04-13~14Oficina Open 2013BrazilCampinas, São Paulo
22013-01-25~27São Paulo Open 2013BrazilSão Paulo, São Paulo
12012-12-01~02Americana Open 2012BrazilAmericana, São Paulo