Personal Page

Dorian Dewez

Name: Dorian Dewez
Region: Belgium
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Dorian Dewez2013DEWE01
Gender: Male
Career: 2013.11.02 - 2014.08.10
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube186105114189013.1817.35521871285622439/40
2x2x2 Cube1237572240303.134.251411944026845/45
4x4x4 Cube1387410264531:01.231:07.7524545686613221/21
5x5x5 Cube1146184202712:17.162:53.132003459861087/7
3x3x3 Blindfolded40221067653:51.255:16.7129611052165/9
3x3x3 Fewest Moves4931488047491/1
3x3x3 One-Handed5134471287920.3025.841398036475233/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014First round71 18.16 20.08
20.75     18.16     20.22     24.34     19.26
De Wilg Open 2014Second round15 15.08 18.95
15.08     DNF       18.97     20.16     17.71
First round12 13.18 17.35
19.86     13.18     15.77     17.21     19.08
Minx Open 2014Final20 17.06 19.05
19.56     17.06     17.53     20.05     20.50
Second round25 17.80 20.94
21.09     20.15     21.58     17.80     21.66
First round17 16.30 17.92
17.28     17.38     19.50     19.11     16.30
Hasselt Open 2013Second round33 19.75 28.07
27.91     31.69     28.53     27.78     19.75
First round29 21.33 23.08
23.13     22.00     21.33     24.11     26.19
2x2x2 Cube
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Final11 3.68 5.48
5.63      8.68      5.72      5.10      3.68
Second round7 3.53 4.25
3.59      4.73      9.43      3.53      4.43
First round25 3.44 6.02
4.27      3.44      7.61      6.72      7.08
De Wilg Open 2014Final22 3.13 8.29
3.13      13.03     21.38     4.75      7.09
First round4 3.59 4.77
3.59      4.34      4.05      5.93      7.65
Minx Open 2014Final8 4.05 5.46
4.86      6.97      5.55      4.05      5.97
First round7 3.94 5.36
3.94      5.44      5.00      5.63      8.46
Hasselt Open 2013Second round18 6.30 7.27
7.06      11.27     7.43      7.33      6.30
First round21 5.19 7.78
6.46      9.03      7.84      24.27     5.19
4x4x4 Cube
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014First round42 1:01.23
1:01.23   1:19.67
De Wilg Open 2014Final14 1:03.36 1:07.75
1:03.36   1:25.18   1:08.58   1:05.40   1:09.28
First round16 1:09.33 1:13.59
1:11.38   1:09.33   1:10.65   1:32.72   1:18.75
Minx Open 2014Second round18 1:12.05 1:14.84
1:15.52   1:15.52   1:13.47   1:12.05   1:19.83
First round24 1:24.53
1:26.18   1:24.53
Hasselt Open 2013First round34 2:05.66
2:38.21   2:05.66
5x5x5 Cube
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014First round37 2:40.17
3:31.29   2:40.17
De Wilg Open 2014Final20 2:17.16 2:53.13
3:07.53   2:44.21   2:17.16   2:59.47   2:55.71
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Final4 4:40.25 DNF
4:40.25   DNF       DNF
First round7 3:51.25 DNF
DNF       3:51.25   DNF
De Wilg Open 2014Final8 5:00.53 5:16.71
5:43.81   5:05.78   5:00.53
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
De Wilg Open 2014Final6 49
3x3x3 One-Handed
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Second round38 25.15 32.38
DNF       25.15     27.36     27.32     42.47
First round36 20.30 25.84
24.47     20.30     27.36     30.10     25.69
De Wilg Open 2014Final5 25.66 28.17
29.44     27.56     27.50     25.66     33.15
Minx Open 2014Final11 34.66 37.85
39.58     35.55     38.41     34.66     DNF
First round9 26.47 33.55
26.47     30.69     37.38     36.30     33.66
Hasselt Open 2013Final21 43.88 49.21
48.75     51.56     50.43     48.46     43.88
First round19 39.68 46.33
48.69     44.33     45.97     1:13.19   39.68
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Final11 6.71 7.89
8.03      13.35     7.36      6.71      8.27
First round7 5.47 6.88
5.47      8.25      5.61      6.78      9.69
De Wilg Open 2014Final6 6.59 7.68
8.56      6.61      8.63      6.59      7.86
First round5 5.28 7.46
5.28      7.53      8.25      6.61      9.90
Minx Open 2014Final13 5.56 11.41
11.05     13.47     12.21     5.56      10.97
Second round13 6.38 10.16
8.31      11.68     6.38      10.68     11.50
First round10 7.75 8.46
7.75      9.50      7.83      8.56      9.00
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014Final13 12.98 15.96
DNF       19.68     15.05     13.16     12.98
De Wilg Open 2014Final5 11.05 15.74
11.05     17.08     16.71     13.43     DNF
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
De Wilg Open 2014Final3 DNF
Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round71 18.16 20.08
20.75     18.16     20.22     24.34     19.26
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 3.68 5.48
5.63      8.68      5.72      5.10      3.68
Second round7 3.53 4.25
3.59      4.73      9.43      3.53      4.43
First round25 3.44 6.02
4.27      3.44      7.61      6.72      7.08
4x4x4 CubeFirst round42 1:01.23
1:01.23   1:19.67
5x5x5 CubeFirst round37 2:40.17
3:31.29   2:40.17
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 4:40.25 DNF
4:40.25   DNF       DNF
First round7 3:51.25 DNF
DNF       3:51.25   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round38 25.15 32.38
DNF       25.15     27.36     27.32     42.47
First round36 20.30 25.84
24.47     20.30     27.36     30.10     25.69
PyraminxFinal11 6.71 7.89
8.03      13.35     7.36      6.71      8.27
First round7 5.47 6.88
5.47      8.25      5.61      6.78      9.69
SkewbFinal13 12.98 15.96
DNF       19.68     15.05     13.16     12.98
De Wilg Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round15 15.08 18.95
15.08     DNF       18.97     20.16     17.71
First round12 13.18 17.35
19.86     13.18     15.77     17.21     19.08
2x2x2 CubeFinal22 3.13 8.29
3.13      13.03     21.38     4.75      7.09
First round4 3.59 4.77
3.59      4.34      4.05      5.93      7.65
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 1:03.36 1:07.75
1:03.36   1:25.18   1:08.58   1:05.40   1:09.28
First round16 1:09.33 1:13.59
1:11.38   1:09.33   1:10.65   1:32.72   1:18.75
5x5x5 CubeFinal20 2:17.16 2:53.13
3:07.53   2:44.21   2:17.16   2:59.47   2:55.71
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal8 5:00.53 5:16.71
5:43.81   5:05.78   5:00.53
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 49
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 25.66 28.17
29.44     27.56     27.50     25.66     33.15
PyraminxFinal6 6.59 7.68
8.56      6.61      8.63      6.59      7.86
First round5 5.28 7.46
5.28      7.53      8.25      6.61      9.90
SkewbFinal5 11.05 15.74
11.05     17.08     16.71     13.43     DNF
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal3 DNF
Minx Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal20 17.06 19.05
19.56     17.06     17.53     20.05     20.50
Second round25 17.80 20.94
21.09     20.15     21.58     17.80     21.66
First round17 16.30 17.92
17.28     17.38     19.50     19.11     16.30
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 4.05 5.46
4.86      6.97      5.55      4.05      5.97
First round7 3.94 5.36
3.94      5.44      5.00      5.63      8.46
4x4x4 CubeSecond round18 1:12.05 1:14.84
1:15.52   1:15.52   1:13.47   1:12.05   1:19.83
First round24 1:24.53
1:26.18   1:24.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 34.66 37.85
39.58     35.55     38.41     34.66     DNF
First round9 26.47 33.55
26.47     30.69     37.38     36.30     33.66
PyraminxFinal13 5.56 11.41
11.05     13.47     12.21     5.56      10.97
Second round13 6.38 10.16
8.31      11.68     6.38      10.68     11.50
First round10 7.75 8.46
7.75      9.50      7.83      8.56      9.00
Hasselt Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 19.75 28.07
27.91     31.69     28.53     27.78     19.75
First round29 21.33 23.08
23.13     22.00     21.33     24.11     26.19
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 6.30 7.27
7.06      11.27     7.43      7.33      6.30
First round21 5.19 7.78
6.46      9.03      7.84      24.27     5.19
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 2:05.66
2:38.21   2:05.66
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 43.88 49.21
48.75     51.56     50.43     48.46     43.88
First round19 39.68 46.33
48.69     44.33     45.97     1:13.19   39.68
42014-08-09~10Cross-strait Cubing Exchange 2014ChinaFuzhou, Fujian
32014-04-05~06De Wilg Open 2014BelgiumLint
22014-02-22~23Minx Open 2014BelgiumNamur
12013-11-02~03Hasselt Open 2013BelgiumHasselt