Personal Page

Jianfeng Li (李剑锋)

Name: Jianfeng Li (李剑锋)
Region: China
Competitions: 3
WCA ID: Jianfeng Li (李剑锋)2013LIJI09
Gender: Male
Career: 2013.10.27 - 2017.04.30
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube305491382513511.2213.07218518193277435/35
2x2x2 Cube11683968153342.653.667755201858825/25
4x4x4 Cube231264931859552.1757.84171176041218115/15
5x5x5 Cube14354275133831:47.192:02.15138474357144310/10
3x3x3 One-Handed6101813510715.4121.8181623113112623/25

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Weihai Open 2017Second round14 12.09 14.24
12.09     16.86     14.74     13.46     14.52
First round11 13.01 13.76
15.01     13.21     13.06     13.01     15.74
Asian Championship 2016Second round122 12.12 13.07
13.10     15.96     13.79     12.33     12.12
First round156 12.75 13.60
13.32     13.60     12.75     13.88     22.60
Dalian Open 2013Final8 11.22 14.73
16.16     14.22     13.80     11.22     18.19
Second round5 11.86 13.23
13.53     12.61     14.41     13.56     11.86
First round12 13.96 15.33
13.96     14.75     16.50     14.75     19.65
2x2x2 Cube
Weihai Open 2017Final8 4.12 5.37
4.12      4.64      5.30      6.49      6.17
Second round2 2.65 3.66
4.48      4.07      4.17      2.65      2.74
First round7 3.47 4.84
4.34      5.52      3.47      5.68      4.66
Asian Championship 2016First round133 4.41 5.62
8.59      5.26      4.41      6.14      5.46
Dalian Open 2013First round10 4.61 5.95
5.72      4.61      6.05      8.34      6.07
4x4x4 Cube
Weihai Open 2017Final8 52.17 57.84
57.35     52.17     54.45     1:01.72   1:02.16
Asian Championship 2016First round136 57.78 1:00.14
59.91     58.76     1:01.74   57.78     1:02.69
Dalian Open 2013Final6 55.41 1:03.40
1:09.03   55.41     1:08.11   1:00.75   1:01.34
5x5x5 Cube
Asian Championship 2016First round102 1:47.19 2:02.15
1:47.19   2:07.54   2:09.99   2:12.13   1:48.92
Dalian Open 2013Final7 2:15.72 2:21.14
2:19.43   2:15.80   2:36.47   2:15.72   2:28.19
3x3x3 One-Handed
Weihai Open 2017Final5 15.41 21.81
25.48     15.41     22.61     24.57     18.25
First round6 18.41 22.54
18.41     19.33     26.13     22.16     DNF
Asian Championship 2016First round128 17.00 25.29
DNF       28.52     22.18     25.16     17.00
Dalian Open 2013Final7 24.50 27.26
30.86     26.63     25.16     30.00     24.50
First round3 17.94 23.12
17.94     20.56     25.80     26.90     23.00
Dalian Open 2013Final7 2:50.90 3:13.55
2:50.90   3:38.11   2:56.39   3:33.80   3:10.47
Weihai Open 2017First round20 6.00 10.00
10.99     DNF       10.28     6.00      8.72
Asian Championship 2016First round219 10.06 13.76
10.48     15.72     15.08     10.06     DNF
Dalian Open 2013Final5 4.15 9.90
9.47      4.15      10.55     12.52     9.68
Weihai Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 12.09 14.24
12.09     16.86     14.74     13.46     14.52
First round11 13.01 13.76
15.01     13.21     13.06     13.01     15.74
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 4.12 5.37
4.12      4.64      5.30      6.49      6.17
Second round2 2.65 3.66
4.48      4.07      4.17      2.65      2.74
First round7 3.47 4.84
4.34      5.52      3.47      5.68      4.66
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 52.17 57.84
57.35     52.17     54.45     1:01.72   1:02.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 15.41 21.81
25.48     15.41     22.61     24.57     18.25
First round6 18.41 22.54
18.41     19.33     26.13     22.16     DNF
PyraminxFirst round20 6.00 10.00
10.99     DNF       10.28     6.00      8.72
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round122 12.12 13.07
13.10     15.96     13.79     12.33     12.12
First round156 12.75 13.60
13.32     13.60     12.75     13.88     22.60
2x2x2 CubeFirst round133 4.41 5.62
8.59      5.26      4.41      6.14      5.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round136 57.78 1:00.14
59.91     58.76     1:01.74   57.78     1:02.69
5x5x5 CubeFirst round102 1:47.19 2:02.15
1:47.19   2:07.54   2:09.99   2:12.13   1:48.92
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round128 17.00 25.29
DNF       28.52     22.18     25.16     17.00
PyraminxFirst round219 10.06 13.76
10.48     15.72     15.08     10.06     DNF
Dalian Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 11.22 14.73
16.16     14.22     13.80     11.22     18.19
Second round5 11.86 13.23
13.53     12.61     14.41     13.56     11.86
First round12 13.96 15.33
13.96     14.75     16.50     14.75     19.65
2x2x2 CubeFirst round10 4.61 5.95
5.72      4.61      6.05      8.34      6.07
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 55.41 1:03.40
1:09.03   55.41     1:08.11   1:00.75   1:01.34
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 2:15.72 2:21.14
2:19.43   2:15.80   2:36.47   2:15.72   2:28.19
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 24.50 27.26
30.86     26.63     25.16     30.00     24.50
First round3 17.94 23.12
17.94     20.56     25.80     26.90     23.00
MegaminxFinal7 2:50.90 3:13.55
2:50.90   3:38.11   2:56.39   3:33.80   3:10.47
PyraminxFinal5 4.15 9.90
9.47      4.15      10.55     12.52     9.68
32017-04-30Weihai Open 2017ChinaWeihai, Shandong
22016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
12013-10-27Dalian Open 2013ChinaDalian, Liaoning