Personal Page

Nicolay Roness

Name: Nicolay Roness
Region: Norway
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Nicolay Roness2013RONE01
Gender: Male
Career: 2013.06.17 - 2015.10.25
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube12551841984610.4711.9015138393788103/105
2x2x2 Cube1475620171052.754.061191837848968/70
4x4x4 Cube7534091194244.7847.85905625445861/62
5x5x5 Cube1054340144441:50.711:59.801356040509813/15
6x6x6 Cube913609112444:47.9011/1
7x7x7 Cube873378102708:09.881/1
3x3x3 One-Handed15063012432526.9333.6424778633916048/52

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Norway Championship Podiums

Norwegian Championship 2015
4x4x4 Cube3 44.78 49.48
48.19     1:02.43   44.78     50.82     49.42
6x6x6 Cube3 4:47.90
7x7x7 Cube3 8:09.88
Skewb3 5.41 8.52
8.08      10.61     6.86      16.81     5.41
Norwegian Championship 2014
Skewb2 11.44 15.31
14.68     14.40     16.86     11.44     DNF

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Norwegian Championship 2015Final14 12.11 13.82
13.23     12.11     14.58     13.64     14.59
Second round13 12.53 13.62
13.29     14.46     13.30     14.27     12.53
First round14 11.13 14.67
11.13     14.47     15.19     19.67     14.36
Kjeller Open 2014Final5 13.02 14.36
14.41     17.33     13.96     14.71     13.02
Second round7 12.03 14.62
13.44     12.03     19.46     17.37     13.05
First round6 10.47 13.45
10.47     13.00     14.36     12.99     20.13
LeanNova Cube Day 2014Final7 11.12 13.33
12.91     13.81     14.23     13.28     11.12
First round3 11.20 11.90
11.20     12.69     13.88     11.20     11.81
Euro 2014First round165 11.53 18.14
14.92     22.03     DNF       17.47     11.53
Inspiria 2014Second round13 15.55 18.93
20.19     18.94     15.55     23.34     17.66
First round8 13.37 16.05
15.65     16.34     16.17     13.37     17.99
Norwegian Championship 2014Final12 15.71 18.13
15.71     21.40     15.93     24.71     17.05
Second round13 14.15 16.74
17.67     17.11     18.38     15.43     14.15
First round13 15.47 17.64
17.56     15.63     19.74     20.34     15.47
Oslo Fall 2013Final6 14.60 18.46
20.02     18.49     14.60     19.20     17.68
Second round7 18.74 19.00
20.93     18.89     18.74     18.88     19.22
First round7 15.76 18.94
17.31     18.82     15.76     21.04     20.69
Swedish Championship 2013First round34 17.02 20.59
26.77     21.03     18.97     21.76     17.02
Oslo 3x3 2013Final10 23.47 26.61
30.77     35.94     24.75     24.31     23.47
Second round12 26.00 29.23
26.31     28.81     35.58     32.58     26.00
First round14 23.93 36.31
32.63     32.19     44.11     23.93     DNF
2x2x2 Cube
Norwegian Championship 2015Second round20 3.84 5.65
7.01      3.84      6.31      5.28      5.35
First round10 3.13 4.52
4.08      5.14      4.34      5.88      3.13
Kjeller Open 2014Final6 2.75 4.54
4.19      5.25      5.84      4.19      2.75
Second round7 4.43 4.87
4.44      7.61      5.74      4.44      4.43
First round2 3.75 4.15
4.75      5.75      3.75      3.85      3.84
LeanNova Cube Day 2014Final5 3.11 4.06
4.93      4.31      3.11      3.84      4.03
First round8 3.22 4.89
3.22      6.16      5.46      4.09      5.13
Euro 2014First round114 3.85 5.68
4.13      4.92      8.00      DNF       3.85
Inspiria 2014Final4 4.11 4.50
DNF       4.39      4.94      4.11      4.18
First round6 3.41 5.53
8.52      6.98      3.41      5.43      4.18
Norwegian Championship 2014Final5 4.61 5.24
5.56      5.15      5.02      7.81      4.61
Second round7 4.32 5.53
5.91      5.31      7.50      5.36      4.32
First round7 4.56 6.07
6.30      5.86      6.06      4.56      7.57
Swedish Championship 2013First round28 5.82 6.96
6.72      8.55      5.82      7.66      6.49
4x4x4 Cube
Norwegian Championship 2015Final8 44.78 49.48
48.19     1:02.43   44.78     50.82     49.42
Second round7 44.94 47.85
44.94     46.58     55.34     51.03     45.95
First round9 48.96 56.04
1:01.30   53.19     59.41     48.96     55.53
Kjeller Open 2014Final5 52.38 57.73
56.50     58.34     58.34     52.38     1:19.69
First round3 49.30 51.92
54.20     50.60     49.30     59.54     50.96
LeanNova Cube Day 2014Final8 49.97 54.71
49.97     51.55     56.43     56.16     1:19.02
Euro 2014Second round61 50.12 52.55
58.68     54.02     52.92     50.72     50.12
First round63 46.16 51.46
51.29     1:07.28   51.31     51.78     46.16
Inspiria 2014Final4 59.28 1:06.83
1:12.04   59.28     1:11.09   1:01.95   1:07.44
First round4 58.30 1:01.55
59.93     1:02.50   1:05.98   58.30     1:02.22
Norwegian Championship 2014Final7 1:00.82 1:08.23
1:12.60   1:03.89   1:08.19   1:23.18   1:00.82
First round6 58.76 1:08.68
58.76     1:07.46   1:15.21   DNF       1:03.36
Swedish Championship 2013First round34 1:54.06
1:54.06   2:11.38
5x5x5 Cube
Norwegian Championship 2015First round11 2:04.68 2:19.03
2:36.80   2:20.84   2:12.25   2:04.68   2:24.00
Euro 2014First round71 1:50.71 1:59.80
1:50.71   2:09.75   1:57.88   DNF       1:51.78
Norwegian Championship 2014First round12 3:05.22 3:24.99
3:25.34   3:33.96   3:05.22   DNF       3:15.66
6x6x6 Cube
Norwegian Championship 2015Final3 4:47.90
7x7x7 Cube
Norwegian Championship 2015Final4 8:09.88
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Kjeller Open 2015Final7 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Norwegian Championship 2015Second round29 34.65 54.98
34.65     45.63     57.90     1:09.09   1:01.41
First round26 32.38 46.00
48.19     37.38     52.44     32.38     DNF
Kjeller Open 2014Final10 27.22 39.66
41.16     42.99     42.71     35.10     27.22
First round10 33.76 36.23
58.19     34.55     33.76     35.28     38.86
LeanNova Cube Day 2014Final11 36.90 41.25
41.26     42.19     43.37     40.31     36.90
First round12 34.48 38.19
42.96     35.13     36.48     34.48     DNF
Euro 2014First round102 26.93 33.64
26.93     33.01     31.76     36.16     DNF
Inspiria 2014First round11 30.21 48.49
54.69     55.93     35.36     55.42     30.21
Norwegian Championship 2014Second round16 40.75 49.94
40.75     52.96     43.65     1:52.75   53.21
First round15 44.85 49.28
44.85     50.85     50.49     50.95     46.51
Swedish Championship 2013First round41 1:46.22
DNF       1:46.22
Norwegian Championship 2015Second round25 9.27 13.73
11.60     19.11     10.47     24.46     9.27
First round23 11.97 14.74
14.89     11.97     21.53     12.75     16.58
LeanNova Cube Day 2014Final17 4.86 12.75
13.50     4.86      19.94     11.80     12.96
Norwegian Championship 2014First round16 7.96 15.17
15.14     19.08     16.08     7.96      14.30
Swedish Championship 2013Final36 14.59 19.57
14.59     23.08     26.69     18.92     16.71
Norwegian Championship 2015Final8 5.41 8.52
8.08      10.61     6.86      16.81     5.41
First round7 6.33 7.81
8.82      7.82      6.80      10.08     6.33
Kjeller Open 2014Final3 6.95 7.81
7.44      7.77      8.69      6.95      8.23
First round3 4.94 7.17
7.67      4.94      8.09      5.75      8.33
LeanNova Cube Day 2014Final7 5.15 6.48
6.65      5.78      7.01      10.90     5.15
Euro 2014First round57 8.22 13.41
DNF       8.22      11.73     17.62     10.88
Norwegian Championship 2014Final2 11.44 15.31
14.68     14.40     16.86     11.44     DNF
Kjeller Open 2015
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal7 DNF
Norwegian Championship 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 12.11 13.82
13.23     12.11     14.58     13.64     14.59
Second round13 12.53 13.62
13.29     14.46     13.30     14.27     12.53
First round14 11.13 14.67
11.13     14.47     15.19     19.67     14.36
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 3.84 5.65
7.01      3.84      6.31      5.28      5.35
First round10 3.13 4.52
4.08      5.14      4.34      5.88      3.13
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 44.78 49.48
48.19     1:02.43   44.78     50.82     49.42
Second round7 44.94 47.85
44.94     46.58     55.34     51.03     45.95
First round9 48.96 56.04
1:01.30   53.19     59.41     48.96     55.53
5x5x5 CubeFirst round11 2:04.68 2:19.03
2:36.80   2:20.84   2:12.25   2:04.68   2:24.00
6x6x6 CubeFinal3 4:47.90
7x7x7 CubeFinal4 8:09.88
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round29 34.65 54.98
34.65     45.63     57.90     1:09.09   1:01.41
First round26 32.38 46.00
48.19     37.38     52.44     32.38     DNF
PyraminxSecond round25 9.27 13.73
11.60     19.11     10.47     24.46     9.27
First round23 11.97 14.74
14.89     11.97     21.53     12.75     16.58
SkewbFinal8 5.41 8.52
8.08      10.61     6.86      16.81     5.41
First round7 6.33 7.81
8.82      7.82      6.80      10.08     6.33
Kjeller Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 13.02 14.36
14.41     17.33     13.96     14.71     13.02
Second round7 12.03 14.62
13.44     12.03     19.46     17.37     13.05
First round6 10.47 13.45
10.47     13.00     14.36     12.99     20.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.75 4.54
4.19      5.25      5.84      4.19      2.75
Second round7 4.43 4.87
4.44      7.61      5.74      4.44      4.43
First round2 3.75 4.15
4.75      5.75      3.75      3.85      3.84
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 52.38 57.73
56.50     58.34     58.34     52.38     1:19.69
First round3 49.30 51.92
54.20     50.60     49.30     59.54     50.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 27.22 39.66
41.16     42.99     42.71     35.10     27.22
First round10 33.76 36.23
58.19     34.55     33.76     35.28     38.86
SkewbFinal3 6.95 7.81
7.44      7.77      8.69      6.95      8.23
First round3 4.94 7.17
7.67      4.94      8.09      5.75      8.33
LeanNova Cube Day 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 11.12 13.33
12.91     13.81     14.23     13.28     11.12
First round3 11.20 11.90
11.20     12.69     13.88     11.20     11.81
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.11 4.06
4.93      4.31      3.11      3.84      4.03
First round8 3.22 4.89
3.22      6.16      5.46      4.09      5.13
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 49.97 54.71
49.97     51.55     56.43     56.16     1:19.02
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 36.90 41.25
41.26     42.19     43.37     40.31     36.90
First round12 34.48 38.19
42.96     35.13     36.48     34.48     DNF
PyraminxFinal17 4.86 12.75
13.50     4.86      19.94     11.80     12.96
SkewbFinal7 5.15 6.48
6.65      5.78      7.01      10.90     5.15
Euro 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round165 11.53 18.14
14.92     22.03     DNF       17.47     11.53
2x2x2 CubeFirst round114 3.85 5.68
4.13      4.92      8.00      DNF       3.85
4x4x4 CubeSecond round61 50.12 52.55
58.68     54.02     52.92     50.72     50.12
First round63 46.16 51.46
51.29     1:07.28   51.31     51.78     46.16
5x5x5 CubeFirst round71 1:50.71 1:59.80
1:50.71   2:09.75   1:57.88   DNF       1:51.78
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round102 26.93 33.64
26.93     33.01     31.76     36.16     DNF
SkewbFirst round57 8.22 13.41
DNF       8.22      11.73     17.62     10.88
Inspiria 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 15.55 18.93
20.19     18.94     15.55     23.34     17.66
First round8 13.37 16.05
15.65     16.34     16.17     13.37     17.99
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 4.11 4.50
DNF       4.39      4.94      4.11      4.18
First round6 3.41 5.53
8.52      6.98      3.41      5.43      4.18
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 59.28 1:06.83
1:12.04   59.28     1:11.09   1:01.95   1:07.44
First round4 58.30 1:01.55
59.93     1:02.50   1:05.98   58.30     1:02.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round11 30.21 48.49
54.69     55.93     35.36     55.42     30.21
Norwegian Championship 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 15.71 18.13
15.71     21.40     15.93     24.71     17.05
Second round13 14.15 16.74
17.67     17.11     18.38     15.43     14.15
First round13 15.47 17.64
17.56     15.63     19.74     20.34     15.47
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 4.61 5.24
5.56      5.15      5.02      7.81      4.61
Second round7 4.32 5.53
5.91      5.31      7.50      5.36      4.32
First round7 4.56 6.07
6.30      5.86      6.06      4.56      7.57
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 1:00.82 1:08.23
1:12.60   1:03.89   1:08.19   1:23.18   1:00.82
First round6 58.76 1:08.68
58.76     1:07.46   1:15.21   DNF       1:03.36
5x5x5 CubeFirst round12 3:05.22 3:24.99
3:25.34   3:33.96   3:05.22   DNF       3:15.66
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round16 40.75 49.94
40.75     52.96     43.65     1:52.75   53.21
First round15 44.85 49.28
44.85     50.85     50.49     50.95     46.51
PyraminxFirst round16 7.96 15.17
15.14     19.08     16.08     7.96      14.30
SkewbFinal2 11.44 15.31
14.68     14.40     16.86     11.44     DNF
Oslo Fall 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 14.60 18.46
20.02     18.49     14.60     19.20     17.68
Second round7 18.74 19.00
20.93     18.89     18.74     18.88     19.22
First round7 15.76 18.94
17.31     18.82     15.76     21.04     20.69
Swedish Championship 2013
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 17.02 20.59
26.77     21.03     18.97     21.76     17.02
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 5.82 6.96
6.72      8.55      5.82      7.66      6.49
4x4x4 CubeFirst round34 1:54.06
1:54.06   2:11.38
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round41 1:46.22
DNF       1:46.22
PyraminxFinal36 14.59 19.57
14.59     23.08     26.69     18.92     16.71
Oslo 3x3 2013
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 23.47 26.61
30.77     35.94     24.75     24.31     23.47
Second round12 26.00 29.23
26.31     28.81     35.58     32.58     26.00
First round14 23.93 36.31
32.63     32.19     44.11     23.93     DNF
102015-10-24~25Kjeller Open 2015NorwayKjeller
92015-03-14~15Norwegian Championship 2015NorwayKjeller
82014-11-15Kjeller Open 2014NorwayKjeller
72014-10-11LeanNova Cube Day 2014SwedenTrollhättan
62014-08-08~10Euro 2014DenmarkRoskilde
52014-04-12Inspiria 2014NorwaySarpsborg
42014-03-08~09Norwegian Championship 2014NorwayTrondheim
32013-10-14Oslo Fall 2013NorwayOslo
22013-09-14~15Swedish Championship 2013SwedenGothenburg
12013-06-17Oslo 3x3 2013NorwayOslo