Personal Page

Zhenchuan Wang (王震川)

Zhenchuan Wang (王震川)
Name: Zhenchuan Wang (王震川)
Region: China
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Zhenchuan Wang (王震川)2013WANG51
Gender: Male
Career: 2013.08.17 - 2018.05.13
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube717223966338.2210.739069327110952109/110
2x2x2 Cube424613649473624.325.25288598512270545/45
4x4x4 Cube286910269732.6940.39391613864761144/45
5x5x5 Cube26591926961:06.931:10.9720727052081135/35
6x6x6 Cube391116437622:38.262:44.19340810603556/6
7x7x7 Cube31583425633:44.703:55.4224357982996/6
3x3x3 One-Handed3941181348814.0416.93283710183361174/75

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Weihai Open 2018Second round11 8.84 11.47
12.22     14.35     10.03     8.84      12.16
First round5 8.22 10.73
9.48      12.06     10.92     8.22      11.79
Zibo Open 2016Final8 10.24 12.52
10.24     13.71     12.76     12.55     12.26
Second round7 10.34 11.79
10.34     11.50     11.84     14.42     12.02
First round5 9.57 11.14
10.41     11.24     11.76     9.57      11.78
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final54 9.98 11.14
11.07     11.05     9.98      11.36     11.30
Second round77 10.93 11.84
12.51     16.14     10.93     11.82     11.20
First round65 11.22 11.67
11.22     13.80     11.37     11.97     11.66
Linyi Open 2016Final9 8.91 12.48
8.91      12.82     14.01     10.60     19.71
Second round8 10.75 11.83
11.90     11.14     12.46     10.75     12.54
First round4 10.04 11.59
12.27     11.99     10.50     12.57     10.04
Qingdao Open 2016Final2 10.52 12.36
10.52     13.87     12.19     12.84     12.06
Second round3 11.13 12.22
11.13     11.74     13.44     13.47     11.47
First round10 11.01 14.83
11.90     21.11     11.01     11.49     DNF
Zibo Open 2015Final2 9.97 11.46
10.75     9.97      13.50     11.25     12.37
Second round1 9.13 10.75
11.22     13.19     9.13      11.52     9.52
First round5 10.05 12.74
11.65     13.35     13.21     13.59     10.05
Wuxi Open 2015Final5 9.93 11.26
10.75     9.93      11.59     12.18     11.43
Second round6 10.64 11.70
12.05     12.02     11.04     12.53     10.64
First round11 9.36 12.26
10.81     11.91     14.05     9.36      18.08
Wuxi Open 2013Second round21 15.11 17.20
17.65     15.68     18.27     18.52     15.11
First round23 15.16 16.75
19.95     18.23     15.16     15.21     16.81
2x2x2 Cube
Linyi Open 2016Final20 5.27 6.19
6.62      5.27      7.31      5.73      6.21
First round16 4.32 5.31
5.80      5.56      4.32      4.56      5.86
Qingdao Open 2016Final9 5.17 6.07
6.25      6.44      6.04      5.17      5.92
Second round8 4.47 5.25
6.42      5.11      4.47      4.93      5.71
First round11 4.66 5.69
7.66      6.53      4.66      5.79      4.74
Wuxi Open 2015Second round45 5.60 7.08
6.84      6.67      7.72      7.81      5.60
First round38 5.33 6.11
5.56      5.33      7.16      5.61      12.73
Wuxi Open 2013Second round21 4.80 8.51
9.44      8.33      12.74     7.76      4.80
First round19 5.46 7.05
8.65      8.66      5.58      6.93      5.46
4x4x4 Cube
Zibo Open 2016Final4 37.38 47.99
49.63     37.38     51.81     43.72     50.61
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final24 35.47 40.50
35.47     38.13     38.88     44.48     44.89
Second round20 32.69 40.78
42.95     32.69     42.56     36.84     51.10
First round21 38.86 40.39
39.11     39.78     43.58     42.28     38.86
Linyi Open 2016Final3 32.84 43.34
47.21     41.88     40.93     48.89     32.84
Qingdao Open 2016Final1 36.42 40.83
36.42     40.49     48.66     37.05     44.96
First round1 38.59 41.91
42.26     42.28     38.59     45.18     41.18
Wuxi Open 2015Final11 41.71 48.08
49.02     50.93     44.29     DNF       41.71
First round10 37.93 44.28
48.73     43.17     37.93     42.95     46.71
5x5x5 Cube
Weihai Open 2018Final3 1:12.38 1:14.30
1:14.02   1:15.99   1:12.38   1:12.89   1:16.15
First round3 1:06.93 1:14.31
1:12.07   1:13.35   1:17.50   1:23.30   1:06.93
Asian Championship 2016Final11 1:09.00 1:10.97
1:10.10   1:14.08   1:11.49   1:11.32   1:09.00
Second round8 1:08.36 1:12.69
1:11.88   1:11.91   1:14.27   1:18.11   1:08.36
First round24 1:08.00 1:15.35
1:15.59   1:08.00   1:19.05   1:22.93   1:11.42
Qingdao Open 2016Final1 1:14.98 1:20.35
1:20.82   1:14.98   1:25.83   1:16.55   1:23.68
Wuxi Open 2015Final4 1:16.23 1:25.17
1:28.63   1:24.39   1:22.49   1:16.23   1:32.36
6x6x6 Cube
Asian Championship 2016First round25 2:38.26 2:44.19
2:43.54   2:50.77   2:38.26
Wuxi Open 2015Final8 2:49.30 2:57.51
3:09.34   2:49.30   2:53.89
7x7x7 Cube
Asian Championship 2016First round22 3:44.70 3:55.42
3:44.70   4:00.77   4:00.80
Wuxi Open 2015Final7 3:54.19 4:16.30
4:32.20   3:54.19   4:22.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Wuxi Open 2015First round12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Zibo Open 2016Final4 14.04 18.45
18.92     17.03     24.66     14.04     19.39
First round5 15.52 19.02
15.52     19.12     19.86     18.72     19.23
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final36 16.01 18.63
22.64     20.09     16.01     17.43     18.37
Second round41 15.84 18.78
19.99     19.34     19.58     17.42     15.84
First round51 15.90 19.15
16.22     20.25     21.43     20.98     15.90
Linyi Open 2016Final6 15.47 20.12
19.99     15.47     DNF       19.91     20.45
First round8 17.67 20.54
19.04     17.67     21.35     23.91     21.23
Qingdao Open 2016Final1 14.75 16.93
16.86     14.75     20.22     17.31     16.62
First round3 17.43 20.11
21.42     17.43     20.79     22.43     18.13
Zibo Open 2015Final2 15.24 20.26
32.65     19.78     18.12     22.89     15.24
First round3 18.45 20.97
25.35     20.55     18.45     19.98     22.38
Wuxi Open 2015Final7 20.09 21.05
20.09     20.79     21.15     23.87     21.21
Second round6 16.97 19.19
22.21     21.84     17.72     16.97     18.01
First round10 16.12 21.15
24.55     23.42     20.42     19.61     16.12
Wuxi Open 2013Final18 30.81 33.34
30.81     35.56     33.55     36.75     30.91
Weihai Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round11 8.84 11.47
12.22     14.35     10.03     8.84      12.16
First round5 8.22 10.73
9.48      12.06     10.92     8.22      11.79
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:12.38 1:14.30
1:14.02   1:15.99   1:12.38   1:12.89   1:16.15
First round3 1:06.93 1:14.31
1:12.07   1:13.35   1:17.50   1:23.30   1:06.93
Zibo Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 10.24 12.52
10.24     13.71     12.76     12.55     12.26
Second round7 10.34 11.79
10.34     11.50     11.84     14.42     12.02
First round5 9.57 11.14
10.41     11.24     11.76     9.57      11.78
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 37.38 47.99
49.63     37.38     51.81     43.72     50.61
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 14.04 18.45
18.92     17.03     24.66     14.04     19.39
First round5 15.52 19.02
15.52     19.12     19.86     18.72     19.23
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final54 9.98 11.14
11.07     11.05     9.98      11.36     11.30
Second round77 10.93 11.84
12.51     16.14     10.93     11.82     11.20
First round65 11.22 11.67
11.22     13.80     11.37     11.97     11.66
4x4x4 CubeSemi Final24 35.47 40.50
35.47     38.13     38.88     44.48     44.89
Second round20 32.69 40.78
42.95     32.69     42.56     36.84     51.10
First round21 38.86 40.39
39.11     39.78     43.58     42.28     38.86
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 1:09.00 1:10.97
1:10.10   1:14.08   1:11.49   1:11.32   1:09.00
Second round8 1:08.36 1:12.69
1:11.88   1:11.91   1:14.27   1:18.11   1:08.36
First round24 1:08.00 1:15.35
1:15.59   1:08.00   1:19.05   1:22.93   1:11.42
6x6x6 CubeFirst round25 2:38.26 2:44.19
2:43.54   2:50.77   2:38.26
7x7x7 CubeFirst round22 3:44.70 3:55.42
3:44.70   4:00.77   4:00.80
3x3x3 One-HandedSemi Final36 16.01 18.63
22.64     20.09     16.01     17.43     18.37
Second round41 15.84 18.78
19.99     19.34     19.58     17.42     15.84
First round51 15.90 19.15
16.22     20.25     21.43     20.98     15.90
Linyi Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 8.91 12.48
8.91      12.82     14.01     10.60     19.71
Second round8 10.75 11.83
11.90     11.14     12.46     10.75     12.54
First round4 10.04 11.59
12.27     11.99     10.50     12.57     10.04
2x2x2 CubeFinal20 5.27 6.19
6.62      5.27      7.31      5.73      6.21
First round16 4.32 5.31
5.80      5.56      4.32      4.56      5.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 32.84 43.34
47.21     41.88     40.93     48.89     32.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 15.47 20.12
19.99     15.47     DNF       19.91     20.45
First round8 17.67 20.54
19.04     17.67     21.35     23.91     21.23
Qingdao Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 10.52 12.36
10.52     13.87     12.19     12.84     12.06
Second round3 11.13 12.22
11.13     11.74     13.44     13.47     11.47
First round10 11.01 14.83
11.90     21.11     11.01     11.49     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 5.17 6.07
6.25      6.44      6.04      5.17      5.92
Second round8 4.47 5.25
6.42      5.11      4.47      4.93      5.71
First round11 4.66 5.69
7.66      6.53      4.66      5.79      4.74
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 36.42 40.83
36.42     40.49     48.66     37.05     44.96
First round1 38.59 41.91
42.26     42.28     38.59     45.18     41.18
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 1:14.98 1:20.35
1:20.82   1:14.98   1:25.83   1:16.55   1:23.68
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 14.75 16.93
16.86     14.75     20.22     17.31     16.62
First round3 17.43 20.11
21.42     17.43     20.79     22.43     18.13
Zibo Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 9.97 11.46
10.75     9.97      13.50     11.25     12.37
Second round1 9.13 10.75
11.22     13.19     9.13      11.52     9.52
First round5 10.05 12.74
11.65     13.35     13.21     13.59     10.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 15.24 20.26
32.65     19.78     18.12     22.89     15.24
First round3 18.45 20.97
25.35     20.55     18.45     19.98     22.38
Wuxi Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 9.93 11.26
10.75     9.93      11.59     12.18     11.43
Second round6 10.64 11.70
12.05     12.02     11.04     12.53     10.64
First round11 9.36 12.26
10.81     11.91     14.05     9.36      18.08
2x2x2 CubeSecond round45 5.60 7.08
6.84      6.67      7.72      7.81      5.60
First round38 5.33 6.11
5.56      5.33      7.16      5.61      12.73
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 41.71 48.08
49.02     50.93     44.29     DNF       41.71
First round10 37.93 44.28
48.73     43.17     37.93     42.95     46.71
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:16.23 1:25.17
1:28.63   1:24.39   1:22.49   1:16.23   1:32.36
6x6x6 CubeFinal8 2:49.30 2:57.51
3:09.34   2:49.30   2:53.89
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 3:54.19 4:16.30
4:32.20   3:54.19   4:22.52
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round12 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 20.09 21.05
20.09     20.79     21.15     23.87     21.21
Second round6 16.97 19.19
22.21     21.84     17.72     16.97     18.01
First round10 16.12 21.15
24.55     23.42     20.42     19.61     16.12
Wuxi Open 2013
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 15.11 17.20
17.65     15.68     18.27     18.52     15.11
First round23 15.16 16.75
19.95     18.23     15.16     15.21     16.81
2x2x2 CubeSecond round21 4.80 8.51
9.44      8.33      12.74     7.76      4.80
First round19 5.46 7.05
8.65      8.66      5.58      6.93      5.46
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal18 30.81 33.34
30.81     35.56     33.55     36.75     30.91
82018-05-12~13Weihai Open 2018ChinaWeihai, Shandong
72016-11-06Zibo Open 2016ChinaZibo, Shandong
62016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
52016-08-07Linyi Open 2016ChinaLinyi, Shandong
42016-03-20Qingdao Open 2016ChinaQingdao, Shandong
32015-11-15Zibo Open 2015ChinaZibo, Shandong
22015-08-08~09Wuxi Open 2015ChinaWuxi, Jiangsu
12013-08-17Wuxi Open 2013ChinaWuxi, Jiangsu