Personal Page

Changshuo Zhang (张畅铄)

Name: Changshuo Zhang (张畅铄)
Region: China
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Changshuo Zhang (张畅铄)2015ZHAN78
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.11.15 - 2017.07.30
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube890273879478.5111.291170942721430172/75
2x2x2 Cube10223480137532.553.85952325737721175/75
4x4x4 Cube6361916545137.2343.585828207770244/45
5x5x5 Cube511162147641:15.981:26.585246178357019/20
3x3x3 One-Handed323991296513.5615.601824628194274/75

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
China Championship 2017Second round98 9.64 12.50
11.45     17.55     14.00     12.04     9.64
First round67 10.57 11.80
12.05     12.56     11.26     12.10     10.57
Zibo Open 2016Final3 10.68 11.29
11.31     10.71     10.68     11.84     20.48
Second round8 10.77 11.99
10.77     11.80     12.78     14.72     11.40
First round9 11.00 12.90
11.58     11.33     16.47     11.00     15.79
Asian Championship 2016Second round124 10.38 13.14
13.47     10.38     12.18     13.78     14.01
First round67 8.51 11.72
12.22     12.77     10.67     12.26     8.51
Linyi Open 2016Second round16 11.87 13.03
14.59     12.58     14.19     12.31     11.87
First round6 9.79 11.89
9.79      13.74     11.75     10.18     16.32
Qingdao Open 2016Final7 9.91 13.57
14.98     DNF       13.74     9.91      11.99
Second round4 10.22 12.32
12.01     10.22     DNF       12.57     12.39
First round2 11.33 12.08
11.33     11.62     13.03     11.58     16.69
Zibo Open 2015Final4 11.08 12.96
14.74     13.59     11.96     11.08     13.32
Second round8 12.39 14.21
DNF       13.57     14.39     14.68     12.39
First round4 10.77 12.72
12.63     14.37     10.77     12.25     13.28
2x2x2 Cube
China Championship 2017First round181 3.13 5.94
3.13      6.34      6.47      5.81      5.68
Zibo Open 2016Final3 3.60 4.21
3.60      4.79      5.25      3.74      4.10
Second round4 3.63 3.99
4.63      3.97      3.67      3.63      4.32
First round3 3.83 4.44
5.32      3.83      4.47      4.55      4.30
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final26 2.77 3.85
3.99      4.50      2.77      3.77      3.80
Second round40 3.61 4.35
4.55      3.61      6.07      4.24      4.25
First round81 3.40 4.81
4.04      3.40      6.38      6.38      4.00
Linyi Open 2016Final6 3.88 4.56
5.31      3.88      4.88      4.35      4.45
First round7 3.47 4.53
3.47      4.98      4.15      4.79      4.65
Qingdao Open 2016Final2 3.50 4.47
3.50      4.61      4.43      4.73      4.38
Second round3 3.25 4.15
4.55      4.38      3.67      3.25      4.39
First round2 3.21 4.34
3.21      5.54      3.25      4.72      5.04
Zibo Open 2015Final5 4.02 4.98
4.02      4.42      6.20      4.32      8.25
Second round3 2.55 4.19
4.13      4.92      2.55      5.08      3.52
First round4 3.95 4.58
4.22      4.61      6.23      3.95      4.91
4x4x4 Cube
China Championship 2017Semi Final39 44.34 49.38
46.34     46.15     55.64     56.62     44.34
Second round40 37.23 43.58
37.23     43.71     42.72     46.17     44.31
First round61 42.70 47.59
44.39     42.70     53.36     DNF       45.03
Zibo Open 2016Final6 51.08 57.13
58.83     53.35     1:25.43   51.08     59.22
Asian Championship 2016Second round93 51.13 52.55
53.98     58.18     52.17     51.50     51.13
First round101 40.82 53.80
59.14     56.00     53.82     40.82     51.57
Linyi Open 2016Final16 47.44 56.52
57.40     47.44     1:03.85   1:01.21   50.95
Qingdao Open 2016Final5 37.89 50.29
51.18     57.41     37.89     49.47     50.23
First round6 45.04 52.84
54.95     55.46     53.72     45.04     49.84
5x5x5 Cube
China Championship 2017Second round38 1:15.98 1:26.58
1:25.61   1:37.93   1:15.98   1:16.19   DNF
First round54 1:21.16 1:31.64
1:31.76   1:27.67   1:57.43   1:21.16   1:35.49
Asian Championship 2016First round64 1:29.61 1:35.27
1:34.79   1:35.82   1:35.21   1:38.31   1:29.61
Qingdao Open 2016Final5 1:26.20 1:38.66
1:27.92   1:49.82   1:38.24   1:50.44   1:26.20
3x3x3 One-Handed
China Championship 2017Final18 14.86 20.79
22.93     14.86     19.15     29.23     20.30
Semi Final16 14.66 16.81
18.57     16.87     15.94     14.66     17.63
Second round40 14.59 19.51
20.59     18.60     20.72     19.33     14.59
First round18 13.56 16.98
17.11     16.94     16.88     17.97     13.56
Zibo Open 2016Final6 15.79 19.22
15.79     20.43     18.61     21.23     18.63
First round4 15.15 18.97
21.22     23.55     19.38     15.15     16.30
Asian Championship 2016Semi Final34 14.08 18.53
16.92     19.18     14.08     23.73     19.50
Second round59 14.05 20.07
19.99     22.27     19.02     21.21     14.05
First round10 15.17 15.60
15.17     15.60     15.79     18.33     15.41
Linyi Open 2016Final9 16.54 21.05
16.54     DNF       20.07     22.93     20.14
First round7 16.86 19.78
18.44     22.72     19.30     21.60     16.86
Qingdao Open 2016Final3 13.66 18.05
20.87     17.29     17.66     19.21     13.66
First round4 19.06 20.55
19.06     22.29     29.00     20.27     19.09
Zibo Open 2015Final3 15.35 20.69
15.35     16.66     25.94     25.06     20.34
First round1 15.77 17.34
17.46     18.75     18.32     16.25     15.77
China Championship 2017First round195 10.60 11.57
10.77     10.60     12.20     11.75     13.27
Zibo Open 2016Second round29 10.01 13.18
27.08     11.03     18.30     10.22     10.01
First round26 7.73 11.34
11.63     7.73      16.63     11.62     10.76
Asian Championship 2016First round212 6.35 13.52
21.51     13.60     11.05     15.90     6.35
Linyi Open 2016Final17 6.93 9.56
11.58     7.62      6.93      13.61     9.47
China Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round98 9.64 12.50
11.45     17.55     14.00     12.04     9.64
First round67 10.57 11.80
12.05     12.56     11.26     12.10     10.57
2x2x2 CubeFirst round181 3.13 5.94
3.13      6.34      6.47      5.81      5.68
4x4x4 CubeSemi Final39 44.34 49.38
46.34     46.15     55.64     56.62     44.34
Second round40 37.23 43.58
37.23     43.71     42.72     46.17     44.31
First round61 42.70 47.59
44.39     42.70     53.36     DNF       45.03
5x5x5 CubeSecond round38 1:15.98 1:26.58
1:25.61   1:37.93   1:15.98   1:16.19   DNF
First round54 1:21.16 1:31.64
1:31.76   1:27.67   1:57.43   1:21.16   1:35.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal18 14.86 20.79
22.93     14.86     19.15     29.23     20.30
Semi Final16 14.66 16.81
18.57     16.87     15.94     14.66     17.63
Second round40 14.59 19.51
20.59     18.60     20.72     19.33     14.59
First round18 13.56 16.98
17.11     16.94     16.88     17.97     13.56
PyraminxFirst round195 10.60 11.57
10.77     10.60     12.20     11.75     13.27
Zibo Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 10.68 11.29
11.31     10.71     10.68     11.84     20.48
Second round8 10.77 11.99
10.77     11.80     12.78     14.72     11.40
First round9 11.00 12.90
11.58     11.33     16.47     11.00     15.79
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 3.60 4.21
3.60      4.79      5.25      3.74      4.10
Second round4 3.63 3.99
4.63      3.97      3.67      3.63      4.32
First round3 3.83 4.44
5.32      3.83      4.47      4.55      4.30
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 51.08 57.13
58.83     53.35     1:25.43   51.08     59.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 15.79 19.22
15.79     20.43     18.61     21.23     18.63
First round4 15.15 18.97
21.22     23.55     19.38     15.15     16.30
PyraminxSecond round29 10.01 13.18
27.08     11.03     18.30     10.22     10.01
First round26 7.73 11.34
11.63     7.73      16.63     11.62     10.76
Asian Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round124 10.38 13.14
13.47     10.38     12.18     13.78     14.01
First round67 8.51 11.72
12.22     12.77     10.67     12.26     8.51
2x2x2 CubeSemi Final26 2.77 3.85
3.99      4.50      2.77      3.77      3.80
Second round40 3.61 4.35
4.55      3.61      6.07      4.24      4.25
First round81 3.40 4.81
4.04      3.40      6.38      6.38      4.00
4x4x4 CubeSecond round93 51.13 52.55
53.98     58.18     52.17     51.50     51.13
First round101 40.82 53.80
59.14     56.00     53.82     40.82     51.57
5x5x5 CubeFirst round64 1:29.61 1:35.27
1:34.79   1:35.82   1:35.21   1:38.31   1:29.61
3x3x3 One-HandedSemi Final34 14.08 18.53
16.92     19.18     14.08     23.73     19.50
Second round59 14.05 20.07
19.99     22.27     19.02     21.21     14.05
First round10 15.17 15.60
15.17     15.60     15.79     18.33     15.41
PyraminxFirst round212 6.35 13.52
21.51     13.60     11.05     15.90     6.35
Linyi Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 11.87 13.03
14.59     12.58     14.19     12.31     11.87
First round6 9.79 11.89
9.79      13.74     11.75     10.18     16.32
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.88 4.56
5.31      3.88      4.88      4.35      4.45
First round7 3.47 4.53
3.47      4.98      4.15      4.79      4.65
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 47.44 56.52
57.40     47.44     1:03.85   1:01.21   50.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 16.54 21.05
16.54     DNF       20.07     22.93     20.14
First round7 16.86 19.78
18.44     22.72     19.30     21.60     16.86
PyraminxFinal17 6.93 9.56
11.58     7.62      6.93      13.61     9.47
Qingdao Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 9.91 13.57
14.98     DNF       13.74     9.91      11.99
Second round4 10.22 12.32
12.01     10.22     DNF       12.57     12.39
First round2 11.33 12.08
11.33     11.62     13.03     11.58     16.69
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 3.50 4.47
3.50      4.61      4.43      4.73      4.38
Second round3 3.25 4.15
4.55      4.38      3.67      3.25      4.39
First round2 3.21 4.34
3.21      5.54      3.25      4.72      5.04
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 37.89 50.29
51.18     57.41     37.89     49.47     50.23
First round6 45.04 52.84
54.95     55.46     53.72     45.04     49.84
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:26.20 1:38.66
1:27.92   1:49.82   1:38.24   1:50.44   1:26.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 13.66 18.05
20.87     17.29     17.66     19.21     13.66
First round4 19.06 20.55
19.06     22.29     29.00     20.27     19.09
Zibo Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 11.08 12.96
14.74     13.59     11.96     11.08     13.32
Second round8 12.39 14.21
DNF       13.57     14.39     14.68     12.39
First round4 10.77 12.72
12.63     14.37     10.77     12.25     13.28
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 4.02 4.98
4.02      4.42      6.20      4.32      8.25
Second round3 2.55 4.19
4.13      4.92      2.55      5.08      3.52
First round4 3.95 4.58
4.22      4.61      6.23      3.95      4.91
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 15.35 20.69
15.35     16.66     25.94     25.06     20.34
First round1 15.77 17.34
17.46     18.75     18.32     16.25     15.77
62017-07-28~30China Championship 2017ChinaXi'an, Shaanxi
52016-11-06Zibo Open 2016ChinaZibo, Shandong
42016-10-01~03Asian Championship 2016ChinaBeijing
32016-08-07Linyi Open 2016ChinaLinyi, Shandong
22016-03-20Qingdao Open 2016ChinaQingdao, Shandong
12015-11-15Zibo Open 2015ChinaZibo, Shandong