Personal Page

Kyungtae Baek (백경태)

Name: Kyungtae Baek (백경태)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 10
WCA ID: Kyungtae Baek (백경태)2014BAEK02
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.12.20 - 2019.08.18
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube2424137116939.2111.8314774543131490/90
2x2x2 Cube75125855781.873.536780175211864/65
4x4x4 Cube47680772372257.861:02.4720839720843424/25
3x3x3 One-Handed1613242880617.9121.507895300815729/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Korean Championship 2019Second round38 12.13 12.39
12.31     14.32     12.18     12.13     12.68
First round45 9.41 12.81
12.57     12.96     12.91     9.41      17.12
Seoul Winter 2019Second round22 9.78 12.21
12.50     11.25     9.78      14.73     12.87
First round24 9.21 11.83
9.21      12.96     13.32     11.58     10.96
Korean Championship 2018Second round36 10.08 12.06
12.35     12.55     11.28     24.71     10.08
First round28 11.62 11.98
12.40     13.00     11.71     11.62     11.82
Cubedu Korea 2018Second round26 10.81 12.11
11.94     12.46     10.81     11.93     12.83
First round27 10.21 13.06
10.21     16.91     13.26     14.82     11.09
Korean CWR Style 2017First round26 9.64 13.57
16.27     14.31     14.48     11.92     9.64
Korean Championship 2016Second round41 11.21 14.02
14.62     14.31     11.21     14.96     13.13
First round35 10.64 13.21
16.42     10.64     12.73     14.10     12.80
Cube Is Good 2016First round26 13.01 13.55
13.15     13.01     13.31     14.18     15.13
Good Cube Show Korea 2015Semi Final21 12.35 14.91
15.53     13.24     15.97     12.35     19.34
Second round23 14.07 15.36
15.18     14.07     15.75     15.83     15.14
First round31 13.97 15.94
15.89     16.19     21.32     13.97     15.73
Happy Sheep Year 2015Second round20 13.86 15.74
18.48     15.81     15.58     15.84     13.86
First round21 12.72 15.36
12.72     15.08     16.45     14.56     17.46
Korean Christmas Cup 2014First round34 15.75 16.89
19.43     16.95     15.75     16.84     16.89
2x2x2 Cube
Korean Championship 2019Second round16 3.68 3.90
3.68      3.99      3.84      3.88      4.15
First round15 1.87 3.87
3.42      3.73      1.87      6.80      4.47
Seoul Winter 2019Final5 3.00 3.65
4.11      3.00      3.22      3.61      5.54
First round7 3.01 3.53
3.01      3.38      3.85      3.35      4.16
Korean Championship 2018First round25 3.00 4.23
3.00      5.85      5.28      3.42      3.98
Korean CWR Style 2017First round31 3.78 5.25
3.78      4.05      7.33      DNF       4.38
Korean Championship 2016First round12 3.69 4.18
4.11      3.69      4.41      4.01      4.73
Cube Is Good 2016Final6 2.91 3.65
4.26      4.98      3.45      3.23      2.91
First round8 2.38 4.05
4.48      3.40      4.27      2.38      6.29
Good Cube Show Korea 2015Final11 3.33 4.22
4.07      4.04      4.55      5.09      3.33
First round8 3.51 4.27
4.50      7.04      3.51      3.99      4.31
Korean Christmas Cup 2014Final18 4.93 5.58
5.63      6.57      4.93      5.34      5.78
First round18 4.71 5.11
5.49      4.76      4.71      6.60      5.09
4x4x4 Cube
Korean Championship 2019First round57 58.99 1:04.15
1:02.36   58.99     1:06.41   1:13.85   1:03.67
Seoul Winter 2019Final41 1:03.84 1:14.08
1:16.38   1:25.73   1:07.37   1:18.50   1:03.84
Korean Championship 2018First round61 59.10 1:05.18
1:04.99   DNF       59.10     1:06.99   1:03.57
Cubedu Korea 2018Final46 57.86 1:02.47
59.99     57.86     1:05.25   1:02.18   1:08.70
Korean Championship 2016First round64 1:11.39 1:19.68
1:22.74   1:11.39   1:34.18   1:21.31   1:14.98
3x3x3 One-Handed
Korean Championship 2019First round28 20.21 23.16
24.12     20.21     24.92     DNF       20.43
Korean Championship 2018First round21 17.91 21.50
21.03     24.98     19.04     24.44     17.91
Korean CWR Style 2017Final18 19.48 24.43
19.48     31.47     23.78     21.83     27.69
Korean Championship 2016First round22 22.09 23.42
23.03     22.94     22.09     24.28     28.40
Good Cube Show Korea 2015First round18 19.03 28.38
27.41     19.03     31.90     25.84     32.52
Happy Sheep Year 2015Final13 24.81 26.74
32.05     27.87     24.81     25.06     27.29
Korean Championship 2019First round31 8.29 10.34
15.98     10.27     12.02     8.29      8.73
Seoul Winter 2019Final25 6.90 8.65
7.92      11.36     8.36      9.66      6.90
Korean Championship 2018First round46 8.17 11.05
14.97     9.10      8.17      11.98     12.08
Korean Championship 2016Final8 6.05 9.43
8.90      12.01     6.05      7.37      13.34
First round5 5.57 6.10
5.57      6.35      8.38      5.60      6.34
Korean Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round38 12.13 12.39
12.31     14.32     12.18     12.13     12.68
First round45 9.41 12.81
12.57     12.96     12.91     9.41      17.12
2x2x2 CubeSecond round16 3.68 3.90
3.68      3.99      3.84      3.88      4.15
First round15 1.87 3.87
3.42      3.73      1.87      6.80      4.47
4x4x4 CubeFirst round57 58.99 1:04.15
1:02.36   58.99     1:06.41   1:13.85   1:03.67
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round28 20.21 23.16
24.12     20.21     24.92     DNF       20.43
SkewbFirst round31 8.29 10.34
15.98     10.27     12.02     8.29      8.73
Seoul Winter 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 9.78 12.21
12.50     11.25     9.78      14.73     12.87
First round24 9.21 11.83
9.21      12.96     13.32     11.58     10.96
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.00 3.65
4.11      3.00      3.22      3.61      5.54
First round7 3.01 3.53
3.01      3.38      3.85      3.35      4.16
4x4x4 CubeFinal41 1:03.84 1:14.08
1:16.38   1:25.73   1:07.37   1:18.50   1:03.84
SkewbFinal25 6.90 8.65
7.92      11.36     8.36      9.66      6.90
Korean Championship 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round36 10.08 12.06
12.35     12.55     11.28     24.71     10.08
First round28 11.62 11.98
12.40     13.00     11.71     11.62     11.82
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 3.00 4.23
3.00      5.85      5.28      3.42      3.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round61 59.10 1:05.18
1:04.99   DNF       59.10     1:06.99   1:03.57
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 17.91 21.50
21.03     24.98     19.04     24.44     17.91
SkewbFirst round46 8.17 11.05
14.97     9.10      8.17      11.98     12.08
Cubedu Korea 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 10.81 12.11
11.94     12.46     10.81     11.93     12.83
First round27 10.21 13.06
10.21     16.91     13.26     14.82     11.09
4x4x4 CubeFinal46 57.86 1:02.47
59.99     57.86     1:05.25   1:02.18   1:08.70
Korean CWR Style 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 9.64 13.57
16.27     14.31     14.48     11.92     9.64
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 3.78 5.25
3.78      4.05      7.33      DNF       4.38
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal18 19.48 24.43
19.48     31.47     23.78     21.83     27.69
Korean Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round41 11.21 14.02
14.62     14.31     11.21     14.96     13.13
First round35 10.64 13.21
16.42     10.64     12.73     14.10     12.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 3.69 4.18
4.11      3.69      4.41      4.01      4.73
4x4x4 CubeFirst round64 1:11.39 1:19.68
1:22.74   1:11.39   1:34.18   1:21.31   1:14.98
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round22 22.09 23.42
23.03     22.94     22.09     24.28     28.40
SkewbFinal8 6.05 9.43
8.90      12.01     6.05      7.37      13.34
First round5 5.57 6.10
5.57      6.35      8.38      5.60      6.34
Cube Is Good 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 13.01 13.55
13.15     13.01     13.31     14.18     15.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.91 3.65
4.26      4.98      3.45      3.23      2.91
First round8 2.38 4.05
4.48      3.40      4.27      2.38      6.29
Good Cube Show Korea 2015
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final21 12.35 14.91
15.53     13.24     15.97     12.35     19.34
Second round23 14.07 15.36
15.18     14.07     15.75     15.83     15.14
First round31 13.97 15.94
15.89     16.19     21.32     13.97     15.73
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 3.33 4.22
4.07      4.04      4.55      5.09      3.33
First round8 3.51 4.27
4.50      7.04      3.51      3.99      4.31
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 19.03 28.38
27.41     19.03     31.90     25.84     32.52
Happy Sheep Year 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round20 13.86 15.74
18.48     15.81     15.58     15.84     13.86
First round21 12.72 15.36
12.72     15.08     16.45     14.56     17.46
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal13 24.81 26.74
32.05     27.87     24.81     25.06     27.29
Korean Christmas Cup 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 15.75 16.89
19.43     16.95     15.75     16.84     16.89
2x2x2 CubeFinal18 4.93 5.58
5.63      6.57      4.93      5.34      5.78
First round18 4.71 5.11
5.49      4.76      4.71      6.60      5.09
102019-08-16~18Korean Championship 2019Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
92019-02-23~24Seoul Winter 2019Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
82018-07-20~22Korean Championship 2018Republic of Korea경기도 성남시 (Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do)
72018-01-26Cubedu Korea 2018Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
62017-12-30Korean CWR Style 2017Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
52016-08-12~14Korean Championship 2016Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
42016-05-22Cube Is Good 2016Republic of Korea경기도 고양시 (Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do)
32015-05-30~31Good Cube Show Korea 2015Republic of KoreaGoyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
22015-01-24Happy Sheep Year 2015Republic of KoreaSeoul
12014-12-20Korean Christmas Cup 2014Republic of KoreaSeoul