Personal Page

Nikita Chistyakov

Name: Nikita Chistyakov
Region: Belarus
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Nikita Chistyakov2014CHIS01
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.07.19 - 2016.04.24
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube5966812597511.2911.911519339523379/80
2x2x2 Cube505345161212.694.461699352404470/70
4x4x4 Cube2634661217045.0452.441275635763169/70
5x5x5 Cube20272291391:31.491:49.261115233222649/52
6x6x6 Cube253735115724:58.616:06.8399003132213/3
7x7x7 Cube243418103938:20.458:42.5377242435164/4
3x3x3 Blindfolded15174253743:01.993/17
3x3x3 Fewest Moves32170741643849.67414115512516/6
3x3x3 One-Handed11963338113.9117.613503965111190/90

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
BSU Cubing Days 2016First round3 11.29 11.91
11.29     11.94     11.68     12.25     12.12
Dvina Open 2015Second round13 12.70 14.13
15.19     12.70     14.96     13.35     14.09
First round14 13.71 16.44
16.29     13.71     17.04     19.97     15.99
Dvina 3.0 2015Final12 13.20 14.51
13.95     14.82     15.25     13.20     14.76
Second round9 12.74 13.56
12.74     13.00     15.64     12.81     14.88
First round5 11.41 12.32
12.28     13.44     12.46     12.23     11.41
Vitba Winter 2015Final7 11.35 13.79
13.75     14.34     13.27     14.56     11.35
Second round8 12.73 14.65
15.26     12.73     14.58     16.76     14.11
First round7 12.49 13.49
12.49     14.05     14.27     12.57     13.85
Minsk Winter 2014Final7 13.29 14.75
14.50     14.05     13.29     15.70     15.89
First round5 12.41 14.10
15.18     12.41     13.00     14.13     17.11
Dvina OH Edition 2014Final9 11.54 13.67
15.98     12.95     14.37     11.54     13.68
Second round14 16.05 16.77
16.05     20.55     16.84     17.13     16.34
First round15 12.73 15.25
12.73     13.63     14.09     18.45     18.03
Dvina Open 2014Second round24 14.97 19.51
14.97     20.65     19.52     18.35     DNF
First round22 16.96 18.30
20.23     17.71     16.98     16.96     20.21
2x2x2 Cube
BSU Cubing Days 2016First round15 3.68 5.99
9.34      5.21      5.43      7.34      3.68
Dvina Open 2015Final8 5.72 7.08
8.91      5.72      6.88      7.09      7.28
Second round8 2.88 4.46
3.15      4.31      5.92      6.51      2.88
First round10 3.57 5.61
5.70      5.59      3.57      5.53      7.55
Dvina 3.0 2015Second round14 2.69 5.59
6.19      2.69      6.71      3.88      7.30
First round8 5.07 5.34
5.48      5.25      5.98      5.07      5.28
Vitba Winter 2015Final4 3.82 4.61
5.72      3.82      6.87      3.95      4.17
Second round6 3.20 5.37
7.15      5.20      3.20      5.14      5.78
First round7 3.67 5.21
5.20      6.13      4.48      5.95      3.67
Minsk Winter 2014Final12 4.02 6.00
5.97      5.73      6.29      4.02      7.29
Dvina OH Edition 2014Second round18 5.00 6.84
6.56      7.06      5.00      7.50      6.90
First round12 3.94 6.20
5.10      3.94      6.88      7.54      6.63
Dvina Open 2014Second round20 6.26 6.85
6.38      6.26      7.36      7.75      6.82
First round19 5.97 6.99
6.84      5.97      7.27      10.40     6.87
4x4x4 Cube
BSU Cubing Days 2016First round8 49.00 55.67
1:04.36   57.75     52.53     56.74     49.00
Dvina Open 2015Final11 45.16 52.44
47.14     53.06     57.75     57.13     45.16
First round10 50.24 54.78
50.24     52.89     50.85     1:02.69   1:00.61
Dvina 3.0 2015Final8 45.04 56.51
1:00.72   56.75     1:05.55   45.04     52.06
Second round10 58.13 1:00.37
58.13     1:02.48   59.90     58.73     1:03.36
First round8 50.29 55.29
56.14     1:00.37   54.36     50.29     55.38
Vitba Winter 2015Final6 54.94 1:04.49
1:05.41   1:03.17   DNF       1:04.90   54.94
Second round6 49.94 1:00.27
59.45     1:01.55   49.94     59.80     1:05.31
First round7 59.27 1:02.79
59.27     1:04.36   1:05.67   1:01.39   1:02.61
Minsk Winter 2014Final9 58.03 1:01.81
1:17.61   59.91     58.03     1:02.94   1:02.57
Dvina OH Edition 2014Second round13 1:04.92 1:12.49
1:16.43   1:04.92   1:31.15   1:12.35   1:08.70
First round14 59.54 1:12.30
1:17.38   59.54     1:10.89   1:20.70   1:08.62
Dvina Open 2014Second round19 1:12.97 1:18.49
1:17.41   1:12.97   1:15.66   1:22.39   1:24.34
First round19 1:16.31 1:16.99
1:17.66   1:16.37   1:16.95   1:23.75   1:16.31
5x5x5 Cube
BSU Cubing Days 2016Final6 1:31.49 1:50.26
1:47.19   1:31.49   1:58.28   1:49.94   1:53.64
Dvina Open 2015Final7 1:37.99 1:53.98
DNF       1:45.94   1:59.08   1:37.99   1:56.91
First round9 1:43.76 1:49.26
1:52.17   1:44.28   1:51.73   1:51.78   1:43.76
Dvina 3.0 2015Final7 1:48.89 1:58.57
2:03.52   1:57.60   2:08.31   1:54.60   1:48.89
First round7 1:48.29 1:57.36
2:46.17   1:48.29   1:58.58   1:57.46   1:56.04
Vitba Winter 2015Final8 2:09.33 2:20.69
2:31.02   2:09.33   2:17.62   2:22.57   2:21.88
First round7 2:12.67 2:21.03
2:12.67   2:27.53   2:21.82   2:13.89   2:27.39
Minsk Winter 2014Final10 2:09.88 2:23.80
2:29.67   2:27.67   2:25.09   2:18.65   2:09.88
Dvina OH Edition 2014Final11 2:34.24 2:45.81
DNF       2:53.58   2:34.24   2:35.49   2:48.35
First round11 2:36.97
2:45.16   2:36.97
Dvina Open 2014First round18 2:41.10 2:46.82
2:51.95   DNF       2:41.10   2:42.83   2:45.67
6x6x6 Cube
Dvina OH Edition 2014Final10 4:58.61 6:06.83
6:40.24   4:58.61   6:41.64
7x7x7 Cube
Dvina OH Edition 2014Final9 8:20.45 8:42.53
8:20.45   8:52.01   8:55.14
Dvina Open 2014Final13 9:29.09
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Dvina Open 2015First round6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Vitba Winter 2015First round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Minsk Winter 2014Final4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Dvina OH Edition 2014First round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Dvina Open 2014Final5 3:01.99 DNF
DNF       3:01.99   DNF
First round7 4:22.02 DNF
4:51.38   4:22.02   DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Dvina Open 2015Final9 38
Dvina 3.0 2015Final3 50
Vitba Winter 2015Final9 61
Dvina OH Edition 2014First round7 44 49.67
54        51        44
3x3x3 One-Handed
BSU Cubing Days 2016Second round3 15.36 20.20
21.13     24.58     22.22     17.24     15.36
First round3 16.38 17.61
23.38     16.38     17.50     18.02     17.30
Dvina Open 2015Final6 16.22 19.01
17.13     20.48     22.13     19.43     16.22
Second round5 14.22 17.64
16.58     14.22     18.97     17.43     18.90
First round6 16.49 19.84
21.61     20.56     19.93     16.49     19.04
Dvina 3.0 2015Final4 16.90 20.68
20.96     24.47     20.47     20.61     16.90
Second round5 19.31 22.80
31.84     23.78     21.03     23.58     19.31
First round4 14.68 21.02
22.17     18.48     25.56     14.68     22.41
Vitba Winter 2015Final2 13.91 18.80
13.91     20.40     17.42     18.76     20.22
Second round2 17.26 19.41
19.50     17.26     19.98     19.36     19.38
First round2 17.89 20.51
21.74     18.44     25.24     17.89     21.34
Minsk Winter 2014Final3 18.18 20.36
19.58     21.47     21.63     18.18     20.03
Dvina OH Edition 2014Final4 17.80 21.03
17.80     23.93     24.30     20.11     19.06
Second round4 19.05 21.80
22.36     20.64     19.05     26.00     22.40
First round6 18.44 21.88
18.44     24.69     26.15     20.87     20.07
Dvina Open 2014Final11 21.29 24.06
24.92     21.29     23.67     23.58     29.63
Second round10 20.14 24.64
26.90     25.28     21.74     20.14     27.64
First round10 22.88 24.85
27.19     30.49     24.47     22.90     22.88
Dvina Open 2015Final7 12.07 15.68
21.25     22.37     12.07     12.94     12.86
Dvina Open 2015First round6 1:44.33 1:56.90
2:01.91   2:04.08   1:44.33   1:50.44   1:58.36
Dvina 3.0 2015Final8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS       DNS
First round9 2:19.29 2:34.29
3:10.34   2:29.28   2:52.22   2:19.29   2:21.38
Vitba Winter 2015Final6 2:25.72 2:42.14
2:25.72   2:30.65   2:50.58   2:45.20   3:19.66
Dvina OH Edition 2014Final15 4:07.07
4:07.07   4:46.72
BSU Cubing Days 2016First round5 6.44 8.06
7.84      8.77      10.26     6.44      7.58
Dvina Open 2015Final8 6.10 7.89
6.39      6.10      10.30     8.99      8.29
Second round9 4.35 7.78
9.03      4.35      9.11      6.18      8.13
First round9 6.80 8.31
9.13      7.49      10.09     8.30      6.80
Dvina 3.0 2015Final10 7.37 13.33
10.13     11.44     18.41     7.37      DNF
First round6 5.29 6.39
5.29      10.77     6.57      5.98      6.62
Vitba Winter 2015Final7 6.80 9.80
9.36      6.80      8.86      12.97     11.17
Second round7 8.26 9.22
12.75     8.26      9.78      9.30      8.59
First round11 9.63 11.39
9.63      12.04     11.81     10.33     15.14
Minsk Winter 2014Final12 7.78 9.89
9.40      7.78      9.84      18.61     10.42
Dvina OH Edition 2014Final10 9.62 12.96
13.99     13.39     9.62      14.17     11.50
Second round10 8.05 11.90
8.56      8.05      13.56     14.91     13.58
First round11 9.06 11.18
9.69      16.30     9.29      14.57     9.06
Dvina Open 2014First round19 12.19 15.33
12.27     14.58     19.13     19.74     12.19
BSU Cubing Days 2016Final4 8.07 8.97
9.55      10.72     8.68      8.68      8.07
First round4 6.54 9.12
13.54     9.08      8.22      6.54      10.07
Dvina Open 2015Final9 6.27 9.26
7.86      14.33     8.69      11.24     6.27
First round7 6.06 8.49
9.70      7.24      8.91      9.31      6.06
Dvina 3.0 2015Final5 4.39 7.90
4.39      8.22      7.08      8.39      9.21
Second round9 7.82 10.24
10.40     7.82      11.04     13.86     9.28
First round6 7.76 8.54
7.81      7.76      14.03     9.32      8.50
Vitba Winter 2015Final5 8.47 11.07
14.75     12.19     11.13     8.47      9.88
Second round4 8.77 9.76
10.04     13.81     8.82      8.77      10.41
First round2 7.17 7.51
7.73      7.27      7.52      10.58     7.17
Minsk Winter 2014Final16 11.59 13.21
13.32     13.08     13.24     11.59     15.06
Dvina OH Edition 2014First round17 30.77 33.53
34.69     34.84     31.06     30.77     38.75
Dvina Open 2015First round8 41.00 1:05.30
DNF       1:00.50   1:10.58   1:04.81   41.00
BSU Cubing Days 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round3 11.29 11.91
11.29     11.94     11.68     12.25     12.12
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 3.68 5.99
9.34      5.21      5.43      7.34      3.68
4x4x4 CubeFirst round8 49.00 55.67
1:04.36   57.75     52.53     56.74     49.00
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:31.49 1:50.26
1:47.19   1:31.49   1:58.28   1:49.94   1:53.64
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round3 15.36 20.20
21.13     24.58     22.22     17.24     15.36
First round3 16.38 17.61
23.38     16.38     17.50     18.02     17.30
PyraminxFirst round5 6.44 8.06
7.84      8.77      10.26     6.44      7.58
SkewbFinal4 8.07 8.97
9.55      10.72     8.68      8.68      8.07
First round4 6.54 9.12
13.54     9.08      8.22      6.54      10.07
Dvina Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 12.70 14.13
15.19     12.70     14.96     13.35     14.09
First round14 13.71 16.44
16.29     13.71     17.04     19.97     15.99
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 5.72 7.08
8.91      5.72      6.88      7.09      7.28
Second round8 2.88 4.46
3.15      4.31      5.92      6.51      2.88
First round10 3.57 5.61
5.70      5.59      3.57      5.53      7.55
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 45.16 52.44
47.14     53.06     57.75     57.13     45.16
First round10 50.24 54.78
50.24     52.89     50.85     1:02.69   1:00.61
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:37.99 1:53.98
DNF       1:45.94   1:59.08   1:37.99   1:56.91
First round9 1:43.76 1:49.26
1:52.17   1:44.28   1:51.73   1:51.78   1:43.76
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 38
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 16.22 19.01
17.13     20.48     22.13     19.43     16.22
Second round5 14.22 17.64
16.58     14.22     18.97     17.43     18.90
First round6 16.49 19.84
21.61     20.56     19.93     16.49     19.04
ClockFinal7 12.07 15.68
21.25     22.37     12.07     12.94     12.86
MegaminxFirst round6 1:44.33 1:56.90
2:01.91   2:04.08   1:44.33   1:50.44   1:58.36
PyraminxFinal8 6.10 7.89
6.39      6.10      10.30     8.99      8.29
Second round9 4.35 7.78
9.03      4.35      9.11      6.18      8.13
First round9 6.80 8.31
9.13      7.49      10.09     8.30      6.80
SkewbFinal9 6.27 9.26
7.86      14.33     8.69      11.24     6.27
First round7 6.06 8.49
9.70      7.24      8.91      9.31      6.06
Square-1First round8 41.00 1:05.30
DNF       1:00.50   1:10.58   1:04.81   41.00
Dvina 3.0 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 13.20 14.51
13.95     14.82     15.25     13.20     14.76
Second round9 12.74 13.56
12.74     13.00     15.64     12.81     14.88
First round5 11.41 12.32
12.28     13.44     12.46     12.23     11.41
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 2.69 5.59
6.19      2.69      6.71      3.88      7.30
First round8 5.07 5.34
5.48      5.25      5.98      5.07      5.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 45.04 56.51
1:00.72   56.75     1:05.55   45.04     52.06
Second round10 58.13 1:00.37
58.13     1:02.48   59.90     58.73     1:03.36
First round8 50.29 55.29
56.14     1:00.37   54.36     50.29     55.38
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:48.89 1:58.57
2:03.52   1:57.60   2:08.31   1:54.60   1:48.89
First round7 1:48.29 1:57.36
2:46.17   1:48.29   1:58.58   1:57.46   1:56.04
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal3 50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 16.90 20.68
20.96     24.47     20.47     20.61     16.90
Second round5 19.31 22.80
31.84     23.78     21.03     23.58     19.31
First round4 14.68 21.02
22.17     18.48     25.56     14.68     22.41
MegaminxFinal8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS       DNS
First round9 2:19.29 2:34.29
3:10.34   2:29.28   2:52.22   2:19.29   2:21.38
PyraminxFinal10 7.37 13.33
10.13     11.44     18.41     7.37      DNF
First round6 5.29 6.39
5.29      10.77     6.57      5.98      6.62
SkewbFinal5 4.39 7.90
4.39      8.22      7.08      8.39      9.21
Second round9 7.82 10.24
10.40     7.82      11.04     13.86     9.28
First round6 7.76 8.54
7.81      7.76      14.03     9.32      8.50
Vitba Winter 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 11.35 13.79
13.75     14.34     13.27     14.56     11.35
Second round8 12.73 14.65
15.26     12.73     14.58     16.76     14.11
First round7 12.49 13.49
12.49     14.05     14.27     12.57     13.85
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.82 4.61
5.72      3.82      6.87      3.95      4.17
Second round6 3.20 5.37
7.15      5.20      3.20      5.14      5.78
First round7 3.67 5.21
5.20      6.13      4.48      5.95      3.67
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 54.94 1:04.49
1:05.41   1:03.17   DNF       1:04.90   54.94
Second round6 49.94 1:00.27
59.45     1:01.55   49.94     59.80     1:05.31
First round7 59.27 1:02.79
59.27     1:04.36   1:05.67   1:01.39   1:02.61
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 2:09.33 2:20.69
2:31.02   2:09.33   2:17.62   2:22.57   2:21.88
First round7 2:12.67 2:21.03
2:12.67   2:27.53   2:21.82   2:13.89   2:27.39
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round9 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 61
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 13.91 18.80
13.91     20.40     17.42     18.76     20.22
Second round2 17.26 19.41
19.50     17.26     19.98     19.36     19.38
First round2 17.89 20.51
21.74     18.44     25.24     17.89     21.34
MegaminxFinal6 2:25.72 2:42.14
2:25.72   2:30.65   2:50.58   2:45.20   3:19.66
PyraminxFinal7 6.80 9.80
9.36      6.80      8.86      12.97     11.17
Second round7 8.26 9.22
12.75     8.26      9.78      9.30      8.59
First round11 9.63 11.39
9.63      12.04     11.81     10.33     15.14
SkewbFinal5 8.47 11.07
14.75     12.19     11.13     8.47      9.88
Second round4 8.77 9.76
10.04     13.81     8.82      8.77      10.41
First round2 7.17 7.51
7.73      7.27      7.52      10.58     7.17
Minsk Winter 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 13.29 14.75
14.50     14.05     13.29     15.70     15.89
First round5 12.41 14.10
15.18     12.41     13.00     14.13     17.11
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 4.02 6.00
5.97      5.73      6.29      4.02      7.29
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 58.03 1:01.81
1:17.61   59.91     58.03     1:02.94   1:02.57
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 2:09.88 2:23.80
2:29.67   2:27.67   2:25.09   2:18.65   2:09.88
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 18.18 20.36
19.58     21.47     21.63     18.18     20.03
PyraminxFinal12 7.78 9.89
9.40      7.78      9.84      18.61     10.42
SkewbFinal16 11.59 13.21
13.32     13.08     13.24     11.59     15.06
Dvina OH Edition 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 11.54 13.67
15.98     12.95     14.37     11.54     13.68
Second round14 16.05 16.77
16.05     20.55     16.84     17.13     16.34
First round15 12.73 15.25
12.73     13.63     14.09     18.45     18.03
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 5.00 6.84
6.56      7.06      5.00      7.50      6.90
First round12 3.94 6.20
5.10      3.94      6.88      7.54      6.63
4x4x4 CubeSecond round13 1:04.92 1:12.49
1:16.43   1:04.92   1:31.15   1:12.35   1:08.70
First round14 59.54 1:12.30
1:17.38   59.54     1:10.89   1:20.70   1:08.62
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 2:34.24 2:45.81
DNF       2:53.58   2:34.24   2:35.49   2:48.35
First round11 2:36.97
2:45.16   2:36.97
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 4:58.61 6:06.83
6:40.24   4:58.61   6:41.64
7x7x7 CubeFinal9 8:20.45 8:42.53
8:20.45   8:52.01   8:55.14
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFirst round7 44 49.67
54        51        44
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 17.80 21.03
17.80     23.93     24.30     20.11     19.06
Second round4 19.05 21.80
22.36     20.64     19.05     26.00     22.40
First round6 18.44 21.88
18.44     24.69     26.15     20.87     20.07
MegaminxFinal15 4:07.07
4:07.07   4:46.72
PyraminxFinal10 9.62 12.96
13.99     13.39     9.62      14.17     11.50
Second round10 8.05 11.90
8.56      8.05      13.56     14.91     13.58
First round11 9.06 11.18
9.69      16.30     9.29      14.57     9.06
SkewbFirst round17 30.77 33.53
34.69     34.84     31.06     30.77     38.75
Dvina Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 14.97 19.51
14.97     20.65     19.52     18.35     DNF
First round22 16.96 18.30
20.23     17.71     16.98     16.96     20.21
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 6.26 6.85
6.38      6.26      7.36      7.75      6.82
First round19 5.97 6.99
6.84      5.97      7.27      10.40     6.87
4x4x4 CubeSecond round19 1:12.97 1:18.49
1:17.41   1:12.97   1:15.66   1:22.39   1:24.34
First round19 1:16.31 1:16.99
1:17.66   1:16.37   1:16.95   1:23.75   1:16.31
5x5x5 CubeFirst round18 2:41.10 2:46.82
2:51.95   DNF       2:41.10   2:42.83   2:45.67
7x7x7 CubeFinal13 9:29.09
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 3:01.99 DNF
DNF       3:01.99   DNF
First round7 4:22.02 DNF
4:51.38   4:22.02   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 21.29 24.06
24.92     21.29     23.67     23.58     29.63
Second round10 20.14 24.64
26.90     25.28     21.74     20.14     27.64
First round10 22.88 24.85
27.19     30.49     24.47     22.90     22.88
PyraminxFirst round19 12.19 15.33
12.27     14.58     19.13     19.74     12.19
72016-04-23~24BSU Cubing Days 2016BelarusMinsk
62015-08-22~23Dvina Open 2015BelarusNovopolotsk
52015-02-28~03-01Dvina 3.0 2015BelarusNovopolotsk
42015-01-05~06Vitba Winter 2015BelarusVitebsk
32014-12-27Minsk Winter 2014BelarusMinsk
22014-09-27~28Dvina OH Edition 2014BelarusNovopolotsk
12014-07-19~20Dvina Open 2014BelarusNovopolotsk