Personal Page

Samuel Dion

Name: Samuel Dion
Region: Canada
Competitions: 4
WCA ID: Samuel Dion2014DION01
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.05.17 - 2016.05.22
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube119188423485412.3615.804117210398138345/45
2x2x2 Cube8106323224973.054.4016124456361345/45
4x4x4 Cube8927471288381:04.361:17.3030306810494810/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
National Capital Region 2016Semi Final23 15.25 16.22
16.35     15.74     27.07     15.25     16.57
Second round22 12.97 15.80
14.15     16.72     16.52     12.97     18.52
First round31 15.38 18.76
15.38     19.36     18.71     18.39     19.19
National Capital 2015Final10 14.76 16.35
14.84     14.76     16.49     17.72     18.71
Second round12 14.63 16.96
15.79     18.26     16.98     14.63     18.10
First round11 12.36 16.36
15.56     16.52     17.82     17.00     12.36
Montreal Fall 2014Second round13 16.00 19.52
16.72     20.07     16.00     30.62     21.76
First round12 17.48 18.80
24.41     18.62     20.29     17.48     17.49
National Capital 2014First round28 22.43 27.39
27.05     22.43     27.78     31.22     27.33
2x2x2 Cube
National Capital Region 2016Final13 4.21 5.24
5.08      6.04      5.06      4.21      5.59
Second round15 3.05 4.40
4.10      6.02      5.28      3.83      3.05
First round39 4.98 6.50
4.98      5.13      6.86      7.50      8.05
National Capital 2015Final14 6.20 6.80
7.95      6.31      7.11      6.97      6.20
Second round14 5.47 6.57
6.46      6.33      5.47      6.93      7.46
First round19 4.62 6.99
7.06      8.77      4.62      7.37      6.54
Montreal Fall 2014Second round15 6.50 6.99
6.59      7.70      6.50      6.69      8.02
First round15 6.35 6.74
6.71      7.36      6.80      6.70      6.35
National Capital 2014First round28 9.72 11.21
13.88     10.56     9.72      12.41     10.65
4x4x4 Cube
National Capital 2015Final10 1:04.36 1:17.30
1:04.36   1:18.61   1:28.40   1:21.02   1:12.27
Montreal Fall 2014First round14 1:15.75 1:33.63
1:15.75   1:49.77   1:26.34   2:21.91   1:24.79
National Capital Region 2016Final10 6.90 10.00
14.80     8.93      6.90      12.12     8.96
Second round9 7.97 9.89
9.84      9.03      7.97      11.48     10.80
First round8 7.52 8.71
7.52      10.10     7.89      8.13      10.10
National Capital 2015Final6 4.95 8.91
9.78      4.95      8.63      8.32      13.51
First round9 6.15 10.84
12.75     6.15      8.86      14.38     10.91
National Capital Region 2016
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final23 15.25 16.22
16.35     15.74     27.07     15.25     16.57
Second round22 12.97 15.80
14.15     16.72     16.52     12.97     18.52
First round31 15.38 18.76
15.38     19.36     18.71     18.39     19.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 4.21 5.24
5.08      6.04      5.06      4.21      5.59
Second round15 3.05 4.40
4.10      6.02      5.28      3.83      3.05
First round39 4.98 6.50
4.98      5.13      6.86      7.50      8.05
PyraminxFinal10 6.90 10.00
14.80     8.93      6.90      12.12     8.96
Second round9 7.97 9.89
9.84      9.03      7.97      11.48     10.80
First round8 7.52 8.71
7.52      10.10     7.89      8.13      10.10
National Capital 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 14.76 16.35
14.84     14.76     16.49     17.72     18.71
Second round12 14.63 16.96
15.79     18.26     16.98     14.63     18.10
First round11 12.36 16.36
15.56     16.52     17.82     17.00     12.36
2x2x2 CubeFinal14 6.20 6.80
7.95      6.31      7.11      6.97      6.20
Second round14 5.47 6.57
6.46      6.33      5.47      6.93      7.46
First round19 4.62 6.99
7.06      8.77      4.62      7.37      6.54
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 1:04.36 1:17.30
1:04.36   1:18.61   1:28.40   1:21.02   1:12.27
PyraminxFinal6 4.95 8.91
9.78      4.95      8.63      8.32      13.51
First round9 6.15 10.84
12.75     6.15      8.86      14.38     10.91
Montreal Fall 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 16.00 19.52
16.72     20.07     16.00     30.62     21.76
First round12 17.48 18.80
24.41     18.62     20.29     17.48     17.49
2x2x2 CubeSecond round15 6.50 6.99
6.59      7.70      6.50      6.69      8.02
First round15 6.35 6.74
6.71      7.36      6.80      6.70      6.35
4x4x4 CubeFirst round14 1:15.75 1:33.63
1:15.75   1:49.77   1:26.34   2:21.91   1:24.79
National Capital 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 22.43 27.39
27.05     22.43     27.78     31.22     27.33
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 9.72 11.21
13.88     10.56     9.72      12.41     10.65
42016-05-21~22National Capital Region 2016CanadaRockland, Ontario
32015-05-16National Capital 2015CanadaRockland, Ontario
22014-10-11~12Montreal Fall 2014CanadaMontreal, Quebec
12014-05-17National Capital 2014CanadaRockland, Ontario