Personal Page

Andrew Dressman

Name: Andrew Dressman
Region: United States
Competitions: 7
WCA ID: Andrew Dressman2014DRES01
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.11.01 - 2018.01.20
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1644211379238.4811.91151933911298369/70
2x2x2 Cube902113742091.692.601902537433158/60
4x4x4 Cube305241981703850.2054.27143093510255525/27
5x5x5 Cube27373689138011:48.241:56.10127653431255714/16
6x6x6 Cube22482997100114:17.734:53.419234276520833/5
3x3x3 Fewest Moves50563430283548.0039168906895/6
3x3x3 One-Handed227230971287920.3026.23145373422250726/27

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
SCC Winter 2018Final14 11.92 12.97
11.92     14.04     12.69     14.18     12.18
Second round16 12.08 13.22
13.45     15.30     13.10     12.08     13.10
First round9 10.47 11.91
15.63     10.47     11.58     12.03     12.12
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round210 11.37 13.66
11.37     14.79     15.45     12.37     13.83
SCC Summer 2017Final12 10.15 12.68
13.10     12.14     10.15     12.79     15.24
Second round12 10.29 12.43
12.53     12.65     10.29     12.27     12.48
First round13 8.48 12.67
10.86     8.48      13.35     13.81     15.31
Music City Speedsolving 2017Final10 10.15 12.12
10.92     10.15     14.14     11.79     13.65
Second round13 11.10 12.62
11.10     12.31     11.81     14.66     13.73
First round13 11.26 12.70
11.26     13.12     12.62     13.81     12.36
Indiana 2016Second round21 11.91 13.17
13.04     12.87     11.91     13.59     15.68
First round35 13.15 15.16
15.29     16.00     15.56     13.15     14.63
Lawrence Spring 2015First round46 20.80 23.33
23.61     24.11     41.46     22.26     20.80
Lawrence Open 2014First round24 23.18 27.30
23.18     DNF       24.88     26.81     30.21
2x2x2 Cube
SCC Winter 2018First round69 3.95 12.10
4.34      3.95      10.16     21.80     DNF
CubingUSA Nationals 2017Second round134 3.54 5.07
5.86      3.54      5.26      8.05      4.10
First round63 1.69 3.68
3.90      3.62      4.44      3.52      1.69
SCC Summer 2017Final11 2.49 4.31
11.12     3.54      4.82      2.49      4.56
First round5 3.08 3.65
4.47      4.84      3.08      3.27      3.22
Music City Speedsolving 2017Final3 2.17 2.72
2.19      2.17      3.68      2.90      3.07
First round3 1.91 2.60
2.91      3.61      2.81      2.07      1.91
Indiana 2016Final10 3.41 3.95
3.72      4.87      4.64      3.41      3.49
First round9 2.23 3.55
2.89      4.42      2.23      4.05      3.71
Lawrence Spring 2015First round26 4.78 6.08
6.31      6.68      11.18     5.25      4.78
Lawrence Open 2014Second round20 3.40 9.42
3.40      11.02     9.97      DNF       7.27
First round20 6.50 7.96
9.45      7.80      8.84      7.24      6.50
4x4x4 Cube
SCC Winter 2018Final15 50.20 55.87
59.19     58.19     50.24     1:18.41   50.20
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round149 52.11 54.27
53.49     54.16     55.16     52.11     1:00.39
Music City Speedsolving 2017Final13 54.85 56.85
58.18     54.85     57.51     58.30     54.85
First round13 52.67 55.00
54.44     58.37     57.81     52.74     52.67
Indiana 2016Final29 59.35 1:01.12
1:02.17   59.35     59.66     1:06.27   1:01.52
Lawrence Open 2014Final17 DNF
DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Cube
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round166 1:48.24 1:56.10
1:58.46   1:59.48   1:58.82   1:51.02   1:48.24
SCC Summer 2017Final17 2:12.95
2:12.99   2:12.95
Music City Speedsolving 2017Final17 2:24.92
2:24.92   DNF
Indiana 2016Final37 2:07.90 2:12.21
2:09.04   2:07.90   2:09.25   2:18.43   2:18.33
Lawrence Spring 2015Final28 3:59.75
DNF       3:59.75
6x6x6 Cube
Music City Speedsolving 2017First round13 4:17.73 4:53.41
4:34.75   4:17.73   5:47.76
Indiana 2016Final30 DNF
Lawrence Spring 2015Final16 DNF
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
CubingUSA Nationals 2017Final43 42 48.00
59        42        43
Indiana 2016Final22 35 DNF
37        DNF       35
3x3x3 One-Handed
SCC Winter 2018Final13 23.01 26.23
28.57     23.01     26.00     24.13     42.43
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round187 20.30 27.77
23.89     30.14     20.30     29.27     DNF
SCC Summer 2017Final15 20.64 28.94
23.31     20.64     33.76     29.75     41.50
Indiana 2016First round29 28.29 30.59
29.17     31.35     33.03     31.26     28.29
Lawrence Spring 2015Final26 41.83 48.10
44.71     49.54     50.04     57.65     41.83
Lawrence Open 2014Final17 1:06.53
1:19.66   1:06.53
Indiana 2016Final23 2:58.01
DNF       2:58.01
SCC Winter 2018Final19 3.25 10.23
10.15     10.56     16.95     3.25      9.97
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round282 7.72 11.20
11.78     7.72      13.36     8.46      23.00
SCC Summer 2017Final21 5.32 10.85
9.69      16.01     12.80     5.32      10.06
Indiana 2016First round103 7.78 16.95
14.47     26.86     9.52      DNF       7.78
Lawrence Spring 2015Final28 11.36 12.54
14.18     11.65     11.80     11.36     18.49
Lawrence Open 2014Final19 11.32 15.85
13.68     19.57     14.30     DNF       11.32
SCC Winter 2018Final20 8.51 9.81
15.47     9.20      9.22      8.51      11.02
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round232 8.20 11.64
12.24     20.55     8.20      12.73     9.95
SCC Summer 2017Final25 10.92 13.53
11.45     10.92     11.02     1:22.88   18.12
Music City Speedsolving 2017First round26 11.89 13.67
15.75     11.89     13.01     12.26     18.23
Indiana 2016First round37 9.54 12.30
12.76     13.17     11.37     9.54      12.78
Lawrence Spring 2015Final31 15.41 25.60
16.87     20.84     15.41     39.55     39.08
Lawrence Open 2014First round9 21.47 35.05
59.90     21.47     26.52     45.03     33.59
Indiana 2016First round21 49.82
49.82     53.25
SCC Winter 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 11.92 12.97
11.92     14.04     12.69     14.18     12.18
Second round16 12.08 13.22
13.45     15.30     13.10     12.08     13.10
First round9 10.47 11.91
15.63     10.47     11.58     12.03     12.12
2x2x2 CubeFirst round69 3.95 12.10
4.34      3.95      10.16     21.80     DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 50.20 55.87
59.19     58.19     50.24     1:18.41   50.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal13 23.01 26.23
28.57     23.01     26.00     24.13     42.43
PyraminxFinal19 3.25 10.23
10.15     10.56     16.95     3.25      9.97
SkewbFinal20 8.51 9.81
15.47     9.20      9.22      8.51      11.02
CubingUSA Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round210 11.37 13.66
11.37     14.79     15.45     12.37     13.83
2x2x2 CubeSecond round134 3.54 5.07
5.86      3.54      5.26      8.05      4.10
First round63 1.69 3.68
3.90      3.62      4.44      3.52      1.69
4x4x4 CubeFirst round149 52.11 54.27
53.49     54.16     55.16     52.11     1:00.39
5x5x5 CubeFirst round166 1:48.24 1:56.10
1:58.46   1:59.48   1:58.82   1:51.02   1:48.24
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal43 42 48.00
59        42        43
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round187 20.30 27.77
23.89     30.14     20.30     29.27     DNF
PyraminxFirst round282 7.72 11.20
11.78     7.72      13.36     8.46      23.00
SkewbFirst round232 8.20 11.64
12.24     20.55     8.20      12.73     9.95
SCC Summer 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.15 12.68
13.10     12.14     10.15     12.79     15.24
Second round12 10.29 12.43
12.53     12.65     10.29     12.27     12.48
First round13 8.48 12.67
10.86     8.48      13.35     13.81     15.31
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 2.49 4.31
11.12     3.54      4.82      2.49      4.56
First round5 3.08 3.65
4.47      4.84      3.08      3.27      3.22
5x5x5 CubeFinal17 2:12.95
2:12.99   2:12.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 20.64 28.94
23.31     20.64     33.76     29.75     41.50
PyraminxFinal21 5.32 10.85
9.69      16.01     12.80     5.32      10.06
SkewbFinal25 10.92 13.53
11.45     10.92     11.02     1:22.88   18.12
Music City Speedsolving 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 10.15 12.12
10.92     10.15     14.14     11.79     13.65
Second round13 11.10 12.62
11.10     12.31     11.81     14.66     13.73
First round13 11.26 12.70
11.26     13.12     12.62     13.81     12.36
2x2x2 CubeFinal3 2.17 2.72
2.19      2.17      3.68      2.90      3.07
First round3 1.91 2.60
2.91      3.61      2.81      2.07      1.91
4x4x4 CubeFinal13 54.85 56.85
58.18     54.85     57.51     58.30     54.85
First round13 52.67 55.00
54.44     58.37     57.81     52.74     52.67
5x5x5 CubeFinal17 2:24.92
2:24.92   DNF
6x6x6 CubeFirst round13 4:17.73 4:53.41
4:34.75   4:17.73   5:47.76
SkewbFirst round26 11.89 13.67
15.75     11.89     13.01     12.26     18.23
Indiana 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 11.91 13.17
13.04     12.87     11.91     13.59     15.68
First round35 13.15 15.16
15.29     16.00     15.56     13.15     14.63
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 3.41 3.95
3.72      4.87      4.64      3.41      3.49
First round9 2.23 3.55
2.89      4.42      2.23      4.05      3.71
4x4x4 CubeFinal29 59.35 1:01.12
1:02.17   59.35     59.66     1:06.27   1:01.52
5x5x5 CubeFinal37 2:07.90 2:12.21
2:09.04   2:07.90   2:09.25   2:18.43   2:18.33
6x6x6 CubeFinal30 DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal22 35 DNF
37        DNF       35
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round29 28.29 30.59
29.17     31.35     33.03     31.26     28.29
MegaminxFinal23 2:58.01
DNF       2:58.01
PyraminxFirst round103 7.78 16.95
14.47     26.86     9.52      DNF       7.78
SkewbFirst round37 9.54 12.30
12.76     13.17     11.37     9.54      12.78
Square-1First round21 49.82
49.82     53.25
Lawrence Spring 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 20.80 23.33
23.61     24.11     41.46     22.26     20.80
2x2x2 CubeFirst round26 4.78 6.08
6.31      6.68      11.18     5.25      4.78
5x5x5 CubeFinal28 3:59.75
DNF       3:59.75
6x6x6 CubeFinal16 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal26 41.83 48.10
44.71     49.54     50.04     57.65     41.83
PyraminxFinal28 11.36 12.54
14.18     11.65     11.80     11.36     18.49
SkewbFinal31 15.41 25.60
16.87     20.84     15.41     39.55     39.08
Lawrence Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFirst round24 23.18 27.30
23.18     DNF       24.88     26.81     30.21
2x2x2 CubeSecond round20 3.40 9.42
3.40      11.02     9.97      DNF       7.27
First round20 6.50 7.96
9.45      7.80      8.84      7.24      6.50
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 DNF
DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal17 1:06.53
1:19.66   1:06.53
PyraminxFinal19 11.32 15.85
13.68     19.57     14.30     DNF       11.32
SkewbFirst round9 21.47 35.05
59.90     21.47     26.52     45.03     33.59
72018-01-20SCC Winter 2018United StatesCottleville, Missouri
62017-07-07~09CubingUSA Nationals 2017United StatesFort Wayne, Indiana
52017-06-10SCC Summer 2017United StatesCottleville, Missouri
42017-03-11Music City Speedsolving 2017United StatesNashville, Tennessee
32016-06-25~26Indiana 2016United StatesFort Wayne, Indiana
22015-03-28Lawrence Spring 2015United StatesLawrence, Kansas
12014-11-01Lawrence Open 2014United StatesLawrence, Kansas