Personal Page

Elia Grifo

Name: Elia Grifo
Region: Switzerland
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Elia Grifo2014GRIF02
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.03.29 - 2018.12.09
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube166101214023613.0115.38379649448152104/105
2x2x2 Cube1136079187922.855.81386631109520239/40
4x4x4 Cube1458018285291:04.131:09.3925512716513141/42
5x5x5 Cube1176585215242:24.712:43.7419341577911014/14
3x3x3 One-Handed9961782379926.6729.781950549978439/40

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018Second round58 14.49 17.74
19.94     14.49     18.30     14.97     21.96
First round48 14.56 17.08
16.17     16.28     14.56     18.80     21.45
Swiss Nationals 2017Second round26 13.01 16.23
15.64     13.01     15.34     17.70     20.40
First round42 15.08 18.92
18.84     15.08     16.45     21.69     21.46
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final22 14.54 18.30
17.62     14.54     15.53     21.76     25.55
Second round22 14.77 18.56
17.72     21.24     18.68     19.27     14.77
First round21 13.68 18.90
13.68     20.78     17.16     18.76     21.65
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016Second round18 14.03 15.66
16.42     14.03     16.54     18.01     14.03
First round22 15.51 16.83
16.20     17.95     16.48     15.51     17.81
Chottu Skips 2016Final11 13.35 17.39
17.34     19.51     15.33     13.35     21.83
Second round11 13.65 15.38
DNF       13.65     15.03     17.23     13.88
First round11 13.90 16.12
16.90     14.07     17.39     13.90     17.55
Würfelä im Drachenäscht 2015Second round13 15.79 17.89
19.78     15.79     16.48     17.41     40.76
First round14 15.17 18.60
15.17     17.19     18.68     19.94     27.27
Swiss Nationals 2015Second round18 14.15 16.44
16.53     23.58     15.58     17.21     14.15
First round17 14.00 16.04
16.92     14.00     16.08     15.11     27.08
Munich Open 2014Final29 13.83 17.65
18.47     17.58     13.83     17.36     18.02
Second round31 15.00 18.10
17.68     17.40     15.00     26.81     19.22
First round27 14.13 15.67
14.33     17.77     14.13     14.90     17.90
Swiss Open 2014Second round16 15.88 18.96
18.15     15.88     21.77     17.61     21.11
First round19 16.37 21.56
21.04     20.25     28.43     23.38     16.37
2x2x2 Cube
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018First round51 2.97 6.14
4.91      2.97      6.17      7.33      8.68
Swiss Nationals 2017First round62 5.21 9.21
10.36     9.51      12.99     5.21      7.76
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Second round33 5.82 8.04
7.26      7.93      8.93      5.82      DNF
First round30 6.41 7.27
6.41      7.40      6.63      7.86      7.79
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016First round22 2.85 5.81
9.21      6.51      2.85      6.24      4.68
Chottu Skips 2016First round16 4.63 6.97
6.09      6.80      8.77      8.01      4.63
Würfelä im Drachenäscht 2015First round11 4.76 6.43
4.76      8.98      7.85      5.05      6.38
Swiss Nationals 2015First round21 5.96 7.15
6.50      5.96      9.65      8.63      6.32
4x4x4 Cube
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018First round57 1:15.93 1:25.00
1:22.96   1:20.05   1:31.99   1:36.37   1:15.93
Swiss Nationals 2017First round33 1:11.78
DNF       1:11.78
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final20 1:14.13 1:22.74
1:44.79   1:23.03   1:29.61   1:15.59   1:14.13
First round21 1:19.59 1:35.72
1:35.22   2:10.04   1:36.65   1:35.30   1:19.59
Chottu Skips 2016Final14 1:13.74 1:30.37
1:31.04   1:19.81   1:51.59   1:13.74   1:40.26
Würfelä im Drachenäscht 2015First round13 1:19.95 1:22.23
1:19.95   1:21.49   1:23.80   1:21.41   1:29.62
Swiss Nationals 2015First round17 1:04.13 1:13.73
1:04.13   1:17.93   1:14.46   1:10.02   1:16.71
Munich Open 2014First round30 1:06.13 1:09.39
1:06.13   1:10.00   1:12.43   1:09.96   1:08.22
Swiss Open 2014First round19 1:27.97 1:36.59
1:55.00   1:36.80   1:28.51   1:44.46   1:27.97
5x5x5 Cube
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017First round20 2:32.46 3:02.81
2:32.46   4:03.84   2:40.56   3:22.38   3:05.49
Chottu Skips 2016Final14 3:19.59
3:42.76   3:19.59
Swiss Nationals 2015Final19 2:24.71 2:43.74
3:12.83   2:43.22   2:36.59   2:51.40   2:24.71
Munich Open 2014First round30 2:44.55
2:44.55   3:12.44
3x3x3 One-Handed
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018First round47 34.95 39.91
38.05     DNF       34.95     46.70     34.99
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final19 29.30 43.89
49.08     45.32     45.08     41.26     29.30
First round15 29.24 34.04
38.87     32.04     31.95     38.12     29.24
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016First round13 26.67 29.78
26.67     32.40     28.41     34.83     28.52
Würfelä im Drachenäscht 2015Second round11 29.36 34.28
34.94     34.16     33.74     36.16     29.36
First round10 32.22 34.31
35.23     33.85     33.85     39.69     32.22
Swiss Nationals 2015First round18 29.44 39.07
39.99     35.65     29.44     41.58     41.93
Swiss Open 2014First round16 34.53 41.00
49.49     34.54     1:21.19   34.53     38.96
Swiss Nationals 2017First round62 22.41
27.01     22.41
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Second round28 10.62 12.67
11.43     14.05     10.62     13.57     13.01
First round29 12.55 14.36
13.50     14.84     14.73     12.55     17.05
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016First round24 9.90 13.06
9.90      14.63     23.55     11.32     13.22
Swisscubing Cup Final 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round58 14.49 17.74
19.94     14.49     18.30     14.97     21.96
First round48 14.56 17.08
16.17     16.28     14.56     18.80     21.45
2x2x2 CubeFirst round51 2.97 6.14
4.91      2.97      6.17      7.33      8.68
4x4x4 CubeFirst round57 1:15.93 1:25.00
1:22.96   1:20.05   1:31.99   1:36.37   1:15.93
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round47 34.95 39.91
38.05     DNF       34.95     46.70     34.99
Swiss Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round26 13.01 16.23
15.64     13.01     15.34     17.70     20.40
First round42 15.08 18.92
18.84     15.08     16.45     21.69     21.46
2x2x2 CubeFirst round62 5.21 9.21
10.36     9.51      12.99     5.21      7.76
4x4x4 CubeFirst round33 1:11.78
DNF       1:11.78
PyraminxFirst round62 22.41
27.01     22.41
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal22 14.54 18.30
17.62     14.54     15.53     21.76     25.55
Second round22 14.77 18.56
17.72     21.24     18.68     19.27     14.77
First round21 13.68 18.90
13.68     20.78     17.16     18.76     21.65
2x2x2 CubeSecond round33 5.82 8.04
7.26      7.93      8.93      5.82      DNF
First round30 6.41 7.27
6.41      7.40      6.63      7.86      7.79
4x4x4 CubeFinal20 1:14.13 1:22.74
1:44.79   1:23.03   1:29.61   1:15.59   1:14.13
First round21 1:19.59 1:35.72
1:35.22   2:10.04   1:36.65   1:35.30   1:19.59
5x5x5 CubeFirst round20 2:32.46 3:02.81
2:32.46   4:03.84   2:40.56   3:22.38   3:05.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 29.30 43.89
49.08     45.32     45.08     41.26     29.30
First round15 29.24 34.04
38.87     32.04     31.95     38.12     29.24
PyraminxSecond round28 10.62 12.67
11.43     14.05     10.62     13.57     13.01
First round29 12.55 14.36
13.50     14.84     14.73     12.55     17.05
Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 14.03 15.66
16.42     14.03     16.54     18.01     14.03
First round22 15.51 16.83
16.20     17.95     16.48     15.51     17.81
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 2.85 5.81
9.21      6.51      2.85      6.24      4.68
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round13 26.67 29.78
26.67     32.40     28.41     34.83     28.52
PyraminxFirst round24 9.90 13.06
9.90      14.63     23.55     11.32     13.22
Chottu Skips 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 13.35 17.39
17.34     19.51     15.33     13.35     21.83
Second round11 13.65 15.38
DNF       13.65     15.03     17.23     13.88
First round11 13.90 16.12
16.90     14.07     17.39     13.90     17.55
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 4.63 6.97
6.09      6.80      8.77      8.01      4.63
4x4x4 CubeFinal14 1:13.74 1:30.37
1:31.04   1:19.81   1:51.59   1:13.74   1:40.26
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 3:19.59
3:42.76   3:19.59
Würfelä im Drachenäscht 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 15.79 17.89
19.78     15.79     16.48     17.41     40.76
First round14 15.17 18.60
15.17     17.19     18.68     19.94     27.27
2x2x2 CubeFirst round11 4.76 6.43
4.76      8.98      7.85      5.05      6.38
4x4x4 CubeFirst round13 1:19.95 1:22.23
1:19.95   1:21.49   1:23.80   1:21.41   1:29.62
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round11 29.36 34.28
34.94     34.16     33.74     36.16     29.36
First round10 32.22 34.31
35.23     33.85     33.85     39.69     32.22
Swiss Nationals 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 14.15 16.44
16.53     23.58     15.58     17.21     14.15
First round17 14.00 16.04
16.92     14.00     16.08     15.11     27.08
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 5.96 7.15
6.50      5.96      9.65      8.63      6.32
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 1:04.13 1:13.73
1:04.13   1:17.93   1:14.46   1:10.02   1:16.71
5x5x5 CubeFinal19 2:24.71 2:43.74
3:12.83   2:43.22   2:36.59   2:51.40   2:24.71
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 29.44 39.07
39.99     35.65     29.44     41.58     41.93
Munich Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal29 13.83 17.65
18.47     17.58     13.83     17.36     18.02
Second round31 15.00 18.10
17.68     17.40     15.00     26.81     19.22
First round27 14.13 15.67
14.33     17.77     14.13     14.90     17.90
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 1:06.13 1:09.39
1:06.13   1:10.00   1:12.43   1:09.96   1:08.22
5x5x5 CubeFirst round30 2:44.55
2:44.55   3:12.44
Swiss Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 15.88 18.96
18.15     15.88     21.77     17.61     21.11
First round19 16.37 21.56
21.04     20.25     28.43     23.38     16.37
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 1:27.97 1:36.59
1:55.00   1:36.80   1:28.51   1:44.46   1:27.97
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 34.53 41.00
49.49     34.54     1:21.19   34.53     38.96
92018-12-08~09Swisscubing Cup Final 2018SwitzerlandLuzern
82017-12-16~17Swiss Nationals 2017SwitzerlandWinterthur
72017-10-14~15Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017SwitzerlandBern
62016-12-10~11Wiehnachtswürfelä z Bärn 2016SwitzerlandBern
52016-01-16~17Chottu Skips 2016SwitzerlandKottwil
42015-11-13~14Würfelä im Drachenäscht 2015SwitzerlandBern
32015-03-29Swiss Nationals 2015SwitzerlandWil
22014-11-08~09Munich Open 2014GermanyUnterhaching
12014-03-29~30Swiss Open 2014SwitzerlandWil