Personal Page

Matheus Oliveira Silva

Name: Matheus Oliveira Silva
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Matheus Oliveira Silva2014SILV32
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.11.15 - 2017.11.05
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube97541605137814.6119.37627055063119960/60
2x2x2 Cube11264717612375.138.08717635374128435/35
4x4x4 Cube3761983256591:01.941:09.5224380188535737/37
5x5x5 Cube2961349192202:16.992:23.9716607118426714/14
6x6x6 Cube146667106504:48.894:52.99871955613113/3
7x7x7 Cube13956395377:52.908:32.2672924511193/3
3x3x3 Fewest Moves14534553944212/4
3x3x3 One-Handed62124263016431.6739.4130079241461535/35

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Poa Open 2017Second round21 18.99 22.14
24.14     21.86     20.43     18.99     24.44
First round21 17.61 20.44
19.48     23.21     22.10     19.74     17.61
Capivara 2016Second round22 19.46 20.86
24.30     20.61     19.46     22.06     19.92
First round22 17.78 19.37
18.09     22.57     19.36     17.78     20.66
Capivara Open 2015Second round24 16.76 20.74
22.75     16.76     25.46     20.96     18.51
First round23 14.61 21.25
14.61     23.08     20.77     21.33     21.64
Brasilia Open 2015First round27 19.45 21.57
25.05     19.45     20.56     24.69     19.46
Porto Alegre Open 2014Second round14 18.91 20.83
23.27     18.91     19.69     22.08     20.71
First round18 19.90 22.20
21.77     19.90     20.74     24.08     26.56
II Aracaju Open 2014Final4 20.53 23.02
22.89     20.53     26.17     22.16     24.02
Second round7 17.35 24.03
29.35     22.61     27.79     17.35     21.68
First round8 25.19 26.98
25.19     25.63     27.59     27.71     29.16
2x2x2 Cube
Capivara 2016First round33 5.13 10.02
15.58     5.13      8.12      8.00      13.94
Capivara Open 2015Second round21 5.81 8.08
6.70      5.81      16.80     8.83      8.70
First round22 6.12 8.59
6.12      9.58      8.62      8.33      8.81
Brasilia Open 2015First round18 5.93 8.74
8.71      8.81      8.71      5.93      10.73
Porto Alegre Open 2014First round20 8.26 9.19
10.89     8.26      8.51      10.13     8.93
II Aracaju Open 2014Final7 7.45 9.94
8.05      10.85     12.97     10.91     7.45
First round6 7.94 9.02
9.63      9.06      11.38     8.36      7.94
4x4x4 Cube
Poa Open 2017Final9 1:01.94 1:11.44
1:17.06   1:11.41   1:01.94   1:20.23   1:05.84
First round9 1:02.12 1:09.52
1:18.86   1:02.12   1:07.54   1:10.31   1:10.72
Capivara 2016First round16 1:11.71 1:17.35
1:14.85   1:20.14   1:11.71   1:18.48   1:18.72
Capivara Open 2015First round15 1:04.51 1:15.34
1:26.42   1:33.93   1:04.51   1:11.35   1:08.24
Brasilia Open 2015Second round9 1:31.69 1:38.07
1:36.07   1:41.59   2:02.14   1:31.69   1:36.54
First round9 1:30.64
2:09.29   1:30.64
Porto Alegre Open 2014Final17 1:27.16 1:59.71
2:11.96   1:27.16   1:48.95   1:58.22   2:15.52
II Aracaju Open 2014First round6 1:53.70 2:05.17
2:10.44   2:20.95   1:59.93   1:53.70   2:05.15
5x5x5 Cube
Poa Open 2017Final8 2:16.99 2:23.97
2:24.99   2:16.99   2:22.46   2:29.37   2:24.47
Capivara 2016Final20 3:03.38
3:38.17   3:03.38
Capivara Open 2015Final16 2:52.43 3:24.47
2:52.43   3:38.93   3:17.33   4:11.28   3:17.14
II Aracaju Open 2014Final6 5:03.54
5:03.54   5:16.64
6x6x6 Cube
Poa Open 2017Final2 4:48.89 4:52.99
4:50.05   4:48.89   5:00.02
7x7x7 Cube
Poa Open 2017Final4 7:52.90 8:32.26
7:52.90   8:19.68   9:24.20
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Brasilia Open 2015Final7 46 DNF
DNF       46        DNF
II Aracaju Open 2014Final1 42
3x3x3 One-Handed
Poa Open 2017First round15 33.17 41.79
33.17     53.98     34.64     36.74     59.44
Capivara 2016First round19 38.36 46.26
45.56     41.31     52.30     51.91     38.36
Capivara Open 2015Final11 31.67 39.41
49.20     33.02     31.67     36.01     59.38
First round11 35.95 40.13
53.49     41.52     35.95     38.13     40.73
Brasilia Open 2015First round21 38.33 47.32
44.88     49.59     1:01.76   47.48     38.33
Porto Alegre Open 2014First round21 48.28 59.13
1:00.14   52.21     1:12.40   1:05.03   48.28
II Aracaju Open 2014First round5 51.55 1:01.52
1:05.64   59.71     51.55     1:03.84   1:01.00
Poa Open 2017Final9 4:28.55
4:28.55   4:50.55
Capivara Open 2015Final12 3:54.14 4:55.40
3:54.14   4:55.38   4:27.70   DNF       5:23.12
Capivara Open 2015First round15 7.57 14.38
7.57      13.85     15.71     19.07     13.57
II Aracaju Open 2014First round8 20.81 36.85
20.81     55.72     28.85     58.62     25.99
Capivara 2016First round21 15.44 25.38
29.83     32.13     19.42     15.44     26.88
Capivara Open 2015Final13 17.70 22.97
26.15     20.51     22.24     17.70     29.00
Brasilia Open 2015First round7 17.32 24.62
29.49     17.32     17.95     26.42     DNF
II Aracaju Open 2014Final3 15.04 26.14
15.04     31.44     23.07     25.95     29.41
Poa Open 2017Final7 42.37 1:14.37
42.37     1:08.39   57.07     DNF       1:37.64
Capivara 2016Final12 53.09 DNF
53.09     DNF       54.15     DNF       58.73
Capivara Open 2015Final4 34.16 44.01
41.04     1:08.63   34.16     47.61     43.38
Porto Alegre Open 2014Final6 1:05.74 1:27.79
1:16.30   1:33.98   1:33.10   1:05.74   2:05.14
II Aracaju Open 2014Final3 51.96 1:34.25
1:55.55   51.96     1:42.97   1:29.93   1:29.84
Poa Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 18.99 22.14
24.14     21.86     20.43     18.99     24.44
First round21 17.61 20.44
19.48     23.21     22.10     19.74     17.61
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 1:01.94 1:11.44
1:17.06   1:11.41   1:01.94   1:20.23   1:05.84
First round9 1:02.12 1:09.52
1:18.86   1:02.12   1:07.54   1:10.31   1:10.72
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 2:16.99 2:23.97
2:24.99   2:16.99   2:22.46   2:29.37   2:24.47
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 4:48.89 4:52.99
4:50.05   4:48.89   5:00.02
7x7x7 CubeFinal4 7:52.90 8:32.26
7:52.90   8:19.68   9:24.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 33.17 41.79
33.17     53.98     34.64     36.74     59.44
MegaminxFinal9 4:28.55
4:28.55   4:50.55
Square-1Final7 42.37 1:14.37
42.37     1:08.39   57.07     DNF       1:37.64
Capivara 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round22 19.46 20.86
24.30     20.61     19.46     22.06     19.92
First round22 17.78 19.37
18.09     22.57     19.36     17.78     20.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round33 5.13 10.02
15.58     5.13      8.12      8.00      13.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round16 1:11.71 1:17.35
1:14.85   1:20.14   1:11.71   1:18.48   1:18.72
5x5x5 CubeFinal20 3:03.38
3:38.17   3:03.38
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round19 38.36 46.26
45.56     41.31     52.30     51.91     38.36
SkewbFirst round21 15.44 25.38
29.83     32.13     19.42     15.44     26.88
Square-1Final12 53.09 DNF
53.09     DNF       54.15     DNF       58.73
Capivara Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round24 16.76 20.74
22.75     16.76     25.46     20.96     18.51
First round23 14.61 21.25
14.61     23.08     20.77     21.33     21.64
2x2x2 CubeSecond round21 5.81 8.08
6.70      5.81      16.80     8.83      8.70
First round22 6.12 8.59
6.12      9.58      8.62      8.33      8.81
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 1:04.51 1:15.34
1:26.42   1:33.93   1:04.51   1:11.35   1:08.24
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 2:52.43 3:24.47
2:52.43   3:38.93   3:17.33   4:11.28   3:17.14
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 31.67 39.41
49.20     33.02     31.67     36.01     59.38
First round11 35.95 40.13
53.49     41.52     35.95     38.13     40.73
MegaminxFinal12 3:54.14 4:55.40
3:54.14   4:55.38   4:27.70   DNF       5:23.12
PyraminxFirst round15 7.57 14.38
7.57      13.85     15.71     19.07     13.57
SkewbFinal13 17.70 22.97
26.15     20.51     22.24     17.70     29.00
Square-1Final4 34.16 44.01
41.04     1:08.63   34.16     47.61     43.38
Brasilia Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round27 19.45 21.57
25.05     19.45     20.56     24.69     19.46
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 5.93 8.74
8.71      8.81      8.71      5.93      10.73
4x4x4 CubeSecond round9 1:31.69 1:38.07
1:36.07   1:41.59   2:02.14   1:31.69   1:36.54
First round9 1:30.64
2:09.29   1:30.64
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal7 46 DNF
DNF       46        DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 38.33 47.32
44.88     49.59     1:01.76   47.48     38.33
SkewbFirst round7 17.32 24.62
29.49     17.32     17.95     26.42     DNF
Porto Alegre Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeSecond round14 18.91 20.83
23.27     18.91     19.69     22.08     20.71
First round18 19.90 22.20
21.77     19.90     20.74     24.08     26.56
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 8.26 9.19
10.89     8.26      8.51      10.13     8.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal17 1:27.16 1:59.71
2:11.96   1:27.16   1:48.95   1:58.22   2:15.52
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 48.28 59.13
1:00.14   52.21     1:12.40   1:05.03   48.28
Square-1Final6 1:05.74 1:27.79
1:16.30   1:33.98   1:33.10   1:05.74   2:05.14
II Aracaju Open 2014
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 20.53 23.02
22.89     20.53     26.17     22.16     24.02
Second round7 17.35 24.03
29.35     22.61     27.79     17.35     21.68
First round8 25.19 26.98
25.19     25.63     27.59     27.71     29.16
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 7.45 9.94
8.05      10.85     12.97     10.91     7.45
First round6 7.94 9.02
9.63      9.06      11.38     8.36      7.94
4x4x4 CubeFirst round6 1:53.70 2:05.17
2:10.44   2:20.95   1:59.93   1:53.70   2:05.15
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 5:03.54
5:03.54   5:16.64
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal1 42
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round5 51.55 1:01.52
1:05.64   59.71     51.55     1:03.84   1:01.00
PyraminxFirst round8 20.81 36.85
20.81     55.72     28.85     58.62     25.99
SkewbFinal3 15.04 26.14
15.04     31.44     23.07     25.95     29.41
Square-1Final3 51.96 1:34.25
1:55.55   51.96     1:42.97   1:29.93   1:29.84
62017-11-04~05Poa Open 2017BrazilPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
52016-12-10~11Capivara 2016BrazilCuritiba, Paraná
42015-12-12~13Capivara Open 2015BrazilCuritiba, Paraná
32015-05-22~24Brasilia Open 2015BrazilBrasília, Distrito Federal
22014-11-22~23Porto Alegre Open 2014BrazilPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul
12014-11-15~16II Aracaju Open 2014BrazilAracaju, Sergipe