Personal Page

Myeong Hyeon Ung (명현웅)

Name: Myeong Hyeon Ung (명현웅)
Region: Republic of Korea
Competitions: 9
WCA ID: Myeong Hyeon Ung (명현웅)2014UNGM02
Gender: Male
Career: 2014.12.27 - 2017.07.30
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1674328699280119.6824.819877134836178725/25
2x2x2 Cube5009438340843.654.4516849477129330/30

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Republic of Korea Championship Podiums

Korean Championship 2017
Clock2 7.50 9.13
9.53      14.92     9.66      8.21      7.50
Korean Championship 2016
Clock3 5.82 9.54
11.24     DNF       9.23      8.15      5.82

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Busan Winter 2016First round48 24.63 27.77
26.25     26.86     30.19     30.87     24.63
Korean Championship 2016First round132 19.68 24.89
26.91     19.68     26.60     22.79     25.28
Valentine in Daegu 2016Second round33 20.72 24.94
27.22     25.28     33.63     22.31     20.72
First round38 22.44 24.81
26.13     24.83     27.64     23.46     22.44
Korea Winter 2015First round107 21.01 26.25
21.01     26.02     25.86     28.29     26.86
2x2x2 Cube
KAIST Spring 2017First round12 4.06 4.45
4.17      4.06      7.36      4.15      5.04
Valentine in Daegu 2016Final16 4.66 5.94
5.51      9.41      6.23      4.66      6.07
First round16 3.65 5.77
6.63      3.65      4.74      5.95      9.29
Korea Winter 2015First round34 4.06 5.70
6.44      6.79      4.82      4.06      5.83
Good Cube Show Korea 2015First round20 4.13 5.29
4.13      5.94      5.16      4.78      6.18
KAIST Fall 2014First round34 5.70 7.60
8.68      7.60      9.38      6.51      5.70
Korean Championship 2017Final2 7.50 9.13
9.53      14.92     9.66      8.21      7.50
KAIST Spring 2017Final19 8.51 DNF
DNF       DNF       8.51      10.41     8.63
Busan Winter 2016Final2 6.81 11.49
DNF       6.81      14.52     8.87      11.07
Korean Championship 2016Final3 5.82 9.54
11.24     DNF       9.23      8.15      5.82
Korea Winter 2015Final4 7.27 9.29
7.27      9.40      9.89      11.16     8.57
Good Cube Show Korea 2015Final6 11.15 17.13
11.15     14.39     11.23     25.78     DNF
Korea Winter 2015First round32 10.47 12.80
10.89     24.11     10.47     16.88     10.64
Korean KAIST Style 2015First round42 10.00 21.75
13.48     DNF       11.30     40.47     10.00
KAIST Fall 2014Final25 33.73 DNF
45.29     DNF       1:10.46   33.73     DNF
Korean Championship 2017Final12 26.35 30.78
39.50     26.35     26.78     26.85     38.72
Busan Winter 2016Final10 17.57 28.58
1:07.51   28.07     29.46     17.57     28.22
Korean Championship 2016Final11 28.69 33.72
28.69     33.43     37.74     34.09     33.65
Valentine in Daegu 2016Final8 29.74 35.02
43.10     1:18.44   30.68     29.74     31.27
Korean KAIST Style 2015Final11 55.91 1:00.89
57.90     1:10.37   1:04.98   59.79     55.91
Korean Championship 2017
ClockFinal2 7.50 9.13
9.53      14.92     9.66      8.21      7.50
Square-1Final12 26.35 30.78
39.50     26.35     26.78     26.85     38.72
KAIST Spring 2017
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 4.06 4.45
4.17      4.06      7.36      4.15      5.04
ClockFinal19 8.51 DNF
DNF       DNF       8.51      10.41     8.63
Busan Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round48 24.63 27.77
26.25     26.86     30.19     30.87     24.63
ClockFinal2 6.81 11.49
DNF       6.81      14.52     8.87      11.07
Square-1Final10 17.57 28.58
1:07.51   28.07     29.46     17.57     28.22
Korean Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round132 19.68 24.89
26.91     19.68     26.60     22.79     25.28
ClockFinal3 5.82 9.54
11.24     DNF       9.23      8.15      5.82
Square-1Final11 28.69 33.72
28.69     33.43     37.74     34.09     33.65
Valentine in Daegu 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round33 20.72 24.94
27.22     25.28     33.63     22.31     20.72
First round38 22.44 24.81
26.13     24.83     27.64     23.46     22.44
2x2x2 CubeFinal16 4.66 5.94
5.51      9.41      6.23      4.66      6.07
First round16 3.65 5.77
6.63      3.65      4.74      5.95      9.29
Square-1Final8 29.74 35.02
43.10     1:18.44   30.68     29.74     31.27
Korea Winter 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round107 21.01 26.25
21.01     26.02     25.86     28.29     26.86
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 4.06 5.70
6.44      6.79      4.82      4.06      5.83
ClockFinal4 7.27 9.29
7.27      9.40      9.89      11.16     8.57
SkewbFirst round32 10.47 12.80
10.89     24.11     10.47     16.88     10.64
Korean KAIST Style 2015
SkewbFirst round42 10.00 21.75
13.48     DNF       11.30     40.47     10.00
Square-1Final11 55.91 1:00.89
57.90     1:10.37   1:04.98   59.79     55.91
Good Cube Show Korea 2015
2x2x2 CubeFirst round20 4.13 5.29
4.13      5.94      5.16      4.78      6.18
ClockFinal6 11.15 17.13
11.15     14.39     11.23     25.78     DNF
KAIST Fall 2014
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 5.70 7.60
8.68      7.60      9.38      6.51      5.70
SkewbFinal25 33.73 DNF
45.29     DNF       1:10.46   33.73     DNF
92017-07-28~30Korean Championship 2017Republic of Korea서울특별시 (Seoul)
82017-04-09KAIST Spring 2017Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
72016-12-11Busan Winter 2016Republic of Korea부산광역시 (Busan)
62016-08-12~14Korean Championship 2016Republic of Korea대전광역시 (Daejeon)
52016-02-13Valentine in Daegu 2016Republic of Korea대구광역시 (Daegu)
42015-12-19Korea Winter 2015Republic of KoreaSeoul
32015-10-09Korean KAIST Style 2015Republic of KoreaDaejeon
22015-05-30~31Good Cube Show Korea 2015Republic of KoreaGoyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
12014-12-27KAIST Fall 2014Republic of KoreaDaejeon