Personal Page

Aria Bahalou (آریا بهالو)

Name: Aria Bahalou (آریا بهالو)
Region: Iran
Competitions: 8
WCA ID: Aria Bahalou (آریا بهالو)2015BAHA01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.11.20 - 2022.02.18
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube227142783879512.8115.79411011539423741/45
2x2x2 Cube532544105582.326.20456571381222845/45
4x4x4 Cube19314516472071:33.391:54.53419051289519219/25
5x5x5 Cube1218116306493:40.882/2
3x3x3 One-Handed231146294201040.951:00.4244169149202448/10

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Welcome Back Iran 2022First round43 16.94 18.06
18.15     16.94     19.10     16.94     19.92
Icy Summer 2018First round32 13.38 15.79
13.38     15.71     21.71     15.64     16.01
Chekaad Summer 2018First round38 13.59 16.72
13.59     16.40     20.11     DNF       13.64
Golden Rubik's Cube 2017Second round47 12.81 17.53
18.37     20.99     16.70     17.53     12.81
First round51 14.92 18.62
17.88     14.92     DNF       15.87     22.11
Iran Open 2017First round44 15.96 18.40
19.00     15.96     17.15     19.04     24.56
Iran Nationals 2016First round35 17.68 19.16
17.68     22.44     18.11     17.85     21.53
Iran Open 2016First round46 20.96 29.05
28.57     24.88     33.70     DNF       20.96
IP Cube Challenge 2015First round26 41.40 50.51
42.81     55.58     DNF       41.40     53.13
2x2x2 Cube
Icy Summer 2018First round34 5.74 8.29
7.99      8.00      8.88      9.78      5.74
Chekaad Summer 2018First round28 5.01 6.59
9.27      6.05      5.15      5.01      8.56
Golden Rubik's Cube 2017Second round55 6.73 8.06
9.49      6.73      7.81      7.04      9.32
First round40 2.32 6.20
7.38      6.30      6.70      5.60      2.32
Iran Open 2017First round55 4.79 7.18
7.83      8.90      4.79      5.25      8.46
Iran Nationals 2016First round38 6.27 6.75
6.58      7.59      7.28      6.27      6.39
Iran Open 2016Second round28 4.40 7.58
7.47      6.89      10.84     8.38      4.40
First round35 5.68 9.63
11.69     10.14     11.12     5.68      7.63
IP Cube Challenge 2015First round14 7.97 9.42
12.21     8.86      8.13      7.97      11.27
4x4x4 Cube
Icy Summer 2018First round30 1:33.39 1:54.53
1:34.88   1:55.70   DNF       2:13.01   1:33.39
Golden Rubik's Cube 2017First round49 1:38.90 DNF
1:38.90   1:39.18   1:55.11   DNF       DNF
Iran Open 2017First round47 1:34.91 2:17.58
2:19.36   DNF       2:29.09   1:34.91   2:04.29
Iran Nationals 2016First round42 1:52.80 2:08.24
2:06.40   2:16.73   2:10.32   2:08.00   1:52.80
IP Cube Challenge 2015First round15 2:40.52 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:50.50   3:01.49   2:40.52
5x5x5 Cube
Iran Open 2017First round37 3:40.88
3:40.88   4:08.94
3x3x3 One-Handed
Golden Rubik's Cube 2017First round52 40.95 1:09.37
DNF       1:33.46   40.95     1:11.89   42.76
Iran Open 2017First round49 48.35 1:00.42
1:02.83   53.26     1:05.17   DNF       48.35
Icy Summer 2018First round29 9.65 19.33
24.62     26.25     9.65      15.92     17.44
Chekaad Summer 2018First round37 14.39 17.73
15.95     22.06     14.39     DNF       15.19
Golden Rubik's Cube 2017First round39 9.28 13.48
17.20     11.27     15.82     9.28      13.34
Iran Open 2017First round58 7.16 18.19
16.13     20.56     21.12     17.88     7.16
Welcome Back Iran 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 16.94 18.06
18.15     16.94     19.10     16.94     19.92
Icy Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round32 13.38 15.79
13.38     15.71     21.71     15.64     16.01
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 5.74 8.29
7.99      8.00      8.88      9.78      5.74
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 1:33.39 1:54.53
1:34.88   1:55.70   DNF       2:13.01   1:33.39
PyraminxFirst round29 9.65 19.33
24.62     26.25     9.65      15.92     17.44
Chekaad Summer 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round38 13.59 16.72
13.59     16.40     20.11     DNF       13.64
2x2x2 CubeFirst round28 5.01 6.59
9.27      6.05      5.15      5.01      8.56
PyraminxFirst round37 14.39 17.73
15.95     22.06     14.39     DNF       15.19
Golden Rubik's Cube 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round47 12.81 17.53
18.37     20.99     16.70     17.53     12.81
First round51 14.92 18.62
17.88     14.92     DNF       15.87     22.11
2x2x2 CubeSecond round55 6.73 8.06
9.49      6.73      7.81      7.04      9.32
First round40 2.32 6.20
7.38      6.30      6.70      5.60      2.32
4x4x4 CubeFirst round49 1:38.90 DNF
1:38.90   1:39.18   1:55.11   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round52 40.95 1:09.37
DNF       1:33.46   40.95     1:11.89   42.76
PyraminxFirst round39 9.28 13.48
17.20     11.27     15.82     9.28      13.34
Iran Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round44 15.96 18.40
19.00     15.96     17.15     19.04     24.56
2x2x2 CubeFirst round55 4.79 7.18
7.83      8.90      4.79      5.25      8.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round47 1:34.91 2:17.58
2:19.36   DNF       2:29.09   1:34.91   2:04.29
5x5x5 CubeFirst round37 3:40.88
3:40.88   4:08.94
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round49 48.35 1:00.42
1:02.83   53.26     1:05.17   DNF       48.35
PyraminxFirst round58 7.16 18.19
16.13     20.56     21.12     17.88     7.16
Iran Nationals 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round35 17.68 19.16
17.68     22.44     18.11     17.85     21.53
2x2x2 CubeFirst round38 6.27 6.75
6.58      7.59      7.28      6.27      6.39
4x4x4 CubeFirst round42 1:52.80 2:08.24
2:06.40   2:16.73   2:10.32   2:08.00   1:52.80
Iran Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round46 20.96 29.05
28.57     24.88     33.70     DNF       20.96
2x2x2 CubeSecond round28 4.40 7.58
7.47      6.89      10.84     8.38      4.40
First round35 5.68 9.63
11.69     10.14     11.12     5.68      7.63
IP Cube Challenge 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round26 41.40 50.51
42.81     55.58     DNF       41.40     53.13
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 7.97 9.42
12.21     8.86      8.13      7.97      11.27
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 2:40.52 DNF
DNF       DNF       2:50.50   3:01.49   2:40.52
82022-02-18Welcome Back Iran 2022IranTehran
72018-09-06~07Icy Summer 2018IranTehran
62018-07-20Chekaad Summer 2018IranTehran
52017-09-14~15Golden Rubik's Cube 2017IranTehran
42017-02-16~17Iran Open 2017IranTehran
32016-07-22Iran Nationals 2016IranTehran
22016-02-18~19Iran Open 2016IranTehran
12015-11-20IP Cube Challenge 2015IranTehran