Personal Page

Asher Buckner

Name: Asher Buckner
Region: United States
Competitions: 12
WCA ID: Asher Buckner2015BUCK03
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.06.12 - 2020.02.16
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube11640154896042415.3918.9562992160761202249/50
2x2x2 Cube1002813171469214.285.54341039556734240/45
4x4x4 Cube68279203348991:12.491:23.11332738999674010/10
5x5x5 Cube49356582232922:34.525/6
3x3x3 Blindfolded942122453733:01.9712/3
3x3x3 One-Handed524071632875929.7144.59363079391689717/17
3x3x3 With Feet25632614171:49.272:06.86127029523116/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Cubing Peoria 2020First round71 21.11 24.14
23.48     26.18     21.11     22.75     26.44
Cubing Peoria 2019First round42 17.47 21.20
17.47     27.54     23.99     20.96     18.66
Gateway Ravioli 2018First round34 15.39 19.07
22.38     19.20     15.39     17.25     20.75
SCC Winter 2018First round39 20.51 21.02
28.36     20.84     20.84     21.39     20.51
St. Boois 2017Second round27 18.04 18.95
18.93     19.73     19.45     18.04     18.47
First round30 16.37 19.75
16.37     20.42     19.77     21.11     19.06
SCC Summer 2017First round58 24.21 27.91
30.80     24.21     32.53     25.15     27.78
Overland Park Open 2017First round29 24.57 25.25
24.64     25.99     27.11     24.57     25.13
Lawrence Fall 2016First round41 19.69 28.20
28.84     23.64     32.13     DNF       19.69
Clock N' Other Stuff 2016First round39 19.12 23.52
29.02     24.00     21.30     19.12     25.27
2x2x2 Cube
Cubing Peoria 2019First round71 5.64 DNF
6.50      5.64      7.08      DNF       DNF
Gateway Ravioli 2018First round31 4.92 6.29
6.45      8.51      5.45      4.92      6.96
SCC Winter 2018First round34 4.30 6.36
5.71      8.02      5.35      9.90      4.30
St. Boois 2017First round17 5.01 5.54
7.51      5.01      5.30      5.89      5.42
SCC Summer 2017First round46 5.30 7.94
DNF       6.81      5.30      8.97      8.05
Overland Park Open 2017First round25 4.28 7.25
8.11      7.11      DNF       6.52      4.28
Lawrence Fall 2016Second round24 6.25 6.61
6.34      6.47      7.03      6.25      DNF
First round26 4.50 5.96
6.55      4.50      7.40      6.15      5.17
KCubing 2015First round42 9.66 10.81
11.43     18.03     10.33     10.68     9.66
4x4x4 Cube
SCC Winter 2018Final26 1:12.49 1:23.11
1:12.49   1:30.73   1:32.60   1:22.72   1:15.88
St. Boois 2017Final26 1:18.86 1:25.81
1:18.86   1:27.35   1:29.14   1:43.29   1:20.95
5x5x5 Cube
Cubing Peoria 2020Final39 3:06.61
3:06.61   DNF
Cubing Peoria 2019Final28 2:50.02
2:50.02   2:50.51
Gateway Ravioli 2018First round24 2:34.52
2:36.47   2:34.52
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Overland Park Open 2017Final2 3:01.97 DNF
3:18.90   3:01.97   DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
St. Boois 2017First round27 31.10 46.89
43.24     51.53     45.90     1:12.09   31.10
SCC Summer 2017Final28 53.18
53.18     1:04.66
Lawrence Fall 2016Final21 29.71 44.59
46.56     44.15     48.77     43.05     29.71
Clock N' Other Stuff 2016Final29 35.52 45.18
52.32     35.52     43.88     1:45.77   39.35
Cubing Peoria 2019First round10 15.42 16.98
DNF       18.91     15.54     15.42     16.50
SCC Summer 2017Final6 11.32 13.49
19.12     13.25     12.60     11.32     14.62
Clock N' Other Stuff 2016First round17 12.89 28.35
38.41     33.59     DNF       12.89     13.06
Blind and Whatnot 2016First round7 12.38 17.37
21.25     15.84     18.87     17.41     12.38
SCC Winter 2018Final2 4.02 5.09
5.19      4.02      4.18      5.90      DNF
SCC Summer 2017Final3 3.28 4.70
5.36      3.28      4.59      5.91      4.16
Lawrence Fall 2016Final5 6.07 6.43
6.07      6.59      6.25      6.46      10.05
KCubing 2015Final8 4.69 7.60
6.18      8.31      9.54      8.30      4.69
Indiana 2015First round26 7.29 10.56
7.29      10.13     26.71     13.64     7.91
Gateway Ravioli 2018First round22 8.25 9.88
9.63      10.12     9.89      8.25      14.91
SCC Winter 2018Final14 6.51 7.87
7.05      7.79      6.51      8.78      13.19
St. Boois 2017Final16 5.59 11.15
10.39     11.52     11.54     DNF       5.59
SCC Summer 2017Final14 5.70 8.08
5.70      11.96     6.52      10.59     7.14
Overland Park Open 2017Final7 6.01 9.45
10.17     11.91     6.01      DNF       6.27
Lawrence Fall 2016Final12 6.86 9.90
9.81      15.79     9.69      10.19     6.86
KCubing 2015Final22 10.89 13.69
15.68     15.90     14.31     10.89     11.09
SCC Winter 2018Final20 43.70 50.31
43.70     51.12     56.05     1:15.29   43.77
St. Boois 2017Final15 29.22 42.73
29.22     42.40     40.93     48.79     44.85
SCC Summer 2017Final19 54.07
1:16.89   54.07
Overland Park Open 2017Final4 36.89 51.13
54.97     36.89     59.47     1:23.30   38.94
3x3x3 With Feet
Cubing Peoria 2019Final8 1:49.27 2:06.86
2:07.66   2:14.37   1:49.27   2:44.55   1:58.54
Overland Park Open 2017Final2 3:09.61
Cubing Peoria 2020
3x3x3 CubeFirst round71 21.11 24.14
23.48     26.18     21.11     22.75     26.44
5x5x5 CubeFinal39 3:06.61
3:06.61   DNF
Cubing Peoria 2019
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 17.47 21.20
17.47     27.54     23.99     20.96     18.66
2x2x2 CubeFirst round71 5.64 DNF
6.50      5.64      7.08      DNF       DNF
5x5x5 CubeFinal28 2:50.02
2:50.02   2:50.51
ClockFirst round10 15.42 16.98
DNF       18.91     15.54     15.42     16.50
3x3x3 With FeetFinal8 1:49.27 2:06.86
2:07.66   2:14.37   1:49.27   2:44.55   1:58.54
Gateway Ravioli 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round34 15.39 19.07
22.38     19.20     15.39     17.25     20.75
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 4.92 6.29
6.45      8.51      5.45      4.92      6.96
5x5x5 CubeFirst round24 2:34.52
2:36.47   2:34.52
SkewbFirst round22 8.25 9.88
9.63      10.12     9.89      8.25      14.91
SCC Winter 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 20.51 21.02
28.36     20.84     20.84     21.39     20.51
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 4.30 6.36
5.71      8.02      5.35      9.90      4.30
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 1:12.49 1:23.11
1:12.49   1:30.73   1:32.60   1:22.72   1:15.88
PyraminxFinal2 4.02 5.09
5.19      4.02      4.18      5.90      DNF
SkewbFinal14 6.51 7.87
7.05      7.79      6.51      8.78      13.19
Square-1Final20 43.70 50.31
43.70     51.12     56.05     1:15.29   43.77
St. Boois 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round27 18.04 18.95
18.93     19.73     19.45     18.04     18.47
First round30 16.37 19.75
16.37     20.42     19.77     21.11     19.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round17 5.01 5.54
7.51      5.01      5.30      5.89      5.42
4x4x4 CubeFinal26 1:18.86 1:25.81
1:18.86   1:27.35   1:29.14   1:43.29   1:20.95
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round27 31.10 46.89
43.24     51.53     45.90     1:12.09   31.10
SkewbFinal16 5.59 11.15
10.39     11.52     11.54     DNF       5.59
Square-1Final15 29.22 42.73
29.22     42.40     40.93     48.79     44.85
SCC Summer 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round58 24.21 27.91
30.80     24.21     32.53     25.15     27.78
2x2x2 CubeFirst round46 5.30 7.94
DNF       6.81      5.30      8.97      8.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal28 53.18
53.18     1:04.66
ClockFinal6 11.32 13.49
19.12     13.25     12.60     11.32     14.62
PyraminxFinal3 3.28 4.70
5.36      3.28      4.59      5.91      4.16
SkewbFinal14 5.70 8.08
5.70      11.96     6.52      10.59     7.14
Square-1Final19 54.07
1:16.89   54.07
Overland Park Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round29 24.57 25.25
24.64     25.99     27.11     24.57     25.13
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 4.28 7.25
8.11      7.11      DNF       6.52      4.28
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 3:01.97 DNF
3:18.90   3:01.97   DNF
SkewbFinal7 6.01 9.45
10.17     11.91     6.01      DNF       6.27
Square-1Final4 36.89 51.13
54.97     36.89     59.47     1:23.30   38.94
3x3x3 With FeetFinal2 3:09.61
Lawrence Fall 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round41 19.69 28.20
28.84     23.64     32.13     DNF       19.69
2x2x2 CubeSecond round24 6.25 6.61
6.34      6.47      7.03      6.25      DNF
First round26 4.50 5.96
6.55      4.50      7.40      6.15      5.17
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal21 29.71 44.59
46.56     44.15     48.77     43.05     29.71
PyraminxFinal5 6.07 6.43
6.07      6.59      6.25      6.46      10.05
SkewbFinal12 6.86 9.90
9.81      15.79     9.69      10.19     6.86
Clock N' Other Stuff 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 19.12 23.52
29.02     24.00     21.30     19.12     25.27
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal29 35.52 45.18
52.32     35.52     43.88     1:45.77   39.35
ClockFirst round17 12.89 28.35
38.41     33.59     DNF       12.89     13.06
Blind and Whatnot 2016
ClockFirst round7 12.38 17.37
21.25     15.84     18.87     17.41     12.38
KCubing 2015
2x2x2 CubeFirst round42 9.66 10.81
11.43     18.03     10.33     10.68     9.66
PyraminxFinal8 4.69 7.60
6.18      8.31      9.54      8.30      4.69
SkewbFinal22 10.89 13.69
15.68     15.90     14.31     10.89     11.09
Indiana 2015
PyraminxFirst round26 7.29 10.56
7.29      10.13     26.71     13.64     7.91
122020-02-16Cubing Peoria 2020United StatesPeoria, Illinois
112019-03-30Cubing Peoria 2019United StatesPeoria, Illinois
102018-04-22Gateway Ravioli 2018United StatesSt. Louis, Missouri
92018-01-20SCC Winter 2018United StatesCottleville, Missouri
82017-10-29St. Boois 2017United StatesSt. Louis, Missouri
72017-06-10SCC Summer 2017United StatesCottleville, Missouri
62017-04-29Overland Park Open 2017United StatesOverland Park, Kansas
52016-10-29Lawrence Fall 2016United StatesLawrence, Kansas
42016-04-30Clock N' Other Stuff 2016United StatesMadison, Wisconsin
32016-02-20Blind and Whatnot 2016United StatesMiddleton, Wisconsin
22015-11-07KCubing 2015United StatesRaytown, Missouri
12015-06-12~13Indiana 2015United StatesNoblesville, Indiana