Personal Page

Davi Martini Agrello Cintra

Name: Davi Martini Agrello Cintra
Region: Brazil
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Davi Martini Agrello Cintra2015CINT01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.09.12 - 2018.05.20
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube116648415891415.2318.13572614618110789/90
2x2x2 Cube3715026241.453.921031871116069/70
4x4x4 Cube8303781481531:35.601:52.7541473341681819/21
5x5x5 Cube5412025300713:34.523/4
3x3x3 One-Handed16825242627902:39.931/2

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Fecap Open 2018First round33 17.06 18.30
17.06     17.73     18.63     18.55     19.15
Oficina Open 2017Second round21 16.27 19.20
16.27     22.09     18.16     17.36     23.14
First round22 15.72 18.13
18.25     15.72     17.44     18.71     21.16
Arnold Classic SA 2017Second round34 19.23 21.13
19.40     24.19     19.79     24.37     19.23
First round38 15.82 22.53
15.82     26.74     20.97     31.53     19.88
Lorena Open 2017Second round16 20.78 22.66
24.32     27.50     21.54     20.78     22.13
First round16 21.28 24.86
21.28     26.06     24.17     DNF       24.35
Brasileiro 2016Second round58 16.44 21.54
27.72     16.44     20.47     24.51     19.65
First round53 16.78 19.13
17.97     18.40     21.03     23.00     16.78
Oficina Open 2016Second round32 17.49 20.86
23.39     21.15     19.11     17.49     22.31
First round35 16.97 21.91
26.10     24.32     20.64     16.97     20.76
Domus Sapiens 2016Second round28 15.23 20.53
22.64     15.23     19.83     25.62     19.11
First round24 18.77 19.38
19.72     18.94     21.53     18.77     19.49
Fecap Open 2016First round40 19.83 23.97
25.94     29.50     21.51     24.45     19.83
Big Pine Open 2015Second round54 28.85 30.59
28.85     34.23     31.25     30.62     29.91
First round56 21.80 30.50
29.30     21.80     31.05     31.15     34.19
Uberlandia Open 2015First round19 28.68 40.54
57.14     28.68     34.96     47.24     39.42
Barueri 2015First round61 36.75 38.80
44.15     36.75     40.57     36.77     39.06
2x2x2 Cube
Oficina Open 2017Final6 2.29 3.92
3.95      4.05      5.28      3.77      2.29
First round10 3.96 6.27
8.86      5.87      4.07      3.96      8.95
Arnold Classic SA 2017First round13 3.51 5.74
6.87      8.03      5.46      4.89      3.51
Lorena Open 2017Final4 1.79 4.65
1.79      5.02      4.04      5.09      4.90
First round3 1.45 4.54
3.43      1.45      6.47      4.82      5.36
Brasileiro 2016Final6 3.59 4.08
4.93      4.73      3.59      3.85      3.67
Second round15 3.13 4.44
3.70      6.43      6.53      3.13      3.20
First round8 3.60 4.42
3.60      4.53      3.68      5.06      5.27
Oficina Open 2016Final8 3.98 4.80
4.87      6.63      5.21      4.32      3.98
First round3 2.09 4.17
2.09      3.71      4.57      4.87      4.23
Domus Sapiens 2016First round13 4.65 5.81
4.65      7.39      4.95      8.18      5.09
Uberlandia Open 2015Final6 5.64 8.87
10.86     10.28     9.72      6.61      5.64
First round7 6.76 8.78
9.58      9.67      10.58     6.76      7.10
Barueri 2015First round39 9.79 14.81
9.79      19.73     DNF       13.39     11.32
4x4x4 Cube
Oficina Open 2017First round20 1:48.02 2:16.69
DNF       1:48.02   2:18.33   2:18.93   2:12.82
Brasileiro 2016First round50 2:05.14
2:18.90   2:05.14
Oficina Open 2016First round31 2:03.26
2:03.26   2:09.93
Domus Sapiens 2016First round26 1:35.60 1:52.75
1:40.37   2:05.54   1:35.60   2:01.49   1:56.38
Big Pine Open 2015First round37 2:17.77 2:38.25
2:17.77   2:39.22   2:37.57   DNF       2:37.96
Uberlandia Open 2015First round8 2:27.30
2:40.26   2:27.30
5x5x5 Cube
Brasileiro 2016First round32 4:10.43
4:10.43   4:10.89
Domus Sapiens 2016Final26 3:34.52
DNF       3:34.52
3x3x3 One-Handed
Barueri 2015First round32 2:39.93
2:39.93   DNF
Domus Sapiens 2016Final19 4:54.81
6:49.42   4:54.81
Uberlandia Open 2015Final6 DNF
DNF       DNS
Oficina Open 2017Final20 13.65 13.87
13.82     14.05     13.65     20.10     13.75
Arnold Classic SA 2017First round28 11.40 16.23
DNF       23.00     13.04     12.64     11.40
Brasileiro 2016First round32 8.84 12.42
12.27     22.84     13.07     11.92     8.84
Oficina Open 2016First round22 9.36 12.41
15.91     9.36      9.96      11.45     15.83
Domus Sapiens 2016First round22 10.06 12.75
11.04     14.73     22.27     10.06     12.48
Fecap Open 2016Final16 9.00 11.84
11.81     10.98     12.74     12.83     9.00
Uberlandia Open 2015Final7 15.13 18.35
16.06     18.68     20.32     15.13     30.34
Barueri 2015First round28 21.12 26.19
31.53     22.77     39.79     21.12     24.27
Brasileiro 2016First round32 16.23 19.63
21.43     18.19     26.58     16.23     19.26
Domus Sapiens 2016Final24 21.54 25.84
34.36     24.49     21.54     23.71     29.31
Oficina Open 2017Final9 28.20 40.18
56.65     28.20     36.80     37.23     46.51
Lorena Open 2017Final5 33.26 43.50
1:09.19   33.26     42.29     49.84     38.38
First round6 43.02 59.11
53.12     43.02     1:28.30   52.72     1:11.49
Brasileiro 2016Final12 22.19 41.50
54.29     22.19     37.84     41.23     45.42
First round12 29.76 36.78
29.76     38.84     33.89     53.95     37.61
Oficina Open 2016Final12 41.79 57.44
1:04.96   45.50     41.79     1:35.54   1:01.85
Domus Sapiens 2016Final15 43.29 1:03.33
DNF       1:14.23   1:00.26   55.51     43.29
Big Pine Open 2015Final11 59.37 1:31.52
1:28.04   1:52.17   2:25.22   1:14.36   59.37
Fecap Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round33 17.06 18.30
17.06     17.73     18.63     18.55     19.15
Oficina Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 16.27 19.20
16.27     22.09     18.16     17.36     23.14
First round22 15.72 18.13
18.25     15.72     17.44     18.71     21.16
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.29 3.92
3.95      4.05      5.28      3.77      2.29
First round10 3.96 6.27
8.86      5.87      4.07      3.96      8.95
4x4x4 CubeFirst round20 1:48.02 2:16.69
DNF       1:48.02   2:18.33   2:18.93   2:12.82
PyraminxFinal20 13.65 13.87
13.82     14.05     13.65     20.10     13.75
Square-1Final9 28.20 40.18
56.65     28.20     36.80     37.23     46.51
Arnold Classic SA 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 19.23 21.13
19.40     24.19     19.79     24.37     19.23
First round38 15.82 22.53
15.82     26.74     20.97     31.53     19.88
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 3.51 5.74
6.87      8.03      5.46      4.89      3.51
PyraminxFirst round28 11.40 16.23
DNF       23.00     13.04     12.64     11.40
Lorena Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 20.78 22.66
24.32     27.50     21.54     20.78     22.13
First round16 21.28 24.86
21.28     26.06     24.17     DNF       24.35
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 1.79 4.65
1.79      5.02      4.04      5.09      4.90
First round3 1.45 4.54
3.43      1.45      6.47      4.82      5.36
Square-1Final5 33.26 43.50
1:09.19   33.26     42.29     49.84     38.38
First round6 43.02 59.11
53.12     43.02     1:28.30   52.72     1:11.49
Brasileiro 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round58 16.44 21.54
27.72     16.44     20.47     24.51     19.65
First round53 16.78 19.13
17.97     18.40     21.03     23.00     16.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.59 4.08
4.93      4.73      3.59      3.85      3.67
Second round15 3.13 4.44
3.70      6.43      6.53      3.13      3.20
First round8 3.60 4.42
3.60      4.53      3.68      5.06      5.27
4x4x4 CubeFirst round50 2:05.14
2:18.90   2:05.14
5x5x5 CubeFirst round32 4:10.43
4:10.43   4:10.89
PyraminxFirst round32 8.84 12.42
12.27     22.84     13.07     11.92     8.84
SkewbFirst round32 16.23 19.63
21.43     18.19     26.58     16.23     19.26
Square-1Final12 22.19 41.50
54.29     22.19     37.84     41.23     45.42
First round12 29.76 36.78
29.76     38.84     33.89     53.95     37.61
Oficina Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 17.49 20.86
23.39     21.15     19.11     17.49     22.31
First round35 16.97 21.91
26.10     24.32     20.64     16.97     20.76
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.98 4.80
4.87      6.63      5.21      4.32      3.98
First round3 2.09 4.17
2.09      3.71      4.57      4.87      4.23
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 2:03.26
2:03.26   2:09.93
PyraminxFirst round22 9.36 12.41
15.91     9.36      9.96      11.45     15.83
Square-1Final12 41.79 57.44
1:04.96   45.50     41.79     1:35.54   1:01.85
Domus Sapiens 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 15.23 20.53
22.64     15.23     19.83     25.62     19.11
First round24 18.77 19.38
19.72     18.94     21.53     18.77     19.49
2x2x2 CubeFirst round13 4.65 5.81
4.65      7.39      4.95      8.18      5.09
4x4x4 CubeFirst round26 1:35.60 1:52.75
1:40.37   2:05.54   1:35.60   2:01.49   1:56.38
5x5x5 CubeFinal26 3:34.52
DNF       3:34.52
MegaminxFinal19 4:54.81
6:49.42   4:54.81
PyraminxFirst round22 10.06 12.75
11.04     14.73     22.27     10.06     12.48
SkewbFinal24 21.54 25.84
34.36     24.49     21.54     23.71     29.31
Square-1Final15 43.29 1:03.33
DNF       1:14.23   1:00.26   55.51     43.29
Fecap Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round40 19.83 23.97
25.94     29.50     21.51     24.45     19.83
PyraminxFinal16 9.00 11.84
11.81     10.98     12.74     12.83     9.00
Big Pine Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round54 28.85 30.59
28.85     34.23     31.25     30.62     29.91
First round56 21.80 30.50
29.30     21.80     31.05     31.15     34.19
4x4x4 CubeFirst round37 2:17.77 2:38.25
2:17.77   2:39.22   2:37.57   DNF       2:37.96
Square-1Final11 59.37 1:31.52
1:28.04   1:52.17   2:25.22   1:14.36   59.37
Uberlandia Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round19 28.68 40.54
57.14     28.68     34.96     47.24     39.42
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 5.64 8.87
10.86     10.28     9.72      6.61      5.64
First round7 6.76 8.78
9.58      9.67      10.58     6.76      7.10
4x4x4 CubeFirst round8 2:27.30
2:40.26   2:27.30
MegaminxFinal6 DNF
DNF       DNS
PyraminxFinal7 15.13 18.35
16.06     18.68     20.32     15.13     30.34
Barueri 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round61 36.75 38.80
44.15     36.75     40.57     36.77     39.06
2x2x2 CubeFirst round39 9.79 14.81
9.79      19.73     DNF       13.39     11.32
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round32 2:39.93
2:39.93   DNF
PyraminxFirst round28 21.12 26.19
31.53     22.77     39.79     21.12     24.27
112018-05-20Fecap Open 2018BrazilSão Paulo, São Paulo
102017-05-20~21Oficina Open 2017BrazilCampinas, São Paulo
92017-04-21Arnold Classic SA 2017BrazilSão Paulo, São Paulo
82017-02-11~12Lorena Open 2017BrazilLorena, São Paulo
72016-07-22~24Brasileiro 2016BrazilSantos, São Paulo
62016-06-18~19Oficina Open 2016BrazilCampinas, São Paulo
52016-05-21~22Domus Sapiens 2016BrazilJundiaí, São Paulo
42016-04-16Fecap Open 2016BrazilSão Paulo, São Paulo
32015-12-05~06Big Pine Open 2015BrazilSão Paulo, São Paulo
22015-10-31~11-01Uberlandia Open 2015BrazilUberlândia, Minas Gerais
12015-09-12~13Barueri 2015BrazilBarueri, São Paulo