Personal Page

Andrew Davis

Name: Andrew Davis
Region: United States
Competitions: 11
WCA ID: Andrew Davis2015DAVI09
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.10.24 - 2024.06.02
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube340344441703910.0712.031587840723106131/134
2x2x2 Cube2087427334953076.969.6192842265722028110/10
4x4x4 Cube333745881856351.891:02.27206995221379727/31
5x5x5 Cube31664250156401:55.621:59.66135263666274015/15
6x6x6 Cube1652220676183:31.393:35.706812199014935/5
7x7x7 Cube1699228478946:09.326:27.386803198014873/3
3x3x3 One-Handed700295593738936.204/9

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
See Georgia: Lake Russell B 2024Final19 12.59 13.34
13.68     12.78     13.57     14.81     12.59
Second round13 10.07 12.03
12.94     14.47     10.07     12.03     11.12
First round20 11.22 13.21
14.26     12.65     11.22     15.22     12.73
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final21 11.26 12.69
12.68     12.59     12.88     12.79     11.26
Second round21 10.20 12.09
10.73     13.81     11.72     13.88     10.20
First round24 10.88 13.31
13.01     12.73     14.20     10.88     17.23
Georgia Goobers 2019Second round16 11.47 13.45
13.68     11.47     19.75     12.75     13.92
First round15 12.48 13.22
12.48     12.51     12.57     14.57     14.67
Dunwoody Day Bash 2019Second round21 13.54 14.08
14.02     13.54     13.91     14.63     14.32
First round23 12.13 15.88
15.80     19.79     13.83     12.13     18.01
SE Champ 2018Semi Final31 14.21 15.13
15.16     16.22     14.44     14.21     15.79
Second round32 14.54 15.15
15.02     15.85     18.63     14.57     14.54
First round45 14.14 16.15
19.62     14.46     19.78     14.36     14.14
All Aboard 2017First round89 13.45 DNF
13.45     15.92     DNF       DNF       DNS
Crossroads Cubing 2017Final15 12.57 15.09
12.57     15.06     DNF       16.49     13.72
Second round21 14.50 16.42
17.82     15.91     14.50     15.95     17.39
First round17 13.98 15.55
14.50     17.92     14.97     13.98     17.19
Athens Winter 2016Final13 15.67 16.29
15.67     16.87     18.33     15.91     16.08
Second round12 13.20 15.95
18.89     13.20     16.25     17.22     14.37
First round12 12.57 15.61
12.57     15.19     14.96     16.67     19.54
Peach State Winter 2016Second round18 13.25 16.31
16.34     17.08     13.25     15.51     19.15
First round20 15.23 17.32
17.69     17.81     20.50     16.46     15.23
Athens Winter Mystery 2015Final9 14.26 15.63
14.26     15.42     16.01     15.46     18.91
Second round8 14.88 16.75
15.11     15.26     19.87     21.52     14.88
First round8 14.86 17.23
14.86     17.70     16.23     24.86     17.76
Athens Fall 2015Second round18 15.54 18.77
18.30     15.54     20.43     21.10     17.58
First round19 13.51 18.95
18.37     13.51     20.44     18.54     19.93
2x2x2 Cube
Crossroads Cubing 2017Final52 9.05 9.67
9.05      9.78      11.36     9.29      9.93
Athens Fall 2015First round27 6.96 9.61
8.04      10.33     6.96      10.46     12.65
4x4x4 Cube
See Georgia: Lake Russell B 2024First round23 56.73 1:02.27
56.73     1:04.48   1:02.36   1:00.47   1:03.99
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final31 53.32 1:07.37
59.16     53.32     1:34.24   1:04.40   1:18.55
Georgia Goobers 2019First round41 DNF
DNF       DNS
Dunwoody Day Bash 2019First round21 51.89 1:06.35
1:11.09   1:13.32   DNF       51.89     54.63
Crossroads Cubing 2017Final9 1:00.00 1:03.56
1:02.87   1:00.00   1:05.86   DNF       1:01.94
Peach State Winter 2016Final18 1:12.18 1:29.38
1:19.75   DNF       1:27.79   1:40.60   1:12.18
Athens Fall 2015Final15 1:08.11 1:22.46
1:08.11   1:24.29   1:46.15   1:21.85   1:21.24
5x5x5 Cube
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final25 1:55.62 1:59.66
1:57.51   2:07.57   1:55.62   1:59.03   2:02.44
Georgia Goobers 2019First round20 2:22.61 2:38.75
2:29.92   2:41.13   2:22.61   3:18.83   2:45.19
Dunwoody Day Bash 2019Final24 2:25.88 2:27.44
2:29.11   2:25.94   2:31.76   2:27.26   2:25.88
6x6x6 Cube
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final22 3:31.39 3:35.70
3:31.39   3:35.39   3:40.33
Georgia Goobers 2019First round17 6:23.05
Crossroads Cubing 2017Final17 4:40.68
7x7x7 Cube
Clayton State Cubing 2024Final22 6:09.32 6:27.38
6:20.54   6:09.32   6:52.28
3x3x3 One-Handed
See Georgia: Lake Russell B 2024First round36 DNF
DNF       DNF
Crossroads Cubing 2017Final33 36.20 DNF
1:15.04   36.20     56.95     DNF       DNF
Athens Winter 2016First round21 1:21.79
DNF       1:21.79
See Georgia: Lake Russell B 2024First round26 28.61 32.18
42.36     28.61     31.35     30.87     34.31
Crossroads Cubing 2017First round40 9.97 20.64
20.93     9.97      22.32     18.68     41.36
Peach State Winter 2016First round37 22.11 39.25
43.80     22.11     31.48     42.46     54.36
See Georgia: Lake Russell B 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal19 12.59 13.34
13.68     12.78     13.57     14.81     12.59
Second round13 10.07 12.03
12.94     14.47     10.07     12.03     11.12
First round20 11.22 13.21
14.26     12.65     11.22     15.22     12.73
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 56.73 1:02.27
56.73     1:04.48   1:02.36   1:00.47   1:03.99
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round36 DNF
DNF       DNF
ClockFirst round26 28.61 32.18
42.36     28.61     31.35     30.87     34.31
Clayton State Cubing 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal21 11.26 12.69
12.68     12.59     12.88     12.79     11.26
Second round21 10.20 12.09
10.73     13.81     11.72     13.88     10.20
First round24 10.88 13.31
13.01     12.73     14.20     10.88     17.23
4x4x4 CubeFinal31 53.32 1:07.37
59.16     53.32     1:34.24   1:04.40   1:18.55
5x5x5 CubeFinal25 1:55.62 1:59.66
1:57.51   2:07.57   1:55.62   1:59.03   2:02.44
6x6x6 CubeFinal22 3:31.39 3:35.70
3:31.39   3:35.39   3:40.33
7x7x7 CubeFinal22 6:09.32 6:27.38
6:20.54   6:09.32   6:52.28
Georgia Goobers 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 11.47 13.45
13.68     11.47     19.75     12.75     13.92
First round15 12.48 13.22
12.48     12.51     12.57     14.57     14.67
4x4x4 CubeFirst round41 DNF
DNF       DNS
5x5x5 CubeFirst round20 2:22.61 2:38.75
2:29.92   2:41.13   2:22.61   3:18.83   2:45.19
6x6x6 CubeFirst round17 6:23.05
Dunwoody Day Bash 2019
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 13.54 14.08
14.02     13.54     13.91     14.63     14.32
First round23 12.13 15.88
15.80     19.79     13.83     12.13     18.01
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 51.89 1:06.35
1:11.09   1:13.32   DNF       51.89     54.63
5x5x5 CubeFinal24 2:25.88 2:27.44
2:29.11   2:25.94   2:31.76   2:27.26   2:25.88
SE Champ 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final31 14.21 15.13
15.16     16.22     14.44     14.21     15.79
Second round32 14.54 15.15
15.02     15.85     18.63     14.57     14.54
First round45 14.14 16.15
19.62     14.46     19.78     14.36     14.14
All Aboard 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round89 13.45 DNF
13.45     15.92     DNF       DNF       DNS
Crossroads Cubing 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal15 12.57 15.09
12.57     15.06     DNF       16.49     13.72
Second round21 14.50 16.42
17.82     15.91     14.50     15.95     17.39
First round17 13.98 15.55
14.50     17.92     14.97     13.98     17.19
2x2x2 CubeFinal52 9.05 9.67
9.05      9.78      11.36     9.29      9.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 1:00.00 1:03.56
1:02.87   1:00.00   1:05.86   DNF       1:01.94
6x6x6 CubeFinal17 4:40.68
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal33 36.20 DNF
1:15.04   36.20     56.95     DNF       DNF
PyraminxFirst round40 9.97 20.64
20.93     9.97      22.32     18.68     41.36
Athens Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 15.67 16.29
15.67     16.87     18.33     15.91     16.08
Second round12 13.20 15.95
18.89     13.20     16.25     17.22     14.37
First round12 12.57 15.61
12.57     15.19     14.96     16.67     19.54
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 1:21.79
DNF       1:21.79
Peach State Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 13.25 16.31
16.34     17.08     13.25     15.51     19.15
First round20 15.23 17.32
17.69     17.81     20.50     16.46     15.23
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 1:12.18 1:29.38
1:19.75   DNF       1:27.79   1:40.60   1:12.18
PyraminxFirst round37 22.11 39.25
43.80     22.11     31.48     42.46     54.36
Athens Winter Mystery 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 14.26 15.63
14.26     15.42     16.01     15.46     18.91
Second round8 14.88 16.75
15.11     15.26     19.87     21.52     14.88
First round8 14.86 17.23
14.86     17.70     16.23     24.86     17.76
Athens Fall 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round18 15.54 18.77
18.30     15.54     20.43     21.10     17.58
First round19 13.51 18.95
18.37     13.51     20.44     18.54     19.93
2x2x2 CubeFirst round27 6.96 9.61
8.04      10.33     6.96      10.46     12.65
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 1:08.11 1:22.46
1:08.11   1:24.29   1:46.15   1:21.85   1:21.24
112024-06-02See Georgia: Lake Russell B 2024United StatesElberton, Georgia
102024-03-23~24Clayton State Cubing 2024United StatesMorrow, Georgia
92019-06-29Georgia Goobers 2019United StatesDunwoody, Georgia
82019-02-02Dunwoody Day Bash 2019United StatesDunwoody, Georgia
72018-04-13~15SE Champ 2018United StatesAthens, Georgia
62017-02-25All Aboard 2017United StatesAthens, Georgia
52017-01-21Crossroads Cubing 2017United StatesMonroe, North Carolina
42016-12-04Athens Winter 2016United StatesAthens, Georgia
32016-02-06Peach State Winter 2016United StatesLithia Springs, Georgia
22015-12-12Athens Winter Mystery 2015United StatesAthens, Georgia
12015-10-24Athens Fall 2015United StatesAthens, Georgia