Personal Page

Richard Delacoste

Name: Richard Delacoste
Region: Switzerland
Competitions: 70
WCA ID: Richard Delacoste2015DELA05
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.10.10 - 2025.01.12
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1281054.635.9567151251481028/1035
2x2x2 Cube38165643751.713.285057169837312/315
4x4x4 Cube1103820.9024.06256131107704/710
5x5x5 Cube141237.8043.9723712483552/555
6x6x6 Cube16191:13.891:23.0529611481165/166
7x7x7 Cube14171:53.962:01.5118411276133/134
3x3x3 Fewest Moves2887320153235.3312765371711/12
3x3x3 One-Handed61554979.9512.474011165378435/442

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Europe Championship Podiums

WCA European Championship 2024
7x7x7 Cube3 1:59.46 2:05.38
2:09.63   2:07.04   1:59.46
WCA European Championship 2022
5x5x5 Cube3 46.32 48.66
53.65     46.32     46.54     50.23     49.20
7x7x7 Cube3NR 2:13.61NR 2:20.42
2:23.17   2:13.61   2:24.49

Switzerland Championship Podiums

Swiss Nationals 2024
3x3x3 Cube1 6.31 6.45
6.32      7.56      6.46      6.57      6.31
4x4x4 Cube1 24.45 27.08
25.71     27.95     24.45     27.59     31.89
5x5x5 Cube1 41.04 44.81
47.02     48.46     41.04     46.34     41.06
6x6x6 Cube1 1:26.07 1:26.98
1:26.37   1:26.07   1:28.50
7x7x7 Cube1 1:59.35NR 2:01.51
2:02.35   1:59.35   2:02.84
Swiss Nationals 2023
3x3x3 Cube1 6.27 6.69
6.27      6.77      7.21      6.80      6.49
4x4x4 Cube3 27.74 31.03
34.75     32.23     27.74     31.03     29.83
5x5x5 Cube1 44.95 49.21
49.33     51.42     44.95     53.67     46.87
6x6x6 Cube1 1:27.35NR 1:31.90
1:27.35   1:35.65   1:32.70
7x7x7 Cube1NR 2:01.70 2:16.20
2:13.50   2:01.70   2:33.40
Swiss Nationals 2022
3x3x3 Cube1 6.42 6.79
7.32      6.42      6.51      6.53      8.08
4x4x4 Cube1 22.70 24.49
25.60     23.26     22.70     24.60     27.42
5x5x5 Cube1 45.91 50.98
49.20     1:02.73   54.22     49.52     45.91
6x6x6 Cube2 1:41.41 1:48.03
1:48.91   1:53.77   1:41.41
7x7x7 Cube2 2:24.29 2:34.67
2:40.06   2:24.29   2:39.67
3x3x3 One-Handed2 11.17 13.94
16.41     14.45     11.17     14.24     13.14
Swiss Nationals 2019
3x3x3 Cube1 7.07 8.01
7.07      9.09      9.82      7.38      7.56
4x4x4 Cube1NR 25.21 32.44
33.37     33.76     32.24     25.21     31.71
5x5x5 Cube1 56.23 56.88
59.40     56.81     56.66     57.18     56.23
6x6x6 Cube1 1:48.10NR 1:57.31
1:48.10   2:07.34   1:56.48
7x7x7 Cube1NR 2:17.83NR 2:39.11
2:59.56   2:39.95   2:17.83
3x3x3 One-Handed1 11.68 14.37
16.38     11.68     16.19     12.08     14.83
Swiss Nationals 2018
3x3x3 Cube1 7.17 8.25
8.86      7.17      8.55      7.80      8.39
4x4x4 Cube1 29.58 31.59
34.08     32.03     29.79     29.58     32.96
5x5x5 Cube1 57.30NR 1:00.27
1:00.02   1:03.31   57.30     57.49     1:10.30
6x6x6 Cube2 1:54.70 2:02.55
1:54.70   2:10.86   2:02.09
7x7x7 Cube2 3:06.00 3:15.34
3:19.49   3:20.52   3:06.00
3x3x3 One-Handed2 12.71 14.17
18.60     12.71     12.88     14.76     14.88
Swiss Nationals 2017
3x3x3 Cube1 7.75 8.33
8.87      9.11      7.75      8.10      8.02
4x4x4 Cube1 29.94 33.27
37.64     31.68     37.13     29.94     31.01
7x7x7 Cube2 3:38.03 3:49.23
3:51.15   3:58.50   3:38.03
3x3x3 One-Handed1 12.81 14.36
12.81     15.62     14.29     13.18     17.81
Swiss Nats 2016
3x3x3 Cube2 9.97 10.48
10.72     10.45     10.26     11.89     9.97

Overall Medal Collection


Overall Record Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Swisscubing Cup I 2025Final1 6.19 7.11
6.44      8.36      6.19      6.52      8.90
Second round1 5.96 6.69
5.96      7.44      6.57      6.42      7.08
First round1 6.30 6.97
6.30      6.72      7.02      7.17      11.96
Lonay Cube 2024Final1 4.78NR 5.95
5.86      6.72      7.21      5.26      4.78
Second round4 6.31 7.01
6.56      6.71      7.75      6.31      8.35
First round1 5.69 6.69
6.91      6.87      6.88      5.69      6.33
Swiss Nationals 2024Final1 6.31 6.45
6.32      7.56      6.46      6.57      6.31
Second round1 5.49 6.63
5.49      7.38      7.02      6.75      6.11
First round3 6.03 7.00
7.49      6.72      6.03      8.78      6.80
WCA European Championship 2024Final9 6.45 6.51
6.65      6.45      6.46      6.56      6.52
Semi Final10 5.44 6.72
5.44      6.69      11.97     5.82      7.65
Second round6 4.99 6.53
6.14      6.72      4.99      6.72      7.07
First round29 5.92 7.31
6.33      5.92      7.73      7.96      7.87
Warm Up Portugalete 2024Final3 5.91 6.38
5.92      7.87      6.68      6.53      5.91
Semi Final8 6.52 7.10
7.93      7.27      7.13      6.90      6.52
Second round4 5.94 6.64
6.12      7.05      5.94      7.65      6.76
First round9 5.75 7.28
8.08      8.29      5.75      7.57      6.20
Cournonsec Open 2024Final1 6.24 6.74
6.92      6.94      13.10     6.24      6.37
Second round1 5.81 6.56
5.93      5.81      7.24      7.93      6.51
First round1 6.27 6.53
8.59      6.58      6.55      6.47      6.27
Tigery Open 2024Final2 5.59 6.41
5.59      6.63      7.42      5.65      6.94
Second round4 6.32 7.13
6.66      7.71      8.88      6.32      7.02
First round5 6.82 7.93
6.99      8.75      9.70      6.82      8.06
Swisscubing Cup III 2024Final2 5.83 7.53
5.83      5.93      9.57      7.46      9.19
Second round1 6.23 7.07
6.23      6.36      7.31      7.54      8.30
First round1 5.85 6.39
5.85      6.54      6.26      6.37      7.89
French Championship 2024Final7 6.35 7.00
6.88      6.65      7.46      9.65      6.35
Semi Final6 6.36 7.13
7.51      8.83      6.90      6.97      6.36
Second round5 6.06 7.13
6.06      8.56      6.08      6.76      9.95
First round4 5.83 6.79
6.55      7.01      5.83      7.30      6.82
Swisscubing Cup II 2024Final1 5.47 7.12
6.65      7.87      9.39      5.47      6.84
Second round1 5.90 6.24
6.17      6.55      5.90      7.77      6.01
First round1 6.30 7.23
6.30      7.91      6.83      6.96      7.90
Longjum'Open 2024Final2 6.18 6.85
7.10      6.38      6.18      7.08      9.75
Semi Final1 5.39NR 6.11
5.97      6.21      6.43      6.15      5.39
Second round1 5.92 6.70
5.92      6.55      7.03      6.53      7.67
First round1 5.95 6.31
6.96      6.20      6.27      6.46      5.95
Swisscubing Cup I 2024Final2 6.94 7.68
7.88      9.28      7.45      7.70      6.94
Second round1 5.46 6.41
6.57      5.46      7.39      5.64      7.02
First round1 5.88 7.46
8.75      6.65      16.58     6.99      5.88
Chääswürfel 2023Final1 6.01 6.58
6.01      6.82      6.32      6.72      6.70
Second round1 6.31 7.09
10.04     6.66      7.53      6.31      7.07
First round1 5.68 7.08
8.98      5.68      6.07      7.20      7.97
Swiss Science Open 2023Final1 5.80 6.56
6.56      6.30      6.83      8.65      5.80
Second round1 6.15 7.03
8.20      7.28      6.40      7.40      6.15
First round1 5.41 6.73
6.96      6.58      6.65      5.41      7.49
Ticino Open 2023Final1 5.25 6.27
6.39      6.80      7.05      5.25      5.62
Second round1 5.83 6.44
7.14      6.53      6.18      6.60      5.83
First round2 6.04 7.20
8.50      6.37      6.72      9.55      6.04
Swisscubing Cup Final 2023Final1 5.26 6.50
6.77      6.72      6.82      5.26      6.02
Swiss Nationals 2023Final1 6.27 6.69
6.27      6.77      7.21      6.80      6.49
Second round1 6.18 6.80
6.18      6.95      6.58      7.19      6.86
First round1 6.35 7.16
10.16     7.29      6.97      6.35      7.23
Swisscubing Cup III 2023Final1 5.54 6.64
6.54      6.62      6.75      7.28      5.54
Second round1 5.73 6.83
5.73      6.92      8.16      7.70      5.87
First round2 6.12 7.18
7.01      9.83      7.82      6.71      6.12
Bretzel Open 2023Final1 5.59 6.49
5.59      6.52      6.27      7.31      6.69
Second round1 5.91NR 6.23
6.27      6.12      5.91      6.31      8.19
First round1 6.07 7.03
7.73      10.43     6.09      6.07      7.28
Swiss Nationals 2022Final1 6.42 6.79
7.32      6.42      6.51      6.53      8.08
Second round1 5.57 7.27
7.54      5.57      7.14      7.13      DNF
First round1 5.61 7.27
8.60      8.40      5.61      6.86      6.54
Norwegian Championship 2022Final1 6.51 6.86
6.95      6.51      7.03      7.74      6.60
Semi Final5 7.25 7.61
7.64      7.25      7.81      7.37      9.60
Second round4 5.98 7.37
8.75      7.29      8.40      5.98      6.41
First round1 6.58 6.77
6.72      7.02      6.76      6.82      6.58
WCA European Championship 2022Final10 6.77 7.32
7.23      7.73      6.77      7.47      7.27
Semi Final15NR 4.63 7.35
7.78      6.58      7.82      4.63      7.69
Second round4 5.44NR 6.70
7.09      9.45      5.44      6.37      6.64
First round25 6.78 7.81
8.35      7.22      6.78      8.19      8.01
Offline Schwyz Sunday 2021Final1 5.93NR 6.85
6.66      7.08      7.29      6.80      5.93
Second round1 6.52 7.69
6.67      7.65      6.52      8.95      8.75
First round1 6.14 7.61
6.14      6.54      7.13      9.15      9.35
UK Championship 2019Final4 6.71 7.45
6.71      7.87      8.38      7.41      7.08
Semi Final5 6.36 8.17
7.46      9.30      6.36      8.28      8.78
Second round4 6.96 8.13
7.53      8.58      9.64      8.29      6.96
First round5 7.70 8.42
9.97      8.01      8.90      7.70      8.36
WCA World Championship 2019Semi Final62 7.21 9.01
7.93      9.56      7.21      10.78     9.54
Second round13 6.76 7.45
6.76      7.94      6.85      7.56      9.04
First round12 6.61 7.27
10.89     7.07      7.42      6.61      7.33
Swiss Nationals 2019Final5 7.07 8.01
7.07      9.09      9.82      7.38      7.56
Second round3 6.67 7.49
7.47      9.14      7.09      6.67      7.92
First round3 6.90 7.75
7.65      8.68      6.90      6.92      10.47
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final1 6.82 7.59
9.49      6.82      7.32      7.79      7.65
Second round1 6.87 7.54
7.37      6.87      7.87      8.95      7.38
First round1 7.62 8.34
7.62      7.80      11.00     7.93      9.28
Zentralschweiz 2019Final2 7.14 8.47
8.28      7.14      10.02     9.35      7.77
Second round4 8.01 8.93
9.57      8.92      8.31      11.35     8.01
First round1 7.15 7.96
8.66      8.02      7.19      7.15      9.27
Just Cube Open 2019Final3 6.40 8.06
7.75      6.40      8.82      8.64      7.79
Second round1 6.28 7.78
6.28      8.26      7.74      7.38      8.21
First round1 6.68 7.49
8.00      7.12      8.57      7.34      6.68
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018Final3 7.15 7.91
7.28      11.09     7.45      9.01      7.15
Second round3 7.12 7.62
7.30      7.96      9.37      7.60      7.12
First round4 7.04 8.05
7.04      7.51      7.68      8.95      9.63
Barby Cube Open 2018Final1 7.24 7.72
7.58      7.24      7.87      7.71      8.91
Second round2 6.68 7.81
6.68      7.42      8.07      9.66      7.93
First round2 7.35 7.88
8.09      7.47      8.83      8.08      7.35
Argovia Open 2018Final1 6.70 7.77
10.19     7.41      6.70      8.11      7.78
Second round2 7.76 7.90
7.77      7.76      11.97     7.78      8.15
First round1 6.75NR 7.14
6.94      6.75      7.67      8.71      6.81
Swiss Nationals 2018Final2 7.17 8.25
8.86      7.17      8.55      7.80      8.39
Second round2 6.85 7.85
8.43      6.85      9.66      7.48      7.63
First round1 7.37 7.96
8.74      7.40      11.13     7.74      7.37
Swisscubing Better Be Quick 2018Final2 8.10 9.24
8.48      10.41     8.10      10.15     9.10
Second round2 7.02 9.26
10.49     8.83      10.75     8.45      7.02
First round2 8.53 9.17
10.18     9.05      9.71      8.74      8.53
WCA Euro 2018Final10 7.83 8.13
8.21      7.83      9.00      8.00      8.17
Semi Final5 7.19 7.72
7.48      8.93      7.55      8.14      7.19
Second round14 6.66 7.94
10.04     7.91      6.99      8.93      6.66
First round2 6.29NR 7.52
8.62      7.65      6.29      6.90      8.02
SC Cup II 2018Final1 6.49 8.85
10.20     8.65      8.00      6.49      9.90
Second round1 7.21 7.84
7.86      8.27      7.21      7.38      8.91
First round1 6.18 8.90
DNF       11.64     7.55      7.51      6.18
Zentralschweiz 2018Final1 8.08 9.02
8.08      8.62      9.94      10.27     8.50
Second round1 7.45NR 7.65
7.45      7.49      7.77      7.68      13.84
First round1 7.24 8.32
7.24      7.36      8.93      DNF       8.67
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final3 7.40 8.50
9.80      8.55      9.26      7.69      7.40
First round4 8.34 8.86
8.76      8.34      9.64      8.99      8.84
Zurich Open 2018Final2 7.73 8.20
12.00     7.84      7.73      8.60      8.15
Second round1 7.11 8.65
9.76      9.40      7.11      8.17      8.37
First round2 7.42 8.58
9.23      10.58     8.49      8.01      7.42
Elsass Open 2018Final7 8.12 8.61
8.12      8.42      9.18      8.24      10.74
Semi Final10 7.61 8.37
7.73      8.36      9.01      7.61      9.70
Second round6 7.19 8.30
8.56      8.27      8.08      DNF       7.19
First round9 7.36 8.52
7.63      10.99     9.15      8.79      7.36
SMSO 2018Final2 8.86 9.48
8.86      9.24      9.74      9.45      9.94
Second round3 7.90 8.47
8.46      8.58      8.37      7.90      8.82
First round1 7.89 8.52
7.90      9.00      8.66      9.10      7.89
Wiler Würfelfest 2018Final3 7.17 9.52
11.61     7.18      11.00     10.37     7.17
Second round1 7.60 8.24
7.98      8.69      7.60      9.09      8.04
First round1 8.24 8.93
8.81      12.05     9.28      8.24      8.69
Chambéry Cube 2018Final2 7.55 9.24
9.50      9.60      7.55      8.63      10.07
Second round1 7.12 8.18
8.52      7.60      8.41      14.48     7.12
First round1 7.47 8.28
8.39      7.47      9.02      7.71      8.75
Swiss Nationals 2017Final1 7.75 8.33
8.87      9.11      7.75      8.10      8.02
Second round1 7.83 8.37
10.54     7.83      8.04      8.70      8.36
First round1 7.46NR 8.15
7.46      7.84      9.15      7.89      8.71
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final6 8.27 9.90
10.45     10.39     9.26      10.04     8.27
Second round4 7.46 8.99
7.46      8.47      8.86      9.63      11.96
First round4 7.32 9.26
11.12     8.53      11.54     7.32      8.14
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final4 7.44 9.84
12.53     7.44      8.25      8.75      13.69
Second round4NR 5.61 9.67
9.89      9.47      5.61      9.73      9.80
First round2 7.31NR 8.15
8.38      7.82      7.31      8.24      9.66
Barby Cube Automne 2017Final9 9.10 9.99
9.10      11.88     9.25      10.39     10.32
Second round2 7.32 8.53
8.11      7.32      8.60      8.87      9.06
First round2 7.63 8.48
9.68      7.63      9.34      7.88      8.23
Zurich Open 2017Final1 8.11 8.89
9.05      11.03     8.88      8.74      8.11
Second round3 7.69 9.42
7.69      9.12      8.95      10.20     10.48
First round1 7.78 9.15
10.32     8.98      7.78      9.37      9.11
SC Cup Final 2017Final3 8.32 9.40
11.19     8.55      10.72     8.32      8.93
Second round1 7.95 9.65
8.69      8.82      7.95      11.44     DNF
First round1 7.58 8.70
9.93      7.95      7.58      10.90     8.22
Swiss Open 2017Final2 8.73 9.39
8.97      8.95      8.73      11.03     10.26
Second round9 8.19 10.90
12.87     8.46      8.19      11.36     13.17
First round4 7.79 8.55
7.79      8.72      8.07      8.86      16.47
World Championship 2017Semi Final56 8.07 9.76
11.04     8.35      9.89      8.07      11.45
Second round20 7.59NR 8.35
11.81     8.51      8.40      8.15      7.59
First round27 7.21NR 8.40
11.96     9.16      7.83      8.22      7.21
Ticino Open 2017Final1 7.10 8.63
8.08      7.10      8.21      10.26     9.59
Second round2 7.56 10.31
7.56      11.64     9.13      12.34     10.15
First round1 8.11 9.56
8.98      10.12     9.88      8.11      9.82
SC Cup III 2017Final2 8.55 8.96
9.31      8.55      8.83      11.17     8.73
First round1 8.30 9.44
9.56      9.98      11.43     8.79      8.30
Barby Cube 73 2017Final5 7.31 11.12
9.37      12.13     11.85     14.51     7.31
Second round3 7.52 8.87
7.52      8.68      12.60     9.37      8.55
First round3 7.72 8.48
8.82      7.72      8.12      8.51      10.06
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final1 6.89NR 8.46
8.78      6.89      8.43      13.25     8.17
Second round3 8.96 9.57
9.89      10.03     8.96      9.58      9.23
First round2NR 6.79 8.69
7.36      6.79      11.25     8.98      9.74
SC Cup II 2017Final2 8.33 10.74
9.66      12.90     8.33      12.46     10.10
First round5 7.85 10.86
7.85      8.70      12.04     11.83     DNF
Only Cube Open 2017Final3 9.54 10.10
10.97     9.67      9.54      10.45     10.18
Second round6 9.75 10.34
10.74     10.47     10.81     9.80      9.75
First round8 8.54 10.67
11.10     10.22     11.69     10.68     8.54
SC Cup I 2017Final8 8.69 11.77
12.98     10.97     13.95     11.35     8.69
First round2 9.45 10.60
9.45      10.64     10.78     10.55     10.61
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2016Final1 8.73 9.86
9.90      9.02      8.73      11.03     10.66
Second round1 7.43NR 9.10
8.03      9.81      7.43      9.46      13.18
First round2 8.29 9.59
8.29      10.96     9.52      9.68      9.56
CDJ 2016Final2 8.28 10.09
9.70      8.28      10.91     9.66      11.45
Second round2 8.48 10.68
12.14     10.15     9.75      13.40     8.48
First round2 9.39 9.93
9.70      9.97      11.68     10.12     9.39
Montbéliard Open 2016Final4 10.16 10.96
10.20     12.36     11.54     10.16     11.13
Second round2 9.14 9.67
9.16      9.53      9.14      11.74     10.32
First round3 8.93 10.20
10.17     10.80     12.97     8.93      9.62
MSDJ 2016Final5 7.11 10.39
7.11      7.63      13.11     15.09     10.42
Second round4 8.19 9.71
11.07     8.19      11.13     9.12      8.94
First round4 9.30 10.30
13.73     9.78      9.35      9.30      11.77
Swiss Nats 2016Final3 9.97 10.48
10.72     10.45     10.26     11.89     9.97
Second round4 9.24 10.07
10.76     10.19     9.24      9.27      10.75
First round8 8.90 10.84
9.38      12.71     8.90      10.44     13.52
Belfort Open 2016Final4 11.33 11.74
13.09     11.92     11.33     11.49     11.80
Second round5 10.28 11.49
11.37     10.28     12.36     DNF       10.73
First round8 12.55 13.01
12.73     12.55     13.65     12.64     14.55
OFFA-Meisterschaft 2016Final4 10.15 11.70
13.67     10.15     11.92     11.74     11.45
Second round6 9.11 12.01
12.14     13.96     14.21     9.93      9.11
First round7 10.82 12.59
13.17     10.82     11.33     13.28     13.67
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2015Final5 11.54 13.32
11.54     13.95     12.99     15.00     13.03
Second round5 9.88 12.55
12.17     12.51     12.97     13.43     9.88
First round5 11.36 13.10
13.28     16.37     13.24     11.36     12.78
Chambéry Cube Open 2015Final9 11.64 14.22
14.77     13.95     16.28     13.94     11.64
Second round5 10.26 12.13
12.02     12.90     13.99     11.47     10.26
First round11 13.00 14.43
18.05     13.09     14.20     13.00     16.01
Musée suisse du jeu 2015Final4 12.06 13.39
12.06     15.12     12.51     14.61     13.04
Second round5 11.65 12.64
11.65     13.83     13.98     12.39     11.71
First round4 10.80 13.32
14.68     12.99     10.80     13.52     13.46
2x2x2 Cube
SC Cup II 2018Final11 3.28 5.04
4.54      3.28      4.88      5.71      8.83
First round3 2.65 3.55
4.09      2.72      2.65      4.88      3.85
Zentralschweiz 2018Final11 2.91 5.48
6.52      4.39      6.49      2.91      5.56
First round10 3.16 4.65
3.16      4.94      5.18      7.39      3.83
Zurich Open 2018Final5 2.44 3.83
2.44      3.48      5.41      2.61      5.96
First round7 3.34 4.18
4.10      6.00      4.58      3.85      3.34
Elsass Open 2018Second round30 3.47 4.08
3.84      4.14      5.14      3.47      4.27
First round45 2.57 4.76
4.42      6.34      5.63      4.24      2.57
SMSO 2018First round14 1.90 4.79
6.64      4.00      5.18      1.90      5.18
Wiler Würfelfest 2018Final7 3.16 3.95
3.59      4.72      3.53      3.16      4.76
First round8 2.68 4.22
4.40      6.31      3.49      2.68      4.78
Swiss Nationals 2017Final10 3.14 4.45
3.14      4.21      4.63      4.50      5.41
First round5 2.90 3.34
3.50      2.94      3.59      2.90      3.86
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Second round17 2.72 4.70
6.58      5.10      4.57      2.72      4.42
First round14 3.21 3.97
3.21      4.08      3.91      4.55      3.91
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final10 2.57 4.28
4.48      4.33      2.57      6.00      4.04
Second round7 3.80 4.13
3.94      3.82      5.12      3.80      4.63
First round14 3.84 5.01
3.84      6.96      3.88      7.01      4.18
Barby Cube Automne 2017Final6 2.91 3.66
2.91      3.19      3.60      4.73      4.18
Second round12 3.26 4.07
3.26      4.21      3.77      4.22      4.24
First round16 3.17 4.22
4.00      3.17      4.28      4.39      5.64
Zurich Open 2017First round14 3.36 5.20
5.52      5.51      4.58      3.36      5.94
SC Cup Final 2017Final4 2.94 3.73
3.25      2.94      4.24      3.71      4.42
First round7 2.74 4.40
3.46      4.97      6.17      4.78      2.74
Swiss Open 2017Final9 2.96 4.50
4.87      4.50      4.72      2.96      4.29
Second round12 3.53 3.98
3.53      4.35      8.01      3.65      3.95
First round9 2.29 3.53
3.34      2.29      3.49      3.77      4.81
World Championship 2017First round238 3.08 4.59
8.60      3.80      3.08      5.48      4.50
Ticino Open 2017Final8 3.45 4.14
3.60      4.99      3.45      4.35      4.48
Second round7 3.00 4.09
3.00      3.42      5.56      3.29      5.86
First round11 3.42 4.36
4.42      3.42      4.77      5.00      3.90
SC Cup III 2017Final5 3.19 4.05
4.54      4.61      3.89      3.19      3.72
Barby Cube 73 2017Final8 3.49 4.21
4.32      3.83      4.47      3.49      4.82
Second round12 2.50 4.56
4.93      2.50      4.48      5.92      4.28
First round18 2.64 5.06
4.93      3.96      2.64      6.30      9.08
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final6 2.68 3.28
2.95      2.68      3.10      5.86      3.79
First round6 1.71 3.92
1.71      6.08      2.91      4.21      4.64
SC Cup II 2017Final7 2.88 4.08
4.28      5.13      2.88      3.80      4.17
Only Cube Open 2017Second round14 3.71 4.16
4.14      3.71      3.84      4.50      6.85
First round9 3.41 3.80
3.41      4.03      3.93      4.29      3.44
SC Cup I 2017Final12 3.33 4.72
3.33      8.28      4.15      4.09      5.93
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2016Final4 3.41 3.83
3.41      3.45      4.63      4.68      3.42
First round6 3.43 4.32
5.25      3.43      6.25      4.07      3.65
CDJ 2016Final9 3.31 4.20
3.89      3.59      5.13      DNF       3.31
Second round6 2.82 4.23
4.56      4.59      2.82      4.80      3.55
First round8 3.45 4.35
4.59      3.87      4.59      7.44      3.45
Montbéliard Open 2016Final8 2.71 3.72
4.01      3.69      2.71      3.47      4.67
Second round5 3.03 4.27
3.03      6.94      3.87      4.34      4.61
First round9 3.73 5.00
5.46      3.73      4.23      8.26      5.31
MSDJ 2016Final9 3.41 4.38
4.62      3.62      4.89      3.41      5.51
Second round9 2.93 4.49
3.60      5.48      5.00      4.88      2.93
First round12 3.81 4.87
3.81      4.57      5.22      5.37      4.83
Swiss Nats 2016First round68 4.62 DNF
6.32      DNF       4.77      4.62      DNF
Belfort Open 2016Second round12 3.41 5.41
4.73      7.12      3.41      6.22      5.27
First round7 3.50 4.51
5.38      4.74      3.50      5.27      3.53
OFFA-Meisterschaft 2016Final10 4.04 6.00
6.54      6.99      8.91      4.48      4.04
First round9 3.84 5.13
3.84      6.36      4.41      6.11      4.88
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2015Final5 4.50 4.88
4.73      5.25      4.50      4.68      5.22
First round6 4.17 5.46
8.49      4.57      5.42      6.39      4.17
Chambéry Cube Open 2015Final11 3.48 5.46
4.21      3.48      7.38      4.80      13.61
First round14 4.93 5.50
5.43      5.48      5.60      4.93      6.01
Musée suisse du jeu 2015Second round10 4.05 5.45
9.18      5.72      5.12      5.52      4.05
First round7 4.26 5.31
4.45      4.26      5.65      5.83      14.33
4x4x4 Cube
Swisscubing Cup I 2025Final2 25.08 26.55
26.56     26.12     28.89     25.08     26.98
First round2 21.72 26.23
21.72     27.30     28.63     24.25     27.13
Lonay Cube 2024Final1 22.12NR 24.06
25.01     28.91     22.12     24.56     22.62
First round1 26.71 28.00
27.56     28.58     27.86     30.03     26.71
Swiss Nationals 2024Final1 24.45 27.08
25.71     27.95     24.45     27.59     31.89
First round2 23.33 28.02
31.24     27.63     23.33     32.15     25.19
WCA European Championship 2024Final5 22.81 26.04
22.81     25.96     26.07     29.61     26.08
Second round5 22.47 25.24
24.43     22.47     26.38     32.13     24.91
First round7NR 20.90 26.02
25.07     28.28     20.90     25.98     27.01
Warm Up Portugalete 2024Final4 24.81 25.71
26.42     25.36     26.78     24.81     25.34
First round4 22.83 25.56
22.83     27.72     24.66     25.47     26.55
Cournonsec Open 2024Final1 23.25 25.64
23.25     24.32     26.30     30.01     26.29
First round1 22.57 25.90
26.43     26.20     22.57     25.08     28.26
Tigery Open 2024Final2 24.79 25.52
25.80     27.51     25.11     24.79     25.65
First round2 23.89 26.93
26.21     26.79     27.79     33.98     23.89
Olte Obig Overtimer 2024Final2 25.56 28.14
28.16     25.56     28.27     27.99     DNF
French Championship 2024Final2 25.89 27.09
26.27     26.39     28.60     25.89     31.17
First round3 25.10 28.31
30.50     25.10     27.03     31.71     27.39
Swisscubing Cup II 2024Final1 24.57 27.33
29.88     24.57     26.05     28.40     27.53
First round1 23.78 26.59
27.55     27.05     31.41     25.16     23.78
Longjum'Open 2024Final2 23.28 24.77
24.29     28.57     23.28     24.95     25.08
First round2 22.46 27.16
26.23     27.39     27.85     22.46     30.20
Swisscubing Cup I 2024Final1 25.52 25.94
25.53     26.42     25.87     25.52     26.56
First round1 25.26 27.39
25.26     27.70     27.04     27.44     29.52
Swiss Science Open 2023Final1 23.56 24.45
24.51     28.36     24.23     23.56     24.61
First round1 24.48 27.16
24.94     31.07     24.48     27.46     29.09
Ticino Open 2023Final1 22.91 25.54
22.91     DNF       27.52     23.69     25.41
First round1 24.68 26.59
26.67     27.88     28.20     25.21     24.68
Swisscubing Cup Final 2023Final1 27.16 28.62
28.90     27.28     30.23     27.16     29.68
Swiss Nationals 2023Final3 27.74 31.03
34.75     32.23     27.74     31.03     29.83
Second round1 24.24 27.86
27.27     27.98     29.69     28.33     24.24
First round1 22.89 26.56
22.89     24.60     33.57     28.50     26.58
Swisscubing Cup III 2023Final1 24.94 28.02
28.57     29.29     26.81     28.68     24.94
First round1 25.02 26.83
26.62     30.63     27.81     26.07     25.02
Bretzel Open 2023Final3 24.77 28.50
28.44     24.77     30.14     30.00     27.07
First round2 23.98 26.80
24.77     28.69     26.94     23.98     30.64
Swiss Nationals 2022Final1 22.70 24.49
25.60     23.26     22.70     24.60     27.42
First round1 26.29 26.96
27.12     26.29     26.68     27.09     29.45
Norwegian Championship 2022Final2 24.21 26.41
28.98     25.69     27.24     26.31     24.21
Second round1NR 21.25NR 24.40
25.32     22.20     21.25     25.67     25.73
First round2NR 21.79 27.41
27.60     31.21     26.04     28.58     21.79
WCA European Championship 2022Final6 23.69 27.24
29.03     31.62     24.96     23.69     27.73
Second round5 25.34NR 27.11
28.16     26.65     25.34     31.17     26.52
First round8NR 22.27NR 27.63
28.55     29.05     25.31     29.04     22.27
Offline Schwyz Sunday 2021Final1NR 24.80NR 28.20
29.14     27.76     27.70     29.47     24.80
UK Championship 2019Final5 28.51NR 29.69
28.54     28.51     31.00     29.53     34.89
Second round3 26.57 29.85
33.05     33.91     26.57     29.64     26.85
First round7NR 24.81 32.53
27.42     24.81     36.25     33.92     37.60
WCA World Championship 2019Second round68 27.56 36.82
49.68     27.56     32.03     28.76     49.81
First round33 30.47 32.76
36.71     31.57     31.86     30.47     34.85
Swiss Nationals 2019Final4NR 25.21 32.44
33.37     33.76     32.24     25.21     31.71
First round5 30.15 32.16
33.28     32.53     30.95     30.15     32.99
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final1 28.92 32.81
33.41     33.51     28.92     31.52     34.98
First round1 29.13 32.66
29.13     33.99     29.25     34.74     34.92
Zentralschweiz 2019Final1 28.54 31.15
33.48     29.41     34.83     28.54     30.56
Second round3 28.64 33.57
28.64     30.02     34.25     36.43     40.37
First round2 30.96 33.97
33.24     41.45     30.96     36.01     32.67
Just Cube Open 2019Final3 28.91 31.32
31.29     32.07     33.65     30.59     28.91
Second round3 28.80 33.25
28.80     33.54     38.05     34.58     31.63
First round3 28.67 33.01
28.67     30.00     41.70     29.11     39.91
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018First round8 30.16 37.90
38.60     48.39     37.56     30.16     37.53
Barby Cube Open 2018Final1 31.41 34.04
31.84     36.85     34.92     35.37     31.41
Second round2 29.67 34.72
34.52     34.11     29.67     35.52     35.87
First round3 34.61 35.84
34.61     36.72     35.75     37.96     35.04
Argovia Open 2018Final1 29.02 31.70
33.46     38.43     29.92     29.02     31.72
First round4 31.88 39.16
43.36     38.14     41.40     37.95     31.88
Swiss Nationals 2018Final1 29.58 31.59
34.08     32.03     29.79     29.58     32.96
Second round3 33.37 36.91
34.72     36.53     39.49     33.37     53.86
First round1 30.37 34.42
33.15     44.89     30.37     35.43     34.68
Swisscubing Better Be Quick 2018Final1 29.12 35.27
38.82     31.42     35.56     41.95     29.12
First round2 30.72 35.59
30.72     39.62     34.88     34.58     37.32
WCA Euro 2018Final8 27.90NR 30.22
28.81     31.02     34.90     30.83     27.90
Second round13 27.98NR 31.03
27.98     38.21     34.50     29.85     28.73
First round38 32.02 35.99
36.52     35.81     35.63     32.02     37.09
SC Cup II 2018Final1 32.34 34.88
32.34     34.25     33.91     36.47     39.28
First round1 30.36 36.11
41.56     35.37     30.36     38.90     34.05
Zentralschweiz 2018Final1 31.84 35.56
31.84     41.24     37.07     32.92     36.69
First round1NR 27.34 34.72
29.36     27.34     DNF       37.84     36.95
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final6 36.43 39.54
45.13     39.98     36.43     36.77     41.86
Second round3 33.44 37.39
36.48     37.96     37.74     33.44     38.35
First round2 28.69 37.28
38.17     28.69     41.25     34.11     39.57
Zurich Open 2018Final1 31.86 36.60
31.86     38.93     33.75     38.52     37.53
First round1 32.68 35.13
36.09     38.51     35.96     32.68     33.35
Elsass Open 2018Final11 32.70 35.32
38.06     35.11     32.80     32.70     41.36
Second round11 33.39 35.18
35.07     38.56     36.37     34.11     33.39
First round6 30.86 33.56
33.84     33.13     30.86     39.25     33.72
SMSO 2018Final1 34.00 38.63
39.33     39.78     34.00     37.40     39.15
First round1 31.85 33.35
35.17     31.85     34.01     33.72     32.33
Wiler Würfelfest 2018Final1 29.20 35.28
33.04     29.20     37.59     35.22     40.13
First round1 30.67 35.96
33.08     30.67     40.63     40.34     34.45
Chambéry Cube 2018Final1 31.18 34.44
35.13     DNF       34.73     31.18     33.47
First round2 34.62 37.75
55.51     39.88     34.62     36.10     37.26
Swiss Nationals 2017Final1 29.94 33.27
37.64     31.68     37.13     29.94     31.01
First round1 29.61 32.90
36.98     35.34     33.36     29.99     29.61
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final3 32.18 35.19
35.71     32.46     DNF       37.41     32.18
First round3 28.01 34.24
35.58     31.82     37.51     28.01     35.31
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final1 30.39 34.41
34.15     35.87     30.39     33.56     35.51
First round1NR 27.85 34.24
34.08     34.32     34.32     36.00     27.85
Barby Cube Automne 2017Final3 31.68 34.85
33.92     37.65     32.97     31.68     37.70
Second round3 33.71 34.94
34.28     34.01     2:10.86   36.52     33.71
First round3 30.82NR 32.33
32.88     30.82     34.84     31.63     32.47
Zurich Open 2017Final1 31.44 35.05
36.70     36.79     31.44     33.92     34.54
First round1 28.95NR 34.08
33.58     37.58     35.34     28.95     33.32
SC Cup Final 2017Final1 31.45 34.53
35.81     31.45     31.94     35.84     36.70
First round1 31.00NR 34.33
33.31     43.00     31.00     37.68     32.00
Swiss Open 2017Final3 35.70 38.19
40.84     37.34     35.70     37.23     39.99
Second round3 34.34 36.40
37.29     36.91     34.34     39.83     35.01
First round4 28.44 38.53
38.98     28.44     38.75     37.87     42.57
World Championship 2017Second round23 30.57 35.05
36.09     37.88     31.17     30.57     40.52
First round80 35.54 39.01
40.57     37.15     39.32     35.54     41.74
Ticino Open 2017Final1 33.47 37.07
33.47     36.79     42.70     40.04     34.38
First round1NR 28.35 36.25
36.74     28.35     37.58     36.35     35.66
SC Cup III 2017Final2 32.93 37.45
32.93     41.99     39.21     35.84     37.31
Barby Cube 73 2017Final2 34.22 38.57
34.22     41.25     37.14     41.36     37.32
Second round2 34.94 38.16
42.62     34.94     37.60     37.09     39.78
First round3 34.63 39.90
34.63     41.96     38.57     39.16     42.39
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final2 33.42 39.57
37.04     44.29     43.92     33.42     37.75
First round2 33.65 40.75
2:54.95   40.12     40.35     33.65     41.78
SC Cup II 2017Final3 35.27 40.30
35.27     41.40     40.25     44.22     39.24
Only Cube Open 2017Final2 35.76 39.64
44.31     35.76     39.55     43.08     36.28
Second round3 40.16 41.47
40.23     46.94     43.12     40.16     41.06
First round3 34.69 40.15
40.99     34.69     41.00     41.08     38.47
SC Cup I 2017Final1 36.47 41.79
44.33     43.76     38.03     36.47     43.59
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2016Final1 39.02 41.73
45.37     41.78     42.56     40.84     39.02
First round1 38.52 41.94
39.52     44.98     44.12     38.52     42.18
CDJ 2016Final1 40.24 42.06
40.24     42.05     43.81     48.85     40.32
First round2 34.63 41.92
35.17     40.14     34.63     50.78     50.45
Montbéliard Open 2016Final4 40.39 44.09
41.86     40.66     50.21     40.39     49.75
First round2 36.17 39.07
42.90     39.02     37.44     36.17     40.74
MSDJ 2016Final9 37.12 46.64
45.12     47.51     47.29     49.13     37.12
First round7 44.80 45.91
45.03     45.04     47.67     44.80     53.42
Swiss Nats 2016Final8 44.70 46.41
47.34     44.80     51.53     47.09     44.70
First round6 35.88 43.87
53.12     42.43     35.88     47.39     41.80
Belfort Open 2016Final4 46.50 49.46
48.27     54.96     46.50     51.93     48.18
First round3 43.12 46.33
46.82     48.58     49.37     43.59     43.12
OFFA-Meisterschaft 2016Final7 47.58 51.68
58.30     53.62     49.86     47.58     51.55
First round8 47.50 53.54
1:23.45   47.50     52.05     53.88     54.69
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2015Final6 53.42 1:01.95
53.42     1:02.26   1:01.02   1:05.31   1:02.57
First round6 46.15 57.01
1:07.64   46.15     53.39     50.01     DNF
Chambéry Cube Open 2015First round10 44.25 55.01
53.78     1:03.28   55.88     55.36     44.25
Musée suisse du jeu 2015Final6 53.65 1:02.44
1:00.59   53.65     1:08.69   1:07.35   59.37
First round5 45.83 54.17
49.46     55.64     58.50     57.40     45.83
5x5x5 Cube
Swisscubing Cup I 2025Final1 38.12 44.64
45.77     38.12     46.50     44.59     43.55
First round1 42.60 44.89
42.60     47.59     43.03     46.04     45.60
Swiss Nationals 2024Final1 41.04 44.81
47.02     48.46     41.04     46.34     41.06
First round1NR 37.80NR 43.97
45.51     48.09     43.45     37.80     42.96
WCA European Championship 2024Final4 41.91 44.74
45.62     41.91     43.12     45.49     51.38
Second round6 43.40 45.44
45.23     45.87     48.64     45.23     43.40
First round5NR 38.64NR 44.44
43.15     38.64     46.75     46.71     43.47
Warm Up Portugalete 2024Final4 42.56 47.55
46.30     51.37     47.24     49.11     42.56
First round4 44.70 45.43
45.51     45.59     45.20     44.70     46.35
Cournonsec Open 2024Final1 44.35 46.25
44.35     46.60     47.31     44.97     47.18
Second round1 43.92 46.13
45.37     43.99     49.03     50.00     43.92
First round1 44.11 51.30
44.11     55.61     49.85     56.50     48.44
Tigery Open 2024Final1 45.58 47.42
45.58     48.86     46.51     46.89     53.03
Second round3 47.76 51.08
48.54     51.65     55.10     53.04     47.76
First round2 42.30 49.19
49.42     51.02     47.13     42.30     57.47
Swisscubing Cup III 2024Final1 43.19 50.37
43.19     54.01     47.99     56.66     49.12
First round1 46.63 48.50
47.99     49.75     47.75     50.14     46.63
French Championship 2024Final2 45.83 47.48
48.37     45.83     49.61     45.86     48.21
First round2NR 39.62 46.63
39.62     47.94     43.59     52.45     48.35
Longjum'Open 2024Final2NR 40.00 47.90
47.68     48.01     40.00     53.81     48.01
Second round1 44.23 47.88
44.23     50.63     47.33     51.01     45.68
First round2 41.49 50.48
56.57     42.62     1:05.97   41.49     52.26
Swisscubing Cup I 2024Final1 43.94 46.79
43.94     53.16     47.11     47.41     45.85
First round1 42.70 48.37
47.95     51.73     42.70     48.16     49.00
Chääswürfel 2023Final1 44.09 45.52
44.17     44.09     46.20     47.03     46.20
First round1 43.73NR 44.94
45.74     DNF       45.12     43.73     43.97
Ticino Open 2023Final1 48.16 50.52
48.16     56.77     52.44     49.56     49.57
Swisscubing Cup Final 2023Final1 43.57 48.54
45.52     52.39     50.70     49.41     43.57
Swiss Nationals 2023Final1 44.95 49.21
49.33     51.42     44.95     53.67     46.87
First round1 47.06 49.00
50.74     53.73     47.84     48.42     47.06
Swisscubing Cup III 2023Final1 45.28 47.01
45.28     46.60     48.16     49.94     46.27
First round1 42.94NR 46.99
42.94     46.31     47.32     49.42     47.33
Bretzel Open 2023Final2 45.39NR 47.30
48.37     48.08     45.39     49.11     45.46
First round2 47.72 51.01
1:03.76   47.76     47.72     48.56     56.70
Swiss Nationals 2022Final1 45.91 50.98
49.20     1:02.73   54.22     49.52     45.91
First round1 42.55 48.46
50.49     50.67     51.63     44.22     42.55
Norwegian Championship 2022Final1 45.39 48.25
45.89     51.97     45.39     49.33     49.54
First round2 49.48 51.07
55.26     51.81     49.48     49.57     51.84
WCA European Championship 2022Final4 46.32 48.66
53.65     46.32     46.54     50.23     49.20
Second round5 45.56 47.96
53.84     46.05     46.70     51.14     45.56
First round4 43.32 48.69
43.32     45.62     1:00.50   48.01     52.45
Schwyz Side Day 2021Final1NR 41.57NR 47.41
52.90     41.57     43.97     51.12     47.15
First round1 48.78 55.03
48.78     58.70     58.29     50.78     56.02
UK Championship 2019Final3 51.54NR 53.66
57.53     51.54     51.93     52.48     56.56
Second round4 52.55 55.65
57.89     56.02     53.05     1:11.27   52.55
First round5 49.44 57.00
1:02.12   49.44     1:04.39   53.70     55.18
WCA World Championship 2019Final15 51.42 56.10
58.33     55.34     1:01.11   54.64     51.42
Second round16 55.30 56.83
55.37     55.30     56.86     58.29     58.25
First round22NR 48.51 58.27
1:03.34   1:02.55   58.10     54.15     48.51
Swiss Nationals 2019Final2 56.23 56.88
59.40     56.81     56.66     57.18     56.23
First round2 54.87 1:00.52
1:05.20   58.98     1:02.18   1:00.39   54.87
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final1 52.85NR 54.65
52.85     56.03     53.59     59.42     54.33
First round1 50.20 55.50
50.20     57.77     1:08.92   54.94     53.80
Zentralschweiz 2019Final1 52.07 59.94
1:04.49   1:00.31   1:08.65   55.03     52.07
First round1NR 50.15NR 59.73
1:03.59   1:06.27   57.62     50.15     57.97
Just Cube Open 2019Final3 1:00.17 1:03.48
1:01.22   1:00.17   1:03.60   1:05.63   1:07.73
First round3 57.13 1:04.35
1:04.26   57.13     1:07.43   1:05.25   1:03.54
Barby Cube Open 2018Final1NR 52.37 1:01.14
1:04.92   1:02.99   57.30     1:03.12   52.37
First round1 55.41 1:01.79
1:06.25   1:01.78   1:03.84   55.41     59.75
Argovia Open 2018Final1 58.51 1:01.43
1:02.29   1:09.72   1:02.84   58.51     59.17
First round1 1:00.14 1:02.84
1:02.64   1:03.99   1:07.54   1:01.90   1:00.14
Swiss Nationals 2018Final1 57.30NR 1:00.27
1:00.02   1:03.31   57.30     57.49     1:10.30
First round1 1:01.86 1:04.26
1:02.82   1:01.86   1:05.59   1:07.72   1:04.38
Swisscubing Better Be Quick 2018Final1 1:01.91 1:04.87
1:03.61   1:09.97   1:01.91   1:05.47   1:05.52
First round3 58.01 1:12.23
1:17.25   1:19.13   1:08.19   58.01     1:11.26
WCA Euro 2018Final15 1:00.15NR 1:01.64
1:04.64   1:01.27   1:00.15   1:01.57   1:02.08
Second round20 1:00.45 1:03.48
1:08.50   1:02.74   1:01.48   1:00.45   1:06.21
First round17NR 56.85 1:03.71
1:08.84   56.85     58.56     1:08.23   1:04.33
Zentralschweiz 2018Final1 58.37NR 1:02.61
1:00.33   1:03.20   1:04.29   1:04.70   58.37
Second round1NR 57.76 1:05.45
1:11.09   1:02.62   1:05.72   57.76     1:08.02
First round1 1:00.96 1:04.10
1:00.96   1:06.30   1:07.79   1:01.85   1:04.15
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final1NR 57.89 1:08.43
1:20.36   1:06.90   1:07.76   57.89     1:10.63
Zurich Open 2018Final1 1:04.58 1:06.81
1:06.88   1:04.58   1:12.70   1:05.78   1:07.77
First round1 1:02.96NR 1:05.79
1:07.03   1:02.96   1:05.84   1:06.41   1:05.12
Elsass Open 2018Final10NR 57.95 1:07.36
1:05.62   1:07.60   57.95     1:08.85   1:08.94
Second round10 1:01.16 1:09.60
1:11.38   1:01.16   1:14.11   1:03.30   1:14.29
First round9 1:01.01 1:09.76
1:10.00   1:01.01   1:11.84   1:07.43   1:12.67
SMSO 2018Final2 1:01.42 1:10.18
1:09.30   1:16.73   1:09.30   1:11.93   1:01.42
First round1 1:02.75 1:08.17
1:14.24   1:15.52   1:02.75   1:05.52   1:04.76
Chambéry Cube 2018Final1 1:05.81 1:10.81
1:05.81   1:10.55   1:16.88   1:12.47   1:09.41
Swiss Nationals 2017Final4 1:07.38 1:12.61
1:29.99   1:07.38   1:13.25   1:13.98   1:10.61
First round1 1:04.76 1:10.49
1:08.84   1:18.73   1:09.67   1:12.96   1:04.76
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final4 1:07.35 1:12.48
1:07.35   1:22.27   1:14.95   1:08.87   1:13.63
First round5 1:04.79 1:12.74
1:12.77   1:09.54   1:15.91   1:18.22   1:04.79
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final2 1:04.33 1:11.20
1:20.82   1:11.10   1:14.47   1:04.33   1:08.04
First round2 1:06.61 1:10.64
1:17.61   1:06.61   1:14.21   1:06.91   1:10.79
Barby Cube Automne 2017Final3 1:08.13 1:12.70
1:14.34   1:13.48   1:10.27   1:16.10   1:08.13
First round3NR 1:02.72 1:11.68
1:13.54   1:11.65   DNF       1:02.72   1:09.84
Zurich Open 2017Final7 1:14.48 1:22.18
1:21.70   1:22.32   1:14.48   1:22.52   1:28.07
First round8 1:16.76 1:27.02
1:29.24   1:16.76   1:32.76   1:42.39   1:19.05
Swiss Open 2017Final10 1:18.56 1:23.24
1:25.20   1:18.56   1:28.84   1:19.60   1:24.93
First round9 1:16.14 1:22.20
1:16.14   1:24.75   1:23.87   1:17.99   1:33.92
World Championship 2017First round98 1:18.72 1:20.17
1:22.00   1:19.54   1:18.72   1:22.92   1:18.98
Ticino Open 2017Final2 1:11.93 1:15.43
1:17.68   1:20.46   1:15.57   1:13.03   1:11.93
First round4 1:17.85 1:22.59
1:25.02   1:17.85   1:20.38   1:22.36   1:26.19
SC Cup III 2017Final2 1:13.44 1:17.18
1:13.44   1:14.82   1:16.62   1:20.09   1:32.20
Barby Cube 73 2017Final4 1:10.57 1:22.39
1:17.92   1:10.57   1:30.97   1:25.30   1:23.94
First round4 1:21.79 1:23.47
1:30.15   1:21.79   1:21.86   1:24.51   1:24.05
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final5 1:19.12 1:25.17
1:29.82   1:19.12   1:21.59   1:24.09   1:37.11
Only Cube Open 2017Final5 1:22.66 1:25.62
1:32.33   1:22.66   1:24.72   1:25.11   1:27.02
First round5 1:20.18 1:24.33
1:24.54   1:21.91   1:26.53   1:20.18   1:51.79
CDJ 2016Final6 1:21.75 1:28.50
1:22.35   1:39.15   1:30.44   1:21.75   1:32.72
First round3 1:22.27 1:25.23
1:24.12   1:40.23   1:25.14   1:22.27   1:26.42
Montbéliard Open 2016Final4 1:25.67 1:29.60
1:25.67   1:32.56   1:28.27   1:27.97   DNF
MSDJ 2016Final11 1:17.59 1:29.39
1:37.76   1:27.86   1:17.59   1:27.13   1:33.19
First round11 1:26.91 1:30.28
1:38.22   1:31.83   1:29.00   1:26.91   1:30.00
Swiss Nats 2016Final5 1:17.18 1:26.39
1:27.72   1:45.75   1:27.42   1:24.02   1:17.18
First round9 1:20.21 1:35.85
1:39.58   1:49.08   1:34.27   1:20.21   1:33.70
Belfort Open 2016Final4 1:35.13 1:39.82
1:39.00   1:42.82   1:37.63   1:42.83   1:35.13
Chambéry Cube Open 2015First round9 1:46.36 1:52.23
1:53.66   1:51.56   1:52.28   1:46.36   1:52.85
Musée suisse du jeu 2015First round7 1:57.08 2:01.42
2:11.93   1:57.08   2:02.89   2:04.25   1:57.13
6x6x6 Cube
Lonay Cube 2024Final1 1:17.88 1:25.01
1:23.49   1:33.67   1:17.88
First round2 1:23.60 1:29.47
1:31.95   1:23.60   1:32.87
Swiss Nationals 2024Final1 1:26.07 1:26.98
1:26.37   1:26.07   1:28.50
WCA European Championship 2024Final5 1:22.40 1:24.32
1:25.85   1:24.70   1:22.40
First round7 1:21.46 1:25.62
1:21.46   1:30.94   1:24.46
Warm Up Portugalete 2024Final2 1:26.69 1:28.73
1:26.69   1:28.05   1:31.46
Cournonsec Open 2024Final1 1:16.09 1:27.02
1:31.53   1:16.09   1:33.44
First round1 1:21.48 1:24.08
1:21.48   1:22.12   1:28.64
Tigery Open 2024Final1 1:22.41NR 1:23.05
1:22.41   1:22.95   1:23.80
First round1 1:24.84 1:27.44
1:28.74   1:28.74   1:24.84
Olte Obig Overtimer 2024Final1 1:19.90 1:24.28
1:24.13   1:19.90   1:28.81
French Championship 2024Final2 1:20.42 1:28.03
1:20.42   1:33.94   1:29.74
Swisscubing Cup II 2024Final1NR 1:13.89 1:23.87
1:27.03   1:13.89   1:30.69
First round1 1:24.40 1:30.50
1:24.40   1:33.45   1:33.65
Longjum'Open 2024Final1 1:24.81 1:28.39
1:27.35   1:24.81   1:33.01
First round1 1:23.69 1:28.79
1:23.69   1:30.08   1:32.59
Chääswürfel 2023Final1 1:22.07NR 1:23.71
1:22.07   1:23.69   1:25.37
First round1 1:35.31 1:40.17
1:46.59   1:35.31   1:38.60
Swisscubing Cup Final 2023Final1NR 1:19.17NR 1:24.47
1:25.72   1:19.17   1:28.53
Swiss Nationals 2023Final1 1:27.35NR 1:31.90
1:27.35   1:35.65   1:32.70
First round1 1:33.31 1:38.07
1:42.65   1:33.31   1:38.24
Swisscubing Cup III 2023Final1NR 1:23.86 1:33.33
1:37.43   1:23.86   1:38.70
First round2 1:27.01 1:33.15
1:27.01   1:42.63   1:29.80
Bretzel Open 2023Final1 1:31.49 1:33.97
1:35.20   1:35.21   1:31.49
Swiss Nationals 2022Final2 1:41.41 1:48.03
1:48.91   1:53.77   1:41.41
Norwegian Championship 2022Final2 1:36.08 1:38.95
1:38.84   1:36.08   1:41.93
First round3 1:36.39 1:39.12
1:36.39   1:42.01   1:38.96
WCA European Championship 2022Final4 1:33.72NR 1:37.26
1:33.72   1:35.96   1:42.11
First round19 1:33.39 1:46.07
2:04.18   1:33.39   1:40.63
Schwyz Side Day 2021Final1 1:53.99 1:54.90
1:56.55   1:54.16   1:53.99
UK Championship 2019Final6 1:53.90 1:59.06
1:55.51   2:07.76   1:53.90
First round5 1:49.87 1:59.83
2:11.88   1:57.74   1:49.87
WCA World Championship 2019First round38 1:52.75 1:58.03
1:58.08   1:52.75   2:03.27
Swiss Nationals 2019Final2 1:48.10NR 1:57.31
1:48.10   2:07.34   1:56.48
Zentralschweiz 2019Final2NR 1:50.76 2:00.41
1:50.76   2:11.53   1:58.95
Argovia Open 2018Final1 2:04.97 2:14.10
2:22.90   2:14.44   2:04.97
Swiss Nationals 2018Final2 1:54.70 2:02.55
1:54.70   2:10.86   2:02.09
First round1NR 1:51.11NR 2:02.32
2:05.87   1:51.11   2:09.98
WCA Euro 2018First round55 2:14.33 2:25.92
2:46.01   2:17.41   2:14.33
Zentralschweiz 2018Final2 2:13.14 2:18.49
2:16.96   2:25.37   2:13.14
First round3 2:26.16 2:28.28
2:29.07   2:29.61   2:26.16
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final3 2:22.61 2:26.39
2:24.49   2:22.61   2:32.08
Zurich Open 2018Final5 2:18.08 2:31.58
2:18.08   2:32.30   2:44.37
Elsass Open 2018First round14 2:23.12 2:29.52
2:23.12   2:26.65   2:38.80
Chambéry Cube 2018Final8 2:25.89 2:47.64
3:01.21   2:25.89   2:55.82
Swiss Nationals 2017Final6 2:21.63 2:34.49
2:21.63   2:46.40   2:35.43
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final5 2:29.50 2:35.56
2:29.50   2:44.08   2:33.10
Zurich Open 2017Final11 3:14.69 3:31.78
3:36.08   3:44.57   3:14.69
Swiss Open 2017Final11 3:02.99 3:14.82
3:18.84   3:02.99   3:22.62
First round12 2:48.79 2:52.74
2:57.09   2:48.79   2:52.35
Ticino Open 2017Final5 2:52.97 3:21.11
2:52.97   3:38.92   3:31.43
SC Cup II 2017Final18 3:14.40 DNF
3:39.60   DNF       3:14.40
MSDJ 2016Final10 3:33.51
Swiss Nats 2016Final10 3:20.03 3:40.22
3:20.03   3:51.42   3:49.20
Chambéry Cube Open 2015First round7 3:39.37 4:07.63
3:39.37   4:37.63   4:05.90
Musée suisse du jeu 2015Final7 4:51.80 5:00.78
4:51.80   5:12.51   4:58.04
7x7x7 Cube
Lonay Cube 2024Final2 2:00.37 2:04.28
2:03.87   2:08.61   2:00.37
First round2 1:59.68 2:08.07
2:13.12   1:59.68   2:11.41
Swiss Nationals 2024Final1 1:59.35NR 2:01.51
2:02.35   1:59.35   2:02.84
WCA European Championship 2024Final3 1:59.46 2:05.38
2:09.63   2:07.04   1:59.46
First round5NR 1:53.96 2:06.50
2:09.15   1:53.96   2:16.40
Warm Up Portugalete 2024Final2 2:11.09 2:12.33
2:13.47   2:11.09   2:12.44
Cournonsec Open 2024Final1 2:01.86NR 2:05.37
2:06.10   2:01.86   2:08.16
Tigery Open 2024Final1NR 1:56.07NR 2:07.08
2:17.03   1:56.07   2:08.13
First round1 2:07.85 2:11.01
2:07.85   2:12.40   2:12.78
French Championship 2024Final2 2:09.40 2:12.87
2:14.01   2:15.19   2:09.40
Swisscubing Cup II 2024Final1 2:03.54NR 2:09.35
2:03.54   2:10.01   2:14.51
First round1NR 1:57.06 2:14.63
2:20.61   2:26.22   1:57.06
Chääswürfel 2023Final1 2:15.35 2:20.77
2:20.32   2:15.35   2:26.64
First round1 2:16.25 2:17.30
2:17.88   2:17.77   2:16.25
Swisscubing Cup Final 2023Final1 2:12.30 2:17.55
2:12.30   2:20.51   2:19.83
Swiss Nationals 2023Final1NR 2:01.70 2:16.20
2:13.50   2:01.70   2:33.40
First round1 2:05.60 2:16.86
2:26.14   2:18.84   2:05.60
Bretzel Open 2023Final3 2:11.56 2:26.47
2:11.56   2:43.15   2:24.70
Swiss Nationals 2022Final2 2:24.29 2:34.67
2:40.06   2:24.29   2:39.67
Norwegian Championship 2022Final1 2:14.03NR 2:19.67
2:27.88   2:14.03   2:17.11
First round3 2:13.81 2:34.35
3:15.30   2:13.81   2:13.93
WCA European Championship 2022Final3NR 2:13.61NR 2:20.42
2:23.17   2:13.61   2:24.49
First round6 2:27.61 2:31.58
2:29.58   2:37.55   2:27.61
Schwyz Side Day 2021Final1 2:24.41NR 2:36.79
2:24.41   2:44.38   2:41.59
UK Championship 2019Final5 2:52.49 2:56.89
3:05.29   2:52.49   2:52.89
First round4 2:40.87 2:44.96
2:46.85   2:40.87   2:47.16
WCA World Championship 2019First round36 2:38.33 2:52.00
2:38.33   2:59.49   2:58.18
Swiss Nationals 2019Final1NR 2:17.83NR 2:39.11
2:59.56   2:39.95   2:17.83
Zentralschweiz 2019Final1NR 2:49.06NR 2:58.16
2:49.06   2:58.99   3:06.43
Argovia Open 2018Final1 3:01.77NR 3:06.72
3:12.56   3:05.83   3:01.77
Swiss Nationals 2018Final2 3:06.00 3:15.34
3:19.49   3:20.52   3:06.00
First round4 3:14.65 3:23.39
3:40.21   3:15.30   3:14.65
WCA Euro 2018First round39 3:27.62 3:35.42
3:44.58   3:27.62   3:34.05
Zentralschweiz 2018Final3 3:36.07 3:39.65
3:46.67   3:36.07   3:36.20
First round2 3:29.10 3:38.38
3:48.09   3:29.10   3:37.96
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final3 3:30.34 3:39.29
3:46.41   3:41.12   3:30.34
Zurich Open 2018Final2 3:22.03 3:33.36
3:40.31   3:37.74   3:22.03
Chambéry Cube 2018Final2 3:37.77 3:41.59
3:37.77   3:47.25   3:39.76
Swiss Nationals 2017Final3 3:38.03 3:49.23
3:51.15   3:58.50   3:38.03
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final7 3:43.63 4:00.85
4:10.34   3:43.63   4:08.59
Zurich Open 2017Final4 3:53.33 3:58.35
4:00.21   4:01.50   3:53.33
Swiss Open 2017First round16 4:31.57 4:53.94
4:31.57   5:01.60   5:08.64
Ticino Open 2017Final7 5:22.27 5:36.60
5:22.27   5:59.25   5:28.28
SC Cup III 2017Final6 4:41.06 5:02.91
4:41.06   5:36.07   4:51.60
MSDJ 2016Final17 DNF
Swiss Nats 2016Final12 6:48.19
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Chambéry Cube 2018Final14 45
Swiss Nationals 2017Final6 37
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final5 32 35.33
36        38        32
Swiss Open 2017Final8 34 41.67
49        34        42
Barby Cube 73 2017Final13 43 DNF
43        45        DNS
MSDJ 2016Final15 42 DNF
DNS       DNF       42
3x3x3 One-Handed
Swiss Nationals 2022Final4 11.17 13.94
16.41     14.45     11.17     14.24     13.14
First round3 9.95 13.69
15.01     9.95      13.20     19.59     12.85
Offline Schwyz Sunday 2021Final3 14.90 15.96
16.30     30.75     15.27     14.90     16.32
UK Championship 2019Final6 12.45 14.41
12.45     13.71     14.38     16.43     15.15
Second round3 11.75 13.75
12.66     13.03     15.55     11.75     DNF
First round4 13.79 14.23
15.39     14.59     13.79     13.80     14.30
WCA World Championship 2019Second round38 13.23 13.94
13.91     13.51     15.59     13.23     14.39
First round56 14.57 15.21
14.57     15.60     15.21     16.25     14.83
Swiss Nationals 2019Final3 11.68 14.37
16.38     11.68     16.19     12.08     14.83
First round4 12.95 14.60
14.62     12.95     15.28     13.89     16.63
Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final2 13.39 14.55
14.89     23.00     13.46     13.39     15.31
First round5 13.57 16.05
17.25     13.57     14.43     17.71     16.46
Zentralschweiz 2019Final4 12.15 14.44
17.15     12.15     12.88     15.57     14.88
First round2 13.76 14.59
13.76     13.79     15.36     16.90     14.61
Just Cube Open 2019Final5 14.12 16.14
16.51     18.22     16.41     14.12     15.49
Second round3 11.50 14.94
14.66     16.25     16.37     11.50     13.90
First round3 12.28 15.32
18.98     12.28     14.42     15.15     16.38
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018Final4 12.23 13.73
12.23     12.86     15.02     17.56     13.32
First round4 13.08 14.59
13.08     16.75     14.69     15.74     13.35
Barby Cube Open 2018Final1 11.98NR 12.47
12.02     11.98     12.48     17.83     12.90
Second round2 11.53 14.53
11.53     15.52     14.88     13.18     18.32
First round2 13.86 15.72
13.86     15.69     17.14     15.40     16.07
Argovia Open 2018Final2 12.59 14.32
DNF       14.24     12.94     12.59     15.77
Second round2 10.95 12.89
10.95     12.78     16.80     13.37     12.52
First round2 12.85 13.66
13.40     12.96     14.62     12.85     14.81
Swiss Nationals 2018Final4 12.71 14.17
18.60     12.71     12.88     14.76     14.88
Second round5 15.24 15.90
16.82     15.24     15.60     15.27     18.86
First round4 11.70 13.92
13.31     14.27     14.89     14.18     11.70
Swisscubing Better Be Quick 2018Final3 14.83 17.83
18.45     14.83     19.91     18.75     16.30
SC Cup II 2018Final2 13.61 15.05
15.81     13.61     17.33     15.03     14.31
First round2 12.65 15.92
14.72     15.60     12.65     18.13     17.44
Zentralschweiz 2018Final4 13.97 19.51
21.67     18.41     18.96     13.97     21.17
Second round2 13.76 15.07
16.97     14.03     14.21     17.99     13.76
First round1 11.88NR 13.45
13.25     14.68     12.43     15.02     11.88
Zurich Open 2018Final5 14.32 17.27
14.32     19.97     21.16     16.41     15.44
First round2 11.22 15.56
21.72     15.49     16.96     11.22     14.24
Elsass Open 2018Final9 13.05 15.54
15.45     15.11     13.05     20.12     16.07
Second round12 12.68 15.71
16.02     12.68     15.77     18.75     15.33
First round10 12.94 14.75
12.94     16.83     13.33     14.10     19.62
SMSO 2018Final4 13.77 15.62
15.21     17.84     13.77     15.68     15.96
Wiler Würfelfest 2018Final2 15.91 16.48
19.70     15.99     17.22     16.24     15.91
First round4 15.94 17.66
16.86     22.02     15.94     17.07     19.05
Chambéry Cube 2018Final3 14.95 16.31
17.52     15.33     20.76     14.95     16.09
First round4 13.86 17.01
19.57     13.86     17.73     15.34     17.97
Swiss Nationals 2017Final2 12.81 14.36
12.81     15.62     14.29     13.18     17.81
First round3 14.62 16.63
18.74     15.24     15.91     24.52     14.62
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final3 14.09 16.12
15.28     16.72     14.09     17.81     16.35
First round3 14.85 17.20
21.14     16.83     17.89     16.89     14.85
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final4 13.66 15.79
13.66     22.16     16.36     15.69     15.32
First round4 16.39 17.77
16.91     19.08     16.39     19.81     17.32
Barby Cube Automne 2017Final4 14.11 17.11
20.47     14.89     14.11     17.27     19.17
Second round1 12.70 15.14
12.70     15.26     15.56     15.87     14.61
First round1 12.22 15.12
15.90     12.22     15.08     14.38     24.31
Zurich Open 2017Final2 14.39 16.74
18.82     14.68     16.71     25.21     14.39
First round4 16.16 18.17
17.01     16.16     19.08     18.41     20.62
SC Cup Final 2017Final1 11.57 14.72
11.57     14.06     21.78     14.68     15.43
First round1 12.23 14.07
12.23     13.32     15.22     13.66     20.62
Swiss Open 2017Final4 12.01 14.79
20.93     15.95     12.01     15.70     12.71
Second round5 15.31 16.87
15.31     17.78     16.24     17.52     16.85
First round6 12.56 17.69
16.97     15.73     12.56     20.38     20.51
World Championship 2017First round149 17.22 19.68
26.04     17.22     22.05     17.69     19.30
Ticino Open 2017Final1 14.78 16.19
16.91     14.78     16.52     15.14     17.95
Second round1 14.81 16.12
15.27     14.81     17.92     15.79     17.31
First round3 11.81 16.80
17.23     17.57     20.20     11.81     15.60
SC Cup III 2017Final3 16.71 17.31
27.64     16.71     17.00     17.82     17.10
Barby Cube 73 2017Final6 16.90 17.52
16.90     DNF       17.59     17.87     17.09
Second round6 12.61 15.74
15.31     17.23     14.68     25.98     12.61
First round5 11.56 17.18
14.97     11.56     DNF       19.80     16.78
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final2 12.91 16.34
12.91     15.80     18.09     15.13     27.98
First round3 13.74 16.12
17.40     15.28     15.67     13.74     17.46
SC Cup II 2017Final5 15.31 19.09
16.88     16.92     15.31     28.86     23.48
Only Cube Open 2017Final3 14.35 15.91
16.89     31.79     14.84     16.00     14.35
Second round7 14.55 18.09
18.61     14.55     18.87     18.94     16.78
First round5 16.29 16.93
16.76     16.38     16.29     19.33     17.66
SC Cup I 2017Final10 17.26 22.47
17.26     DNF       30.79     18.81     17.80
CDJ 2016Final3 18.14 19.78
18.68     18.14     19.32     21.35     21.82
First round5 17.68 21.47
26.38     19.57     17.68     18.45     DNF
Montbéliard Open 2016Final6 16.48 18.07
30.21     16.48     17.68     17.98     18.56
First round6 16.60 18.68
19.32     16.60     20.83     17.65     19.07
MSDJ 2016Final5 14.73 18.89
19.67     14.73     18.24     18.75     20.17
First round7 14.34 19.94
23.71     20.26     15.86     47.36     14.34
Swiss Nats 2016Final7 17.46 22.81
25.14     37.72     21.02     17.46     22.28
First round6 15.10 21.66
21.96     DNF       15.10     21.52     21.51
Belfort Open 2016Final6 19.72 21.75
20.94     21.30     19.72     23.00     23.03
First round6 19.75 21.79
20.07     22.51     19.75     22.79     25.95
OFFA-Meisterschaft 2016Final8 22.26 25.29
28.87     24.38     22.62     30.89     22.26
First round5 19.76 22.70
25.01     19.76     20.67     22.70     24.73
Chambéry Cube Open 2015First round25 47.91
48.34     47.91
Musée suisse du jeu 2015First round8 34.75 44.20
57.68     36.62     41.64     54.34     34.75
Chambéry Cube 2018Final9 1:15.19 1:22.18
1:22.83   1:26.14   1:24.11   1:15.19   1:19.61
First round10 1:14.59 1:28.27
1:14.59   1:21.08   1:39.37   1:33.36   1:30.38
Swiss Nationals 2017Final9 1:17.66 1:29.69
1:17.66   1:27.22   1:30.90   DNF       1:30.94
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final9 1:13.38 1:26.13
1:55.08   1:19.45   1:30.56   1:28.37   1:13.38
First round10 1:18.85 1:25.10
1:30.49   1:18.85   1:24.15   1:21.76   1:29.39
Barby Cube Automne 2017Final8 1:10.50 1:30.70
1:23.63   1:10.50   DNF       1:36.53   1:31.94
Swiss Open 2017Final10 1:20.45 1:24.64
1:30.15   1:28.12   1:20.45   1:24.87   1:20.93
First round11 1:14.57 1:19.97
DNF       1:14.57   1:22.21   1:19.92   1:17.78
World Championship 2017First round88 1:09.56 1:18.05
1:21.50   1:13.72   1:25.24   1:18.92   1:09.56
Ticino Open 2017Final5 1:16.70 1:25.62
1:27.98   1:16.70   1:27.28   1:21.60   1:43.86
Barby Cube 73 2017First round7 1:14.33 1:25.40
1:34.63   1:22.43   1:19.13   1:14.33   1:35.09
Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final4 1:12.00 1:22.96
1:12.00   1:27.53   1:25.04   1:24.73   1:19.12
Only Cube Open 2017Final8 1:04.43 1:30.28
1:30.33   1:35.79   1:28.50   1:04.43   1:32.02
First round7 1:13.92 1:28.82
1:50.47   1:27.53   1:27.88   1:13.92   1:31.04
SC Cup I 2017Final5 1:08.04 1:25.37
1:16.48   DNF       1:25.05   1:34.59   1:08.04
MSDJ 2016First round13 1:40.92 1:52.30
1:52.26   1:40.92   2:04.57   1:54.19   1:50.45
Swiss Nats 2016Final9 1:44.81 1:53.24
1:54.31   1:48.83   1:56.57   1:44.81   1:58.02
Wiler Würfelfest 2018First round18 7.87 10.11
13.89     7.87      8.10      12.56     9.66
Chambéry Cube 2018Second round18 6.94 8.78
6.94      9.80      9.52      7.02      13.49
First round27 3.60 11.11
3.60      11.22     16.65     12.88     9.24
Swiss Nationals 2017First round23 7.23 9.37
18.74     8.47      10.78     7.23      8.86
Musée suisse du jeu 2017First round23 9.82 12.63
12.10     13.83     9.82      18.01     11.95
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Second round24 7.38 11.67
26.59     15.29     7.38      10.88     8.85
First round17 9.33 10.16
9.46      10.49     9.33      20.78     10.53
Barby Cube Automne 2017Second round24 9.18 11.11
9.18      15.85     10.23     10.70     12.39
First round31 8.60 12.02
13.31     11.73     11.01     14.79     8.60
Zurich Open 2017First round23 9.55 12.29
14.26     11.90     9.55      10.70     14.76
SC Cup Final 2017First round21 7.37 10.64
7.37      11.12     9.25      17.62     11.55
Swiss Open 2017Second round25 6.35 9.32
8.47      11.28     6.35      11.19     8.29
First round39 6.68 13.00
6.68      22.67     12.49     14.35     12.15
World Championship 2017First round342 7.76 10.77
7.76      11.21     12.34     8.75      18.92
Ticino Open 2017First round13 6.29 9.27
6.29      10.21     11.18     10.13     7.46
SC Cup III 2017Final17 8.88 11.42
8.88      9.59      13.61     13.78     11.06
Barby Cube 73 2017Second round19 8.82 12.08
15.33     8.82      9.91      17.02     11.01
First round23 7.42 12.02
10.30     11.77     19.53     7.42      13.98
Wiler Würfelfest 2017First round16 9.74 11.40
11.80     23.57     11.56     10.85     9.74
SC Cup II 2017Final12 7.52 7.90
7.52      8.47      7.67      8.27      7.75
Only Cube Open 2017First round35 9.56 11.03
9.82      12.25     9.56      11.03     DNF
SC Cup I 2017Final14 10.12 11.26
10.12     10.80     18.46     11.89     11.08
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2016First round12 9.57 11.39
9.57      14.21     9.83      10.13     20.36
CDJ 2016Final9 8.13 9.08
8.55      11.52     9.75      8.93      8.13
Second round13 8.92 9.90
10.54     9.08      8.92      10.08     12.92
First round14 6.07 11.09
9.99      6.07      10.18     13.63     13.10
Montbéliard Open 2016Final12 10.91 11.89
11.43     12.48     13.89     10.91     11.76
First round12 7.39 10.06
11.07     7.39      11.21     19.34     7.89
MSDJ 2016First round19 8.93 10.08
8.97      8.93      12.87     11.21     10.07
Swiss Nats 2016First round23 9.01 13.59
15.87     13.67     DNF       9.01      11.23
Belfort Open 2016First round15 9.88 13.54
10.37     9.88      15.48     18.66     14.76
OFFA-Meisterschaft 2016Final9 9.29 13.82
13.84     9.29      17.84     DNF       9.77
First round8 8.82 10.57
8.82      8.93      11.57     11.20     12.27
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2015Final6 12.78 14.44
12.78     13.37     15.33     14.62     15.58
First round5 6.78 11.37
6.78      14.67     7.52      13.15     13.45
Wiler Würfelfest 2018Final11 7.56 9.92
8.25      7.56      13.02     9.26      12.26
Chambéry Cube 2018Second round18 4.72 9.68
6.80      10.95     12.18     4.72      11.28
First round19 7.06 10.04
7.06      7.30      13.50     9.33      16.09
Swiss Nationals 2017First round20 8.50 11.71
8.94      8.50      15.50     10.68     37.59
Musée suisse du jeu 2017Final12 5.08 9.00
18.68     5.08      8.48      9.02      9.51
First round11 7.12 9.42
7.12      8.53      11.52     9.00      10.72
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Final10 4.70 9.64
4.70      12.18     10.74     7.45      10.72
First round10 6.94 8.98
7.62      12.21     7.32      6.94      12.00
Barby Cube Automne 2017First round21 9.37 11.25
11.21     12.54     10.00     9.37      14.49
Zurich Open 2017Final8 9.31 11.76
25.81     15.56     9.31      10.23     9.48
First round7 6.79 9.21
6.79      8.30      9.37      10.73     9.96
SC Cup Final 2017Final15 8.80 10.01
19.00     8.80      9.29      11.23     9.51
Swiss Open 2017Second round27 7.91 11.44
10.55     7.91      9.47      17.80     14.31
First round29 9.60 11.14
10.73     9.60      12.13     13.73     10.57
World Championship 2017First round235 6.73 10.13
6.73      DNF       12.57     8.91      8.92
Ticino Open 2017Final10 8.47 11.43
14.00     10.20     8.47      10.10     15.52
First round11 7.20 12.04
10.19     16.96     7.20      8.96      18.41
Barby Cube 73 2017Final15 5.98 10.67
9.49      16.30     10.57     11.95     5.98
First round16 10.08 12.14
11.70     10.58     14.15     16.62     10.08
Only Cube Open 2017First round26 6.33 11.39
6.33      DNF       10.51     14.04     9.61
CDJ 2016Final9 8.57 11.88
18.20     8.83      15.86     10.96     8.57
First round8 6.31 10.56
9.53      13.60     10.13     6.31      12.03
Montbéliard Open 2016Final7 8.86 10.34
10.57     11.43     18.71     8.86      9.03
MSDJ 2016Final10 7.48 9.20
11.97     7.48      9.43      9.71      8.47
Swiss Nats 2016Final10 8.88 12.02
13.12     13.62     8.88      18.23     9.33
First round10 5.35 10.98
5.35      10.03     14.96     14.06     8.86
Belfort Open 2016Final7 7.87 9.54
13.58     7.87      11.18     8.77      8.68
Chambéry Cube Open 2015First round16 7.47 14.96
7.47      26.15     20.40     16.89     7.60
Musée suisse du jeu 2015First round8 5.26 13.67
5.26      13.73     15.65     11.64     18.35
Ticino Open 2017Final14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS
Barby Cube 73 2017First round14 1:00.28
DNF       1:00.28
Only Cube Open 2017Final18 37.93
1:17.46   37.93
MSDJ 2016First round16 DNF
DNF       DNF
Swiss Nats 2016Final17 1:11.72
2:26.30   1:11.72
Swisscubing Cup I 2025
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.19 7.11
6.44      8.36      6.19      6.52      8.90
Second round1 5.96 6.69
5.96      7.44      6.57      6.42      7.08
First round1 6.30 6.97
6.30      6.72      7.02      7.17      11.96
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 25.08 26.55
26.56     26.12     28.89     25.08     26.98
First round2 21.72 26.23
21.72     27.30     28.63     24.25     27.13
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 38.12 44.64
45.77     38.12     46.50     44.59     43.55
First round1 42.60 44.89
42.60     47.59     43.03     46.04     45.60
Lonay Cube 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 4.78NR 5.95
5.86      6.72      7.21      5.26      4.78
Second round4 6.31 7.01
6.56      6.71      7.75      6.31      8.35
First round1 5.69 6.69
6.91      6.87      6.88      5.69      6.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 22.12NR 24.06
25.01     28.91     22.12     24.56     22.62
First round1 26.71 28.00
27.56     28.58     27.86     30.03     26.71
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:17.88 1:25.01
1:23.49   1:33.67   1:17.88
First round2 1:23.60 1:29.47
1:31.95   1:23.60   1:32.87
7x7x7 CubeFinal2 2:00.37 2:04.28
2:03.87   2:08.61   2:00.37
First round2 1:59.68 2:08.07
2:13.12   1:59.68   2:11.41
Swiss Nationals 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.31 6.45
6.32      7.56      6.46      6.57      6.31
Second round1 5.49 6.63
5.49      7.38      7.02      6.75      6.11
First round3 6.03 7.00
7.49      6.72      6.03      8.78      6.80
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 24.45 27.08
25.71     27.95     24.45     27.59     31.89
First round2 23.33 28.02
31.24     27.63     23.33     32.15     25.19
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 41.04 44.81
47.02     48.46     41.04     46.34     41.06
First round1NR 37.80NR 43.97
45.51     48.09     43.45     37.80     42.96
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:26.07 1:26.98
1:26.37   1:26.07   1:28.50
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 1:59.35NR 2:01.51
2:02.35   1:59.35   2:02.84
WCA European Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 6.45 6.51
6.65      6.45      6.46      6.56      6.52
Semi Final10 5.44 6.72
5.44      6.69      11.97     5.82      7.65
Second round6 4.99 6.53
6.14      6.72      4.99      6.72      7.07
First round29 5.92 7.31
6.33      5.92      7.73      7.96      7.87
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 22.81 26.04
22.81     25.96     26.07     29.61     26.08
Second round5 22.47 25.24
24.43     22.47     26.38     32.13     24.91
First round7NR 20.90 26.02
25.07     28.28     20.90     25.98     27.01
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 41.91 44.74
45.62     41.91     43.12     45.49     51.38
Second round6 43.40 45.44
45.23     45.87     48.64     45.23     43.40
First round5NR 38.64NR 44.44
43.15     38.64     46.75     46.71     43.47
6x6x6 CubeFinal5 1:22.40 1:24.32
1:25.85   1:24.70   1:22.40
First round7 1:21.46 1:25.62
1:21.46   1:30.94   1:24.46
7x7x7 CubeFinal3 1:59.46 2:05.38
2:09.63   2:07.04   1:59.46
First round5NR 1:53.96 2:06.50
2:09.15   1:53.96   2:16.40
Warm Up Portugalete 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 5.91 6.38
5.92      7.87      6.68      6.53      5.91
Semi Final8 6.52 7.10
7.93      7.27      7.13      6.90      6.52
Second round4 5.94 6.64
6.12      7.05      5.94      7.65      6.76
First round9 5.75 7.28
8.08      8.29      5.75      7.57      6.20
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 24.81 25.71
26.42     25.36     26.78     24.81     25.34
First round4 22.83 25.56
22.83     27.72     24.66     25.47     26.55
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 42.56 47.55
46.30     51.37     47.24     49.11     42.56
First round4 44.70 45.43
45.51     45.59     45.20     44.70     46.35
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 1:26.69 1:28.73
1:26.69   1:28.05   1:31.46
7x7x7 CubeFinal2 2:11.09 2:12.33
2:13.47   2:11.09   2:12.44
Cournonsec Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.24 6.74
6.92      6.94      13.10     6.24      6.37
Second round1 5.81 6.56
5.93      5.81      7.24      7.93      6.51
First round1 6.27 6.53
8.59      6.58      6.55      6.47      6.27
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 23.25 25.64
23.25     24.32     26.30     30.01     26.29
First round1 22.57 25.90
26.43     26.20     22.57     25.08     28.26
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 44.35 46.25
44.35     46.60     47.31     44.97     47.18
Second round1 43.92 46.13
45.37     43.99     49.03     50.00     43.92
First round1 44.11 51.30
44.11     55.61     49.85     56.50     48.44
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:16.09 1:27.02
1:31.53   1:16.09   1:33.44
First round1 1:21.48 1:24.08
1:21.48   1:22.12   1:28.64
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 2:01.86NR 2:05.37
2:06.10   2:01.86   2:08.16
Tigery Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 5.59 6.41
5.59      6.63      7.42      5.65      6.94
Second round4 6.32 7.13
6.66      7.71      8.88      6.32      7.02
First round5 6.82 7.93
6.99      8.75      9.70      6.82      8.06
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 24.79 25.52
25.80     27.51     25.11     24.79     25.65
First round2 23.89 26.93
26.21     26.79     27.79     33.98     23.89
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 45.58 47.42
45.58     48.86     46.51     46.89     53.03
Second round3 47.76 51.08
48.54     51.65     55.10     53.04     47.76
First round2 42.30 49.19
49.42     51.02     47.13     42.30     57.47
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:22.41NR 1:23.05
1:22.41   1:22.95   1:23.80
First round1 1:24.84 1:27.44
1:28.74   1:28.74   1:24.84
7x7x7 CubeFinal1NR 1:56.07NR 2:07.08
2:17.03   1:56.07   2:08.13
First round1 2:07.85 2:11.01
2:07.85   2:12.40   2:12.78
Swisscubing Cup III 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 5.83 7.53
5.83      5.93      9.57      7.46      9.19
Second round1 6.23 7.07
6.23      6.36      7.31      7.54      8.30
First round1 5.85 6.39
5.85      6.54      6.26      6.37      7.89
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 43.19 50.37
43.19     54.01     47.99     56.66     49.12
First round1 46.63 48.50
47.99     49.75     47.75     50.14     46.63
Olte Obig Overtimer 2024
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 25.56 28.14
28.16     25.56     28.27     27.99     DNF
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:19.90 1:24.28
1:24.13   1:19.90   1:28.81
French Championship 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 6.35 7.00
6.88      6.65      7.46      9.65      6.35
Semi Final6 6.36 7.13
7.51      8.83      6.90      6.97      6.36
Second round5 6.06 7.13
6.06      8.56      6.08      6.76      9.95
First round4 5.83 6.79
6.55      7.01      5.83      7.30      6.82
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 25.89 27.09
26.27     26.39     28.60     25.89     31.17
First round3 25.10 28.31
30.50     25.10     27.03     31.71     27.39
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 45.83 47.48
48.37     45.83     49.61     45.86     48.21
First round2NR 39.62 46.63
39.62     47.94     43.59     52.45     48.35
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 1:20.42 1:28.03
1:20.42   1:33.94   1:29.74
7x7x7 CubeFinal2 2:09.40 2:12.87
2:14.01   2:15.19   2:09.40
Swisscubing Cup II 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.47 7.12
6.65      7.87      9.39      5.47      6.84
Second round1 5.90 6.24
6.17      6.55      5.90      7.77      6.01
First round1 6.30 7.23
6.30      7.91      6.83      6.96      7.90
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 24.57 27.33
29.88     24.57     26.05     28.40     27.53
First round1 23.78 26.59
27.55     27.05     31.41     25.16     23.78
6x6x6 CubeFinal1NR 1:13.89 1:23.87
1:27.03   1:13.89   1:30.69
First round1 1:24.40 1:30.50
1:24.40   1:33.45   1:33.65
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 2:03.54NR 2:09.35
2:03.54   2:10.01   2:14.51
First round1NR 1:57.06 2:14.63
2:20.61   2:26.22   1:57.06
Longjum'Open 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 6.18 6.85
7.10      6.38      6.18      7.08      9.75
Semi Final1 5.39NR 6.11
5.97      6.21      6.43      6.15      5.39
Second round1 5.92 6.70
5.92      6.55      7.03      6.53      7.67
First round1 5.95 6.31
6.96      6.20      6.27      6.46      5.95
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 23.28 24.77
24.29     28.57     23.28     24.95     25.08
First round2 22.46 27.16
26.23     27.39     27.85     22.46     30.20
5x5x5 CubeFinal2NR 40.00 47.90
47.68     48.01     40.00     53.81     48.01
Second round1 44.23 47.88
44.23     50.63     47.33     51.01     45.68
First round2 41.49 50.48
56.57     42.62     1:05.97   41.49     52.26
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:24.81 1:28.39
1:27.35   1:24.81   1:33.01
First round1 1:23.69 1:28.79
1:23.69   1:30.08   1:32.59
Swisscubing Cup I 2024
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 6.94 7.68
7.88      9.28      7.45      7.70      6.94
Second round1 5.46 6.41
6.57      5.46      7.39      5.64      7.02
First round1 5.88 7.46
8.75      6.65      16.58     6.99      5.88
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 25.52 25.94
25.53     26.42     25.87     25.52     26.56
First round1 25.26 27.39
25.26     27.70     27.04     27.44     29.52
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 43.94 46.79
43.94     53.16     47.11     47.41     45.85
First round1 42.70 48.37
47.95     51.73     42.70     48.16     49.00
Chääswürfel 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.01 6.58
6.01      6.82      6.32      6.72      6.70
Second round1 6.31 7.09
10.04     6.66      7.53      6.31      7.07
First round1 5.68 7.08
8.98      5.68      6.07      7.20      7.97
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 44.09 45.52
44.17     44.09     46.20     47.03     46.20
First round1 43.73NR 44.94
45.74     DNF       45.12     43.73     43.97
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:22.07NR 1:23.71
1:22.07   1:23.69   1:25.37
First round1 1:35.31 1:40.17
1:46.59   1:35.31   1:38.60
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 2:15.35 2:20.77
2:20.32   2:15.35   2:26.64
First round1 2:16.25 2:17.30
2:17.88   2:17.77   2:16.25
Swiss Science Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.80 6.56
6.56      6.30      6.83      8.65      5.80
Second round1 6.15 7.03
8.20      7.28      6.40      7.40      6.15
First round1 5.41 6.73
6.96      6.58      6.65      5.41      7.49
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 23.56 24.45
24.51     28.36     24.23     23.56     24.61
First round1 24.48 27.16
24.94     31.07     24.48     27.46     29.09
Ticino Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.25 6.27
6.39      6.80      7.05      5.25      5.62
Second round1 5.83 6.44
7.14      6.53      6.18      6.60      5.83
First round2 6.04 7.20
8.50      6.37      6.72      9.55      6.04
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 22.91 25.54
22.91     DNF       27.52     23.69     25.41
First round1 24.68 26.59
26.67     27.88     28.20     25.21     24.68
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 48.16 50.52
48.16     56.77     52.44     49.56     49.57
Swisscubing Cup Final 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.26 6.50
6.77      6.72      6.82      5.26      6.02
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 27.16 28.62
28.90     27.28     30.23     27.16     29.68
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 43.57 48.54
45.52     52.39     50.70     49.41     43.57
6x6x6 CubeFinal1NR 1:19.17NR 1:24.47
1:25.72   1:19.17   1:28.53
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 2:12.30 2:17.55
2:12.30   2:20.51   2:19.83
Swiss Nationals 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.27 6.69
6.27      6.77      7.21      6.80      6.49
Second round1 6.18 6.80
6.18      6.95      6.58      7.19      6.86
First round1 6.35 7.16
10.16     7.29      6.97      6.35      7.23
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 27.74 31.03
34.75     32.23     27.74     31.03     29.83
Second round1 24.24 27.86
27.27     27.98     29.69     28.33     24.24
First round1 22.89 26.56
22.89     24.60     33.57     28.50     26.58
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 44.95 49.21
49.33     51.42     44.95     53.67     46.87
First round1 47.06 49.00
50.74     53.73     47.84     48.42     47.06
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:27.35NR 1:31.90
1:27.35   1:35.65   1:32.70
First round1 1:33.31 1:38.07
1:42.65   1:33.31   1:38.24
7x7x7 CubeFinal1NR 2:01.70 2:16.20
2:13.50   2:01.70   2:33.40
First round1 2:05.60 2:16.86
2:26.14   2:18.84   2:05.60
Swisscubing Cup III 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.54 6.64
6.54      6.62      6.75      7.28      5.54
Second round1 5.73 6.83
5.73      6.92      8.16      7.70      5.87
First round2 6.12 7.18
7.01      9.83      7.82      6.71      6.12
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 24.94 28.02
28.57     29.29     26.81     28.68     24.94
First round1 25.02 26.83
26.62     30.63     27.81     26.07     25.02
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 45.28 47.01
45.28     46.60     48.16     49.94     46.27
First round1 42.94NR 46.99
42.94     46.31     47.32     49.42     47.33
6x6x6 CubeFinal1NR 1:23.86 1:33.33
1:37.43   1:23.86   1:38.70
First round2 1:27.01 1:33.15
1:27.01   1:42.63   1:29.80
Bretzel Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.59 6.49
5.59      6.52      6.27      7.31      6.69
Second round1 5.91NR 6.23
6.27      6.12      5.91      6.31      8.19
First round1 6.07 7.03
7.73      10.43     6.09      6.07      7.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 24.77 28.50
28.44     24.77     30.14     30.00     27.07
First round2 23.98 26.80
24.77     28.69     26.94     23.98     30.64
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 45.39NR 47.30
48.37     48.08     45.39     49.11     45.46
First round2 47.72 51.01
1:03.76   47.76     47.72     48.56     56.70
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:31.49 1:33.97
1:35.20   1:35.21   1:31.49
7x7x7 CubeFinal3 2:11.56 2:26.47
2:11.56   2:43.15   2:24.70
Swiss Nationals 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.42 6.79
7.32      6.42      6.51      6.53      8.08
Second round1 5.57 7.27
7.54      5.57      7.14      7.13      DNF
First round1 5.61 7.27
8.60      8.40      5.61      6.86      6.54
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 22.70 24.49
25.60     23.26     22.70     24.60     27.42
First round1 26.29 26.96
27.12     26.29     26.68     27.09     29.45
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 45.91 50.98
49.20     1:02.73   54.22     49.52     45.91
First round1 42.55 48.46
50.49     50.67     51.63     44.22     42.55
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 1:41.41 1:48.03
1:48.91   1:53.77   1:41.41
7x7x7 CubeFinal2 2:24.29 2:34.67
2:40.06   2:24.29   2:39.67
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 11.17 13.94
16.41     14.45     11.17     14.24     13.14
First round3 9.95 13.69
15.01     9.95      13.20     19.59     12.85
Norwegian Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.51 6.86
6.95      6.51      7.03      7.74      6.60
Semi Final5 7.25 7.61
7.64      7.25      7.81      7.37      9.60
Second round4 5.98 7.37
8.75      7.29      8.40      5.98      6.41
First round1 6.58 6.77
6.72      7.02      6.76      6.82      6.58
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 24.21 26.41
28.98     25.69     27.24     26.31     24.21
Second round1NR 21.25NR 24.40
25.32     22.20     21.25     25.67     25.73
First round2NR 21.79 27.41
27.60     31.21     26.04     28.58     21.79
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 45.39 48.25
45.89     51.97     45.39     49.33     49.54
First round2 49.48 51.07
55.26     51.81     49.48     49.57     51.84
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 1:36.08 1:38.95
1:38.84   1:36.08   1:41.93
First round3 1:36.39 1:39.12
1:36.39   1:42.01   1:38.96
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 2:14.03NR 2:19.67
2:27.88   2:14.03   2:17.11
First round3 2:13.81 2:34.35
3:15.30   2:13.81   2:13.93
WCA European Championship 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 6.77 7.32
7.23      7.73      6.77      7.47      7.27
Semi Final15NR 4.63 7.35
7.78      6.58      7.82      4.63      7.69
Second round4 5.44NR 6.70
7.09      9.45      5.44      6.37      6.64
First round25 6.78 7.81
8.35      7.22      6.78      8.19      8.01
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 23.69 27.24
29.03     31.62     24.96     23.69     27.73
Second round5 25.34NR 27.11
28.16     26.65     25.34     31.17     26.52
First round8NR 22.27NR 27.63
28.55     29.05     25.31     29.04     22.27
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 46.32 48.66
53.65     46.32     46.54     50.23     49.20
Second round5 45.56 47.96
53.84     46.05     46.70     51.14     45.56
First round4 43.32 48.69
43.32     45.62     1:00.50   48.01     52.45
6x6x6 CubeFinal4 1:33.72NR 1:37.26
1:33.72   1:35.96   1:42.11
First round19 1:33.39 1:46.07
2:04.18   1:33.39   1:40.63
7x7x7 CubeFinal3NR 2:13.61NR 2:20.42
2:23.17   2:13.61   2:24.49
First round6 2:27.61 2:31.58
2:29.58   2:37.55   2:27.61
Schwyz Side Day 2021
5x5x5 CubeFinal1NR 41.57NR 47.41
52.90     41.57     43.97     51.12     47.15
First round1 48.78 55.03
48.78     58.70     58.29     50.78     56.02
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 1:53.99 1:54.90
1:56.55   1:54.16   1:53.99
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 2:24.41NR 2:36.79
2:24.41   2:44.38   2:41.59
Offline Schwyz Sunday 2021
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 5.93NR 6.85
6.66      7.08      7.29      6.80      5.93
Second round1 6.52 7.69
6.67      7.65      6.52      8.95      8.75
First round1 6.14 7.61
6.14      6.54      7.13      9.15      9.35
4x4x4 CubeFinal1NR 24.80NR 28.20
29.14     27.76     27.70     29.47     24.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.90 15.96
16.30     30.75     15.27     14.90     16.32
UK Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 6.71 7.45
6.71      7.87      8.38      7.41      7.08
Semi Final5 6.36 8.17
7.46      9.30      6.36      8.28      8.78
Second round4 6.96 8.13
7.53      8.58      9.64      8.29      6.96
First round5 7.70 8.42
9.97      8.01      8.90      7.70      8.36
4x4x4 CubeFinal5 28.51NR 29.69
28.54     28.51     31.00     29.53     34.89
Second round3 26.57 29.85
33.05     33.91     26.57     29.64     26.85
First round7NR 24.81 32.53
27.42     24.81     36.25     33.92     37.60
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 51.54NR 53.66
57.53     51.54     51.93     52.48     56.56
Second round4 52.55 55.65
57.89     56.02     53.05     1:11.27   52.55
First round5 49.44 57.00
1:02.12   49.44     1:04.39   53.70     55.18
6x6x6 CubeFinal6 1:53.90 1:59.06
1:55.51   2:07.76   1:53.90
First round5 1:49.87 1:59.83
2:11.88   1:57.74   1:49.87
7x7x7 CubeFinal5 2:52.49 2:56.89
3:05.29   2:52.49   2:52.89
First round4 2:40.87 2:44.96
2:46.85   2:40.87   2:47.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 12.45 14.41
12.45     13.71     14.38     16.43     15.15
Second round3 11.75 13.75
12.66     13.03     15.55     11.75     DNF
First round4 13.79 14.23
15.39     14.59     13.79     13.80     14.30
WCA World Championship 2019
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final62 7.21 9.01
7.93      9.56      7.21      10.78     9.54
Second round13 6.76 7.45
6.76      7.94      6.85      7.56      9.04
First round12 6.61 7.27
10.89     7.07      7.42      6.61      7.33
4x4x4 CubeSecond round68 27.56 36.82
49.68     27.56     32.03     28.76     49.81
First round33 30.47 32.76
36.71     31.57     31.86     30.47     34.85
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 51.42 56.10
58.33     55.34     1:01.11   54.64     51.42
Second round16 55.30 56.83
55.37     55.30     56.86     58.29     58.25
First round22NR 48.51 58.27
1:03.34   1:02.55   58.10     54.15     48.51
6x6x6 CubeFirst round38 1:52.75 1:58.03
1:58.08   1:52.75   2:03.27
7x7x7 CubeFirst round36 2:38.33 2:52.00
2:38.33   2:59.49   2:58.18
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round38 13.23 13.94
13.91     13.51     15.59     13.23     14.39
First round56 14.57 15.21
14.57     15.60     15.21     16.25     14.83
Swiss Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.07 8.01
7.07      9.09      9.82      7.38      7.56
Second round3 6.67 7.49
7.47      9.14      7.09      6.67      7.92
First round3 6.90 7.75
7.65      8.68      6.90      6.92      10.47
4x4x4 CubeFinal4NR 25.21 32.44
33.37     33.76     32.24     25.21     31.71
First round5 30.15 32.16
33.28     32.53     30.95     30.15     32.99
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 56.23 56.88
59.40     56.81     56.66     57.18     56.23
First round2 54.87 1:00.52
1:05.20   58.98     1:02.18   1:00.39   54.87
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 1:48.10NR 1:57.31
1:48.10   2:07.34   1:56.48
7x7x7 CubeFinal1NR 2:17.83NR 2:39.11
2:59.56   2:39.95   2:17.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 11.68 14.37
16.38     11.68     16.19     12.08     14.83
First round4 12.95 14.60
14.62     12.95     15.28     13.89     16.63
Swisscubing Cup II 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.82 7.59
9.49      6.82      7.32      7.79      7.65
Second round1 6.87 7.54
7.37      6.87      7.87      8.95      7.38
First round1 7.62 8.34
7.62      7.80      11.00     7.93      9.28
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 28.92 32.81
33.41     33.51     28.92     31.52     34.98
First round1 29.13 32.66
29.13     33.99     29.25     34.74     34.92
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 52.85NR 54.65
52.85     56.03     53.59     59.42     54.33
First round1 50.20 55.50
50.20     57.77     1:08.92   54.94     53.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 13.39 14.55
14.89     23.00     13.46     13.39     15.31
First round5 13.57 16.05
17.25     13.57     14.43     17.71     16.46
Zentralschweiz 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.14 8.47
8.28      7.14      10.02     9.35      7.77
Second round4 8.01 8.93
9.57      8.92      8.31      11.35     8.01
First round1 7.15 7.96
8.66      8.02      7.19      7.15      9.27
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 28.54 31.15
33.48     29.41     34.83     28.54     30.56
Second round3 28.64 33.57
28.64     30.02     34.25     36.43     40.37
First round2 30.96 33.97
33.24     41.45     30.96     36.01     32.67
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 52.07 59.94
1:04.49   1:00.31   1:08.65   55.03     52.07
First round1NR 50.15NR 59.73
1:03.59   1:06.27   57.62     50.15     57.97
6x6x6 CubeFinal2NR 1:50.76 2:00.41
1:50.76   2:11.53   1:58.95
7x7x7 CubeFinal1NR 2:49.06NR 2:58.16
2:49.06   2:58.99   3:06.43
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 12.15 14.44
17.15     12.15     12.88     15.57     14.88
First round2 13.76 14.59
13.76     13.79     15.36     16.90     14.61
Just Cube Open 2019
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 6.40 8.06
7.75      6.40      8.82      8.64      7.79
Second round1 6.28 7.78
6.28      8.26      7.74      7.38      8.21
First round1 6.68 7.49
8.00      7.12      8.57      7.34      6.68
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 28.91 31.32
31.29     32.07     33.65     30.59     28.91
Second round3 28.80 33.25
28.80     33.54     38.05     34.58     31.63
First round3 28.67 33.01
28.67     30.00     41.70     29.11     39.91
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:00.17 1:03.48
1:01.22   1:00.17   1:03.60   1:05.63   1:07.73
First round3 57.13 1:04.35
1:04.26   57.13     1:07.43   1:05.25   1:03.54
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 14.12 16.14
16.51     18.22     16.41     14.12     15.49
Second round3 11.50 14.94
14.66     16.25     16.37     11.50     13.90
First round3 12.28 15.32
18.98     12.28     14.42     15.15     16.38
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.15 7.91
7.28      11.09     7.45      9.01      7.15
Second round3 7.12 7.62
7.30      7.96      9.37      7.60      7.12
First round4 7.04 8.05
7.04      7.51      7.68      8.95      9.63
4x4x4 CubeFirst round8 30.16 37.90
38.60     48.39     37.56     30.16     37.53
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 12.23 13.73
12.23     12.86     15.02     17.56     13.32
First round4 13.08 14.59
13.08     16.75     14.69     15.74     13.35
Barby Cube Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.24 7.72
7.58      7.24      7.87      7.71      8.91
Second round2 6.68 7.81
6.68      7.42      8.07      9.66      7.93
First round2 7.35 7.88
8.09      7.47      8.83      8.08      7.35
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 31.41 34.04
31.84     36.85     34.92     35.37     31.41
Second round2 29.67 34.72
34.52     34.11     29.67     35.52     35.87
First round3 34.61 35.84
34.61     36.72     35.75     37.96     35.04
5x5x5 CubeFinal1NR 52.37 1:01.14
1:04.92   1:02.99   57.30     1:03.12   52.37
First round1 55.41 1:01.79
1:06.25   1:01.78   1:03.84   55.41     59.75
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.98NR 12.47
12.02     11.98     12.48     17.83     12.90
Second round2 11.53 14.53
11.53     15.52     14.88     13.18     18.32
First round2 13.86 15.72
13.86     15.69     17.14     15.40     16.07
Argovia Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.70 7.77
10.19     7.41      6.70      8.11      7.78
Second round2 7.76 7.90
7.77      7.76      11.97     7.78      8.15
First round1 6.75NR 7.14
6.94      6.75      7.67      8.71      6.81
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 29.02 31.70
33.46     38.43     29.92     29.02     31.72
First round4 31.88 39.16
43.36     38.14     41.40     37.95     31.88
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 58.51 1:01.43
1:02.29   1:09.72   1:02.84   58.51     59.17
First round1 1:00.14 1:02.84
1:02.64   1:03.99   1:07.54   1:01.90   1:00.14
6x6x6 CubeFinal1 2:04.97 2:14.10
2:22.90   2:14.44   2:04.97
7x7x7 CubeFinal1 3:01.77NR 3:06.72
3:12.56   3:05.83   3:01.77
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.59 14.32
DNF       14.24     12.94     12.59     15.77
Second round2 10.95 12.89
10.95     12.78     16.80     13.37     12.52
First round2 12.85 13.66
13.40     12.96     14.62     12.85     14.81
Swiss Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.17 8.25
8.86      7.17      8.55      7.80      8.39
Second round2 6.85 7.85
8.43      6.85      9.66      7.48      7.63
First round1 7.37 7.96
8.74      7.40      11.13     7.74      7.37
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 29.58 31.59
34.08     32.03     29.79     29.58     32.96
Second round3 33.37 36.91
34.72     36.53     39.49     33.37     53.86
First round1 30.37 34.42
33.15     44.89     30.37     35.43     34.68
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 57.30NR 1:00.27
1:00.02   1:03.31   57.30     57.49     1:10.30
First round1 1:01.86 1:04.26
1:02.82   1:01.86   1:05.59   1:07.72   1:04.38
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 1:54.70 2:02.55
1:54.70   2:10.86   2:02.09
First round1NR 1:51.11NR 2:02.32
2:05.87   1:51.11   2:09.98
7x7x7 CubeFinal2 3:06.00 3:15.34
3:19.49   3:20.52   3:06.00
First round4 3:14.65 3:23.39
3:40.21   3:15.30   3:14.65
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 12.71 14.17
18.60     12.71     12.88     14.76     14.88
Second round5 15.24 15.90
16.82     15.24     15.60     15.27     18.86
First round4 11.70 13.92
13.31     14.27     14.89     14.18     11.70
Swisscubing Better Be Quick 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.10 9.24
8.48      10.41     8.10      10.15     9.10
Second round2 7.02 9.26
10.49     8.83      10.75     8.45      7.02
First round2 8.53 9.17
10.18     9.05      9.71      8.74      8.53
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 29.12 35.27
38.82     31.42     35.56     41.95     29.12
First round2 30.72 35.59
30.72     39.62     34.88     34.58     37.32
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 1:01.91 1:04.87
1:03.61   1:09.97   1:01.91   1:05.47   1:05.52
First round3 58.01 1:12.23
1:17.25   1:19.13   1:08.19   58.01     1:11.26
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.83 17.83
18.45     14.83     19.91     18.75     16.30
WCA Euro 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 7.83 8.13
8.21      7.83      9.00      8.00      8.17
Semi Final5 7.19 7.72
7.48      8.93      7.55      8.14      7.19
Second round14 6.66 7.94
10.04     7.91      6.99      8.93      6.66
First round2 6.29NR 7.52
8.62      7.65      6.29      6.90      8.02
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 27.90NR 30.22
28.81     31.02     34.90     30.83     27.90
Second round13 27.98NR 31.03
27.98     38.21     34.50     29.85     28.73
First round38 32.02 35.99
36.52     35.81     35.63     32.02     37.09
5x5x5 CubeFinal15 1:00.15NR 1:01.64
1:04.64   1:01.27   1:00.15   1:01.57   1:02.08
Second round20 1:00.45 1:03.48
1:08.50   1:02.74   1:01.48   1:00.45   1:06.21
First round17NR 56.85 1:03.71
1:08.84   56.85     58.56     1:08.23   1:04.33
6x6x6 CubeFirst round55 2:14.33 2:25.92
2:46.01   2:17.41   2:14.33
7x7x7 CubeFirst round39 3:27.62 3:35.42
3:44.58   3:27.62   3:34.05
SC Cup II 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.49 8.85
10.20     8.65      8.00      6.49      9.90
Second round1 7.21 7.84
7.86      8.27      7.21      7.38      8.91
First round1 6.18 8.90
DNF       11.64     7.55      7.51      6.18
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 3.28 5.04
4.54      3.28      4.88      5.71      8.83
First round3 2.65 3.55
4.09      2.72      2.65      4.88      3.85
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 32.34 34.88
32.34     34.25     33.91     36.47     39.28
First round1 30.36 36.11
41.56     35.37     30.36     38.90     34.05
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 13.61 15.05
15.81     13.61     17.33     15.03     14.31
First round2 12.65 15.92
14.72     15.60     12.65     18.13     17.44
Zentralschweiz 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.08 9.02
8.08      8.62      9.94      10.27     8.50
Second round1 7.45NR 7.65
7.45      7.49      7.77      7.68      13.84
First round1 7.24 8.32
7.24      7.36      8.93      DNF       8.67
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 2.91 5.48
6.52      4.39      6.49      2.91      5.56
First round10 3.16 4.65
3.16      4.94      5.18      7.39      3.83
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 31.84 35.56
31.84     41.24     37.07     32.92     36.69
First round1NR 27.34 34.72
29.36     27.34     DNF       37.84     36.95
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 58.37NR 1:02.61
1:00.33   1:03.20   1:04.29   1:04.70   58.37
Second round1NR 57.76 1:05.45
1:11.09   1:02.62   1:05.72   57.76     1:08.02
First round1 1:00.96 1:04.10
1:00.96   1:06.30   1:07.79   1:01.85   1:04.15
6x6x6 CubeFinal2 2:13.14 2:18.49
2:16.96   2:25.37   2:13.14
First round3 2:26.16 2:28.28
2:29.07   2:29.61   2:26.16
7x7x7 CubeFinal3 3:36.07 3:39.65
3:46.67   3:36.07   3:36.20
First round2 3:29.10 3:38.38
3:48.09   3:29.10   3:37.96
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 13.97 19.51
21.67     18.41     18.96     13.97     21.17
Second round2 13.76 15.07
16.97     14.03     14.21     17.99     13.76
First round1 11.88NR 13.45
13.25     14.68     12.43     15.02     11.88
Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.40 8.50
9.80      8.55      9.26      7.69      7.40
First round4 8.34 8.86
8.76      8.34      9.64      8.99      8.84
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 36.43 39.54
45.13     39.98     36.43     36.77     41.86
Second round3 33.44 37.39
36.48     37.96     37.74     33.44     38.35
First round2 28.69 37.28
38.17     28.69     41.25     34.11     39.57
5x5x5 CubeFinal1NR 57.89 1:08.43
1:20.36   1:06.90   1:07.76   57.89     1:10.63
6x6x6 CubeFinal3 2:22.61 2:26.39
2:24.49   2:22.61   2:32.08
7x7x7 CubeFinal3 3:30.34 3:39.29
3:46.41   3:41.12   3:30.34
Zurich Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.73 8.20
12.00     7.84      7.73      8.60      8.15
Second round1 7.11 8.65
9.76      9.40      7.11      8.17      8.37
First round2 7.42 8.58
9.23      10.58     8.49      8.01      7.42
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 2.44 3.83
2.44      3.48      5.41      2.61      5.96
First round7 3.34 4.18
4.10      6.00      4.58      3.85      3.34
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 31.86 36.60
31.86     38.93     33.75     38.52     37.53
First round1 32.68 35.13
36.09     38.51     35.96     32.68     33.35
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 1:04.58 1:06.81
1:06.88   1:04.58   1:12.70   1:05.78   1:07.77
First round1 1:02.96NR 1:05.79
1:07.03   1:02.96   1:05.84   1:06.41   1:05.12
6x6x6 CubeFinal5 2:18.08 2:31.58
2:18.08   2:32.30   2:44.37
7x7x7 CubeFinal2 3:22.03 3:33.36
3:40.31   3:37.74   3:22.03
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 14.32 17.27
14.32     19.97     21.16     16.41     15.44
First round2 11.22 15.56
21.72     15.49     16.96     11.22     14.24
Elsass Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 8.12 8.61
8.12      8.42      9.18      8.24      10.74
Semi Final10 7.61 8.37
7.73      8.36      9.01      7.61      9.70
Second round6 7.19 8.30
8.56      8.27      8.08      DNF       7.19
First round9 7.36 8.52
7.63      10.99     9.15      8.79      7.36
2x2x2 CubeSecond round30 3.47 4.08
3.84      4.14      5.14      3.47      4.27
First round45 2.57 4.76
4.42      6.34      5.63      4.24      2.57
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 32.70 35.32
38.06     35.11     32.80     32.70     41.36
Second round11 33.39 35.18
35.07     38.56     36.37     34.11     33.39
First round6 30.86 33.56
33.84     33.13     30.86     39.25     33.72
5x5x5 CubeFinal10NR 57.95 1:07.36
1:05.62   1:07.60   57.95     1:08.85   1:08.94
Second round10 1:01.16 1:09.60
1:11.38   1:01.16   1:14.11   1:03.30   1:14.29
First round9 1:01.01 1:09.76
1:10.00   1:01.01   1:11.84   1:07.43   1:12.67
6x6x6 CubeFirst round14 2:23.12 2:29.52
2:23.12   2:26.65   2:38.80
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal9 13.05 15.54
15.45     15.11     13.05     20.12     16.07
Second round12 12.68 15.71
16.02     12.68     15.77     18.75     15.33
First round10 12.94 14.75
12.94     16.83     13.33     14.10     19.62
SMSO 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.86 9.48
8.86      9.24      9.74      9.45      9.94
Second round3 7.90 8.47
8.46      8.58      8.37      7.90      8.82
First round1 7.89 8.52
7.90      9.00      8.66      9.10      7.89
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 1.90 4.79
6.64      4.00      5.18      1.90      5.18
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 34.00 38.63
39.33     39.78     34.00     37.40     39.15
First round1 31.85 33.35
35.17     31.85     34.01     33.72     32.33
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 1:01.42 1:10.18
1:09.30   1:16.73   1:09.30   1:11.93   1:01.42
First round1 1:02.75 1:08.17
1:14.24   1:15.52   1:02.75   1:05.52   1:04.76
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 13.77 15.62
15.21     17.84     13.77     15.68     15.96
Wiler Würfelfest 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 7.17 9.52
11.61     7.18      11.00     10.37     7.17
Second round1 7.60 8.24
7.98      8.69      7.60      9.09      8.04
First round1 8.24 8.93
8.81      12.05     9.28      8.24      8.69
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.16 3.95
3.59      4.72      3.53      3.16      4.76
First round8 2.68 4.22
4.40      6.31      3.49      2.68      4.78
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 29.20 35.28
33.04     29.20     37.59     35.22     40.13
First round1 30.67 35.96
33.08     30.67     40.63     40.34     34.45
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 15.91 16.48
19.70     15.99     17.22     16.24     15.91
First round4 15.94 17.66
16.86     22.02     15.94     17.07     19.05
PyraminxFirst round18 7.87 10.11
13.89     7.87      8.10      12.56     9.66
SkewbFinal11 7.56 9.92
8.25      7.56      13.02     9.26      12.26
Chambéry Cube 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 7.55 9.24
9.50      9.60      7.55      8.63      10.07
Second round1 7.12 8.18
8.52      7.60      8.41      14.48     7.12
First round1 7.47 8.28
8.39      7.47      9.02      7.71      8.75
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 31.18 34.44
35.13     DNF       34.73     31.18     33.47
First round2 34.62 37.75
55.51     39.88     34.62     36.10     37.26
5x5x5 CubeFinal1 1:05.81 1:10.81
1:05.81   1:10.55   1:16.88   1:12.47   1:09.41
6x6x6 CubeFinal8 2:25.89 2:47.64
3:01.21   2:25.89   2:55.82
7x7x7 CubeFinal2 3:37.77 3:41.59
3:37.77   3:47.25   3:39.76
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal14 45
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.95 16.31
17.52     15.33     20.76     14.95     16.09
First round4 13.86 17.01
19.57     13.86     17.73     15.34     17.97
MegaminxFinal9 1:15.19 1:22.18
1:22.83   1:26.14   1:24.11   1:15.19   1:19.61
First round10 1:14.59 1:28.27
1:14.59   1:21.08   1:39.37   1:33.36   1:30.38
PyraminxSecond round18 6.94 8.78
6.94      9.80      9.52      7.02      13.49
First round27 3.60 11.11
3.60      11.22     16.65     12.88     9.24
SkewbSecond round18 4.72 9.68
6.80      10.95     12.18     4.72      11.28
First round19 7.06 10.04
7.06      7.30      13.50     9.33      16.09
Swiss Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.75 8.33
8.87      9.11      7.75      8.10      8.02
Second round1 7.83 8.37
10.54     7.83      8.04      8.70      8.36
First round1 7.46NR 8.15
7.46      7.84      9.15      7.89      8.71
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 3.14 4.45
3.14      4.21      4.63      4.50      5.41
First round5 2.90 3.34
3.50      2.94      3.59      2.90      3.86
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 29.94 33.27
37.64     31.68     37.13     29.94     31.01
First round1 29.61 32.90
36.98     35.34     33.36     29.99     29.61
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:07.38 1:12.61
1:29.99   1:07.38   1:13.25   1:13.98   1:10.61
First round1 1:04.76 1:10.49
1:08.84   1:18.73   1:09.67   1:12.96   1:04.76
6x6x6 CubeFinal6 2:21.63 2:34.49
2:21.63   2:46.40   2:35.43
7x7x7 CubeFinal3 3:38.03 3:49.23
3:51.15   3:58.50   3:38.03
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.81 14.36
12.81     15.62     14.29     13.18     17.81
First round3 14.62 16.63
18.74     15.24     15.91     24.52     14.62
MegaminxFinal9 1:17.66 1:29.69
1:17.66   1:27.22   1:30.90   DNF       1:30.94
PyraminxFirst round23 7.23 9.37
18.74     8.47      10.78     7.23      8.86
SkewbFirst round20 8.50 11.71
8.94      8.50      15.50     10.68     37.59
Musée suisse du jeu 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal6 8.27 9.90
10.45     10.39     9.26      10.04     8.27
Second round4 7.46 8.99
7.46      8.47      8.86      9.63      11.96
First round4 7.32 9.26
11.12     8.53      11.54     7.32      8.14
2x2x2 CubeSecond round17 2.72 4.70
6.58      5.10      4.57      2.72      4.42
First round14 3.21 3.97
3.21      4.08      3.91      4.55      3.91
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 32.18 35.19
35.71     32.46     DNF       37.41     32.18
First round3 28.01 34.24
35.58     31.82     37.51     28.01     35.31
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:07.35 1:12.48
1:07.35   1:22.27   1:14.95   1:08.87   1:13.63
First round5 1:04.79 1:12.74
1:12.77   1:09.54   1:15.91   1:18.22   1:04.79
6x6x6 CubeFinal5 2:29.50 2:35.56
2:29.50   2:44.08   2:33.10
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 3:43.63 4:00.85
4:10.34   3:43.63   4:08.59
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal5 32 35.33
36        38        32
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.09 16.12
15.28     16.72     14.09     17.81     16.35
First round3 14.85 17.20
21.14     16.83     17.89     16.89     14.85
MegaminxFinal9 1:13.38 1:26.13
1:55.08   1:19.45   1:30.56   1:28.37   1:13.38
First round10 1:18.85 1:25.10
1:30.49   1:18.85   1:24.15   1:21.76   1:29.39
PyraminxFirst round23 9.82 12.63
12.10     13.83     9.82      18.01     11.95
SkewbFinal12 5.08 9.00
18.68     5.08      8.48      9.02      9.51
First round11 7.12 9.42
7.12      8.53      11.52     9.00      10.72
Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 7.44 9.84
12.53     7.44      8.25      8.75      13.69
Second round4NR 5.61 9.67
9.89      9.47      5.61      9.73      9.80
First round2 7.31NR 8.15
8.38      7.82      7.31      8.24      9.66
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 2.57 4.28
4.48      4.33      2.57      6.00      4.04
Second round7 3.80 4.13
3.94      3.82      5.12      3.80      4.63
First round14 3.84 5.01
3.84      6.96      3.88      7.01      4.18
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 30.39 34.41
34.15     35.87     30.39     33.56     35.51
First round1NR 27.85 34.24
34.08     34.32     34.32     36.00     27.85
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 1:04.33 1:11.20
1:20.82   1:11.10   1:14.47   1:04.33   1:08.04
First round2 1:06.61 1:10.64
1:17.61   1:06.61   1:14.21   1:06.91   1:10.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 13.66 15.79
13.66     22.16     16.36     15.69     15.32
First round4 16.39 17.77
16.91     19.08     16.39     19.81     17.32
PyraminxSecond round24 7.38 11.67
26.59     15.29     7.38      10.88     8.85
First round17 9.33 10.16
9.46      10.49     9.33      20.78     10.53
SkewbFinal10 4.70 9.64
4.70      12.18     10.74     7.45      10.72
First round10 6.94 8.98
7.62      12.21     7.32      6.94      12.00
Barby Cube Automne 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 9.10 9.99
9.10      11.88     9.25      10.39     10.32
Second round2 7.32 8.53
8.11      7.32      8.60      8.87      9.06
First round2 7.63 8.48
9.68      7.63      9.34      7.88      8.23
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.91 3.66
2.91      3.19      3.60      4.73      4.18
Second round12 3.26 4.07
3.26      4.21      3.77      4.22      4.24
First round16 3.17 4.22
4.00      3.17      4.28      4.39      5.64
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 31.68 34.85
33.92     37.65     32.97     31.68     37.70
Second round3 33.71 34.94
34.28     34.01     2:10.86   36.52     33.71
First round3 30.82NR 32.33
32.88     30.82     34.84     31.63     32.47
5x5x5 CubeFinal3 1:08.13 1:12.70
1:14.34   1:13.48   1:10.27   1:16.10   1:08.13
First round3NR 1:02.72 1:11.68
1:13.54   1:11.65   DNF       1:02.72   1:09.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 14.11 17.11
20.47     14.89     14.11     17.27     19.17
Second round1 12.70 15.14
12.70     15.26     15.56     15.87     14.61
First round1 12.22 15.12
15.90     12.22     15.08     14.38     24.31
MegaminxFinal8 1:10.50 1:30.70
1:23.63   1:10.50   DNF       1:36.53   1:31.94
PyraminxSecond round24 9.18 11.11
9.18      15.85     10.23     10.70     12.39
First round31 8.60 12.02
13.31     11.73     11.01     14.79     8.60
SkewbFirst round21 9.37 11.25
11.21     12.54     10.00     9.37      14.49
Zurich Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.11 8.89
9.05      11.03     8.88      8.74      8.11
Second round3 7.69 9.42
7.69      9.12      8.95      10.20     10.48
First round1 7.78 9.15
10.32     8.98      7.78      9.37      9.11
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 3.36 5.20
5.52      5.51      4.58      3.36      5.94
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 31.44 35.05
36.70     36.79     31.44     33.92     34.54
First round1 28.95NR 34.08
33.58     37.58     35.34     28.95     33.32
5x5x5 CubeFinal7 1:14.48 1:22.18
1:21.70   1:22.32   1:14.48   1:22.52   1:28.07
First round8 1:16.76 1:27.02
1:29.24   1:16.76   1:32.76   1:42.39   1:19.05
6x6x6 CubeFinal11 3:14.69 3:31.78
3:36.08   3:44.57   3:14.69
7x7x7 CubeFinal4 3:53.33 3:58.35
4:00.21   4:01.50   3:53.33
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 14.39 16.74
18.82     14.68     16.71     25.21     14.39
First round4 16.16 18.17
17.01     16.16     19.08     18.41     20.62
PyraminxFirst round23 9.55 12.29
14.26     11.90     9.55      10.70     14.76
SkewbFinal8 9.31 11.76
25.81     15.56     9.31      10.23     9.48
First round7 6.79 9.21
6.79      8.30      9.37      10.73     9.96
SC Cup Final 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 8.32 9.40
11.19     8.55      10.72     8.32      8.93
Second round1 7.95 9.65
8.69      8.82      7.95      11.44     DNF
First round1 7.58 8.70
9.93      7.95      7.58      10.90     8.22
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 2.94 3.73
3.25      2.94      4.24      3.71      4.42
First round7 2.74 4.40
3.46      4.97      6.17      4.78      2.74
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 31.45 34.53
35.81     31.45     31.94     35.84     36.70
First round1 31.00NR 34.33
33.31     43.00     31.00     37.68     32.00
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 11.57 14.72
11.57     14.06     21.78     14.68     15.43
First round1 12.23 14.07
12.23     13.32     15.22     13.66     20.62
PyraminxFirst round21 7.37 10.64
7.37      11.12     9.25      17.62     11.55
SkewbFinal15 8.80 10.01
19.00     8.80      9.29      11.23     9.51
Swiss Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.73 9.39
8.97      8.95      8.73      11.03     10.26
Second round9 8.19 10.90
12.87     8.46      8.19      11.36     13.17
First round4 7.79 8.55
7.79      8.72      8.07      8.86      16.47
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 2.96 4.50
4.87      4.50      4.72      2.96      4.29
Second round12 3.53 3.98
3.53      4.35      8.01      3.65      3.95
First round9 2.29 3.53
3.34      2.29      3.49      3.77      4.81
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 35.70 38.19
40.84     37.34     35.70     37.23     39.99
Second round3 34.34 36.40
37.29     36.91     34.34     39.83     35.01
First round4 28.44 38.53
38.98     28.44     38.75     37.87     42.57
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:18.56 1:23.24
1:25.20   1:18.56   1:28.84   1:19.60   1:24.93
First round9 1:16.14 1:22.20
1:16.14   1:24.75   1:23.87   1:17.99   1:33.92
6x6x6 CubeFinal11 3:02.99 3:14.82
3:18.84   3:02.99   3:22.62
First round12 2:48.79 2:52.74
2:57.09   2:48.79   2:52.35
7x7x7 CubeFirst round16 4:31.57 4:53.94
4:31.57   5:01.60   5:08.64
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal8 34 41.67
49        34        42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal4 12.01 14.79
20.93     15.95     12.01     15.70     12.71
Second round5 15.31 16.87
15.31     17.78     16.24     17.52     16.85
First round6 12.56 17.69
16.97     15.73     12.56     20.38     20.51
MegaminxFinal10 1:20.45 1:24.64
1:30.15   1:28.12   1:20.45   1:24.87   1:20.93
First round11 1:14.57 1:19.97
DNF       1:14.57   1:22.21   1:19.92   1:17.78
PyraminxSecond round25 6.35 9.32
8.47      11.28     6.35      11.19     8.29
First round39 6.68 13.00
6.68      22.67     12.49     14.35     12.15
SkewbSecond round27 7.91 11.44
10.55     7.91      9.47      17.80     14.31
First round29 9.60 11.14
10.73     9.60      12.13     13.73     10.57
World Championship 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final56 8.07 9.76
11.04     8.35      9.89      8.07      11.45
Second round20 7.59NR 8.35
11.81     8.51      8.40      8.15      7.59
First round27 7.21NR 8.40
11.96     9.16      7.83      8.22      7.21
2x2x2 CubeFirst round238 3.08 4.59
8.60      3.80      3.08      5.48      4.50
4x4x4 CubeSecond round23 30.57 35.05
36.09     37.88     31.17     30.57     40.52
First round80 35.54 39.01
40.57     37.15     39.32     35.54     41.74
5x5x5 CubeFirst round98 1:18.72 1:20.17
1:22.00   1:19.54   1:18.72   1:22.92   1:18.98
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round149 17.22 19.68
26.04     17.22     22.05     17.69     19.30
MegaminxFirst round88 1:09.56 1:18.05
1:21.50   1:13.72   1:25.24   1:18.92   1:09.56
PyraminxFirst round342 7.76 10.77
7.76      11.21     12.34     8.75      18.92
SkewbFirst round235 6.73 10.13
6.73      DNF       12.57     8.91      8.92
Ticino Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 7.10 8.63
8.08      7.10      8.21      10.26     9.59
Second round2 7.56 10.31
7.56      11.64     9.13      12.34     10.15
First round1 8.11 9.56
8.98      10.12     9.88      8.11      9.82
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.45 4.14
3.60      4.99      3.45      4.35      4.48
Second round7 3.00 4.09
3.00      3.42      5.56      3.29      5.86
First round11 3.42 4.36
4.42      3.42      4.77      5.00      3.90
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 33.47 37.07
33.47     36.79     42.70     40.04     34.38
First round1NR 28.35 36.25
36.74     28.35     37.58     36.35     35.66
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 1:11.93 1:15.43
1:17.68   1:20.46   1:15.57   1:13.03   1:11.93
First round4 1:17.85 1:22.59
1:25.02   1:17.85   1:20.38   1:22.36   1:26.19
6x6x6 CubeFinal5 2:52.97 3:21.11
2:52.97   3:38.92   3:31.43
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 5:22.27 5:36.60
5:22.27   5:59.25   5:28.28
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal1 14.78 16.19
16.91     14.78     16.52     15.14     17.95
Second round1 14.81 16.12
15.27     14.81     17.92     15.79     17.31
First round3 11.81 16.80
17.23     17.57     20.20     11.81     15.60
MegaminxFinal5 1:16.70 1:25.62
1:27.98   1:16.70   1:27.28   1:21.60   1:43.86
PyraminxFirst round13 6.29 9.27
6.29      10.21     11.18     10.13     7.46
SkewbFinal10 8.47 11.43
14.00     10.20     8.47      10.10     15.52
First round11 7.20 12.04
10.19     16.96     7.20      8.96      18.41
Square-1Final14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS       DNS       DNS
SC Cup III 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.55 8.96
9.31      8.55      8.83      11.17     8.73
First round1 8.30 9.44
9.56      9.98      11.43     8.79      8.30
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.19 4.05
4.54      4.61      3.89      3.19      3.72
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 32.93 37.45
32.93     41.99     39.21     35.84     37.31
5x5x5 CubeFinal2 1:13.44 1:17.18
1:13.44   1:14.82   1:16.62   1:20.09   1:32.20
7x7x7 CubeFinal6 4:41.06 5:02.91
4:41.06   5:36.07   4:51.60
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 16.71 17.31
27.64     16.71     17.00     17.82     17.10
PyraminxFinal17 8.88 11.42
8.88      9.59      13.61     13.78     11.06
Barby Cube 73 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.31 11.12
9.37      12.13     11.85     14.51     7.31
Second round3 7.52 8.87
7.52      8.68      12.60     9.37      8.55
First round3 7.72 8.48
8.82      7.72      8.12      8.51      10.06
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 3.49 4.21
4.32      3.83      4.47      3.49      4.82
Second round12 2.50 4.56
4.93      2.50      4.48      5.92      4.28
First round18 2.64 5.06
4.93      3.96      2.64      6.30      9.08
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 34.22 38.57
34.22     41.25     37.14     41.36     37.32
Second round2 34.94 38.16
42.62     34.94     37.60     37.09     39.78
First round3 34.63 39.90
34.63     41.96     38.57     39.16     42.39
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:10.57 1:22.39
1:17.92   1:10.57   1:30.97   1:25.30   1:23.94
First round4 1:21.79 1:23.47
1:30.15   1:21.79   1:21.86   1:24.51   1:24.05
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal13 43 DNF
43        45        DNS
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 16.90 17.52
16.90     DNF       17.59     17.87     17.09
Second round6 12.61 15.74
15.31     17.23     14.68     25.98     12.61
First round5 11.56 17.18
14.97     11.56     DNF       19.80     16.78
MegaminxFirst round7 1:14.33 1:25.40
1:34.63   1:22.43   1:19.13   1:14.33   1:35.09
PyraminxSecond round19 8.82 12.08
15.33     8.82      9.91      17.02     11.01
First round23 7.42 12.02
10.30     11.77     19.53     7.42      13.98
SkewbFinal15 5.98 10.67
9.49      16.30     10.57     11.95     5.98
First round16 10.08 12.14
11.70     10.58     14.15     16.62     10.08
Square-1First round14 1:00.28
DNF       1:00.28
Wiler Würfelfest 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 6.89NR 8.46
8.78      6.89      8.43      13.25     8.17
Second round3 8.96 9.57
9.89      10.03     8.96      9.58      9.23
First round2NR 6.79 8.69
7.36      6.79      11.25     8.98      9.74
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 2.68 3.28
2.95      2.68      3.10      5.86      3.79
First round6 1.71 3.92
1.71      6.08      2.91      4.21      4.64
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 33.42 39.57
37.04     44.29     43.92     33.42     37.75
First round2 33.65 40.75
2:54.95   40.12     40.35     33.65     41.78
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:19.12 1:25.17
1:29.82   1:19.12   1:21.59   1:24.09   1:37.11
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 12.91 16.34
12.91     15.80     18.09     15.13     27.98
First round3 13.74 16.12
17.40     15.28     15.67     13.74     17.46
MegaminxFinal4 1:12.00 1:22.96
1:12.00   1:27.53   1:25.04   1:24.73   1:19.12
PyraminxFirst round16 9.74 11.40
11.80     23.57     11.56     10.85     9.74
SC Cup II 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.33 10.74
9.66      12.90     8.33      12.46     10.10
First round5 7.85 10.86
7.85      8.70      12.04     11.83     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.88 4.08
4.28      5.13      2.88      3.80      4.17
4x4x4 CubeFinal3 35.27 40.30
35.27     41.40     40.25     44.22     39.24
6x6x6 CubeFinal18 3:14.40 DNF
3:39.60   DNF       3:14.40
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 15.31 19.09
16.88     16.92     15.31     28.86     23.48
PyraminxFinal12 7.52 7.90
7.52      8.47      7.67      8.27      7.75
Only Cube Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 9.54 10.10
10.97     9.67      9.54      10.45     10.18
Second round6 9.75 10.34
10.74     10.47     10.81     9.80      9.75
First round8 8.54 10.67
11.10     10.22     11.69     10.68     8.54
2x2x2 CubeSecond round14 3.71 4.16
4.14      3.71      3.84      4.50      6.85
First round9 3.41 3.80
3.41      4.03      3.93      4.29      3.44
4x4x4 CubeFinal2 35.76 39.64
44.31     35.76     39.55     43.08     36.28
Second round3 40.16 41.47
40.23     46.94     43.12     40.16     41.06
First round3 34.69 40.15
40.99     34.69     41.00     41.08     38.47
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:22.66 1:25.62
1:32.33   1:22.66   1:24.72   1:25.11   1:27.02
First round5 1:20.18 1:24.33
1:24.54   1:21.91   1:26.53   1:20.18   1:51.79
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 14.35 15.91
16.89     31.79     14.84     16.00     14.35
Second round7 14.55 18.09
18.61     14.55     18.87     18.94     16.78
First round5 16.29 16.93
16.76     16.38     16.29     19.33     17.66
MegaminxFinal8 1:04.43 1:30.28
1:30.33   1:35.79   1:28.50   1:04.43   1:32.02
First round7 1:13.92 1:28.82
1:50.47   1:27.53   1:27.88   1:13.92   1:31.04
PyraminxFirst round35 9.56 11.03
9.82      12.25     9.56      11.03     DNF
SkewbFirst round26 6.33 11.39
6.33      DNF       10.51     14.04     9.61
Square-1Final18 37.93
1:17.46   37.93
SC Cup I 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 8.69 11.77
12.98     10.97     13.95     11.35     8.69
First round2 9.45 10.60
9.45      10.64     10.78     10.55     10.61
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 3.33 4.72
3.33      8.28      4.15      4.09      5.93
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 36.47 41.79
44.33     43.76     38.03     36.47     43.59
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 17.26 22.47
17.26     DNF       30.79     18.81     17.80
MegaminxFinal5 1:08.04 1:25.37
1:16.48   DNF       1:25.05   1:34.59   1:08.04
PyraminxFinal14 10.12 11.26
10.12     10.80     18.46     11.89     11.08
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal1 8.73 9.86
9.90      9.02      8.73      11.03     10.66
Second round1 7.43NR 9.10
8.03      9.81      7.43      9.46      13.18
First round2 8.29 9.59
8.29      10.96     9.52      9.68      9.56
2x2x2 CubeFinal4 3.41 3.83
3.41      3.45      4.63      4.68      3.42
First round6 3.43 4.32
5.25      3.43      6.25      4.07      3.65
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 39.02 41.73
45.37     41.78     42.56     40.84     39.02
First round1 38.52 41.94
39.52     44.98     44.12     38.52     42.18
PyraminxFirst round12 9.57 11.39
9.57      14.21     9.83      10.13     20.36
CDJ 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 8.28 10.09
9.70      8.28      10.91     9.66      11.45
Second round2 8.48 10.68
12.14     10.15     9.75      13.40     8.48
First round2 9.39 9.93
9.70      9.97      11.68     10.12     9.39
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.31 4.20
3.89      3.59      5.13      DNF       3.31
Second round6 2.82 4.23
4.56      4.59      2.82      4.80      3.55
First round8 3.45 4.35
4.59      3.87      4.59      7.44      3.45
4x4x4 CubeFinal1 40.24 42.06
40.24     42.05     43.81     48.85     40.32
First round2 34.63 41.92
35.17     40.14     34.63     50.78     50.45
5x5x5 CubeFinal6 1:21.75 1:28.50
1:22.35   1:39.15   1:30.44   1:21.75   1:32.72
First round3 1:22.27 1:25.23
1:24.12   1:40.23   1:25.14   1:22.27   1:26.42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 18.14 19.78
18.68     18.14     19.32     21.35     21.82
First round5 17.68 21.47
26.38     19.57     17.68     18.45     DNF
PyraminxFinal9 8.13 9.08
8.55      11.52     9.75      8.93      8.13
Second round13 8.92 9.90
10.54     9.08      8.92      10.08     12.92
First round14 6.07 11.09
9.99      6.07      10.18     13.63     13.10
SkewbFinal9 8.57 11.88
18.20     8.83      15.86     10.96     8.57
First round8 6.31 10.56
9.53      13.60     10.13     6.31      12.03
Montbéliard Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 10.16 10.96
10.20     12.36     11.54     10.16     11.13
Second round2 9.14 9.67
9.16      9.53      9.14      11.74     10.32
First round3 8.93 10.20
10.17     10.80     12.97     8.93      9.62
2x2x2 CubeFinal8 2.71 3.72
4.01      3.69      2.71      3.47      4.67
Second round5 3.03 4.27
3.03      6.94      3.87      4.34      4.61
First round9 3.73 5.00
5.46      3.73      4.23      8.26      5.31
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 40.39 44.09
41.86     40.66     50.21     40.39     49.75
First round2 36.17 39.07
42.90     39.02     37.44     36.17     40.74
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:25.67 1:29.60
1:25.67   1:32.56   1:28.27   1:27.97   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 16.48 18.07
30.21     16.48     17.68     17.98     18.56
First round6 16.60 18.68
19.32     16.60     20.83     17.65     19.07
PyraminxFinal12 10.91 11.89
11.43     12.48     13.89     10.91     11.76
First round12 7.39 10.06
11.07     7.39      11.21     19.34     7.89
SkewbFinal7 8.86 10.34
10.57     11.43     18.71     8.86      9.03
MSDJ 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 7.11 10.39
7.11      7.63      13.11     15.09     10.42
Second round4 8.19 9.71
11.07     8.19      11.13     9.12      8.94
First round4 9.30 10.30
13.73     9.78      9.35      9.30      11.77
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.41 4.38
4.62      3.62      4.89      3.41      5.51
Second round9 2.93 4.49
3.60      5.48      5.00      4.88      2.93
First round12 3.81 4.87
3.81      4.57      5.22      5.37      4.83
4x4x4 CubeFinal9 37.12 46.64
45.12     47.51     47.29     49.13     37.12
First round7 44.80 45.91
45.03     45.04     47.67     44.80     53.42
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 1:17.59 1:29.39
1:37.76   1:27.86   1:17.59   1:27.13   1:33.19
First round11 1:26.91 1:30.28
1:38.22   1:31.83   1:29.00   1:26.91   1:30.00
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 3:33.51
7x7x7 CubeFinal17 DNF
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal15 42 DNF
DNS       DNF       42
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal5 14.73 18.89
19.67     14.73     18.24     18.75     20.17
First round7 14.34 19.94
23.71     20.26     15.86     47.36     14.34
MegaminxFirst round13 1:40.92 1:52.30
1:52.26   1:40.92   2:04.57   1:54.19   1:50.45
PyraminxFirst round19 8.93 10.08
8.97      8.93      12.87     11.21     10.07
SkewbFinal10 7.48 9.20
11.97     7.48      9.43      9.71      8.47
Square-1First round16 DNF
DNF       DNF
Swiss Nats 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal3 9.97 10.48
10.72     10.45     10.26     11.89     9.97
Second round4 9.24 10.07
10.76     10.19     9.24      9.27      10.75
First round8 8.90 10.84
9.38      12.71     8.90      10.44     13.52
2x2x2 CubeFirst round68 4.62 DNF
6.32      DNF       4.77      4.62      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 44.70 46.41
47.34     44.80     51.53     47.09     44.70
First round6 35.88 43.87
53.12     42.43     35.88     47.39     41.80
5x5x5 CubeFinal5 1:17.18 1:26.39
1:27.72   1:45.75   1:27.42   1:24.02   1:17.18
First round9 1:20.21 1:35.85
1:39.58   1:49.08   1:34.27   1:20.21   1:33.70
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 3:20.03 3:40.22
3:20.03   3:51.42   3:49.20
7x7x7 CubeFinal12 6:48.19
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal7 17.46 22.81
25.14     37.72     21.02     17.46     22.28
First round6 15.10 21.66
21.96     DNF       15.10     21.52     21.51
MegaminxFinal9 1:44.81 1:53.24
1:54.31   1:48.83   1:56.57   1:44.81   1:58.02
PyraminxFirst round23 9.01 13.59
15.87     13.67     DNF       9.01      11.23
SkewbFinal10 8.88 12.02
13.12     13.62     8.88      18.23     9.33
First round10 5.35 10.98
5.35      10.03     14.96     14.06     8.86
Square-1Final17 1:11.72
2:26.30   1:11.72
Belfort Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 11.33 11.74
13.09     11.92     11.33     11.49     11.80
Second round5 10.28 11.49
11.37     10.28     12.36     DNF       10.73
First round8 12.55 13.01
12.73     12.55     13.65     12.64     14.55
2x2x2 CubeSecond round12 3.41 5.41
4.73      7.12      3.41      6.22      5.27
First round7 3.50 4.51
5.38      4.74      3.50      5.27      3.53
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 46.50 49.46
48.27     54.96     46.50     51.93     48.18
First round3 43.12 46.33
46.82     48.58     49.37     43.59     43.12
5x5x5 CubeFinal4 1:35.13 1:39.82
1:39.00   1:42.82   1:37.63   1:42.83   1:35.13
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 19.72 21.75
20.94     21.30     19.72     23.00     23.03
First round6 19.75 21.79
20.07     22.51     19.75     22.79     25.95
PyraminxFirst round15 9.88 13.54
10.37     9.88      15.48     18.66     14.76
SkewbFinal7 7.87 9.54
13.58     7.87      11.18     8.77      8.68
OFFA-Meisterschaft 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 10.15 11.70
13.67     10.15     11.92     11.74     11.45
Second round6 9.11 12.01
12.14     13.96     14.21     9.93      9.11
First round7 10.82 12.59
13.17     10.82     11.33     13.28     13.67
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 4.04 6.00
6.54      6.99      8.91      4.48      4.04
First round9 3.84 5.13
3.84      6.36      4.41      6.11      4.88
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 47.58 51.68
58.30     53.62     49.86     47.58     51.55
First round8 47.50 53.54
1:23.45   47.50     52.05     53.88     54.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 22.26 25.29
28.87     24.38     22.62     30.89     22.26
First round5 19.76 22.70
25.01     19.76     20.67     22.70     24.73
PyraminxFinal9 9.29 13.82
13.84     9.29      17.84     DNF       9.77
First round8 8.82 10.57
8.82      8.93      11.57     11.20     12.27
Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 11.54 13.32
11.54     13.95     12.99     15.00     13.03
Second round5 9.88 12.55
12.17     12.51     12.97     13.43     9.88
First round5 11.36 13.10
13.28     16.37     13.24     11.36     12.78
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 4.50 4.88
4.73      5.25      4.50      4.68      5.22
First round6 4.17 5.46
8.49      4.57      5.42      6.39      4.17
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 53.42 1:01.95
53.42     1:02.26   1:01.02   1:05.31   1:02.57
First round6 46.15 57.01
1:07.64   46.15     53.39     50.01     DNF
PyraminxFinal6 12.78 14.44
12.78     13.37     15.33     14.62     15.58
First round5 6.78 11.37
6.78      14.67     7.52      13.15     13.45
Chambéry Cube Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal9 11.64 14.22
14.77     13.95     16.28     13.94     11.64
Second round5 10.26 12.13
12.02     12.90     13.99     11.47     10.26
First round11 13.00 14.43
18.05     13.09     14.20     13.00     16.01
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 3.48 5.46
4.21      3.48      7.38      4.80      13.61
First round14 4.93 5.50
5.43      5.48      5.60      4.93      6.01
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 44.25 55.01
53.78     1:03.28   55.88     55.36     44.25
5x5x5 CubeFirst round9 1:46.36 1:52.23
1:53.66   1:51.56   1:52.28   1:46.36   1:52.85
6x6x6 CubeFirst round7 3:39.37 4:07.63
3:39.37   4:37.63   4:05.90
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round25 47.91
48.34     47.91
SkewbFirst round16 7.47 14.96
7.47      26.15     20.40     16.89     7.60
Musée suisse du jeu 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal4 12.06 13.39
12.06     15.12     12.51     14.61     13.04
Second round5 11.65 12.64
11.65     13.83     13.98     12.39     11.71
First round4 10.80 13.32
14.68     12.99     10.80     13.52     13.46
2x2x2 CubeSecond round10 4.05 5.45
9.18      5.72      5.12      5.52      4.05
First round7 4.26 5.31
4.45      4.26      5.65      5.83      14.33
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 53.65 1:02.44
1:00.59   53.65     1:08.69   1:07.35   59.37
First round5 45.83 54.17
49.46     55.64     58.50     57.40     45.83
5x5x5 CubeFirst round7 1:57.08 2:01.42
2:11.93   1:57.08   2:02.89   2:04.25   1:57.13
6x6x6 CubeFinal7 4:51.80 5:00.78
4:51.80   5:12.51   4:58.04
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round8 34.75 44.20
57.68     36.62     41.64     54.34     34.75
SkewbFirst round8 5.26 13.67
5.26      13.73     15.65     11.64     18.35

History of National Records

3x3x3 Cube
 NR 5.95Lonay Cube 2024Final
5.86      6.72      7.21      5.26      4.78   
 NR 6.11Longjum'Open 2024Semi Final
5.97      6.21      6.43      6.15      5.39   
 NR 6.23Bretzel Open 2023Second round
6.27      6.12      5.91      6.31      8.19
 NR 4.63WCA European Championship 2022Semi Final
7.78      6.58      7.82      4.63      7.69
 NR 6.70WCA European Championship 2022Second round
7.09      9.45      5.44      6.37      6.64
 NR 6.85Offline Schwyz Sunday 2021Final
6.66      7.08      7.29      6.80      5.93   
 NR 7.14Argovia Open 2018First round
6.94      6.75      7.67      8.71      6.81
 NR 7.52WCA Euro 2018First round
8.62      7.65      6.29      6.90      8.02
 NR 7.65Zentralschweiz 2018Second round
7.45      7.49      7.77      7.68      13.84
 NR 8.15Swiss Nationals 2017First round
7.46      7.84      9.15      7.89      8.71
 NR 5.61Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017Second round
9.89      9.47      5.61      9.73      9.80
 NR 8.15Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017First round
8.38      7.82      7.31      8.24      9.66
 NR 8.35World Championship 2017Second round
11.81     8.51      8.40      8.15      7.59   
 NR 8.40World Championship 2017First round
11.96     9.16      7.83      8.22      7.21   
 NR 8.46Wiler Würfelfest 2017Final
8.78      6.89      8.43      13.25     8.17
 NR 6.79Wiler Würfelfest 2017First round
7.36      6.79      11.25     8.98      9.74
 NR 9.10Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2016Second round
8.03      9.81      7.43      9.46      13.18
4x4x4 Cube
 NR 24.06Lonay Cube 2024Final
25.01     28.91     22.12     24.56     22.62
 NR 20.90WCA European Championship 2024First round
25.07     28.28     20.90     25.98     27.01
 NR 21.25NR 24.40Norwegian Championship 2022Second round
25.32     22.20     21.25     25.67     25.73
 NR 21.79Norwegian Championship 2022First round
27.60     31.21     26.04     28.58     21.79  
 NR 27.11WCA European Championship 2022Second round
28.16     26.65     25.34     31.17     26.52
 NR 22.27NR 27.63WCA European Championship 2022First round
28.55     29.05     25.31     29.04     22.27  
 NR 24.80NR 28.20Offline Schwyz Sunday 2021Final
29.14     27.76     27.70     29.47     24.80  
 NR 29.69UK Championship 2019Final
28.54     28.51     31.00     29.53     34.89
 NR 24.81UK Championship 2019First round
27.42     24.81     36.25     33.92     37.60
 NR 25.21Swiss Nationals 2019Final
33.37     33.76     32.24     25.21     31.71
 NR 30.22WCA Euro 2018Final
28.81     31.02     34.90     30.83     27.90  
 NR 31.03WCA Euro 2018Second round
27.98     38.21     34.50     29.85     28.73
 NR 27.34Zentralschweiz 2018First round
29.36     27.34     DNF       37.84     36.95
 NR 27.85Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017First round
34.08     34.32     34.32     36.00     27.85  
 NR 32.33Barby Cube Automne 2017First round
32.88     30.82     34.84     31.63     32.47
 NR 34.08Zurich Open 2017First round
33.58     37.58     35.34     28.95     33.32
 NR 34.33SC Cup Final 2017First round
33.31     43.00     31.00     37.68     32.00
 NR 28.35Ticino Open 2017First round
36.74     28.35     37.58     36.35     35.66
5x5x5 Cube
 NR 37.80NR 43.97Swiss Nationals 2024First round
45.51     48.09     43.45     37.80     42.96
 NR 38.64NR 44.44WCA European Championship 2024First round
43.15     38.64     46.75     46.71     43.47
 NR 39.62French Championship 2024First round
39.62     47.94     43.59     52.45     48.35
 NR 40.00Longjum'Open 2024Final
47.68     48.01     40.00     53.81     48.01
 NR 44.94Chääswürfel 2023First round
45.74     DNF       45.12     43.73     43.97
 NR 46.99Swisscubing Cup III 2023First round
42.94     46.31     47.32     49.42     47.33
 NR 47.30Bretzel Open 2023Final
48.37     48.08     45.39     49.11     45.46
 NR 41.57NR 47.41Schwyz Side Day 2021Final
52.90     41.57     43.97     51.12     47.15
 NR 53.66UK Championship 2019Final
57.53     51.54     51.93     52.48     56.56
 NR 48.51WCA World Championship 2019First round
1:03.34   1:02.55   58.10     54.15     48.51  
 NR 54.65Swisscubing Cup II 2019Final
52.85     56.03     53.59     59.42     54.33
 NR 50.15NR 59.73Zentralschweiz 2019First round
1:03.59   1:06.27   57.62     50.15     57.97
 NR 52.37Barby Cube Open 2018Final
1:04.92   1:02.99   57.30     1:03.12   52.37  
 NR 1:00.27Swiss Nationals 2018Final
1:00.02   1:03.31   57.30     57.49     1:10.30
 NR 1:01.64WCA Euro 2018Final
1:04.64   1:01.27   1:00.15   1:01.57   1:02.08
 NR 56.85WCA Euro 2018First round
1:08.84   56.85     58.56     1:08.23   1:04.33
 NR 1:02.61Zentralschweiz 2018Final
1:00.33   1:03.20   1:04.29   1:04.70   58.37  
 NR 57.76Zentralschweiz 2018Second round
1:11.09   1:02.62   1:05.72   57.76     1:08.02
 NR 57.89Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018Final
1:20.36   1:06.90   1:07.76   57.89     1:10.63
 NR 1:05.79Zurich Open 2018First round
1:07.03   1:02.96   1:05.84   1:06.41   1:05.12
 NR 57.95Elsass Open 2018Final
1:05.62   1:07.60   57.95     1:08.85   1:08.94
 NR 1:02.72Barby Cube Automne 2017First round
1:13.54   1:11.65   DNF       1:02.72   1:09.84
6x6x6 Cube
 NR 1:23.05Tigery Open 2024Final
1:22.41   1:22.95   1:23.80
 NR 1:13.89Swisscubing Cup II 2024Final
1:27.03   1:13.89   1:30.69
 NR 1:23.71Chääswürfel 2023Final
1:22.07   1:23.69   1:25.37
 NR 1:19.17NR 1:24.47Swisscubing Cup Final 2023Final
1:25.72   1:19.17   1:28.53
 NR 1:31.90Swiss Nationals 2023Final
1:27.35   1:35.65   1:32.70
 NR 1:23.86Swisscubing Cup III 2023Final
1:37.43   1:23.86   1:38.70
 NR 1:37.26WCA European Championship 2022Final
1:33.72   1:35.96   1:42.11
 NR 1:57.31Swiss Nationals 2019Final
1:48.10   2:07.34   1:56.48
 NR 1:50.76Zentralschweiz 2019Final
1:50.76   2:11.53   1:58.95
 NR 1:51.11NR 2:02.32Swiss Nationals 2018First round
2:05.87   1:51.11   2:09.98
7x7x7 Cube
 NR 2:01.51Swiss Nationals 2024Final
2:02.35   1:59.35   2:02.84
 NR 1:53.96WCA European Championship 2024First round
2:09.15   1:53.96   2:16.40
 NR 2:05.37Cournonsec Open 2024Final
2:06.10   2:01.86   2:08.16
 NR 1:56.07NR 2:07.08Tigery Open 2024Final
2:17.03   1:56.07   2:08.13
 NR 2:09.35Swisscubing Cup II 2024Final
2:03.54   2:10.01   2:14.51
 NR 1:57.06Swisscubing Cup II 2024First round
2:20.61   2:26.22   1:57.06
 NR 2:01.70Swiss Nationals 2023Final
2:13.50   2:01.70   2:33.40
 NR 2:19.67Norwegian Championship 2022Final
2:27.88   2:14.03   2:17.11
 NR 2:13.61NR 2:20.42WCA European Championship 2022Final
2:23.17   2:13.61   2:24.49
 NR 2:36.79Schwyz Side Day 2021Final
2:24.41   2:44.38   2:41.59
 NR 2:17.83NR 2:39.11Swiss Nationals 2019Final
2:59.56   2:39.95   2:17.83
 NR 2:49.06NR 2:58.16Zentralschweiz 2019Final
2:49.06   2:58.99   3:06.43
 NR 3:06.72Argovia Open 2018Final
3:12.56   3:05.83   3:01.77
3x3x3 One-Handed
 NR 12.47Barby Cube Open 2018Final
12.02     11.98     12.48     17.83     12.90
 NR 13.45Zentralschweiz 2018First round
13.25     14.68     12.43     15.02     11.88  
702025-01-11~12Swisscubing Cup I 2025SwitzerlandMorges (VD)
692024-10-26~27Lonay Cube 2024SwitzerlandLonay (VD)
682024-10-04~06Swiss Nationals 2024SwitzerlandBasel (BS)
672024-07-25~28WCA European Championship 2024SpainPamplona, Navarra
662024-07-19~21Warm Up Portugalete 2024SpainPortugalete, Bizkaia
652024-06-22~23Cournonsec Open 2024FranceCournonsec
642024-05-25~26Tigery Open 2024FranceTigery
632024-05-04~05Swisscubing Cup III 2024SwitzerlandNeyruz (FR)
622024-04-02Olte Obig Overtimer 2024SwitzerlandOlten (SO)
612024-03-30~04-01French Championship 2024FranceSaverne
602024-03-02~03Swisscubing Cup II 2024SwitzerlandMuhen (AG)
592024-01-27~28Longjum'Open 2024FranceLongjumeau
582024-01-13~14Swisscubing Cup I 2024SwitzerlandAltdorf (UR)
572023-12-31Chääswürfel 2023SwitzerlandHasliberg (BE)
562023-11-11~12Swiss Science Open 2023SwitzerlandWinterthur (ZH)
552023-10-28~29Ticino Open 2023SwitzerlandGenestrerio (TI)
542023-09-30~10-01Swisscubing Cup Final 2023SwitzerlandUster (ZH)
532023-05-27~29Swiss Nationals 2023SwitzerlandVisp (VS)
522023-05-13~14Swisscubing Cup III 2023SwitzerlandOberwil (BL)
512023-02-25~26Bretzel Open 2023FranceEckbolsheim
502022-09-09~11Swiss Nationals 2022SwitzerlandMuhen (AG)
492022-07-22~24Norwegian Championship 2022NorwayLillestrøm
482022-07-14~17WCA European Championship 2022DenmarkCopenhagen
472021-11-20Schwyz Side Day 2021SwitzerlandEinsiedeln
462021-08-15Offline Schwyz Sunday 2021SwitzerlandSchwyz
452019-10-25~27UK Championship 2019United KingdomStevenage, Hertfordshire
442019-07-11~14WCA World Championship 2019AustraliaMelbourne, Victoria
432019-06-08~10Swiss Nationals 2019SwitzerlandLuzern
422019-04-13~14Swisscubing Cup II 2019SwitzerlandÉcublens
412019-03-02~03Zentralschweiz 2019SwitzerlandSchwyz
402019-02-02~03Just Cube Open 2019FranceLyon
392018-12-01~02Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2018FranceUgine
382018-11-03~04Barby Cube Open 2018FranceBarby
372018-10-13~14Argovia Open 2018SwitzerlandBremgarten
362018-09-21~23Swiss Nationals 2018SwitzerlandThun
352018-08-04Swisscubing Better Be Quick 2018SwitzerlandBlonay
342018-07-19~22WCA Euro 2018SpainMadrid
332018-07-07~08SC Cup II 2018SwitzerlandSonvico
322018-06-23~24Zentralschweiz 2018SwitzerlandHünenberg
312018-05-25~27Lausanne Euro Qualifier 2018SwitzerlandÉcublens
302018-05-12~13Zurich Open 2018SwitzerlandUster
292018-04-28~29Elsass Open 2018FranceStrasbourg
282018-04-15SMSO 2018SwitzerlandSaint-Maurice
272018-03-25Wiler Würfelfest 2018SwitzerlandWil SG
262018-01-20~21Chambéry Cube 2018FranceChambéry
252017-12-16~17Swiss Nationals 2017SwitzerlandWinterthur
242017-11-11~12Musée suisse du jeu 2017SwitzerlandLa Tour-de-Peilz
232017-10-14~15Suisse Toy Fast Fingers 2017SwitzerlandBern
222017-09-23~24Barby Cube Automne 2017FranceBarby
212017-09-16~17Zurich Open 2017SwitzerlandWallisellen
202017-08-19~20SC Cup Final 2017SwitzerlandLiestal
192017-07-21~23Swiss Open 2017SwitzerlandSursee
182017-07-13~16World Championship 2017FranceParis
172017-06-10~11Ticino Open 2017SwitzerlandCadro
162017-05-13SC Cup III 2017SwitzerlandSaint-Maurice
152017-04-29~05-01Barby Cube 73 2017FranceBarby
142017-04-01~02Wiler Würfelfest 2017SwitzerlandWil SG
132017-03-11SC Cup II 2017SwitzerlandSchenkon
122017-03-04~05Only Cube Open 2017FranceÉcully
112017-02-04SC Cup I 2017SwitzerlandCadro
102016-12-03~04Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2016FranceUgine
92016-11-12~13CDJ 2016SwitzerlandMontreux
82016-11-01Montbéliard Open 2016FranceMontbéliard
72016-10-15~16MSDJ 2016SwitzerlandLa Tour-de-Peilz
62016-09-03~04Swiss Nats 2016SwitzerlandWinterthur
52016-07-09Belfort Open 2016FranceBelfort
42016-04-16OFFA-Meisterschaft 2016SwitzerlandSt.Gallen
32015-12-05~06Ugine Jeu et Jouet 2015FranceUgine
22015-11-07~08Chambéry Cube Open 2015FranceChambéry
12015-10-10~11Musée suisse du jeu 2015SwitzerlandLa Tour-de-Peilz

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