Personal Page

Graham Dodson

Name: Graham Dodson
Region: United States
Competitions: 6
WCA ID: Graham Dodson2015DODS01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.10.24 - 2016.07.17
2023 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube695792413631912.7915.51367379288698454/55
2x2x2 Cube23963108111442.435.34288928143623848/50
4x4x4 Cube46806385247621:00.941:12.63261226872507816/17
5x5x5 Cube42005622202392:23.222:42.6318349514438766/7
6x6x6 Cube28993832124036:15.262/2
3x3x3 One-Handed324344311841124.0331.20203834900358020/20
3x3x3 With Feet40254423122:55.073:07.0118734403413/6

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR
3x3x3 Cube
Spontaneous Summer 2016Second round16 13.91 15.75
15.03     21.54     14.58     13.91     17.63
First round15 12.79 15.98
16.36     15.85     16.39     12.79     15.72
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final13 15.24 15.51
15.24     15.30     15.68     19.68     15.54
Second round17 16.14 17.87
18.55     17.10     16.14     17.96     18.83
First round27 18.03 22.22
22.93     21.62     22.11     18.03     24.65
Alpharetta Open 2016Second round32 17.81 18.32
19.51     17.81     18.38     17.83     18.76
First round35 17.10 18.39
21.36     18.83     17.42     17.10     18.93
Athens Spring 2016Second round28 13.95 19.59
28.29     16.59     22.96     19.21     13.95
First round35 19.69 21.84
21.39     22.35     22.27     19.69     21.85
Peach State Winter 2016First round30 19.67 23.84
21.37     29.77     19.67     24.03     26.13
Athens Fall 2015First round42 32.04 45.41
45.60     47.17     43.45     DNF       32.04
2x2x2 Cube
Spontaneous Summer 2016First round16 5.10 6.01
6.42      DNF       5.79      5.10      5.82
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final17 2.43 6.24
7.15      5.06      2.43      6.51      7.82
Second round14 5.28 5.68
6.09      5.45      5.28      6.38      5.49
First round16 5.09 5.71
6.07      6.02      5.09      5.38      5.72
Alpharetta Open 2016Final32 5.15 6.13
5.15      5.57      17.21     5.47      7.35
First round29 5.21 5.72
7.24      5.30      5.21      6.65      5.22
Athens Spring 2016Final13 3.73 5.56
4.65      3.73      6.16      5.88      DNF
Second round17 4.46 5.34
5.74      4.46      4.71      5.58      6.83
First round17 3.42 5.85
5.42      6.39      5.77      3.42      6.36
Athens Fall 2015First round31 10.43 11.63
10.43     11.49     11.03     13.71     12.38
4x4x4 Cube
Spontaneous Summer 2016First round15 1:00.94 1:12.63
1:00.94   1:14.26   1:16.39   1:07.99   1:15.63
Athens Summer Omega 2016First round17 1:16.20 1:23.53
1:16.20   1:34.31   1:16.26   1:20.01   1:35.84
Peach State Winter 2016Final23 1:42.57 1:53.38
1:42.57   1:48.39   1:56.13   DNF       1:55.63
Athens Fall 2015Final25 2:17.98
2:59.36   2:17.98
5x5x5 Cube
Spontaneous Summer 2016Final14 2:23.22 2:42.63
2:23.22   2:27.94   2:52.44   2:47.51   DNF
Athens Summer Omega 2016First round18 2:33.05
2:33.05   2:59.43
6x6x6 Cube
Athens Summer Omega 2016First round16 6:15.26
Alpharetta Open 2016First round22 6:25.01
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final11 DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Spontaneous Summer 2016Final15 24.03 31.20
27.78     49.12     24.03     30.32     35.50
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final12 31.93 35.96
42.66     36.92     31.93     33.07     37.89
First round12 30.71 33.69
39.61     31.87     33.91     30.71     35.29
Peach State Winter 2016First round23 42.39 57.89
59.16     42.39     1:03.40   51.61     1:02.90
Athens Summer Omega 2016First round14 DNF
DNF       DNS
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final10 6.34 8.35
8.46      9.67      6.92      6.34      9.74
Athens Spring 2016Final5 5.65 7.14
7.97      6.25      5.65      7.19      10.20
First round6 3.68 6.91
7.22      8.34      7.97      3.68      5.53
Peach State Winter 2016Final8 6.12 8.67
6.87      10.43     8.70      6.12      16.32
First round9 5.49 8.46
7.10      9.12      9.39      5.49      9.15
Athens Fall 2015Final14 8.59 10.15
11.41     9.78      8.59      9.27      19.24
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final14 6.02 10.94
6.02      22.92     12.12     6.90      13.81
Athens Fall 2015First round14 9.82 18.29
26.26     9.82      11.14     22.58     21.15
Spontaneous Summer 2016Final8 28.07 32.69
31.87     28.07     42.53     31.26     34.95
First round8 30.00 35.22
50.04     33.45     37.54     30.00     34.68
Athens Summer Omega 2016Second round11 28.95 49.12
28.95     44.27     1:04.24   57.37     45.73
First round9 33.61 42.49
DNF       33.61     41.14     36.41     49.91
Alpharetta Open 2016First round19 50.75 58.72
1:03.70   50.75     53.86     1:01.72   1:00.58
3x3x3 With Feet
Athens Summer Omega 2016Final5 2:55.07 3:07.01
3:02.74   3:23.23   2:55.07
Alpharetta Open 2016Final14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Spontaneous Summer 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 13.91 15.75
15.03     21.54     14.58     13.91     17.63
First round15 12.79 15.98
16.36     15.85     16.39     12.79     15.72
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 5.10 6.01
6.42      DNF       5.79      5.10      5.82
4x4x4 CubeFirst round15 1:00.94 1:12.63
1:00.94   1:14.26   1:16.39   1:07.99   1:15.63
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 2:23.22 2:42.63
2:23.22   2:27.94   2:52.44   2:47.51   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 24.03 31.20
27.78     49.12     24.03     30.32     35.50
Square-1Final8 28.07 32.69
31.87     28.07     42.53     31.26     34.95
First round8 30.00 35.22
50.04     33.45     37.54     30.00     34.68
Athens Summer Omega 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 15.24 15.51
15.24     15.30     15.68     19.68     15.54
Second round17 16.14 17.87
18.55     17.10     16.14     17.96     18.83
First round27 18.03 22.22
22.93     21.62     22.11     18.03     24.65
2x2x2 CubeFinal17 2.43 6.24
7.15      5.06      2.43      6.51      7.82
Second round14 5.28 5.68
6.09      5.45      5.28      6.38      5.49
First round16 5.09 5.71
6.07      6.02      5.09      5.38      5.72
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 1:16.20 1:23.53
1:16.20   1:34.31   1:16.26   1:20.01   1:35.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round18 2:33.05
2:33.05   2:59.43
6x6x6 CubeFirst round16 6:15.26
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal11 DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 31.93 35.96
42.66     36.92     31.93     33.07     37.89
First round12 30.71 33.69
39.61     31.87     33.91     30.71     35.29
MegaminxFirst round14 DNF
DNF       DNS
PyraminxFinal10 6.34 8.35
8.46      9.67      6.92      6.34      9.74
SkewbFinal14 6.02 10.94
6.02      22.92     12.12     6.90      13.81
Square-1Second round11 28.95 49.12
28.95     44.27     1:04.24   57.37     45.73
First round9 33.61 42.49
DNF       33.61     41.14     36.41     49.91
3x3x3 With FeetFinal5 2:55.07 3:07.01
3:02.74   3:23.23   2:55.07
Alpharetta Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round32 17.81 18.32
19.51     17.81     18.38     17.83     18.76
First round35 17.10 18.39
21.36     18.83     17.42     17.10     18.93
2x2x2 CubeFinal32 5.15 6.13
5.15      5.57      17.21     5.47      7.35
First round29 5.21 5.72
7.24      5.30      5.21      6.65      5.22
6x6x6 CubeFirst round22 6:25.01
Square-1First round19 50.75 58.72
1:03.70   50.75     53.86     1:01.72   1:00.58
3x3x3 With FeetFinal14 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Athens Spring 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 13.95 19.59
28.29     16.59     22.96     19.21     13.95
First round35 19.69 21.84
21.39     22.35     22.27     19.69     21.85
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 3.73 5.56
4.65      3.73      6.16      5.88      DNF
Second round17 4.46 5.34
5.74      4.46      4.71      5.58      6.83
First round17 3.42 5.85
5.42      6.39      5.77      3.42      6.36
PyraminxFinal5 5.65 7.14
7.97      6.25      5.65      7.19      10.20
First round6 3.68 6.91
7.22      8.34      7.97      3.68      5.53
Peach State Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round30 19.67 23.84
21.37     29.77     19.67     24.03     26.13
4x4x4 CubeFinal23 1:42.57 1:53.38
1:42.57   1:48.39   1:56.13   DNF       1:55.63
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round23 42.39 57.89
59.16     42.39     1:03.40   51.61     1:02.90
PyraminxFinal8 6.12 8.67
6.87      10.43     8.70      6.12      16.32
First round9 5.49 8.46
7.10      9.12      9.39      5.49      9.15
Athens Fall 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round42 32.04 45.41
45.60     47.17     43.45     DNF       32.04
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 10.43 11.63
10.43     11.49     11.03     13.71     12.38
4x4x4 CubeFinal25 2:17.98
2:59.36   2:17.98
PyraminxFinal14 8.59 10.15
11.41     9.78      8.59      9.27      19.24
SkewbFirst round14 9.82 18.29
26.26     9.82      11.14     22.58     21.15
62016-07-17Spontaneous Summer 2016United StatesStockbridge, Georgia
52016-06-04~05Athens Summer Omega 2016United StatesAthens, Georgia
42016-04-23Alpharetta Open 2016United StatesMilton, Georgia
32016-03-19Athens Spring 2016United StatesAthens, Georgia
22016-02-06Peach State Winter 2016United StatesLithia Springs, Georgia
12015-10-24Athens Fall 2015United StatesAthens, Georgia