Personal Page

Abhay Gupta

Name: Abhay Gupta
Region: India
Competitions: 19
WCA ID: Abhay Gupta2015GUPT01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.01.17 - 2022.09.11
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube192182755567.9211.171131141164091200/205
2x2x2 Cube281166171312.043.7485932278362185/185
4x4x4 Cube1781935550337.1840.594109145312685/87
5x5x5 Cube121155445471:14.771:20.674008138110675/75
3x3x3 Fewest Moves12595237793740.0023185806610/11
3x3x3 One-Handed1741402404714.5116.3123618178911109/110

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
IMCC 2022Final8 9.47 11.75
16.58     9.47      9.56      12.49     13.21
Second round9 10.14 11.38
11.63     10.69     10.14     11.83     12.54
First round6 10.25 11.57
10.25     12.13     13.82     10.48     12.09
IISERM Cube Open 2020Final2 9.93 11.85
12.18     9.93      11.56     13.11     11.81
Second round2 7.92 11.44
11.36     10.82     12.14     7.92      19.63
First round3 11.39 12.42
12.48     11.39     12.61     12.18     15.95
Indian Nationals 2019Semi Final30 10.50 11.48
10.74     10.50     12.92     11.17     12.54
Second round28 9.81 11.58
12.38     11.23     11.14     9.81      13.51
First round40 10.32 12.30
13.59     13.59     10.97     10.32     12.33
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final12 10.64 13.03
15.44     12.53     10.64     16.11     11.13
First round7 8.82 11.17
12.17     8.82      10.83     10.50     12.79
LOTM 2017Final17 13.22 14.46
15.22     13.22     14.61     13.55     16.97
First round11 11.47 13.04
15.45     11.71     13.78     11.47     13.64
NCR Open 2017First round19 10.15 12.38
16.34     13.41     13.22     10.52     10.15
SNU Open 2017Final10 11.51 12.21
11.51     11.81     12.44     12.39     20.72
Second round11 10.21 13.27
13.49     10.21     12.78     15.06     13.55
First round8 10.56 11.53
10.91     10.56     12.68     12.86     11.01
Delhi Open 2017Final8 10.20 11.46
12.82     10.97     10.20     10.79     12.62
Second round6 10.37 11.48
11.57     10.37     11.88     11.59     11.28
First round12 10.88 13.89
11.40     14.34     10.88     15.94     17.98
MathSoc Open 2017Second round9 10.03 11.69
12.54     14.68     10.03     11.39     11.14
First round10 9.64 11.92
13.53     12.02     14.40     10.22     9.64
Cubing Complexity 2016Final10 9.11 12.90
13.01     DNF       12.12     13.57     9.11
Second round7 11.55 12.64
17.02     11.75     11.55     13.59     12.58
First round11 12.22 12.57
14.51     12.22     13.14     12.27     12.29
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2016Second round21 12.35 14.52
DNF       12.35     13.30     14.75     15.52
First round26 12.86 15.55
17.22     15.75     15.15     15.76     12.86
National Cubing Region Open 2016Second round29 11.62 16.78
20.30     14.19     DNF       15.86     11.62
First round18 12.59 14.65
14.76     16.02     16.88     13.17     12.59
MathSoc Open 2016Second round19 13.24 14.85
14.26     15.32     14.96     DNF       13.24
First round20 14.30 15.45
15.39     16.54     14.42     14.30     19.13
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Final11 13.82 15.52
14.62     DNF       13.82     16.28     15.65
Semi Final11 13.58 15.18
17.41     13.58     15.98     15.00     14.55
Second round11 12.93 14.47
15.41     12.93     18.79     13.99     14.02
First round11 13.04 14.60
13.04     13.56     16.85     21.46     13.39
Delhi Autumn Open 2015Final14 14.96 16.82
16.32     17.87     14.96     19.28     16.27
Second round12 14.76 15.75
15.84     16.06     14.76     15.36     16.52
First round18 14.24 17.63
19.06     15.25     18.59     14.24     34.04
NCR Open 2015First round37 18.00 19.95
19.13     18.00     21.93     19.37     21.35
MathSoc Open 2015First round39 19.12 23.75
28.54     21.54     19.12     24.78     24.92
PB Smashathon 2015First round49 19.65 27.86
30.32     30.91     26.93     19.65     26.32
2x2x2 Cube
IMCC 2022Final5 4.04 4.26
4.22      4.16      4.40      5.20      4.04
Second round9 2.53 4.70
2.53      11.59     4.52      4.93      4.66
First round7 3.13 4.05
3.13      5.33      3.79      5.08      3.29
IISERM Cube Open 2020Second round12 4.38 6.48
6.76      4.38      11.39     5.92      6.75
First round4 3.99 4.53
4.21      4.70      4.68      11.33     3.99
Indian Nationals 2019Second round27 3.88 4.36
7.56      3.88      4.28      3.89      4.92
First round45 4.28 4.81
6.07      4.86      4.41      5.15      4.28
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final10 2.73 3.97
3.94      5.22      4.23      3.73      2.73
First round11 2.95 4.23
5.35      3.07      4.28      2.95      5.45
NCR Open 2017First round29 4.43 5.26
4.43      5.53      6.13      5.19      5.05
SNU Open 2017Second round16 4.34 4.80
4.34      4.43      4.75      5.22      5.24
First round7 2.91 3.74
3.20      3.90      2.91      4.51      4.13
Delhi Open 2017Final7 4.20 4.89
4.20      5.24      4.58      4.84      5.26
Second round7 3.76 4.28
4.82      6.04      3.76      3.93      4.08
First round12 3.85 4.82
5.41      3.85      7.32      4.99      4.07
MathSoc Open 2017First round34 3.91 6.99
3.91      12.10     4.18      4.68      32.14
Cubing Complexity 2016Final12 2.80 4.78
2.80      8.49      4.42      5.04      4.89
Second round14 4.31 4.73
4.31      6.86      4.64      4.50      5.06
First round35 3.61 5.76
3.61      6.35      5.17      5.77      6.77
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2016Final7 2.91 3.96
5.24      2.91      3.81      4.72      3.35
Second round14 3.32 4.60
4.90      4.72      4.17      3.32      10.62
First round25 4.73 5.41
7.11      4.73      5.01      6.31      4.91
National Cubing Region Open 2016Final13 4.46 5.32
6.52      4.94      5.47      4.46      5.54
Second round11 2.58 4.55
3.87      3.94      6.03      5.84      2.58
First round25 2.04 4.95
5.58      2.04      8.79      2.33      6.95
MathSoc Open 2016Final11 5.01 5.24
5.01      5.19      5.04      5.50      5.97
Second round11 3.36 4.44
4.58      3.99      6.19      3.36      4.74
First round18 3.87 5.64
3.87      5.29      6.50      6.10      5.53
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Final6 4.44 4.71
5.07      4.97      4.44      4.62      4.53
Second round10 4.25 4.71
5.25      5.63      4.51      4.36      4.25
First round15 4.34 5.19
5.13      5.30      4.34      5.13      7.19
Delhi Autumn Open 2015Final9 4.11 5.03
5.77      4.11      4.53      5.10      5.45
Second round10 4.35 4.85
5.44      5.23      4.37      4.35      4.96
First round8 4.31 4.95
4.89      5.31      6.10      4.66      4.31
NCR Open 2015First round31 5.23 7.06
11.14     7.75      5.23      5.45      7.98
MathSoc Open 2015First round12 4.95 5.41
7.11      5.23      5.65      5.34      4.95
PB Smashathon 2015First round30 6.81 7.95
6.81      7.08      10.54     9.12      7.64
4x4x4 Cube
IMCC 2022Final4 37.18 40.59
43.57     46.88     38.87     39.33     37.18
Indian Nationals 2019First round24 41.98 46.13
41.98     44.38     47.63     49.25     46.37
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final6 41.08 42.65
42.01     41.08     43.70     42.94     43.01
NCR Open 2017First round9 48.02 51.23
50.33     56.09     48.02     52.03     51.34
SNU Open 2017Final6 45.15 48.77
50.10     45.15     DNF       50.10     46.12
First round8 46.78 50.16
59.79     48.67     52.51     49.31     46.78
Delhi Open 2017First round11 44.44 56.21
53.15     44.44     1:00.41   58.38     57.10
Cubing Complexity 2016Second round10 55.27 57.33
55.81     1:00.52   55.27     56.05     1:00.12
First round9 47.93 53.23
53.49     1:06.28   47.93     52.64     53.55
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2016Final8 50.69 54.30
57.04     50.69     52.27     1:01.48   53.60
National Cubing Region Open 2016First round10 49.56 55.33
56.97     57.09     54.83     49.56     54.18
MathSoc Open 2016Final10 53.16 1:00.51
1:33.99   53.16     54.51     1:05.97   1:01.06
First round10 50.83 1:02.72
1:11.14   59.86     1:06.88   1:01.43   50.83
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Second round16 1:06.60 1:14.20
1:06.60   1:47.50   1:10.96   1:16.39   1:15.25
First round11 52.05 1:06.46
1:14.57   1:06.18   1:06.72   52.05     1:06.49
Delhi Autumn Open 2015First round17 1:12.63 1:19.12
1:15.14   1:23.65   DNF       1:18.57   1:12.63
NCR Open 2015First round31 1:21.25 1:42.87
1:47.28   1:21.25   2:04.75   1:39.95   1:41.37
MathSoc Open 2015First round30 2:09.96
2:09.96   2:31.54
5x5x5 Cube
Indian Nationals 2019Final13 1:24.26 1:27.07
1:24.26   1:25.59   1:24.78   1:30.85   1:32.21
First round13 1:14.77 1:20.67
1:22.36   1:31.78   1:17.36   1:22.30   1:14.77
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final11 1:22.00 1:40.75
1:42.06   1:43.93   1:36.27   1:48.22   1:22.00
LOTM 2017Final10 1:32.07 1:40.13
1:56.35   1:43.13   1:32.07   1:35.72   1:41.54
NCR Open 2017Second round10 1:28.22 1:41.69
1:39.16   2:02.88   1:44.60   1:41.30   1:28.22
First round11 1:36.03 1:41.82
1:39.59   1:52.70   1:36.03   1:39.04   1:46.82
SNU Open 2017Final8 1:37.28 1:45.72
1:47.47   1:37.28   1:54.34   1:44.04   1:45.64
First round8 1:37.33 1:42.50
1:41.47   1:43.59   1:48.95   1:37.33   1:42.43
MathSoc Open 2017Final14 1:46.90 2:05.31
2:10.61   2:00.36   2:05.07   2:10.50   1:46.90
Cubing Complexity 2016First round18 2:00.19 2:13.05
2:00.19   2:24.04   2:23.27   2:10.56   2:05.32
National Cubing Region Open 2016Final11 1:52.59 1:59.68
2:15.25   1:53.49   2:12.22   1:53.33   1:52.59
MathSoc Open 2016First round9 1:50.23 2:05.16
1:50.23   2:33.84   1:53.99   2:11.47   2:10.03
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Second round14 2:32.21 2:43.44
2:32.21   2:37.36   2:46.28   3:05.73   2:46.69
First round13 2:14.33 2:25.63
2:14.33   2:36.16   2:30.10   2:21.30   2:25.50
Delhi Autumn Open 2015Final17 2:33.89 2:53.82
2:47.88   3:12.35   2:50.03   3:03.54   2:33.89
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
Indian Nationals 2019Final10 39 40.00
39        42        39
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final6 40
NCR Open 2017Final6 39 41.00
43        39        41
Delhi Open 2017Final9 49
FMC Asia 2016Final98 37 DNF
37        37        DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
IMCC 2022Final2 15.28 17.47
17.07     19.02     16.46     18.88     15.28
First round3 14.51 16.31
16.68     14.51     17.05     16.71     15.54
IISERM Cube Open 2020Final3 15.46 22.97
22.88     23.70     22.89     15.46     23.13
First round2 16.64 19.09
22.87     18.86     19.75     18.65     16.64
Indian Nationals 2019Second round26 17.04 21.03
18.51     17.04     27.71     27.13     17.46
First round23 18.02 19.47
24.24     19.58     18.70     20.12     18.02
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final8 21.00 22.58
21.00     25.54     21.52     24.08     22.14
NCR Open 2017First round8 19.96 20.90
21.72     21.28     20.76     19.96     20.67
Delhi Open 2017Final10 19.52 26.18
21.49     19.52     29.37     27.67     30.76
First round7 16.14 21.34
16.14     23.32     DNF       17.72     22.99
MathSoc Open 2017First round15 21.22 26.26
21.22     39.32     25.94     21.66     31.19
Cubing Complexity 2016Final12 23.17 30.05
28.19     33.19     28.76     23.17     33.46
Second round12 21.78 25.51
48.24     21.78     22.14     24.73     29.66
First round14 19.29 25.48
25.79     19.29     24.92     26.38     25.73
National Cubing Region Open 2016First round17 25.81 28.79
29.41     25.81     29.21     27.74     35.65
MathSoc Open 2016Second round12 24.01 29.11
27.32     31.25     28.75     41.24     24.01
First round14 29.29 32.12
29.29     35.80     32.56     29.95     33.84
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Final11 27.81 30.32
27.81     31.63     37.12     27.91     31.41
Second round9 28.00 32.66
36.09     32.70     28.00     44.78     29.20
First round11 26.52 31.00
31.79     39.46     27.48     33.72     26.52
NCR Open 2015First round40 45.48 54.40
45.48     46.63     59.87     1:05.84   56.71
MathSoc Open 2015First round18 38.78 47.20
46.99     38.78     49.07     45.55     55.63
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final8 18.92 22.84
22.62     27.48     18.92     22.97     22.93
NCR Open 2017Final8 18.34 21.03
DNF       18.34     23.31     18.79     21.00
First round8 16.80 21.75
21.76     23.11     16.80     20.39     31.89
SNU Open 2017Final4 17.08 DNF
17.85     DNF       24.93     17.08     DNF
First round4 16.86 17.35
17.29     16.86     17.84     29.12     16.92
MathSoc Open 2017Final8 15.09 DNF
15.09     18.44     DNF       24.62     DNF
MathSoc Open 2016Final4 20.59 25.97
20.59     21.23     27.66     DNF       29.02
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Final5 18.81 23.35
33.88     19.40     29.00     21.66     18.81
First round5 21.53 28.60
35.55     DNF       21.53     25.29     24.96
Indian Nationals 2019First round20 1:30.15 1:45.18
1:54.69   1:30.15   2:04.40   1:40.26   1:40.60
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final10 1:39.77 1:47.75
1:44.62   1:57.35   1:56.02   1:39.77   1:42.62
LOTM 2017Final9 1:31.50 1:45.59
1:51.14   1:39.51   1:31.50   1:49.67   1:47.58
NCR Open 2017First round14 1:35.72 1:49.08
1:49.97   1:51.50   1:45.76   1:35.72   1:59.87
Delhi Open 2017Final19 2:56.77 3:26.48
3:30.29   2:56.77   3:08.00   3:43.68   3:41.15
MathSoc Open 2017Final20 3:35.88
3:35.88   3:58.36
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2016Final20 3:04.74
3:23.90   3:04.74
National Cubing Region Open 2016Final19 3:14.22
3:14.22   3:34.77
MathSoc Open 2016First round10 3:25.10 4:02.02
3:25.10   3:29.65   3:55.47   4:40.95   4:47.45
IISERM Cube Open 2020Final3 4.15 5.27
4.82      4.15      4.34      8.54      6.64
First round3 2.60 4.91
4.79      4.65      5.28      2.60      5.96
Indian Nationals 2019Final20 3.98 DNF
3.98      DNF       4.44      4.90      DNF
Second round18 4.40 6.65
DNF       6.62      6.63      6.71      4.40
First round11 4.11 4.97
5.72      5.06      4.11      6.76      4.14
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final5 4.02 4.83
DNF       5.56      4.02      4.26      4.68
LOTM 2017Final9 3.54 5.62
3.54      6.47      7.38      3.69      6.69
Second round5 3.70 4.45
4.47      5.40      4.97      3.70      3.92
First round4 3.46 4.45
4.39      4.76      4.19      5.96      3.46
NCR Open 2017First round4 4.31 4.83
4.95      4.82      4.73      4.31      7.54
SNU Open 2017Final7 5.21 6.36
7.12      5.30      6.65      7.36      5.21
Second round4 3.50 5.03
6.12      5.25      3.71      6.30      3.50
First round3 4.19 4.85
4.57      6.83      4.19      5.08      4.91
Delhi Open 2017Final6 3.88 5.25
4.79      7.26      5.38      3.88      5.57
First round4 3.54 4.65
4.92      5.55      3.54      5.17      3.87
MathSoc Open 2017Final7 4.12 5.74
6.70      4.69      7.89      4.12      5.84
First round4 3.80 5.66
3.80      6.30      7.11      5.27      5.41
Cubing Complexity 2016Final3 3.93 5.15
5.08      6.00      4.47      3.93      5.90
Second round4 3.88 5.71
5.91      5.18      6.76      6.04      3.88
First round7 5.01 6.25
5.01      6.17      5.82      7.33      6.75
National Cubing Region Open 2016Final4 4.75 5.75
4.75      6.68      5.08      5.99      6.17
Second round3 3.08 5.08
5.23      3.08      7.87      6.49      3.52
First round12 5.14 6.49
11.26     7.41      5.14      5.64      6.43
MathSoc Open 2016Final6 5.42 7.45
6.65      8.85      5.42      9.69      6.85
Second round3 3.80 5.52
3.80      5.58      6.56      4.43      6.90
First round4 4.19 5.20
4.26      4.19      9.01      5.94      5.41
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Final9 4.92 7.40
7.10      7.45      4.92      7.65      8.45
Second round7 5.65 7.01
6.51      7.34      14.53     5.65      7.19
First round8 6.04 6.77
6.31      9.07      6.69      7.32      6.04
Delhi Autumn Open 2015Final4 5.67 7.58
10.79     5.67      8.22      7.08      7.45
Second round7 5.08 7.40
7.76      6.18      9.70      5.08      8.27
First round9 6.86 8.31
9.76      6.86      8.56      8.29      8.07
NCR Open 2015First round21 8.27 9.89
8.27      8.66      11.41     11.37     9.63
MathSoc Open 2015First round17 8.82 10.35
8.82      10.93     10.44     9.67      11.17
IMCC 2022Final3 4.84 6.32
7.20      5.40      4.84      8.11      6.37
First round3 4.72 6.43
4.72      7.09      5.56      DNF       6.63
IISERM Cube Open 2020Final2 3.63 5.54
3.85      7.16      6.60      3.63      6.17
First round2 4.55 7.98
8.67      4.55      8.13      8.08      7.73
Indian Nationals 2019Second round19 2.46 6.35
6.92      6.10      2.46      7.13      6.02
First round18 3.75 5.96
5.50      6.10      7.06      3.75      6.27
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final10 3.49 6.20
6.04      7.95      8.44      4.60      3.49
NCR Open 2017First round49 4.68 54.65
2:31.74   5.94      6.28      4.68      DNF
SNU Open 2017Final6 4.70 6.16
7.44      DNF       5.93      4.70      5.11
First round2 4.60 5.70
5.84      5.42      5.85      7.10      4.60
MathSoc Open 2017Final2 3.86 5.86
6.22      6.89      6.87      4.49      3.86
First round7 5.66 6.42
10.12     6.39      5.68      5.66      7.18
Cubing Complexity 2016Second round13 4.92 9.22
9.41      4.92      9.82      9.31      8.95
First round2 4.40 5.00
4.61      8.11      4.59      5.79      4.40
National Cubing Region Open 2016Final3 3.93 6.42
7.94      8.10      3.93      5.77      5.55
First round6 6.42 7.12
7.35      6.45      6.42      7.55      8.19
MathSoc Open 2016Final4 6.39 7.30
7.52      6.39      7.83      9.03      6.55
Second round5 5.71 6.97
5.71      6.76      8.35      5.79      8.66
First round6 6.14 8.87
9.53      12.45     9.31      7.78      6.14
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Final6 3.15 8.21
8.53      9.73      7.40      8.69      3.15
Second round6 7.38 8.11
7.38      7.42      7.71      9.91      9.21
First round6 6.84 8.24
9.88      6.84      7.75      8.11      8.85
NCR Open 2015First round30 8.14 18.41
13.76     DNF       18.90     22.57     8.14
MathSoc Open 2015First round17 16.17 22.77
DNF       16.17     26.74     20.42     21.14
PB Smashathon 2015First round20 19.98 23.70
20.10     26.56     26.39     19.98     24.61
Indian Nationals 2019Final5 14.74 17.26
15.18     24.36     19.79     16.80     14.74
First round9 13.27 17.14
19.45     15.78     16.20     20.79     13.27
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017Final5 15.29 21.80
21.75     30.45     16.26     27.40     15.29
NCR Open 2017First round5 14.76 17.82
15.02     18.39     14.76     20.31     20.06
Delhi Open 2017Final4 14.85 21.68
DNF       21.93     23.93     19.17     14.85
First round4 18.01 22.90
23.99     18.01     DNF       23.88     20.84
MathSoc Open 2017First round5 16.34 21.94
23.07     22.53     20.22     27.71     16.34
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2016Final4 15.86 21.11
29.52     17.32     18.34     27.67     15.86
First round6 24.49 25.18
27.81     24.58     24.49     24.77     26.20
National Cubing Region Open 2016Final7 22.23 31.15
31.25     25.74     36.45     22.23     38.00
First round7 19.00 29.77
33.14     28.29     27.87     DNF       19.00
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016Second round7 30.61 36.19
DNF       30.61     36.69     33.97     37.90
First round7 22.97 32.62
22.97     54.16     27.37     34.49     35.99
Delhi Autumn Open 2015Final6 38.07 45.04
38.07     43.57     1:11.91   47.65     43.90
First round6 32.36 40.13
34.00     59.78     48.71     32.36     37.69
IMCC 2022
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 9.47 11.75
16.58     9.47      9.56      12.49     13.21
Second round9 10.14 11.38
11.63     10.69     10.14     11.83     12.54
First round6 10.25 11.57
10.25     12.13     13.82     10.48     12.09
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 4.04 4.26
4.22      4.16      4.40      5.20      4.04
Second round9 2.53 4.70
2.53      11.59     4.52      4.93      4.66
First round7 3.13 4.05
3.13      5.33      3.79      5.08      3.29
4x4x4 CubeFinal4 37.18 40.59
43.57     46.88     38.87     39.33     37.18
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 15.28 17.47
17.07     19.02     16.46     18.88     15.28
First round3 14.51 16.31
16.68     14.51     17.05     16.71     15.54
SkewbFinal3 4.84 6.32
7.20      5.40      4.84      8.11      6.37
First round3 4.72 6.43
4.72      7.09      5.56      DNF       6.63
IISERM Cube Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeFinal2 9.93 11.85
12.18     9.93      11.56     13.11     11.81
Second round2 7.92 11.44
11.36     10.82     12.14     7.92      19.63
First round3 11.39 12.42
12.48     11.39     12.61     12.18     15.95
2x2x2 CubeSecond round12 4.38 6.48
6.76      4.38      11.39     5.92      6.75
First round4 3.99 4.53
4.21      4.70      4.68      11.33     3.99
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal3 15.46 22.97
22.88     23.70     22.89     15.46     23.13
First round2 16.64 19.09
22.87     18.86     19.75     18.65     16.64
PyraminxFinal3 4.15 5.27
4.82      4.15      4.34      8.54      6.64
First round3 2.60 4.91
4.79      4.65      5.28      2.60      5.96
SkewbFinal2 3.63 5.54
3.85      7.16      6.60      3.63      6.17
First round2 4.55 7.98
8.67      4.55      8.13      8.08      7.73
Indian Nationals 2019
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final30 10.50 11.48
10.74     10.50     12.92     11.17     12.54
Second round28 9.81 11.58
12.38     11.23     11.14     9.81      13.51
First round40 10.32 12.30
13.59     13.59     10.97     10.32     12.33
2x2x2 CubeSecond round27 3.88 4.36
7.56      3.88      4.28      3.89      4.92
First round45 4.28 4.81
6.07      4.86      4.41      5.15      4.28
4x4x4 CubeFirst round24 41.98 46.13
41.98     44.38     47.63     49.25     46.37
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 1:24.26 1:27.07
1:24.26   1:25.59   1:24.78   1:30.85   1:32.21
First round13 1:14.77 1:20.67
1:22.36   1:31.78   1:17.36   1:22.30   1:14.77
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal10 39 40.00
39        42        39
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round26 17.04 21.03
18.51     17.04     27.71     27.13     17.46
First round23 18.02 19.47
24.24     19.58     18.70     20.12     18.02
MegaminxFirst round20 1:30.15 1:45.18
1:54.69   1:30.15   2:04.40   1:40.26   1:40.60
PyraminxFinal20 3.98 DNF
3.98      DNF       4.44      4.90      DNF
Second round18 4.40 6.65
DNF       6.62      6.63      6.71      4.40
First round11 4.11 4.97
5.72      5.06      4.11      6.76      4.14
SkewbSecond round19 2.46 6.35
6.92      6.10      2.46      7.13      6.02
First round18 3.75 5.96
5.50      6.10      7.06      3.75      6.27
Square-1Final5 14.74 17.26
15.18     24.36     19.79     16.80     14.74
First round9 13.27 17.14
19.45     15.78     16.20     20.79     13.27
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 10.64 13.03
15.44     12.53     10.64     16.11     11.13
First round7 8.82 11.17
12.17     8.82      10.83     10.50     12.79
2x2x2 CubeFinal10 2.73 3.97
3.94      5.22      4.23      3.73      2.73
First round11 2.95 4.23
5.35      3.07      4.28      2.95      5.45
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 41.08 42.65
42.01     41.08     43.70     42.94     43.01
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 1:22.00 1:40.75
1:42.06   1:43.93   1:36.27   1:48.22   1:22.00
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 40
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 21.00 22.58
21.00     25.54     21.52     24.08     22.14
ClockFinal8 18.92 22.84
22.62     27.48     18.92     22.97     22.93
MegaminxFinal10 1:39.77 1:47.75
1:44.62   1:57.35   1:56.02   1:39.77   1:42.62
PyraminxFinal5 4.02 4.83
DNF       5.56      4.02      4.26      4.68
SkewbFinal10 3.49 6.20
6.04      7.95      8.44      4.60      3.49
Square-1Final5 15.29 21.80
21.75     30.45     16.26     27.40     15.29
LOTM 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal17 13.22 14.46
15.22     13.22     14.61     13.55     16.97
First round11 11.47 13.04
15.45     11.71     13.78     11.47     13.64
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 1:32.07 1:40.13
1:56.35   1:43.13   1:32.07   1:35.72   1:41.54
MegaminxFinal9 1:31.50 1:45.59
1:51.14   1:39.51   1:31.50   1:49.67   1:47.58
PyraminxFinal9 3.54 5.62
3.54      6.47      7.38      3.69      6.69
Second round5 3.70 4.45
4.47      5.40      4.97      3.70      3.92
First round4 3.46 4.45
4.39      4.76      4.19      5.96      3.46
NCR Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round19 10.15 12.38
16.34     13.41     13.22     10.52     10.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round29 4.43 5.26
4.43      5.53      6.13      5.19      5.05
4x4x4 CubeFirst round9 48.02 51.23
50.33     56.09     48.02     52.03     51.34
5x5x5 CubeSecond round10 1:28.22 1:41.69
1:39.16   2:02.88   1:44.60   1:41.30   1:28.22
First round11 1:36.03 1:41.82
1:39.59   1:52.70   1:36.03   1:39.04   1:46.82
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 39 41.00
43        39        41
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round8 19.96 20.90
21.72     21.28     20.76     19.96     20.67
ClockFinal8 18.34 21.03
DNF       18.34     23.31     18.79     21.00
First round8 16.80 21.75
21.76     23.11     16.80     20.39     31.89
MegaminxFirst round14 1:35.72 1:49.08
1:49.97   1:51.50   1:45.76   1:35.72   1:59.87
PyraminxFirst round4 4.31 4.83
4.95      4.82      4.73      4.31      7.54
SkewbFirst round49 4.68 54.65
2:31.74   5.94      6.28      4.68      DNF
Square-1First round5 14.76 17.82
15.02     18.39     14.76     20.31     20.06
SNU Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 11.51 12.21
11.51     11.81     12.44     12.39     20.72
Second round11 10.21 13.27
13.49     10.21     12.78     15.06     13.55
First round8 10.56 11.53
10.91     10.56     12.68     12.86     11.01
2x2x2 CubeSecond round16 4.34 4.80
4.34      4.43      4.75      5.22      5.24
First round7 2.91 3.74
3.20      3.90      2.91      4.51      4.13
4x4x4 CubeFinal6 45.15 48.77
50.10     45.15     DNF       50.10     46.12
First round8 46.78 50.16
59.79     48.67     52.51     49.31     46.78
5x5x5 CubeFinal8 1:37.28 1:45.72
1:47.47   1:37.28   1:54.34   1:44.04   1:45.64
First round8 1:37.33 1:42.50
1:41.47   1:43.59   1:48.95   1:37.33   1:42.43
ClockFinal4 17.08 DNF
17.85     DNF       24.93     17.08     DNF
First round4 16.86 17.35
17.29     16.86     17.84     29.12     16.92
PyraminxFinal7 5.21 6.36
7.12      5.30      6.65      7.36      5.21
Second round4 3.50 5.03
6.12      5.25      3.71      6.30      3.50
First round3 4.19 4.85
4.57      6.83      4.19      5.08      4.91
SkewbFinal6 4.70 6.16
7.44      DNF       5.93      4.70      5.11
First round2 4.60 5.70
5.84      5.42      5.85      7.10      4.60
Delhi Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal8 10.20 11.46
12.82     10.97     10.20     10.79     12.62
Second round6 10.37 11.48
11.57     10.37     11.88     11.59     11.28
First round12 10.88 13.89
11.40     14.34     10.88     15.94     17.98
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.20 4.89
4.20      5.24      4.58      4.84      5.26
Second round7 3.76 4.28
4.82      6.04      3.76      3.93      4.08
First round12 3.85 4.82
5.41      3.85      7.32      4.99      4.07
4x4x4 CubeFirst round11 44.44 56.21
53.15     44.44     1:00.41   58.38     57.10
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal9 49
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 19.52 26.18
21.49     19.52     29.37     27.67     30.76
First round7 16.14 21.34
16.14     23.32     DNF       17.72     22.99
MegaminxFinal19 2:56.77 3:26.48
3:30.29   2:56.77   3:08.00   3:43.68   3:41.15
PyraminxFinal6 3.88 5.25
4.79      7.26      5.38      3.88      5.57
First round4 3.54 4.65
4.92      5.55      3.54      5.17      3.87
Square-1Final4 14.85 21.68
DNF       21.93     23.93     19.17     14.85
First round4 18.01 22.90
23.99     18.01     DNF       23.88     20.84
MathSoc Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round9 10.03 11.69
12.54     14.68     10.03     11.39     11.14
First round10 9.64 11.92
13.53     12.02     14.40     10.22     9.64
2x2x2 CubeFirst round34 3.91 6.99
3.91      12.10     4.18      4.68      32.14
5x5x5 CubeFinal14 1:46.90 2:05.31
2:10.61   2:00.36   2:05.07   2:10.50   1:46.90
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 21.22 26.26
21.22     39.32     25.94     21.66     31.19
ClockFinal8 15.09 DNF
15.09     18.44     DNF       24.62     DNF
MegaminxFinal20 3:35.88
3:35.88   3:58.36
PyraminxFinal7 4.12 5.74
6.70      4.69      7.89      4.12      5.84
First round4 3.80 5.66
3.80      6.30      7.11      5.27      5.41
SkewbFinal2 3.86 5.86
6.22      6.89      6.87      4.49      3.86
First round7 5.66 6.42
10.12     6.39      5.68      5.66      7.18
Square-1First round5 16.34 21.94
23.07     22.53     20.22     27.71     16.34
Cubing Complexity 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 9.11 12.90
13.01     DNF       12.12     13.57     9.11
Second round7 11.55 12.64
17.02     11.75     11.55     13.59     12.58
First round11 12.22 12.57
14.51     12.22     13.14     12.27     12.29
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 2.80 4.78
2.80      8.49      4.42      5.04      4.89
Second round14 4.31 4.73
4.31      6.86      4.64      4.50      5.06
First round35 3.61 5.76
3.61      6.35      5.17      5.77      6.77
4x4x4 CubeSecond round10 55.27 57.33
55.81     1:00.52   55.27     56.05     1:00.12
First round9 47.93 53.23
53.49     1:06.28   47.93     52.64     53.55
5x5x5 CubeFirst round18 2:00.19 2:13.05
2:00.19   2:24.04   2:23.27   2:10.56   2:05.32
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 23.17 30.05
28.19     33.19     28.76     23.17     33.46
Second round12 21.78 25.51
48.24     21.78     22.14     24.73     29.66
First round14 19.29 25.48
25.79     19.29     24.92     26.38     25.73
PyraminxFinal3 3.93 5.15
5.08      6.00      4.47      3.93      5.90
Second round4 3.88 5.71
5.91      5.18      6.76      6.04      3.88
First round7 5.01 6.25
5.01      6.17      5.82      7.33      6.75
SkewbSecond round13 4.92 9.22
9.41      4.92      9.82      9.31      8.95
First round2 4.40 5.00
4.61      8.11      4.59      5.79      4.40
FMC Asia 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal98 37 DNF
37        37        DNF
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 12.35 14.52
DNF       12.35     13.30     14.75     15.52
First round26 12.86 15.55
17.22     15.75     15.15     15.76     12.86
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 2.91 3.96
5.24      2.91      3.81      4.72      3.35
Second round14 3.32 4.60
4.90      4.72      4.17      3.32      10.62
First round25 4.73 5.41
7.11      4.73      5.01      6.31      4.91
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 50.69 54.30
57.04     50.69     52.27     1:01.48   53.60
MegaminxFinal20 3:04.74
3:23.90   3:04.74
Square-1Final4 15.86 21.11
29.52     17.32     18.34     27.67     15.86
First round6 24.49 25.18
27.81     24.58     24.49     24.77     26.20
National Cubing Region Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round29 11.62 16.78
20.30     14.19     DNF       15.86     11.62
First round18 12.59 14.65
14.76     16.02     16.88     13.17     12.59
2x2x2 CubeFinal13 4.46 5.32
6.52      4.94      5.47      4.46      5.54
Second round11 2.58 4.55
3.87      3.94      6.03      5.84      2.58
First round25 2.04 4.95
5.58      2.04      8.79      2.33      6.95
4x4x4 CubeFirst round10 49.56 55.33
56.97     57.09     54.83     49.56     54.18
5x5x5 CubeFinal11 1:52.59 1:59.68
2:15.25   1:53.49   2:12.22   1:53.33   1:52.59
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round17 25.81 28.79
29.41     25.81     29.21     27.74     35.65
MegaminxFinal19 3:14.22
3:14.22   3:34.77
PyraminxFinal4 4.75 5.75
4.75      6.68      5.08      5.99      6.17
Second round3 3.08 5.08
5.23      3.08      7.87      6.49      3.52
First round12 5.14 6.49
11.26     7.41      5.14      5.64      6.43
SkewbFinal3 3.93 6.42
7.94      8.10      3.93      5.77      5.55
First round6 6.42 7.12
7.35      6.45      6.42      7.55      8.19
Square-1Final7 22.23 31.15
31.25     25.74     36.45     22.23     38.00
First round7 19.00 29.77
33.14     28.29     27.87     DNF       19.00
MathSoc Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 13.24 14.85
14.26     15.32     14.96     DNF       13.24
First round20 14.30 15.45
15.39     16.54     14.42     14.30     19.13
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 5.01 5.24
5.01      5.19      5.04      5.50      5.97
Second round11 3.36 4.44
4.58      3.99      6.19      3.36      4.74
First round18 3.87 5.64
3.87      5.29      6.50      6.10      5.53
4x4x4 CubeFinal10 53.16 1:00.51
1:33.99   53.16     54.51     1:05.97   1:01.06
First round10 50.83 1:02.72
1:11.14   59.86     1:06.88   1:01.43   50.83
5x5x5 CubeFirst round9 1:50.23 2:05.16
1:50.23   2:33.84   1:53.99   2:11.47   2:10.03
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round12 24.01 29.11
27.32     31.25     28.75     41.24     24.01
First round14 29.29 32.12
29.29     35.80     32.56     29.95     33.84
ClockFinal4 20.59 25.97
20.59     21.23     27.66     DNF       29.02
MegaminxFirst round10 3:25.10 4:02.02
3:25.10   3:29.65   3:55.47   4:40.95   4:47.45
PyraminxFinal6 5.42 7.45
6.65      8.85      5.42      9.69      6.85
Second round3 3.80 5.52
3.80      5.58      6.56      4.43      6.90
First round4 4.19 5.20
4.26      4.19      9.01      5.94      5.41
SkewbFinal4 6.39 7.30
7.52      6.39      7.83      9.03      6.55
Second round5 5.71 6.97
5.71      6.76      8.35      5.79      8.66
First round6 6.14 8.87
9.53      12.45     9.31      7.78      6.14
Great Indian Cubeathon 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 13.82 15.52
14.62     DNF       13.82     16.28     15.65
Semi Final11 13.58 15.18
17.41     13.58     15.98     15.00     14.55
Second round11 12.93 14.47
15.41     12.93     18.79     13.99     14.02
First round11 13.04 14.60
13.04     13.56     16.85     21.46     13.39
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 4.44 4.71
5.07      4.97      4.44      4.62      4.53
Second round10 4.25 4.71
5.25      5.63      4.51      4.36      4.25
First round15 4.34 5.19
5.13      5.30      4.34      5.13      7.19
4x4x4 CubeSecond round16 1:06.60 1:14.20
1:06.60   1:47.50   1:10.96   1:16.39   1:15.25
First round11 52.05 1:06.46
1:14.57   1:06.18   1:06.72   52.05     1:06.49
5x5x5 CubeSecond round14 2:32.21 2:43.44
2:32.21   2:37.36   2:46.28   3:05.73   2:46.69
First round13 2:14.33 2:25.63
2:14.33   2:36.16   2:30.10   2:21.30   2:25.50
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal11 27.81 30.32
27.81     31.63     37.12     27.91     31.41
Second round9 28.00 32.66
36.09     32.70     28.00     44.78     29.20
First round11 26.52 31.00
31.79     39.46     27.48     33.72     26.52
ClockFinal5 18.81 23.35
33.88     19.40     29.00     21.66     18.81
First round5 21.53 28.60
35.55     DNF       21.53     25.29     24.96
PyraminxFinal9 4.92 7.40
7.10      7.45      4.92      7.65      8.45
Second round7 5.65 7.01
6.51      7.34      14.53     5.65      7.19
First round8 6.04 6.77
6.31      9.07      6.69      7.32      6.04
SkewbFinal6 3.15 8.21
8.53      9.73      7.40      8.69      3.15
Second round6 7.38 8.11
7.38      7.42      7.71      9.91      9.21
First round6 6.84 8.24
9.88      6.84      7.75      8.11      8.85
Square-1Second round7 30.61 36.19
DNF       30.61     36.69     33.97     37.90
First round7 22.97 32.62
22.97     54.16     27.37     34.49     35.99
Delhi Autumn Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFinal14 14.96 16.82
16.32     17.87     14.96     19.28     16.27
Second round12 14.76 15.75
15.84     16.06     14.76     15.36     16.52
First round18 14.24 17.63
19.06     15.25     18.59     14.24     34.04
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.11 5.03
5.77      4.11      4.53      5.10      5.45
Second round10 4.35 4.85
5.44      5.23      4.37      4.35      4.96
First round8 4.31 4.95
4.89      5.31      6.10      4.66      4.31
4x4x4 CubeFirst round17 1:12.63 1:19.12
1:15.14   1:23.65   DNF       1:18.57   1:12.63
5x5x5 CubeFinal17 2:33.89 2:53.82
2:47.88   3:12.35   2:50.03   3:03.54   2:33.89
PyraminxFinal4 5.67 7.58
10.79     5.67      8.22      7.08      7.45
Second round7 5.08 7.40
7.76      6.18      9.70      5.08      8.27
First round9 6.86 8.31
9.76      6.86      8.56      8.29      8.07
Square-1Final6 38.07 45.04
38.07     43.57     1:11.91   47.65     43.90
First round6 32.36 40.13
34.00     59.78     48.71     32.36     37.69
NCR Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round37 18.00 19.95
19.13     18.00     21.93     19.37     21.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 5.23 7.06
11.14     7.75      5.23      5.45      7.98
4x4x4 CubeFirst round31 1:21.25 1:42.87
1:47.28   1:21.25   2:04.75   1:39.95   1:41.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round40 45.48 54.40
45.48     46.63     59.87     1:05.84   56.71
PyraminxFirst round21 8.27 9.89
8.27      8.66      11.41     11.37     9.63
SkewbFirst round30 8.14 18.41
13.76     DNF       18.90     22.57     8.14
MathSoc Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round39 19.12 23.75
28.54     21.54     19.12     24.78     24.92
2x2x2 CubeFirst round12 4.95 5.41
7.11      5.23      5.65      5.34      4.95
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 2:09.96
2:09.96   2:31.54
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round18 38.78 47.20
46.99     38.78     49.07     45.55     55.63
PyraminxFirst round17 8.82 10.35
8.82      10.93     10.44     9.67      11.17
SkewbFirst round17 16.17 22.77
DNF       16.17     26.74     20.42     21.14
PB Smashathon 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 19.65 27.86
30.32     30.91     26.93     19.65     26.32
2x2x2 CubeFirst round30 6.81 7.95
6.81      7.08      10.54     9.12      7.64
SkewbFirst round20 19.98 23.70
20.10     26.56     26.39     19.98     24.61
192022-09-11IMCC 2022IndiaSahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, Punjab
182020-02-23IISERM Cube Open 2020IndiaMohali, Punjab
172019-04-11~14Indian Nationals 2019IndiaGautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
162017-11-04~05Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2017IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
152017-09-24LOTM 2017IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
142017-06-23~25NCR Open 2017IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
132017-04-08~09SNU Open 2017IndiaGautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
122017-02-25~26Delhi Open 2017IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
112017-01-21~22MathSoc Open 2017IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
102016-12-17~18Cubing Complexity 2016IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
92016-12-10FMC Asia 2016Multiple Countries (Asia)Multiple
82016-10-22~23Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2016IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
72016-07-23~24National Cubing Region Open 2016IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
62016-02-27~28MathSoc Open 2016IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
52016-01-08~10Great Indian Cubeathon 2016IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
42015-10-17~18Delhi Autumn Open 2015IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
32015-04-11~12NCR Open 2015IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
22015-02-21~22MathSoc Open 2015IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi
12015-01-17~18PB Smashathon 2015IndiaNew Delhi, Delhi

Seen Cubers
