Personal Page

Danilo Toro Nieto

Name: Danilo Toro Nieto
Region: Chile
Competitions: 24
WCA ID: Danilo Toro Nieto2015NIET01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.04.25 - 2023.01.08
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube24426003384612.2413.92277672046206173/175
2x2x2 Cube4357079132.114.5418131124612787/90
4x4x4 Cube2312073266001:01.411:11.0026636208322756/65
5x5x5 Cube89673100141:34.281:38.4883945647632/32
6x6x6 Cube4839360033:07.673:22.096020392477/7
7x7x7 Cube3532552614:51.075:01.6948702973512/12
3x3x3 Blindfolded1527846322:39.263:02.18230315561429/57
3x3x3 One-Handed12314211775423.0429.1518726150514358/60
3x3x3 With Feet610813661:46.051:48.50102175613/3

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Montealegre Open 2023Second round31 13.60 13.92
19.89     14.39     13.66     13.60     13.71
First round39 12.62 16.65
16.75     19.39     16.04     12.62     17.15
Santiago UV Open 2022First round48 14.63 15.40
14.63     15.15     16.21     14.83     18.95
Cubopía Open 2020Second round34 13.17 15.50
17.90     14.14     17.56     13.17     14.79
First round36 15.16 17.15
17.35     18.11     18.80     15.98     15.16
LGA Open 2018First round28 13.95 15.84
16.54     13.95     14.80     16.81     16.19
La Serena Open 2018Second round21 15.85 18.16
30.37     17.63     15.85     19.17     17.67
First round16 12.24 14.47
14.83     12.78     12.24     15.80     18.33
Instituto Nacional Open 2017Second round54 16.39 17.55
16.98     17.90     17.77     16.39     19.95
First round57 14.40 17.83
19.38     14.40     16.51     17.61     23.55
SCU Open 2017Second round19 12.27 15.73
16.98     20.08     14.87     12.27     15.33
First round17 13.89 15.61
18.16     19.18     13.89     14.65     14.02
DEC Open 2017First round38 19.18 21.25
23.99     19.42     22.77     21.55     19.18
Open La Florida 2017First round43 15.01 18.73
21.46     15.01     18.55     20.78     16.85
LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017Semi Final56 16.96 18.47
16.96     17.84     20.16     17.42     25.12
Second round60 17.68 18.97
21.59     17.84     17.68     20.14     18.92
First round68 16.41 19.27
18.42     18.90     16.41     20.49     20.71
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017First round31 16.94 17.97
18.36     16.94     23.48     16.99     18.57
Rubik Soletta Concepción 2017First round32 16.84 23.04
16.84     18.05     18.43     40.89     32.63
IN OPEN 2.0 2017Second round30 17.41 18.60
17.94     17.41     20.14     19.20     18.65
First round19 14.45 16.23
15.49     18.16     15.73     17.48     14.45
Sótero del Río 2016Second round21 16.94 18.42
18.22     21.95     19.06     17.99     16.94
First round22 17.59 19.07
18.01     19.95     17.59     24.98     19.26
Instituto Nacional Open 2016Second round49 18.48 24.61
35.08     30.15     22.51     18.48     21.16
First round38 19.54 21.72
24.04     24.36     21.22     19.54     19.91
CECREA 2016First round13 16.03 19.06
19.08     21.52     20.05     16.03     18.05
Chile Verano 2016Final35 20.60 20.77
20.61     20.83     21.63     20.86     20.60
Lomas 2015First round23 19.72 22.28
21.47     29.45     19.72     22.52     22.84
LMDL 2015Second round13 21.99 24.43
26.49     24.56     23.87     21.99     24.85
First round11 20.88 22.45
20.88     24.82     21.65     23.05     22.64
STAROSA 2015First round24 23.28 26.01
25.30     29.37     31.27     23.28     23.35
Chileno de Invierno 2015First round49 23.38 29.81
31.42     31.58     26.42     23.38     DNF
LSLC Open 2015Second round28 31.27 34.68
45.71     35.30     31.27     32.33     36.41
First round31 26.71 34.29
33.71     34.95     26.71     DNF       34.21
La Florida Open V2 2015First round41 35.24 41.26
42.36     42.01     39.42     43.50     35.24
2x2x2 Cube
Montealegre Open 2023First round15 3.78 4.72
4.61      4.73      5.52      4.82      3.78
Santiago UV Open 2022First round36 3.60 5.78
3.60      4.39      5.25      7.69      9.84
Cubopía Open 2020First round18 3.33 4.66
5.36      4.83      4.31      3.33      4.85
La Serena Open 2018Final5 3.87 4.54
5.21      4.19      3.87      4.21      6.46
First round8 4.46 4.73
4.63      4.58      4.98      5.08      4.46
SCU Open 2017First round15 2.11 5.63
5.74      6.09      2.11      5.81      5.35
DEC Open 2017First round16 4.54 5.02
5.26      5.01      4.78      5.30      4.54
Open La Florida 2017First round25 4.80 5.91
4.80      6.01      6.29      7.52      5.43
Rubik Soletta Concepción 2017First round22 5.10 7.99
5.22      5.10      33.66     8.02      10.73
Sótero del Río 2016Final6 3.87 5.23
4.71      4.86      3.87      6.11      6.58
Instituto Nacional Open 2016Second round18 4.84 6.44
10.47     4.84      7.56      5.74      6.01
First round10 4.44 5.21
5.37      4.44      5.02      7.14      5.24
CECREA 2016Final7 4.77 6.18
4.77      6.16      6.85      6.63      5.74
First round4 4.93 5.27
9.78      5.42      5.21      5.17      4.93
Lomas 2015First round21 5.70 7.81
5.70      8.78      DNF       8.14      6.50
STAROSA 2015First round14 7.21 7.67
7.62      7.21      7.96      7.43      11.28
Chileno de Invierno 2015First round35 4.59 10.52
4.59      13.28     12.59     6.82      12.14
LSLC Open 2015First round31 10.29 DNF
10.29     15.68     DNF       10.37     DNF
4x4x4 Cube
Cubopía Open 2020First round41 1:19.20
1:21.96   1:19.20
LGA Open 2018First round35 1:12.22 1:17.53
1:19.13   1:15.83   2:06.02   1:17.64   1:12.22
Santiago UV de Otoño 2018First round40 1:05.85 1:11.99
1:11.26   1:10.77   1:13.95   1:17.63   1:05.85
La Serena Open 2018First round19 1:01.41 1:14.46
1:16.04   1:20.22   1:01.41   1:14.85   1:12.48
SCU Open 2017Final16 1:09.99 1:15.53
1:09.99   DNF       1:18.76   1:14.34   1:13.49
DEC Open 2017Final30 1:04.74 1:16.26
1:23.69   1:04.74   1:15.12   1:25.42   1:09.96
Open La Florida 2017First round30 1:12.80
1:20.89   1:12.80
LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017First round38 1:12.08
1:12.08   1:12.58
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017Final18 1:07.37 1:11.00
1:10.33   1:14.10   1:08.57   1:07.37   DNF
First round18 1:10.83 1:13.77
1:10.83   1:19.70   1:13.38   1:17.08   1:10.84
IN OPEN 2.0 2017Final19 1:14.01 1:19.70
1:14.01   1:17.73   1:21.22   1:25.31   1:20.16
Instituto Nacional Open 2016First round29 1:16.00 1:39.14
DNF       1:16.00   1:38.50   1:42.36   1:36.55
CECREA 2016First round22 1:30.11 DNF
DNF       1:31.62   1:43.09   1:30.11   DNF
Lomas 2015First round21 1:54.78 DNF
2:02.46   1:54.78   1:55.74   DNF       DNS
STAROSA 2015First round23 1:49.61 DNF
DNF       1:50.98   1:49.61   DNF       DNF
5x5x5 Cube
Santiago UV Open 2022First round17 1:34.28 1:38.48
1:38.70   1:34.28   1:34.99   1:41.76   2:14.01
Cubopía Open 2020Final26 1:40.62 1:57.29
1:46.32   2:04.18   2:08.70   2:01.37   1:40.62
Santiago UV de Otoño 2018First round17 1:45.34 1:49.62
1:48.45   1:45.34   2:00.70   1:49.36   1:51.04
La Serena Open 2018First round11 1:42.88 1:52.72
1:58.57   2:13.16   1:45.43   1:54.16   1:42.88
LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017Final12 1:37.84 1:47.74
1:42.98   1:37.84   1:50.77   1:49.47   1:57.28
First round15 1:55.04
2:02.60   1:55.04
Instituto Nacional Open 2016First round16 2:21.95 2:30.96
2:33.04   2:21.95   2:41.58   2:23.38   2:36.46
6x6x6 Cube
Cubopía Open 2020Final16 3:19.05 3:22.09
3:25.94   3:21.28   3:19.05
Santiago UV de Otoño 2018Final10 3:07.67 3:23.65
3:07.67   3:14.28   3:49.01
La Serena Open 2018Final10 4:13.45
7x7x7 Cube
Santiago UV Open 2022Final8 5:03.00
5:07.12   5:03.00
Cubopía Open 2020Final9 4:51.07 5:02.00
4:51.07   5:08.41   5:06.51
Santiago UV de Otoño 2018Final7 4:53.17 5:01.69
4:53.17   4:57.52   5:14.38
La Serena Open 2018Final5 4:53.93 5:08.02
4:53.93   5:25.88   5:04.25
LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017Final13 5:39.69
3x3x3 Blindfolded
Montealegre Open 2023Final9 3:14.08 DNF
DNF       3:42.34   3:14.08
Santiago UV Open 2022Final7 3:27.31 DNF
3:27.31   4:12.69   DNF
LGA Open 2018Final4 2:39.26 DNF
2:39.26   3:48.17   DNF
La Serena Open 2018Final3 3:23.79 DNF
3:23.79   4:32.81   DNF
LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017Final5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round8 3:57.90 DNF
4:08.85   DNF       3:57.90
Instituto Nacional Open 2016First round6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
Chile Verano 2016Final3 3:27.77 DNF
DNF       3:27.77   DNF
Lomas 2015Final3 2:46.10 3:12.64
2:46.10   3:08.25   3:43.58
First round3 3:10.35 DNF
3:10.71   DNF       3:10.35
LMDL 2015First round5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
STAROSA 2015Final4 4:02.94 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:02.94
First round4 2:46.33 3:02.18
3:17.05   2:46.33   3:03.17
Chileno de Invierno 2015Final2 3:01.76 DNF
3:01.76   DNF       3:53.53
Second round3 3:57.25 DNF
3:57.25   DNF       4:19.44
First round3 4:03.08 DNF
4:25.74   4:03.08   DNF
LSLC Open 2015Final3 8:51.59 DNF
8:51.59   8:58.78   DNF
First round4 5:44.97 DNF
5:44.97   DNF       DNF
La Florida Open V2 2015First round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
Santiago UV de Otoño 2018Second round31 23.04 29.15
31.97     31.76     23.04     30.06     25.62
First round38 31.72 32.74
31.72     33.01     33.86     32.14     33.08
La Serena Open 2018First round15 30.54 31.25
31.07     34.04     30.54     31.10     31.57
SCU Open 2017First round14 26.73 30.14
32.90     31.56     29.18     29.67     26.73
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017First round21 29.99 34.37
44.24     34.24     32.26     36.61     29.99
Rubik Soletta Concepción 2017First round16 25.58 34.80
50.76     32.36     37.47     34.57     25.58
IN OPEN 2.0 2017Final15 24.77 29.97
30.31     32.10     24.77     38.99     27.51
Sótero del Río 2016Final14 28.28 31.23
36.44     28.28     30.85     28.89     33.94
Instituto Nacional Open 2016First round15 34.48 37.00
37.25     38.08     35.68     34.48     38.83
Chile Verano 2016Final19 27.74 41.05
42.49     46.33     43.96     27.74     36.69
STAROSA 2015Final20 47.41 DNF
DNF       47.41     DNF       57.96     50.70
Chileno de Invierno 2015First round31 1:01.37 1:04.87
1:12.01   1:03.84   1:04.29   1:06.47   1:01.37
Montealegre Open 2023Final3 9.64 11.20
11.53     11.73     9.64      10.35     DNF
Sótero del Río 2016Final3 13.83 17.98
DNF       17.40     13.83     20.99     15.55
LGA Open 2018Final28 2:02.19
2:08.44   2:02.19
Santiago UV de Otoño 2018First round23 1:48.12 1:53.54
2:09.98   1:52.33   1:48.73   1:59.57   1:48.12
La Serena Open 2018Final15 1:40.96 1:53.77
1:40.96   1:51.91   2:00.92   2:08.82   1:48.48
Sótero del Río 2016Final9 1:50.06 2:03.51
1:50.06   2:06.05   2:21.45   1:52.70   2:11.79
CECREA 2016Final12 2:54.44 3:11.81
3:01.95   3:38.37   3:25.63   2:54.44   3:07.86
Cubopía Open 2020First round23 12.28
12.28     13.58
La Serena Open 2018First round20 5.55 13.01
14.25     15.37     12.55     5.55      12.23
Open La Florida 2017Final28 11.72 13.13
11.72     11.72     15.82     11.86     23.59
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017Final14 8.39 11.19
11.34     10.10     12.15     12.14     8.39
First round15 7.44 10.88
21.60     11.20     7.44      10.16     11.29
IN OPEN 2.0 2017Final12 9.03 11.85
11.87     28.15     9.03      10.73     12.96
Instituto Nacional Open 2016First round31 8.77 14.93
16.52     8.77      15.87     14.30     14.63
CECREA 2016Final5 10.03 11.66
13.22     11.04     10.03     12.85     11.08
Chileno de Invierno 2015Final9 9.59 14.34
9.59      12.02     13.78     17.21     20.60
First round9 8.87 12.92
12.72     8.87      11.74     14.31     16.39
La Serena Open 2018First round24 8.57 13.68
12.47     14.15     8.57      20.24     14.43
SCU Open 2017Final11 8.95 12.07
14.85     11.04     DNF       8.95      10.32
DEC Open 2017First round21 5.35 DNF
DNF       8.21      DNF       DNF       5.35
Open La Florida 2017First round18 5.95 11.07
5.95      7.58      12.62     13.01     13.97
CECREA 2016Final11 10.42 13.79
11.79     10.42     12.73     17.49     16.86
LMDL 2015Final5 10.01 12.98
13.00     10.01     12.65     13.30     16.03
Chileno de Invierno 2015First round12 6.83 13.25
17.13     6.83      10.09     22.71     12.52
La Serena Open 2018First round9 17.09 20.56
20.47     21.43     19.78     17.09     22.48
SCU Open 2017First round7 25.40 30.02
25.40     25.75     29.94     34.89     34.37
DEC Open 2017Final10 21.26 25.11
23.63     28.01     23.68     46.32     21.26
Open La Florida 2017First round13 32.82
32.82     37.52
LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017First round15 30.53
30.53     36.25
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017Final10 22.32 31.08
38.12     37.01     32.83     22.32     23.41
First round10 22.64 26.78
26.95     29.43     22.64     36.68     23.97
Sótero del Río 2016First round7 22.25 27.11
26.30     22.25     31.09     34.01     23.94
Chile Verano 2016Final6 27.67 32.37
28.68     36.70     27.67     38.13     31.73
Lomas 2015First round6 28.66 43.67
42.38     42.98     49.62     28.66     45.65
STAROSA 2015Final8 35.75 50.45
58.93     DNF       36.47     35.75     55.94
4x4x4 Blindfolded
Montealegre Open 2023Final3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind
Chile Verano 2016Final3 DNF
LMDL 2015Final2 DNF
3x3x3 With Feet
SCU Open 2017Final2 1:46.05 1:48.50
1:46.87   1:52.57   1:46.05
Montealegre Open 2023
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 13.60 13.92
19.89     14.39     13.66     13.60     13.71
First round39 12.62 16.65
16.75     19.39     16.04     12.62     17.15
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 3.78 4.72
4.61      4.73      5.52      4.82      3.78
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal9 3:14.08 DNF
DNF       3:42.34   3:14.08
ClockFinal3 9.64 11.20
11.53     11.73     9.64      10.35     DNF
4x4x4 BlindfoldedFinal3 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNS
Santiago UV Open 2022
3x3x3 CubeFirst round48 14.63 15.40
14.63     15.15     16.21     14.83     18.95
2x2x2 CubeFirst round36 3.60 5.78
3.60      4.39      5.25      7.69      9.84
5x5x5 CubeFirst round17 1:34.28 1:38.48
1:38.70   1:34.28   1:34.99   1:41.76   2:14.01
7x7x7 CubeFinal8 5:03.00
5:07.12   5:03.00
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal7 3:27.31 DNF
3:27.31   4:12.69   DNF
Cubopía Open 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round34 13.17 15.50
17.90     14.14     17.56     13.17     14.79
First round36 15.16 17.15
17.35     18.11     18.80     15.98     15.16
2x2x2 CubeFirst round18 3.33 4.66
5.36      4.83      4.31      3.33      4.85
4x4x4 CubeFirst round41 1:19.20
1:21.96   1:19.20
5x5x5 CubeFinal26 1:40.62 1:57.29
1:46.32   2:04.18   2:08.70   2:01.37   1:40.62
6x6x6 CubeFinal16 3:19.05 3:22.09
3:25.94   3:21.28   3:19.05
7x7x7 CubeFinal9 4:51.07 5:02.00
4:51.07   5:08.41   5:06.51
PyraminxFirst round23 12.28
12.28     13.58
LGA Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round28 13.95 15.84
16.54     13.95     14.80     16.81     16.19
4x4x4 CubeFirst round35 1:12.22 1:17.53
1:19.13   1:15.83   2:06.02   1:17.64   1:12.22
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 2:39.26 DNF
2:39.26   3:48.17   DNF
MegaminxFinal28 2:02.19
2:08.44   2:02.19
Santiago UV de Otoño 2018
4x4x4 CubeFirst round40 1:05.85 1:11.99
1:11.26   1:10.77   1:13.95   1:17.63   1:05.85
5x5x5 CubeFirst round17 1:45.34 1:49.62
1:48.45   1:45.34   2:00.70   1:49.36   1:51.04
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 3:07.67 3:23.65
3:07.67   3:14.28   3:49.01
7x7x7 CubeFinal7 4:53.17 5:01.69
4:53.17   4:57.52   5:14.38
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round31 23.04 29.15
31.97     31.76     23.04     30.06     25.62
First round38 31.72 32.74
31.72     33.01     33.86     32.14     33.08
MegaminxFirst round23 1:48.12 1:53.54
2:09.98   1:52.33   1:48.73   1:59.57   1:48.12
La Serena Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 15.85 18.16
30.37     17.63     15.85     19.17     17.67
First round16 12.24 14.47
14.83     12.78     12.24     15.80     18.33
2x2x2 CubeFinal5 3.87 4.54
5.21      4.19      3.87      4.21      6.46
First round8 4.46 4.73
4.63      4.58      4.98      5.08      4.46
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 1:01.41 1:14.46
1:16.04   1:20.22   1:01.41   1:14.85   1:12.48
5x5x5 CubeFirst round11 1:42.88 1:52.72
1:58.57   2:13.16   1:45.43   1:54.16   1:42.88
6x6x6 CubeFinal10 4:13.45
7x7x7 CubeFinal5 4:53.93 5:08.02
4:53.93   5:25.88   5:04.25
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 3:23.79 DNF
3:23.79   4:32.81   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 30.54 31.25
31.07     34.04     30.54     31.10     31.57
MegaminxFinal15 1:40.96 1:53.77
1:40.96   1:51.91   2:00.92   2:08.82   1:48.48
PyraminxFirst round20 5.55 13.01
14.25     15.37     12.55     5.55      12.23
SkewbFirst round24 8.57 13.68
12.47     14.15     8.57      20.24     14.43
Square-1First round9 17.09 20.56
20.47     21.43     19.78     17.09     22.48
Instituto Nacional Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round54 16.39 17.55
16.98     17.90     17.77     16.39     19.95
First round57 14.40 17.83
19.38     14.40     16.51     17.61     23.55
SCU Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round19 12.27 15.73
16.98     20.08     14.87     12.27     15.33
First round17 13.89 15.61
18.16     19.18     13.89     14.65     14.02
2x2x2 CubeFirst round15 2.11 5.63
5.74      6.09      2.11      5.81      5.35
4x4x4 CubeFinal16 1:09.99 1:15.53
1:09.99   DNF       1:18.76   1:14.34   1:13.49
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round14 26.73 30.14
32.90     31.56     29.18     29.67     26.73
SkewbFinal11 8.95 12.07
14.85     11.04     DNF       8.95      10.32
Square-1First round7 25.40 30.02
25.40     25.75     29.94     34.89     34.37
3x3x3 With FeetFinal2 1:46.05 1:48.50
1:46.87   1:52.57   1:46.05
DEC Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round38 19.18 21.25
23.99     19.42     22.77     21.55     19.18
2x2x2 CubeFirst round16 4.54 5.02
5.26      5.01      4.78      5.30      4.54
4x4x4 CubeFinal30 1:04.74 1:16.26
1:23.69   1:04.74   1:15.12   1:25.42   1:09.96
SkewbFirst round21 5.35 DNF
DNF       8.21      DNF       DNF       5.35
Square-1Final10 21.26 25.11
23.63     28.01     23.68     46.32     21.26
Open La Florida 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round43 15.01 18.73
21.46     15.01     18.55     20.78     16.85
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 4.80 5.91
4.80      6.01      6.29      7.52      5.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round30 1:12.80
1:20.89   1:12.80
PyraminxFinal28 11.72 13.13
11.72     11.72     15.82     11.86     23.59
SkewbFirst round18 5.95 11.07
5.95      7.58      12.62     13.01     13.97
Square-1First round13 32.82
32.82     37.52
LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final56 16.96 18.47
16.96     17.84     20.16     17.42     25.12
Second round60 17.68 18.97
21.59     17.84     17.68     20.14     18.92
First round68 16.41 19.27
18.42     18.90     16.41     20.49     20.71
4x4x4 CubeFirst round38 1:12.08
1:12.08   1:12.58
5x5x5 CubeFinal12 1:37.84 1:47.74
1:42.98   1:37.84   1:50.77   1:49.47   1:57.28
First round15 1:55.04
2:02.60   1:55.04
7x7x7 CubeFinal13 5:39.69
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
First round8 3:57.90 DNF
4:08.85   DNF       3:57.90
Square-1First round15 30.53
30.53     36.25
Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round31 16.94 17.97
18.36     16.94     23.48     16.99     18.57
4x4x4 CubeFinal18 1:07.37 1:11.00
1:10.33   1:14.10   1:08.57   1:07.37   DNF
First round18 1:10.83 1:13.77
1:10.83   1:19.70   1:13.38   1:17.08   1:10.84
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round21 29.99 34.37
44.24     34.24     32.26     36.61     29.99
PyraminxFinal14 8.39 11.19
11.34     10.10     12.15     12.14     8.39
First round15 7.44 10.88
21.60     11.20     7.44      10.16     11.29
Square-1Final10 22.32 31.08
38.12     37.01     32.83     22.32     23.41
First round10 22.64 26.78
26.95     29.43     22.64     36.68     23.97
Rubik Soletta Concepción 2017
3x3x3 CubeFirst round32 16.84 23.04
16.84     18.05     18.43     40.89     32.63
2x2x2 CubeFirst round22 5.10 7.99
5.22      5.10      33.66     8.02      10.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round16 25.58 34.80
50.76     32.36     37.47     34.57     25.58
IN OPEN 2.0 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round30 17.41 18.60
17.94     17.41     20.14     19.20     18.65
First round19 14.45 16.23
15.49     18.16     15.73     17.48     14.45
4x4x4 CubeFinal19 1:14.01 1:19.70
1:14.01   1:17.73   1:21.22   1:25.31   1:20.16
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal15 24.77 29.97
30.31     32.10     24.77     38.99     27.51
PyraminxFinal12 9.03 11.85
11.87     28.15     9.03      10.73     12.96
Sótero del Río 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 16.94 18.42
18.22     21.95     19.06     17.99     16.94
First round22 17.59 19.07
18.01     19.95     17.59     24.98     19.26
2x2x2 CubeFinal6 3.87 5.23
4.71      4.86      3.87      6.11      6.58
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal14 28.28 31.23
36.44     28.28     30.85     28.89     33.94
ClockFinal3 13.83 17.98
DNF       17.40     13.83     20.99     15.55
MegaminxFinal9 1:50.06 2:03.51
1:50.06   2:06.05   2:21.45   1:52.70   2:11.79
Square-1First round7 22.25 27.11
26.30     22.25     31.09     34.01     23.94
Instituto Nacional Open 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round49 18.48 24.61
35.08     30.15     22.51     18.48     21.16
First round38 19.54 21.72
24.04     24.36     21.22     19.54     19.91
2x2x2 CubeSecond round18 4.84 6.44
10.47     4.84      7.56      5.74      6.01
First round10 4.44 5.21
5.37      4.44      5.02      7.14      5.24
4x4x4 CubeFirst round29 1:16.00 1:39.14
DNF       1:16.00   1:38.50   1:42.36   1:36.55
5x5x5 CubeFirst round16 2:21.95 2:30.96
2:33.04   2:21.95   2:41.58   2:23.38   2:36.46
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round6 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round15 34.48 37.00
37.25     38.08     35.68     34.48     38.83
PyraminxFirst round31 8.77 14.93
16.52     8.77      15.87     14.30     14.63
3x3x3 CubeFirst round13 16.03 19.06
19.08     21.52     20.05     16.03     18.05
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 4.77 6.18
4.77      6.16      6.85      6.63      5.74
First round4 4.93 5.27
9.78      5.42      5.21      5.17      4.93
4x4x4 CubeFirst round22 1:30.11 DNF
DNF       1:31.62   1:43.09   1:30.11   DNF
MegaminxFinal12 2:54.44 3:11.81
3:01.95   3:38.37   3:25.63   2:54.44   3:07.86
PyraminxFinal5 10.03 11.66
13.22     11.04     10.03     12.85     11.08
SkewbFinal11 10.42 13.79
11.79     10.42     12.73     17.49     16.86
Chile Verano 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal35 20.60 20.77
20.61     20.83     21.63     20.86     20.60
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 3:27.77 DNF
DNF       3:27.77   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal19 27.74 41.05
42.49     46.33     43.96     27.74     36.69
Square-1Final6 27.67 32.37
28.68     36.70     27.67     38.13     31.73
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal3 DNF
Lomas 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round23 19.72 22.28
21.47     29.45     19.72     22.52     22.84
2x2x2 CubeFirst round21 5.70 7.81
5.70      8.78      DNF       8.14      6.50
4x4x4 CubeFirst round21 1:54.78 DNF
2:02.46   1:54.78   1:55.74   DNF       DNS
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 2:46.10 3:12.64
2:46.10   3:08.25   3:43.58
First round3 3:10.35 DNF
3:10.71   DNF       3:10.35
Square-1First round6 28.66 43.67
42.38     42.98     49.62     28.66     45.65
LMDL 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round13 21.99 24.43
26.49     24.56     23.87     21.99     24.85
First round11 20.88 22.45
20.88     24.82     21.65     23.05     22.64
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round5 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
SkewbFinal5 10.01 12.98
13.00     10.01     12.65     13.30     16.03
3x3x3 Multi-BlindFinal2 DNF
3x3x3 CubeFirst round24 23.28 26.01
25.30     29.37     31.27     23.28     23.35
2x2x2 CubeFirst round14 7.21 7.67
7.62      7.21      7.96      7.43      11.28
4x4x4 CubeFirst round23 1:49.61 DNF
DNF       1:50.98   1:49.61   DNF       DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal4 4:02.94 DNF
DNF       DNF       4:02.94
First round4 2:46.33 3:02.18
3:17.05   2:46.33   3:03.17
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal20 47.41 DNF
DNF       47.41     DNF       57.96     50.70
Square-1Final8 35.75 50.45
58.93     DNF       36.47     35.75     55.94
Chileno de Invierno 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round49 23.38 29.81
31.42     31.58     26.42     23.38     DNF
2x2x2 CubeFirst round35 4.59 10.52
4.59      13.28     12.59     6.82      12.14
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal2 3:01.76 DNF
3:01.76   DNF       3:53.53
Second round3 3:57.25 DNF
3:57.25   DNF       4:19.44
First round3 4:03.08 DNF
4:25.74   4:03.08   DNF
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round31 1:01.37 1:04.87
1:12.01   1:03.84   1:04.29   1:06.47   1:01.37
PyraminxFinal9 9.59 14.34
9.59      12.02     13.78     17.21     20.60
First round9 8.87 12.92
12.72     8.87      11.74     14.31     16.39
SkewbFirst round12 6.83 13.25
17.13     6.83      10.09     22.71     12.52
LSLC Open 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round28 31.27 34.68
45.71     35.30     31.27     32.33     36.41
First round31 26.71 34.29
33.71     34.95     26.71     DNF       34.21
2x2x2 CubeFirst round31 10.29 DNF
10.29     15.68     DNF       10.37     DNF
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFinal3 8:51.59 DNF
8:51.59   8:58.78   DNF
First round4 5:44.97 DNF
5:44.97   DNF       DNF
La Florida Open V2 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round41 35.24 41.26
42.36     42.01     39.42     43.50     35.24
3x3x3 BlindfoldedFirst round8 DNF DNF
DNF       DNF       DNF
242023-01-08Montealegre Open 2023ChileValparaíso
232022-10-15~16Santiago UV Open 2022ChileSantiago
222020-03-07Cubopía Open 2020ChileSantiago
212018-08-11LGA Open 2018ChileSantiago
202018-04-14~15Santiago UV de Otoño 2018ChileSantiago
192018-03-17~18La Serena Open 2018ChileLa Serena
182017-12-02~03Instituto Nacional Open 2017ChileSantiago
172017-11-11SCU Open 2017ChileSanta Cruz
162017-10-27DEC Open 2017ChileQuillota
152017-08-26Open La Florida 2017ChileSantiago
142017-06-10~11 LatAm Tour - Santiago 2017ChileSantiago, Region Metropolitana
132017-04-01Rubik Soletta Santiago 2017ChileSantiago
122017-01-29Rubik Soletta Concepción 2017ChileConcepción
112017-01-07IN OPEN 2.0 2017ChileSantiago
102016-09-03Sótero del Río 2016ChileSantiago
92016-04-23~24Instituto Nacional Open 2016ChileSantiago
82016-02-13CECREA 2016ChileValparaiso
72016-01-23Chile Verano 2016ChileSantiago
62015-10-24Lomas 2015ChileSantiago
52015-09-12LMDL 2015ChileSantiago
42015-09-05STAROSA 2015ChileSantiago
32015-06-27~28Chileno de Invierno 2015ChileSantiago
22015-05-30LSLC Open 2015ChileSantiago
12015-04-25La Florida Open V2 2015ChileSantiago