Personal Page

Jide Ogbuji

Name: Jide Ogbuji
Region: United States
Competitions: 18
WCA ID: Jide Ogbuji2015OGBU01
Gender: Male
Career: 2015.07.18 - 2020.01.11
2024 Annual Summary

Current Personal Records

3x3x3 Cube1675215681018.5211.821471037992900182/185
2x2x2 Cube1871239186212.173.5770902027160011127/130
4x4x4 Cube340546771889152.2556.01158053896282976/79
5x5x5 Cube32414346159211:56.812:04.59144773963295925/25
3x3x3 Fewest Moves140018948778523/4
3x3x3 One-Handed11071496614616.1320.38655915711144169/70

Sum of Ranks

 Sum of NRNRSum of CRCRSum of WRWR

Overall Medal Collection

3x3x3 Cube
Colorado Springs Winter 2020Second round31 12.03 16.89
18.94     14.65     22.55     12.03     17.08
First round26 14.43 16.31
19.37     15.76     16.86     16.31     14.43
Pueblo Open 2018Final7 10.05 12.77
13.23     12.13     12.94     10.05     15.87
Second round11 12.53 14.02
12.53     12.98     14.91     16.33     14.18
First round10 12.29 14.60
14.90     12.29     16.97     15.75     13.14
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round320 11.52 13.67
13.21     12.60     11.52     15.19     15.91
Colorado Qualifier 2018Semi Final20 13.57 14.58
14.36     15.42     13.95     13.57     25.81
Second round19 11.36 13.68
15.93     11.72     13.39     19.32     11.36
First round22 13.96 14.77
21.88     13.96     14.44     14.85     15.03
Veterans Day Open 2017Final10 11.50 13.14
12.45     18.73     14.11     11.50     12.86
Second round9 9.31 12.82
13.60     11.75     9.31      15.45     13.12
First round8 9.95 12.37
12.58     12.85     9.95      14.40     11.69
Longmont Summer 2017Final12 13.35 14.28
13.66     15.52     14.08     13.35     15.10
Second round15 12.59 15.04
16.84     15.16     14.94     12.59     15.02
First round14 13.07 14.70
13.45     14.71     15.95     16.04     13.07
CubingUSA Nationals 2017Second round200 8.52 DNF
8.52      11.85     DNF       DNF       9.75
First round134 11.73 12.23
12.55     15.96     11.73     12.19     11.95
1 Body Cubing 2017Final5 11.50 12.81
13.39     14.06     11.50     13.44     11.60
Second round3 10.61 11.82
10.61     13.26     11.78     11.82     11.85
First round5 11.71 13.08
12.53     12.30     14.55     11.71     14.41
Longmont Cube Open 2017Final11 11.26 14.68
14.99     13.99     11.26     15.05     15.77
Second round11 12.32 14.51
18.30     13.58     14.03     15.92     12.32
First round13 12.64 15.50
12.64     17.62     15.33     13.58     17.58
Shaker Fall 2016Second round16 11.64 14.17
14.99     15.61     13.09     11.64     14.42
First round20 12.96 14.48
13.13     16.41     12.96     15.50     14.81
Utah Fall Championship 2016Final5 12.50 14.43
12.50     14.17     15.69     16.34     13.44
US Nationals 2016First round231 12.29 15.52
16.26     12.29     20.01     15.94     14.36
Saint Mary Scramble 2016Final11 12.76 14.13
14.36     13.42     16.80     12.76     14.60
Second round11 13.83 15.19
15.57     13.83     14.53     DNF       15.48
First round12 13.43 14.95
13.91     15.63     13.43     21.76     15.32
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016Final13 14.52 16.36
15.61     17.80     17.85     14.52     15.67
Second round15 16.36 18.54
17.87     17.88     22.38     16.36     19.86
First round14 14.14 16.48
15.47     19.86     18.37     15.61     14.14
Utah Megacomp 2015First round20 15.90 19.83
24.78     24.60     15.90     18.06     16.82
NoCo Summer 2015Second round21 17.92 20.30
20.67     22.29     19.60     17.92     20.64
First round24 18.60 20.83
19.03     25.74     21.88     21.59     18.60
Great Cubing 2015First round25 21.39 24.04
23.95     22.26     25.90     21.39     26.63
2x2x2 Cube
Pueblo Open 2018First round19 2.93 6.37
8.96      7.51      4.62      2.93      6.98
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round223 3.48 4.53
3.51      6.10      5.10      3.48      4.97
Colorado Qualifier 2018First round25 3.73 5.09
14.28     5.28      4.98      5.02      3.73
Veterans Day Open 2017First round24 3.71 6.38
4.73      9.20      5.22      3.71      DNF
Longmont Summer 2017First round23 4.37 5.65
4.86      7.33      5.57      6.51      4.37
CubingUSA Nationals 2017Second round68 3.68 3.96
3.74      4.39      4.35      3.68      3.80
First round146 3.02 4.38
4.66      4.87      3.70      4.78      3.02
1 Body Cubing 2017Final2 2.61 3.57
2.61      3.74      4.53      3.14      3.82
First round9 3.68 4.53
4.42      4.54      6.78      3.68      4.63
Longmont Cube Open 2017Final1 3.52 3.81
DNF       4.19      3.52      3.56      3.67
First round2 2.17 3.87
3.73      4.98      3.58      2.17      4.30
Shaker Fall 2016Final12 2.42 4.83
4.96      4.74      4.85      2.42      4.90
First round10 2.39 3.90
2.67      4.69      4.34      2.39      5.37
Utah Fall Championship 2016Final9 3.91 4.95
7.89      4.10      3.91      4.62      6.12
US Nationals 2016First round216 4.27 5.60
12.99     4.69      5.47      4.27      6.63
Saint Mary Scramble 2016Second round13 4.10 5.03
4.10      5.37      4.33      5.69      5.39
First round17 4.92 5.82
6.44      5.96      4.92      5.06      DNF
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016Final7 3.68 4.72
3.68      6.32      4.23      5.45      4.47
Second round16 2.41 5.44
4.76      2.41      7.21      31.54     4.34
First round19 4.64 6.59
6.61      17.65     7.55      5.62      4.64
Utah Megacomp 2015Final9 5.17 6.14
7.19      5.17      7.06      6.08      5.28
First round8 4.23 5.07
4.23      5.48      8.78      4.44      5.28
NoCo Summer 2015Final9 4.13 5.09
4.28      6.64      4.13      5.65      5.34
First round12 4.65 5.70
4.90      7.76      5.00      4.65      7.19
Great Cubing 2015Final11 4.92 6.76
7.43      12.71     5.60      4.92      7.26
First round12 3.02 5.70
7.59      3.02      5.77      4.66      6.67
4x4x4 Cube
Colorado Springs Winter 2020First round28 1:02.53
1:02.53   1:12.35
Pueblo Open 2018Final15 53.42 1:03.55
58.26     56.94     53.42     1:44.18   1:15.44
First round15 1:00.09 1:04.10
1:00.09   1:04.82   DNF       1:00.10   1:07.37
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round367 1:13.73 1:21.02
1:18.79   1:42.44   1:16.52   1:27.76   1:13.73
Colorado Qualifier 2018First round45 1:04.50 1:26.38
1:31.18   1:21.74   1:04.50   DNF       1:26.22
Longmont Summer 2017Final11 52.25 1:01.75
1:03.34   1:00.01   52.25     1:01.91   1:11.47
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round161 53.48 56.01
59.55     1:34.16   54.05     53.48     54.44
1 Body Cubing 2017Final8 52.27 1:02.14
1:08.28   1:00.24   1:14.40   52.27     57.90
Longmont Cube Open 2017Final8 58.82 1:00.63
1:07.17   1:00.28   59.22     58.82     1:02.38
First round9 56.87 1:01.97
1:02.15   1:03.19   56.87     1:00.58   1:18.85
Shaker Fall 2016Final22 1:08.05 1:17.71
DNF       1:09.94   1:08.05   1:28.74   1:14.45
Utah Fall Championship 2016Final7 1:09.82 1:14.49
1:12.47   1:17.36   1:13.63   1:32.52   1:09.82
US Nationals 2016First round236 1:17.75
1:17.75   1:23.83
Saint Mary Scramble 2016Final11 1:03.86 1:11.70
1:11.41   1:03.86   1:14.99   1:22.84   1:08.69
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016First round19 1:23.88 1:38.33
1:46.27   1:32.73   1:44.05   1:23.88   1:38.20
NoCo Summer 2015Final27 1:32.32 1:53.38
1:55.46   1:52.06   1:52.63   1:58.93   1:32.32
Great Cubing 2015Final21 1:37.66 1:47.33
1:40.93   1:48.79   1:55.49   1:52.27   1:37.66
5x5x5 Cube
Longmont Summer 2017Final13 1:58.25 2:05.62
2:08.19   1:58.25   2:05.08   2:03.58   2:11.36
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round176 1:56.81 2:04.59
1:56.81   2:05.18   2:04.39   2:28.16   2:04.21
Longmont Cube Open 2017Final10 2:00.91 2:11.32
2:01.20   2:32.02   2:00.91   2:07.66   2:25.11
Shaker Fall 2016Final13 2:10.49 2:13.36
2:10.90   2:16.38   2:24.10   2:10.49   2:12.81
Utah Fall Championship 2016Final16 2:36.94 2:48.16
2:36.94   3:02.90   2:43.03   3:16.54   2:38.55
3x3x3 Fewest Moves
FMC USA 2016Final51 52 DNF
DNF       54        52
Utah Megacomp 2015Final6 73
3x3x3 One-Handed
Colorado Springs Winter 2020Final12 32.07 38.52
DNF       37.82     43.35     32.07     34.39
First round12 24.58 27.92
31.46     24.76     24.58     36.93     27.55
Pueblo Open 2018Final6 22.34 26.02
22.34     25.38     27.66     29.25     25.02
CubingUSA Nationals 2018First round239 21.49 26.08
23.85     40.10     28.64     21.49     25.75
Colorado Qualifier 2018First round10 23.24 25.91
37.38     23.72     25.53     23.24     28.47
Longmont Summer 2017Final6 18.45 25.94
28.06     27.38     22.37     18.45     30.47
CubingUSA Nationals 2017Second round80 16.63 21.49
16.63     26.75     19.39     20.38     24.69
First round88 19.24 21.66
21.50     23.49     19.24     24.24     19.98
1 Body Cubing 2017Final2 16.13 20.38
24.22     16.13     17.53     23.87     19.73
Longmont Cube Open 2017Final8 22.69 27.67
40.70     27.32     27.43     22.69     28.25
Shaker Fall 2016First round12 24.02 29.47
35.29     25.59     27.52     24.02     42.33
US Nationals 2016First round178 27.01 31.37
29.50     36.87     27.01     27.74     43.49
Saint Mary Scramble 2016Final6 21.40 25.82
48.28     24.92     26.87     25.67     21.40
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016Final10 29.42 34.99
38.69     29.42     34.06     33.87     37.05
Colorado Qualifier 2018First round25 2:40.88
2:40.88   DNF
Veterans Day Open 2017Final16 2:32.94
2:32.94   DNF
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round97 1:34.64 1:51.34
1:51.02   1:52.45   1:50.55   1:34.64   1:52.97
Longmont Cube Open 2017Final6 1:45.56 1:56.63
2:05.51   1:53.16   1:56.50   2:00.24   1:45.56
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016Final35 7.23 18.38
14.69     19.15     21.30     DNF       7.23
Utah Megacomp 2015Final19 8.59 12.48
19.72     11.16     8.59      13.70     12.58
NoCo Summer 2015Final12 10.62 13.06
14.06     11.88     10.62     15.28     13.25
First round8 7.27 9.69
14.86     10.62     7.27      8.89      9.56
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016Final13 12.07 18.12
19.55     15.79     22.03     12.07     19.02
Utah Megacomp 2015Final16 10.68 13.25
12.27     49.39     10.97     10.68     16.50
NoCo Summer 2015Final10 9.67 13.01
10.95     DNF       9.67      15.53     12.55
Great Cubing 2015Final19 7.34 23.04
44.60     13.66     DNF       10.86     7.34
CubingUSA Nationals 2017First round92 25.19 27.93
31.10     27.47     40.57     25.22     25.19
Utah Fall Championship 2016Final7 22.03 30.36
32.97     27.53     22.03     30.58     34.56
US Nationals 2016First round124 41.41
46.38     41.41
Colorado Springs Winter 2020
3x3x3 CubeSecond round31 12.03 16.89
18.94     14.65     22.55     12.03     17.08
First round26 14.43 16.31
19.37     15.76     16.86     16.31     14.43
4x4x4 CubeFirst round28 1:02.53
1:02.53   1:12.35
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal12 32.07 38.52
DNF       37.82     43.35     32.07     34.39
First round12 24.58 27.92
31.46     24.76     24.58     36.93     27.55
Pueblo Open 2018
3x3x3 CubeFinal7 10.05 12.77
13.23     12.13     12.94     10.05     15.87
Second round11 12.53 14.02
12.53     12.98     14.91     16.33     14.18
First round10 12.29 14.60
14.90     12.29     16.97     15.75     13.14
2x2x2 CubeFirst round19 2.93 6.37
8.96      7.51      4.62      2.93      6.98
4x4x4 CubeFinal15 53.42 1:03.55
58.26     56.94     53.42     1:44.18   1:15.44
First round15 1:00.09 1:04.10
1:00.09   1:04.82   DNF       1:00.10   1:07.37
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 22.34 26.02
22.34     25.38     27.66     29.25     25.02
CubingUSA Nationals 2018
3x3x3 CubeFirst round320 11.52 13.67
13.21     12.60     11.52     15.19     15.91
2x2x2 CubeFirst round223 3.48 4.53
3.51      6.10      5.10      3.48      4.97
4x4x4 CubeFirst round367 1:13.73 1:21.02
1:18.79   1:42.44   1:16.52   1:27.76   1:13.73
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round239 21.49 26.08
23.85     40.10     28.64     21.49     25.75
Colorado Qualifier 2018
3x3x3 CubeSemi Final20 13.57 14.58
14.36     15.42     13.95     13.57     25.81
Second round19 11.36 13.68
15.93     11.72     13.39     19.32     11.36
First round22 13.96 14.77
21.88     13.96     14.44     14.85     15.03
2x2x2 CubeFirst round25 3.73 5.09
14.28     5.28      4.98      5.02      3.73
4x4x4 CubeFirst round45 1:04.50 1:26.38
1:31.18   1:21.74   1:04.50   DNF       1:26.22
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round10 23.24 25.91
37.38     23.72     25.53     23.24     28.47
MegaminxFirst round25 2:40.88
2:40.88   DNF
Veterans Day Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal10 11.50 13.14
12.45     18.73     14.11     11.50     12.86
Second round9 9.31 12.82
13.60     11.75     9.31      15.45     13.12
First round8 9.95 12.37
12.58     12.85     9.95      14.40     11.69
2x2x2 CubeFirst round24 3.71 6.38
4.73      9.20      5.22      3.71      DNF
MegaminxFinal16 2:32.94
2:32.94   DNF
Longmont Summer 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal12 13.35 14.28
13.66     15.52     14.08     13.35     15.10
Second round15 12.59 15.04
16.84     15.16     14.94     12.59     15.02
First round14 13.07 14.70
13.45     14.71     15.95     16.04     13.07
2x2x2 CubeFirst round23 4.37 5.65
4.86      7.33      5.57      6.51      4.37
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 52.25 1:01.75
1:03.34   1:00.01   52.25     1:01.91   1:11.47
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 1:58.25 2:05.62
2:08.19   1:58.25   2:05.08   2:03.58   2:11.36
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 18.45 25.94
28.06     27.38     22.37     18.45     30.47
CubingUSA Nationals 2017
3x3x3 CubeSecond round200 8.52 DNF
8.52      11.85     DNF       DNF       9.75
First round134 11.73 12.23
12.55     15.96     11.73     12.19     11.95
2x2x2 CubeSecond round68 3.68 3.96
3.74      4.39      4.35      3.68      3.80
First round146 3.02 4.38
4.66      4.87      3.70      4.78      3.02
4x4x4 CubeFirst round161 53.48 56.01
59.55     1:34.16   54.05     53.48     54.44
5x5x5 CubeFirst round176 1:56.81 2:04.59
1:56.81   2:05.18   2:04.39   2:28.16   2:04.21
3x3x3 One-HandedSecond round80 16.63 21.49
16.63     26.75     19.39     20.38     24.69
First round88 19.24 21.66
21.50     23.49     19.24     24.24     19.98
MegaminxFirst round97 1:34.64 1:51.34
1:51.02   1:52.45   1:50.55   1:34.64   1:52.97
Square-1First round92 25.19 27.93
31.10     27.47     40.57     25.22     25.19
1 Body Cubing 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 11.50 12.81
13.39     14.06     11.50     13.44     11.60
Second round3 10.61 11.82
10.61     13.26     11.78     11.82     11.85
First round5 11.71 13.08
12.53     12.30     14.55     11.71     14.41
2x2x2 CubeFinal2 2.61 3.57
2.61      3.74      4.53      3.14      3.82
First round9 3.68 4.53
4.42      4.54      6.78      3.68      4.63
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 52.27 1:02.14
1:08.28   1:00.24   1:14.40   52.27     57.90
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal2 16.13 20.38
24.22     16.13     17.53     23.87     19.73
Longmont Cube Open 2017
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 11.26 14.68
14.99     13.99     11.26     15.05     15.77
Second round11 12.32 14.51
18.30     13.58     14.03     15.92     12.32
First round13 12.64 15.50
12.64     17.62     15.33     13.58     17.58
2x2x2 CubeFinal1 3.52 3.81
DNF       4.19      3.52      3.56      3.67
First round2 2.17 3.87
3.73      4.98      3.58      2.17      4.30
4x4x4 CubeFinal8 58.82 1:00.63
1:07.17   1:00.28   59.22     58.82     1:02.38
First round9 56.87 1:01.97
1:02.15   1:03.19   56.87     1:00.58   1:18.85
5x5x5 CubeFinal10 2:00.91 2:11.32
2:01.20   2:32.02   2:00.91   2:07.66   2:25.11
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal8 22.69 27.67
40.70     27.32     27.43     22.69     28.25
MegaminxFinal6 1:45.56 1:56.63
2:05.51   1:53.16   1:56.50   2:00.24   1:45.56
Shaker Fall 2016
3x3x3 CubeSecond round16 11.64 14.17
14.99     15.61     13.09     11.64     14.42
First round20 12.96 14.48
13.13     16.41     12.96     15.50     14.81
2x2x2 CubeFinal12 2.42 4.83
4.96      4.74      4.85      2.42      4.90
First round10 2.39 3.90
2.67      4.69      4.34      2.39      5.37
4x4x4 CubeFinal22 1:08.05 1:17.71
DNF       1:09.94   1:08.05   1:28.74   1:14.45
5x5x5 CubeFinal13 2:10.49 2:13.36
2:10.90   2:16.38   2:24.10   2:10.49   2:12.81
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round12 24.02 29.47
35.29     25.59     27.52     24.02     42.33
FMC USA 2016
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal51 52 DNF
DNF       54        52
Utah Fall Championship 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal5 12.50 14.43
12.50     14.17     15.69     16.34     13.44
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 3.91 4.95
7.89      4.10      3.91      4.62      6.12
4x4x4 CubeFinal7 1:09.82 1:14.49
1:12.47   1:17.36   1:13.63   1:32.52   1:09.82
5x5x5 CubeFinal16 2:36.94 2:48.16
2:36.94   3:02.90   2:43.03   3:16.54   2:38.55
Square-1Final7 22.03 30.36
32.97     27.53     22.03     30.58     34.56
US Nationals 2016
3x3x3 CubeFirst round231 12.29 15.52
16.26     12.29     20.01     15.94     14.36
2x2x2 CubeFirst round216 4.27 5.60
12.99     4.69      5.47      4.27      6.63
4x4x4 CubeFirst round236 1:17.75
1:17.75   1:23.83
3x3x3 One-HandedFirst round178 27.01 31.37
29.50     36.87     27.01     27.74     43.49
Square-1First round124 41.41
46.38     41.41
Saint Mary Scramble 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal11 12.76 14.13
14.36     13.42     16.80     12.76     14.60
Second round11 13.83 15.19
15.57     13.83     14.53     DNF       15.48
First round12 13.43 14.95
13.91     15.63     13.43     21.76     15.32
2x2x2 CubeSecond round13 4.10 5.03
4.10      5.37      4.33      5.69      5.39
First round17 4.92 5.82
6.44      5.96      4.92      5.06      DNF
4x4x4 CubeFinal11 1:03.86 1:11.70
1:11.41   1:03.86   1:14.99   1:22.84   1:08.69
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal6 21.40 25.82
48.28     24.92     26.87     25.67     21.40
Rocky Mountain Winter 2016
3x3x3 CubeFinal13 14.52 16.36
15.61     17.80     17.85     14.52     15.67
Second round15 16.36 18.54
17.87     17.88     22.38     16.36     19.86
First round14 14.14 16.48
15.47     19.86     18.37     15.61     14.14
2x2x2 CubeFinal7 3.68 4.72
3.68      6.32      4.23      5.45      4.47
Second round16 2.41 5.44
4.76      2.41      7.21      31.54     4.34
First round19 4.64 6.59
6.61      17.65     7.55      5.62      4.64
4x4x4 CubeFirst round19 1:23.88 1:38.33
1:46.27   1:32.73   1:44.05   1:23.88   1:38.20
3x3x3 One-HandedFinal10 29.42 34.99
38.69     29.42     34.06     33.87     37.05
PyraminxFinal35 7.23 18.38
14.69     19.15     21.30     DNF       7.23
SkewbFinal13 12.07 18.12
19.55     15.79     22.03     12.07     19.02
Utah Megacomp 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round20 15.90 19.83
24.78     24.60     15.90     18.06     16.82
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 5.17 6.14
7.19      5.17      7.06      6.08      5.28
First round8 4.23 5.07
4.23      5.48      8.78      4.44      5.28
3x3x3 Fewest MovesFinal6 73
PyraminxFinal19 8.59 12.48
19.72     11.16     8.59      13.70     12.58
SkewbFinal16 10.68 13.25
12.27     49.39     10.97     10.68     16.50
NoCo Summer 2015
3x3x3 CubeSecond round21 17.92 20.30
20.67     22.29     19.60     17.92     20.64
First round24 18.60 20.83
19.03     25.74     21.88     21.59     18.60
2x2x2 CubeFinal9 4.13 5.09
4.28      6.64      4.13      5.65      5.34
First round12 4.65 5.70
4.90      7.76      5.00      4.65      7.19
4x4x4 CubeFinal27 1:32.32 1:53.38
1:55.46   1:52.06   1:52.63   1:58.93   1:32.32
PyraminxFinal12 10.62 13.06
14.06     11.88     10.62     15.28     13.25
First round8 7.27 9.69
14.86     10.62     7.27      8.89      9.56
SkewbFinal10 9.67 13.01
10.95     DNF       9.67      15.53     12.55
Great Cubing 2015
3x3x3 CubeFirst round25 21.39 24.04
23.95     22.26     25.90     21.39     26.63
2x2x2 CubeFinal11 4.92 6.76
7.43      12.71     5.60      4.92      7.26
First round12 3.02 5.70
7.59      3.02      5.77      4.66      6.67
4x4x4 CubeFinal21 1:37.66 1:47.33
1:40.93   1:48.79   1:55.49   1:52.27   1:37.66
SkewbFinal19 7.34 23.04
44.60     13.66     DNF       10.86     7.34
182020-01-11Colorado Springs Winter 2020United StatesColorado Springs, Colorado
172018-08-18Pueblo Open 2018United StatesPueblo, Colorado
162018-07-27~29CubingUSA Nationals 2018United StatesSalt Lake City, Utah
152018-05-26~27Colorado Qualifier 2018United StatesSuperior, Colorado
142017-11-11Veterans Day Open 2017United StatesColorado Springs, Colorado
132017-08-26Longmont Summer 2017United StatesLongmont, Colorado
122017-07-07~09CubingUSA Nationals 2017United StatesFort Wayne, Indiana
112017-06-031 Body Cubing 2017United StatesPueblo, Colorado
102017-01-07Longmont Cube Open 2017United StatesLongmont, Colorado
92016-12-10Shaker Fall 2016United StatesShaker Heights, Ohio
82016-11-06FMC USA 2016United StatesMultiple cities
72016-09-10Utah Fall Championship 2016United StatesSalt Lake City, Utah
62016-07-29~31US Nationals 2016United StatesPortland, Oregon
52016-07-16Saint Mary Scramble 2016United StatesOmaha, Nebraska
42016-01-09Rocky Mountain Winter 2016United StatesBoulder, Colorado
32015-09-05Utah Megacomp 2015United StatesSalt Lake City, Utah
22015-08-22NoCo Summer 2015United StatesFort Collins, Colorado
12015-07-18~19Great Cubing 2015United StatesCleveland, Ohio